Taming the Bear Cub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 17, 2023


Richard's proposal had come on a Friday night. On Monday, after they had a prolonged goodbye kiss , Jason headed off to the university. Meetings, conferences with students, and his undergrad seminar were on the menu. The seminar ran from 4 to 6, and it was the last thing he had to do on Monday. He had a first meeting at 10, and got to his office a little after 9. He greeted everyone on the way to his office, and didn't see Carol, which was odd. She taught at 10, and she would've been there, preparing. Instead, she was sitting at his desk. "Carol! Did you get lost this morning?" "HE SAID YES????" She looked at him, and there were tears in her eyes, and a smile on her face. "HE SAID YES? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU GUYS? I don't talk to you for a few days and.... I HAVE TO READ ABOUT MY FRIENDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA?"

"Carol, what in the blazes are you talking about?" "You haven't seen Richard's social media page?" "NO. I don't look at it. I don't look at social media. " "Well, HERE. " Apparently, Carol had an account, and she had been reading Richard's page. Yes, there were the pictures they had agreed to. Looking at them made Jason smile, and it also made him "miss" Richard in a very particular way. But then, there it was. The latest image, at the end of all the photos of a bare chested Richard, and then the photos of the two of them, was a rather ornate slide, with a dancing bear and the words 'HE SAID YES' It was followed by over 400 comments.

"You don't want to look at them. Trust me. Most of them are congratulations, some are jealous , and some want to know who does what to whom. But Momma wants to know.... " She paused. "Start talking Doctor Jason."

He laughed, poured himself some coffee and sat down and told Carol about the proposal. He teared up a little when he talked about the Hardy novel, and she laughed. "That has GOT to have been Randy's suggestion. He LOVES that novel. I think he has it memorized." "Well, now you know everything. Oh, you do need to know one more thing, since you DO need to know everything. Richard's company is sending him to London for a year. And..., since I'm owed a sabbatical year, I think I'm going with him." "AWWWWWW. How sweet. Leave Momma behind, what does she care? Are you doing the deed before, or after the trip?" "Carol my love, Orsino and I haven't discussed things that far ahead." She smiled. "I LOVE that you call him that. It fits him to a tee. I presume I'll be the maid of honor." "I'd say MATRON of honor my dear? You know how traditional I am." "I know what a BITCH you can be. Worry not, I will not wear a red dress, nor will I wear a black one. " She paused. "Ecru. Or cream. OH , DEAR. I have to get to class and then I have to start shopping." She got up, and kissed Jason on the head. "Congratulations dearie. It's about fucking time."

"It's about fucking time," Jason thought, as she left. She was right. It was too long. He had had a few opportunities, but not a lot of them. He was glad he had waited. Just thinking about the weekend, or the day ahead of them, made Jason almost giddy. HE WAS GETTING MARRIED.

"Better late than never," he said in a very low voice, and chuckled. He sat down and pulled out some papers, and got to work.

Mid afternoon, Richard gave him a call. "Hey Topman. It's your cub. Miss me?" Jason smiled. "Should I take a selfie to show you how much?" "How will I know it's yours?" "Ha ha. You BETTER recognize it. See you later tonight?" "How about I meet you after your class? I miss you too. And I DID send you a selfie." "Oh dear. God knows what you sent." "Religion had nothing to do with it, Sir, but if you want me to get on my knees later, I will." "Richard, you're making me blush. Ok, yes, I'd love to see you. I'm done at 6. You know where to find my office. My seminar room is right next door. Oh, and before I forget. Orsino?" "Yes, lupo." "I love you." "Not as much as I love you. See ya in about 3." When Jason walked into the classroom, the students all sitting around the seminar table, they stopped chatting, and started applauding. A couple of the kids with good voices started singing "Going to the Chapel," and there were others yelling 'WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF.'

