Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 9, 2023


Richard woke up before his alarm clock went off. He sometimes did that. His head was lying on Jason's chest, and he could feel the rhythmic breathing from the man, soft and regular. Then he felt Jason's hand, running up and down the back of his head and his neck, sometimes slipping down his back. It felt good. "Bet you didn't think I could get up this early, did you Orsino?" Richard looked up to the smiling, sleepy face of Jason.

"I didn't. Good morning. I thought I was gonna have to try to sneak out of the house without waking you. " He kissed Jason. "Did you sleep well, Mr. Leopard?"

Jason laughed. "you know, there's a famous book called 'The Leopard' . Very good too. I guess I resemble the title character somewhat. And yes, I did sleep well. I had this cuddly young man in my arms, and I dreamed about him all night long." He hugged Richard closer.

"How DID you wind up with an old fart like me? No, don't answer that. I'm just glad you did." "So am I Sir." Richard rolled onto his back, pulling Jason on top of him. "OH GOD, I could just stay like this all day." "No you can't." Jason kissed Richard's nose. "You feel what's stiff under the bed? You made me a promise. Think I forgot?" "Think I did? " Richard pushed off the covers, and moved down to the foot of the bed . He took Jason's cock in his mouth and began. Jason wasn't used to having men with beards suck him: his romances, love affairs, whatever you want to call them, were always with smooth, clean shaven guys. This boy - it was ok to think of him as a boy, wasn't it?- was hairier than anyone he had ever been with. And he LOVED the hair. As Richard sucked, Jason thought about their love making. How Richard had so graciously let him know: bondage was ok, and , oh... he stopped thinking. Richard had worked him to a state and... "That sweet release from that sweet boy" He thought. "Cupcake, do you have time for a morning cuddle before you go?" Richard smiled. "Just a few minutes, ok Sir?" "I'll take what I can get after that marvelous effort, handsome." He pulled Richard close. "Listen, I want to ask you something, and I hope it doesn't make you mad. I'm a bit overwhelmed with the last few days. I'm wondering if we could have a few days to ourselves, but.... can you spend the weekend?" Richard looked at Jason. "I may sound like a lesbian, but if you asked me to move in, I'd move in, Sir." Jason laughed. "Oh, you're old school. No, I'm not ready for that yet, sweetie. But if the weekend is good, maybe we could meet up for dinner, and then come here, and plan what we're going to do." "I have a feeling you've already planned for after dinner on Friday, Jason." He smiled. "You're reading me like a book already. Yes. I DO have plans for us for Friday night. " "Think you can do it." "I can. I'll miss you, but I can do it. I just should tell you, I spend more time at the gym on the weekends. But we'll work out the schedule." He kissed Jason again. "But now, I REALLY gotta get moving. " "Steal another pair of my shorts and you may need to get punished," Jason told Richard, as he pulled on gym clothes. "That's supposed to stop me. " He came to the bed and kissed Jason again and whispered "you tie one helluva wicked knot, old man."

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Richard took some "before" and "after" photos at his workout, and posted them to his social media page. Then, he grinned, and took a full nude shot, and sent it off to Jason. He grinned as he did that, because Jason was, in so many ways, "prim" . He had to laugh , however, when Jason responded by sending an emoji of a spouting sperm whale. Richard was back at his office when that happened, and he laughed so hard, a few people looked up. He texted Jason : "When did you learn about emojis?" Jason texted back: "Orsino, I educate our young every day. I asked."

Richard had a team meeting that morning. Two of his best friends, Jody and Mitchell were there as well. Jody was gay, Mitchell wasn't; however, at the end of the meeting, the two of them came up to Richard. "You're seeing someone." Richard grinned "How did you know?" Jody answered "Because you are GLOWING. And gurrrrrrrrrrrrl, you are pointing your nips in your updates in a way that says 'come and get them' and that is NOT for your fan base." "Ha ha. Yeah, he likes my nips." "So TALK. Lunch today? Salad? " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

