Tearing Up My Heart

By Kay Black

Published on Jan 25, 2002


Disclaimer: We are not, and do not know the Backstreet Boys. We know about as much about them as you (the reader) does. We are not implying or stating anything about their sexual preferences (although it would be interesting if they were gay, or bi!)

Notes: Hey guys! Sorry it tool so long to get this out. Its kinda hard to write fast when u have 2 authors, and the story is basically writing itself. We're trying hard! Honest! Well, here it is, enjoy! Candy O., Kay B.

Tearing up my Heart

Chapter 2 -------------------

As AJ awoke he found himself in unusual surroundings. As he became more aware of where he was he remembered. He remembered Nick, his blonde baby angel that he loves with all his heart. He realized 2 things right then and there, 1. He realized that he could never live with out Nick and 2. That he stunk really bad and needed a shower.

After much deliberation (Because AJ needed a shower but didn't want to disturb Nick)He finally decided he had to get up. AJ slowly got out of under Nick and went to take a shower. Nick slowly awoke while AJ was in the shower and could hear the faint, but beautiful sound coming from the bathroom. Nick recognized the tune immediately and started to sing softly along with AJ.

"Oh baby I'm missing you. We used to love so strong tell me where did we go wrong. Oh baby I'm missing you. They say you learn to forget but it sure ain't happened yet. I still have your pictures hung around my room. They're the only thing that's left of you and me. Oooh, Girl what can I do to make you come back soon and make it just the way it used to be. Oh is there someone new? Could never go on with out you. Girl, I don't wanna think about it. I can't sleep at night , no this can't be right.

Come back baby, come back. Oh baby, I'm missing you" As AJ got out of the shower he realized that Nick was awake. "Hey sleeping Beauty, How are you feeling this morning?" AJ asked as he leaned down and kissed Nick on the forehead. "Not to Bad and your self?" "I am feeling GREAT!!" "And why would that be?" "Because we are going out tonight." AJ said as he sauntered away. "WHAT?!?!?!?" Nick screeched as AJ whipped around. "Well I figured since we are now a couple we should have a first date don't you Babe???" "Oh yeah we do to don't we?? Are we going anywhere fancy??" Nick said in a girlish voice "Well yeah so dress up!!" AJ said as he winked and turned on his heel to leave. "What don't I get a good Bye Kiss??" Nick pouted. "Oh yeah how could I forget that!!" AJ said running back and jumping on top of Nick planting a kiss on his soft lucious lips. "Bye!! And be ready at 6 I am picking you up to take you out!!" "Yes Sir" Nick Said mocking AJ. AJ just turned around and stuck his toungue out at Nick. "Tease!" "Damn right!" With that AJ left and closed the door behind him.

Once AJ had left Nick got up and took a shower. As he was shampooing his hair he remember hearing AJ singing and he started to hum 'Missing You'.

When he stepped out of the shower he heard the phone ring, and being alone he ran for it without grabbing a towel. "Hello?" he answered breathlessly.

"Nick! You never called me back last night! What's up?" An annoyed, yet relieved Misty cried over the phone. "Oh, Misty, I'm so sorry hun! AJ came over, and, we made up. Actually, we did more than that. Oh Misty! I'm so happy, we're finally together! I've waited for this moment for the past 6 years. I never in my wildest dreams thought he would love me back!" "Wow, Nick. That's deep. I'm happy for you. Nick, AJ spent the night didn't he? That's why you're so hyper huh?" "Uhh." "Nick..." "Yeah. So?" "Cute! So, are we still on for the movie tonight?" "Oh! Shit! Misty, I'm SO sorry. AJ wanted to take me out tonight and I said yes. Can we reschedule? I'm so sorry!" "Yeah, Nick, it's cool. I understand. Just don't do it again. I'll forgive you if you pick me up and take me to the mall. Oh say, in an hour?"

"Yup, sure.....ok...great..you can help me find something to wear tonight...a'ight...bye!" Nick hung up and sat down on his bed.He picked up the pillow that AJ had slept on and smelt it. He could still smell the cologne, sweat, and soft scent that only AJ had on it. Memories of last night and thoughts of what tonight would hold swirled in his mind and caused his body to respond. That's when Nick realized he was still naked. Nick sauntered over to the dresser and pulled on some boxers and a beater. He pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to cover his 6'2" frame. He checked himself out in the mirror and decided he looked ok, but needed to do his hair. He spiked it up, grabbed his sunglasses, and hopped in the car to pick up Misty.

