Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jun 12, 2022


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: After the Workout with John and the humiliation that came with it, Jay has now reached the relative privacy of his rooms

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately. So chapters will be more scarce but I'll try to keep them at least once a month.

--------Chapter 21---------------

I felt the white clothes clinging to my body as I quickly walked the less used way back to my room, the plug moving inside of me, even though I didn't really notice it anymore after 24 hours of almost constant stimulation by vibration and shocks, now that it was turned off. I looked down at me and noticed that the shirt was getting a little translucent as I walked back to my room. I sped up to avoid being seen by too many people and the few which were on my way almost ignored me. Some looked and shook their head. It seemed over the last week I was expected to go around – if not naked – then in skimpy clothing. I heard a few snickers, but otherwise it was relatively quiet. I reached my room, slipped in and closed the door again.

I leaned against the door and looked down on me. I was still wet and my nipples, breast and some of my muscles were showing through my white shirt. When I looked further down my eyes widened as I noticed that my crotch had gone translucent as well and the silver of the metal encapsulating my dick was clearly showing through the wet fabric. Hopefully, nobody had noticed. Quickly, I stripped and as I dropped my shorts and jock I fished my phone out of the pocket. When I looked at it, I noticed at there was only 1% battery left and I hurried and put it on the charger.

I took my wet clothes and put them on the heater to dry then grabbed a towel and dried myself, before I fell on the couch exhausted. When I turned the TV on, I realized that I felt happy. Even though John had just humiliated me, pissed on me, exposed me and rented me out to a stranger, I didn't really care or worry. I didn't even think about possible repercussions anymore. My sub-side was taking control of my life slowly but steadily and completely.

Chilling and watching a show, not really thinking I started playing with my balls, slapping them against the cage. I moaned a little, horny. I wanted to play with a dick, suck it, getting fucked by it. I closed my eyes, wetted my fingers and started to run them over my piss slit, hoping for a little release. Just as it started to feel good, suddenly the plug sent sparks through me again. I had totally forgotten about the plug. So I was caught by surprise and winced. But at the same time I felt the tip of my dick getting wet.

After the pain subsided I jumped up ran to my phone in the hope that John had sent me a message ordering me to serve him, but when I unlocked my phone I saw that it was from the unknown messenger who had made me run naked through the school. I gulped and opened it:

"Hey bitch! Good to have you back! Now I know why you're locked and showing that cage of yours off everywhere! You want to serve real men. In their rooms, in the gym, in the showers and locker-room. I bet you even tried to find a gloryhole to suck some fresh student's meat. But it's really hot how you just crawl and beg for cock, faggot."

Then another jolt hit me and a new message popped up. It was a video.

I pressed play and immediately held my breath. What came into view was the school's shower next to the locker room. I was on my knees in front of John in the middle of the room. Weirdly Johns face was pixelated – why would he do that? – but mine was clearly visible, as was my locked dick. John was still wearing his jeans down at his knees and my head was in his groin but every time he moved my head backwards, it was clearly visible and it was clear that I was blowing him. Then he pushed me back and said, in a voice which was clearly artificial:

"That's what you need, Mr B, isn't it: a big dick you can please. Well, you've got two holes. Present me the other one with your hands spreading your cheeks!"

You could see me grinning as I turned around and got on my knees and spread my cheeks bringing the plug into view. When John pulled it out you could see my gaping hole, just before he started to rail me. The video ended with me clearly saying:

"Please, fuck me, Sir."

I looked at the video in shock.

'Shit, someone else knows, but he only seems to be after me. He had pixelated John's face and changed his voice after all. What does he want, damn it... What do I do?'

I looked down on me thinking and saw my locked dick trying to stand up from the video pulsating in my cage. I had to confess to myself that the video had been hot: Me as a hungry cocksucker and John as my dom. This could have been a porn movie which I would love to jack off to (if I could). Then I turned back to my couch, sat down and held my head, thinking.

Should I tell John? No, that wouldn't be a good idea. He would just laugh and tell me that I should own being a cock craving faggot and serve this unknown dude as well. I started the video again in the hope of at least finding out where this guy had stood. While it played again those almost five minutes I started to shake my caged dick, slapping the balls on the cage, moaning silently, enjoying the view of me getting used by John. I wanted to play with myself so badly, but there was no chance. I quickly saved the video on my phone, then replied to the anonymous sender:

"What do you want? Who are you?"

