Teen Idol Academy

By JT Michcock

Published on Sep 6, 2000



By JT Michcock

(t/t/t/t/t/b) (Celeb, Oral, Anal, Rim, Cons Bond)

The story below is fiction. The names of the involved people are real, although I make no claims about their sexual orientation or behavior. This is, after all, a complete fiction.

This started as a story challenge on the ASSGM Forum (make sure you click the banner ads to keep the site open). I'd like to thank the posters there for throwing out the names of the participants and a couple of the "devices."

To the extent practicable, copyright is claimed to the writing below, (c) 2000. Authorization is given to the ASSGM and Nifty Archives to maintain this story in their archives. No other publication is permitted without my express written permission.

Part 1

Billy Gilman wasn't sure what to expect. The twelve-year-old singer was about to make his acting debut on the "Seventh Heaven" show. As part of a sweeps week "stunt casting," he was to portray a boy singer whose mother had recently passed away and was left with the Camden family to get counseling. As part of the deal the record company worked out, his CD would be promoted during the scheduled two-parter. In Hollywood, they called this "synergy."

I'm not an actor, thought Billy, as he finally got the line right on the fifth take. Actor Stephen Collins, who portrayed the father on the show, smiled and patted him on the shoulder as the director yelled "print!" Billy let out a long breath. This was only his first morning on the set and he had managed to flub almost every line so far.

The director, crew and other actors on the set had been very supportive. In particular, Mr. Collins (Billy could not bring himself up to call the older man Steve as requested) was very helpful in providing Billy with some mental exercises he could use to improve his dialog. But Billy in no way felt like an actor.

"I'm never going to make it through the next two weeks," Billy said to Mr. Collins.

"You're doing just fine," Mr. Collins said reassuringly, grabbing Billy's shoulder. "It's only your first day out here. You just have to keep trying and stay focused."

"Focused," murmured Billy with a sigh. He smiled, his hazel eyes lighting up. At least he was done for the day. The director's assistant, a pretty young woman named Mary, walked over to where Billy and Mr. Collins were chatting.

"You ready to go to school?" asked Mary.

Billy nodded and Mr. Collins excused himself. "Sure," he said, "but I've never been to a studio school before."

"It's a lot like your regular school back in Rhode Island," explained Mary. "Except you get a lot more individual attention." Mary gestured for Billy to follow her and she led him backstage.

"Are mom and dad still with the producers?" asked Billy.

"As far as I know," replied Mary, "they're setting up your singing part for later this week and they still have to go through sound checks and stuff."

Behind the set, Mary and Billy encountered David Gallagher and MacKenzie Rossman, cast members on Seventh Heaven. David portrayed Simon on the show and more than a few girls at Billy's school asked him to return with the teen idol's autograph. Billy was going to have a big scene with David the next day but this was the first time meeting him.

"Hey there," said David extending his hand. Billy reached out and grabbed David's hand. David's grip was tight, too tight as Billy winced.

"Hey," responded Billy, the word "hey" extending out in a wince as David squeezed in tighter.

At fifteen, David stood at 5'6' tall, about eight more inches than Billy. Blonde hair cropped close topped his head and dark brown eye brows framed his bright blue eyes. David was wearing a white dress shirt and navy blue pants. A red white and blue tie hung loosely around David's neck, his top button undone.

Billy could understand why all the girls in his sixth grade class swooned over him. David was outrageously handsome.

David smirked at the tight grip he had applied. "I got your song," he said, "One Voice." This made Billy grow about an inch.

"Great," said Billy. "Do you have the single or the whole CD?"

"MP3," responded David, "I've got a Napster."

Billy's nose crinkled in mock despair. "You owe me some money for that."

David's eyebrows were raised. "Hey," said David, smiling and looking deep into Billy's eyes. "I guess I owe you something."

It was at that moment that a wave of discomfort hit Billy. David was checking him out. Definitely. Billy could sense that the older kid was looking at him in a peculiar way. A shiver went up Billy's back.

"Are we ready to go?" asked Mary. The sound of Mary's voice jolted Billy.

He turned and nodded. On the way, Billy chatted mostly with MacKenzie and she spoke profusely about how she had been in love with Billy's voice.

From behind, Billy could feel David's breath on the back of his neck; the older teen was following closely. Billy could have sworn he felt David's hand brush against his butt. Was this some sort of game? thought Billy. Was this how they treated any new kids?

The three kids followed Mary outside to where a group of tables and chairs had been set up. It was a bright and sunny day -- typical for California -- and the temperature was hovering in the mid-eighties. It was a little warm, but comfortable. Sitting at the tables was an older woman of about sixty, plump and grey hair in a bouffant. She was introduced as Miss Willoughby, the school teacher. Mary soon left and the older woman gestured for the three children to sit down.

"I have all your assignments here, Billy," Miss Willoughby said as she began sorting through her folders. "According to your teachers, you're reading "Wind in the Willows," and they've given me some essay questions for you to work on."

Billy looked through the materials Miss Willoughby provided. Glancing over, Billy watched as she gave David and McKenzie their assignments. David was working on some geometry problems and McKenzie her reading skills. While Miss Willoughby was working with McKenzie, Billy's eyes focused in on the papers on David's desk. Billy turned his head up and saw David looking back at him. It was more than looking though, as an evil grin crossed his face. Somewhat obviously, David lowered his stare to Billy's crotch, his eyes narrowing as he checked out the pouch hanging from Billy's too-tight jeans.

Billy felt his face flush as he moved his line of vision directly ahead. What am I going to do? thought Billy as he felt his breath thicken and heart pound. After a while, the young singer composed himself enough to try to look at the situation logically. Here he was, on the set of a big TV show, people were all around, including the teacher. If David Gallagher tried to do anything bad to him, Billy would start screaming. Billy let out a sigh as he concluded there was no immediate danger.

"We're here!" came out the yell from behind him.