"So. You have pictures?" Mitchell asked "A few. He's not all that comfortable with being photographed, but..." "Is he NOT out?" Richard laughed "Oh, he's out. He's out 120%. He's just, well, you'll see. " He pulled up a photo of Jason on his phone. Jody's mouth dropped "YOU BAGGED YOURSELF THE RAREST OF CREATURES. The silver fox Daddy. Tell me. No, don't tell me. Yes, tell me. If the answer's yes, I will hate you forever. Is he... gifted?" Mitchell looked up. "What Jody means is 'is he hung'?" "He has enough Jody. Is it the biggest one I've ever had? No. Does he use what he has better than any I've ever had? Hell to the yeah." "Where did you meet? TALK TALK TALK." Richard told them about the party, the flexing, and how things had developed. "He didn't know you had that page? REALLY?" "You know, guys, he's older, but he's not as old as he thinks. He just doesn't get into this social media stuff, or anything like that. He's a Professor." "OOOOOOOOOOOOO" Jody answered. "So he's smart." "His field is English, so I don't know. " He paused, and reddened a little. "What I can tell you is that he's very smart at finding what turns his boy on." Mitchell laughed. "He calls you his boy?" "No, I call me his boy. I like it. He calls me his bear cub. Actually, he uses a word from Shakespeare." "Oh, wait, don't tell me" Jody rolled his head back. "That's Orsino. I remember that play." Richard laughed. "How come I'm the only one who didn't know that?" "I didn't know that" Mitchell added. He smiled. "Richie " - Mitchell was one of the few people who could get away with using a nickname on Richard - "I'm really glad you're happy. But I suspect you and Jody have some, ahem 'clinical' things to talk about that I'm really not ready to hear, so... " He offered a hand to Richard. "Again, congratulations. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I hope we meet him soon." After Mitchell had left, Jody leaned in. "Ok, tell me. Top or bottom" "He's a top. And a Dom" "FUCK YOU HIT THE JACKPOT RICHARD." Richard laughed. "There was something about him when I met him the first time. I just wanted to go back. I wanted to lay next to him. I think it was his eyes. Or his smile. Or... OH I don't know Jody. I asked him today if I could move in." "You're not going lesbian on us, are you, hon?" "THAT'S WHAT HE SAID." "This IS a smart man, Richard. So, what's the future?" "Well, we spent the last couple of nights together, but he asked if we could have a little bit of a break until the weekend. He's taking me out to dinner on Friday night, and then..." Jody sat back for a minute. "Can I make a suggestion Richard? You really like this guy?" "I do. I want it to last." "Well, why don't you call and suggest YOU take HIM to dinner? Have him meet you here. Then I get to check him out too." "You know, it's been so long since I dated, I didn't even think about that. I'm going to suggest it. And Jody... can you help me pick what to wear for dinner that night?" "Hon, Jody is coming over and picking out your WHOLE wardrobe. Richard, you have a hot bod, but Aunt Jody knows way more about fashion and presentation than you do. I'm coming over tonight."

Back at his office, Richard called Jason. He was surprised Jason answered right away. "Richard. You know I'm thinking about you." "Oh, I do now. Sir, I wanted to ask: how about you letting me take you to dinner on Friday." There was a pause, and there was a joy in Jason's voice when he answered. "I think I may cry Richard. I think the last time a man invited me to dinner, was about 35 years ago. Of course I'll let you take me to dinner. Nothing too expensive though. " "I have the place in mind. It's casual. But it's closer to my office than your house. Could you maybe meet me here at say, 7 on Friday?" "AH. This is the meet the friends trick" Jason thought to himself. "Sure. Why not?" "PERFECT. And Jason..." "Yes cupcake?" "I'm getting hard thinking about the weekend." "Ha ha. Two peas in a pod. Go be productive Richard. I'm meeting with Carol and another professor to determine whether or not one of our new PhD's gets it with honors or just regular. "Is he hot?" "NO." "OH, Ok. Then give him honors."

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Jody left with Richard, and they were going through his closet. "MMMM.. MMMM. MMMM." Jody was being very critical. "If I had your body, I'd have better clothes, Richard. What do you think? Just because you don't wear them too often means you shouldn't look good?" He laughed. "I'll need your advise if this thing with Jason works. He's not much of a gym goer. I flexed privately for him, but he's just not on that page." "Well... let's see... AH. Ok, you're picking the restaurant, right? Then don't pick anything too formal, because.... baby doll, you're wearing those jeans that make your ass look like honeydew melons." Richard blushed. He knew the jeans in question. He didn't wear them often because he didn't really like getting that kind of attention. But now... ok. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND. Now trust Jody on this dear..." He pulled out a white shirt. "Try it on. I want to see if it's tight enough." Richard did. He could get into it, but barely. "PERFECT. AND.. Now, I will explain.." He reached into Richard's small collection of neckties and picked out a bright yellow one. "What we're doing, Richard man, is making you look like a Christmas present. Something that your man can unwrap... the necktie is the bow, the shirt is the wrapping paper, and the jeans... well, the jeans is the box." Jody laughed when he realized what he had just said. "Are you sure about this Jody?" "Richard, I may not know much about a lot of things, but as the song goes, 'I know what boys like.'" Trust me darling. Richard had his doubts, but he was ok with it. They hung out for a few hours, and then, unable to wait, Richard texted Jason. "Just picked my outfit for Friday. I think you're gonna like it." Jason sent back another emoji. This time with a smile and a tongue hanging out of his mouth. Before he went to bed, Richard adjusted his social media page. He added "spoken for" in the title. 1,675 people noticed and commented in the next 24 hours.

