Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Oct 29, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events are purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) or follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB).

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Summary (last Chapter): John had invited a few of his classmates, team members and even a few of the Volleyball players. After some light spanking and humiliation the jocks start to have fun with both Jay and André...

On a personal note, I'm relatively slow at writing right now due to stress at work and privately.

-------------------------Chapter 30-------------------------------------

Finally, the first loads of the night had been dropped inside of me after Huy and John had just used me for warm-up during our private session before. Nils and Michael had shot their wads quickly, but I felt so happy that I had been able make two boys cum inside of me. Nils body was shaking while he shot. I enjoyed the pulsing shaft shooting the sweet liquid down my throat as he pressed me on his dick. The student moaned and tried to push his dick even deeper while his orgasm slowly subsided.

After a couple of seconds, Nils let go of my head and fell back onto the bed. I slowly pushed my head up and the quickly softening dick fell out of my mouth and onto his stomach. At the same time, Michael pulled out and exclaimed:

"That was what I needed! A fast fuck to release some pressure. And your pussy is just right for that. Now, turn around and clean my dick and show me how much you love it."

I didn't think. I just did as I was told, and I tasted the remnants of the load that had just been deposited in me. When Michael stood up and pulled out, Omar called me over, and I crawled there. Immediately, I started to suck him again. I tried to fit his huge prick completely in my mouth, longing to feel full again. It barely fit, and I needed a few tries before I finally felt it opening my throat again. Just as I pushed down on it the second time, he told me:

"I like your mouth bitch, but its time you experience a real dick deep inside your pussy! Get up here and ride this big pole!"

When I heard that, I couldn't help myself but groan with the big dick still deep in my mouth. I pushed myself up to look at Omar through the fabric of the mask. I was full of desire, and I quickly crawled up John's bed and positioned myself above the monster Omar called his dick. Before I could lower myself, he grabbed my hips though and said:

"Tell me what you want! Ask for it! Beg for it!"

Without thinking I answered:

"Please, Omar, let me sit on your dick! Let me ride it!"

Just as those words escaped my mouth, I realised that he – they – might recognize my voice. But now it was too late, my horniness had gotten the better of me. When I looked down at the jock, he seemed to hesitate for a second, but soon grinned:

"Haha, well done. I know you want it bad. Go ahead and lower yourself and let my little, big boy open you up."

He let go of my hips, and I reached down to aim his dick at my hole. As I felt the tip on my sphincter, feeling it slowly pushing into my pussy, I started to moan as he opened me up. Even though he was really big, it didn't hurt as I lowered myself onto his cock, but I felt stretched out anyway. As I slowly pushed myself deeper on his dick, I wondered how long it would go on. When I finally felt his hipbones on my ass, it felt liked he had filled me up completely. But he wasn't done. He grabbed my hips and thrust himself up even deeper into me, making me gasp and groan. He pushed me up before pulling my hips down again, filling me completely again. Again, I moaned and fell over and had to support myself on his chest. My breathing had become shorter with the dick hitting all those places only a big dick can.

While he pushed me up, he grabbed my head and, to my surprise, he pulled it toward his and, as I got impaled by his big tool, he also pushed his tongue into my mouth for a deep kiss. I never expected that kind of tenderness so, happily, I responded in kind and kissed him back. I could tell that he was no novice as his tongue explored my mouth while he ground his cock in my ass. He paused his rutting, so I slowly moved myself up and down his dick while still kissing him deeply. He bit my lips lightly as he pulled back. He was breathing heavily, and I looked into his eyes before he pulled me down onto his lips again for another deep kiss while I slowly rode him.

This tenderness while being completely filled felt so good after all the disappointments and problems of the last couple of days. I enjoyed it and felt at least some of the heavy burdens on my shoulder fall off. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that someone had moved on the bed behind Omar. I only noticed it, when I heard Felix say:

"Come on Omar. You need to share!"

