Taming Draco and Harry

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 27, 2023


"Harry Potter" and all related characters are copywritten material of JK Rowling, Scholastic, and so on. I am not JK, nor do I claim to be.

There is gay sex in this story, so, if you're not 18 or not allowed to view this material where you live, go to another site, damn it.

Taming Draco and Harry Pt. 7 by Banky Edwards


I'm skipping two weeks because I want nothing more than to put it all behind me. With the Slytherin/Gryffindor Quidditch match in sight, Draco had become intolerable. He and the rest of the team were often found hexing the players of the Gryffindor team, yet getting away with it. I could barely stand the sight of him. I spent most of my nights with Harry, being on the receiving end of more and more boffs. Needless to say, Draco didn't enjoy that.

But, it all came to a tumultuous halt the day of the match. Or, the match, to be exact. Gryffindor had won, despite the rousing chorus of Weasley Is Our King', headed by none other than Draco. But, when I thought things could get no worse, Crabbe, Draco's right (or left) hand man nailed Harry in the back with a bludger after the Snitch had been caught. I began down the stairs to see if he was all right, but it was only the beginning. People later told me what had been said while I was zooming down the staircase. The insults about Ron's family, the explanation' of the lyrics and, finally, the jeer of Harry's own mother. Just as I reached the doorway, I saw Harry and George Weasley pounce on Draco, fists flying. I froze, not believing what I was seeing.

There was nothing I could do as Madam Hooch separated them. I was helpless as they trudged off to McGonagall's office, looking worrisome, but proud. I tore across the field until I reached Draco. Madam Hooch turned to me upon my arrival. "Mr. Baddock, whatever you say will have to wait. Mr. Malfoy here needs to see -,"

"What he needs is what he was getting," I said sharply. "I will escort him to the hospital wing."

I roughly grabbed him by the arm and left a shocked Madam Hooch. "You're hurting me!" he snipped, cradling his bleeding nose. I gripped his arm tighter. "Shut up, you little wank."

"Em! What the -,"

"Shut up!"

He remained silent until we reached the castle. I had no intention of taking him to Madam Pomfrey. I slammed him into the nearest wall, fuming silently. He looked away, waiting for me to speak. When it finally came, it scared even me. "What the FUCK do you think you were doing out there? Where do you get off making a song ridiculing the Weasley family, Draco? Tell me that!" He mumbled something under his breath. "I'm sorry? What was that?"

"I said, I knew you'd come to his defense!" he shouted, practically spitting in my face. "After all, he's your new boyfriend, isn't he?"


"I know what you did with Weasley!" he screamed, voice cracking. "I know you've been fucking around with him, too! That's why you've been gone all the time! Because now you've got two boyfriends in Goody-Goody Gryffindor!"

I stared down at him for a good minute before I exploded. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? ARE YOU DAFT?!?"

"You slept with him!"




Draco made an odd choking sound, like whatever he was going to say in defense stopped in his throat. His body slumped, mouth agape and eyes watering. "Is that what you think of me?" he asked quietly. "That I'm heartless?"

"Lately, yes," I shot back. Draco took a few quivering breaths as he brushed a tear off of his cheek. "Don't you love me, Em?"

"I thought I did," I said coldly. "But, you're turning into such an elitist ass that I can't even bear to look at you half the time. You treat everyone, including your own friends, like they're worthless. You think that you're so high and mighty, but I'm not impressed. As a matter of fact, I don't want to deal with it anymore. We're done, Draco,"

He looked as if he had been stabbed. "Wh-what?"

"You heard me."



Draco stood in front of me, tears flowing, shaking from head to toe, but I felt no pity for him. My attraction for him had waned to nothing and the cruel boy before me wasn't the one I had loved. This boy was a monster. A callous, unfeeling, merciless monster.

"Fine," he spat. "But, I swear to you, I'll get you back for this,"

"Threaten all you want, Draco. You'll do nothing,"

I stormed off, the sobs of Draco following me down the halls. I could picture him, huddled against the wall as I had left him, crying into his arms. I had no sympathy for him whatsoever.

It was no surprise that, a few weeks later, Draco was already seeing someone else, sixth year Terence Higgs, former Seeker for Slytherin. The guy was attractive, I'll give him that. He was about the same height as Draco with light brown hair and green eyes. He and I had never been friends, but not exactly enemies. Draco and I, however, had the utmost hatred for each other. We never spoke, but if looks could kill...

"So, you're a one-man man, now, huh?" Harry quipped, sitting on my waist. He nibbled off a bit of a brown Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean, chewed for a second, then looked to pop the other half in my mouth. I raised a curious eyebrow. "It's fudge, I swear." I opened up and he threw it inside. He was right.

"Yup," I said between chews. "Just me and you. The Heir of Slytherin and the Boy Who Lived,"

"Heir of Slytherin?" Harry repeated, eyebrows furrowed. "I thought Tom Riddle was -,"

"He was... is. But, you forget. All pureblood wizards are related. I happen to be Tom Riddle's cousin on his mother's side. I thought I told you this after second year,"

Harry shrugged. "Maybe you did. But, Riddle said he was the last living descendant of Slytherin,"

"That was the sixteen year old memory of Riddle," I replied. "He had no recollection of me because I didn't exist when he put himself in that book. And, since my family refused to pledge themselves to You-Know-Who, we were pretty much erased from the family records,"

"Oh, like... never mind,"

"How did the D.A. meeting go tonight?" I asked, changing the subject, not particularly caring where that sentence was headed. Harry dropped the bean box, spilling them all over my chest and the bed. His face flushed three shades of red before he began speaking. "It-it was... um... well, see th-they were doing g-great and... we, uh -,"

I stared at him, never hearing him stutter like this. "Is this about Ron?"

"No! God, no!"

"Is it about that Ravenclaw? What's her name..."

"Cho!" Harry blurted, quickly slapping his hand over his mouth. Before I could delve further, a voice interrupted from outside the bed. "Knock, knock,"

"Who is it?" Harry asked.


"Ron who?"

"Ron Weasley,"

"That's not a very funny knock-knock joke," Harry chuckled, pulled the bed curtains back and smiled. Ron rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the bed. He was dressed in his pajamas and looking quite tired. "Did you tell Em about what happened with Cho?"

"Something happened?" I asked, very curious. Harry shot a look at Ron before glancing at me. "Nothing happened. I mean... nothing big or anything."

"That's not what I heard," Ron snorted under his breath. I stared Harry down until he caved in. "Okay, okay. Just stop looking at me like that." He took a deep breath. "She... well, she... we were... in the Room of -,"

"They kissed," Ron finished. My jaw fell and I smiled at the same time. "So, are you turning straight, now?" I asked humorously. Harry squared his jaw, fuming at Ron who just laughed. "I'm going to bed," he said shortly, sliding off of my waist. With a flick of his wand, the beans flew back into the box, which he slammed onto the bedside table. "Harry."

He glared at me before rolling his eyes and disappearing somewhere in the room. I turned to Ron who was fighting down a fit of laughter. "Guess he doesn't want to talk about it,"

"I'm off to bed myself," he replied. "Night,"

I waited for a few minutes before laying down in the bed alone. I knew he wasn't going to sleep anywhere else, so I figured I'd let him come to bed when he wanted to. Sure enough, about half an hour later, Harry slid into bed, curling under my arm.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Well, here's to all the people who let me know they would keep reading! You guys are the greatest inspiration in the world! (In writing, Harry and Em are returning to Hogwarts after Christmas, but I'm a little stuck. Any ideas? MoonDawgy99@excite.com)

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