Billy looked back and saw two boys wearing only swimming trunks and sandals approach. As his eyes focused, Billy realized that the two looked familiar. Of course, thought Billy, that was Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield from the "Malcolm in the Middle," one of Billy's favorite shows.

"Hey Justy! Frankie!" David called out. David and Justin returned the greetings. They must know each other, thought Billy.

As Justin and Frankie reached the table, they gripped David's hand. On both occasions, the handshakes were strong enough to make both parties wince.

"Where's the rest of your clothes?" asked Miss Willoughby.

"They can't find them," said Frankie with a smile. "We were filming on the swimming pool lot and they think some girls hanging around there stole them."

"Since it's kind of warm we told 'em we didn't want to wait around for new clothes," continued Justin.

"Well, just sit down then," sighed Miss Willoughby. From her exasperation, Billy sensed that this wasn't the most unusual thing the two boys had done.

Frankie and Justin sat immediately across the table from Billy. Both teens were a bit older than Billy, but Frankie was about the singer's height. Justin was a few inches taller.

As they sat, Justin and Frankie introduced themselves to the newcomer, giving Billy powerful handshakes. This time Billy was prepared and shook back with equal vigor. Both Justin and Frankie appeared impressed by the strength of his grip.

Justin whispered something into Frankie's ear, causing Frankie's face to light up with a smile. Nodding, Frankie gestured for he and Justin to peek under the table. Billy could see what they were doing as he felt his face blush again. They were checking out his crotch.

As the boys lifted their heads above the desktop, evil grins lit up their faces and Justin began rubbing his hands together.

Billy swallowed hard. He couldn't figure out any of this. What was going to happen next?

--------------------- Part 2

Sitting at the table, Billy Gilman had to be concerned about his predicament. Here he was, an up and coming singer sitting at a table to do school work at a "Hollywood" school. The well-known teen idol David Gallagher was to his left while the equally famous Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield sat across from him. And all three seemed to be coming on to him.

It was more than Billy thought he could handle.

Billy did the only thing he could think of to do; he focused in on his school work. Peering down, he looked at the essay questions the teacher Miss Willoughby provided. These were fairly straightforward questions about the story that he had just finished reading in his Rhode Island sixth grade English class.

Trying to turn his attention to the task, Billy could not help but notice that his classmates were murmuring things to one another while he was trying to read. Billy heard the words "rafters" and "initiation" within the whispered remarks but had no idea what these words meant.

Both Justin and Frankie were shirtless and clad in bathing suits. Billy was told when the two teen idols arrived was that their clothing was missing and had presumably been stolen while they were working on a scene.

Bare chested, both Justin and Frankie looked to be in good shape. Their skin appeared soft and smooth, Frankie's nipples were a light pink and seemed perfect on his thin chest. Justin's nipples appeared a bit puffy, the effects of adolescence no doubt, and were darker in color than his cast mate's areola.

Billy looked up briefly and saw Frankie and Justin peering at him with evil grins. He turned to see David giving him the same look. Quickly, he turned his attention back to his school work, swallowing hard.

"It is kind of warm out," remarked David to the group. With this, David slowly began removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.

Billy couldn't help himself. He watched the teen idol partially disrobe in front of him.

Billy had to admit to himself that he was drawn to what he saw. David Gallagher clearly took care of his body. As his full chest came into view, Billy noticed how the soft white skin was slightly tanned from its exposure to the sun. David's fifteen-year-old body was lean and the musculature underneath was well-defined. Too young to really grow chest hair, there was a sparse trail from his belly to the waist band of his pants; Billy spied a light patch of fur in David's armpit. David carefully placed the shirt and tie on the back of his chair.

Returning to his homework, Billy gulped and shuffled nervously. It was at that point that he realized that his penis was becoming engorged; this scene was making him hot.

Billy crossed his legs nervously, little realizing that his three teen companions had experienced a number of "boners" when they were twelve. Billy's companions knew exactly what was happening.

The assigned teacher, Miss Willoughby, was at a table off a distance with McKenzie Rossman, going through a series of flash cards with David's Seventh Heaven co-star. The teacher would not see what was happening.

As Billy turned back to try to focus on his assignment, Frankie was the first to speak.

"You know you look kind of odd," said Frankie to Billy. Billy looked up to find a shit-eating grin on the Malcolm in the Middle star's face.

"Odd?" stammered Billy, not understanding what the fourteen year old meant.

"Yeah, odd," continued Frankie. "You realize that there are four guys at this table and you're the only one wearing a shirt. That makes you the odd one."

Billy noted that the short sleeve pull-over he wore was getting increasingly clammy as he spent more time in this "school." Under his armpits, Billy could feel the sweat drip down the sides of his chest. The temperature must be near ninety by now.

"So," added Justin, quickly. "Are you going to take off your shirt? Or are we going to have to take it off you?" Justin sat back and folded his arms across his chest. From the tone of his voice, Billy could tell these guys were dead serious.

Billy turned to David who gestured for him to take off his shirt. Billy could feel the blood rush to his face.

Taking in a deep breath, Billy grabbed the sides of his shirt and pulled it off. Normally, Billy wasn't too cautious about showing off his chest. At home, he rarely wore more than a pair of shorts, either when hanging around the house or with his buddies. But this seemed different.

Billy involuntarily took in a deep breath and puffed out his sweat-coated chest. As far as twelve-year-olds go, it was not a bad looking chest. Small pink nipples topped the growing pectorals and a line of prepubescent fat was barely visible around the mid-section. David reached over and placed his hand over the singer's chest, rubbing over the area around Billy's left nipple, caressing the adolescent musculature. A shiver went up Billy's spine as David felt him up.

"Not too bad," hummed David.

"For twelve, anyway," continued Justin, a smirk in his voice.

Billy looked over to where David sat and watched the blonde youth lick his palm now coated with the singer's sweat. "Pretty tasty too," said David, looking hungrily toward the blond singer.

Billy gulped. On the one hand, he was terrified at what was happening; on the other hand, he was enjoying the other boys' attention. They were getting him hot.