A hand reached for my head and pulled me up slowly. I moaned as my lips left Omar's. As I opened my eyes, I could see that someone – most probably Felix was kneeling right behind Omar's head, his dick pointing up. It was a really nice, stiff, maybe 8'' cock, cut, with a throbbing red mushroom glans on a thick shaft framed by thick black curly pubic hair that ran up the boy's sixpack. His balls were big and hairy and really close to his cock. Both of them seemed wet, almost glistening. It looked so juicy that I forgot all about the kiss and just wanted to play with the offered teenage dick. I moaned again, stretching myself a little bit to reach it with my mouth. Just as my lips touched the wet glans, Omar started to fuck me a little bit harder, making sure to push his monster all the way in each time and pulling about half his cock out on each stroke. Surprised, I moaned again and looked up to see Felix's face and body. He was resting against the wall of the room.

"That's it faggot. That's what you want, isn't it? Pleasing teenagers and being a whore for us. Come on and show us how greedy you are!"

With that, he let go of my head and, with another thrust by Omar, I went down on his cock, taking it in completely on the first try. Felix' mouth let out a surprised gasp when he felt the tip of his dick hitting my throat. Then he laughed and said:

"That's it, greedy little guy! Take it all!"

Then, I pulled up again and started to work the glans with my lips and using my tongue to play with the piss slit. I moved my lips below the shaft and along it until I reached the balls with which I started to play a little. As my tongue ran along his skin could taste something salty. It tasted good and I wondered if it was smeared pre-cum. Just as I got my tongue up and opened my mouth to take the entire dick again Felix pushed my head down on him entirely.

"Do you like the taste of my dick and my boyfriend? He loved getting me and John hard, so I hope you enjoy his work!"

Felix pushed his hips up to go even further down my throat. Omar was still fucking me slowly but deeply. After a few seconds I felt that I needed to gag being impaled from both sides and I started to buck a little. Felix let go of my head a little so I could retract a bit just to push me on his dick again. Omar was moaning as my ass was twitching massaging his dick even more. Then Felix started to fuck my mouth slowly keeping my head in place and just moving his hips up and down. Each time he pushed in as deep as he could. After 10 thrusts or so he stopped again and said:

"Chris, do you remember what you always wanted to do? I think your chance might be right now. Get over I think he's really eager. You will love it!"

I wondered shortly what Felix meant with that but soon I had to concentrate on his pole again as he started to use my mouth again. Suddenly, I felt a hand running down my spine, then a soft slap on a cheek. Someone kissed the skin between my shoulders then ran his tongue down while his hands were kneading my cheeks. Then I heard Chris:

"He has such a nice firm ass. And he seems to be quite open thanks to your monster, Omar. Do you think there is space for one more?"

My eyes flew wide open as I heard this and I almost missed Omar's answer who was already breathing heavier:

"Well... go on and give it a try! Let's see if we can open him up even more! I'd love to feel your dick right next to mine."

I wanted to struggle, to say something. I felt so full already just from the thick, big cock already penetrating my insides. But at the same time I couldn't, wouldn't as I was curious as well if I could take it. And I wanted to be filled even more. Then a glob of spit hit my lower back just above the ass crack. When a firm tip was slapped against the crack smearing the fluid a little bit before the not too big glans of an obviously uncut dick was run between my cheeks until it I heard it slapping against Omar's while I felt a wet tip touching my rosebud. Now, Felix was getting up a bit pushing his dick a little deeper – but not completely in. Then I felt his hands on my cheeks pulling them apart even further and making me completely sandwiched in between the three boys.

"I want to see it when you rip him open!", the jock exclaimed while I groaned into his dick. Omar had stopped fucking me and was only half inside waiting for Chris' dick to join his.

Then I felt it. A soft probing, then a push and my sphincter was pushed open even more. At first I thought I would be able to handle it but when the pressure didn't stop and increased even more I almost screamed, muffled by the dick in my mouth. And Chris didn't stop. Instead he moaned "How tight" and continued to slowly push. When I thought I couldn't handle it anymore the pain lessened as the glans was completely inside. He pushed in deeper and deeper until the hands left my cheeks to be replaced by the hipbones of my player.