By the time Nick got home after dropping Misty off it was already 5:30. He ran to his room and started to change into the outfit he'd bought that afternoon. He smiled as he thought of how Misty'd dragged him into store after store before settling on a pair of black pants and a snug white t-shirt. He smoothed the shirt over his chest and loved how the ribbing in it seemed to emphasizehis well-built body. He grabbed a black button-down shirt from his closet and threw it on over top. He went into the bathroom and fixed his hair, he picked up a tube of mascara and put some on. THe doorbell rang and he ran downstairs like a teenage girl. He threw open the door and inhaled sharply. This was one of the few time that AJ wasn't wearing his sunglasses and the effect was very sexy. "Hey babe. Wow, you look nice. Are you sure you want to go out tonight and not just stay in?" AJ joked as he stepped inside. Nick blushed and kissed AJ softly on the lips.

"Mmmmm. Yeah, let's go out. I didn't spend the whole afternoon listening to Misty blab on about her new beau just to stay in." Nick laughed, "So where are we going?" He leaned in and kissed AJ again and as his eyes closed he felt a soft peice of cloth go over his eyes.

"Someplace special," AJ whispered, "You'll see when we get there." He lead Nick to the car and began to drive. A little while later AJ parked and took the blindfold off of Nick's smiling face. Nick opened his eyes and gasped. In front of him was a huge oak tree. Under the tree was a blanket with a pic-nic dinner on it. It was Mrs. McLean's famous (well not quite famous but you get the picture) fried chicken, potato salade, and home made white wine.

"AJ...you thought of all this???WOW!!" "Well...yeah..umm...I thought it would be nice." AJ said a bit embarrassed. "WOW!!! Thanks babe!" Nick said leaning over to plant a kiss on AJ's lips. He ran his toung along AJ's bottom lip making him groan. "Ummm Wanna go eat now??" "YEAH!!! I'm starving!!" Nick said jumping out of the car.AJ laughed at the young mans eargerness to eat.

They got out of the car, Nick practically running to the pic-nic blanket and AJ strolling behind laughing quitly at Nick. Quickly Nick spun on his heel and ran back to AJ, leaned over to kiss him but pulled away just before they touched their lips. Nick turned and ran to the grass with AJ running after him. AJ soon caught up to the younger man and tackled him to the ground. They wrestled around for quite a bit before AJ finally pinned Nick.

"So what was that?? You like teasing your boyfriend?? Not wise Carter not wise at all." "Oh?? And whys that?? I thought it was very wise!" Nick said trying to hide his grin. "Oh do you now?? And why would you think that??"

"Oh because now I can do this longer!" Nick said lifting his head to AJ's and kissing him deeply. They stayed in that position for what seemed like hours but was only in fact about 15 mins. before AJ moved off of Nick.

