Tangible Dream

By mitchell faust

Published on Aug 14, 2009


This work is completely fictional and if there are any drastic similarities to real people or places, now or in the past, it is strictly coincidental. The following story takes place at a fictional college. There are strong acts of male-on-male sexual situations, and if you are easily offended by such actions, under age where your state prohibits minors from reading such work or looking for a story that is strictly platonic, then I would suggest that you not read this story.

I hope you all enjoy. Reading is fun! So I hope you have it.

Chapter II.

Tori stood over me while I sat halfway on my chair, looking up as his flawless face, utterly dumbfounded. Where had he come from? How did he know I was here? Why the hell did this man look exactly like the one in my dreams?

"Zerick. Are you okay?" Tori's voice was filled with a soft genuine compassion that stirred my insides and for a brief moment made me forget all my questions. I was just happy he was there. The moment lasted for just that long.

"How did you know I was in here? What are you doing in here? I was thrashing?" I felt my head start to swim with a thousand questions all at once.

"I told you Zerick. I came here looking for you."

"But how did you know I was here?

Tori laughed softly then answered, "I saw you walk in. I was sitting on the bench across from the building. After I talked to coach, he dismissed me early so I could talk to my counselor and make sure all my transfer affairs were in order. On my way, I stopped to take a call and I saw you enter. Forgive me, but I thought it a little strange that you were in here with twenty minutes left in practice. I've heard the coach is a stickler for having practice from start to finish. I followed you inside. Besides, I've been meaning to look inside this place. I've heard it's quite beautiful and what I heard stands true. A remarkable building. Oh, and to your other question, yes, you were thrashing. Quite violently I might add," he said as he gave me a warm smile and tilted his head to look at me. I was still giving him a puzzled look.

"So you thought it best to follow me and see what I was doing? Well, aren't you big on respecting some ones privacy?" I tried to say it with a tone of irritation, but it came out sweet and flirty. Damn.

"I didn't mean to invade your privacy. If I did, I'm truly sorry. To tell the complete truth, I followed you in here because I never received an answer to my question earlier today. I was hoping I could get it. Even after coach released me I came back into the field looking for you, hoping to get it, but you were gone."

"You came looking for me to get an answer? To your question?"

"Yes Zerick."

"What was the question?" The look of confusion on my face was in overdrive.

"If you were going to the party tonight. I never received a definitive yes or no." He placed a hand on my shoulder that sent a wave of electricity through my complete upper body. I mouthed the words Oh my God.

"Ummm. I think so. Umm. Yhea, I'll...I'll be there."

"Are you sure you're okay," Zerrick asked rubbing my shoulder. I felt my dick twitch and my breathing start to become faster. The look of confusion on my face began to slowly be replaced with a look of delight and pleasure as I slowly closed my eyes.


Damn! Did I just moan aloud? My eyes flashed open and I looked up at Tori. His hand was still gripping my shoulder and he was still smiling at me. He never did tilt his head back to the upright position.

"Yhea man, I'm cool. Just a little bit of a shock with the new guy finding me having a nightmare in my area of seclusion, that's all," I stated and sat up right on the chair. As I did, Tori removed his hand from my shoulder. God, how I wanted him to put it back. "Thanks for asking. Umm, why do you want to know if I'm going to the party so badly?"

At that moment, his cell phone rang. He continued to smile at me as he picked it up. "Yes? Okay...I'm on my way," he said in a calm, collected voice and hung up the phone. "I have to go. I hope to see you tonight." He winked at me and in one fluid movement, he turned around and walked out of the room.

I stood up and looked at the door he had just walked out of, dazed and confused.

What the hell?

After standing transfixed in the same spot for what seemed for like hours, I finally broke out of it, grabbed my bag and walked out of the room and building. The sun, for the second time today, stung my eyes and I squinted looking around the campus to see if I could spot Tori. Even as my eyes were adjusting to the light, he was nowhere to be found.

I started to walk back to my dorm, sulking all the way.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. One minute I'm sleeping, finally seeing the face, full on, of the guy in my repetitive dreams and then the next minute, I'm facing him in my reality and their both Tori.

I tried my best to not think of it as I walked, but I couldn't help myself. It was all too weird and far too unexplainable.

The next thing I knew, I was walking into my dorm room without realizing I was actually there.

"Hey Z. You're back early. How was practice," Kells said to me as I dragged myself through the door. He was sitting at his desk on the left side of the room and working on his computer. I checked the clock on the wall and it read eleven thirty-two. He was about to head to class any minute now.

"It was okay man."

"You're lying," Kells chuckled with his back towards me.

"What do you mean, I'm lying? Practice was cool," I stated as I threw my bag on my unmade bed. Even when I wasn't rushing out the door, I never made it up. "Aren't you supposed to be in class already?"