"Holy shit! That's great... so... tight ... and ... I can feel ... your shaft ... rubbing against mine.", Chris said, almost out of breath. This one push must have brought him close already. Then I heard Felix moving further a bit and then the unmistaken sound of two guys kissing filled the air as I was still trying to adjust to the two big dicks inside of me. When they stopped Felix leaned back again, took my head in his hands and pushed himself into me completely. At the same time Omar had grabbed my hips and had slowly pushed himself in completely again.

"That's so hot!", said Felix, "I could feel his body resisting at first but after the first inch he just relaxed and let you rip him open. And now he is filled with our three cocks completely ready to be used by us."

While he was talking I felt myself just short of gagging. Yet to my own surprise it felt great having those three dicks deep inside of me as I was able to adjust right now.

"Yeah... I ... never been ... so close ... just by pushing my dick ... into a hole. I don't ... dare to move ..." Chris laughed out of breath.

As none of jocks moved I had a little time adjusting myself and getting used to the big dicks buried deep inside of me. I felt so full, yet good at the same time, feeling their sweaty skin pressed against mine, one cock rubbing my prostate, one in my throat and my ass stretched by one more, it felt so good I started to moan. Trying to do that I realized my throat was so full I couldn't even do that and I felt my throat contracting. Felix noticed this when my body started to cramp and let me push off a little so I could breathe.

"Do you remember the second part of what you told me you always wanted to do?", Felix asked after a few seconds of them resting inside of me. I had felt Chris' breathing slowing yet all he could muster was a "hm?" as an answer.

"You know the part that you always wanted to be sandwiched between two hard bodies, fucking and getting fucked at the same time."

"Hmm. Yeah! Now?"

"Yes, while you were getting us hard, I whispered with John, and he said he'd love to feel your tight ass gripped around his shaft."

Then I felt Felix move, a bit as he grabbed his boyfriends head.

"Look at me. I want to see your face when he pushes himself in. And don't worry. I told him how you love it!"

"Oh my god. I'm not sure if I can take it riiiiiiiiiight ... ahhhhhhhhhh..."

Chris was pushed closer as John pushed his dick inside in – what I guessed was one move. My team-member started to breathe harder again and I felt him cramp a little bit as the monster John was packing pushed through his sphincter and deep into his ass. At the same time I could hear a kiss starting as Felix muffled Chris' moans as he felt himself getting ripped open by the jock whose dick had been a source of constant pleasure and pain for me as well. As the kiss ended Felix moved his upper body back and Chris fell on my back. I could feel his breast moving heavily while he tried his best to not shoot that second.

"Please ... ahhh ... please ... holy shit. I'm ... Wow!" Chris stuttered while he tried to catch a breath. John didn't seem to move, waiting for the other jock to recover. Felix though was tired of waiting. He grabbed my head, holding it in place and started to slowly fuck my face. Each time he pushed in completely opening my throat and pushing his pubic hair in my nose. He didn't move fast; just pushed in and then pulled halfway out slow and steady.

Yet, his length took much of my attention, so I was surprised when suddenly Omar started to move as well fucking me, pulling out then pushing back in, stretching my hole even more. I exhaled a bit, moaning into the cock in my mouth. When Chris felt the Arab's cock rubbing against his, moving inside my hole, he moaned as well and his breath which head steadied a little got faster again. I guess John took the movement of Omar as an excuse, because I felt Chris pushed against my ass again and him moaning as John seemed to have started fucking for real now.

