Teen Boss to Teen Master

By Ben Howe

Published on Jun 25, 2007


Staring at myself in the mirror with "Fag Slave" across the top of my back, "Free" down the inside of my left arse cheek and "Hole" down the inside of my right showed me my new status was as permanent as the lettering. I was branded for life now - a life that I no longer had any control over.

Over the next few days my Master laid down my life in more detail. He approved of my look and insisted I maintain it. Each morning at 5am I was to shave my balls and arse crack and underarms so they were perfectly smooth. I was to keep my hair at the same buzz cut length. I could use the toilet (but only by squatting over it - never by sitting on the seat) then give myself an enema and wash thoroughly in a cold shower. I was to then clean the bathroom to remove all traces of me.

I was to be called "Slave" to remind me of my status. I was to stay on all fours or kneeling unless instructed to rise to serve my Master. I would drink out of a bowl on the floor which I could fill from the sink. I was to eat out of another bowl whatever my Master provided. This would prove a mix of cheap cereals, over-ripe fruit, dog food and leftovers. I could use a spoon to do so. Everything put on the bowl must be eaten and the bowl licked clean.

I was told he would use my body for his pleasure at his convenience and that it needed moulding. The next day a box was delivered which Master unpacked. It contained a cane, whip, paddle, riding crop, large dildo and various cuffs, chains and collars. All this he told me would be used to make me a better slave.

Before leaving for work the next day he had me kneel and put a cuff below each knee with a solid bar between them. The bar forced my legs apart so my groin felt stretched. He them put a cuff round each wrist and attached them tightly to the cuffs below my knee. I was pretty much immobilised. He tied a small chain about my ball sac above my balls then added a small weight to it. I was then left stuck there.

My Master returned later that morning and had me put my forehead on the floor. He paddled my arse fiercely then added more weight to my balls before leaving. "The pain in your arse will take your mind off your other pains Slave. Be grateful. A Slave should have low-hanging balls for his Master to grab and a flexible groin. Get used to it." A couple of times through the day the same thing happened. When I was finally released I wept with gratitude. This process was repeated in the future with a longer bar and more weights.

When my Master told me my tattoos had healed enough for him to fuck me I was ecstatic. I grew immediately hard which my Master didn't mind but said I had to tell him when it happened. He would then beat me because a slave should not feel pleasure without being punished. Pleasure was a right of a normal man. Master used the cane on my arse and the riding crop and paddle anywhere on my body. Sometimes this was a punishment and sometimes just for his pleasure. He had not yet whipped me but said if I ever displeased him strongly he would do so. My body was often marked where I had been hit.

I undressed my Master then bent over the table. I was quivering with anticipation but just got caned for the pleasure I was showing. This was as harsh a caning as I had ever received. I was crying by the time it finished.

I was told to turn over and lay on my back on the table with my arse half hanging off. The Master put a ball gag in my mouth. "I will fuck your brains out Slave. I know you are a virgin and you will never forget the pain you are about to feel. I won't lubricate you as that would be for your comfort not my pleasure and a slave's comfort is irrelevant." He cuffed my wrists to my knees and put my legs over his shoulders. I was trussed like a chicken as he grinned down at me and put his hands on my hips so he could adjust my position.

The first inch or so was fine then he pushed a little more. I thought my arse was about to rip in two. I cried out but could make no sound and began to struggle but could not move. He continued to push all the while looking down at me. I knew something was tearing inside me and was in agony. I thought I would pass out. He then pulled himself out suddenly and I think I did for a second or so.

Then he did the same again. It was still agonising. I could feel him filling up my insides. He pulled out then thrust himself fully in hard and I might have passed out for another second. The pain was incredible. I knew he was large and I was a virgin but I didn't expect this. He began a more rhythmic movement and I found I could breathe again. I finally began to enjoy the feeling of my Master inside me, using me for his pleasure. I grew hard myself. As he finally came I did the same on his stomach. When he pulled out he wiped his cock on my face and in my hair.

He left me still with each wrist still cuffed to each knee lying on the table and took a shower. I was still breathless when he returned to uncuff me. "You are truly mine now Slave. I must punish you for the pleasure it gave you however." While lying on the table he used a small paddle on my balls and the riding crop on my chest but despite the pain I still felt the pleasure of the occasion.