"I'm leaving right now actually. Just finishing one last paragraph on this anthropology paper. Did you know that a witch riding a broom with the bristles facing behind her is actually the incorrect way to ride a flying broom? Oh, and I know your lying because I know you. Practice may have went cool, but something definitely happened today that's got you all rattled up. So spill it. But make it quick, I do have class to attend. The world calls for my genius you know," Kells laughed at his own quip of vanity, his eyes still locked on the computer screen. The boy had an uncanny way of being very sagacious. He read people and there words so easy.

"Ha. I guess I can't pull anything over your eyes, huh?

"Nope," Kells said, matter of factually.

"Ummm. There's a new guy on the team," I said, taking my seat in the middle of Kells bed so I was facing the side of his face. I smiled thinking about Tori. The kind of smile you make when you're thinking about a new crush.

He quickly snapped his head, looking me dead in the eyes. His own were bugged out, as if horror-stricken. I panicked for a split seconded.

"Is he cute? Is he better looking than I am? Have you kissed him? Does he cook for you like I do. Does he even know your spot behind your elbow like I do? Oh my god. You love him, don't you? Why, Zerick? Why oh why must you treat me this way. After all the years I've given you? Did you even think about the kids? No! Of course you didn't. Just like a man." Kells threw his hands in the air and then over his face, dramatically fake sobbing and pounding the desk.

I quickly threw a pillow at him and began to laugh. He ducked in time --which shocked me since I was so close to him--good reflexes. He started to laugh with me as well.

"Nah, I'm sorry Z. Keep going. So what about this new guy has you walking through the door like you just failed all your finals?

I paused for a brief moment, trying to gather my thoughts and find a way to say it. Best just say it bluntly, I suppose. "Well. The guy is a long jumper, like me; he's seemingly really cool and I think he's also the guy in my dreams."

Kells had resumed his typing as I spoke, only to stop again as I finished my sentence. He slowly turned his head to face me again and gave me an incredulous look. "What," he said simply. "What do you mean by...he's the guy in your dreams? Like your dream guy or...well the guy you've been having all these dreams about?

"The latter."

"But Z, you've never even seen his face from what you've told me." Kells continued to look at me with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

"I know man. I hadn't-- at least not until today. I saw his face in my dreams a little while ago while I was asleep in the astronomy building. I was in some weird old theater and there he was. He actually walked away from me and I went running after him. I got him to face me and look at me and then the dream just ended. The crazy thing was I actually knew it was him even before I had the dream. The new guy, his name is Tori by the way, talked to me while I was warming up and when I looked at him, he had the exact same body, complexion, stance, voice and most scary of all, he had the same grey eyes as the guy in my dream. Okay, actually, what was the scariest thing was he even had the same tattoo; they had the same cross and number. Well actually, it was on the opposite arm as the guy in my dream, but it was still the same tat. Like, I've been trying to make sense of it all day! I think I'm just over thinking it. I mean it's all just a

coincidence I'm sure. However, it doesn't feel like one. Tori even found me asleep in the astronomy building while I was having the dream about him...I mean the dream about the guy in my dreams who just so happens to look like Tori. Just when I saw the man of my dreams face in my dream, Tori's real face was right there when I woke up and they were one in the same. I mean am I going crazy or is this all just some weird--"

"Whoa cowboy! Slow down." Kells interrupted me, placed a hand on my leg and shook it a little. He was smirking.

I hadn't realized that I was speaking a million miles a second. Everything I said came out like word vomit. "I'm sorry. Its just been circling in my head since it happened, man. The whole thing sort of rocked me," I said as I feel back on the bed and placed a hand over my eyes.

"Wow. I see. That's crazy Z. Maybe your dream guy just assumed Tori's face once you saw him. You know, he had the same build, eyes and tat as your dream guy when you saw him in person, so you just attached his face to him. I mean don't you think it's a little strange that dream dude has been faceless for months now and the very day you see Tori's face is the exact same day that you finally see the face of your dream man?" Kells raised an eyebrow at me as if to dare me to challenge his logic.

I laughed aloud. Damn, what he did say made a lot of sense and certainly did explain why both men had the same face. However, I couldn't help but feel that deep down in my stomach, it wasn't that cut and dry.

"Alright sweetie, daddies gotta go to work. You stay out of trouble now, okay. We'll talk more tonight at Starbucks," Kells said as he picked up his laptop and backpack, kissed me on the forehead and dashed out of the house heading to his noon class.