"Ok, ok everyone. Calm down. We have a lot of stuff to get through today." One of the ladies spoke. "Professor, with all due respect, no one's going to get any work done, unless you tell us a little about this. " "No, a LOT about this. Like, how long have you been dating Richard the Bear?" added a second student. Jason was an experienced enough teacher to handle this. "Ok, ok. I'll make a deal with you if you agree. Two options. We can spend this period talking about it, IF you agree to a make up class at MY discretion, or we can put off talking about it and we can meet for lunch or dinner, or drinks or something. " He paused. "DUTCH. I have to save for a wedding." There was a whole lot of laughter at that, and a bit of consulting, until one student said: "Professor, inquiring minds wanna know. We'll do the make up class. "

And so it was. Jason told them about meeting Richard, how things had started, he told them about the proposal, and answered MOST of their questions. "What happens in our bedroom, is really not up for discussion, Philip" he told one student who asked "can you tell us who does what to who"

"and the correct way to say that is 'to whom' Just as six o'clock rolled around, Jason looked up. "Well, well, well. If you scholars look up, you'll see the most handsome man in the world standing in the doorway." Richard was standing there, smiling. He had on a pair of blue chinos, and a pink button down shirt, worn the way Jason liked him to wear his shirts. "Come in Richard. Meet the next generation of America's leaders." "Hey, how are you all?" There was a moment of awed silence. Jason was thinking "so this is what they mean about the new generation being transfixed by social media. He had trouble getting students to read Shakespeare, but they ALL recognized "Richard the Bear." "Hey, Richard..." One of the students asked. "Your fiance' won't tell us anything GOOD about your relationship. Can you stay a while and maybe fill in what he told us?" "Probably not. Jason is the one who does the filling up" is what Richard thought, but he knew that if he said something like that, Jason might just call of the wedding. "Maybe 15 minutes, ok? But first, I need to do something that is going to embarrass your Professor here BIG TIME." He grabbed Jason and kissed him, flat on the lips, in front of the class, to a chorus of cheers, and WOO WOOO WOOOS" and various other noises. He took a seat next to Richard, and grabbed his hand. "Ok, fifteen minutes. Ask away." And Richard did keep it to 15 minutes. He looked at his watch. "Kids, thanks for following my social media page. Or, I should say OUR social media page. And he DID say yes. Keep following the page. You'll know as soon as anyone knows anything." Some of the students shyly came up and congratulated them, including one fair haired young man, who smiled. "Professor, if you knew what an inspiration you are, in so many ways. And now, this one. THANK YOU." Jason smiled. "Brent, it's always wonderful to hear something like that. Thank you." Then he looked at Richard. "You better tie the knot, because if you don't, I'm going after your fiance' . He blushed and ran out of the classroom thinking "I didn't say that, did I?" Jason looked at Richard. "Well, it seems you've got competition." Richard smiled back "Do I?" Jason shook his head. "None whatsoever. MMMM. I want those lips. " When they finished kissing he said "I want more than that, and I'm getting it too. You look positively ravishable." "Then prove it, old man. Take me home and fuck the shit of me." "On the agenda. Let's get into our cars. "

Thirty minutes later, they were back at Jason's house, and Richard was securely tied in the "torture chair," with a long piece of white duct tape wrapped around his mouth. Jason had just spent 3-4 minutes running his thumbs over Richard's nipples, through the pink shirt, and Richard had spent that time moaning, and squirming, trying to get more. Now, Jason was doing odds and ends around the house, while Richard struggled, pulling on the ropes, and moaning, trying to get Jason's attention. Every now and then, Jason would slowly remove an article of his clothing, and every time he did, he came over to Richard, and either stroked his cock through his pants, or pushed his knee in, stimulating the bear cub, and making him moan more. And then he would open one additional button on Richard's shirt.

Jason had never done anything like this before. Richard loved it, but he was in agony. Once Jason had doffed his shirt, and he saw his chest, beginning to tone up from the sessions with Emily, and all that white fur, he began pumping his hips in the air. He wanted his man! He wanted him now.

He didn't get him. As he opened the last button on Richard's shirt, Jason brought over a chair, and began licking richard's nips, occasionally nibbling at one or the other. "MMMPH. MMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMPH." Richard was TRYING , desperately, to tell Jason that he didn't think he could take anymore. He needed cock. Badly. He'd have to wait. Jason stepped out of his pants, and his briefs, and came over, opening Richard's belt and pulling out his hard cock.

