Teen Fun with a Fag Slave

By Ben Howe

Published on Jun 16, 2004


This is a story about how two gorgeous and dominant 18 year old rich boys hooked themselves a young fag slave to serve their every need. The action will get stronger as the story unfolds. Please email any comments or suggestions to me at the address in the first paragraph.

"Teen Fun With a Fag Slave" - Part One

"Two fit 18 year old men require a domestic and sex slave to serve their every need for a week in June. We will give pain and humiliation. You will give total obedience. Apply to benhmasteruk@hotmail.com with full cv of experience and desires with photos. Don't waste our valuable time".

I am Ben Howe. I posted this message on various sites and sat back awaiting replies. Gary and I go to the same boarding school which we will escape from in June. We both come from stinking rich families and both found out early at school that our greatest pleasure came from hurting kids younger and weaker than us. We're both six foot and have the kind of bodies you'd expect from playing sports and working out regularly. We look great with expensive clothes and short carefully gelled up hair.

Gary has a huge underground apartment on his parent's estate (stinking rich you see). It was an 18th birthday present. Self-contained with a massive open area, kitchen, two en suite bedrooms, fully equipped gym and much more. Neither of us are gay but we got off at school on abusing our position of power and want to increase the rush this Summer. We want to take over a life. Totally. This is what the message was for - to hook a young fag we could reel in.

We found what we wanted among the dross. Someone 21 who looked about 16. Short and lightly built. Choirboy looks. Just the sort of kid a few years younger we'd have made their life a misery at school. He'd had a boyfriend (how sweet) but come to realize he'd only get true satisfaction serving men who would dominate him. He'd fantasized about putting himself at the mercy of others but never gone further. So he was pretty innocent and ripe for capture.

We had him get in the back of a certain van in a certain car park at a certain time where he'd find a hood to put on. He was to stay there and wait. We'd seen him arrive looking around nervously and get in and then left him to sweat for a couple of hours (literally - it was a hot day) before driving away. On arrival we instructed him to get out of the van and carry his bag while we shoved him down the steps and into the living area of Gary's pad. Only now did we tell him to take his hood off.

We'd prepared for this moment and reckoned after so long he'd automatically open his mouth. Sure enough he started some introduction of other. I slapped him twice hard across the face and gave the first lesson. "You will not speak until spoken to. When you speak you will call us Sir. Your name is Fag. You are a worthless creature who is here to obey. Now greet us in the manner deserving of our status". He dropped his bag and knelt before us and kissed each of our sneakers.

Fag remained kneeling, head bowed. Gary and I exchanged pleased glances and then Gary spoke. "Remove my sneakers and socks Fag and then stand so we can inspect you." Fag did this and stood with his hands clasped in front of him. I stood still and Gary went to stand behind him and put his mouth to Fag's ear.

He began "We own you Fag and will enjoy you. Our sole use for you is as a tool to give us pleasure. We take pleasure from hurting and humiliating creatures like you. Your pain will turn us on. You will learn how powerless and worthless you are. From this moment on you will cease to exist except as whatever we choose to make you". Gary then put his left arm across Fag's chest pulling him to him and forced his right hand down the front of Fag's jeans. He found his balls and squeezed hard. Fag gasped with pain and bit on his lip as Gary kept up the pressure for a few seconds before removing his hand. "Pretty small like the rest of him" he told me smirking.

Pretty small he was. He stood five feet four with a 26 inch waist (according to him). Dark hair neatly parted and blue eyes. We'd seen pictures and knew what to expect. Fag hadn't. Gary and I are physically from a different gene pool and towered over our new toy.

"Go make some coffee Fag and bring it to us." We went and lounged on the armchairs in front of the giant flatscreen TV. Two coffees on a tray arrived. "Now remove my sneakers Fag then remove my socks with your teeth" I instructed while my feet were on the coffee table in front of me. This he managed despite me using one foot behind his head to force his mouth to take my other foot. Gary laughed as Fag choked. "Now fetch our bag and empty it on the floor." "Sir our bag?" "You belong to us and your possessions belong to us Fag. Do not question me again".

