Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Aug 25, 2023

  • This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

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By Colton Aalto

3:00 P.M. - RAI & NILS

Lang and I knocked off five jobs after lunch and were on our way to our next one when he got a call from his brother asking him to run an errand. A pool on the south side of town had broken down and a crew was trying to fix it. Lang had to fetch parts and run them over to the crew. He wasn't thrilled by the diversion; he'd hoped to get off early and I sensed his exasperation.

"Take your time," he said as he dropped me with our equipment at our next stop. "I might not be back to pick you up for forty-five minutes."

"No problem," I nodded, bidding him adieu. So much for doing three pools an hour. We'd been ahead of schedule, so at least it wasn't a disaster. I knew driving to the warehouse, getting the parts, driving to the south side and then returning would take longer than Lang's optimistic forty-five minutes. He always underestimated how long things took. Except maybe his orgasms, which usually took less time than he believed.

The owners of the pools we serviced were often absent when Lang and I landscaped and did maintenance. I'd never seen the owners at several of our regular stops. That was the case with the pool I was scheduled to do. As I headed into the back yard, I was surprised to find a man using the small outdoor gym next to the pool.

Not just any man. Fuck, the dark-skinned dude was amazing. Ripped. He was shirtless, highlighting broad, muscular shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist. His chiseled muscles, covered by a sheen of sweat, stood out in stark detail. I couldn't help but gape at his stomach and legs. His abs looked like smooth river rocks covered by a thin layer of chocolate milk, and the thick muscles of his thighs were separated by deep ravines. The movements of his arm and shoulder muscles as he did pullups were mesmerizing.

The dude's abs might be as good as mine. They were awesome.

I'd gotten by ass plugged in the morning by two blond Adonises, but if ever there was a black Adonis, I was staring at him. Or maybe he was a Café-au-lait Adonis; the dude's skin wasn't all that dark. There was no mistaking that he had African blood, but he was light-skinned.

I approached him slowly and squeaked, "Um, I'm here to service the pool, but I can, uh, come back later if you like." Given that Lang wouldn't be back for at least forty-five minutes I didn't quite know how I'd make that happen if the dude took me up on my offer.

"Not a problem. Do what you need to do. Don't mind me. If I'd been more ambitious, I would've gotten out here for my workout in the morning when it was cooler. Now I'm stuck in the heat of the day. Doesn't bother me that much, though. I served in the desert and I'm a Creole from Nawlins, so I'm used the heat."

"Creole?" I asked. I'd heard the word but wasn't certain what it meant.

"That's Nawlins' speak for mixed race. In my case, probably everyone in the book, but I don't know for sure. I never met my mother and I think her time with my father probably consisted of one night – hell, maybe only an hour – so I didn't know him, either. I was raised by a wonderful woman who took in all the riff-raff kids in Nawlins, including me."

"Wow," I was all I could muster.

"Wonderful woman. She taught me a lot. Mostly stuff a boy my age shouldn't have been exposed to, but hey, kids grow up at different rates. She and I were kindred spirits in more ways than one and I grew up damn fast. I was an adult before I was a teenager."

I reeled a bit from the dude's story. The kids I grew up with came from boringly middle-class existences. Not that his story distracted me from scoping out his amazing body. His muscles shimmered under a layer of sweat and, pumped up by his exercise routine, thick veins covered seemingly every inch of the dude's smooth, tight skin.

"I'm Rai, by the way," the hunk said, "short for Raimond, but only my superiors in the Marines called me that." He extended a veiny, bronzed hand which I shook, trying my best to keep my eyes on the dude's face and not blatantly gape at the rest of his body. From the corner of my eye, I detected a silver barbell piercing one of his nipples. Fuck, what was with black men with pierced nipples? I was scoping out my third of the day. I desperately wanted to stare.

"I'm, um, Tyler," I said, shaking his hand.

"You guys do a great job with the pool. Thanks for moving us to Friday this week. We have a small dinner party tonight and we're eating next to the pool, if the weather holds out. My husband was adamant that everything should look perfect."

Husband??? My black Adonis was gay! He was also, unfortunately, taken. Not that I would have had a chance with him even if he'd been single. A dude who looked like Rai could have his pick of any man he wanted. He was in his late twenties or early thirties, and while my body was in damn good shape, it was still an eighteen-year-old's body. Rai's was insanely hot.