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Friday, Richard had his workout, posted his pictures, and there were even more people commenting on the change. Congratulations messages, nasty ones, people asking who the lucky man was, all kinds of stuff. He packed up the necktie (he figured he'd wear the shirt during the day to get used to it, and the jeans too), and headed off to work. Jody came by to make sure that he looked good. He gave Richard the thumbs up. "If THAT does not get you laid, honey, the man is dead." "Oh, trust me. The man is not dead."

During the days they were apart, Jason had done some thinking about Richard. He wasn't ready to say he was in a relationship- or was he. He liked referring to Richard as his boyfriend, and being called Richard's boyfriend. He shook his head and laughed when he recalled their discussion about Richard moving in. No, that wasn't happening for a while. On the Thursday, he decided to take a risk. He pulled out the chest where he kept all of his old sex toys. There was a set of restraints that he used to have on his bed, and had taken off. He pulled out the wrist restraints, and re-attached them. "Richard can always say no," he thought. Then he thought of Richard restrained to the bed, naked, his stale underwear in his mouth, and he ran off to the bathroom. Best not stain anything if he could avoid it.

Friday afternoon, the receptionist buzzed Richard. "Rich, there's a man here to see you. Name is Jason." Richard gulped. "Tell him I'll be there in five minutes. " He ran to Jody. "HELP ME WITH THIS TIE JODY PLEASE. MY HANDS.. I'M... I'M SHAKING." Jody laughed. "Oh, he better be a charmer. If he's not hung and he's got you like this..." Jody fixed the tie. "Go get your man. Make sure you introduce him." A big smile on his face, Richard went out to find Jason. Jason always dressed professorially, and here he was: tweed jacket, striped oxford, and a pair of "dad jeans." "Welcome to wear the magic happens." Jason was savvy enough to know to let Richard lead as to how they greeted. Richard worked here. So a hug and a handshake, with a whispered "kissing later. REAL kissing," made him smile. "C'mon back. I want you to meet some people." Jason lowered his voice. "Walk in front of me. That ass is to die for." "SCORE!" thought Richard. He introduced Jason to Mitchell, who was polite, and friendly, and then to Jody, who was... a bit more outgoing. "SO. THIS is the man who is breaking America's heart. So nice to meet you." "Have I broken any hearts? I'm sorry. How can I mend yours? You must be Richard's friend Jody." "I am. And you're Jason. So nice to meet you." "The pleasure is all mine. Richard was right, you DO have amazing cheekbones (In fact, Richard had never mentioned Jody before they walked back, and he had never said anything about Jody's cheekbones). "Oh, you're so kind. So , Richard tells me you teach English?" "Unfortunately, I do. I'm supposed to be teaching literature, but I find myself teaching our native tongue more than I like." Jason saw a book by Thomas Hardy on Jody's desk. "You're a Hardy fan? Which one is your favorite?" Jody smiled. "See if you can guess." Jason smiled back and went into "Thinker " pose... "I bet you're a Tessaholic" "YES!!!! I read it every year. And I cry at the same points." "I bet we cry at the same points. Maybe if I get invited back, we can compare notes." "Professor... if Richard does NOT invite you back, I will invite you. " He looked at Richard. "You boys have a good time." He looked directly at Jason. "You take care of my Richard. He has a lot of fans, but I'm numero uno." Jason put his hand on the small of Richard's back. "I promise to send him back in one piece. Maybe damaged, but only slightly." Jody started to laugh, and Richard reddened. "Maybe we should be going, Prof?"

As they walked out, Richard was apologizing for Jody "Oh whatever for? He's delightful. " He looked at Richard. "And you , Mister, look absolutely ravishing." As it happened, they had an elevator to themselves to get to Richard's car in the garage. That gave Jason a chance to bend slightly and kiss Richard. Richard leaned into the kiss, and made sounds as if he were eating something delicious. Jason gently massaged the front of his pants with his knee. "I meant it when I said I may return you slightly damaged." "Only slightly? I was hoping for more than that Sir."