We had not given any instructions as to what Fag should bring so were curious. We had him fetch the rubbish bin from the kitchen and stand to attention as we rifled through. "No underwear Fag. No socks Fag. No nightwear Fag - you sleep naked. No shoes Fag" All these went together with the sneakers and socks he was wearing. Gary stamped on a mobile he found and kept all the cash and the credit cards. Fag was left with a pair of jeans, a couple of shirts and some sportswear.

Fag looked a little taken aback but was wisely silent. Now we would have some fun. "Strip Fag" ordered Gary and he did as he was told. I laughed and started squeezing and poking his shoulders, chest, stomach and thighs. "You are a pathetic speciman Fag. No wonder you can only get near Gods like us as our slave. Flex those pecs for us Fag". He tried and the result made Gary burst out laughing as well. "Call those pecs. These are pecs" and he rippled his muscles under his t-shirt. Fag went hard. "Are you hard Fag? It is difficult to tell. I hope you don't think a real man has a tiddler like that". Sure enough Fag stood to attention at maybe 4 inches. Gary punched Fag in the gut and he doubled over.

"Now we need to work up an appetite for lunch and give you a little of what you deserve." Fag was led to the table and made to bend over it. He laid his stomach and chest flat on the table and we tied his ankles to the two legs (using our old school ties in a private joke) to keep his own legs apart. He was instructed not to move while I expained the rules. "Look up Fag". I held two old fashioned school canes in front of him while Gary lifted his head by his hair. These were courtesy of our old school. "Years back kids used to get six blows to the hand for misbehaving. We have a new version. We'll beat on your arse, Gary on one cheek and me on the other. After 10 blows each we'll compare cheeks to see who has caused the most damage. You will count the blows out loud. If you lose count we will start again".

We began. I was left handed so had the right cheek. Gary was right handed so had the left. We had found the canes some time back and used them to give the odd kid the odd blow but could do no more at school. We reckoned if we hit hard enough and accurately enough we ought to be able to break the skin. To start there were cries from Fag after each strike as he called out the blows. Then the cries came more continual. Then the cries pretty much stopped and the only sounds were the swish of the cane, the smack of contact, whimpering and whispered numbers. After 7 Fag lost count and we began again.

Gary won by virtue of making the left cheek bleed a few blows from the end. I reckon he had roughed up the surface of his cane. Both cheeks were red and tears ran down Fag's other cheeks when we let him up. One more part remained. "You must thank us for the honour of being beaten by us Fag". He sank to his knees. "Thank you Sirs" he whispered. I replied by kicking his chest so he tumbled backwards.

Gary reached down and yanked Fag back to his knees by his hair. "Not so fast Fag. I need release". And even through Fag's watering eyes it must have been obvious to him exactly what Gary meant with Fag at the level of a fast growing tracksuit bulge.

Fag couldn't keep his eyes off Gary. Gary would keep him waiting a little longer though. He pulled Fag to his feet. "Your body disgusts me. Put some jeans on". Fag hurried to obey and followed Gary over to the gym equipment. Gary took off his t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms and sat naked on a weights bench. I left him to it but knew from experience he would not yet be at his full 8 inches. Gary put his hands behind his head and leaned back and closed his eyes. "Suck my balls" he muttered. Fag got on his knees and went to work. After a couple of minutes Gary was ready and grabbed Fag's head and shoved his open mouth onto his cock. I guess from the gagging sounds Fag was surprised but Gary would make him take every inch. Not much later I guess he came and shot straight down Fag's throat as I heard a sigh from Gary and "Now lick me clean and fetch my bottoms".