I put the phone next to me, turned to the TV, but after only five minutes or so I took my phone again to watch the video. I wetted the finger of my right hand, and started to rub it over the piss slit and the glans as good as I could reach them. I started to moan slowly but desperate as I never had been able to achieve anything with that. I put my feet up the table in front of the couch and reached through my legs and felt the base of the plug. As the video was playing I pulled the plug out which went easily, then started to slowly fucking myself with the plug.

I put my phone to rest on my thighs so I could use both hands to play with me. But to no avail. I started to leak a little but I wasn't able to get closer. It felt so good pushing the plug in and out of my hole. Yet all it did was making me hornier. After two more replays of the video I stopped frustrated, pulling the plug out finally, breathing heavily and dropping the phone frustrated.

Then, I grabbed it again, looked for the app John had installed which controlled the plug. Maybe I could start it and have a little fun with it, maybe bringing me over the edge. But when I opened it all the options where locked and it was clear that this app just functioned as a receiver for instructions from another one. I tossed my phone away, sighed and turned my attention back to the TV.

The anonymous tormenter hadn't replied and I wondered if he'd ever do. I felt desperate, not only for rest but also for someone filling me again, using me. But I guessed this would not happen. So, I just watched TV with half an eye and otherwise just thought what would happen next. Deep down I hoped that I could get more of John's cock and I kind of hoped that the anonymous guy would also feed me his dick. I was getting so horny and sexual and all this sex and denial, all this humiliation and torment was making me the cock hungry faggot John claimed I had been from the beginning.

As nothing happened, I went to bed to get some rest after a long horny day, before the next one started. I closed my eyes frustrated and fell into a deep slumber. When my alarm rang, I felt better, rested but still horny. I looked down on me and saw that I had leaked overnight and a not so small wet spot had formed on my sheets. My dick was straining in its cage, while I was slowly waking up. I started moving on the mattress, slowly humping it to no avail. Then I got on all fours, grabbed the base ring of cage and futilely tried stroking movements but again there was no release. I groaned a little, then finally got up and into my bathroom where I looked down on me before I splashed my face with cold water and went to get some breakfast and teach.

Nothing happened until lunch when I spoke to Steven where we agreed to meet for dinner at 7 and then go outside to a restaurant not far off the campus. When I left the table to get back to my room I smiled. This seemed to be going to be a good day. John hadn't even messaged me, yet. I finished some work, naked, still leaking but not much concerned with the useless piece between my legs. At 6:30 I walked to my wardrobe to get dressed up. It just felt like the right thing to do. My tight-fitting black jeans, which I couldn't wear with underwear, a white short sleeve shirt. Both of them really accentuated my figure and I loved how I looked in the mirror. I was a little bit concerned that John hadn't contacted me and I wondered why, but those were thoughts for another day. Now, it was time for a nice evening with a friend.

Happy I walked to the entrance of the school where Steven was already waiting. When Steven noticed me a big grin came over his face.

"Wow. You really dressed up. Be careful or we will have desert before the main!"

He laughed but I felt that he was only partly joking. And I felt myself blushing a little as I looked at him. He had dressed up as well, wearing tighter jeans showing a big bulge hiding the big cock which I had experienced before. He wore a shirt as well, not as tight as mine but complimenting his figure.

"Well we can always go back to my room. I might have something to eat out.", I joked (also only partly) before I added, "You look really good as well. I really look forward to our dinner. It's been a while since I had a good meal with a friend."

I saw him wince a little, when I said 'friend' but he quickly recovered, then he slapped me at my back and said:

"Let's get going!"

It wasn't a long walk until we reached the restaurant, but we talked and joked about school and teaching and the weird and funny things that had happened to us. I enjoyed talking about normal things, not sex, domination or the like, and I grew increasingly fond of Steven and his kind and friendly nature. While I had been on good terms with him already before, we never had talked much apart from the usual small talk during lunch, dinner or the regular festivities of the school.

Time flew by as we talked during eating. Before dessert, he got up and I couldn't help watching his ass while he walked away. And I wondered if I could get anything going. But I was also concerned that this might get difficult later if it didn't work out, with the package I was carrying around with the whole John fiasco and the other person which was spying on me. But the thought alone made my cock react and I felt it straining. I adjusted myself a little bit, while waiting for him, and took another sip of the wine we had ordered. It was the second bottle already and I felt myself getting a little bit tipsy.

