Teen Boss to Teen Master

By Ben Howe

Published on Jun 27, 2007


I sat there in the half-light thrown by the streetlights. The cotton socks and leather shoes were black but the briefs were white. I knew the stains on the briefs would be difficult to shift. I had rubbed Master's arsehole vigorously with them to make it perfectly clean. The camera had zoomed in on all the stains. I went from briefs to socks to shoe insoles to shoes and back again as time seemed to freeze.

Alone with my Master (the other boy with the camera had left after filming the bathroom scenes) in the dark I had plenty of time to think about my situation. He took a greater pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on me for its own sake than Master Lane but I came to realise this made him a greater not a lesser Master. As a slave I should be utterly bent to my Master's will. This young Master had given me my hardest ever day of service and had my sitting in the dark desperately trying to suck shit stains out of his underpants to avoid a whipping but I realised I loved him more for it.

By 5am I realised the harsher a Master the better for the slave. By 5am I had also removed every trace of shit and piss from the shoes, socks and briefs. Yes - I had drunk from my bowl during the night but I never used anything other than my saliva to clean. I headed to the bathroom proud to have accomplished my Master's task and it was with a feeling of relief I attended to myself and licked the floor and shower and toilet clean of every trace of me.

By now it was shortly before 7am and I moved next to my Master's bed to be ready for him when he awoke. By now I thought of him as my Master rather than just a substitute. Shortly afterwards the door opened and the other boy entered with a bag. He dropped the bag and gestured me through to the kitchen.

"Good morning slave. Make me coffee then I want to film you." I bowed my obedience and obeyed. He explained he wanted me to kneel facing the camera and answer his questions while my Master was sleeping.

"So slave. Yesterday you were beaten by Master Piper and humiliated. You have eaten his shit, drank his piss and spent the night performing a disgusting task while he slept. What do you think about Master Piper?" "Sir. A slave must not hold any opinion about his Master. That would be disrespectful. But Master Piper is strong and dominant and any slave would be honoured to serve such a Master".

"Master Piper is 16 years old. You are a grown man. How can you let a boy control you like this?" "Sir. Master's age is not relevant. I am a slave and will serve my Master with love and respect. The harsher his treatment of his slave, the more the slave can feel a sense of belonging to his Master. It is in my nature to utterly obey my Master just as it is in a Master's nature to utterly dominate a lowly creature like myself."

"Your old Master has passed your control to your new Master. How do you feel about it?" "Sir. Again I must not feel. But it is a Master's right to use his slave as he wishes and that includes lending or selling him if he desires. A slave can expect no say in his life or his destiny."

At the point my Master woke and at a nod from the camera boy I went to his side. "Slave" he said sleepily without opening his eyes "suck me off". He didn't move so I moved the duvet aside and crawled onto the bed. He lay on his back and was certainly hard. With real pleasure I went to work on his cock and he soon shot his load down my throat. I licked him clean with true affection then he lay for a moment or two before opening his eyes.

"Show me". I held up first each shoe, then each sock and finally the white briefs. He examined each carefully and sniffed them. He made no comment but just chucked them aside. I was elated as he told me to run the shower for him. He washed himself but I had the pleasure of drying him. I then dressed him in the clothes the other boy had bought (designer jeans and t-shirt, fresh briefs and socks, same patent leather shoes).

After breakfast Master addressed the camera. "My slave spent the night sucking the shit out of my underwear. See how pristine they now look". He held them to the camera. "The task was to humble the slave further and allow him a period of reflection on a slave's life. It also gave me pleasure to imagine him spending the night sucking and licking away on these and my shoes and socks while I slept. Take these and my socks slave and throw them away. I will now show how easy it is to discipline a slave by physical means. As a Master you can do anything to your slave knowing they will not resist."

I was left to stand and told to keep my hands on the back of my neck whatever happened. I stood awaiting my fate. I was nervous but also anxious to begin whatever was the next stage in this training. I did not have long to wait before my Master took my balls in his hand and started to squeeze. He then get go and punched me solidly right there. I fell to my knees and was punched in the balls again. I lay in a foetal position as my Master kicked and stamped on every part of my body. One kick caught me at the base of the nose and I felt blood spurt out. All the while apart from one instinctive reaching for my balls I kept my hands behind my neck.

I was told to get back to my knees as the kicks subsided. My Master then spoke. "See how a slave is just a vessel for your abuse. Do not consider his body as anything other than something belonging to you. Now watch the slave kneel as I line up a punch to his eye. He knows what is coming, knows he has done nothing to deserve it and knows he can do nothing as a slave to avoid it." I knelt breathe trembling with my hands still on my neck. I saw the fist fly hard towards my eye and could just kneel there and take it. The blow knocked me onto my back.