Get your dick back in your shorts, I told myself.

I set to work on the pool and grounds, taking extra care to make sure everything looked great. After all, Lang told me to take my time, and if he said he wouldn't be back for forty-five minutes, I knew he'd likely be an hour or more. I finished with plenty of time to spare and mindlessly set about skimming the water. I'd already done it once, but it gave me the opportunity to watch Rai work out in the small outdoor gym across the pool. I stared at his body while hoping that it appeared I was looking at the surface of the water.

The sight across the pool was magnificent. The dude's tight, caramel-colored skin glistened, and with his muscles pumped up, his veins were starkly visible, like molten rivers of steel crisscrossing his arms. And his flat stomach! A couple of veins disappeared tantalizingly into his gym shorts, which clung to an amazing shelf of ass muscles and what had to be a plump cock. He had incredible definition and the sun was at the right angle so that his chest threw stark shadows. Rai was hotness personified.

I was lost in a daze when a deep voice startled me out of my reverie. "I see watching my husband's muscles does the same thing to you that it does to me." I whirled around to see another buff man, smiling and looking at me with dancing eyes. Rai's husband.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm uh, very sorry. I was just..." My mind went blank.

It was hard to tell who was luckier: Rai or his husband. It depended on whether you liked chocolate or vanilla. Rai's husband was thirtysomething and shirtless, showing off impressive muscles, a ripped body and short, spiked blond locks. Up close, I was mesmerized by his long eyelashes and ice-blue bedroom eyes. It was hard to know what to fantasize about first; the dude's long jawline and high cheekbones; his broad chest and pumped pecs; or his rock-hard abs and narrow waist. Rai and his husband made a stunning couple. Maybe I'd dream about the two studs in bed together. It would be a frothy mixture of white and milk chocolate, topped with thick ball cream.

"Don't apologize. You were doing what I do when I watch Rai work out. I'm glad to see you're enjoying the show as much as I do. I'm Nils, by the way." He gave me a mischievous smile and reached to shake my hand.

Rather than pulling back his hand after we shook, Nils dropped it to cup my boner, grabbing it through my swim trunks. I gasped. I hadn't even realized I was hard and sporting wood.

I was mortified, but in an instant of inspiration, I told myself to ignore the embarrassment, which I couldn't do anything about, and think cock whore. Tyhcinn would want me to flirt and make a pass at Nils or Rai. Or both. This would be a hope-and-a-prayer long shot if there ever was one. Not only were both studs out of my league, there was also the unfortunate fact that they were married. My efforts were likely doomed to failure and would produce even more embarrassment, but what else would a cock whore do?

I was still contemplating how best to act on my plan when Nils, massaging my dick, whispered, "You know what's really amazing? Going down on Rai's big black cock when it's hot and sweaty after he works out. Nothing better than a thick slab of Creole meat when those muscles are pumped up."

Fuck. I almost fainted as I stared wide-eyed at the handsome man kneading my junk and contemplated the visual he'd painted. Recovering my voice and applying my earlier inspiration, I managed to mutter, "I can think of one thing better." Nils gave me a surprised frown.

"Going down on your husband after his workout while your cock is all the way up my ass."

Nils broke into a big smile, chuckled and gave me a knowing grin. "Hell, you're a horny little fuck. But your timing is perfect. Rai and I were talking about three-ways at lunch. Didn't expect the opportunity to arise so soon, though."

He continued to grip my dick. "Hey, Rai! Tyler here was just telling me how much he likes three-ways. Like what we were discussing at lunch." Nils had put words in my mouth and apparently liked putting me on the spot, but I had no intention of contradicting the blond stud. He made me sound like a slutty cock whore, which was exactly my goal. Tyhcinn would approve.

Rai was on his stomach, panting after finishing pushups. He looked up in surprise, quickly surveying me standing at the side of the pool with a boner and Nils working it. A smile broke on his handsome face and he hopped to his feet. "Good, because there is nothing better than getting off after a workout. Getting sucked while the endorphins kick in is the best." He walked around the pool and dropped onto a chaise lounge, pulling a soft, sweaty hunk of black meat from his shorts. The stud was uncut, his foreskin covering his dick head, and his tool looked awesome. A bare fuzz of trimmed black pubes populated the base of his cock.