Gary sauntered over smiling with Fag following. My time would come (literally) but I was in no hurry. Looking at Gary's smile Fag could suck but he also had other duties. He'd promised he could cook and it was time for lunch. "Follow" and I led him to the kitchen.

I pointed to the kitchen table Fag had so recently been sprawled over. "Scrub that before you use it to prepare our food on. Lay two places on the dining table. We want pasta, chicken, salad. Fruit juice. We want it in one hour. Put your shirt on and wash before starting. Use the kitchen sink. After our lunch we might let you feed yourself."

Fag proved he could cook and serve in a civilized manner. Now for a little humiliation. He was told to remove his shirt and led to the kitchen. Gary laid down the rules. "We will feed you and let you drink because we need to keep you fit to serve us. You will eat and drink what we give you when we give it to you. All of it. Nothing else. You will be grateful for it. You will eat in a state fit for a slave. All your food will be on a tray on the floor. You will eat on all fours. You will kneel and bend towards your food. You will keep your hands behind your back. You will have a bowl of water to drink from after you've finished then you will make sure your tray is licked spotless. You may pick the bowl up with your hands."

Fag obviously hadn't bargained for this. He began to say something. Gary struck him so hard across the face he fell to the floor. "Silent. You have no right to discuss anything. Now fetch our plates and fetch a tray from under the sink and put them on the table." Gary got Fag to chuck a few remaining bits of pasta on the tray and get a can of dog food from a cupboard. Fag began to shake his head and Gary slapped him hard. "Open the can and scoop the contents on the tray. Now put the tray on the floor and eat all of it."

Fag stuck his face in it and gulped down a few mouthfuls before beginning to retch. He stopped and I kicked his arse so his face went into the mess. "Don't stop Fag. And don't chuck up or you'll eat that too". Given what we had planned for his meals in the next week this did not bode well for him. He forced it down and grabbed the bowl of water. "Now lick the tray clean Fag".

His face was covered in dog food. "After each meal you will be cleaned the same way". I led him into the toilet off the kitchen. This was a six foot square room with an old toilet minus seat and shower minus door or curtain. We picked him up by his legs and shoved his head down the toilet. Judging by the sounds of water being swallowed he hadn't taken a deep breath. We flushed and pulled him out after a minute and dropped him on the floor. I kicked him. He was clean but started choking and retching up water on the floor. "Pitiful Fag. Get used to it. This is where you will sleep. You will sleep naked on the floor. We do not want a dirty slave so you will use this toilet and you will shower here each morning." Gary chucked him an old towel and washbag with comb, soap, toothbrush and paste and battery razor "These are yours for the week. Now clean yourself up and report back to us when your appearance lets you be worthy of serving us". We left Fag and went back laughing to prepare to work out.

Gary has a fully equipped gym so we got ready for a pretty regular session of multiple repetitions at low weights and low repetitions at higher weights. We both wore just shorts and vests and worked up a sweat. Fag appeared dressed in jeans only and tidy after a while and we had him kept busy adjusting the weights. We had a different sort of weights session planned for him later in the week but for the moment he was obviously enjoying the show. After about 45 minutes we were done and ready for a shower. I looked at Gary and he nodded. "Fag attend me" I said and headed for my room and shower feeling the familiar burn of hard exercise. Now I would see whether Gary was right to smile at Fag's suck off abilities earlier.

I told Fag to turn on my shower and peeled off my vest and shorts and jockeys and chucked them on the floor. I ignored Fag's staring at my gorgeous body and stepped into the shower. I lathered up my body and called Fag in. He stood at the entrance to the shower still in jeans. "On your knees Fag and suck on my balls". He did exactly that as the water cascaded down and I shampooed my hair. "Now shove your tongue up my arse". I turned to face the shower head and he obliged. "Deeper Fag. Put your hands on my hips and pull my arse to you". He did well and must have had a stomachful of soapy water by the time I'd had enough. I reached round and pulled his head away by his hair as I turned around. "Now prove your worth".

