Teen Whore

By ten.xmg@seirotscn

Published on Apr 30, 2020


Teen Whore Episode 8

by RC - ncstories@gmx.net


This is a fictional story, it doesn't mean to imply anything about the true sexualities or any personal knowledge of the private lives of actors from the show Teen Wolf or any other person mentioned in it. It contains depictions of gay sex so please avoid if you don't like it or are under 18. The actions described in this story are in no way encouraged. sanctioned or recommended. It's just fiction!

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Stephen Lunsford was having a hell of a day, he had been yelled at by the manager after messing up and he even threatened to fire him or send him to clean the toilets. The guy was a dick to everyone, so it wasn't a surprise, but he had been feeling down and this didn't help.

Stephen was not happy with his current life, he had started his acting career and it was going semi-well and then it dried up, he had been going to castings but not getting any callbacks. His savings were gone and he had to start looking for jobs to be able to pay the rent. He had made this whole deal when he moved out of his parents' house when he thought he was going to make it big, now he couldn't ask them for help without looking a big idiot.

So lost in all those thoughts, he dropped a tray and splashed some woman's expensive bag with wine. She had made a scene and the manager told him the money would be coming out of his check to pay the woman. It would be at least 2000 dlls and he couldn't be more miserable. He wanted to cry but he didn't have time. The lunch rush was ongoing and he needed every penny.

Jeff Davis came into the restaurant and sat with one of his directors to discuss the episodes they were going to start filming for the next season. They were given the approval and now all the preparation started, he also was looking forward to do some castings for new roles.

He saw this cute waiter kid coming their way and his eyes sparkled, his mouth watered.

  • "Hello gentlemen, my name is Stephen and I'll be your server today"

(Wish he started serving me right now!) "Hi Stephen, how's your day going?"

  • "Oh sir, it's not going great but that's not important, can I get you started with something to drink?"

"Sorry to hear that! We'll have some iced tea if that's ok."

  • "Certainly sir, will be right back..." and he went to get the drinks.

"Mikey, did you see that kid's tight ass? and the face is to die for, he would be perfect for our show"

  • "Yeah I saw but we need to hire from the guild, we can't just hire someone off the street"

"Nonsense, this is LA, everyone is an actor, specially looking like that"

Chuckling "Yeah, that is true"

  • "Here are your drinks... have you decided on your entrees?"

"So, Stephen, I was wondering if you're an actor, do I know you from somewhere?"

  • "I am", his face lit up. "I was in a couple of shows, did you see me?"

"Yeah, I think I did... so listen, we're about to do some castings and I think you could fit in one of the new roles, would you be interested?"

  • "Would I!" he almost yelled, then blushed and lowered his voice. "Sir, I would be very interested, I really need to get some acting work"

"I think we might have something, then! I'll give you my card and you give me your contact details so one of the assistants can call you with the time and location"

  • "Thank you so much, Mr. Davis" he said looking at the card.

Jeff and Mike ate their meal and before leaving Jeff took out a 100 from his wallet and put it on Stephen's back pocket to check his reaction. He blushed but just said thanks again and they left.

Stephen wasn't dumb and he had been around long enough to know that he was desired by men and women, also he had been to enough castings. In the past he had let women and men suck his dick in order to get a part. For his Private Practice role he had to let the guy eat his ass, which had been weird, but he stopped him when he tried to do more. He wasn't happy about that part of the process but he knew it was required by most producers or casting directors and he desperately needed the money.

A few days later he couldn't come up with the full rent and his landlord told him he had one more week or he would be evicted. He was tearing up when he got a call and it turned out to be from Jeff's office, they asked him to go the next day for the casting. He said yes a little more enthusiastically than he would have liked, but it was great news for him.

The next day Stephen went to the office and he expected to see a room full of guys looking like him but there were none, he started thinking that maybe he was being pranked for some stupid show. There was an assistant there and he asked her why there were no people.

  • "I don't think we're having a regular casting, it seems you might get the part if you and Jeff agree on the terms"

He was surprised since usually the agents took care of the negotiations.

