Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Sep 5, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: In the last chapter John had used our hero for the first time. Now Jay has to deal with what comes next.

Teacher and Slave Part 9

After John had left and to my shame I crawled back and licked Johns cum which had dripped out of my gaping hole from the floor. I still heard his laughter in the back of my head about my pathetic behaviour even after he had left when I came back to my senses, finally! Naked and leaking I seated myself on my bare, sore ass on the floor close to the wall and buried my head in my hands, ashamed how easily I had been dominated by John. I couldn't see any way out any more. Now, he had even more evidence. I would have to oblige to his wishes and do as he had told me. I almost cried because I could see my life falling apart. On the other hand it was the first time I had cum while locked, but it was a ruined orgasm which had felt weirdly good but had left me horny.

I had no real idea what John would make me do – well I had gotten two tastes already how he intended to treat me – but I had no idea what he would do to me in the future and how much exposure and humiliation he would have in store for me. Those first two times had shown me that he was not unexperienced in being dominant – either he was dominant by nature and just did those things naturally, or he had already used other subs (or people he had made to be subs). Be it as it may, I knew I had to be careful about whatever he would ask me to do and still look for a way out. Whatever it was.

After some more minutes of me contemplating my future and my misery, I stumbled up, took my shorts from the stack of used clothes and a towel, went to the gym shower which was empty at that time and cleaned myself quickly not to be surprised by another student. I had a look at my really red ass in the mirror and gulped. Then I towelled myself. I winced when I reached my ass and I knew that I would feel it at least the next day. Then I went back to my rooms. When I entered I started to lock out of habit and because I just wanted to be on my own. Just then I remembered that I was supposed to leave the door unlocked at all times. With a sigh I also dropped my shorts. I noticed that the room smelled of sex and cum. Close to the wall I saw another puddle of cum which I hadn't seen before. So first I opened a window to let the smell out.

I swiped the floor clean with my underwear and sat on my couch and turned on the TV. I needed to relax a little and block out the thoughts of what had happened to me. That didn't work out either as I just had wanted to smell the underwear I had worn all day. Its musk of sweat and cum brought the feeling of shame back but also the feeling of pleasure getting railed and humiliated by John. My cock reacted immediately and tried again to get hard in its metal enclosure but to no avail. I was so horny and couldn't do anything about it. Maybe, I thought to myself, maybe it's not such a bad thing that I get cock more often now, at least my horniness might subside a little.

Even though it was only 7 PM I couldn't muster the strength to get up and do something useful. I couldn't even bring myself to start correcting the tests I had my students do today. Instead I watched TV smelled my underwear and rested and stopped thinking. I couldn't even care what was on. AT 11 I got into my bed and almost immediately fell asleep exhausted from the events of the day. On my stomach, because my ass hurt too much.

I woke up when I felt something poking my right eyelid, then something – the same thing? – slapping my right cheek. Then the same happened on the left side, I groaned slowly waking up. Something hard now hit my lips demanding access. More out of instinct my lips and teeth opened and a hard rod was pushed in. Surprised I opened my eyes just to see John's arms reaching down to my head, pulling it up on his cock. I was lying on my back (must have moved during the night) and he was sitting on my chest. I tried to struggle when his hard rock started to penetrate my throat but my arms were pinned down by his knees and his weight on my upper body prevented almost all movement.

I gagged when he had pushed in completely which almost overwhelmed me in my sleepy state. I heard him moan when he started to move my head on and off his dick.

"That's how you treat morning wood, bitch!"

He didn't take long this time. He grunted while he used my head as his felshjack fucking my throat hard and without mercy. Suddenly he let go of my head but pushed his hips forward and my head back into the cushion pressing his dick deep inside of me while his pulsating cock shot rope after rope into me. I struggled for air, as he was blocking my nose and mouth while he enjoyed his post orgasm. Just before I would have blacked out he pulled out and smeared the rest of his cum over my face.

"You're just made to suck cock, faggot! I hope you're happy with your breakfast delivery. Now, clean my cock.", he told me. I had used the time to catch my breath. He pushed his cock back in my mouth I happily slurped every drop out of it not awake enough to try to be decent or even fake resistance.

When he was content I had done my job properly he pulled out, got up out of my bed, pulled his pants up and left.

"See you around, faggot, and watch your phone!" He told me on his way out without looking.