I was only partially hard as Fag worked his mouth around the base of my shaft. He certainly gave better head than any girl I'd had in this position. Once I was hard I rammed myself down his throat. He took my full length and put his hands on my arse and one finger down my crack as I pulled his head hard into my groin. I cried out as I came and he swallowed every drop. As I felt relief and let pulled Fag's head off me I kicked him so he fell backwards out the shower. He'd given awesome head but would not get a word of praise from me.

He laid soaked jeans and all on the floor of the bathroom. I turned off the shower and stood over him. "Get up Fag. Put one towel on the floor for me to stand on, wrap another around my midriff and dry me from my feet up with another". He obeyed and dried my legs and stomach and back and chest and shoulders while I dried my hair. I padded through to the bedroom to select my wardrobe. I stood naked hands behind my head while Fag dried my arse and groin and dried himself off then had him get some Levis and shirt for my evening wear. His jeans were still soaked but that didn't stop him dressing me and following me out.

Gary was lounging in fresh sports gear and sneered at Fag as we came out "Fag looks too comfortable. I want to whip him but I want him looking less respectable first". I looked at Fag's modern jeans and neat hair. "Lets do it". Fag's eyes had widened and he backed away. "Sirs. Sirs. Please. I will do anything for you. I have proved that. I don't want to be whipped. I'm not really ready to take that step. I beg you. Just let me look after you and be your sex slave. I don't really like too much pain. Please..."

That was as far as he got before Gary reached him. One lazy swinging punch caught Fag on the chin and he fell half stunned backwards. He stamped on Fag's balls and as he rolled up grabbed his hair and pulled him upright. "No more games" he hissed "You don't get it do you? You are ours now. You will be our sex slut. But you will also take all the pain we choose to give. We chose you so you are ours. We'll hurt you and shame you and work you and pass you to our friends. We'll rent you out or sell you on. We own you". Fag was propelled to a part of the room where two posts stood floor to ceiling about five feet apart. At about seven feet from the ground through each post ran a length of chain with some cuffs on the end. Amazing resource the internet. We chained him and then pulled the other end of the chains tight so his arms were stuck half out and half up from shoulder height. We unbuttoned and yanked off his jeans and then cuffed each ankle to some chain at ground level and shortened the chain to pull his legs apart. A little adjustment and he looked like a 4 pointed star. With his feet flat on the floor his arms were pulled taut by the chains.

"First to go Fag will be your hair. You need a slave cut which means losing your pretty boy parting for a number one" (basically a skinhead cut with the minimum of stubble-like growth) "and lose that underarm hair. You have no chest hair to lose but I think we'll lose the pubes as well. Hair is a sign of independence and it'll be easier for us and whoever buys you to keep you clean with no hair anyway". At this Fag started some feeble protest so we gagged him. We'd have something to stop the whining soon enough. Gary fetched the shaver and soon enough Fag's pretty boy hair was on the floor around us. Didn't take long to add the pubes. From the odd cry behind the gag Gary was being none too gentle with the head shaver but Fag certainly kept still when Gary reached the groin.

He looked different now. Younger. More vulnerable. More slave-like. We were pleased and ripped off Fag's gag to get his reaction. I got a mirror and held it up to him. "What do you reckon then? Look like a slave now don't you." He didn't reply immediately so I gave his balls a gentle squeeze. "Answer me slave." "Sir. Yes Sir. Yes".

Gary and I carried a long wooden trunk over and set it before Fag (or maybe we'd call him Slave now) on the floor. "We want to show you this so you know what to look forward to." Gary opened the lid and Slave murmured something under his breath. Inside was our collection of toys and tools for the week. There were some leather and steel manacles for ankles and wrists, a couple of collars, assorted chain, a variety of different length semi-rigid whips, a wooden paddle (the arse beating kind not the boating kind), a couple of huge dildos, a long whip curled up, some nipple clamps and various other bits and pieces. "Don't get the wrong idea. We'll use all these however well you serve us. They are not some kind of punishment but our kind of pleasure. You might manage to delay some of it by giving us pleasure. Or you might not. Right now I just want to tickle you and then finish dressing you. Think of this as a taster for what you've got to come".