Yeah, I wanted Rai's cock and I wasn't about to let Nils beat me to it. I wasted no time in getting in between Rai's legs and removing his shorts. His tool lurched happily and I grabbed it. His meat was hot and wet and I began to lick, watching the hunk's face and chest as I went down on him.

Nils had my shorts down and was rimming me in short order. This would be interesting. The stud was eating out a cum-caked hole. I'd cleaned out my ass in the shower at the gym after Xavier, Tony and Yves had opened me up, but since then, I'd taken two loads from the blond Adonis brothers and Lang had whipped their spunk pool into cum butter at lunch. That was followed by Mel juicing me. My ass had to be a semen cesspool. It was shaping up to be a memorable day.

Rai's cock proved to be as ripped as his hard chest and as veiny as his big guns. His tool wasn't huge – among the four black men I'd sucked, I guessed that Xavier and Yves were bigger and Tyhcinn definitely was – but Rai's dick wasn't small and it was rock hard. I worked it down my throat and began to bob up and down, causing the Creole hunk to moan and begin guide my head with his big hands.

"Oh yeah," he sighed. "Suck that cock. Keep up exactly what you're doing."

Meanwhile Nils got my ass wet with spit. At first he left my jock strap on, but soon he discarded it, leaving my boner bobbing in the breeze. He bent over my back, probing my puckered hole with his hard cock. "So, Tyler," he whispered in my ear, "something tells me that you're a little cock whore. Your sweet ass is amazing but there is only one thing that tastes like what's inside your hole. Don't get me wrong, I love eating a sloppy jock pussy. And yours is, well, real sloppy. I gotta say, I'm impressed you've managed to find that much cum this early in the day."

I declined to confess that Nils could have been tasting any one of seven loads of spunk that were doing laps in my ass. Or a tasty mélange of all of them. Searching for a response I told myself, think cock whore. "It's never too early in the day to take a dick in the ass, and if it's your dick, I'll be ready at the crack of dawn. Hell, a minute after midnight." Still fixated on the sight of Rai's body, I thought... or I'll take your husband's dick. Or both dicks. Maybe not at the same time. Or maybe so...

I let out a soft moan as Nils slid inside me. I regretted not being able to see his dick, but it felt big and my asshole didn't object even mildly to the intrusion. I must be wide open. Shit, what else would I expect? I'd already taken a brutal fuck from Lang Long Dong on top of six other cocks.

Nils pulled out and slammed back into my boi pussy, forcing a whimpering groan from me. He bent down and whispered, "Damn boy, your tight ass is wonderful. It looked great but it feels awesome. Now I know what attracted the other man who seeded you."

Not man, men, I thought.

He began stroking my hard cock in time to his thrusts, and with one stiff rod pummeling my ass and another slithering down my throat, I knew I wouldn't last long. Nils must have sensed my condition, because he pulled his hand off my tool and hissed, "I think we'll make you work for that climax, pool boy. Work with your ass and your mouth. I love keeping a boy insanely horny until he's been bred at least a couple of times." I moaned, wanting to cum but knowing that the blond stud was calling the shots.

Rai put his hands behind his head and a dreamy look crossed his face as I worked his cock. Unlike Nils, his torso and arms were smooth. Above his crotch he had only a few wispy hairs under his arms until you reached his head. On Rai the smooth look was perfect. Hell, everything about the man's body was perfect. Watching the caramel dreamboat made me want to work harder than ever at pleasing him. I licked and sucked, played with his foreskin and black eggs and ran my hands over his hard body. All while my ass was sending happy sensations straight to my cock as Nils fucked me.

Nils drilled me like he was trying to make me forget the other seven dicks that had occupied my ass. More than drilling me, he was piston-fucking me, rapidly ramming his cock into my hole and pulling all the way out before spearing me again with his fuck rod. His big hands held my hips in place as he impaled my ass on his tool. His balls bounced against my nuts when he sank all the way inside me. I was happy, damn happy to be filled with cock. Tyhcinn was right about me. I was a cock whore, a born cum dump.