Baffled I rubbed my eyes finally tasting his cum on my tongue and realizing what just had happened. John had just woke me up and forced me to give him a blowjob while I wasn't even really awake. While the shame came back I also had to confess to myself that this had been really hot, and my dick leaking and straining against its cage was testament to that. It had formed a big bulge noticeable through the bedsheets. If this was going to be my life, I thought, I might be able to life with it, but I feared that wouldn't be all he had in store for me.

Three times now he had shown how he felt about me, that I was to be his `bitch' who should be ready all the time for him to vent off and a deposit for his cum. I hoped he wouldn't show that much disregard during normal classes or I would be in real trouble with the other boys because they would follow suite.

I stretched my arms still in bed while those thoughts roamed my head, pushed the blanket away, stood up and walked to the mirror close to my sink. The skin was glistening from the smeared cum which I quickly washed. Looking at my watch I noticed that it was time to get some `real' breakfast.

But first I cleaned myself in the sink and as I only had to teach PE today I put on some tight briefs, my favourite pair of white Calvins, as I needed some comfy clothing, which also would prevent my cage from showing, shorts, trainers and a tight fitting white shirt. You could say that I was dressed to impress. I knew I wouldn't have to teach John's class today, so at least there would be no embarrassment during class for me. I felt my ass which was still sore from the spanking John had given me the evening before, when I put my underwear and shorts on. I knew that I would feel my burning cheeks the entire day.

Then I went to the cafeteria for some cereals and some tea (I'm not a coffee person) and took a seat with some of my fellow colleagues. I winced when I sat down, which I hoped they didn't notice. They joked about something which I didn't know. And I wasn't really listening still having the thought of John spooking around in my brain. But I tried some conversation and to be a good sport before I had to leave and head off to the gymnasium. I was already dressed so I greeted my class and made my students sweat, while they were doing some running and some strength training. I had them play Volleyball last, especially as some members of this class were in my team and we had a championship at the end of that month. Every time my mind went back to what had happened to me the day before and this morning I got distracted both out of shame but weirdly also of excitement. It had been some time since I had really been used like that and it brought back hot memories. I felt my cock swell in its cage when I thought about it even though I knew that it would go sideways if John would be allowed to continue extort and dominate me. But in the end – what chance did I have?

When my first class was done I went into the locker room just to find my phone in the locker where I had left it which was blinking indicating a message. It was from John and read:

"Bitch! In the first break head to the boy's restroom on the third floor, get into the second stall and wait for me, ready, on your knees your head bowed down the entire time and exposed! Take a picture when you are ready. Don't be late!"

I got hard reading that message but also knew there was a risk that someone else could stumble into the stall, while I was waiting there. The restroom wasn't really crowded as the classrooms there weren't used all the time, so the risk was not as high as on the ground floor. I knew this was a test what I was willing to do. Maybe I could just not show but decided that the risk was too high.

As the kids of the class I had taught right now were supposed to shower after class I always ended a little bit early so they would have a break after showering. But I had to go almost through the entire building so I knew I had to leave now and leave my students alone.

I sent back: "Ok!" and went on my way. I was anxious on what would happen but also excited because I never would have dared to expose myself at school, but now I had too. And I always got a kick out of exposing myself. I had even thought about starting my own exposure twitter but didn't have the guts to do it. But I needed a plan in case some student opened the door to my stall.

When I got to the restroom I had just enough time to get into the stall before the bell rang. When I turned around I noticed to my detriment that its handle was broken and I wouldn't have a chance to really close the door or I would lock myself in and couldn't get out. Additionally, those stalls had doors with quite a big gap between the floor and the lower end of the doors, so if I was kneeling too close to the door my locked cock could easily be seen even by people just walking by without really looking. But there was no way around it. I had to position myself on the floor so I could prevent the door from just opening on its own.

I quickly stripped naked folded my clothes and put them on the closed lid of the toilet, my briefs on top. I turned around got on my knees quite close to the door when I noticed that my junk was hanging too low and that I couldn't rest my ass on my heels. So I would have to stay upright, while still bowing my head to comply with his request. While I hurried to take the picture and send it to John I heard the door to the restroom open and the noises of a few students hurrying into the restroom during break. As usual with kids the chatting and general level of arguing and joking was really high. It must have been at least five students all from lower classes as far as I could tell because they were still speaking with a higher pitch. I recognized one voice of a student in fifth grade which was the first grade of the school. He was about 11 years old. Thankfully, they didn't try to get into my stall, but both sides were occupied. I got anxious but excited when a few more students entered and it must have gotten quite crowded outside, but nobody tried to come in. There was chatting and laughing right in front of the door and almost all stalls and urinals must have been crowded. I figured that everybody knew that you couldn't really close the stall I was in so nobody even tried to enter it. But I wondered when John would show up or what he wanted to do in such a crowded restroom. He had been after all quite loud while he used me before and that wouldn't be possible here.

