Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Sep 5, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't then oh well.

Teen Witch-4

"Whoa!" I yelped as my grandmother sent a fireball my way. "Come on honey feel the burn." She said with a smirk.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Very funny." I yelled dodging another fireball.

"Just saying. It's a great way to exorcise and practice magic." She said with a smile.

I dodged more fireballs for a few hours.

"Okay. I think we're done." She said as she waved her hand causing the fire to die out quickly.

"Yeah. That's great. Now I can take a shower and not worry about dying." I said to my grandmother as my senses lit up like a live wire, I turned back around lifting my hands up, completely stopping the fireball.

"Know that we must always be aware of what happens around us. You must use your clairvoyance for more than just peaking at others. You must see what life has in store for you. Meaning, always see what can happen. Not just what will. Because a split decision can change the future. I wasn't going to throw the fire ball at you just a second ago until I SAW you catching it if I threw it. " she said I felt stupid.

"Sorry. I have a lot on my mind lately." I told her.

"I know. I know all about it. Like I said, be aware of your surroundings. You never know when I might leave you and you will be on your own." She said.

Something just then got me. She sounded sincere, as if promising she would leave. Grandma wouldn't leave Beacon Hills...she...this is her home.

"Grandma. You're dying aren't you?" I asked hurt that she thought I would let her die on me.

"I will bring you back. You can't leave me." I began crying into her shoulder holding her tightly.

"No no no, dear. When it's my time, it's my time. You can't take what belongs to Nature. When a witch dies honorably or has lived their life to the fullest, we go into Nature and become one with it. If we have a vendetta or something, we are capable of being brought back. I have to say, I lived my life honorably and lived it to the fullest. I will be one with Nature itself." She said patting my back.

"Then I guess the best thing for right now is to live your last moments with you." I said grabbing her hand.

"Baby, I won't be dying today or tomorrow." She said tightening her hand.

"Everything will be alright." She said.

"You will become even stronger from this. Overcoming hardships make witches stronger." She smiled as we walked into the house.

"I don't want to go to school." I told her.

"Okay. Come with me." She said leading me to the living room.

"Here. Use this." She said handing me my Grimoire.

"I want you to use a Duplication spell." She said setting up candles and a glass of water.

I flipped through the pages and found the Duplication spell. To duplicate One's self.

"Gemino." I said, watching as the fire began to flicker and the water rose from the cup. It was strange, the light from the fire shined into the ball of water, it rotated over the table collecting light and grew bigger

It began taking shape as it doubled and conjoined and the process continued until a glowing water body literally shaped to look like me, floated before us.

I had to push it telekinetically placing it on the floor.

My grandmother pulled out a large sewing needle. To which she proceeded to prick my finger and then stabbing the form in the heart with a blood covered needle.

It's eyes opened and it began gasping feeling its body, as it slowly turned into flesh, the being more visible now. The water fell from his body until what stood was an exact copy of me. Naked I might add.

"He will only last the day. When he gets to our house later, he will turn back into a pile of water." Grandma told me.

"Oh and be a dear, stay away from too much light. Your shadow will look as if you are made of water. Also...do not touch or consume any liquids of any kind. They could change you. You are to just take notes, do class work, and leave." Grandma commanded.

As she handed him clothes and helped him dress. He left as if he knew where he was going.

"Does he know where he's going?" I asked her.

"Yes. The blood not only gave him your appearance it also gave him some of your memories. Just enough to know where to go, who to talk to, what to say, and how to act." She said.

"Then let's make the time you have worth it." I said to her.

She smiled at this. Like my parents I was stubborn when I fought for what I wanted.

"Just make sure the candles stay on. If they go out then he explodes into water and clothes." She said. I nodded before placing my Grimoire on my desk in my room.

The clone had gone to school and done exactly what his orders were. He stayed out of the sun, he didn't consume anything, he took notes and acted just like me.

Problem was no matter what he did, he couldn't one hundred percent fool everyone.

Scott could obviously smell that it wasn't the real Kendall. It smelled like water and a small amount of Kendall's blood.

Not like he was 100% curious because he had other things to worry about. He found out it was Allison's birthday. They were going to spend all day together. Because Allison couldn't stand how people would make assumptions about her, due to her age and grade placement.

They went from, "What did you have a baby?" To "What were you in a coma?" And the classic, "What were you retarded?"

So she needed a break from everyone all day...today.

So they skipped class...all of them.

My grandmother and I walked the woods basically channeling nature. The wind blew furiously, the trees swayed and danced this way and that. I could feel it. Everything.

Nature, I could feel the flow of life. Magic.

"I'm going to go take a nap. Okay? I want you to stay out here and learn to channel better. It will help you when doing large spells." She said leaving.

"Grandma, wait!" I said trying to run to her, she stopped me with a forcefield.

"I'm not dying today remember.You will see me later." She says leaving.