"Justy," said Frankie, turning to his co-star, "isn't it about time for lunch?"

"Why, I do believe it is," responded Justin. With this, both boys turned to look at Billy.

"Hey guys," added David, still licking his palm, "I think I know something tasty we can eat."

Billy was completely flustered now. They wanted to eat him? The idea horrified him.

The idea also made his dick grow hard.

"The pool's free," said Justin.

Lunch and a swim," purred David, "sounds like a great plan to me."

"Miss Willoughby!" David yelled, "we're going to take our lunch break now,"

"Okay," she responded, waving them off, "don't go too far."

The three boys bolted from the table and, grabbing onto Billy's shoulders, dragged the twelve-year-old off with them.

"Hey," said Justin, "I liked your song -- One Voice,"

"Did you buy the CD?" asked Billy.

"Fuck no," responded Justin, shaking his head, "Napster."

Billy growled slightly. How the hell was he going to pay for college if people kept stealing his music?

"Sorry, dude," said Justin. "I guess I owe you one." With this he looked lewdly into Billy's eyes and then down at his crotch.

Billy felt a hand slide over his butt. Frankie whispered into his ear, "I owe you one too."

Passing several sound stages, the four boys, all nude from the waist up, greeted other performers and crew members along the way. The teen idols pointed out to Billy where various shows and even movies had been filmed. Eventually, the boys encountered a sound stage that looked unused.

"This is where we were shooting earlier," explained Frankie. "It's a sound stage built around what's supposed to be a high school swimming pool. You've probably seen it dozens of times on TV."

The pool looked genuine, it was a real pool after all. On the one side of the pool were rows of wooden bleachers that could be pool side in any school. On the other side, there were black draped walls and camera and lighting equipment. Above the pool were various camera platforms and lighting devices.

"This way," said Frankie as he led the group over to one side of the pool.

He was leading they to a doors with a "BOYS LOCKER ROOM" sign over the top. The doors were opened and the group entered

Inside looked like a typical locker room to Billy, which the boys explained it was. After all, whether you're going into a pool to swim or to act, you still needed to change and shower before going entering. At the front of the locker room entrance was an open shower area with multiple shower nozzles protruding from the walls. Behind that was a small lavatory area and finally a series of lockers with benches up front.

"Are there swimsuits in here?" asked Billy, as they reached the locker room area. This was greeted by some laughter by other boys.

"Why would you need a swimsuit?" asked Justin.

"Well..." said Billy, trying to explain.

"Look," said Justin, "the only reason I wear these," he continued, tugging on the waistband of his swim suit, "is because there are girls around. There ain't no girls around here, I don't think."

"EERRRGHH!" yelled Frankie from about ten feet behind Justin. With this, the Malcolm star grabbed the sides of Justin's trunks and "depantsed" him.

Billy remembered the Malcolm episode well where he first saw this happened. It resulted in a scuffle between Malcolm and his brother Reese.

But there wasn't going to be a fight now.

Instead of being shocked or angry, the now completely nude Justin looked rather non-plussed. "See," he said, holding out his arms to give a complete view of his body, "just guys here, so who cares?"

Billy couldn't help but notice what the removal of the swim suit revealed.

Justin was quite healthy. His large uncut cock lay nestled atop an ample pair of nuts. Crowned by a wiry halo of dark brown pubic hair, it looked like a monster. Looking back up to Justin's face Billy noted that Justin seemed nearly as dumb as the character he portrayed. Apparently, nature had made up for the inadequacies poor Justin had in the thinking department.

By this time, Frankie had peeled off his own suit and stood in front of Justin, grinding his ass into the dark haired boy's crotch. Justin grabbed his co-star around the waist and began his own grinding motions. Frankie was not nearly as big as Justin, but he seemed to have a nice set of equipment. Light brown hair topped his package, a cut cock and a nice pair of balls hung loosely from his thin frame. Frankie turned his head around to face Justin and their lips met. Both youths opened their mouths fully and their tongues could clearly be seen darting in and out of each other's mouths. Billy felt another shiver go through him. This was the first time he'd ever seen two guys kiss.

"I'm ready too," came a voice from behind. Billy turned and saw David Gallagher in all his glory. By far, he was the most handsome of the three boys. His dark pubes were the color of his eyebrows and Billy could tell they had been trimmed. David's cut tool was now fully erect, the head a bright cherry red and the shaft was smooth, long (about seven inches) and thin. The blond Seventh Heaven star's well developed chest cut a smooth arrow pointing to his well hung sex equipment. David's testicles hung low on his body and rolled up and down with his stride.

"Well," said David, grabbing onto his pulsating cock and giving it a few spit soaked strokes, "whaddya think?"

Billy looked but remained silent.

"Hey," said Justin, "you're the odd one out again."

"Me?" stammered Billy.

"Yeah, you," said David, coming up from behind and stroking Billy's back. Billy could feel the saliva from David's hand coating his back. This sent another shiver up his spine.

"Let's see the goods," said Frankie, whose cock was now a good six inches. "unless you've got a pussy down there, you ought to have some similar equipment." David moved in front of Billy and stood next to the Malcolm in the Middle stars and awaited Billy's strip.

"See if you can beat this one," said Justin as came out from behind Frankie pawing his now fully erect eight inch tool.

Billy took in a deep breath, unfastened his jeans and unzipped. Billy had a little secret that he was about to share. Actually, it was a big secret. It was one of the reasons he could belt out a tune so well.

Simultaneously, the jaws of the three teen idols fell to the ground. It certainly wasn't the hair that both impressed and terrified; Billy only had a few blond wisps of pubic hair.

It was the rest of his package.

Although only twelve, Billy displayed a thick, quickly engorging cock that measured a good ten inches when hardened. His testicles hung low and were the size of tennis balls.

Stroking his tool proudly, Billy said "I think I beat you," his own version of an evil grin now appearing as his powerful cudgel rested in his hand.

