Teacher Student Relations

By Guy

Published on Apr 28, 2006


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This is my first series on Nifty, in fact, my first attempt at erotic fiction period. If you like it, please, drop me a line. I'd love to hear any or all comments, suggestions, critiques, and compliments. E-mail me at guy.stories@gmail.com. I can't wait to hear from you. I really loved all the feedback I gotten. Please, keep it coming! If anyone is interested in previewing/giving feedback before I post, let me know.

I woke the day after my experience with Spearman to a heavy storm. This can't bode well, I thought. Plus, it was only Wednesday. As I walked out of my room and down the hall into the shower, it occurred to me that perhaps I should have waited until the weekend to pull that stunt, but then the threat of pictures being released might not have been so real in his mind. As it was, Spearman could practically still feel Spencer's hot boycunt around his big dick when he found the pictures in his office yesterday.

I turned on the shower and hopped in. The warm water cascaded over my lightly haired chest and stomach, down to my heavy, low-hanging cock. I squeezed my boy and smiled. Spearman's manpussy had felt so good wrapped around my cock. My dick started to lengthen and harden too, but I stopped playing with it and finished my shower. I was going to save my seed for later in the day. I figured today would be busy, and if I was lucky, Spearman would blow me again today. At least, that was my plan so far.

I finished my shower and walked down to breakfast. My dad had prepared a hardy breakfast, and after eating it I left for school. When I pulled into the parking lot, I was somewhat surprised to find that Spearman was not directing traffic this morning in the senior's parking lot. Yeah, at my ritzy-ass school, the seniors have their own parking lot. So, I drove my clunker on without hindrance and pulled in. I was pretty concerned that Spearman wasn't there; maybe he had just called in sick. Maybe Coach Walker had left him worse off than I had. I hoped not though, because I wasn't sure who was gonna suck me off if he wasn't there; Walker sure as hell wasn't ready.

I grabbed my backpack and marched off to first period. My dick was hard in my pants, but I made no attempt to cover it up. Fuck, it drew some stares both from the ladies and men. Maybe that's how I would find someone to drink my morning load. I was kind of looking for that Spencer kid, 'cause it seems like he was always looking for sex, but I didn't see him either. I finally got to my first block, world history. What a fucking joke class, but the teacher, who also taught Latin, was built like a Greek god. I don't know if they put something in the water, but everyone at this school was just incredibly hott. I tossed my bag down at my assigned seat and walked over to the desk to shoot the bull with the Mr. Tony Vitelli, but everyone just called him by his first name Tony. Tony's first period was pretty much the sports block because it's the one most of the cheerleaders and jocks were in. Needless to say, we rarely got anything done. Then again, it was fun because Tony was into sports and tennis especially so we could chat about that.

Today, almost three-fourths of the class showed up, a considerable number for this late in the senior year. Tony was kicked back behind his desk with his big feet on the desk. He was just a big solid man, kind of like Spearman, except on the scale of Walker. Standing around Tony's desk were two of my good friends from the team, Sean and Seth. They were identical twins and anyone's wet dream come true. They stood about my height, maybe a little less, so roughly six foot. They had long, messy brunette hair they wore down over their foreheads, and puppy-dog brown eyes. They were both nicely tan. They were your typical pretty boys, but they were also very fit from the tennis. Strong legs, muscled core, one bicep bigger than the other, but that could also be from other play besides racquet sports.

Anyway, it was the goal of class to try and divert Tony from starting class as long as possible, and if he did start we had to keep him off topic. I'm standing, probably closest to him, and my dick has still not deflated past semi-hard. At least that's enough to just make my bulge look all that fatter without drawing immediate attention to the fact I'm horny as hell. Somehow the subject shifted to other teachers at school, and of course the administrators. So without acting too concerned, "Hey, why wasn't that jerk Spearman here this morning? Normally he flags me down in the parking lot every morning."

