Taylors Angel

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Apr 13, 1999


Taylor's Angel

Isn't it weird? Isn't it strange? Even though we're just two strangers on this runaway train. Trying to find our place in the sun. We lived in the shadows, but doesn't everyone? Isn't it strange how we all feel a little bit weird sometimes? No one can hear but you're screaming so loud. Seems like you're all alone in a faceless crowd Cause when you live in a cookie cutter world being different is a sin, but you don't stand out and you don't fit in. Weird.

("Weird" by Hanson)

These words come from a song that I often listen to. When I first heard the song, something inside of me cried out and has been crying ever since. It is only recently that I have begun to accept who I am. For some people this song has the same effect. It reminds us of who we are and how we feel. When I listen to this song now, however, it gives me hope. Hope that I'm not the only person going through some tough times in this world. Hope that maybe someday I'll find that stranger on this runaway train of life.

Now while this story is completely fictional, it deals with the fantasy of several people. Namely on Taylor Hanson. Once again this story is fictional, it in no way implies that Taylor Hanson is gay. As usual now is the time for all the legal stuff. If you're not of age then hit the back button right now. If you don't believe in this type of stuff then hit the back button now. But then again, if you stay and read it you just might be enlightened. Now sit back, read, and enjoy.


I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Angel Eden Lenoir. My mom and dad are very religious. When my mom got pregnant everyone considered it to be a miracle because she had always been told she wasn't capable. As soon as they found out they decided to name me Angel no matter what. Thus my fate for the first 16 years of my life was sealed.

I learned at an early age to defend myself. People thought that just because my name was Angel that I would be a pushover, so I had to learn how to deal with people. My elementary years I spent trying to please everyone around me, but the summer before seventh grade I hit a wild streak. I was constantly in trouble, ran wild, and was brought home by cops once a week. I nearly drove my parents crazy with my attitude. It didn't help matters when I decided to grow my hair out and start wearing the wildest things I could get my hands on. It was about this time that I really started to notice people around me. I soon realized that I was attracted to boys and a deep fear was placed in my heart. To keep anyone from ever figuring out my secret, I decided to become a jock. I lifted weights twice a day and ran a couple of miles a day. By the time school started back, I had grown to stand around six feet and weighed right around 160-170 pounds, most of which was muscle. This coupled with my blonde hair and deep brown eyes made me the desire of every girl around. It also made me more than my fair share of enemies. Then one day I met Taylor, and everything started to change.

I was walking home from school when I heard the yelling and screaming of a fight. Never being one to miss watching someone get their ass beat, I wandered over towards the fight. As I got closer though, I was shocked to see three older guys beating on kid about my age. Two of the older guys were holding him up while the third punched him repeatedly. Before I knew what I was doing I had joined the fight. As the third boy swung to hit the kid again, I caught his arm and threw him with a classic judo throw. As he got up and turned in my direction, I prepared to defend myself. Then as I saw whom it was that I had just thrown, I knew that I was fixing to get my ass kicked. Standing in front of me was my cousin Brian. "Shit!" I thought to myself, "I've done it now."

"Angel? What in the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded as he motioned for his friends to let the boy go.

"Gee, Brian. Three on one isn't very fair." I said sarcastically.

"Who is this fool?" one of Brian's friends asked.

"This is my cousin, Angel Lenoir and it looks like he wants to join the fun."

"Uh, did you say Angel? Sorry, but we got to go. We don't want to cause any trouble with him." The boys said as they ran off.

"Chickens," Brian yelled at their retreating backs.

"So Brian, you still want to go a couple of rounds with me?" I asked pleasantly.

"You're not worth my time," he said as he walked off.

"Maybe not, but at least I don't have to have my friends help me out in a fight." I taunted him as he walked off. A groan behind me quickly brought my attention elsewhere. "Hey dude, are you alright? Can you stand up?" I asked.

"I think so," replied the boy in a pain filled whisper.

As I helped him up, I got my first look at him. "He's kind of cute," I thought to myself. Aloud though I asked him if he wanted to come to my house to get cleaned up and call someone to pick him up.

"Sure, just give me a minute to catch my balance." He said as he tried to stand up on his. As he took a step, he lost his balance and nearly fell.