"After beating a slave it can be the most satisfying time to fuck him. Drive your cock into him while he is hurting and bleeding to drive home your domination." Master took me on the floor where I lay. He forced my legs back over my head and into a position where he could ram himself inside me. As he fucked me he actually punched my nose to restart the blood flow and then rubbed his cock over my bloody face and chest once he was done. I licked my blood off him. It was the most erotic moment of my life as a slave seeing my own blood smeared on my Master's cock.

My whole body ached but my Master wasn't done. He explained he would be leaving for a while and would be back later. While he was gone he wanted me to think about slave life. I was told to stand with my legs apart. The relief from standing upright would be short lived. My legs were kicked further apart until the groin and inside thigh muscles began to protest against the strain. A bar was fitted between some cuffs on my ankles so that I could not close my legs. A chain was tied above my sore balls and weights added pulling my balls and my sac lower.

I was then told to open a plastic bag. Inside was a filthy jockstrap. "This is a gift for you slave. I had a boy wear them for a few days. He made sure to leave plenty of skid marks for you. Everyone in my dorm then pissed onto them and I left them to marinate. See how shit and piss stained it is - hardly any white left on it. Stinks as well. While I am gone you will chew and suck them until they are beautifully white. Drop them or leave them marked and you will get the whipping you escaped this morning. These boys are not your Master - they are just boys. But you will suck their shit and piss out of this jock just the same and think about the level of a slave."

My hands were then cuffed behind my back and I was left there like that - a stinking jock in my mouth. With my mouth full I had to breathe through my nose and they really did stink. I had no choice and began sucking and thinking about how little control a slave had on their life. I had been forced to stand in what would become agony after being beaten for no reason and was sucking the piss of boys I didn't know out off a jockstrap just because my Master wished it. I knew this was the right life for me.

I really tried to clean the jock but it was impossible. My mouth was so dry and I could not use my hands to hold it. My balls and inside thighs and groin ached abominably. I tried to bend my knees and use my hands to hold the weight on my ball sac but it was impossible. As the day wore on I could not suck any longer and just stood there with the whole of my thighs and groin just a mass of pain and getting dizzy. I began to suck again just for a distraction.

It was hours later and I was close to passing out when not only Master Piper but Master Lane and a third man came in. I must have looked awful with the black eye and bruising beginning to appear from the beating and dried blood still smeared on my chest. Master Lane exclaimed that they looked like they had half killed me. He removed the weights and released the cuffs and bar and I dropped to my knees in silent relief. I went to take the jock from my mouth but Master Piper's voice cut across me. "Leave it slave. I want to inspect it".

He walked over and took the jock from my mouth. "This is still dirty slave. You have insulted me and I will whip you for it." I could only nod with tears in my eyes. The jock was not clean. You could still see some faint skid marks and the odd stain. I had failed my Master and deserved the punishment. My balls and groin hurt so much though I thought it couldn't make much difference.

"Wait a moment John. I agreed you could use your younger brother to push my slave and it looks like he's taken full advantage. The video showed that. But whipping could leave permanent damage. That is outside our agreement." The other man nodded. I let out a sigh of relief. The man held up a hand to stop the protests of his younger brother - Master Piper.

"I know Paul. But you will get to whip this piece of crap later. First we need to complete the formalities". I could hear this but didn't understand it. A few minutes later I did as Master Lane explained it to me. He had decided to give me to this new Master. He had an exclusive club for gentlemen where the use of slaves was one of the perks. He felt after watching the video and talking to Master Piper this would be the best way to complete my education as a slave.

"Enough Joe. He is a slave. You do not have to explain anything to him. Besides we both know you are doing this in exchange for membership and have another little office boy lined up to take his place. Let us complete the paperwork. While we do Paul you've earned the right to tell this slave what his future holds."

"The very first thing your future holds is a whipping from me slave. My brother's club is awesome. First you will have a month of intense physical training and I mean intense. You will lift weights 16 hours a day 7 days a week. You will be stretched another 4 hours a day then if you are good be allowed to snatch 4 hours sleep a day. Throughout the period you will be beaten to encourage your efforts and fed drugs to encourage your muscles. Your body and mind will be transformed. You will forget everything apart from the pain and the torture and the weights. I've seen it happen and this time I will be leading the training. You will need this to survive my brother's club.