  • "Mr. Davis will see you now"

Stephen took a deep breath and went into the office.

  • "Hey, Stephen! Good to see you again!"

"Hello Mr. Davis, I'm glad to see you too."

  • "Don't be so formal, call me Jeff"

"Sure thing, Jeff!"

He smiled and Jeff almost swooned, he really liked this guy's looks. For a split second he thought about him replacing Dylan as his main boy but realized he wasn't gay as far as he had researched.

  • "So let me start and go right to the point, I hope you have seen our show, Teen Wolf, we're looking for a guy to play one of the new students in the next season and I think you fit the look we want for our cast..."

"I saw some episodes and yes, I noticed that all your cast members are good looking"

  • "We have a demographic of teen girls and gay men to please, so we need our boys to be ready to take off their shirts and show off"

"I see, so do you expect me to be shirtless on the show?"

  • "At this point I don't have the scripts but I would like you to be comfortable doing it, in fact, why don't you go ahead and show me your torso right now?"

"I... um, do I have to?"

  • "Yes, this is part of your audition, I can't hire you with a flabby gut"

Stephen knew this might lead to more, so he sighed and took off his shirt.

  • "Come here, close to me... You're so cute blushing"

Jeff put his hand on Stephen's chest and touched his tiny nipples, gently caressing them with his thumbs.

"Um, is this part of the audition too? I'm not comfortable with this, Jeff..."

Jeff frowned and pinched one of Stephen's nipples.


  • "Okay, sit down, let's go back to our talk... I looked into your background and learned a few things... I know you're completely broke and will be evicted soon. I also know your car will be repossessed because you haven't submitted your last few monthly payments... I talked to your manager and he's also going to throw you out for being incompetent. Your agent will drop you too if you don't book any roles soon"

Stephen's eyes started to well up in tears, he knew he was in a bad position.

  • "However, I am willing to offer you a good monthly salary and a better place to live, all you need to do is come work for me and do everything I say"

"What does that mean, what would I have to do?"

  • "Well, the acting part is real, so you would be on the show, it's not a huge part but your character will be a guest in a few episodes. More importantly, I want you to be a whore for my clients"


  • "You heard me, a whore, men will use your holes to fuck and cum in them"

"I'm not going to accept this, I am not gay and even if I was, I don't want to be a whore!"

  • "Ok, have fun being homeless and try not to get raped in an alley anyway... Close the door on your way out!"

Stephen put his shirt back on and ran out of the office. He got to his car, sat down and started crying. He was upset about Jeff's sexual harrassment but also extremely worried about his future, he was very likely to become jobless and homeless and he didn't know what to do, he would probably have to look for a job at a McDonalds and sleep in a shelter, what if he got raped like Jeff said.

He decided his best option was to go back and he knocked on Jeff's door.

  • "Come in"

"I thought about it and I might be willing to do what you want... how much am I getting paid?"

Jeff smiled. "I am glad you decided to give it a chance, so come here, sit on my lap"

Stephen shuddered but went ahead and sat on Jeff's lap, who put his arms around his waist.

  • "Hmm, you smell so good, your lips are luscious..." Jeff nuzzled Stephen's neck inhaling his youthful clean smell.

  • "See this file, these would be your salary and then you would receive a payment for every client you take. I will also arrange your stay in a luxury apartment.. though you will share it with a couple other actors who also work for me"

"Ok", Stephen whispered.

Jeff cupped Stephen's bubble butt and dived for his lips to give him a deep kiss.

Stephen jumped and dodged Jeff's attempt, which made him angry.

  • "Look, bitch! I am clearly giving you a good chance here, if you don't do what I say or want, you can just go and die in a ditch, I don't care who you think you are!"

Stephen's eyes welled up again, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this, forgive me"

Jeff pulled his face again and started french kissing him, using a lot of tongue and sticking his hands inside Stephen's pants, touching his ass and crack.

After a bit, he ordered Stephen to get on his knees and pulled out his large cock.