I grew used to the routine in the next week or two. I didn't return to the office and didn't ask what excuse my Master had made for me. I would serve him while he was at home and prepare the apartment for his return when he wasn't. Sometimes he would get me to do the work from the office online and email it back to him. I was growing comfortable in my new life.

One night he said he was going away for a couple of nights for work. He said he had arranged a new Master to move in. He said he was exercising his right to share me and that I would learn from serving a new Master and must obey them implicitly. I was unhappy but knew it was not my place to say anything and just hoped Master would soon return.

After he left the next morning I was wondering who my new Master would be. I knew they would ring the bell in the special pattern (it would not have done for a slave to answer the door naked to anyone) and that I was to open the door then treat them with the reverence and obedience their status deserved. It was after lunch before anyone rang.

At the door were two schoolboys. I knew this because they were in uniform (although not one I recognised). I was so surprised I remained kneeling but didn't bow down. One of the boys had a camcorder and was filming me. The other boy kicked me in the mouth and I felt blood in my mouth. "Show respect slave. I am your Master now". I immediately bowed my head as they came in and shut the door. "I am Master Piper and I expect total obedience from you slave. Master Rice will be filming the event. Do not show such disrespect again." With that he kicked me again in the mouth. I could feel blood again but stayed kneeling and bowed my head even lower.

"Now stand slave so we can inspect you". I stood at attention looking at the boy who was speaking. He looked about 15 and was not far off my own height. He looked pretty fit but not particularly heavily muscled even allowing for his age. He was blond with short, gelled hair and looked totally in control. By his accent he went to a good public school. The other boy looked a similar age but was less athletic. He had longer dark hair neatly parted. The boy began touching and grabbing me and all the while talked to the camera.

"See his shaved groin here. This shows his status as a submissive. Pretty small cock but nice ball sac." He gave my balls a pull and a squeeze to illustrate. "Not much muscle but you can see when his Master has punished him. Nice to see a slave's status tattooed on them so they can't be mistaken for normal men." Bend over slave. "See his hole here. Marked for free use for any man. Nice and tight still and a well paddled bum. This slave has had a Master who knows the importance of discipline."

This was very uncomfortable. Here was a child treating me like an object and filming the whole episode. It was about to get painful. "As this slave's new Master it is important I demonstrate my status to him. The best way is through pain. Pain is something a slave understands as proving his status as a possession. I'll use his bum for this occasion then move onto the rest of his body at a later date." I was told to take off my new Master's blazer and tie and undo the top button of his shirt. I was then made to bend over the chair back while my arse was paddled, cropped then caned. I didn't cry out but only because the ball gag was in my mouth. My whole arse felt on fire and I could imagine it must be bleeding as well. Age was no barrier to being a strong Master.

"See how I have put my mark on this slave. His bum will be sore for days now and will remind him of my status as his Master. Now I feel the need to relive myself but if you have a slave you do not need to go to the bathroom. Here slave and let me relieve myself. I crawled around in front of him then as he made no move unzipped his trousers and took out his cock. I put it in my mouth. For a schoolboy it was a decent size. He began to piss and I swallowed it all then licked the end of his cock before putting it away. "This slave has been trained to take his Master's liquid. Let us see what else he eats and drinks."

They moved through to the kitchen. "Do not waste money on feeding a slave. Any waste food or animal food will do. Do not forget they are not human as we are but a lower species. Come slave and eat what is in your bowl." I crawled through. My new master had put some dog food and cereal in and I picked up my spoon.

"No slave." He hit my hand with the crop and I dropped the spoon. "I didn't give you permission to use a spoon like a real man. Put your hands flat on the floor." I did so and he stamped hard on them. I bit my lip. "Do not let a slave get away with any indiscipline. Make sure you keep them in their place. I have already shown how you can use physical force on a slave but you can also punish then in other ways".

I was told to undo my Master's trousers and lower them and his underwear. I was careful to obey. He then squatted over my food bowl and actually crapped into it. He then stood up and I had to fetch toilet paper, wipe his arse clean, take away the toilet paper and redress him. All the while knowing what was to come. I seriously doubted I could mange this.