Frankie finally composed himself enough to poke Justin and laugh. "Justy, I think he beat you."

Justin turned to Frankie and glared. "Yeah, shrimp," he snorted, "and it looks like you've still got the smallest sausage." Frankie returned the glare before David stepped in between them.

"Hey guys," said David. "I thought we were here to have some fun."

Both Justin and Frankie glared at each other for a couple of seconds longer until both remembered the huge package that had been delivered to them. Checking out Billy's crotch, they looked at each other and smiled. "Let's go," they both said simultaneously and the boys headed to the showers.

As the boys started fiddling with the shower knobs, Billy spoke up. "Why not just head into the pool?" he asked. David pointed to a sign on the back of the door to the pool: "Nude shower with soap required before entering pool."

"Ah," said Billy, "then I better get washed up."

Water conservation being paramount in the minds of the California teens, only two showers would be needed, the boys sharing the flow of water and each other's bodies as they paired off.

Billy found himself sharing a nozzle with David. The Seventh Heaven star pressed his nude body against the young singer's and they embraced under the flow. David placed his mouth over Billy's and they frenched each other, tasting the other's saliva as it tricked down their throats. This was Billy's first kiss and he couldn't have imagined it coming from a handsomer dude than David Gallagher.

Frankie and Justin were likewise engaged in their own erotic embrace, the water cascading over and soaking their bodies as they engaged in a long, lingering kiss.

Billy and Frankie were the first to get soaped up, their partners standing behind them and Frankie and Billy facing one another so the could enjoy the site of soapy hands moving across each other's bodies.

David was fairly thorough with his cleaning of his sex partner, making sure that plenty of gobs of soap were used to thoroughly clean Billy's crotch and ass. The blond singer thoroughly enjoyed having the teen's strong hands intimately caress and explore his body. David went so far as to soap up a finger and insert it inside of Billy's rectum, causing the boy singer to coo with enjoyment as his hole was being played with. David soaped up his hands and laid them atop of Billy's head, shampooing the boy's curly dark blond hair.

Likewise, Justin showed his partner an equal amount of attention. After making sure Frankie's crotch and asshole were thoroughly lubricated, Justin had Frankie bend over and, to the teen's squeals of delight, applied his tongue for a saliva soaked rimming of the youth's hole.

Now it was Justin and David's turn to get soaped up. Both were provided like treatment. Frankie's hands were crawling over his cast mate's handsome body, making sure that every inch of the youth's body was soaped and scrubbed to perfection. Frankie returned the favor to Justin, poking his pink spit covered tongue as far up the dark haired youth's hole as he could, Justin moaning his pleasure at the insertion.

In the meantime, David was getting his own scrubbing, with Billy taking special care to clean out the blond teen's hole with his soap covered finger. As an extra treat, Billy had David bend over under the stream and applied his own rim job. David gurgled his pleasure and a line of saliva leaked out of his mouth, his tense body focused on the pleasure his hole was receiving.

After the pairs had washed the soap off each other, it was time to hit the pool. Their erections leading the way, all four took turns diving into the heated water.

The boys had a good time in the water, splashing and swimming, occasionally grabbing at each other's crotches. Billy in particular received a lot of attention, with the three teens all trying to grab hold of his massive manhood.

Soon, it was time to get down to some more serious business as the boys gathered near the shallow end. Billy and Justin sat next to each other atop the side of the pool, their legs dangling in the water and obscenely spread apart to allow access. David headed over to Justin's crotch and plunged his face into the youth's package, swallowing the eight inch monster in a single gulp. Frankie had a more difficult time of handling Billy's endowment, he tried as hard as he could but was only able to manage to take about half of the youth's thick ten inches down his throat.

Despite Frankie's inability to take more than half of Billy's cudgel, both boys displayed no displeasure in the servicing being provided.

"I told you I owed you one," said Frankie, pausing briefly in his sucking to smile at Billy.

Billy laughed as Frankie returned his oral attentions to the twelve-year-old's massive hang. The singer was getting plenty of attention now to assuage any bad feelings he had about the Napster.

Justin, who was in the middle of getting oral attention to his jock, tapped on Billy's shoulder and gestured for the singer to draw his face closer. Soon, Justin and Billy were engaged in a fervent kissing contest while their tools were being rammed down the throats of their companions. Justin expertly moved his tongue deep into Billy's mouth, exploring the insides intimately.

Suddenly, the lights in the pool went dark. All four boys were jolted into leaving their lovemaking, scrambling in the darkness. The lights went back on and he stood there. A figure in a dark trench coat whose face was only partly illuminated.

"Uh, Ty," stammered David, "we were wondering when you'd get here."

"Uh-huh," said the voice, a tone of disbelief filling the grunt.

Tension filled the air; the fear from the boys was palpable. As the figure drew closer, Billy suddenly recognized the teen. It was Tyler Kyte, from Popular Mechanics for Kids.

"I thought I told you guys not to start without me," said Tyler, a big smile lighting up his face.

Part 3

Billy Gilman realized that he was in a rather unusual predicament. The blond singer was buck naked at a pool with three equally nude teen idols, David Gallagher, Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield. And he had been having sex with these guys.

Billy had been cast as a guest performer on David's show, Seventh Heaven. When it came time to head off to the "Hollywood school," the pair found themselves joined by Frankie and Justin, cast mates on "Malcolm in the Middle." All during the time they were in class, Billy was getting hit on by the three teen idols.

After heading out for their lunch break, the older boys dragged Billy along with them to a sound stage featuring an actual swimming pool. After stripping down and revealing their equipment to one another, the boys began their sex play in the shower, eventually taking their hardened cocks to the pool.

Billy had been sitting on the side of the pool getting his ten inches sucked by Frankie. At the same time, Justin sat next to him and they engaged in some rather passionate kissing. In the meantime, David was working his own mouth on Justin's eight hard inches.

Then the lights went out.

