Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 27, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

Teen Witch-2

I was bent on going to bed. I was, but problem was my phone began to go off.

"Hello?" I asked into it not recognizing the number.

"Hey Kendall! It's Stiles. Hey, have you see Scott? He freaked during the party and drove off. I was just wondering if you saw or heard anything." Stiles said.

I looked at the phone in shock, how did he get my number? Never mind.

"No I haven't seen or heard anything. Is everything alright?" I asked concerned.

"No. I don't know. I need help. Please come here." He said.

"Okay. Where are you?" I asked him.

"I'm just leaving Jackson's place." He said.

"Stay there I'll meet you there." I told him.

I put my party clothes back on with a tight leather jacket. Walking to the door I stated, "Jackson's bathroom."

I was instantly there. Thankfully the guy wasn't there.

I ran outside to the front, Stiles text me where he was at the house.

"Hey! Let's go." I told him.

He led me to his jeep and jumped inside. We drove to Scott's place, not caring about speed. Who needs to when your dad is a cop?

"What happened?" I asked concerned.

"Scott and Allison were making out." Seeing the look on my face he moved on.

"Scott started acting funny. He got in his car and drove off. Derek Hale took Allison home." He informed me."

"Who's Derek Hale?" I asked him.

"He was seen at the party. He was wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket." He said.

So that was Derek Hale who was trying to sex me up.

We pulled up to Scott's home, rushing in.

I followed Stiles upstairs.

"Scott! Open the door! Scott!" Stiles said.

The door opened only alittle.

"I know who the werewolf is. It's Derek. Derek Hale." Scott said not knowing I was there.

"He...uh. Never mind." He said to me before talking to Scott.

"Scott..Derek Hale is the one who took Allison home." Stiles told him.

The door slammed in our faces.

"Scott? Scott? Scott open up!" Stiles banged on the door.

"For God's sake let me try." I said pushing him out of the way and muttering a quick spell.

The door unlocked, We ran in to see Scott jump out the window. I ran to it, and watched as he jumped down half naked. He looked up to the sky and roared in rage.

"Oh my gawd!" I said backing up.

"Listen, it's new to me too. But he's still Scott." Stiles said.

I nodded not able to speak coherently. I knew what he was....just. I never seen one. Even though I didn't witness his appearance, his roar was enough to shake me to my core.

"It's okay. Let's just...You go after Allison. I'll try to trail Scott." I told him.

"How?" He asked.

"I have my ways. Now go." I told him sending him off.

"Crap!" I said calling my grandmother.

"Grandma. I'll explain later. Do you have a spell to say, keep up with a werewolf?" I asked her.

"Yes you do have some explaining to do, but I remember one to enhance your physical prowess. It was used in ancient times on a woman. Long story short it created the first Slayer. She was more beast than human, but she was said to be able to go toe to toe with them." Grandma said.

"I'm not going for the Slayer occupation." I told her.

"You can do the witch version. It's about enlightenment. Last I heard it causes ancient symbols to appear on the caster's body. The problem, it enhances your entire being. If your not capable of handling it best not to try." She said.

"Yeah, I'm talking quickly. Like now." I said desperate.

"Oh well then. How about using your telekinesis to fly? Or using your energy to shapeshift into a giant energy bird? Or..." I got her started.

"Thanks Grandma, love you good night." I told her hanging up.

If I didn't she would be up all night discussing the possibilities when magic makes the impossible, possle.

Let's go simple.

My eyes shifted,

I stepped outside and focused my energy, connecting with Nature. The wind began to blow wildly, I extended my arms out and shot off into the sky. I focused going the direction Scott was going.

I focused my mind on Scott, his location becoming clear to me.

"Scott!" I yelled landing in the woods. "Scott?" I called looking around.

I was tackled to the ground, "Get off me!" I yelled on who or whatever was on me. I had to telekinetically remove them.

It was a giant sterotypical werewolf. Covered in dark brown fur, it barred it's teeth at me. It's cold glowing red eyes fixed on me.

I focused on the Nature around me drawing energy.

My eyes shifted,

"Incendio!" I yelled, I didn't need to cast to use my elemental powers, but spells always helped focus them so they were less catastrophic.

Fire trailed from me, heat releasing into a concentrated wave. Setting things on fire.

It jumped out of the wave before the wave hit him. Running off.

"Scott!" I yelled scared that the werewolf might come back.

I was picked up and carried bridal style.

"Ah!" I yelled in surprise.

I looked to see it was Scott carrying me.

I could see Derek running next to us. A whistling sound, and an arrow landed at the tree next to Scott.

They kept running until we reached Derek's car.

I got in the car, and watched as they transitioned back to normal. I couldn't help but admire Scott's body. I tried to focused, since werewolves aka can smell lust and desire. That got me, I have to be careful about my emotions around him.

Which is hard, witches are supposed to be free with their emotions. Blocked emotions can block powers. If I told Grandma she'll say either be true to myself or stay the hell away from Scott and Derek.