After a few minutes the crowd slowly died down, and student after student left the restroom. Still John wasn't here. When there was no one to be heard anymore I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it and read John's message:

"get out of the stall and piss in one of the urinals as you are right now! Take a picture of that as well!"

I looked at that message in disbelief. While I thought about his request I had forgotten about the stall door which had slowly opened and exposed me to the rest of the restroom especially as the stall was positioned such that a basin (and the mirror on top of it) was directly in front of it. Now, it was too late anyhow. If anyone was still in the restroom he would have seen me already.

So I thought `fuck it' peaked out of my stall. When I couldn't see anyone I hurried to the closest urinal and pressed a few drops of piss out which was quite hard not only because my dick was excited by the unwilling exposure but also because I didn't really need to take a leak and took a picture and sent it. I had expected John to show up while I was doing that but he had still not entered the room. So after a few seconds I hurried back to the stall. On the way I felt my phone indicating another message:

"Good boy! You can head back to class now!"

When I grabbed my clothes I noticed to my horror that my briefs were missing. Someone must have grabbed them without me noticing. I wondered what else he had seen or thought and who it was. I turned bright red because I was quite certain that John had not been in any of the cubicles right or left to me so someone else must have seen me naked, on my knees with my still red ass and possibly my locked dick. Hopefully, they didn't see my face. Additionally, I would have to teach the next classes freeballing. I would have to be really careful explaining things otherwise my cage could show when my junk moved inside my shorts during exercises. It was a risk anyhow as the short sweatpants I was wearing were quite tight and would show at least a little bit of the outline of my cock (and maybe the cage as well). Well, I didn't have any chance to get another pair of underwear before class, so I pulled the shorts up (I had left the trainers at the gym), the shirt down and left the stall and restroom.

Outside John was waiting. He had a triumphant grin on his face. He knew I had complied with all his wishes as his bitch and he could order me around in the future as well.

"Wait for me after classes in your room. We have a few things to do and discuss, fag!" Then he turned around and left without giving me the chance to answer (or ask) anything.

Getting treated that way made me aware what I had done this break and how risky it had been. I was really embarrassed. I had willingly complied with all his wishes even when he wasn't close to check on me. And even more shameful I had been excited about it and enjoyed it (at least a little). Being naked in an open stall with all the kids while they didn't know that one of their teachers was naked on his knees in the middle of them, had fed into my exhibitionist streak. But I should not have given into my desires at school that easily without thinking. Even as I was being more or less extorted I let my sub side take over completely and just obeyed with John's demands. And it had led to my briefs being stolen out of the stall I was waiting in naked. That could mean trouble later. I really needed to be more careful.

With hanging shoulders pondering my options I walked back to the gym. I had no idea what had come over me obeying John so eagerly. But now I had to focus on a problem closer at hand. The next class was supposed to do gymnastics and I would have to show my students moves and figures in different areas such as on a pommel horse or the parallel bars. Without any underwear, freeballing, this could be embarrassing as my junk would be flying around in my shorts and maybe even my cage would show. But there was no way avoiding that.

So I had to bite the bullet and do the exercises as I was. During the class while I explained and showed what I expected from my students sometimes I heard a snicker during exercises which were especially demanding on my athleticism. I decided to ignore it and I thought that class went quite well. But later when I got into the locker room I heard them talk about how visible and big my junk had been during class and how it had flopped around. Thankfully they didn't see me or my blushing when I heard that. If they only knew that that junk was locked away.

The next class was easier as those boys were to play handball where I didn't have to show or participate that much. This time showering after class I made sure that no one was in the locker-room. I just couldn't have any one else surprising me. I let the water run over my body flabbergasted how easily John had turned me into his obedient bitch. But what else could I have done, or could I do in the future to avoid being blackmailed and used. I still saw no way out. I finished my shower put on my trainers and shirt. Put my shorts in my towel, dropped them off at my room and went to the cafeteria to get some lunch.

I chatted with some of my colleagues, enjoyed the always really good school food when I felt my phone buzzing. It was John. When I opened the message I quickly had to turn the screen off. It was a picture of me on my knees with his dick in my mouth looking up to him. I couldn't have my colleagues see this even by accident. I must have blushed as well, because one colleague asked me if everything was ok.