Overwhelmed by the feelings from my ass and the visuals of the perfect man whose cock was deep down my throat, I was surprised to hear Rai gasp, "Cumming!" In moments I tasted a blast of hot jizz in my mouth. I was so used to dudes grabbing my head and face-fucking me before they shot that Rai's calm climax caught me by surprise. He'd been moaning and thrusting his cock into my mouth, so there had been hints.

I milked his dick, savoring the taste of his cum. It had been only a few hours since Yves had shot in my mouth and not even two since Creed flooded it, but I was glad to taste another load. Particularly Rai's thick, salty nut. I milked him with my mouth and squeezed the last drop of spunk with my hand before he shuddered and pulled me off, saying, "It's sensitive."

Deprived of the dude's cock, I was happy to continue licking his body, working my way from his bellybutton through his ripped abs to his slab of pec muscles. And, yeah, the barbell piercing that caught my eye earlier. I was focused so much on sucking Rai's big brown tits that I was startled when he grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. His big lips covered my mouth and he tasted great. I guess he didn't mind sampling the coating of his jizz on my tongue.

Nils continued to pummel my ass with deep, ramming thrusts from his fuck pole. It was wild to use my ass to squeeze his cock while I sucked face with his husband and let my hands roam over the dude's amazingly buff body.

Drops of sweat began dripping from Nils's face and spattering on my back. Fucking full speed in the midday sun on a hot, humid day in July will do that. Rai was already sweaty from working out and I was sweaty from a day spent doing pools and yards – and getting done by a parade of cocks. All three of us were slippery and wet.

As we kissed, my hands explored Rai's body and I found his big, smooth-skinned balls. They were warm and I loved massaging them, rolling the black eggs in my hand. I inadvertently brushed his cock and was surprised it was semi-hard. "Yeah, work that cock, Tyler," Rai moaned. "You know what to do. That first load only got me started."

Huh! Some guys recover quickly, but Rai was bouncing back in record time. A contest between Yves and Rai would be interesting. I squeezed the Creole stud's dark dick, rolling his foreskin up and down over the thickening shaft.

Nils was getting close. He was panting and had quickened his pace until he was slamming into my butt and grinding his big dick inside my hole. I fisted Rai's wet, slippery cock while I sucked face with him and Nils rammed my pussy. When Nils' climax came, he gasped, "Fuck!" and his load flooded into my hole. Damn. My ass was tingling and his rod felt awesome inside me.

Unlike dudes who freeze when they climax, Nils kept right on drilling me as his cock shot. His thrusts were sloppier and sloppier until he powered into my hole one final time and gasped, "Damn, what an ass!"

"Took you long enough," Rai commented, faking annoyance.

Panting, Nils didn't respond immediately, but eventually gasped, "Dude, this ass is one you want to enjoy and savor as long as possible. Trust me."

"You know I trust you in everything, but on this one thing, I think I'll check it out for myself. I'm going to bone the boy and then give you a full report."

Nils slowly pulled out of my boi pussy, leaving it feeling empty, but I was happy Rai had recovered so fast and wanted my ass. We flipped positions, with me on my back on the chaise and Rai hovering over me. He pulled my legs up, put my ankles on his broad shoulders, and aimed his cock at my spermy hole. Between the sweat and ball juice, I didn't need lube. Hell, I'd been fucked raw by eight dudes, so I was well past the lube stage.

Rai eased into me, bending over and kissing me. His tongue sank into my mouth as his dick sank into my ass. I moaned happily as I was filled with cock again. I maneuvered my hands down Rai's muscular back to his glutes, grabbing the mounds of muscle and pulling him farther into me. I was in fuck heaven. Two handsome hunks were taking turns using my ass while I savored the taste of fresh nut.

From the corner of my eye, I got my first look at the big prong swinging between Nils' muscular thighs. Damn. Even mostly soft, it was an impressive tool. I was surprised I'd taken it without any hint of pain. Either my ass was numb or a gaping hole. It had to be the latter; Rai was proving that my ass was the opposite of numb. It had been sending waves of pleasure through me while Nils dicked me, and Rai was raking my prostrate with his deep thrusts into my hole.