Just as I put the glass down and looked up Steven was coming back, walking in my direction. The outline of his dick was showing in his trousers and I couldn't help noticing every movement on the fabric with every step. As he arrived at the table and sat down I could no longer see it and as I looked up Steven grinned a knowing smile and his eyes had a spark in them. I guess he knew the impression he made on other people.

"So, Jay, how are you. Is it difficult, you know, not being able to play?", he asked. It was the first time he brought up the subject this evening. Up until now we had just talked about school, our lives and interests.

"It's just playing with myself, though. But yeah, it's not easy and I need some other release at least sometimes. So the party was quite nice and I really enjoyed being there. But it was also intense, even more so after you left."

"I really wonder how you do this. I have to take care of my little boy every morning and evening, or I wouldn't get through the day. Did you do this before?", He sounded really interested, not mocking.

"Well. It's not easy. When I was at university one of my boyfriends introduced me to chastity. He even bought this cage and got off on controlling me. It was fun then, but I was in a relationship then, so he took care of my urges when he thought it was time. It was difficult at the same time especially as he loved teasing me, edging me and locking me back up before I got a chance to cum. I was constantly horny. That's when I learned that I don't need to play with me to get over the edge. Regrettably, our relationship didn't last longer than six months and afterwards I rarely locked myself up. You need to be in a special mind-set and I rarely felt like it. I only took it when I thought I was playing too much with myself."

Briefly, I wondered why I told him all that – we weren't that close after all. But I wanted to tell, wanted to open up to him, to please his curiosity. I had already told him some anecdotes from my school life at the club. But I felt like explaining myself a little bit more.

"You see, when I was a horny teenager – I think I told you some of the stories when I was still at school – I kind of learned that delaying gratification – if you want to call it that – actually increased the joy I felt when I finally was allowed release. Did I tell you that the first time I had an anal orgasm when I hadn't jerked over an entire weekend? That seems silly now, in my age, as my sex drive has slowed down. But on the other hand, at the moment, my sex drive is just off the charts. I had forgotten what it was like not being able to control your own orgasms. And now I can't even do anything about that..."

I stopped. My voice had become quieter and quieter while I was talking. A bit out of embarrassment for my situation and partly because I didn't want to have all the tables be aware of the suddenly sexual nature of our conversation. But Steven just grinned at me sympathetically and said:

"Yeah, I bet. I never was the delayed gratification type. I bet you can tell. Ha. But I think I kind of get the idea. It's weird I never thought about it that way. I only felt that it was means for domination, for submitting someone. But yeah, of course the recipient would get something from it, and I always wondered what. Now I might get it at least partly."

"Well, submitting is a big part.", I hurried to agree, "And I think for a Dom it's the more important part. But for me personally I like both of it. Submitting without caring or having to care for myself but to care for my partner and get the fun out of that – and maybe later get off if I'm allowed."

We had just finished our second bottle and the dessert. And I looked down and the empty plate – as did he.

"That was really nice."

"Yeah, and now I'm stuffed. And I got something to think about. It is a really nice evening.", Steven said and rubbed over his belly before he rested back on the chair.

"It's so much fun being with you. Wish we had done this earlier. I mean we've been working together for quite some time. You've been here, when I started, haven't you?"

"Yes. Weird that we didn't. You were always so kind and friendly. But I always thought you wouldn't be interested, being all sportive and jockish, and me being a dorky geeky teacher. But maybe I should have tried harder."

"Thank you so much. I totally understand that. I think you won't believe me after you've seen me in the sling when I tell you, that I'm really on the shy side. But you should. I'm not really good at approaching people. I need people to talk to me, to get to know me. Well... better late than never."

"So true! What do you think. Wanna get back?"

"Nah. I really don't want to. It's too much fun. But I guess we need to. What do you think? Wanna grab a nightcap back at school? I've got just the thing from my last vacation. An Irish Whiskey. It's beautiful."

I saw one of Steven's eyebrows jumping up briefly when I invited him to my rooms. It went down quickly and an even broader smile showed.

"Sure? Sure! Let's get the check and then get back."

When his brow got up, a weird thought crept into the back of my mind but was quickly drowned by the alcohol I had drunk already. So we paid and walked back to the school. During the walk I felt that I had drunk maybe a little bit too much and I staggered once. Steven noticed and reached around my waist to support me and he pulled me too him. I reached up and stabilized myself on his shoulder.