"Yeah, just a stupid meme from my mum...", I told him. I ignored the repeated buzzing of my phone while eating wondering what John would want from me right now. He had told me that we were to meet after classes. I knew he had four more classes in the afternoon while I was done for the day. So at least I would have some time to finish some work, correct some exams and prepare the next couple of classes while he was busy in classes.

Then the buzzing changed now indicating a call. I picked the phone up, saw it was John and excused myself from the table. I picked it up and heard him yelling:

"You had seen the first message. Why aren't you answering my request? You want me to publish those pictures of you, don't you?"

"Sorry, Sir!", I said meekly. "I was sitting with some colleagues at a table and couldn't risk that they would see this picture you sent." Again I offered no resistance to him just some lame excuses while he was dominating me.

"I don't care! When I message you in your free time, you answer immediately or I WILL publish those pictures! Now listen: I will be coming to your room at 5. Be ready waiting for me and send me a picture every hour proving you're prepared! I want to see all the toys you have lined up in front of you! There will be punishment for your behaviour today!", Without waiting for a response he hung up. I stood there embarrassed and perplexed. Again he had just made me comply. I didn'T recognize myself. As a teacher I never would have let him (or anyone) talk to me like that. But now he just had me. Then I scrolled through the messages:

Picture of me sucking him

"That's what I will do to you this afternoon. Lessons have been boring and I need to get off, so send me a picture of you on your knees looking up to the camera naked."

3 Min later

"Faggot, why aren't you answering? You have 2 more minutes!"

2 Min later.

Picture of me apparently from today in the restroom stall. Only my naked back and red ass were visible, as my head was bowed down

"If you don't reply quickly, I spread this picture through the internet."

I turned red. I hadn't even noticed that someone had taken a picture of me from one of the neighbouring stalls. But at least my face wasn't showing.

One min later his call came in. So it seemed that he didn't follow through with his threat. I sighed. But why the fuck did I find the entire thing so arousing? I felt my dick had tried to grow while I was reading his messages. Then I remembered that he had announced punishment and I wondered what that would entail. But now I returned to my seat and quickly finished my lunch and excused myself. I retuned back into my room. I immediately got out of my clothes and felt somehow liberated. Never before had I dared to be naked in my room at such an hour. Back when I had my own flat I had always been naked at home and it had felt right, so I was kind of glad that John made me do this even though there was a risk that a student would come by.

After putting my towel and shorts on the heater for drying I decided that I needed to make amends with John for not responding earlier and send him the picture he had requested. I kneeled on the floor pulled my phone up and took a quite humiliating selfie. I even opened my mouth to show that I was willing to suck him.

"I'm sorry that I didn't answer your previous texts. As a gesture of good will, I took the picture you requested, Sir.", I wrote and attached the picture. When I hit send it came to me how pathetic this behaviour was and I blushed.

A few moments later my phone buzzed with a message from John:

"Good boy! The next picture in an hour will be of your pussy with the cage and your face clearly on display!"

Resigned I got to my desk and started correcting some of the exams I had my students do. Sitting down still hurt a little but it was getting better. After half an hour I was done with the first class, the second followed in even shorter time. When I looked at my watch I noticed that it was almost time to send the picture. It wasn't easy to position myself and I ended up on my back with my legs up in the air supported by my arms. When I looked at it after it was taken I was ashamed as it looked really slutty, like a bitch in heat. But I send it without any comment. There was no further reaction. I continued working and after another hour I just took a picture of me in the chair. That prompted a reaction:

"Faggot! You will always be on your knees when addressing me if not otherwise instructed! The next picture will be with all your toys on display!"

"Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!", I answered. Now, I remembered that he wanted to see all my toys when he arrived. I pondered claiming that I did not have any but he could easily find them when he searched my bedroom and I was pretty certain that he would do that. Not that I had much but I needed at least some toys especially when locked. I had two dildos, one 8'' long and 1.5'' in diameter, really soft and flexible which I could deepthroat and a black dildo 11'', 2.5'' diameter one, which barely fit my ass. I owned a leather blindfold, leather ankle and wrist cuffs and a massager. And some nipple clamps I had bought more out of curiosity. But that's it. I placed those items in front of me and took the picture already planning to send it after an hour. I decided to leave them on the floor, as I didn't expect anyone before John. Then I returned back to my PC and started to prepare my next classes.