"Here lean on me and I'll get you there." I said as I caught him before he hit the ground. "You ready?"


"Okay, let's go." I said aloud. Inside thought I was turmoil of emotions. I was angry that anyone would want to hurt him. I was upset at myself for not getting there any quicker. I was surprised to feel a need to protect him from any other harm. "What's going on?" I thought, "Why am I feeling these things?"

As we reached the house I let us in. After finding a damp rag to wash his face off with, I left it with him to clean what parts he wanted. I went and picked up the first-aid kit from the bathroom and as I returned to the kitchen I brought the phone with me also.

"What's that for?" he asked motioning towards the first-aid kit.

"To help keep the bruising down," I said as I picked up some ointment from the kit. "It'll also keep those cuts from getting infected."

"Okay. Do you mind if I call my mom?"

"No, go right ahead."

I doctored his cuts and bruises as he talked to his mom. After finding out the address and directions to my house, he hung up and turned his attention back to me.

"Well I don't think anything's broken or that you need stitches." I said.


"No problem it's the least I could do."

"No, I meant about helping me out of the fight. Most people would have just left me there."

"Well I don't go for unfair fights. I usually try to help out people that need it."

"Yeah I've heard."


"You're Angel Lenoir right? Well word around town is that you never walk away from a fight and that if necessarily you're the first one to step in to help someone else out. It's also said that you can probably whoop anyone around here."

"Well I don't know about that. By the way what's your name?"

"Taylor. Taylor Hanson."

"You mean you're the Taylor Hanson? Wow man, I listen to your songs all of the time. I knew that you looked familiar for some reason. What are you doing back in town?"

"We're taking the summer off."

"That's cool. I think that's your mom," I said as a car pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah it is. Listen, would you like to have dinner with us? You know so that I can show my appreciation?"

"Sure I'd love too."

"Okay, I'll send someone to pick you up around 6:30. Here, here's my number. Call me if something comes up and you can't come. We'll reschedule if something happens."

"Okay, and thanks!"

"No, thank you." He said and then he was out the door.


As soon as my mom got home, I told her the story, minus a few details of course. When I told her that Taylor wanted to have supper with me, at first she didn't want to let me go. As I pushed and pushed though, she finally relented and agreed to let me. "Yes," I thought to myself as I ran up to my room. That afternoon I went through my closet. "What am I going to wear?" I asked myself. As I realized that I had nothing that I thought was good enough to wear to eat with Taylor, I panicked.

"Mom, I have to go to the mall." I yelled as I ran out the house.

Upon reaching the mall, I wondered how I would be able to afford anything, but then I remembered that I still had my dad's credit card. 45 minutes later, I had bought a new set of clothes. I had always wanted to have a complete Nike outfit, so I went with a Nike tee-shirt, a Nike hat, and even a new pair of Nike shoes. I was a little dismayed that they didn't have any Nike jeans, but I soon settled on a pair of slacks to wear. As I ran back to the house, I wondered how I was going to explain this one to my parents. "Oh, well." I thought, "I won't explain it at all."

I reached the house and quickly ran up to take a shower and change. As I stepped into the shower, I was pleasantly surprised to feel my dick start to rise. Without a thought, I took it in my hand and started to slowly stroke it. As I stroked myself to orgasm the only thought in my mind was Taylor's face. I was just finishing my shower, when my mom knocked on the door.

"Angel, there's a car out here and someone asking if you're ready."

"Shit," I thought to myself. "Be right out mom," I yelled aloud.

In a matter of 5 minutes I had dried myself off, dressed, brushed my teeth, and had even put on some cologne. As I ran down the steps, my mom stopped me short.

"Angel, have a good time and behave."

"I will mom."

"By the way, who are these people?"


"Well they sent a limo to pick you up!"

"A limo? I knew that Taylor said he'd pick me up, but I was expecting something less."

"Well have a good time, and I want you home by 10."

"Aww, mom. Can't I stay out until midnight?"

"Tell you what. You can stay out as late as Taylor is able to. I just want you home in time to get some sleep before school tomorrow."

"Thanks mom. I knew I could count on you."

"Well if I hadn't said yes, you would have done it anyway." My mom said wryly.