When the lights went back on, there he was. Someone Billy was secretly hoping to see while he visited Hollywood. . .Tyler Kyte of Popular Mechanics for Kids. Back home in Rhode Island, the blond singer always made sure he got up extra early on Saturdays to watch Tyler's show.

And now here Tyler was, in the flesh. Or rather, Billy was in the flesh; Tyler was fully dressed.

"I thought I told you guys not to start without me," said Tyler, a big smile lighting up his face.

David, Frankie and Justin arose quickly from pool to greet Tyler, patting their friend on the shoulders. All three sported erections, remnants of the sexual encounter that had been interrupted. None of the boys seemed to mind being nude and in a state of arousal in front of their friend Tyler.

Billy was a little shier; he was also pretty awestruck. Since there weren't any towels or other things he could cover himself with, he nervously crossed his legs. That seemed to do more to beg Tyler's attention.

"Who do we have here?" asked Tyler, slyly. "Would any of you gentlemen care to introduce us?"

"Ty," piped up Frankie, "it's my pleasure to introduce Billy Gilman. Billy, Tyler Kyte."

"Please to meet you," said Billy, extending his hand. Of all the boys, Tyler had the strongest grip by far. Billy winced slightly but returned the clasp with his own strong shake.

Billy realized he was smiling broadly, and he had every reason to be smiling. Standing in front of him was, in Billy's opinion, the handsomest guy in Hollywood. Tyler had a mop of golden blond slightly curly hair, a broad smile and two of the sweetest blue eyes ever put on a dude. Tyler was about eight inches taller than Billy, an imposing figure next to the smaller singer.

It had been Billy's secret hope that he's run into Tyler while he was in Hollywood. And here he was.

"Tyler was clearly interested as well, his eyes focused intently on Billy's. "I see these guys got you warmed up," said Tyler with a grin. Tyler moved his hand over to Billy's chest and began casually playing with the blond haired singer's nipple.

"Uh-huh," responded Billy, a little nervously. A little shudder went through Billy; here was Tyler Kyte in front of him taking an interest in his body.

"You've got a nice one down there," said Tyler, a little breathlessly, and gesturing to Billy's ten inch hang. With Tyler's unexpected entrance, Billy's tool had softened almost immediately. It was now starting to come back to life as Tyler's soft hand began caressing Billy's chest. The other boys had gathered around, expecting to watch some sparks fly. Out of the corner of his eye, Billy could see Justin grab Frankie's tool and begin to play with it. David's head was just over Billy's shoulder and the boy singer could feel his hot breath on his shoulder.

Tyler looked again into Billy's face and the older boy moved his tongue slowly and seductively across his lips. "Are you a good kisser?" asked Tyler.

Billy smiled. "Want to see?" he asked. Tyler smiled. Pressing his body against the younger boy's, Tyler took Billy's mouth into his own. From behind, Billy could feel David's hands wrap around his nude waist, as the singer and Tyler used their tongues to explore each other's mouth. Billy could feel David's hot throbbing cock toy with his ass crack while Tyler licked the younger boy's lips. From the side, Billy saw that Justin had crouched down and was feeding on Frankie's meat while jerking on his own tool. Frankie was moaning with pleasure as his cock was being worked on by his co-star's mouth.

Billy and Tyler, their lips and chins covered with each other's saliva, managed to pull themselves apart to gulp air; Tyler attaching his hand to Billy's prong. David pressed his mouth against Billy's shoulder and was tonguing the boy's shoulder and neck. Billy's eyes remained closed as he took in the erotic pleasure of Tyler and David's attention.

Billy finally composed himself enough to open his eyes. He was greeted by the sight of a smiling Tyler, his mouth and chin glistening. With his free hand, Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out a fistful of condoms and flung them around the floor. From behind, Tyler could hear the other boys scrambling around and giggling.

Billy smiled. "You're the odd one out," he said to Tyler.

"Odd one?" asked Tyler, his eyebrows raised. "What do you mean?"

Billy shrugged his shoulders. "In case you haven't noticed, everyone's naked here except you," he said. "That makes you the odd one."

Tyler smiled and began removing his top coat. "I suppose you want to watch?" he asked.

Billy shivered with delight. "Of course!" he exclaimed. Billy felt his heart pound loudly in his chest. The gorgeous Tyler Kyte was getting taking his clothes off right in front of him! This was more than he could have ever hoped for.

Tyler was suitably slow in disrobing. The other teen idols also gathered around to take in the sight.

Tyler removed his shirt, exposing his developing chest to the other boys. His nips were small and pink, his pecs were clearly developed as were his abdominal muscles. Billy licked his lips, realizing that he had videotapes of all the PMK episodes where Tyler was shirtless. Billy shuddered realizing that the real, shirtless Tyler Kyte was standing in front of him. And there was more to come.

Next, Tyler removed his shoes and socks. Billy found himself being excited by Tyler's feet. They were huge, at least a size 13.

Tyler finally removed his pants, exposing a pair of boxers underneath. His legs were long and a bit hairy around the calves, blond and wispy. With the last item to go, Tyler paused knowing his audience was awaiting the unveiling of his manhood. A grin lit up his face as he turned to Billy.

"Do you want to pull them down?" asked Tyler of the blond singer.

Billy opened his mouth and managed to croak out a "yes, please."

Tyler held out his arms in a welcoming gesture, before raising his arms and folding his hands in the back of his head. Shifting his body, Tyler bent back a little so that his mid-section hung out.

With increasingly heavy breaths, Billy moved in to capture his prize. Slowly, he went down on his knees in front of Tyler, moving his hands up along the sides of the teen's shorts.

With a mighty pull, Bill loosened Tyler's manhood from its covering. Standing back, Billy gasped as he took in the sight. By far, Billy was looking at the finest piece of male equipment he had ever seen.

Nestled atop a patch of fine golden blond pubic hair, Tyler's increasingly aroused cock was massive by any measure. Billy knew by the semi-erect position, the teen's cock must ultimately extend out a good thirteen or fourteen inches from Tyler's youthful frame.