You will then have some serious cuffs welded to your neck, ankles and wrists with loops for chains. You will be branded with your number and a $ sign. This means you are owned by the club rather than any individual member. You will be the lowest rank among the slaves. You will then be ready to enter servitude at the club. This will be beyond anything you can imagine. Gentlemen here really know how to use slaves. You will be fucked by two or three men at once all night long. You will have your throat fucked the same way. You will be tortured until you scream for mercy then tortured some more. You will eat the shit and drink the piss of dozens of men. All the while you will know that you are here for life. After we leave here you will also never speak again. No slave in the club needs to speak. They just need to obey and endure for as long as their body can provide amusement."

Master Lane called me over to the table to see the document they had prepared and sign it. It read

Master Lane releases all rights on his slave Ben Reid (our full details were then given).

Ownership of Ben Reid will pass to John Piper for use as he sees fit (his full details were given).

Ben Reid understands this gives John Piper the right to use his body in any way he chooses including permanent disfigurement. John Piper can also grant this right to anyone he chooses.

John Piper accepts full responsibility for the life and upkeep of Ben Reid.

Ben Reid will henceforth be known as Slave 14 and will be branded to this effect. Ben Reid will cease to exist.

The signing of this document is binding and the ownership of Ben Reid by John Piper irreversible after this signing.

This agreement is being entered into freely by all parties.

Master Lane and John Piper had already filled in all their details. Master Piper now filled in his and I picked up the pen. After a moment of hesitation I signed my name. The next chapter in my life was about to begin.

I cannot describe each day in the next month or two. Time stopped having any meaning. I remember Master Lane removing my collar with the label "Property of Master Lane". I remember a wooden crate being delivered soon afterwards and me being gagged and sealed inside. I remember the crate being opened after a journey in a windowless basement by Master Piper (the younger one). I remember being chained to a wall and whipped and the intense pain in my back from the lashes although the pain seems to merge with other pain in my memories.

Heavy weights were bolted to my forearms and were to remain there for my stay. Aside from that my memories are confused and blur into a single picture. Most of the time I lifted weights. Different weights, different pieces of equipment, always more weight, always being beaten for failing to lift quickly enough or with enough repetitions. When I wasn't lifting weights I would be stretched. Either my balls or my groin or both. Sleep was taken in small bursts on the concrete floor and always ended with a violent kick awake. There were different drinks and pills and injections. Different trainers came and went and I think different slaves. I could feel my body grow hard. My head was occasionally shaved but I was never washed. I remember pissing onto the floor and it running to a drain in the centre. The room must have stunk but I didn't notice.

I do remember when I left the basement (although I would return regularly for further training). I was taken to a plain tiled room with shower heads in the ceiling and a drain in the centre of the floor. Another slave shaved my body and I was allowed to shower with soap under the cold shower. I tried to speak to him but he held up a finger to his lips. There were also hoses coming out of the wall where I could give myself an enema. I was told to walk out through a different door and found myself in a corridor leading to a courtyard. This was the first daylight I had seen for what seemed for ever and I had forgotten how bright it was.

I was locked in the back of a small van and driven off somewhere. When the van stopped again I was in a small workshop where Master Piper was waiting with two men. I was strapped face down on a bench. The weights on my forearms were removed and replaced by steel cuffs. Steel cuffs were also placed on my ankles and a thick steel collar around my neck. All were locked into place.

Master Piper spoke. "I am here to brand you ready for your new life of service at the club. You will be Slave 14. What you remember of your former life will soon be forgotten. From this moment you will not speak. If you are caught speaking your tongue will be removed." I could hear a hissing sound then something being thrust onto my left buttock. I screamed and was gagged. The whole cheek was on fire. I was still trying to scream when the same pain hit my right buttock.

After a while I was rolled over and saw Master Piper was holding what looked like a branding iron. He looked down at me then thrust it onto one of my pecs. I passed out. When I came to I was still on the bench. I looked down to see $ burnt into each pec. I stood then Master Piper showed me each buttock with a red 14 burnt into it. He whispered into my ear "now the real fun can begin".

Whatever my future held in the club these men were going to take their pleasure first. I was bent over where I stood and one of the men pushed himself roughly inside me. He began to fuck me holding onto my hips. Master Piper then forced my head up to an angle where he could push his cock down my throat. I found myself being fucked at both ends. The three of them would rotate until each had shot his load in each end. By the time I was driven back to the club my throat and arsehole felt raw and my brandings were burning like hell.

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