As I walked out the door, I saw that my mom had ever right to be impressed. This was a limo all right. I could easily have held me and about 10 of my friends. As the driver opened the door, I could tell that there was someone in the backseat.

"Well come on. Don't just stand there. Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, and mom hates it if I'm late." A familiar voice said.

"Taylor?" I asked as I got into the car.

"Yeah, who were you expecting? Santa Clause?"

"No, I just didn't expect you to be with the person to pick me up."

"Well, I couldn't leave you all alone in the backseat on the way to my house."

"Well I guess not, it would have gotten kind of lonely."

Before I could say another word though, Taylor had gotten up, leaned over, and kissed me. At first I was shocked, but then an old saying came to me. "You got to roll with the blows," I remembered my judo teacher telling me, and so I did. Now I'm sure that he wasn't talking about kissing, but here was the cutest guy on Earth and I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass. As I kissed him back for a couple of minutes, the only thing that ran through my mind was how right this felt.

"Whoa, what was that for," I asked as we finally came up for air.

"Well two reasons actually. Number 1, I wanted to. And Number 2, that's part of the thank-you for helping me out this afternoon."

"Just part of it? What's the other part?"

"I'll show you that after supper."

"Wow! I've just got to know though, how did you know that you could do that and get away with it?"

"Well to tell the truth, I didn't. I just wanted to so bad, that I couldn't sit there any longer."

As we sat there holding hands, each of us wandered away in our thoughts. "Oh man," I thought, "How could I get so lucky?" Then as we got closer to his home another thought struck me. "What if I do something wrong? What if I embarrass myself and he doesn't like me anymore?"

"Uh, Taylor, I've got to know something else. I hope that you don't mind me asking, but do your family know about you?"

"What, that I'm gay?"

"Well, yeah."

Taylor squirmed around in his seat for a minute. "Well, Ike and Zac know. At first they didn't want to accept it, but they're cool with it now. My parents I haven't told, but I think that they know. It's the way that they act around me. You know like they're waiting for me to tell them, but they're not going to bring it up."

"Okay. I was just wondering if I was going to have to let go of your hand while we were eating."

"Well, this time I'm going to have to say yes. However, I'll make up for it after dinner."

"There you go mentioning something about after dinner. Just what do you have planned for me?"

"Oh, nothing that you won't want."


Then we were pulling into his driveway. As we walked into the house, I was met by one of the biggest families that I had ever seen. As Taylor rattled off name after name, I knew that I would never be able to remember all of them, so I quit trying. After introductions, we went into the dining room. Set out on the table was a meal that a king would be proud of. It was like Thanksgiving all over again. The only exception is that instead of turkey, we were served steak. During dinner, the conversation turned to how Taylor and I had met.

"So I hear that you helped our son out," his mom said.

"Oh, it wasn't much. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time."

"Well from what Taylor said, he would be in worse shape if you hadn't come along. He also praised your medical skills."

"Well it was nothing. I took a community first-aid course and learned how to take care of injuries. It comes in handy."

"Oh really? What do you do?"

"He's into martial arts mom. It comes in handy after competitions." Taylor said before I could reply. "Right Angel?"

"Uh, yeah. Right."

As supper finished up, I helped Taylor put the dishes into the dishwater.

"So what are we going to do now," I asked as I handed plate after plate to him.

"Now we're going to spend some time in Camelot."

"You mean the arcade?"


"Okay, let's go."

An hour later, we were standing in the Camelot. It was nearly deserted due to the time. As we played game after game, I was surprised at how good he was. I knew that I was a good player, but Taylor was pulling off some moves that I had never seen.

"Where did you learn to play like this?"

"Well me and my brothers play all the time. It's the only thing that we can do on the road."


Before I could say another word though, I heard a scream. "There he is!" Before I knew what was happening, a crowd of screaming girls surrounded us. All of them were demanding autographs and were tearing at Taylor's shirt. "Get out of here," I yelled as I removed girl after girl as gently as I could from Taylor. As Taylor ran out of the door, I didn't expect to see him again. Finally I was able to break free from the mob and ran out of the mall. As I was walking away, a limo pulled up beside. The door opened and I heard Taylor's voice asking, "You coming?"

Next: Chapter 2

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