This was a true work of carnal art. Tyler's cock was uncut. Along either side of the light brown shaft, two veins throbbed. Billy could time Tyler's rapidly increasing pulse by watching. The teen's cock head was just poking out from its sheath. It formed a sleek connection to the shaft, no doubt leading to an aerodynamically smooth ride in his sex partner's mouth or ass. Billy licked his lips in anticipation, his only regret being that he could not experience Tyler's thrusting motions in his mouth and ass at the same time.

Tyler's testicles were likewise perfectly matched; both were as huge as oranges and doubtlessly would hold ample amounts of cum for a partner's enjoyment. There was very little hair, indicating that Tyler had kept his testicles well groomed, no doubt to allow maximum feeling as they slapped against the chin or buttocks of his sexual conquest.

"Do you want to work on it?" asked Tyler of Billy. The blond singer awoke from his almost hypnotic trance and gave a gleeful smile to his teenaged friend.

"Can I?" asked Billy, his voice fairly above a whisper. Tyler gestured for Billy to move in and work his mouth on the teen's cock.

Billy responded eagerly, and his mouth was soon filled with Tyler's hot tool. The blond singer worked his mouth an d tongue expertly over the throbbing shaft. In his mouth, Billy could taste the musky aroma of Tyler's pre-cum oozing and mixing with his own frothy saliva. Billy's nostrils were filled with the teen's masculine sweat as well as his fine patch of pubic hairs.

"David," said Tyler, as Billy enjoyed his meal, "I want you to kiss me while Billy's working on my cock. Come up right behind him and rest your package against his head. I want you to be able to rub your cock through Billy's hair and also be able to push his head down further onto my cock.

With little hesitation, David Gallagher moved into position, resting his hardened cock against Billy's blond locks and pressing his lips against Tyler's.

"Frankie and Justy," commanded Tyler, briefly disengaging from David's mouth, "I want you two to work your mouths on my hole. Be nice and take turns."

Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield practically fought to be the first to arrive. Slightly more agile, Frankie was able to maneuver into position first and his tongue was soon enjoying the taste of Tyler's brown puckered hole. Justin sighed and contented himself with licking Tyler's muscular buttocks, swabbing his tongue over the well-built mounds.

Tyler and David had grabbed a hold of each other's nipples and were pulling and twisting the pink nubs, adding further lust to their open mouth kissing. Billy's hair was becoming matted as the saliva from Tyler and David's lust-filled kiss mixed with the copious pre-cum oozing from David's stroking cock. David's legs had become entwined around Billy's body, the slightly hairy calves stroking the teen's body. From below, Billy could feel Frankie and Justin's hands playing with his cock and balls while both took turns shoving their tongues up against Tyler's hole.

From behind, Billy felt David's big toe as well as Justin and Frankie's fingers compete to access his puckered hole. Billy made own good use of his hands, cradling and caressing Tyler's balls.

Billy's head was being forced to accept more and more of Tyler's massive hang as both Tyler and David drew their bodies closer. As he mounted the tool with his throat, Billy's breath grew more ragged and his heart raced.

Sensing that the blond singer was about to lose consciousness from both the lack of oxygen as well as the sheer lust-filled excitement, Tyler removed his massive hang from the boy's mouth and allowed him to suck in a few needed breaths. After a few seconds, Tyler ground his tool back into Billy's mouth and the sex session continued for over an hour, with Billy allowed to breathe enough just to barely maintain consciousness.

Finally exhausted from their sex play, and also not wanting to cum right away, the five boys broke apart. Jumping into the pool, they stretched out their developing forms with a little swim. Billy eventually sat at the edge of the lowest of the three diving platforms, his ass barely supporting him as his feet dangled over the edge. Billy began playing with his cock and bringing himself back to erection. Soon, Tyler swam up to him and began playing with the blond singer's penis.

"You have a great mouth," said Tyler, his face lit up with a smile.

"Thanks!" said Billy, smiling back.

Tyler slowly opened his mouth and took Billy's hardened tool into it. Billy laid back, cooing his pleasure at being blown by the one and only Tyler Kyte.

The other boys, seeing Billy, his back arched and his lithe form being worked on by the oldest teen, moved in position to become part of the sex play. Throwing a few floatation devices, the three teen idols didn't waste much time swimming over to become coupled.

David was the first to arrive, grabbing Tyler's butt, the blond Seventh Heaven's star's tongue grinding quickly into Tyler's hole. Tyler moaned his pleasure at the intimate tasting David was enjoying. The PMK star increased his bobbing on Billy's cock, all to the blond singer's delighted gasps.

Frankie was soon behind David, thrusting his own pink tongue up the hole of the blond teen idol.

Justin followed up the rear, taking his Malcolm in the Middle co-star's brown pucker into his mouth.

For a long time, the boys feasted on each other's bodies, enjoying the musky scent of adolescence that filled their nostrils as mouths and tongues grew hungry with lust. Eventually, Tyler again spoke up to announce the next phase of their sex play.

"Time for the platform, guys," he gurgled, a trail of his spit still connected to Billy's package. With this, the other teen idols began to murmur excitedly amongst themselves. Billy's heart raced as the boys hurriedly exited the pool. This must be really hot, thought Billy as machinery from the roof was being lowered.

When Billy looked over, he saw a metal platform descending to the water's surface. Rectangular, it was only about one foot wide and six feet long. Jet black in color, there were rope footholds on the sides of the longer ends that extended some two to three feet below the platform's top. The footholds in turn contained separate leads that lead somewhere into the darkened ceiling, connecting the bench to some sort of machinery.

The other boys had left the pool and grabbed the condoms Tyler had dropped on the side of the pool. While Tyler stood on the side of the pool, David, Frankie and Justin jumped back in and swam toward the platform. Billy licked his lips in anticipation; he knew the condoms meant that it was time for some ass fucking. With this, the blond singer jumped into the pool to join the adolescent flesh pile gathered around the platform.

