Tearing Me Apart

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Tearing Me Apart - Chapter 3

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Tearing Me Apart

Chapter III

Devon stood still, frozen, shocked. His heart both stopped and raced faster than a jack rabbit. He wanted to do something, say something, but his mind was blank. Vim. Nasdsasqs The American lieutenant said, "It- it has a Brit accent."

Devon moved his mouth, he wanted so badly to say anything! But he still could think of nothing to say. He felt like a fish floundering on land, but didn't care.

"An accent..." the being- Alaeh, began in wonderment with a sexy and deep voice, still gazing humbly at Devon, "is the particular pronunciation of language by a nation, locality, or social class. Devon Tobias Hemmel, it is delightful to meet you."

Again, Devon's mouth moved. It opened, it closed, but not a sound escaped his throat. His palms grew sweaty, his breath went short, and his mouth went dry.

"What are you?" Dr. Henderson asked Alaeh.

Alaeh did not answer. His- its piercing blue eyes gazed deeply into Devon's gorgeous amber orbs. Aleah's face still a look of demureness, almost fond, while Devon's wore surprise and shock.

"Are you feeling alright, Mr. Hemmel?" Alaeh asked gently.

Devon was unable to speak properly, he stuttered, "I- I- I..."

Visibly concerned, Alaeh asked, "Would you like me to free your mind of apprehension?"

"I- what?" Devon asked nervously.

"Is your mind burdened with unease, Mr. Hemmel?" Alaeh asked serenely. "I can clear it, if you wish."

Breathless with both nerves and the sexy sight before him, Devon asked, "Is- is that what you did? Las- last night?"

"Yes," Alaeh replied as he took a slow step toward Devon.

"Freeze!" the Egyptian lieutenant said forcefully.

But Alaeh ignored him as he took another step and added, "It was required to remove any tension in your mind and body."

"Freeze!" the American lieutenant shouted.

"W-why?" Devon asked Alaeh as if they were the only two in the room.

"Hemmel!" Lt. Wynan said in deep exasperation. "Back up! Now, cadet!"

"It was my acquisition of information," Alaeh answered Devon as they stood toe to toe. "Are you particularly fond of any of these people?"


"Hemmel!" Lt. Wynan screamed. "Back! The fuck! Up!"

As he gazed deeply into Devon's brilliant amber eyes, Alaeh responded, "These people are about to discharge their weapons, Mr. Hemmel. I can hear their fingers squeezing the triggers. You could be caused injury."

"You can't kill them!" Devon shouted with shock. "Wait, wait, wait. You got information from my head? What information?"

"Everything. You did not answer my previous question, Mr. Hemmel. Do you require--"

"No!" Devon said with irritation. "But you've got every fucking memory of mine in your head?"

"Yes," Alaeh replied, confused at Devon's attitude. "You seem to be angry, Mr. Hemmel. Perhaps it would be wise to alleviate negative emotions from your mind."

"Alien!" Lt. Wynan shouted in warning. "I am giving you one last chance to freeze! Hemmel, when this is over, I swear to fucking God that I'ma enjoy kicking both my boots so far up your arse!"

The American lieutenant snarkily asked, "Wynan, you won't mind if I happen shoot your man, right?"

"Easy," Lt. Wynan said, but then cried, "Alien, stop!"

Alaeh's face bore nothing as it raised its hand toward Devon's face. No exasperation, no glee, no nothing. It was just stoic. The soldiers fired, but Alaeh's wings moved quick as the speed of light. Devon's hair was swept from the gust caused by the wings that shielded him from any stray bullets. The bullets hit Alaeh's flesh, unable to penetrate its flesh, and fell to the floor in clanks.

But then the sounds of metal clanking rapidly rang through the air. Devon finally escaped the piercing beauty of Alaeh's blue eyes and saw that each weapon of the other soldiers being disassembled by an unseen force. Even the holstered firearms came apart.

Devon shook with fear and adrenaline brought on by the gunfire as he whispered, "Fucking Christ."

Alaeh, still wearing no expression, touched its finger tips to Devon's temple. The contacted lasted just a second and a half, but Devon felt his mind and body suddenly become free of any tension and negativity. He felt light as a feather, content.

After it removed its fingers from Devon's skin and folded its wings behind its back, Alaeh asked, "Why do they risk causing you mortal wounds?"

"Military mindset," Devon answered with a shrug. "To them, the life of a single man is less significant than an enemy gaining power. Especially so considering that you're not human."

"Hemmel," Lt. Wynan warned. "Stop."

Alaeh's countenance changed to one of sadness as it whispered, "Why does your race care so little for life?"

"We value life," Devon said back quietly. "This is just one group. And I am just a single person. I'm in the military because I'd die for my country."

"There are countless people living without shelter," Alaeh responded, tears in his saddened blue eyes.

"Alien!" the American lieutenant shouted again while grabbing a blade from his belt. "Last warning!"

But Alaeh kept talking as if he were alone in the room with Devon, "People die every day due to starvation, dehydration, exposure. You do not help each other enough, Mr. Hemmel. It- this planet is filled with so much pain. H-how do you cope with it, Mr. Hemmel?"

"People dying?" Devon asked its confusion. "We try to help who we can. There are homeless shelters, soup kitchens, organizations that raise money--"

"--Yet there are millions who perish," Alaeh whispered as a tear slid down its cheek. "Even- even children. Infants, toddlers, that know nothing of shelter, or when they will next eat."

"Hemmel!" Lt. Wynan shouted again. "Get the fuck out of my sight!"

"There are hundreds of organizations that try their best to help those who can't," Devon said back softly yet urgently. "There are people who fundra--"

"--And then there are your wars," Alaeh pressed with another tear. "Pointless acts of terrorism. And genocide. And unwarranted death. All for petty and senseless reasons."

Devon tried to retort, "World War II was not--"

"--It was sparked by greedy men desiring land, and- and power. The event was unnecessary. So many casualties."

Devon stared at Alaeh, who was crying silent tears, with feelings of shock and wonderment.

"Hemmel, if you don't get out of our way right now," Lt. Wynan warned, "I will place you under arrest."

"Why do you care so much about hobos and children you don't know?" Devon asked Alaeh in bewilderment. "These have been issues for--"

"--For thousands of years?" Alaeh cut the soldier off with a deprecating laugh. "These should not have been concerns to begin with, Mr. Hemmel. The human race was not created to be devastatingly divided and cruel to one other."

"What?" Devon asked, his brows scrunched in yet more confusion.

"You are supposed to care for each other. Love each other. Protect each other. This... this is heartbreaking."

"Wait, wait, wait," Devon said as he blinked rapidly. "'Created'? 'Crea--"

"Acts like these defy the Divines' laws."

"'The Divine'?" Devon asked. "Is- is there really a God?"

To Be Continued...

I hope you guys are enjoying this series. If you ever wanna email me, feel free! I give zero fucks whether you write great reviews or have critiques that you might deem harsh. It all helps me grow as a writer.

Anyway, here are links to my other stories if you're interested in reading my other works while you wait for the next instalment of 'Tearing Me Apart'.

High School - 'Near Wild Heaven'

Relationships - 'Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking'

College - 'The Other Half of Me Unknown'

College - 'You Don't Mean To Hurt Me'

College - 'You Call It Madness'

Science Fiction, High School - 'Connected'

High School - 'Do Not Go Gentle'

College - 'A Quick Fall'


Next: Chapter 4

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