Gary grabbed a semi-rigid whip about two feet long and stood flexing it in front of Slave. "This will hurt you more than it will hurt me". Without warning he slashed it across Slave's chest. Slave screamed as a deed red weal appeared. I took my shirt off and grabbed another and moved behind Slave and slashed him across the shoulders. We alternated for a dozen or so blows each with Gary working the chest and me and upper back. Slave's screams just encouraged us to continue. Gary walked around to inspect Slave's back. "Nice work". I was equally impressed with Gary's labours on the front. "Beautiful" I said running my hand along the raised skin of one particularly deep blow "now lets finish dressing him".

I released Slave as Gary went to fetch something but not before kissing him hard on the mouth. "You look delicious" I whispered "ready to dissect". Gary returned with a pair of what must have been his old running shorts from when he was about 12. We told Slave to put them on and they were an incredibly tight fit. Gary used a knife to slit the outside of each leg right up to the waistband. He also cut part of the inside of the leg. Slave could move but his cock and balls couldn't. What little he had to show off was shown off.

We put some inch wide steel bracelets on his ankles which had some chain between them so Slave could only walk in shortened strides. The wrist manacles were similar - with the chain a similar length (about a foot). There was also a thinner leather and steel collar which was made up of a tight-fitting leather collar with a ring of loose steel chain interwoven into it. He stood in front of us head bowed and hands clasped in front. With the tight black shorts and restraints and chains and collar and shaved head and red weals he looked every part the Fag slave.

He looked what he was and would remain - a weak and powerless creature owned and tamed by his superiors. He was ours. "Your new name is Slave" I told him. "Fags are gay and submissive by choice. You will be gay and submissive by force. You will serve us as long as we require you. Do you have any questions?"

Slave looked up. "Please Sirs. You cannot do this. I have made a mistake coming here. I did not expect anything this intense. Just let me go now or let me stay for a week and be a sex slave. I will do anything to service bodies like yours and men like you but this is too much. You said if I wanted to leave at any time I could do or if I was not happy with how things were going we could change things. Please think about this. I trusted you. I loved you. Please be fair." And more of the same drivel.

I told you we'd picked someone who looked young. He was also inexperienced and trusting and naïve. He was learning a valuable lesson about life. Too bad he'd learned it too late.

Gary replied mid-plea "Enough. We will give you your answer after you've cleared up. Ben and I have left our dirty clothes scattered about our rooms and in here. In our wardrobes you'll find our laundry bins. Put our clothes in there and don't muddle them up. You'll find clean towels in the wardrobes as well. Lay them out and lose the wet ones in the laundry bins in my bathrooms. Then clear up your hair off my floor and clean my shaver of all trace of you. Now go while we decide."

Slave shuffled off as fast as the chains would allow while Gary and I discussed what Slave had done and what we would do next. Needless to say he wasn't going anywhere. I told Gary about Slave shoving his tongue up my arse and we both agreed he sure knew how to give head. When we'd decided our next move I went off to change into a pair of shorts. This would be all I was going to wear. In fact I was getting hard just thinking about it and I could tell Gary was excited.

He returned and I smiled and put my arm around his shoulder. "Thanks for everything. Come with me". Slave visibly relaxed as we walked across the room. Still smiling I led him under a large hook that hung on a beam in the ceiling about seven feet from the ground. Gary and I hooked Slave's wrist chain over it so he was suspended almost on tiptoe. Saying nothing I stood facing Slave and put my arms around him to draw him to me. Gary tied my ankles to his with mine outside his and used a leather strap tied tight around my arse and the small of Slave's back to bind us together. Another strap tied to Slave's collar and wrapped around my lower chest and back meant we were bound together. When Gary had said what he wanted to do I wanted to find a way to feel everything.