"This slave is not used to eating his Master's solid waste. This makes it an ideal punishment. Now kneel down slave and eat what I have provided for you." I was not quick to begin and found a foot on my neck. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe through my mouth and not think what I was doing. Even so I dry heaved a couple of times but managed not to be sick. I knew my mouth must be caked in the shit as well. I don't think I could have made it without the cereal.

"This slave needs further punishment. Come into the bathroom slave." I was made to wash my face clean in the toilet and gargle with disinfectant then had my head flushed. Back by the armchair I was then made to kneel. My old Master must have given some advice to the new Master because the cuffs went back on my legs and wrists and the chain around my ball sac. This time though the bar was further extended between the knees and I could feel my groin tear. My Master forced my legs as far apart as he could before fixing the bar. Heavier weights were then added to the chain above my balls pulling my sac even lower. An extra chain was hung around my neck and weights added to this. I was told to stay there without moving a muscle. The camera was of course still rolling.

"Here you can punish a slave and improve his physique at the same time. A slave should be able to adapt any position for sex so needs his groin stretched. With an older slave it takes time but by repeatedly tearing the groin he will be able to do the splits eventually. Ball torture is a pleasure for many Masters so the sac should be stretched. We will leave the slave in this position while we eat and enjoy ourselves. The pain the slave will feel will help him remember his low status in life." My groin was burning and my balls felt they were about to be pulled out of the sac. My back and neck were in agony from the weight around my neck. I was in no danger of forgetting my position as a slave.

I could hear the boys talking and laughing in the kitchen area. I was struggling with the various stresses on my body when the door rang. My Master answered it and asked whoever was there to come through. It was someone delivering pizza who asked the obvious question. "That is my slave. He is currently being punished." "That is so cool. Can I have a look?" "Sure." He saw the tattoo on my back and whistled and asked what I was being punished for. "He tried to eat using a spoon without permission." "You are so cool. Have the pizza for nothing but can I come back later and see some more." "Sure man. Come round when you finish. Bring some more pizza".

I could not believe my Master was so casual about it. The way he talked owning a slave was nothing special and could be done quite openly. My old Master was careful about who he invited round. They put the pizza box on my back and shared it. After finishing the pizza my Master finally released me.

"I hope you have learnt more respect slave. I am not a Master who likes to repeat himself. Now we feel ready to resume our video." Suddenly my Master grabbed my balls and started pulling me backwards. I tried to keep up using my hands and legs to keep some of the strain off my already sore sac. "See how this slave has "Free Hole" tattooed around his arsehole. This means any man can use it at any time to relieve himself. It is nothing to do with gay sex. It is just a Master using his slave for his own pleasure."

I was made to bend over. With no fuss my master rammed himself fully into me. He was not fully developed at his age but with no warning it still made me gasp. He pounded away while gripping my shoulders. His nails dug in sharply. After the moment of release he pulled out. He pulled me round and down by my ear and I began to lick his cock clean. He stepped out of his underwear and trousers which were around his ankles. He had a beer in one hand and had me suck his balls and lick his groin and arse crack. After he said enough I held his underwear and he stepped into it and I pulled them up and redressed him.

"See how you can use a slave's tongue to clean you anywhere. Just make sure he washes his mouth out with disinfectant before he touches you. As a Master you can use your slave for any task as long as you disinfect them afterwards. You do not want to catch a disease from your slave. You can amuse yourself by making the slave carry out domestic tasks with his tongue anyone else would use a cloth for."

I was told to crawl to the kitchen area. "Do you see the yellow liquid on the floor? No? Wait a moment." My Master actually pissed over the kitchen floor forming a puddle in the middle. "This floor is a disgrace slave. I want to see you clean the whole thing with your tongue. Now put your hands behind your back" I did so and felt handcuffs close around them. My Master sat on the kitchen table and told me to start. I began to lick up his piss then as I was almost done felt a stream hit the back of my head. I kept my head down and kept licking it all up. Eventually it was done to my Master's satisfaction.