Nils took a seat on the chaise next to us and watched his stud husband dick me. Hell, I'd have done the same thing, too, if I'd been lucky enough to have the opportunity to watch the Creole hunk in fuck mode.

I anticipated I'd be in for a long fuck. Rai had nutted in my mouth barely ten minutes ago, so it was surprising that he was hard again and plowing my ass, but It would likely take him a long time to blow his load. I was ready for the long haul. I'd happily stay under the stud's hard body while his steel shaft drilled me.

I was wrong about how long it took Rai to jizz my ass. The dude began to fuck faster and faster, sweat beading on his forehead and chest. He rammed my boi pussy with deep, powerful thrusts, making me moan and beg for more. He'd barely been inside me for ten minutes when he gasped, "I'm cumming!" He rammed into me with a final, brutal thrust, practically knocking the breath out of my lungs. His black rod thrashed inside me as he seeded my pussy.

"Fuck it's hot!" Rai exclaimed as he pulled out of me and stood up after his load dumped.

"Fuck, that was hot," Nils said. He smiled at me and said, "Now you know why my nickname for Rai is `Creole Lightning.' He strikes fast and frequently, and his big jizz explosion is always spectacular. Those big black balls don't stop." Rai chuckled, bending down to kiss me once more. Nils joined, slipping his tongue into my mouth, too. Maybe he wanted a taste of his husband's spunk, although I had little doubt that he had plenty of opportunities to eat it.

The two studs kissed me and ran their hands over my body but Nils interrupted the action, looking at Rai and saying, "You and I had better get into the shower. The caterers might show up early."

"I guess," Rai replied dubiously. "I was about to give Tyler's sweet, tight ass another go."

"Dude don't make the poor boy's ass sore. It'll make it harder to lure him back for an encore." It wouldn't take much to lure me into an encore. Hell, it wouldn't take anything more than what Nils had already said. Still, I'd been wondering why my ass wasn't raw as hell, after my ninth cock of the day.

Rai was in no hurry to head to the showers. "Maybe we should suck him off. Or if you want, Tyler, Nils claims my ass is hot. Give it a try! Nils loves to watch, and I'm used to taking cock."

"You just want to cum again while he fucks your ass."

"Darn right."

Both dudes were laughing. I was about to enthusiastically accept Rai's offer when my cell rang. Talk about the worst timing imaginable. I retrieved it from my shorts. Klahan, one of the dudes on the pool crew, was calling to tell me he'd be by in five minutes to pick me up. Lang was still tied up.

I hated to decline Rai's offer. Fucking the Creole hunk would have been stunning. Tony and Lang were the only guys I'd fucked, but they were still teenagers while Rai was a good ten or fifteen years older than me. I might never get another opportunity to bone a buff older man. Certainly not a man as hot as Rai. However, Nils took my number and said they were always up for hot three-way fun and that they'd be in touch.

Rai gave me a final kiss and whispered, "I want a rain check on getting your cock inside me. As you can tell from my choice of a husband, bottoming for blond boys does it for me. But I want another go at your ass, too. Nils isn't a bottom, which means I don't get many opportunities to get my cock in a tight hole. I love a bubble butt and yours was awesome."

Nils gave me a quick kiss, too. "Next time, we're not gonna let you run off so quickly. My first time balling your sweet ass won't be the last. You left me so horny that I'll have to fuck Rai's brains out tonight after our dinner party."

Rai gave his husband a sly look and said, "Not until tonight? I'm hurt! What about the shower first?"

"What about the shower and tonight?"


Nils offered me the use of their outdoor shower, which felt great, although I barely had time to rinse off the sweat before hustling to meet Klahan. It was so hot that as soon as I toweled off, I was back to sweating. I didn't even try to clean out my juiced ass.

My hair was still dripping wet as I legged it toward Klahan's truck, feeling incredibly flattered by the attention of the two studs. Damn. Merely thinking about an encore with the duo was making my dick semi-hard.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter; if so, send me a note and let me know what you liked - ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

Tyler's wild summer will continue. My plan is to post new chapters every two weeks, so look for them!

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under `Colton,' or search for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance

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© Copyright Colton Aalto 2018

Next: Chapter 8

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