"I dunno," Tony responded in his deep baritone voice. Tony looked a little concerned, but he didn't say anything else. He reached down and adjusted his cock. "Oh well, enough chit-chat my boys. It's time to start." He stood up and walked around us towards the front of the classroom. Two guys were sleeping and the rest of the girls, cheerleaders, were coloring posters or filling candy bags for the baseball players.

"Today, we're going to talk about one of my favorite subjects, Ancient Sparta. Now, does anyone know who the Spartans were?" He looked across the fairly small classroom. The cheerleaders were still coloring, the football players were still asleep, the twins were propped against his desk, and I was sitting in his chair, kicked back just as he had been. No one replied.

"Right. That will make it all the better. You won't have any of the preconceived notions about the Spartans. We can start with the facts."

One of the blonde cheerleaders raised her hand, "I've never even heard of Sparta. What do people say about it?"

"Well, a lot of people think that the Spartans were all gay. Of course they weren't but lots of people think that."

"Why would people think all the Spartans were gay?" I asked without waiting for recognition. I adjusted my cock again just like he had, but I did this only once he had looked at me.

"Well, Guy..." He trailed off and began to give a long explanation. Tony really was smart. The problem was that he knew so much that he sometimes forgot where he was going with something when he was trying to explain an entirely different subject altogether. He explained the concept of shield mates, where an older man would be assigned a young recruit to train and watch after like a son. Oftentimes a fraternal or paternal love developed, but people, Tony explained, liked to say this was homoerotic. Sometimes, he admitted, the older man would use the younger one for sex, but it was very uncommon.

"Did young guys ever get to take it to the older ones?" I joked, but my dick was getting harder and harder at the thought. I still couldn't get Spearman's prone body out of my mind with my cock deep in his man pussy and Coach Walker shoving his fat prick down his throat.

"I don't know Guy, but let's move on. Anyway, Sparta was a city-state in Ancient Greece much like Athens..." Again, he rattled on. The rest of the class basically went on with what they had been doing before he started lecturing. Only one kid in the very front of the classroom listened, so Tony pretty much aimed the lesson at him every day.

Sean, Seth, and I began our own conversation and dug through the chocolate candy in a dish on Tony's desk. "You think the ancient Greek men really did fuck each other?" Seth asked Sean. Though they were identical, it was clear from their personalities that Sean was the alpha-twin so to speak.

"I dunno." Sean responded, adjusting his own dick. He did so quickly and discreetly, but because I was staring at their hot baskets I picked up on it.

"Hey guys, what do you say we play a practical joke on Tony?" I said, my mind racing as a plan solidified in my mind.

"Sure," the twins responded in unison.

We leaned over the desk to whisper plans. I told them it would be fun to see, since Tony was Italian, or Greek they corrected me - whatever, they're all the same, we would see what he would do if he had to have a partner. They asked what I meant, and I explained.

All three of us had electives after his class, not all the same ones, but it didn't matter. Tony had a planning period. We could just stay afterwards and lock his door and try and play a game with him. We could wrestle a little, I explained; because he is always play fighting with us or the football players. We would have to win since there were three of us against the one of him, and if we did, we could maybe make some kind of deal. When they asked what kind of deal, I told them some kind of service like, bonus points on a test for instance or whatever else we might think up. After a little convincing, they agreed, so we all sat and waited for the class to end.

The bell rang, and most the people filed out. Tony woke up the football players, and we just stayed where we were. Tony walked over to his desk and pointed at me and the twins, "Out of my chair, and off my desk boys, or else." He grinned. Shit, my dick twitched. This was working out perfectly.

"You'll have to make us," I said, grinning.

"Oh yeah?" He laughed. "Come on, I've got to get some quizzes made up for my next class. They're not as worthless as you guys, and I didn't do it last night because I was," he paused, "busy."

Sean voiced his opinion, "Well, teach. How about a game? We'll challenge you to a wrestling match. If you win, you get your desk back. If not, well, who knows."

"You scrawny little tennis shits?" he snorted playfully, "you guys don't stand a chance against me. They don't call me the Italian Stallion for nothing. One of ya'll go lock the doors; I can't have administration coming in to see me beating up three of our star athletes."