"A slave has no right to expect fairness. He deserves pain and shame. As a Master you must remember your slave is just a toy to be used for your amusement. Do not feel bound by normal rules of behaviour". He picked up my water bowl and tipped the contents on the floor. "Do it again slave then go and shower and disinfect yourself and report back to me." He then stood and kicked me hard in the side and walked away. The camera was turned off then as I got back to my knees the boy operating the camera who had still not said a word to me kicked me even harder in the same side.

I was missing my old Master. I was exhausted by the unrelenting barrage on my body and my mind. This boy was utterly in control and was hammering home his superiority at every opportunity. He had left the handcuffs on but I didn't dare mention it. Instead I struggled as best I could to shower and gargle with disinfectant (I got the top off with my teeth by holding the plastic bottle between my knees). I crawled back around in front of the armchair and knelt with my forehead touching the carpet. For the first time he ignored me completely.

A while later the doorbell rang. The camera boy went to answer it and came back with the pizza boy. My Master stood up. "Glad you could make it and with pizza as well. Come and enjoy my slave." With that he lifted me up by my collar and I stood at attention but my Master kicked my legs apart and told me to put my hands on my head. He picked up the riding crop.

My Master walked about me matter-of-factly pointing out my tattoos, my shaved areas and my various welts from the blows I had received. He would point or hit me sharply with the crop or grab at me while he was doing so. The pizza boy was open mouthed by the display. "Wow man. This is awesome. I can't believe I'm seeing this. So he like belongs to you." "That's right. I own the slave the same way you can own a house or a car. He is my property. I can do anything I want to him and he will obey any command I give him. Don't think of him as a person. A slave is not a person. Otherwise I could not do this." He used the crop to slash me across both cheeks and my chest. It hurt like hell but I managed to stand there without reacting.

The pizza guy went hard immediately. My Master handed him the crop. "Have a go. Don't be shy. Just imagine it is your worst enemy." The pizza boy held the crop for a moment then hit my leg. This seemed to give him more confidence and he walked around hitting me harder at random. My Master spoke again. "Don't take this the wrong way man but I can see you've got a hard-on. You can use the slave to shoot your load if you like." "I'm not gay man." "Don't think of him like that. A slave is an object. Use him as you like".

"My girlfriend won't blow me. She thinks it is dirty. Can he do me?" "Slave. Kneel before this man and blow him off. Swallow every drop." I dropped to me knees and freed the pizza guy's cock from his trousers. I'd hardly started working him before he shot his load. I licked him off and zipped his trousers back up. He spoke to my Master. "That was awesome. You are so cool. I've got to go but here is my number. Any time you want to hang out just give me a ring."

Soon after the pizza boy went my Master said it was time for bed. I was desperate for bed but should have known it would bring no respite for me. I took my Master's shoes and socks off and undressed him. He addressed the camera. "A slave has no right to sleep. Keep him submissive through the night." He walked naked through to the bathroom and told me to follow with his shoes, socks and underwear. I crawled after him. He had me put the socks in the shoes and the shoes on the floor. He took a dump in the toilet then stood and turned around. He ordered me to wipe his arse with the underwear. He said he would get me to put my finger up his arsehole and if there was a fleck of shit on it I would be beaten. I made sure I cleaned him thoroughly.

He then stood and slowly pissed into and over the shoes and socks. "Bring a towel slave and lay it on the carpet by my bed. Put the shoes, socks and underwear on them." I obeyed. "You will not stir from this spot through the night slave until 5am when you will attend to yourself in the bathroom. By then these had better be spotless. You will spend the night sucking and licking them clean until not a hint of my piss or shit remains. If it does I will whip you. After cleaning yourself clean the bathroom thoroughly. Again you may use only your tongue. If I see any hair or dirt you will be whipped. Now turn out the light and begin your duties.

As my Master went to sleep I began the slow task of sucking the underwear clean after lapping up the piss from the shoes. I could not see how I could possibly manage but I was going to spend all night trying to remove all the stains from the shoes and socks and underwear. It was disgusting and I was desperate for my old Master to return. I had seen and felt how my new Master loved to use the cane and crop on me and was terrified what damage he could do with a whip. I was determined to give him no excuse to find out.

Next: Chapter 3

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