"These look like new pants, Orsino, so let's try to keep them clean." He pushed them down as far as he could, down to Richard's ankles. Then he began stroking his lover, giving him a long, sensual hand job. He smiled when Richard's moans got shriller and faster. "OH.. The bear cub needs to shoot doesn't he? " Richard frantically shook his head yes. "Nope. The boss gets his rocks off first. We know who that is, don't we?" Richard shook his head, trying to get a "yes sir" out of the gag. Jason helped him out of the chair, got his shoes off, and then stripped down his pants. He released the wrist bonds, and Richard tried to hug Jason. "Nope. As the kids say, I'm OBJECTIFYING you now..." He pushed richard back on the bed, and went back at his nips. He kept the gag on. He loved the sound of Richard's moans, nearly as much as Richard loved what he did next: he stuck his tongue into richard's ass, and went to town, licking, digging in, and making richard moan even more. "I think you're nice and moist now, sweetcakes. Time for a nice, big, MANCOCK." Jason started sliding into Richard, and Richard's moans got deeper, and less frantic. "OOOOH that feels so good Sir," came out as "MMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH " Jason smiled. The sound of those helpless moans was making him harder, and harder. Richard felt it too, and he responded by trying to moan more. Jason arched over him, and stuck his tongue in his ear. "MMMMMMMMMMMMPHJPPMAPAPANPHHHHH" came out of Richard, and seed came out of Jason. Thick, hot, and creamy, filling Richard with what he wanted. Only then did Jason reach for a small scissor, to cut away the tape so he didn't hurt his lover by ripping it off. "Oh MY GOD SIR. THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU." "SHHHH handsome. It's your turn. " Jason went back to what he had been doing to Richard in the chair. He did it with renewed purpose, pumping Richard's cock faster and faster. Richard began to squirm and wriggle. "OH GOD. HERE I GO SIR. HERE I GO. FUCK YEAH FUDDCKKDKDKDKDKDKDKDK" Jizz went flying everywhere, as Richard half moaned, half cried, and finally caught Jason, pulling him down into him. "Don't ever stop making me feel that way SIR. Don't. PLEASE. EVER." Jason whispered "back at ya sexy. You drive me crazy."

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After they had cleaned up, had their dinner, and were sitting, cuddling, Jason asked Richard something that had been on his mind for a while. "Orsino, sweet. You could have had your choice of any man at the party where we met, any of your followers, ANYONE. Why me?" His hand was draped over Richard's shoulder, resting on his left nip. Richard smiled and held that hand. "Well, this says most of it. Not all of it though" "I'm afraid I don't understand." Richard adjusted his position, so that he was basically lying on Jason's lap. He looked up at him. "Who can tell where attraction comes from? I'm attracted to older men. And I'm a bottom. Those are things I've known for a long, LONG time." He adjusted himself to get positioned better, so he could look Jason in the eye. "Not enough people tell you this Jason. You're a handsome man. And I bet NO ONE ever told you this. You just kind of exude confidence, and control, and... well, you give off top man vibes." Jason laughed. "Well, thank you. I've never been told that before, you're right." "I shouldn't speak generally. At least you did to me that night. I don't meet a lot of men like you Sir. And then, well, you called me out on my bullshit." Jason laughed. "30 plus years of teaching will show you how to do that with younger people." Richard smiled. "You know, Sir. I think you're the first person who ever DID call me out. At least I can't remember it before. You intrigued me. No, you did more than intrigue me. You enchanted me. You made me want to come back. " He moved Jason's hand inside his shirt. "And now, I don't ever want to leave." Jason felt tears in his eyes, as he bent down and kissed his lover, his fiance'. "And I'm not going to let you leave. EVER." Richard looked at him. "Promise?" Jason shook his head. "How could I let a man go who proposed to me with Hardy? In my wildest dreams, I never, EVER thought that would happen. " "Sir, when we write our vows, can you put that in yours?" "Ha ha. Well, I don't usually make promises about what I'll write, but..." He smiled. "When I see that look in your eyes, how could I say no? " Richard smiled. "that's what I feel when you tell me to sit in that chair Sir. How could I say No? You are SUCH a fucking great Dom." "And you cub, are a wonderful lover, and sub bottom. " They were silent for a minute. Then Jason spoke. "Wanna try for another round before bed?" Richard laughed. "How could I say no?" And so it was.

Next: Chapter 9

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