"Ok Nick normaly I would Love to stay like for hours but I am SO hungry!!!" And almost as if on cue AJ's stomach grumbled. "Ok what ever you say Hun!" Nick said as he moved to the pic-nic blanket. They where both so hungry that for about 10 mins. al they did was eat they didn't even talk to each other.After 10 minuts AJ started to make conversation. "Ummm....I have something to give to you. WOuld you mind if I gave it to you now?" AJ asked politly. "Umm No of course not go ahead." Nick said as AJ reached into his pocket to reveal a small black velvet box. Nick inhaled deeply thinking the AJ was proposing to him. "Now I know what you think this is, but it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. When I give this to you it makes a promise that while you wear it you are in love with me and that you will never betray me. It also shows my love for you and promises that I too will be faithful and I will not betray or lie to you. I hope that you Nickolas Carter will take this promise ring and treaure it. Will you?!?" "Of course AJ. I love you." Nick said while AJ place the ring on his finger. "I love you too." * * * * * * * * * * After Nick and AJ had finished eating they had..um..kept warm (if ya know what i mean;)heehee)under the blankets. Soon there afterwards Nick started to doze off, so AJ suggested going home. Nick of course said yes and they heade back to the car, With Nicks arm around AJ's waist stopping once in a while to kiss. Once AJ arrived out side of Nick's house he turned and said "Hey Nick babe..come on wake up...your home." "um..what??Oh AJ its you..yeah ok...wanna come in with me???" "I would love to" AJ said and they stumbled into the house together. * * * * * * * * * * "Nick, Hun are you up???" He whispered softly into Nicks ear. Nick quickly rolled over and kissed him sofly on the lips. "Yup!! Whats for breakfast?" "Whatever you want." "Thanx babe!! Love ya!!" He turned and left to go have a shower. Nick thought deeply about his relationship. What would he be without him. What would life be like??Who would he be without his man. His AJ. Who would he be other then Nick Carter. Famouse Pop star. He would be no one. He would be.... AJ walked into the room after his shower looking great. He noticed Nick deep in thought. "What are ya thinking about Babe?" AJ said to Nick as Nick Popped back into reality. "Oh nothing Important!!" "Oh" AJ said sadly wishing his lover would open up to him. "What are we doing today??" "We have nothing scheduled!!! So, I was thinking we could just hang" "Sounds good to me!" "Umm.... Nick...Hun?" "Yeah?" "We gotta tell them." "Who???" You know who. Your parents. Look we have already told the guys and even accepted it. He came to terms with it and I think your parents will too. Look you don't have to tell them about "Us" but you should at least tell them you are Bi ok?" "Well its just that...." Nick said trailing off. "I know babe, I know. You know I will allways love you." AJ said sofly hugging Nick while rocking. One single tear ran down both their faces. "I gotta go for a shower." Nick said pulling away quickly almost in shock. He jumped up wearing only a pair of boxers. He planted a kiss on AJ's head and headed off to the shower. "Be back soon!!" "Ok Babe love ya!!!" Nick scooted off to the shower and left AJ thinking. * * * * * When Nick got out of the shower he found AJ was no longer in the room, but an aroma of coffee, bacon, and eggs. Coming down the stairs he saw AJ fiddling around in the kitchen. He put his arms around his love and kissed him on the neck. "I'm gonna do it. I'll go home this weekend. You're right as usual, I need to tell my parents about this. I love you babe." AJ turned around inside Nick's arms and kised him softly on the lips. "Have some breakfast." AJ said, and placed a plate of eggs, bacon and toast on the table. They sat down and started to eat silently sneaking a few kisses in between bites. The rest of the day was spent lounging around the house: watching t.v., playing Nintendo, and cuddling on the couch kissing and doing other such things. Around supper Nick pulled away breathlessly from yet another make-out session. "I....think..I should...call home...now." AJ nodded and held him, while Nick picked up the phone and dialled his parents number."Mom, Dad? Would y'all mind if I came home for the weekend?....Yeah, there is something.....no don't wory, I'm fine...yes the guys are fine too....no, mom, no one is dead....everything is fine! I just need to come home for a bit... I miss you too. Ok, I'll see y'all then. Love ya, bye bye." Nick hung up and sighed pulling AJ closer to him " I'm so afraid AJ, what if they don' accept it. I need you to be with me." "Nick, baby, I'd love to but I think me being there wouldn't be the greatest thing. But I will call you every day. When are you leaving?" "Tomorrow, it's Friday, and I want to be there for the weekend." Nick leaned in and kissed AJ. It was so needy, so powerful, that they soon found themselves wanting more, and they ran up the stairs to Nick's room. ********** That morning Nick woke up a little soar from the night before. He suddenly remembered what he was doing today. He got up and started packing leaving AJ to sleep a little longer. As he packed he didn't even notice that AJ was awke watching him. Nick was silently crying while he packed. AJ stode up and wrapped Nick in his arms. "Hey Hey whats wrong babe??" Nick just continued sobing, soaking AJ's shirt sleeve. About 10 minuts later Nick had calmed down, so AJ asked again. "Whats wrong Nicky???" " Well while I was packing I just thought what if my family doesn't accept me and so on. I just got so worked up about it and started crying. I'm sorry AJ babe." "Don't ever be sorry for feeling a certain way. It's ok your family loves you, they will always accept you no matter what.You know that, and I know that. Plus I will call you everynight ok?? So cheer up!! Don't worry Be happy!!!!" "Ha Ok AJ I'll try. You know I really do love you." Nick said and Kissed AJ. "But I gotta finish packing K??" "Ok I'll go get breakfast ready." * * * * * * * * * * "So you promise you'll call me everynight??" Nick asked as him and AJ waited for his flight to be called. They had gotten a private room so as not to be mobbed my groupies "I promise!!I will call your cell every single night your gone. You come back sunday right??" "Yup Sunday at 7pm. Can you pick me up??" Nick asked shyly. "Of course. I will be here at 6:45 waiting." AJ said with a grin. FLIGHT 17 BOARDING FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS NOW IN GATE 2 Nick sighed "Well thats me. I'll call you as soon as my flight lands ok?? Lizzy is picking me up at the airport right??" "Yup she will meet you by the gate ok?? Talk to you later." Nick leaned in to kiss AJ when the PA system said LAST CALL FOR FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS ON FLIGHT 17 LAST CALL Nick pecked AJ's lips ever so lightly and ran off, AJ watching him untill he got to the gate then he spun on his heel and went home. * * * * * * * * * * * Nicks flight went pretty smoothly, except for a slight bit of turbulance. Nick was so worried about seeing his family again. He was fidgetting really badly as he disembarked from the plane. Luckly no one from his family could pick him up so his friend Elizabeth (or Lizzy for short ) had to pick him up. He was very glad for that. "Hi Lizzy!! How are you??" nick said enthusiastically as he ran up and hugged her tightly. "Not bad and you my little Nicky??" "Same here. Tour went pretty well though we had a lot of fun doing it. The sales were through the roof."