Seth jumped off the desk, ran eagerly to the door, and locked it. "We're ready, Tony."

"Not so fast. If we're going to do this right, we can't do it in our uniforms. The Greeks did it naked, but that's not gonna happen. So take off your shirts." He quickly unknotted his tie and tossed it on his desk. He then unbuttoned his white shirt to reveal a very muscular physique trapped under an ultra tight wife beater. He had very broad shoulders but a slender tapered waist. I could see lots of very dark hairs sticking out from all directions under his undershirt, and I could see his nipples trying to bore their way through the fabric. Kicking off his loafers, he stood in front of us in his just his undershirt, khakis, and socks.

Sean and Seth were quick to follow, myself being just a little behind. I looked much more like Tony than either of them. They pulled off their monogrammed polos to reveal chests dusted with almost invisible brown hairs and little pink nipples but cut abs and nice pecs. I wasn't wearing an undershirt either. Shit, I don't even wear boxers; think I would wear an undershirt? My cock was getting harder and harder; by now it was obvious I was excited. I think though, I could detect a little growth on everyone's part though.

"Okay, so here are the rules." Tony said. "You've got to bring me down and keep me down for ten seconds. We don't have a ring like they used in traditional Greek wrestling, so we'll just have to improvise with keeping me down instead of pushing me out. As for you guys, if I can get one of you down for five seconds your out and can't play anymore. That way it isn't always three against one. I can't ever win just three against one."

"That was the point, Tony," I grinned as we lined up and got into the prescribed position. "But let's make the odds even better than your desk..." I let my voice trail off.

"What do you mean?" he asked, and I could swear I saw the briefest twitch in the front of his khakis.

"Whoever loses has becomes a slave for the day to the winners." I looked at Sean and Seth to see if they agreed. They both nodded and then turned their brown eyes on Tony.

"Well, I hope you shits like grading papers and picking gum off the bottom of desks, cause ya'll are going to be here all afternoon." Tony chuckled and clapped his hands together. "Let's go bitches."

He stepped back, and the three of us got into position. I hesitated, not really sure exactly what to do next. Sure I had horsed around before, but I had never done any real wrestling. Tony, with his furry chest and dominating stature, was intimidating leaning over us. After a few more seconds of awkward silence, he shouted go and lunged towards Seth. He did this because he knew Seth was the submissive twin and was hoping to pin him first before having to tackle Sean and myself. However, seeing his brother get knocked down by the Italian stallion triggered something in Sean because he leapt onto Tony's back, wrapped his arms around his neck, and began to pull back with his back and stand up with his quads. I, rushing to the aide of Seth who had been taken by surprise, attempted to pry off Tony's arms so Seth could get free. Of course, we really didn't need to worry that much because Seth's quick reflexes allowed him to jump back far enough that Tony only grabbed Seth's legs. With Sean and my distraction, Seth easily wiggled out of Tony's grip. Unfortunately, Tony still had hold of Seth's pants as he wiggled away. Sean and I let go and backed off when we saw Seth free, and Seth stood a few steps away, but directly in front of Tony, now wearing nothing but a pair of plaid boxers.

"Shit, man," Seth cursed in between breaths, "you're not playing fair. You're not supposed to go for clothes."

"This is Greek wrestling, freestyle wrestling, there are no rules. I told you the Greeks did it naked so they wouldn't have to worry about clothes causing problems, so be glad I let you keep your boxers on." Tony said cockily and started back-stepping so he would get out of our circle.

Now, Sean made his move, rushing forward and bending trying to tackle Tony over, football style. Had he been thinking, he would've remembered that he was not an offensive linebacker and that Tony was built like a brick shithouse. Sean's tackle did little more than to knock him slightly off balance. Tony recovered quickly, much faster than Sean could, and grabbed him around the shoulders, forcing him down to his knees. There, Tony pressed his groin forward and started leaning over Sean, trying to push him backwards and onto the ground so he could pin him. It wasn't very difficult, and the change in momentum resulted in mere seconds with Tony spread out over Sean, sitting on his bare chest with his basket, still closed up in the khakis, on Sean's chin. He started counting, "One, two..."