"Whoa, be careful!", he said.

We walked like this until we reached the portal of the school yard, where we unwillingly untangled ourselfs, before we walked up to my room. I opened its door and we entered. Out of pure habit and without thinking I started to strip, pulled my shirt over my head and just as I reached for the top bottom of my fly I noticed the wide open eyes of Steven and realized what I was doing. I felt myself blushing embarrassed. I had become so submissive to John that I automatically did what he ordered me to do without thinking.

"Oh, sorry. I'm so used to getting comfy when I come here. And I'm drunk so I didn't think and just did as we entered. Do you mind?" I asked as I didn't feel like putting the shirt back on. Steven eyebrows went up, now clearly visible and he pulled his head back not without glancing along my naked upper body. After a few moments he answered:

"You want me to leave?"

I gulped. Had I offended him? Did he think I just invited him to hook up? Well maybe I did but not really consciously. I had just wanted to prolong the nice evening.

"No! Please! I'm sorry! Please! The whiskey's really nice. Please, let us share one glass to round off this really nice evening!", I almost pleaded and hurried into my room to get the bottle. As I turned around proudly presenting it, I saw Steven still standing in the door frame obviously thinking. He stared at me.

"Please. I don't want the evening to end like that just because I'm stupid! This wasn't meant to hit on you or to offend you. I just didn't think."

Finally, he grinned, looked me up and down and started to laugh, regaining his composure and friendly nature.

"Sure. Why not. You really want to pour me a glass, don't you? I think you want to bring it to me while I'm on the couch, don't you?" He said with a suggestive undertone and walked forward. His attitude had changed further but I couldn't really grasp in which direction. I was just happy that I hadn't ruined our evening, so I grabbed two glasses and poured ourselves some.

"Sure, sure. Thank you!"

As I walked back and around the couch I stopped immediately as I looked at him. Steven had opened his shirt and pulled it out of his trousers. His bulge also seemed even bigger than before. He had made himself comfortable, manspreading in the middle of the couch, his arms resting on the backrest.

"You don't mind that I made myself comfortable, do you? Now let me taste this praised whiskey."

I stumbled forward and brought him his whiskey, we toasted and drank. I was still standing next to him, enjoying my whiskey but also anxious of what he would say. As I put it down I looked at him expectantly. I couldn't help but looking at his hairy chest, my eyes tracing further down at his belly button even further down on his crotch where I could bet I saw the outline of dick twitching a little as he took a sip. I noticed his hand moving and he said:

"Wow! You were right. That is beautiful! Hmm ... Jay? Jay! My eyes are up here!"

"Yeah ... Yeah! Sorry! Glad you liked it!" I answered getting my eyes up. As I looked up in his eyes I felt that they were demanding now. He was demanding now, that I obliged!

"You like what you see, don't you?"

"Y ... Y ... Yeah. I do, I thought I told you already. I'm sorry for staring, but you know ..." And I pointed down on my crotch.

"You want it as well, you want what I have to offer between my legs, don't you?", he asked. His voice was getting demanding, suggestive, not really asking questions but already implying the answer he expected. And he reached with one hand between his legs and readjusted himself, while my eyes followed his hands, now almost in trance from his voice. I wasn't sure what was happening with me but I felt my primal mind take over.

"I think you want to finish what you started at the door first though. You want to show your body off to me, don't you?"

I stared at him, at first unsure what he wanted. How the entire atmosphere of the evening had changed in a glimpse but his soothing voice, the suggestive undertone almost automatically guided my hands to the fly of my jeans and before I could stop my mouth formed the words:

"Yes, Sir!"

And I, quickly, obliged with his question, opened the fly and pulled my jeans down exposing my bare locked dick and quickly slipped out of them now completely naked in front of Steven. A happy smile had shown on his face just as I had spoken and was getting broader as I presented myself to him.

"Well done. You look gorgeous! You feel so much more comfortable naked, don't you? Deep down you want to present yourself and be a good boy to a man, don't you? Don't you want to come here and please me, sucking me? Want to crawl to me, as a good boy should? Go ahead and do what you really want to."