Kellen was an awesome guy and one hell of a roommate. We've shared the same dorm room since freshman year. When I first met him, he was already unpacked on the left side of the room (the left was his favorite side because he said that's the side of his brain that he thinks primarily with) and his side was completely organized and neat. I walked in lugging a crap load of stuff in both arms and threw it down on the right side of the room. The moment I did, he gave me a look as if I had just committed a cardinal sin. He immediately went to work, picking up my things and putting them in place. It was if it was an automatic reaction, he couldn't control. I watched him work in a flash, folding my clothes and placing my books on my desk in sizable order. The guy didn't even know my name or shake my hand but was here he was folding my boxers!

I started laughing aloud at the site and he stopped his rampant cleaning. We both stared at each other and after a second, we both started laughing. From that moment, we were super close. He was Iranian and black, handsome, twenty years old, rather lanky, 5'9, brown skinned and thick dark black hair, which he's kept in a mini `fro since the day I've known him. He's an anthropology major, rather cynical and dramatic, but very down to earth. He didn't even trip when I told him about my sexuality. In fact, he found the fact that I was bisexual incredibly interesting. He was straight as an arrow but completely comfortable in his sexuality; he often joked that he could still my boyfriends if he really wanted to. No matter what I told him about my encounters with females or males, he took it all in stride; I found it to amazing, especially considering the fact that I could be pretty graphic and detailed in my descriptions. Like the little

soon-to-be anthropologist he was, he always just asked questions and never judged me.

I walked to my side of the room and sat down at my desk. Pictures of family, friends and track members were all over it along with textbooks, papers and candy wrappers. I have a serious sweet tooth. Kells hated how my desk looked. He actually hated how my side of the room looked a majority of the time. He was such a clean freak. He gave up trying to keep my side of the room clean himself the second semester of sophomore year. He just yells at me now to do it myself. Funny thing is I do it. He just has this authority like tone to his voice. He's going to make a great dad one day.

I opened my laptop and singed on to my instant messenger. I was quickly messaged by screen name, LILMAMA55: it was Lea.

Hey boo. How you doing?

I'm good ma. How bout yourself?

I'm good 2. Oooooh, did u talk 2 my new boo thang?

You must be referring to Tori. Lol. Yhea I talked to him. He's koo.

U know it!! Damn he is phyne! I spoke to him while I was @ the track and told him about the Kappa party. He said he would be saving me a dance. He don't know what he gettin himself n2!

hahahaha. Im sure you gonna do something vicious to him.

smh u have no idea...

HA! I've danced with you before. I def have an idea.

Lol. Jwhatever Z. Anyways, what's goin on with Jason?

I held my breath when I saw Jason's name on the screen.

Ummm. I don't know. What do you mean whats going on with him?

You haven't heard?

Ummm...No. Whats going on?

Really? I'm surprised he didn't tell u anything. I meant to ask you about it at the field but forgot once I saw that big tall fine drink of water Tori. Anyways, I know ya'll so damn close. But yhea, last night him and his dad were over here in the co-ops going at it. Just shouting and yellin. They were waking everyone up. His dad was going on about something like "You're a liar" and "I'm not paying another dime to this place so you can have your sinner heathen ways indulged". Jason was yelling back that it all of it was a misunderstanding and how he cant leave the school. It was crazy.

My breathing quickened as I read this.


Do know what happened?

I just stood in my doorway, along with half the hall, & watched em keep shouting at each other. Jason's dad was red! After a couple minutes, the dad jus stormed off. Jason was looking upset and looking as if he was about to cry.

Wow. That's crazy Lea. Hey. I gotta go, maybe get in contact with him and see whats going on. I'll ttyl okay.

It better be at the party. Don't flake. Muah!

Ok ma.

I clicked off the I.M. screen and leaned back in my chair. My breathing hadn't slowed down. My head was swimming wondering if I had gotten Jason into more trouble than I thought possible? I hated to think that I was the possible reason he would be getting snatched out of the school when he'd worked so hard to get accepted in.

I slid from off of my chair over onto my bed and laid down with my face to the mattress. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my head of the thought. I slowed my breathing down as much as I could and squeezed my eyes lids hard.

I know I royally fucked up with my situation with Jason. I knew it was going to get bad, but I really didn't think his father was going to get involved. That was the last person I wanted involved in the situation. I knew how he was and what he was capable of, especially when he was livid.

I ran over a million and one scenarios in my head of how I could possibly rectify the damage. I slowly started to find myself nodding off. The sleep was welcoming.

I decided that I really needed to take my shower and that it would probably help to clear my head.

I raised myself off the bed and dragged myself to the bathroom. Our dorm buildings were one of the few to have its own little mini kitchen and bathroom. Perks for being top ranked athletes I suppose.