I nodded and began channeling again. The winds picked up, everything seemed to flow. I was with the flow, one with it. At the same time, controlling it.

I felt something that stopped me. Two large presences. They were walking towards me.

I glimpsed into the future to see Scott and Allison. What were they doing here? Should I stay or hide? Scott would definitely sniff me out and catch me.

Unless the scents have been washed away.

I looked into the sky, raising my hands, "Aqua Atmospherius" I chanted into the sky.

The sky thundered and rumbled as rain began to fall. I didn't know if it would stop them but it would cover my scent so Scott wouldn't find me.

With that done I hid behind a tree, looking into the future. Images flooded my head, Scott and Allison still walked this way actually playing in the rain. They would joke and kiss every five minutes or so. Scott didn't seem to change when he passes by, but I still got a glimpse of him finding me.

So I ran, I ran home. Well I tried, I slipped and feel into a small river in the woods. Water rushed over my head as I sank. I swam to the top and grabbed onto a branch, trying to pull myself up out of the water. I could only get my torso out, but my foot was stuck in some rocks.

I could feel my leg was cut a bit as I could feel blood rush out of the gash.

I couldn't help but yell out in pain. I was breathing hard, trying to get under control before I had a panic attack.

My tears mixed with the ran drops as I saw images of the rain filling the small cut off river. I was going to drown, I knew there was no point in trying to use my powers. I was scared shitless. Fear can make a witch's powers stop working. It can but doesn't mean won't right? I tried, focusing on the rocks holding my foot, I couldn't seem to move them.

I cried out in fear thinking I was going to die as the rain reached my chin, It wouldn't be long. I thought of all the time I wasted hiding in my life, how my new life. I had two crushes and I couldn't pursue either of them. Scott was straight, a werewolf and unavailable. Stiles was straight as an arrow, had a thing for Lydia. I thought of Derek, how he was both beautiful and sexy, but it was technically illegal. Besides I'm too young to have a Daddy. Ew.

It's stupid really. All this power and I was going to drown technically at my own hands. I wasted time wanting to be normal, instead of embracing my true self. Then I spent time crushing on two guys, mainly Scott...but I am attracted to Stiles. I won't deny it anymore.

"Help!" I yelled hoping to get Scott's attention. Water covered my face, I tried to stay above but it wouldn't allow it. I stuck my arm out grabbing at whatever I could, when I felt a hand grab my own and pull me out, even the rocks moved, but from squeezing through leaving my leg spittle sore.

I burst out of the water trying to breath, I looked up to see Scott. Allison was next to him.

"What the hell are you doing out here!?!" They said together.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked concerned.

"You almost drowned!" Scott said looking at my leg. His eyes shifted gold but he was able to get them under control before Allison saw.

I wanted to talk but I just shivered from the cold. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings.

"I live not far from here. I went home early today, I felt sick. I was out playing in the woods, and fell into the river." I told them a sort of lie. I held myself tightly trying to calm down before I panicked.

A look appeared on Scott's face but he didn't say anything. He just looked at me funny.

"Can you walk?" Allison asked grabbed my hands into hers totally mothering me.

"I can't feel anything." I said to him.

He lifted me up and carried me to me house.

"What happened?" Grandma asked, looking at Scott strangely.

"I fell into the river and got stuck. Scott saved my life, Allison helped me calm down." I told her before she led the way to my room.

Allison and Scott had to wait as I got changed. My grandmother went to the kitchen to make me something to feel better as Scott and Allison walked into my room. Allison eyes went straight to my Grimoire on my desk. Scott's were looking around before he noticed what she was staring at. It looked like an old book with a gold trimmed tree and a golden Latin phrase on it.

"It's an old journal." I told them covering. They looked at eachother before shying away from the subject.

"Are you going to be okay?" They asked at the same time.

"Totally. I'll be there tomorrow at school trust me." I said that and Scott's eyes widened.

"School! Oh man, I forgot." He said fearfully.

"What?" Allison and I asked.

"Student-Teacher conference." He said.

"I got all A's so I don't have to go." I told him.

"Lucky." He said rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

"So you want to go there now? Right now?" Allison asked looking at the sky. It wasn't raining but it was getting dark.

"I have to be there." He said to her, she nodded thinking about it.

"Okay. Then go. Hurry!" I told them, waving them off.

They left in a hurry, having to run through the woods to get to Allison's car. I could SEE they would be fine. They were suspicious about me. They had to be taken care of.No. Scott's a werewolf. He knows I know that. If he can trust me. I can trust him. Allison...she doesn't know. She knows of my family history like everyone else. But like everyone else she was finding it hard to believe.

It was only a matter of tome before they figured it out. I mean really. A child would have figured it out. Though it helps that children are more attuned to magic and the supernatural than adults. They just...tell themselves it doesn't exist and they believe it. Even block it all out. Putting up lies just to deny the truth.