Nick said as He and Lizzy walked through the airport. They picked up Nicks luggage and went to Lizzy's car , Nick talking enthusiastically about the tour the whole way. They put Nick's stuff in the trunk and headed to Nick's house. * * * * * * * * * * "Nick!" A blond head slammed into Nick's chest knocking the wind outof him. Two arms wrapped themselves around Nick's waist as he tried to breathe. "Aaron, think I could breathe?" Nick gasped. Aaron apologized and stepped back as the rest of Nick's family moved in to welcome him. Nick grabbed his bags and went upstairs to the room that he and Aaron would be sharing for the weekend. "I missed ya Airhead. What's up with you?" Nick asked affectionately messing up his little brothers hair. "Not too much. There's this girl who just moved in nearby. She's pretty cute, and we've been hanging out. I think she likes me. So mom says you broke up with your girlfriend, why?" "Uh....it just....wasn't....right anymore. I wasn't in love with her. I was in love with someone else. And, no, I'm not going to tell you yet. I want to wait until we're ready to tell everyone ok? Sorry, bro." And with that Nick's cell rang and Aaron slinked out of the room."Hello?...Oh hey baby......yeah I miss you to...so what did your mom say?...So she was cool with it?....well yeah she already knows your gay, but I mean about us AJ, was she ok with it?.....well that's a relief....yeah a little....I know, but it's just for the weekend....Ok, see you then....love you too. Bye babe." Aaron staggered away fom the door. Nick? And AJ? What was going on? Nick was gay?! With AJ?! The bedroom door swung open and the two brothers were face to face. Nick knew immediately but the look on Aaron's face that he knew. He pulled Aaron into the room and sat down to talk. "Nick, are you seriously with AJ?" Nick nodded. "So you're...gay..?" "Bi" "And you were planning on telling us this when?" "This is why I came down." "Well, if you guys are in love, and you're happy than I'm happy for you. I love ya man!" Aaron hugged Nick, just as Jane called them down for supper. ******************* After supper Nick sat his family down and told them that he was Bi. They sat and stared at him for a second to see if he was joking. Then, one by one, they all smiled. "Alright, BJ, cough it up you owe me 5 bucks. I told you he was gay!" "Leslie!" "Sorry Nick, but I figured you were when I caught you checking out Justin instead of Britney that one day." Nick blushed. "Well, Nick, just so long as you're happy." Bob sauntered over to Nick and hugged him, taking him by surprise. Nick looked around at his family and noticed the grins on thier faces. They weren't mad they genuinely supported and loved him. Then he noticed Angel, she seemed distant lately. He missed her, she was his baby sister and he loved her. He made a mental note to spend more time with her this weekend when Aaron intrrupted his thoughts. "Yeah, and the best part mom is who his boyfriend is!" All eyes were on Nick. "You never told us about a boyfriend! Well, spill." BJ said impatiently. "Nick, is there something you'd like to share?" Jane asked in the way only mothers can. "Well, I wasn't going to bring it up yet, but seeing as someone already did, I'll tell you." Nick glared at Aaron, "Well it's...it's...AJ. We're in love, and well, we have been for quiet awhile, we just wouldn't allow ourselves. Guys, say something!" Everyone broke out in smiles, and jumped up to give Nick a hug. Everyone chorused, "Congratualtions, Nick." Everyone, that is, except Angel. "Faggot!" Angel shrieked, "I hope you burn in hell! God doesn't create such monsters as you! I loathe calling you my brother! How can you do this to me!? Don't you know that it says in the Bible that being gay is WRONG! You're such a selfish asshole! I want nothing to do with you ever again!" And with that she stormed up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door. The entire Carter family sat in shock at what they had just witnessed. Nick burst into tears, and Aaron ran upstairs. He pounded on the door but it refused to budge. He yelled for Angel to let him and and the door slowly crept open. "What do you want you little brat???" "If I recall correctly we are the same age Angel...and by the way WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!!! NICKS YOUR BROTHER!! HOW COULD YOU TREAT HIM LIKE THAT???" "Becauz..I...I..." "You what Angel???" "I love AJ" Angel said quietly under her breath secretly hoping Aaron didn't hear her. "You WHAT?!?!?" Angel didn't notice that Nick had come up stairs and was listening to their whole convorsation... "I LOVE AJ!!!" Suddenly Nick started freaking out, Angel was so terrified that she didn't know what to do. "YOU WHAT?!?!? HOW COULD YOU LOVE MY BOYFRIEND??? YOUR ONLY 14 YEARS OLD YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS !!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TOO ME!?!?!" All the sudden they heard SMACK Angel had hit Nick. * * * * * * * * * * Back in Orlando they "Boyz" were all sitting around in AJ's backyard getting pissed drunk and playing truth or dare. It was Kevin's turn. "Ok Howie...truth or Dare???" "Dare" "Ok I dare you to strip all your clothes off and run down the street screaming "*Nsync Sucks Ass!!!" "Ok" So howie got undressed and started screaming *Nsync sucks Ass" and running around like a maniac untill someone screamed outta their window "The Backstreet boyz are worse!!!" Little did they know that Lance and JC were only two houses down, so Howie got dressed and sat down while all they others just pissed them selves laughing. "Shut up guyz now its my turn..." Said a VERY red Howie