Before he could get to three, both Seth and I tackled this hairy brute. It was beginning to look like we were not going doing as well as I had thought. I grabbed at his pecs, getting a handful of chest hair and the tip of his nipple only. Tony groaned, and leaned farther over Sean's face, pressing his basket into Sean's nose. Sean was still struggling to get out from under Tony, but the attack had not caused him to let up. He was trapped under Tony.

Seth ground into Tony's left side, while I tried to pry him off Sean from the right. I continued grabbing at his chest, tweaking his nipples, (because I saw the response it got - Tony liked having his mantits played with), while Seth ground his body into Tony's left arm. In response, Tony jerked his left arm up and grabbed at Seth's cock through his boxers, his hand quickly slid through the open, buttonless slit and found the eighteen year-old's hardening cock. Tony grabbed it and pulled down. Seth yelped and dropped to his knees as well.

Tony was back on top of Sean and counted quickly to five. Sean was down. He stopped struggling and just lay there. He could smell the man's MANCOCK through his pants. It smelled of piss and cum, and it was wafting through the pants, carried by the odor of his sweat. Sean, who wasn't gay but had fooled around with his twin brother once or twice jacking each other off to one of those cheerleader pornos, couldn't help but be aroused by the scent. His cock was already semi-hard from all of the physical contact, which was not unusual in wrestling, especially with Tony sitting on his bear chest. But, with the smell filling his nostrils more the longer Tony stayed on his chest, the more his cock began to fill out, tenting his uniform pants.

By now, Seth's cock was hard and sticking out of the flap, but even hotter was Tony's thick hand wrapped around the teen's cock. I was still standing on Tony's right, and now had my arms wrapped around his neck, trying to put in him into a half-nelson or one of those headlocks, but it wasn't working. He shouted out, "Shit, you bunch of tennis pussy boys. You're getting hard just by getting your asses whipped by a real man. I'll show you who the real jock is."

He let go of Seth's cock and grabbed both my arms in his hands and wrenched them free from his neck. He then spun me around by yanking on my right arm hard. He grabbed at my cock through my school pants. It was easy to find, both from the outline of my huge tenting cock, and from the wet spot halfway down my thigh headed towards my knee. He squeezed my cock hard, and I cried out just as Seth had. His other hand returned to Seth's prick and he just started to squeeze, all the while still sitting on top of Sean's chest. "Just say you give, little pussy boys."

"Don't give up, Seth! Come on, Guy!" Sean shouted from underneath, but was silenced by Tony inching forward, covering his mouth with his still clothed, but now rock hard package.

I looked at Seth, and I didn't know what to do. He returned a questioning stare. "Do you give?" Tony asked again.

With both of our cocks tightly clutched in his sweaty hands, there was little we could do but nod and await our punishment.

"Good. Well, since you're my slaves," Tony started, "your first task will be to take off the rest of your clothes." He let go of our cocks, and we both stood. I unfastened my belt and then unbuttoned my pants, shoving them down over my hips. As I did so, my dick popped up and out, happy to be free of its cotton confines. It stretched out and curved up a total of just more than eight inches from my pubes. I saw Tony's eyes grow wide, could I have a bigger dick than him? That would automatically put in me in position to regain control. Seth put his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear and pushed them down over his already poking out cock and balls. He let them fall to his ankles and then he stepped out of them.

"Now," he said, standing up for the first time in several minutes from Sean's chest. "Guy, come over here and take off my pants. Seth, get over their and help out your brother."

"Okay, this is too much man," Seth said, bringing up his arms in protest. "I mean, if you're into seeing me naked, I'll give you a show. I'm not ashamed, but I'm not about to fuck with my brother."

Tony sneered, "I think you're wrong, because that's exactly what you're going to do. Or he's gonna fuck you. Now get down on your knees and take off his pants."

