
By Barbie Sisy

Published on Jul 10, 2008


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Taylor- Part 2 By: Barbie Sisy

Here I am thinking of all that has happened within the last day and I can hardly believe it. No one has seen me in lingerie since my mom caught me when I was 12 and tanned my hide; I am falling for a girl who really isn't a girl but sure looks like one; 5 jacked off another persons dick while mine was planted in their ass; I kissed a guy even though I thought he was a girl. It felt like I should be more upset about all this but I wasn't. I had fantacies in the past about things like this but I never thought it would actually happen. When I returned to the bedroom Taylor was gone.

My first thought was'Here we go again'. Should I go check on her? Maybe she needed to freshen up also. If I was tired before, I was exhausted now and lay back down in the cool satin sheets. A short while later Taylor returned and curled up next to me. It felt great to have this beautiful girl, er guy, no girl laying there. I explained that I couldn't sleep on my back and she said that was fine.

As I rolled on my left side she followed me drapping her right arm over my waist. I don't know how long we were asleep but when I awoke I felt her fingers running over the lace of my nighty causing my nipples to stand erect. The sensation was tremendous and so I played like I was not awake yet. I opened my eyes to see the sun was well up in the sky as her hand drifted to my panties finding a hardening dick. I reached my right armaround her and pulled her soft body close to me.

I felt her breast touch my back and got shivers but at the same time I felt her dick slide down the outside of my panties. My mind raced as I thought she may want to slip my panties down and slide her dick in me. Other than her finger last night, nothing had ever been inserted into my ass and panic started to build to set in. She continued to run her fingers lightly over my dick while her hips glided back and forth across my panties. Instinctively my hand went over her ass which prompted her to pick up the pace. What was I doing? Was I ready for this? The thought of stopping didn't enter my head. Once again I was too wrapped up in Taylor.

Her hand easied my front waist band down and tucked it under my balls. My dick was so hard I felt the skin would peel off of it as her hand closed around it. Pre-cum coated her hand as it went from top to bottom. My hand worked desparately to gather her satin gown around her waist.

I could tell she had no panties on now and I realized why she had left earlier since her cum had covered her panties previously. As my hand moved past her ass, balls, finding her dick, she rested her leg on my theigh. My fingers circled around her and were quickly lubed by her as they matched her stroke for stroke. I briefly questioned what I was doing but really didn't care. My one driving concern was to make Taylor happy. her gasps told me she was getting ready to cum and before I knew what I was doing, I guided her dick to my ass and pulled my hand back to feel her dick through my panties as she moved between my cheeks down to my balls. I loved the feel of her dick in my panties even more when I felt her warmth being released up and down my crack. I shuttered and exploded as her hand continued her marvelous trip up and down my dick.

My panites and ass were soaked with her cum and I loved it. I rolled over to face her sliding my right arm under her and my left cupped her ass. Our dicks lay pressed together as my lips covered hers for a long passionate kiss. Tongues moving back and forth in a dance only they knew. Bodies falling into a similar rhythm, breath coming in gasps, my hand reaching for her strap to free her breasts. My lips trail down her neck and close around her waiting tit. As I suck it into my mouth my tongue tarts across her nipple and then starts a circular motion around it. Taylor eagerly gives me all I can take and our lower bodies grind into each other. Unfortunantly it is far too early for either of us to do anything else so after enjoying her breasts and kisses we collapse on our backs staring at the ceiling.

"What happens now?" Taylor asked.

"I'm kinda hungry." I replied.

"That's not what I meant." she said.

"I know. I suggest we take it one step at a time. I know that sounds clicheish but..."

"So you have no thoughts or feelings about what we do or where we are heading!"

"Taylor, you are the most beautiful girl I know."


"But you are judging me by your past relations and that's not fair if there is to be an us."

You're right, I know I am but I'm so use to reaching this point and having it end."

"Thanks for the confidence in me."

"OK, one step at a time."

"Can the first step be breakfast? I'm starving. You wore me out."

Laughing she rolls out of bed and heads for her room. She is right though, where do we go from here?

In a fantasy it's alright to have an imaginary on night stand with a, I wonder how she genders herself, anyway this is real life with a whole different set of circumstances. I go to the bathroom for a quick clean up and to brush my teeth. As i head for the kitchen I put my robe on. How cool is it to be in another house with a great looking girl and be wearing my lingerie. That has to be a major plus in this relationship.

"Coffee?' "No thanks, never touch the stuff but do you have any OJ?' "In the frig."

Passing her on the way to the frig, I kiss the top of the head.


"Cabinet on the left."

Taking a swallow of juice I watch her move around the kitchen. The silky fabric of her robe further accentuates her movements. She moves with grace and ease. I wonder if she will let me borrow her gown?

"Taylor, don't be mad at me when I ask this question. It is out of my stupidity and no other reason."

"My lawyer instincts say this is a biggie."

" Do you, are you...damn i can't think of how to phrase this."

She disappeared from the kitchen and I thought I had hurt her feeling, again. She returned a few seconds later, walked up to me and showed me her drivers license.

"I am a female. In my mind and according to the state."

"Yes you are." I placed my arms on her waist and kissed her.

"What are you?"

"Ouch! That was rather blunt and hurtful."

" I'll bet your license says male but you're standing in my kitchen wearing a nightgown and panties. At least I recognize what I am."

"Really? You may want to consider that statement again. You may know what you want to be but not you are."

"And what does that make you?"

"I thought it made me someone falling for you but I guess I was wrong. I'll see you later."

I placed the glass on the counter and headed for the bedroom. Changing out of my nighty tomy shorts, I was putting things into my bag when she walked in.

"I have some baggage to get rid of." she said.