"When was the first time you jacked off?" Howie asked trading his redness to Brian.

"Uh, I was 10." Brian admitted and the boys laughed. The game progressed and they were having a riot. Brian dared Kevin to kiss Howie; AJ admitted he'd been in love with Nick for five years, which recieved a loud "Awwwww!"; AJ dared Howie to dump a tray of ice down Kevin's pants, so kevin decided to get back at AJ.

"AJ truth or dare?"

"Truth" "Whats the biggest secret you've ever kept from me...besides your love for Nick?" "That me and Angel Carter made out" AJ said as calmly as if they where talking about the weather. "WHAT?!?!" Brain, Howie and Kevin said in unison. "Did I say that out loud?... Oh shit...um..umm..um" "WHAT THE FUCK???? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??ANGEL'S JUST A KID!!! HAVE YOU TOLD NICK???WHAT THE HELL WENT ON???" cried Kevin

"ummmm ummm ummm i suppose you guys want an explination???heehee..."

"Yeah AJ, that could help lot," said Howie, moving to sit beside his best friend. The boys had sobered up quickly and were now interested in what AJ had to say,"So, when did this happen, and does Nick know?"

"Last year. No," AJ said sadly, heading to his car to go home. "And he can't know, he'll never love me if he knows."

Notes: "Missing You" by the Backstreet Boys, NOT making any claims on it as our own, just our idea to use it in this story. Uh...i don't know who wrote it or anything like that, but it is not we repeat NOT our song!!!! (however I do have the full lyrics to it).

Next: Chapter 3

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