Chris didn't move, probably still afraid to blow his load. But after a while of him getting fucked hard by John - as far as I could feel and hear from the slaps of skin against skin - he had gotten used to the constant fuck and started to rhythmically move his hips against me and John. Feeling all three dicks move inside of me I was in heaven when suddenly I felt lips against my breast and a tongue running slowly up my rib cage directly to my nipples. When I felt a kiss on my left nipple I groaned louder. Felix used this as an excuse to start to fuck my face even harder. Felix moaned as well and I could feel him breathing no longer as steady as before. I could feel Omar breathing against my skin, while he kissed my nipple again and took it between his lips and pulled a bit before he started to carefully almost chew on it with his teeth. He grunted a bit as he quickened his pace fucking me which in turn prompted Chris to moan louder. While this happened the blond boy got up a little no longer resting on my back but instead supporting himself with his arms (I guessed), when I heard John:

"Do you like this Chris, fucking a whore together with a friend while feeling a big dick inside of you and having your nipples played with!"

All I could hear was a moan in response to the jock's question, when suddenly I felt Chris getting faster and moaning louder and louder. He almost screamed:

"Please... Fuck... I'm cumming... Ahh..."

And with one last push I felt a pulsating cock shooting his load. At the same time Omar intensified his efforts now using his hand to play with my other nipple twisting and turning it, while he as well fucked me harder. Suddenly, I felt my dick spasming, squirting a load up Omar's abs between our bodies. I hadn't even noticed that I had been so close when my locked dick released his seed. But I moaned louder and must even have moved as this brought Omar over the edge only moments after Chris' load had filled my insides. Both of them were moaning loudly as they shot their loads inside of me. Chris collapsed on my back breathing heavily while Omar was still pumping his hips and dick making me milk every last drop out of him.

I could hear John's skin slapping against Chris' ass. He was now fucking him hard and fast.

"You've got such a tight ass, Chris! Come on milk me! Milk my cock!", he screamed while Chris was moaning loudly into my heard with each thrust while his orgasm was slowly ebbing down. I could hear him moan into my ears:

"Fuck!" ... "That's so good!" ... "Please... harder!"

And John didn't disappoint he started to fuck even harder. I could hear the slaps of skin on skin getting louder. Felix had also started to fuck my throat faster now. I was struggling to keep up with him and breathe. I felt spit running out of the corner of my mouth as each time he pressed his pubes into my nose and his dick deep down my throat. Yet he didn't seem to get much closer or at least I couldn't notice him moaning more. Suddenly, with one last and really hard and loud slap John stopped. I heard him breathe heavily.

"Take my load! Fuck! Yeah!" and with that John fell on Chris' back, both of the boys now resting on me. Recovering from their orgasm. Even Omar had stopped for now and only Felix was still fucking my face but he had slowed down again and while he was still pushing in completely each time, he was no longer hammering me as before.

"Can I... suck ... your cock clean?" Chris asked after a while when he had recovered a bit. I heard a kiss behind me, as John must have planted it on the boy's neck.

"I'd love you to!", John replied and I heard movement as the pressure on my back lessened. Not much later Chris pushed himself up as well and pulled out of me. An audible moan escaped my mouth and into Felix groin as my hole could close a little bit. But just as Chris had left Felix pulled me off his dick by my hair which he had grabbed through the mask and moved my head so I could see his. "You want my load as well, bitch?"

Looking at his body, which was a little sweaty, his abs clearly visible, his big dick point towards me and his face demanding just one answer, all I could do is moan and nod my head: `Yes'. With the moan a quiet "Please" escaped my lips as well and Felix laughed. He let go of my head and to my surprise didn't push his dick back into my mouth but instead stood up and moved from the bed. Before I could realise what was happening, Omar's hand moved behind my head and pulled it down to him. And he started again what Felix had interrupted before and he pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a passionate kiss full of flavour as he enjoyed his post orgasm. His dick was still buried deep inside of me even if it must have gone at least a little bit soft by now.

While we were still kissing I felt another dick pushing into my back entrance, which was still occupied by Omar. The Arab jock, grabbed me with his other hand as well when he noticed that I tried to escape the pressure at my hole and steadied me and at the same time intensified the kiss. The pressure didn't relent as Felix grabbed my hips and just pushed and pushed. I could feel my already strained hole slowly opening up again as another big dick was pushed inside. I almost screamed when his glans pushed through my sphincter. He opened me up more than Chris had. His dick was bigger and thicker. And he didn't let me adjust. He pushed in an in until I could feel his hip slam against my ass. Then he pulled out again almost completely and started to hammer me as hard as he could.