I smiled as well as I slowly sank to my knees. He was right: that was what I wanted, that was what I was. My submissive mind had taken over again. This time not by force but with suggestive probing and an almost hypnotic voice and maybe me being drunk. But I felt happy almost complete as I started to crawl in Steven's direction. He had spread his legs even more so I fit easily between them. Just as I reached his crotch I looked up, on his soft hairy body into a kind face which looked down pleased at me. His shirt framed his pecs and stomach, as his hands were crossed behind his head. He nodded at his crotch clearly indicating what he wanted me to do. I reached for it, opened the button and then the fly. His dick already pressed against the fabric. He wasn't wearing underwear as well, as I slowly pulled the trousers down.

His big fat dick sprang out and flopped on his belly, pulsating a little. He pushed his ass a little bit up, as I pulled the trousers down to his ankles. His balls were swinging slowly between his thighs, hanging deep and heavy, framed by a dark bush of pubic hair. I liked my lips, but before I moved forward I looked up, waiting for him to tell me whether I should.

"Go ahead, that's what you want, what you need, boy, isn't it?"

"Yes, Sir." I answered and dove into his crotch, smelling him, a little bit of sweat and manly odour, the soft skin of his ball sack on my chin, the firmer skin of his dick along my cheeks extending above my face and hair. I slowly moved my head up, taking the thick shaft between my lips and moving my tongue along the underside until I reached the glans. I kissed it. I took the shaft in my right hand and pulled it up so I could run my tongue along the border of the glans before I took it in my mouth. It was huge and it almost wouldn't fit. My breath made him shudder and moan a little.

I used my lips and tongue to play with the glans and piss slit guiding it out of my mouth and in giving just the glans a blowjob and preparing myself for taking it in deeper. But before that I let it go again. I ran my tongue along his navel and into it and even further up to his nipples on which I suckled a little bit, while I rubbed my chest on his dick which had become almost as big as my arm. Pressing against my skin. He moaned and after I had played with both of them I looked up. He had moved his head backwards almost looking up, his head still supported by his hands. As I stopped pleasing his nipples he looked down to me, grinned then used his hands to push me back down all while saying:

"You're such a good boy. That's what you wanted to do the entire evening, didn't you? Go ahead and swallow my dick as much and deep as you can! Show me what a cocksucker you are! It takes some training to take it all. But I think you wanna try, boy! Come on!"

I smiled back, slowly nodding then again looking back down on his mast. I took it in my hand. It was so thick now that my fingertips wouldn't even be able to touch each other and slowly eased myself on the dick. He still held my head, didn't push or pull me closer to his groin but also not letting me go back as I slowly pushed down. After only about half of the shaft I felt the tip on the back of mouth already and I started to gag a little. It was so thick that I had to open my mouth completely and my jaw was almost locked in place as I struggled to get more in. And that was what I wanted. His scent, feeling his body had reminded me how much I loved feeling dick inside of me. It had also awoken my competitiveness. I wanted to take him entirely even though I knew that this would be difficult.

Steven let me adjust to his size and I reached under his thighs to get some lever to push myself further onto his pole. Slowly I continued and as I did I heard Steven moan. The tip slowly pushed behind my uvula and into my throat which it filled completely. I impaled myself deeper and deeper but after four fifths of his dick I started to really struggle. Steven noticed it and told me:

"Come on, you're almost there, you're gonna make it!"

Reinvigorated I started to push my head further but there was no way. As the shaft filled myself completely I also started to get a little lightheaded struggling to get more air. I wanted to pull up but Steven held me in place. Murmuring "Shh...Shh" as he noticed me struggling. At the same time he pushed his hips up against my head sliding in the last few centimetres until my nose was pressed against his thick bush of pubic hair and my lips touched his skin.

"Oh god, That's it! That's amazing!" I heard him moan faintly as he filled me completely and I started to struggle as I was running out of air feeling really lightheaded. He must have noticed as he sat back down and allowed me to move my head a little backwards, letting maybe half of his dick out to allow me to breath in through my nose. But only shortly as he pushed my head back down on him now guiding it along his shaft.

"You've got such a perfect mouth. Almost no one can take my dick completely and I love a good throatfuck! That is what you are made for!"

He had stopped again with him completely inside of me as he said that. His thighs were pressing on my arms still under them. I was completely locked in place, before again he lowered his hips to let me breathe. Rhythmically he started to fuck my throat slowly just holding my head in place and only retracting his hips so far that I could catch little air. I was still lightheaded from the lack of oxygen, but he skilfully made sure that I wouldn't black out. I was completely at his mercy and I loved it. I was in a tunnel of eagerness and willingness with my eyes closed and all that mattered was his dick. I don't know how long he slowly used my throat, but suddenly he stopped and I felt him move under me straightening himself on my couch while he pulled my head off his dick. I groaned when it left my lips and I looked up at him demanding more.