When Billy arrived, the other boys gestured for him to lie face up on one side of the platform. Looking toward the ceiling, Billy could see Justin's face come into view as he lay face down on the opposite side of the thin, hanging bench. Justin bent down a gave Billy a quick kiss, the Malcolm in the Middle star's tongue barely moistening the blond singer's lips.

Billy butt was hanging over the side and he soon found his feet being tied into two ropes that hung from the cabling, his legs obscenely parted to allow access. From above, he could see his Seventh Heaven cast mate David, doing the securing, the blond teen's swollen cock was now sheathed in latex. It didn't take Billy too long to figure out that David would be the first to ride his ass. Billy shuddered as he anticipated the pleasure of David's meat entering him.

From the other side, Frankie had secured Justin's feet in ropes below the platform. The brown haired Malcolm in the Middle star was sporting a condom as well, patting his cast mate's ass in anticipation of entering him.

"You guys get into position and I'll be up in a minute," said Tyler, standing next to the edge of the pool. Tyler moved off after throwing a switch behind one of the bleachers.

The machinery began to whir to life and rise above the pool top. Billy's heart raced as the vibrating platform shook from side to side.

"Don't shake or anything," advised Justin, whose face was mere inches above Billy's. "This thing could come crashing down at any time."

Billy got a little flustered. "Down?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

"Don't worry," said Justin, "we've all been on this thing a lot. It's a little dangerous, but the danger makes it that much hotter. You have to really work to keep it all balanced."

"Where's Tyler going?" asked Billy.

"He'll be coming along," smiled Justin. "You'll see."

"Why do you guys follow orders from him?" asked Billy. "Is it because he has the biggest cock?"

"Nah," responded Justin, "it's because he's sixteen. And it's 'cause he has a driver's license and a van. That makes him a god around these parts."

"Oh," said Billy, his mouth rounding into an O.

The platform stopped. Billy estimated that they must be about thirty feet off the ground by now. From behind him, he suddenly felt a finger playing with his hole. It was David, and he was adding some lube.

"Stick your tongue out as far as you can," said Justin.

Billy did as instructed and soon found Justin's mouth grabbing the pink flesh and kissing him hard. From behind, Billy felt David move a finger into his hole, opening his ass for his pleasure and coating the insides with the lube. Billy groaned as his hole was being finger fucked by the blond teen. From the other side, Billy could see that Frankie had already mounted Justin's ass, the darker haired teen hissing his pleasure as his co-star drove his cock deeper inside him.

Justin, now fully mounted bent down and continued his Frenching of the blond boy singer. From behind, Billy felt the tip of David's cock toy with his pucker. Moving up and down his ass crack, Billy was soon jolted with a combination of pain and pleasure as David''s cock head began its entry into Billy's hole.

Billy began stroking his own cock as he buried his tongue deeper into Justin's mouth, hissing with pleasure as David's shaft began its own journey into Billy's tight ass. Soon, Billy could feel David's trimmed pubes against his own balls and he knew that the blond youth had penetrated fully into his anal cavity. David began thrusting in and out of Billy's hole, spit steaming out of his hissing mouth and onto the blond singer's torso.

The platform was wobbling wildly as the four boys began their sex play in earnest, but Billy felt incredibly safe, his ass being fucked by the blond David while the dark-haired Justin tongue fucked his mouth.

For a long time, Billy enjoyed the sexual attention he was receiving, until he heard the machinery from above start to grind. All of a sudden, Justin detached himself from Billy's mouth. From above Justin's head, Billy could see a familiar set of muscular ass cheeks being lowered directly onto his face.

Billy, consumed by his own lust, raised his head to greet the hole being lowered on top of him. He was soon rewarded by Tyler's ass being mounted directly over his mouth. With a great hunger, Billy plunged his tongue deep into Tyler's asshole, enjoy immensely the coppery taste the pucker provided. Tyler's balls were directly above Billy's nose and eyes and he could smell the teen's aroma as his balls cascaded over his face. Above him, Billy could spy Justin engorging himself on Tyler's massive cock while, behind him, David's gyrations into Billy's hole increased in tempo.

For a long time, the teen idols swung back and forth on the platform, enjoying each other's bodies. Billy's face soon felt the sting of saliva and pre-cum dripping down from Tyler's cock and cascading over his balls as Justin frothily blew the PMK star.

"That's enough," declared Tyler, after having his ass and cock thoroughly lubricated. "Time to get down."

With this, Tyler boldly stood up on the platform. Billy felt his stomach lurch as the metal perch swung ominously. A thought struck Billy. How were they going to get down?

The answer to the boy's question soon became apparent as Frankie dove head first into the water below. The Malcolm in the Middle star was soon followed by David and then Justin, each of them diving directly into the water below and leaving Tyler and Billy alone on the platform

Billy looked up into Tyler's eyes, genuine fear crossing his face. "I don't think I can jump that far," said Billy, trembling.

"Don't worry," responded Tyler, holding the boy close to him. "We can go down together."

Billy looked down nervously and shuddered at the long drop. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Not a big deal," responded Tyler, wiping away the blond mop and applying a peck to Billy's forehead.

"By the way," continued Tyler, "I liked your latest album."

Billy smiled. "You've got a Napster too?" he asked.

"Nah," responded Tyler, "I bought the CD."

A big grin covered Billy's face and he reached out and hugged his new friend. "I love you!" shouted Billy, provoking laughs from the teens below.

Tyler smiled. "On three," he said, "one - two -." With this Tyler and Billy plunged head first into the water below.

Billy joined the other teens below along the side of the pool. "Oh, shit!" exclaimed Tyler suddenly.

"What?" asked the other boys simultaneously.

"I forgot to take a shower," said Tyler, his face suddenly lighting up in a smile.

"I think it's time for the graduation ceremony," answered David. "We have to get into the showers anyway."

"Graduation ceremony?" asked Billy, somewhat confused. "Who's graduating?"

"You, little dude," responded Justin.

"Yeah," continued Malcolm, "you're now a graduate of the Teen Idol Academy!"