"What was with the arrows? Scott is that blood?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. Um. Well." He stuttered.

"Werewolf hunters," Derek said, "They shot him in the arm with a crossbow. He's fine it'll heal. What I want to talk about is you."

"What about him?" Scott asked Derek.

"Like what his name is. How old he is. Where he lives so I can drop him off." Derek told him.

"Kendall Roseheart. 2 months younger than Scott. 1745 Westwood Boulevard." I told him

He smirked, now he knows where I live. My guess he already did. I sat in silence as I thought about some things. Like how Derek didn't tell Scott about what I was.

I was grateful, but I can't anyone know about me and my abilities. People would ask me to do stuff for them. Or want to kill me. Right now it's just stories and stuff that they hear from their parents. But if they actually new and believed. I would have to leave.

Then again. I know they are werewolves, so if they stay quiet I stay quiet.

"Why do you smell like that?" Scott asked me.

"Smell like what?" I asked unsure of what to say.

"You smell amazing, but um. It's like you smell like me...but different." Scott said unsure of what to say.

"Oh. You probably smell the big werewolf that jumped me. Big, furry, red eyes. Hard to miss." I told him.

"Wait!," Derek said stopping the car, "You saw the Alpha? He was on you?" He asked furious.

"Yes. Why?" I asked curious.

"He jumped you. Did he attack?" Derek asked.

"No, well he was going to but I-uh. Scared him off." I said.

"It sounds like he was in the process of claiming you, but you stopped him. He will come after you eventually." He said.

"Then I'll protect myself." I told him.

"Please drive. I would like to get home this century."

He grunted as he started the car and drove.

So it was a few days since I found out about Scott. He was curious about me, trying to catch me at every turn. I had to say it was hard staying away from him when your surrounded by humans and have to act as such.

I actually had to cast a spell on Scott to keep him away for me for a few days. It worked. It bugged me, but had to be done. I even sat at a different table, Josh thought it was the best thing on Earth.

He was able to reclaim his popularity. Shame, He has it because he sits at a table. Instead of making friends properly.

I began taking my Grimoire to school. Hiding it in my locker, I cast an illusion on it. When it leaves the house it looks like a giant dictionary. No one notices. I also cast a spell were no one may touch it besides Gram and I. It burns the person's hands. Also...it's impervious to damage or aging of any kind magical or otherwise.

I know about the burning because Stiles tried to touch it. He has also been curious. Except he's more forward about the matter. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

My powers have been growing weaker with the more I have been blocking my emotions, and been lying to Scott and Stiles. I'm still surprised Derek hasn't said a thing to Scott.

Scott has a lacrosse game tonight. Apparently I was invited to hang out. I know my spell wore off because Scott approached me himself to tell me. It was a...I BETTER BE THERE. Type of thing...that's atleast what Scott said that Lydia said. Jeez.

"So. Oh hey Allison." Scott greeted her.

"Hey boys." She said smiling at us holding her jacket from last night.

"Where did you get that?" Scott asked her.

"Oh I found it in my locker. Lydia must have put it in..."

"Did she say she did? Or you think she did?" Scott asked her.

"I heard you left with Derek?"

"Your friend?" She asked.

"He's not my friend. Why would you say that? What did he say?" He asked.

"Not..much." she mumbled freaking out as Scott asked her questions.

"Okay well-" he was stopped by her.

"I have to go. I'm late for class." She said walking off. Scott sighed loudly after calling her name.

I got a text from Scott that Stiles and him found a body...or atleast half of it. He said it was outside Dereks house. That they had Derek arrested for murderer thinking it was him who killed the lady

It was the big day for Scott. Front line action.

I cheered like everyone else. Honestly I was happy for him. He was living his dream.

I when I saw him tackle the other player, I thought of the pure animal aggression he must feel.

He has so much control, when apparently it's not normal for a youngling to have so much control.

What got me though, was how Lydia and Allison held up a sign that cheered on Jackson. If you ask me that was just harsh, and plain wrong. Which I believe should excuse me for what I did.

My eyes shifted as I,

I manipulated the wind to blow the sign away from them. Lydia tried to catch it but failed, falling on her ass on the bleachers.

I turned back to the game to see Scott was about to win the game...but he was losing himself to his animal side.

"You can do it." I whispered to him, bowing he could hear me. He stopped looking at between the enemy players and instead tossed the ball....straight through the guys net.

The crowd cheered and ran on the field.

Allison ran after Scott, who was running back to the locker room to clear his head.

I just took a small peak into the future. Flashes went through my head becoming clearer as I focused. They were kissing. Good Job Scott.

I got up and noticed Allison's dad watching me.


I walked off going home. It's late, I'm tired. And I really don't want to play games.

(That's the next chapter. Hope you like it. If not oh well. Blessed Be!)

Next: Chapter 3

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