They took Richard's car (Jason had come by taxi to the office), and then to the restaurant. The hostess looked up. "OMG. You're.... you're... I follow you on media. CONGRATULATIONS." "Thank you. Thank you so much." She looked at Jason. "Is he.. Is he.." Richard smiled. "Yup." As she led them to their table, Jason said "well, you have to explain that to me. " "I hope you didn't mind this Sir. I made a change to my page last night and, well... " He showed Jason the "spoken for." "AW. That is so sweet. All you did was tell the truth. Because you ARE. If anyone makes me show my leopard fangs...." "GRRRR. I hope I get some of them."

Dinner was fine, but it was very clear, neither one of them was much interested in eating. Richard boldly put his hand on Jason's crotch and whispered. "This is what I want for dinner. All weekend." "Then let's skip dessert and have dessert at home."

When they got to Jason's house, he made an excuse that got him behind David. That's when he put his arm around his middle, and began nibbling his ear. "You are so fucking hot tonight bear cub. " He began kissing. Richard tried to turn around, but Jason was surprisingly strong, and the kissing on his ear, and the scruffing on his neck, had made him substantially helpless. He felt Jason's hands go to his nipples, and then to his necktie. "Let's get this off you. I'd use it to tie your wrists, but... you'll see." "yes sir." Richard gasped out as Jason got his shirt opened, and began running his hands over his torso. "Bedroom. You know where it is." When Richard got there, he saw the restraints right away. Jason looked right in his eyes. "You game?" "I'm prey. Yes sir. " Jason had his bear cub tied down right away. He took off his own shirt, to match Richard's opened one, and then began kissing Richard's body. He started with his nipples, chewing them slightly, before running his little bit of beard, up and down Richard's entire torso. He couldn't help himself, and raspberried Richard's navel again, before he moved up to do something no one had ever done to Richard before Jason : he nibbled on his chin, very gently, and it drove Richard crazy.

"FUCK ME SIR. Or at least kiss me. Kiss me HARD.." Jason smiled. He had Richard right where he wanted him, and he got to work with kissing to his mouth, first slow then fast. Every time Richard opened his mouth, for tongue, Jason pulled back. It frustrated Richard, and he pulled at the restraints. It didn't change Jason's approach. He took his time. And then he slipped off Richard's shoes, opened his jeans, and began slowly pulling them off.

"The bad part of tight jeans, orsino, is that they're hard to get off your boy. But... I'll manage..." And he did. And every inch of the way, he kissed Richard's body. Every time more flesh was revealed, it got Jason's kiss. When Richard was naked from the waist down, with his cock hard and stiff in the air, Jason started stripping. "I can't flex the way you do but..." He handled his cock, bringing it very close to Richard's mouth. "Who wants this? Anyone? Anyone want some leopard dick?" "PLEASE. PLEASE SIR. THIS CUB WANTS IT. HE WANTS IT BAD." Richard stuck out his tongue, trying to get a taste, and Jason moved in so he could JUST touch it.

"not too much young man. We elders have trouble maintaining our composure." "Then stop waiting and FUCCCCCCCCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE SIR' Jason smiled, and laughed to himself. He had never had a boy who was this eager. Gently, he picked up Richard's legs, kissing each ankle. He slipped on a condom and began to slide in. "OH YES. OH YES. I've been waiting for this all week." He didn't see the pair of briefs at the side. Jason grabbed them. "Open your mouth young man" He shoved the smelly cloth in Richard's mouth. He almost passed out from the smell, it made him close to high. And then he felt Jason entering him, slowly, every so slowly. "DAMN. The man may not be gifted with size, but he has technique for days!" Richard thought, as he took the cock, and Jason began sliding back and forth. "GRMMPPH" Richard moaned as Jason took him. He smiled at the young man "You are such a sweet boy. I really shouldn't do the things I plan to do to you... heh heh heh." Then, one final push, and Richard could feel his lover shooting into the condom. Then Jason took Richard's balls and squeezed them. Not hard, but hard enough. 'GRRMPPPPPPPH!!!!" Richard bucked his hips, and then, he shot all over himself. Jason pulled the cloth gag out of Richard's mouth. "JASON. OH FUCK JASON. THAT WAS AWESOME. PLEASE. CAN YOU UNTIE ME SO I CAN HUG YOU?" "That's an offer I can't refuse." Richard grabbed him, pulled him in, and began to cry. "No one's ever loved me the way you do Sir. NO ONE." "You're tired, orsino. Let's get you off to bed. I could use a rest too. We'll plan Saturday and Sunday in the morning." "yes sir." Richard's voice was high pitched and low volume. He wanted to be with this man forever. Not just the weekend. He felt Jason's arm curl around him in the big bed. He felt safe, and protected, and loved.

Next: Chapter 5

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