Billy felt his face blush with pride. Gosh, he thought, that must mean that I'm a real teen idol!

"But before you can call yourself a real teen idol," added Tyler, "you need to make it through the graduation ceremony."

"Time for the showers!" yelled David as the group headed back into the locker room.

Entering the showers, the teens gestured for Billy to stand against the walls. It was at this point that Billy noticed that the boys had brought condoms and pieces of rope with them. "What's that for?" asked Billy, pointing to the ropes.

"We're going to tie you up," explained Frankie. "Lift up your arms." Billy hesitantly lifted his arms as the two ropes were wrapped around his wrists and then tied to two adjoining shower heads. The ropes were tightened so that Billy almost had to stand on his tip toes.

"You first Frankie," said Tyler. "David, you can work your mouth on him while Frankie pounds his ass."

Now Billy understood. He was going to be fucked by all four of the boys. He trembled with anticipation as he spied Tyler's monster hang.

From behind him, Frankie took up his position between Billy and the wall. After a little cock teasing along the ass crack, Frankie drove his tool deep into Billy's bowels, causing the blond singer to gasp. In the mean time, David had fastened his mouth to Billy's cock and was giving his throat a ride on the now fully aroused tool.

After several minutes of being speared by Frankie, it was David's turn to enjoy the blond singer's ass. Replacing him at the cock sucking position was Justin who seemed to get off particularly by cradling Billy's balls in his mouth.

Justin was soon taking David's place from behind. Billy was unprepared for Justin's sudden jab into him. He screeched as the dark haired teen penetrated with his eight inch tool, burying the shaft deep into the boy's rectum. Billy looked down and saw Tyler's face working his mouth on Billy's cock. It was the sweetest face Billy had ever seen as he tried to block out the intense pain Justin was applying to his ass.

The moment that Billy had both dreaded and anticipated immensely arrived as Tyler took up his position from the rear. Billy's arms ached from the ropes, unable to stand fully on his two feet, Billy realized he was at the mercy of these teens. Billy's eyes clouded up in tears as exhaustion from the sexual play and his bondage was taking its toll.

With Frankie now working his mouth on Billy's cock, the boys had now done a full round robin. Closing his eyes as he felt the head of Tyler's cock poke at his anal opening, Billy gritted his teeth and prepared himself for the worst. But there was to be little pain. Unlike Justin, who had stabbed mercilessly into Billy's opening, Tyler took it nice and slow, his hands feeling up Billy's torso and seeming to measure his penetration with Billy's ability to accept more of his tool.

Soon, the pony-hung Tyler was fully mounted in Billy's ass, opening the orifice to its greatest diameter ever. But Billy felt little pain, and much pleasure, as Tyler gently and expertly began to piston inside of him.

Billy felt not relief when Tyler dismounted, but a sense of loss, knowing that the best he had ever felt was with Tyler's cock lodged firmly up his ass. Quietly, Tyler untied the bonds that had held Billy up.

The other teens made Billy drop to his knees, his stretched arms hanging loosely from his sides. In front of him, the four teens had gathered, jacking their cocks wildly. Billy knew what was expected and opened his mouth. Within just a few seconds Bully's mouth would be full as the overheated and horny teenaged boys erupted in rivulets of cum, soaking Billy's face and body.

Billy collapsed on the shower floor, his arms now ravaged and his strength depleted. From atop him, he could feel Tyler's warm breath over his package. He looked up and saw the blond teen smiling at him.

"Your turn, little buddy," said Tyler smiling. With this, he plunged his face onto Billy's tool. The blond singer, despite his exhaustion, was fully erect and enjoying the ride in Tyler's throat.

Billy moaned as he felt his balls well up. The blond singer would ordinarily think to warn his sex partner of the coming climax. But with Tyler, it seemed different. Billy knew that Tyler wanted to take him down his throat.

Arching his back, Billy felt the tingle in the back of his throat. The sensation in his balls grew more heated as he raised himself off the shower floor, plunging his cock deep inside of Tyler's throat.

Billy came. He came a huge rivulet of semen inside of Tyler's throat. The PMK star took the boy's load eagerly, swallowing it and sucking more juice from the boy's cock until his balls were depleted.

Finished with his meal, Tyler moved his semen soaked lips to Billy's and, for the longest time, they lay on the shower floor kissing, cuddling and caressing each other's bodies.


Well, the Friday concert sequence had gone better than expected and Billy was on his way to superstardom. Despite the mix up earlier in the week (where Billy and David had "accidentally" gone to the wrong studio), the week so far had been a smashing success. Billy's parents were surprised to get a call from Tyler Kyte's father inviting their son over to the youth's house for the weekend. Knowing what a big fan Billy was of Popular Mechanics for Kids, they eagerly agreed.

The Gilman's were especially surprised to see Tyler himself pull up in his new van to pick Billy up. With a fond wave, Tyler promised to get Billy back in one piece and show him all the sights in Hollywood.

"Okay," said Billy, as he jumped into the van with Tyler, "who's going to be at this party?"

"Well," responded Tyler, "David, Justin and Frankie will be there as will most of the stars of your favorite shows. I also have the Moffats and 'N Sync coming by, the usual gang."

"What about school on Monday?" asked Billy, "has everything been set up?"

"Yep," responded Tyler, "Aaron Carter will be joining you in class."

"Cool," responded Billy. "The usual?" he asked.

"The usual," responded Tyler, a shit eating grin on his face. With this, Tyler leaned over and gave Billy a long lingering kiss that both boys enjoyed. Finishing, Tyler turned the motor over and they were soon out in the typical Los Angeles traffic jam.

"Oh," added Tyler, "when you're at the party, watch out for Dave Moffatt."

"Why's that?" asked Billy, his face puzzled.

Tyler said nothing but lifted his hands from the steering wheel and held his palms far apart.

"Oh," said Billy. Dave always was my favorite Moffatt, thought Billy.


Next: Chapter 2

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