"Taylor this is all new to me. Yes, I wear lingerie but it has nothing to do with my sexual preference.

This is confusing to me because I have only been with women but with you I found out I wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love with you even with your special surprize. You have really set me back and I have to re-think some things."

"Are you really falling in love with me?"


"I'm so sorry. I have a defencive mechanism that goes off to avoid being hurt again. Please stay."

She walked over, placed her arms around my neck and gently pulled my lips to hers. We stood locked in a kiss for some time as my anger drained away.

The rest of the morning was spent sitting on the back porch talking. The heat continued to rise and soon drove us back inside. We talked about when I started wearing lingerie and how her life changed when she made the decision she would be happier as a girl. She explained all she had gone through and how it had influenced her life. After having implants she had changed colleges fearing to return to her old one since she was no longer the person she had been when she enrolled.

She entered the new college as a female and had never looked back. I asked if she lived in a dorm thinking it would be very difficult to hide her dick for very long in that situation. She told that when her mom had passed away she received a large sum of money and was able to live off campus.

Her mom had been very supportive of her situation and wanted to make sure she would be able to live as she wanted. Taylor said she had not seen her father since the funeral for her mother.

Once when she was in Virginia for a case she had taken a weekend to visit her hometown and was very pleased none of her old friends could recognize her.

Asking if I wanted to get wet before the water temperature turned to bath water, I replied that I had no more clothes to get wet but I would sit on the side and watch her. After a few minutes she returned in a white bikini that did little to hide her breast. In her hand was a bikini bottom and she gave it to me with a sly grin. I headed to change and she fell in behind me.

"I'm capable of changing myself." I said.

"I hope so, I just want to see if you have panties on."

"Of course."

"I want to see for myself."

I could see I wasn't getting away so I took her hand and continued on. After removing my shirt, my shorts dropped to my ankles revealing my panties- red with black lace around the lags and waist. taylor must have noticed I was getting hard again because she walked over and gently ran her fingers over my dick.

"If you get much bigger I don't think you'll fit into those bottoms." She said as she lowered my panties. I stepped out of my panties and shorts and put on the bikini. They were a nice pair of nylon and lycra but she was right; I had a huge bulge showing.

The pool offered some relief from the heat. Since it was shallow we could sit in it without the water being over our heads. Our backs rested against the side, her head rested on my shoulder while my left arm held her close with my hand on her waist. I slipped my thumb under her bikini side and ran my fingers around her upper theigh.

Eyes sparkling she looked up at me and then rolled across me. My hand had pulled her bottoms down a little but she made no effort to adjust them as my hands crept up her sides. her lips were on mine as I undid her top and let it fall into the water. As I massaged her tits, her tongue danced further into my wanting mouth. I could swear the water temperature went up 10 degrees as our bodies pressed into one another. I moved her back slightly so i could kiss her full breasts. This also caused an increase in pressure on my crotch and I could feel the nylon and lycra stretch to cover my growing dick.I raised my theighs so she could rest on them so I could suck her tits. My tongue teased her nipples as I switched from one to the other. Taylors hand went down my inner theigh to stoke my dick. As I teased her arroused nipples her fingers ran up and down my bikini.

She finally freed me from my soft prison and then slid her bikini down so that she could hold my hard dick in her ass crack as she moved her hips up and down. My hand trailed down her stomach, waist and tickled the base of her dick and balls with my fingers.

"Here or back to bed?" she rasped.

"Here." As my hand ran up her shaft to her head and down again. With her bikini still on, it was difficult to stroke her nice dick so I covered her swollen member in her bottom and found it much easier to travel her full length. I felt her rise slightly to position my head in front of her waiting hole and then slowly ease her way back down. Inch by inch I felt my dick sink deeper into her. She was so tight; she makes me crazy. As her sweet ass continued riding my dick, my hand worked on hers. I expected the water to start bubbling at any second. My mouth and tongue were still busy enjoying her breasts. I wanted to kiss her but in this position it was not possible. I could feel my explosion building and prayed I wouldn't cum before she did. Holding her dick I felt it twitch in my hand and immediately released my cum deep in her ass as she shot her load in her bikini and pool. I felt her body relax and pulled her lips to mine. DamnI loved kissing her. We held our lips for several minutes and then she settled back on my legs.I looked at her blond hair, green eyes, full bare breasts and knew i was falling in love with her. I didn't know how that could happen because of her dick but if I was honest with myself I had to admit I was. Smart, pretty, no not pretty but beautiful. What's not to love. Mental hang up on my part, could I get past it?

By now it was late afternoon and I thought about the week ahead of me. I needed to go so I could get ready to hit the road first thing Monday. My trip would keep me out till Thursday and I realized I didn't want to leave her for that long.

" I have to go out of town for work next week but I'll be back Thursday. Would you like to have dinner then?"

"Sure. Call me when you get back and we can set something up then."

"I was hopinng to talk with you long before that."


"You really need to do something about that defense mechanism at least around me."

"I'll try, around you."

"Thanks." Kissing her.

"Taylor, I"

"Don't say anything right now. Just hold me."


The sun was sinking behind the horizon when Taylor and I parted. It was very difficult to leave her and since I didn't want to any excuse to put it off was very easy. Unfortunantly, reality set in and while I was driving past the spot I had originally met TaylorI had both good and bad thoughts running through my mind. She was the perfect girl- sweet, smart, pretty, I enjoyed being with her and was sorry to leave her- except she wasn't technically a girl. Could I get past this fact? What would I do if she wanted me to suck her off or wanted to fuck me? Well, if she thought of herself as a female, maybe she wouldn't. Too much to consider after just leaving her. I will be able to get a better handle in the morning. I felt my dick start to harden in my red panties just thinking about her. Damn I miss her.

Next: Chapter 3

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