I walked in the bright white bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and turned on the water. I liked it luke-warm. I stepped inside and just stood there under the water, letting it run down over my body. Slowly my mind went from the problem of having to deal with Jason to Tori. His face entered my brain and I felt my body start to get hot. Slowly but surely, I felt my dick start to twitch at the thought of Tori running around the track in nothing but his tight track pants. I envisioned his manhood bulging tightly against those pants showing off his visible imprint. As he jogged around the track, I watched his body glistening with sweat that ran over every perfectly defined muscle. The sunlight reflected brilliantly off his beautiful slick skin. My dick started to get harder and rise to full mast. I slowly started to tug at the full eight inches with my left hand as I rested my right hand against the shower wall. I stroked my still swelling cock in a slow

methodical motion. The image of Tori rubbing his big hands over his sweaty body--fingers rippling over each one of his abs and tracing each chiseled line down to his belly button was sending me lust into overdrive. I pictured his looking at me in my eyes as he bit his bottom lip slowly seducing me into a frenzy.

I leaned my back into the wall and placed one of left hand under my balls, playing with and rubbing them gently and with my right, I was continuing to grip my thick and throbbing rod, letting the water and my pre-cum act as my lube. I started beating my dick faster and more intensely; my breathing became heavy and erratic. In my vision, Tori began rubbing his stiff dick through spandex. His snake steadily grew down his leg inch by inch. He gripped and palmed it, letting his head hang back, enjoying the sensation of his own touch.

I sped up my rhythm and pace. I was pounding at my dick with an ungodly grip and was feeling that sensation start to churn up in my balls. I was close to cumming and I wanted to unload so badly. I squeezed my dick and panted and I continued to envision Tori slow winding his hips in a seductive manner and rubbing at his thick long piece of dick through his tight track pants. The beautiful glossy head began to poke out from the bottom. It was definitely a sight to see. I was slamming my back into the wall and stroking my dick for everything it was worth. I knew I was going to come soon.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at my door and it broke me out of my rhythm completely, somewhat startling me.

Damn, I was so close.

I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel over my still dripping body. I was highly irked at the fact whoever was at my door interrupted me getting to but my nut. Stopping a man's orgasm right before they were about to release was one of the most horrid actions you could possibly do. Whoever was at the door was about to get the attitude from hell.

I walked over to the door and slowly opened it, not bothering to ask who it was. As soon as it was wide open, there stood the magnificent creature of beauty himself whose name was Tori. He stood there in the hallway, wearing a tight fitting white tee that looked as if it had to have been painted onto his toned upper frame, dark blue sweat pants that did nothing to hide his massive and impressive bulge and a pair of fresh white kicks. My jaw slowly dropped.

"Are you going to invite me in," he asked me in his smooth timber voice.

I couldn't say anything at that particular moment. I just stepped out of the doorway as he gingerly walked inside looking at my room with a sly smirk.

"Ummm," It was all my brain could think of to say as I continued to watch Tori look around my room with a look of amusement on his face; uncertain if it was due to my shocked, jaw open face or at my dorm room.

"Yes Zerick. I would love something to drink if it's no trouble," he said turning around to face me. He placed his hands in his sweat pockets and I couldn't help but notice how comfortable he seemed in his own skin. He stood fully erect and confident. His smirk stayed on his face, giving him a boyish charm that oddly enough, complimented his handsome features. His high cheekbones could cut glass.

"Tori...Why are you here? How do even know what dorm is mines?" I asked as I closed the door, not turning my back to him. I could help myself from not wanting to break a second of my gaze off this gorgeous man standing in the middle of my room.

He merely gave a light laughed and removed his hands from out of his sweats as he walked towards me. My heart was starting to pound its way out of my chest with every step he took towards me. My mouth was once again open and my palms were starting to sweat.

Why was this happening to me?

He was no less than an inch from my body. He was staring down at me. I inhaled and his scent attacked me like a tidal wave; a strong aroma that I couldn't compare to anything. The scent was all his alone. There was a glint in his strong piercing grey eyes and I felt my whole body lock under his gaze.

In one smooth motion, Tori placed his hands on my waist and applied a little pressure. I gasped. I can't believe how utterly small and helpless I felt in that moment. Who was this guy to just walk into my dorm and touch me like this? This was a gross invasion of my personal space and we so weren't close like that for this to be okay at all. I started to feel myself get upset.

Before I could though, he spoke to me in that same voice he had earlier in the day. A voice that talked to me as if he known me my entire life and we were the closest of partners. His breath was cool and mint like on my face.

"Zerick...You really don't know why I'm here?"

I shook my head from side to side, no, in a slow motion, still dazed by his eyes, touch and scent.

He laughed his little amused laugh once again and simply said, "I'm here to make your dreams a reality Zerick."

Well thats end of chapter two. Thank you all fo the responses thus far. They are very much appreciated! Please feel free to continue to drop me an email and tell me what you think, whether its good or bad at twowaykid@hotmail.com. Sorry for all the typos and such, especially in in part one. I Submitted the wrong draft. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon.

Peace and Joy!

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