Omar had finished kissing me and my head was now resting on the bed right next to him. I was whimpering and moaning at the same time feeling so completely ripped open as never before.

"Shhh. Good boy! I know you can take the both of us! Just relax and enjoy our big dicks inside of you! That's your purpose! Pleasing men with big dicks!", the Arab boy who normally would have to do as I told him whispered into my ear. While he slowly ran his hand along my spine to my ass and pulled the cheeks apart. Felix had fastened his pace again and was now slapping really hard against my skin.

"Take my load bitch!" He almost screamed, hammering me as hard as he could and I felt his dick pulsating and shooting his load deep into me. Now, he was breathing heavily as well and after a last hard thrust he had to support himself on me.

"Wow! ... That ... was ... intense!", Felix said after a while, still exhausted. "What a great ass and mouth to play with!"

"Yes, he's a great toy to play with. I loved feeling your cocks slide along mine, it made it feel even tighter.", Omar replied, before he gave me another kiss.

"You really love to enjoy the guys you're playing with, don't you?", Felix asked laughing when he saw the Arab boy pushing his tongue into my mouth. Then he pulled out, slowly and again I groaned into the kiss as my sphincter could relax a bit. When he fell on the bed right next to Omar, he said:

"I need a break now! And something to drink!"

"Make the fag get it!", John chimed in.

"That's a great idea, I want something as well! I think it's time to get off of my dick!", Omar said as he pushed me up. I looked at him, still in a gaze, before I realized that they meant me. Yet I didn't want to be empty again.

"Whoah, Omar, I think the fag creamed on you while we were using him. Look at all this ooze on your abs and on his.", Felix said, when I was upright, with the Arab's dick still inside of me. I had noticed me squirting but realizing now how much it had been, I felt a bit ashamed as this was something, John didn't want me to do. "I think he will have much cleaning to do after he brought us our beers.", Chris said as he fell on the other side of Omar where Nils had left. As I made no real move to get off of Omar he grabbed my ass and pulled me up until his dick flopped out of my ass. I moaned as I felt the lips trying to contract but not really being able to. I almost fell over and had to support myself on the bed to not fall over. Now, I felt the exhaustion of the multiple cocks I had just served. When I still made no effort to get up and grab the beers, Omar slapped my ass and said: "Come on, if you hurry you can suck us clean and feel our dicks again!"

Finally, I realized what was expected of me and after looking at the gorgeous bodies of the three members of my team I pushed myself off the bed. But when I tried to stand up to walk to the beers, I felt John's hand pushing me down again and he said:

"Fags crawl... and bring me one as well!"

And so I did. I wasn't sure anyhow if I would be able to walk. I felt a little shaky, still exhausted from the intense fiveway I had been in the middle of. But slowly I became aware of my surroundings again. As I crawled I heard some moaning from the other side of the room. I looked up and saw four bodies on the bed André was lying on his back, barely recognizable because on top of him, 69-ing him was Jacob. Both of them were sucking each other wildly, while they both got fucked. Emil was behind André fucking the boy slowly, yet very determined with long strokes. He seemed to have a big dick as well, framed by a red bush. Andre's legs were resting against the teen's body pointing upwards. On the other side Huy was fucking Jacob who was on his knees above the previously innocent boy. Huy was fucking harder, rougher than Emil but as passionate. He had grabbed Jacob's hips and pushed himself into the other jock as deep as he could each time he thrust forward. Michael was watching the scene as well his dick already hard again. I wondered if I should crawl over and give him a blowjob, when I heard:

"Hey, what about our beers?"

--------------------------End chapter 30----------------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor" and my other new Editor "J", who helped proofread this chapter. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 31

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