He had moved his head forward and his face was directly in front of mine as I opened my eyes. He was smiling and before I could say anything he pushed his tongue in my mouth. He swirled inside as his tongue explored the regions just vacated by his dick. It was an intense kiss which felt so good and made me moan as I responded in kind. When his tongue left me he told me:

"You're so skilled and cock-hungry, focussing only on the task in front of you. Come on get up on my lap. My dick should be wet enough for you!"

I knew what he wanted and as I looked up to him, smiling as well, I said:

"Yes, Sir! I want to feel your cock deep inside my hole as you plow me!"

I freed my hands and slowly got up, still a little tipsy from the alcohol and the lack of oxygen, but before long I was kneeling on the couch with both legs next to his and my locked dick pressing against his stomach. As I dove in for another kiss, which he passionately returned, I reached behind and down for his dick. It was rock hard, wet and slippery from my saliva. I guided it to my hole and as I felt the tip poking against it as I slowly lowered myself on it.

Even though my ass had endured more dick in the last three days than in months maybe even years before that, I felt the thick glans and shaft of Steven as it slowly opened my sphincter again. It even hurt a little as his dick tore me open. I started to breathe heavily and as Steven noticed it, he started to kiss me even harder as his hands moved to my ass cheeks pulling then apart to ease him entering. Slowly his glans pushed in and I knew I wouldn't have been able to take it if it weren't for the last three days and the constant use of the plug. Thankfully, I had also wetted the shaft sufficiently and I felt that my ass was becoming slippery as well. His kiss distracted me as the broadest part of the glans pushed through. Not that the rest of his shaft was much smaller. Slowly I impaled myself further and further as I finally felt full and whole again. I needed that dick inside of me. I wanted that dick inside of me. It brushed along my prostate pushing in deeper and deeper until I thought I wouldn't be able to take more. Just then I felt my ass cheeks touching his thighs and I pushed for the last inch. Finally, I was sitting on his lap his dick inside of me.

I was breathing heavily, happily as we loosened the kiss and I finally looked him in the eyes again. His face was pure ecstasy, his mouth open, his eyes closed as he was also breathing heavily, moaning each time he exhaled. As I had adjusted I moved my hands on the back of the couch to stabilize myself as I slowly started to move up again. At first with only small movements I began to fuck myself on his dick but they became bigger and bigger. I didn't hurry but wanted to enjoy his dick inside of me, prolonging the time until he shot as much as possible. He moaned all the while, not opening his eyes before he muttered:

"Yes, Jay, go on. Ride me, ride that big dick!"

He grabbed my hips, moving them around a little while I continued my up and down movement. Each time his dick rubbed my prostate and I felt myself leaking against his stomach. I wanted to feel him deeper so I moved my hands from behind his head onto his knees arching myself backwards allowing even more of his dick pushing inside of me. He used the opportunity to move his hands along my sides up to my nipples, which he started to work while I slowly sped up now moving my hips wavelike up and down his impressive shaft, which made me feel so good. He twisted and turned them both between his fingers and nails and I started to moan loudly from the pleasure and pain he was providing me. He was starting to moan louder as well, getting closer. I tried to press my ass together to provide even more friction when suddenly he screamed out:

"Oh god, Jay. I'm cumming. I'm cumming! Take it all!"

With that he let go of my nipples and grabbed my hips again pulling me completely on him. His breast was moving heavily as I felt the waves of his cum pulsating through his shaft and shooting into me. He had closed his eyes again as the waves of his orgasm washed over him enjoying every movement every rope, while he locked me in place on his pole which still stood hard and heavy in my ass.

As he had regained some strength back he started to grind my ass again and moved his head on my nipples. He started to kiss them, them biting them as the last drops shot out of his dick. I threw my head back enjoying the treatment of my sensitive nipples. Even though I had not been even close to cumming it had felt so good pleasing him that I didn't even need the orgasm. Suddenly Steven stopped and as I looked at him he grinned and said:

"Wow. You're such a hot boy! Not many are able to take me like that! I wish I had known this earlier!"

--------------End Chapter 21------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 22

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