  • "Suck on this and look at me while you do it, I want to see your eyes and your mouth full of dick!"

Stephen retched but managed to compose himself. Tentatively he licked the head and tasted Jeff's precum, he retched again.

  • "Come on, bitch! Get sucking now, don't pretend it's your first time"

"I haven't done this before, I swear"

  • "High time you learned then"

Stephen started sucking the cock and getting used to the feelings and smells, he wasn't sure if he could do this again, he hated it.

  • "Nice, lick my balls, use your tongue and swirl around them"

  • "You're doing a good job, I'm going to come soon, I want you to swallow it all"

When Jeff started grunting, Stephen tried to pull back his head but Jeff was ready and didn't let him.

  • "Aaaaaaah, yeah, eat my load, you hot bitch! Don't spit it out or you'll have to lick it off the floor!"

With tears in his eyes, Stephen swallowed the hot cum and tried his hardest not to puke.

  • "That was awesome, baby! Here, come kiss your daddy!"

He pulled Stephen up and kissed him deeply.

  • "Alright, I need you to sign your contract and then we'll go pick up your stuff and move you into the new place"

After signing many pages, they went out to the parking lot and Jeff told Stephen to leave his car there, they would have someone get rid of it and he would get a new car in a few days. They went to Stephen's apartment and he picked up a couple of suitcases and he was told the rest would be thrown out, he wouldn't need any furniture or anything other than his clothes.

During the limo ride, Jeff kept molesting Stephen, making out with him and sticking his hands inside the young guy's pants, teasing his hole and playing with his soft dick.

Finally they arrived and Stephen was actually pleasantly surprised, the building was very luxurious and they were close to the ocean, which meant he could go to the beach pretty often. They went up to the apartment and it was on one of the higher floors, and as soon as they got inside, he saw they had a beautiful view of the sea. There was a large living room area and it had a fully stocked bar and a pool table, also an enormous flat screen and he saw there 2 shirtless guys sitting in front playing video games.

Once they walked closer to them, he saw that the blond guy was just in his underwear and the black guy was sporting an obscene erection, which made Stephen blush.

  • "Hey guys, pause the game a little bit. I have this guy here, his name is Stephen and he will be your new roommate."

"Hey man, I'm Daniel and Mr. BBC here is Sinqua", the blond guy said extending his hand.

Stephen shook it and turn to look at Sinqua, sheepishly.

"Sup man, don't mind my boner, sorry our first meeting is like this but you will get used to it pretty quickly"

"Yeah, no worries"

  • "Where is Keahu?"

"He's in his room getting fucked, I'm waiting to go inside and play with them, hence this" Sinqua chuckled, pointing to his hard dick.

  • "Sounds cool, did you finish with the senator, Daniel?"

"Yeah, he fucked me and got done pretty quick, he's gone"

  • "Right guys, I'm going to show Stephen his room and I trust you will fill him in with other details after I'm out"


  • "Come this way"

Once in the room, Stephen saw it was decorated in a modern minimalistic way, which suited him fine, he didn't have many things so he would probably not add anything.

  • "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's nice"

Jeff embraced him from behind and rubbed his still covered but hard dick between Stephen's ass cheeks.

  • "Now let's break in the bed and your ass"

Stephen shuddered, "Now?"

  • "Yeah, I have places to be. Go take a shower and make sure you clean out your ass real good"

Stephen came back and Jeff was already naked and hard sitting on the bed.

  • "Come here, lie next to me"

Stephen complied and Jeff quickly tossed his towel away, got on top of him and started kissing him. He slowly licked his way from the boy's ears to his neck, his armpits and nipples down to his navel and then his balls and his dick. He also licked inside his thighs and even his feet and toes, Stephen was confused, he was in part disgusted because he was becoming a whore but also turned on because no one had worshipped his body like that before.

  • "Do you like this?"

Stephen meekly whispered yes, not wanting to make his new boss upset.