I took the few remaining steps over to Tony and kneeled in front of him. I raised my hands to his belt and unbuckled it. Then I unbuttoned his pants, no easy task because they were tightly buttoned around his waist. His abs bulged under the thick coat of dark Italian hair. The fumes coming from his pouch were making me lightheaded already. I licked my lips and then unzipped his pants. Hah! He wasn't wearing underwear either. A fat truly fat cock fell out of his pants, and as I pulled them lower, two super low-hangers fell down. His cock may have been even thicker than mine, but I had a couple of inches on him.

I stood back up and let our cocks touch. I smirked and said, "Looks like I've still got a couple up on you here, Tony."

"That's Mr. Vitelli, dickface," Tony snapped back, but he didn't take his eyes of my cock. "Well, if you boys are uncomfortable sucking off each other, then Seth you suck off Guy and Sean suck my hot mancock, then we'll rotate."

"I don't know what you're fucking talking about." Seth said.

"You two are queers." Sean followed up.

Mr. Vitelli laughed and crossed his arms over his bare, hairy chest. "Maybe so, but you two have hard, oozing cocks, and I don't think that would be the case if you were both straight, now would it?"

They both exchanged glances and then looked down at the other's cock. They both took another step back, seeming to not have the conviction to proceed. Tony remedied this by walking over and picking up their clothes, tossing them back behind the desk. "Well, you can leave naked, or you can suck my dick to get your clothes back. If you suck my dick, I'll think about letting you off."

Shit, hearing my teach talk to my teammates this way really made my balls churn. I had always fantasized about the two of them on their knees swapping spit over my dick, but the addition of Mr. Tony Vitelli to the mix made me want to shoot my fucking load right there.

"We aren't gay," said the twins together.

"Your dicks aren't getting any softer. Come on over here and get on your knees. Don't make me tell you again, or I'll come get you and force you to do it."

The twins looked at me for back up, but I looked away, not sure what to do. There was no guarantee that if I helped the twins we would be able to beat Tony in a second wrestling match, in fact the odds were against it, but if I stayed with Tony, at least one of the twins, if not both would suck my cock, fulfilling my fantasy. I shrugged my shoulders, "We lost guys. I mean, we were going to do it to him, we've got no choice. We have to do what he says."

"I wasn't going to make him do queer shit," Seth said.

"Well, too fucking bad. You shouldn't have made the deal." Tony interjected. Then he raised his voice, "Now get over here on your fucking knees and suck my cock!"

We had been fairly quiet up to this point, but Tony was fucking shouting now. I was afraid no one would hear us, but little did I know Mr. Price was walking down the hall when Tony shouted and heard that. Instead of stopping to investigate, he smiled and continued on his path. Perhaps he would come back later, or maybe, he could enjoy the show on the security cameras.

The twins took a step forward together, very slowly. Seth said quietly, not looking up from my dick, "Do I really have to suck him?"

"Yeah, unless you want him to fuck you." Tony looked at me and winked.

"Fuck you," Seth muttered. They moved closer and dropped to their knees. They leaned forward, took the cocks in their hands, and moved in for the dick. Both my huge teen dick and Tony's amazing man cock were big members, so neither win was quite sure how to start. First, Seth stuck out his tongue and touched it to the head of my dick. I sucked in a breath as chills shot down my spine. I reached behind his head, running my fingers through his hair and pulled his head towards me as I pushed my pelvis forward, shoving my wide cock head into his mouth. His lips were distended, and his jaw was wide open.

"No teeth! Be careful!" I hissed, as he pulled his lips down and tried to open his mouth just a little more. "Yeah, you fucking beautiful stud, suck my cock." I shoved my cock in and out of his mouth, even if it was only a few inches of my long dong. His pinkish-red lips around my knob made me so hard. He seemed to be getting into rhythm, so took my hands of his head and reached up to pinch my nipples. I groaned happily when he continued at the same pace. "Yeah, suck my fucking cock, Seth. Your mouth is going to milk the cum out of my cock."