I held my breath as my grandmother came into my room with a drink. "Here. Drink this." She said having me drink it. My wound tingled. I looked at it as the flesh turned pink and clean and then sealed up leaving no scars.

"I'm going to miss you Grandma." I said as tears fell. She held me, I couldn't help it. She took care of me when I had no one. To know she was going to die soon. It hurt me dearly, leaving me to feel helpless.

"I'm not going to die any time soon. I have a few more months. I know that much. Let's just make the best of it as we can alright? Now, sleep." She said as I nodded and leaned back into my pillow.

The drink left me light headed, I took a few more sips before I was out. This is getting dangerous.

I slept that night, having a nightmare about drowning.

I woke up covered in sweat. Really? I was scared of drowning?

I took a shower, strange. I'm not having a problem taking a shower, but I'm scared of drowning now.

I got dressed and did something different. I dressed in all white. Put some guy liner on, making my eyes pop. I brushed my teeth and put on some sweet and spicy scented herbs.

I grabbed my Grimoire and put it in my messenger bag, carrying it with me. Grabbing some candles and an athame. I had to get Scott and Allison off my case some how.

"Honey. What are you planning?" My grandmother asked knowingly.

"Scott and Allison, they are getting too close to knowing the truth. I'm going to do a simple memory alteration spell. I just need some blood. I really gotta thank being a witch, our healing is quite amazing." I told her.

"That it is. Um, I don't think that's a good idea. The memory always come back, and it gets worse...they know who did it. Trust me. I have first hand experience dealing with it. Just tell them the truth." She said kissing my hair.

"What's the fun in that?" I asked she gave me a look.

"Okay. Okay. I'll tell them...eventually." I said before going to school.

Class was some normal and some weird. Scott was flirting with Allison, Stiles watched Lydia's empty desk.

Apparently Jackson and Lydia had gone to the DVD rental store, and saw something. Both pretty shook up, it was said to be a 'mountain lion'. But witnessing this 'mountain lion' first hand I knew it was more than that. It was the Alpha. That's the only reasonable thing it could be.

Jackson freaked out every time someone asks or mentions it to him. Danny tried to ask, but Jackson just couldn't tell him just yet.

The teacher was blabbing about the dance that was coming up in a few months, that if we didn't pass the exam we weren't allowed to go. I already SAW me going.

What's the fun of always knowing what's going to happen next, there's no surprise.

Sometimes it's better to just go with it. The teacher began riling Scott up. I noticed a beeping sound. Scott seemed like he was getting angry. The beeping coming from a phone Stiles held. The beeping got bad when the teacher started asking if Scott has read anything before.

"No? What about the warning sign on your favorite porn site every night? Huh! Thank you McCall! Thank you for ruining any hope I had for your generation." The teacher said to him, I couldn't stand him going through this.

So I 'moved' the chair when the teacher tried to sit down, he fell on his ass.

The beeping went down, as the class laughed loudly. *


Josh being an asshole again, sat at my seat. I did something my grandmother showed me how to do. I need to be focused on him, before doing it. The others watched with their regular smirks. Surprised to see Josh cry out in pain, holding his head. He got up and left mumbling something about a migraine.

"That's got to hurt," Danny commented, "One of my exes suffered through migraines. They were never pretty."

Scott and Allison linked eyes for a moment.

They knew something wasn't right. I'm sure Allison knew, and Scott was...well Scott. Let's just say he's not the sharpest knife in the droor nor the sharpest tool in the shed. Or brightest bulb in the case.

He would need to actually be told what I was for him to figure it out.

Allison...she knew. She may have denied it. But she knew. I could sense her future, she was going to begin searching for evidence. Dragging Scott into this.

"I need to go." I said getting up and leaving.

"Hey Kendall." Allison called as I saw her running up to me.

"I have a question." She said.

"Okay? I'm late for class," I said, "Can this wait?"

"I-yeah. Sorry for bothering you." She said, I nodded and left.

I walked to my locker and cast a quick protection spell on my locker, no one could open my locker but me. That's how I needed it. I can't have Allison snooping for my Grimoire.

I placed my bag in my locker and grabbed my book for my last class.

Algebra oh joy. Honestly I cheated. I looked into the future to see the grading sheet.

I was home bathing in the tub. Testing my limits, turns out I didn't have much of a drowning fear anymore. I could just levitate the water and make shapes...so I did. Freezing one shaped like a diamond.

Everything was perfect. It was like I was safe from the world. But that changed when I realized I left my Grimoire at School. I got dressed and grabbed my phone, looking at the time.

7:15. A text message? From Scott.

"Get to the school. It's URGENT." The message read.

That's weird.

I tried looking into the future, but I couldn't see anything except Scott and Stiles running through the school.

I have to get my Grimoire and save their asses from whatever is after them. Just the life and times of Kendall Roseheart.

(I hope you like it. I had to separate the episodes otherwise I would've been writing three in on. The most I will put is two. If you like it, let me know. If not, oh well.)

Next: Chapter 5

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