To keep Slave thinking this might be something sexual I had him kiss my chest while I squeezed his arse and pulled it hard to me. I could feel his little cock pressing into my stomach. Over Slave's head I could see a grinning Gary approach behind Slave with the long whip. Gary was going to lash Slave to give him his answer while I would hold him tight to stop him spinning and get to feel his agony through the screams into my chest and the twists of his body against mine.

We'd both practiced with the whip against a tree so that we could hit a pretty small target. I kept my hands hard on Slave's arse but tucked my arms in as Gary approached. Slave never had a clue. He yelled as the first blow landed square on his back and his body naturally reflexed by trying to twist away from the pain. As he arched his back I could feel his stomach grind into my groin and his head snap back. Every muscle in his body tensed and I felt the energy wash through me. But Slave's collar meant his head couldn't move far and he was still screaming as Gary lined up the second blow. We'd settled beforehand for three blows but in the end went for six. Slave was screaming as each blow landed and crying uncontrollably. I was rock hard with Slave grinding against me in agony and my fingers dug into Slave's arse. Gary couldn't stop laughing from sheer exhilaration and was hard as well. It was one of the most intensely arousing moments of my life. "There's your answer Slave".

Gary untied me after a few minutes getting our breath back and I went to look at his handiwork. The six blows crossed Slave's back. All six were bleeding gently as Slave hung sniffing. "I want him now Gary. Hard up his arse while he bleeds". "Me too man. Me too". Gary walked round the front of Slave and held his head between his hands and looked straight in his eye. "Do you understand? You belong to us. We are your life now. There will be no return to your former life. That whip will be used to punish you if you disappoint us in any way. If you give perfect service and perfect satisfaction we might not use that whip on you again. But you won't. When we are displeased with you we will whip you and whip you hard and enjoy it. But now we will fuck you while you bleed to seal our ownership."

We led Slave over to the gym. We left the wrist manacles on but released his ankles to pull his shorts off. He still hadn't said a word. There was a waist high stand that held free standing weights as used by professional weightlifters with a knee high weight lifting bench beneath. Slave stood behind the stand and was told to bend over. His wrists were released and recuffed beneath the bench. This left him pretty much immobile with his back parallel to the floor. I slapped Slave's back hard and ran my fingers into the lashes to get the blood flowing again. I then ran my bloody fingers across my chest. "First or second?" I asked Gary. "Go for it man. You don't look like you can hold it much longer." That was true enough and I stripped my shorts off with difficulty as I was still rock hard.

I rammed myself straight up Slave's arse with no finesse. This was my first time fucking a man and I was amazed how tight it felt. I started ramming myself in and out while pulling on Slave's collar then moved my hands to Slave's hips to force extra penetration. At some point Gary said he went unconscious and Gary squeezed his balls to revive him but I was oblivious to this. Maybe it was lack of oxygen or the physical shock of my entry or the whipping but who cares. After a couple of minutes I came inside him and shot my load. After a moment I pulled out and Gary took over. He had one hand on Slave's collar and dug his nails into the lashes with the other hand and called out as he came a few minutes later.

"What a ride man". "Too right. Lets shower and dress and head out to dinner." "What about Slave". "Leave him. We'll chuck him in his cell when we go. He's fit for nothing."

This was true as he was collapsed half-conscious over the weight stand and had still not uttered a word since the whipping. We showered and dressed and shoved Slave back into his shorts and chains and chucked him in his shower. We turned the shower on (only cold water obviously) and locked the door from the kitchen and left Slave in the dark. The light was on a timer so that was how it would stay. He wasn't going anywhere lock or no lock. I guessed he'd lay under the water for a while before finding the energy to switch it off. So we went off to dinner and a few drinks with some friends - the kind of friends who would drool over our tales of the day and do anything to come over to take part.

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