I was really caught up in it, so when I looked at the watch I noticed that it was time again to send the picture. Then half an hour later it got close to 5 at which time John had invited himself for whatever games he wanted to play with me. And to be honest the thought of sucking his cock got me excited already. I closed my work cleaned myself to be ready before he arrived. Five minutes to five when I was already kneeling in front of my toys there was a knock on my door.

"Mr B! Do you have a few moments? I have a few questions about the presentation I am supposed to give next week.", I heard the voice of Leo, a student in 11th grade in one of my Latin courses.

`Damn', I thought. He couldn't have knocked at a worse time.

"Leo, I'm kind of busy right now. Can't this wait until tomorrow?"

"Sorry Sir but you told me that you wanted a summary tomorrow and I want to make sure I got it right."

"Just wait a second!", I told him then threw my toys in the bedroom and closed the door, grabbed my shorts and shirt from today and wrote John a message informing him about the student in need of help. He quickly replied before I could even let Leo in:

"Ok I'll wait till he's gone. But you're allowed only one piece of clothing." I looked at his message in disbelief then stripped my shirt threw it in my bedroom as well then asked Leo in.

His eyes grew big when he saw me with just shorts and a bare chest but he recovered quickly. I decided not to justify my state and said:

"Ok, what do you want?"

He then asked me about a few trivial facts which he could have looked up on wikipedia, while we sat down at my couch. I saw him take a few glances at my crotch which showed my bulge and I started to wonder if this was a set-up. But after we talked about his questions I sent him out as soon as possible. As soon as the door closed I stripped again got hold of my toys and send John a message when I was ready again.

A few moments later he stormed in, again without knocking, grinned smugly when he saw me kneeling, then leaned against the back of the couch and pulled his dick and balls out. This time he was wearing white sweatpants, quite tight and an even tighter white shirt, which really accentuated his gorgeous physique. All of him radiated `I'm an alpha jock, do as I say!'.

"Get your bone and play with it, little boy. I had a stressful day and I need to get off!", he told me. I winced a little when he called me a little boy. When I wanted to get up I saw his eyebrow go up and I knew what he expected. So I got on my fours and crawled to him. Happily I arched my back and took the tip of his dick in my mouth from below. I was looking up to him when I touched the tip with my lips. I slowly opened my mouth pushing his foreskin back so I was able to use my tongue to play with his piss-slit, glans and frenulum.

I had expected him to just facefuck me again, but this time he let me work on my own. As soon as I was kneeling in front of him, his dick dangling in front of my face I wanted to feel it inside and work on it. I always loved sucking dick, using my tongue and feeling a dick getting hard in my mouth and throat. I had honed my skills as I always tried to please my partner (or Dom) the best way possible. Already when I started I heard him moan silently. Internally I grinned and knew that this wouldn't take long.

As he was getting hard I slowly let the tip glide out of my mouth. I took the shaft between my lips from below and used my tongue to guide them all the way back to the base and his balls. Then I played with his balls a little, washing them thoroughly and taking each one inside even pulling them down a little. I moved back to the tip again without letting go of his shaft from between my lips, then gripped the back of my couch as well and took first his glans then his entire cock deep inside my throat in one move. He moaned louder now. Then I pulled back again but leaving the glans inside just to devour it again. It felt good to suck a dick again on my own terms.

After ten deepthroats or so I started working on his glans again using my tongue again playing with his foreskin and piss-slit and moving my head wave-like. He was moaning even louder now and I already had tasted some a little bit salty pre-cum out of his glans. Another five deepthroats later I felt his body getting tenser and I knew it wouldn't be long. But this time I wanted to taste his cum. I let his cock slip out of my mouth which made him groan a little. But not for long. I used my lips again to pull the foreskin back as far as I could so I could better play with the sensitive glans and frenulum. It didn't take much until he got really tense and his cock started pulsating in my mouth.

He grabbed my head, moaned loudly and I felt the first rope of cum hitting my throat which almost made me gag (which I hadn't during the entire blowjob). Two more shot out of him before the rest flooded my mouth. It tasted so fresh. A little salty but manly and good. I guided it in my mouth before I swallowed it. After that John pulled my head back completely on his softening cock then let go of my head. Eagerly I cleaned his cock and balls really content with my `work'. Then I sat back and waited for him to recover.

---------End of part 9--------------------------

I hope you liked this part. Any more suggestion are always welcome.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 10

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