  • "Good, then you're going to love this" and he spread Stephen's legs and opened up his access to that pink tiny rosebud, then doved in tongue first.

Stephen jumped, not being used to being rimmed and groaned. He was moaning more loudly and grasping the bedspread while Jeff enjoyed being able to taste this forbidden gem and causing the corruption of another young guy, he lived for this.

Jeff grabbed the lube and then proceeded to stick his middle finger inside the tight anus, Stephen moaning and groaning his discomfort. One and then two fingers went inside, while Jeff's cock leaked precum anticipating its moist virgin destination.

  • "Alright baby, time to open up your boycunt!"

"Wait, I don't know about this, can I just suck you off again for now?"

  • "Been there, done that, we need to move on quickly"

Jeff lined up his cock to the small opening and teased it.

  • "Feel the heat of my cockhead, it's going inside you"

"Ugh, it won't fit" Stephen felt his hole being slowly penetrated and expanded for the first time, he was sweating and felt the urge to bolt but he was pinned to the bed with his legs on top of Jeff's shoulders.

  • "Yes, it will, just relax"

"Mhhmmpf, wait, wait"

But Jeff was not going to wait, he kept pushing and opening up that hole. He was going slowly but steady and doing a short rocking motion to go deeper each time.

Finally he bottomed out inside him and waited for a couple of minutes, Stephen was holding his breath and had to be snapped back to reality.

  • "Feel that cock? It's all inside you now, I popped your cherry"

"It hurts"

  • "You'll get used to it, after a while you'll even crave it, it happens to all bottom boys"

"I'm not gay"

  • "Gay, schmay, you don't have to be gay to enjoy getting your ass stuffed and also, you don't have to enjoy it either, just get paid to take it"

Jeff started fucking the young guy and gradually increasing the intensity of his thrusting. Stephen was moaning loudly and trying to use his hands on Jeff's hips to reduce the depth of the penetration, Jeff grabbed his hands and lurched forward to lay on top of Stephen, flexing his legs to the max and allowing to fuck him deeply and kiss him at the same time.

He abruptly pulled out and flipped Stephen to start fucking him from behind. Jeff pulled his hands behind his back and grabbed them while Stephen felt his ass was on fire and his dick was flopping around. His mind was on fire too, trying to escape the situation but not able to move past the feeling of fullness in his ass.

He was dragged again to the edge of the bed and Jeff flopped him on his back, pulling up his legs and kept fucking him now standing up. Both were sweating and to Stephen it felt like he had been fucked for hours but it had only been about 30 minutes.

Jeff was panting and then announced he was going to come. Stephen then felt the head of the cock pulse and realized Jeff was coming inside him. The thrusts were hitting directly his prostate and without thinking it, he came too.

  • "Aaaaaahhhhhh! Uggggghhhh! Boy you have such a tight and hot hole, this was great! Now clean up my cock like a good bitch"

He put his cock head on Stephen's lips, slimy with cum and his own ass juice. He didn't want to do it but it had already gone too far and he wanted to get it over with, so he opened his mouth and allowed Jeff to stuff it with his cock once more.

  • "Wow, for a beginner you're amazing, I think you found your calling. So a couple of things, the rooms are soundproof, so people outside won't hear you or the other boys with their clients. Also, there are many HD cameras filming whatever goes on in here. So, you'll still be free to fuck with someone in your own time, but it will be filmed..."

  • "And get ready for tonight, your agent is coming to fuck you. I agreed to that during our negotiation. Plus, tomorrow you'll get visits from your old landlord and the restaurant manager... They will be fucking you too to compensate for the money you owed them"

Stephen was stunned, his life had changed dramatically in the last couple of hours and he didn't know what to do anymore, so he just nodded.

Jeff threw a bunch of 100 bills on the bed.

  • "Here babe, go buy yourself something pretty, you earned it! I'll see you soon"

He left and Stephen slowly stood up and went to the bathroom, he hopped in the shower and hoped to wash off the smell and the humiliation. He just pondered if he made the right choice, but it was done now.

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