I glanced over and my super hot teacher was face-fucking Sean without mercy. Shit, I thought. It's a fucking good thing I wasn't on my knees. Drool was running down Sean's face, and Tony was squeezing and releasing handfuls of hair as he pulled Sean's head up and down on his thick Italian meat. He was groaning loudly, but Sean had his eyes closed and appeared to be doing the best he could to ignore what was happening. I figured if his brother could take it, so could Seth. With that thought in mind, I brought my hands back down to his head and told him to get ready. I started fucking his face with abandon, just as Tony was doing to his twin.

Tony was moaning beside me, "I heard you fucking nailed Spearman. That's why he's not here today. Fucking Bruce Walker took him home and fucked him silly for hours. He was too fucked out to even wake up and shower this morning. Made me so fucking hot to hear about it. I couldn't wait to see you today. I was gonna fucking top you, but these twins are to fucking sweet to pass up. I love your sweet boy mouth wrapped around my thick fucking man cock!" He pulled his dick out of Sean's mouth. "Tell me thank you for teaching you about sucking dick, tell me how much you love the taste."

Sean opened his eyes and looked up, as if coming out of a reverie. His mouth was still wide open, and his hand was flying up his own boycock. "Man, I didn't think it was possible, but your cock tastes damn good."

"That's right, now ask to get your mouth back on my man tool." Tony commanded as he dick slapped him on his already spit slimed cheeks, adding shiny pre-cum.

"Please Mr. Vitelli, let me suck more of your cock!"

"Fuck yeah I will." Tony shoved his cock back into the boy's mouth.

I couldn't believe it. I was still so horny I shouted I was about to cum, "I'm going to fucking shoot my load down your throat, Seth! I hope you're ready to taste my seed. Yeah, Oh! Oh! Cummming!"

Tony was right there with me, moaning and cussing up a storm. "Shit! Fucking this twin's face. So fucking hot, sweet boytongue running up and down my mancock! Gonna blast my cum down your throat yeah! Shit here it comes! Swallow, boy, swallow!"

We both came in unison, shooting our seed down the twins' throats. I looked down, and to my surprise, Seth was jerking himself off rapidly as well. Tony pulled his dick out of Sean's mouth and shouted at them to both take their hands off their cocks. It wasn't time for them to cum yet. Both twins moaned,

"I want to cum!" shouted Seth.

"My dick needs to shoot!" said Sean.

I looked at Tony, and then back at the twins. "Let me take this one," I said. He nodded. "Get in a 69 position, and suck yourselves off." The twins looked at each other and moved closer together. They locked in a wet sloppy tongue kiss, trading our cums while swapping spit. I watched and felt my cock already starting to fill back up with blood. They were tugging on each other's nipples, frantically trying to get the other one to cum. "Come on! Get in a fucking 69. We all know you want to."

They complied after a moment or two. With their dicks being smaller, only about 6 inches long and a few inches around, they were fucking getting to town. Their mouths were flying down upon their brother's pole. It didn't take long and both boys were shooting their load into the others throat. They moaned contentedly and sat back up and began kissing immediately.

"Looks like we've brought a family closer together." I smiled at Tony, but my smile turned into a more mischievous grin when I saw him staring at my again semi-hard prick. "Yeah, you know you want it. The cock that topped Spearman, something you could never do. Get down here and clean off my cock."

Tony shook his head, as if not wanting to hear what I said, but got down on his knees anyway and started to suck the cum remnants clean off my dick. Sean and Seth were still embraced, looking away from us. They weren't saying anything and had their eyes closed. If they hadn't have been so fucking hot, causing my cock to swell even more, I would have been a little more touched. As it was, I couldn't wait for the next history period to double team with Tony again.

All of a sudden the bell rang. Tony lurched off of my cock. "Shit, kids will be here any second." That snapped the two brothers out of their intimate cuddling and we all began scrambling for clothes.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I moaned, because I couldn't find my pants. I was going to be late for my next class! But it was so worth it. It wasn't until I was walking out of the room that I started to think about what Mr. Vitelli had said. How could he have possibly known I fucked Spearman? Shit... Word gets around.

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