Tender Love and Care

By Kris Eshleman

Published on Dec 4, 2001


Tender Love and Care: Chapter Two

Copyright by Kristopher Eshleman

Disclaimer: I don't know anybody who knows anybody who ever knew anybody who knows or has anything to do with any of the real people I write about in my stories. They are purely fictitious and are not meant to imply anything about the real lives of the people they are about. This story is simply for the readers' enjoyment.

Pairings: Jacob/Ashley

Rating: NC-17

Dedication: For all those people who believe that both Ashley and Jacob looked better before they got their new haircuts. Come one Ash... don't you think the hair is a bit too spiky? .

Author's Notes: I want to start more stories, and get my readers involved with them. If you are interested in being a part of this experiment in democracy please email me at uninspired_teen@yahoo.com or come visit my message board that just recently opened at http://pub101.ezboard.com/bsurrealisticdreams71971 or lastly you can visit my personal web page at http://www.geocities.com/uninspired_teen


Jacob stretched languidly as he heard his alarm start to buzz. He felt good, better than he had in a long time. Sitting up and turning off his alarm he looked over at the door to his room, trying to place why it was that he felt the way he did. Suddenly it all rushed back to him as sleep fell away from his mind.

Images of Ashley lying on the bed started to flood his mind, Ashley hot and sexy and writhing around because of what he was doing to him, Ashley naked and loving and passionate, images of Ashley quite and serene and happy, just lying there.

Getting to his feet he slowly headed toward the shower. Ashley was the only thing he could think about, Ashley was the only thing he wanted to think about. He didn't know what they were going to do about what happened the night before, but he did know that he was falling in love, and he didn't care what it took, he was going to make sure that Ashley was happy from now on.

He couldn't help but smile as he remembered Ashley's last words, a sexy afterglow promise.

"Tomorrow will be for you..."

He wanted the day to be at an end already. He didn't want to wait.


Casually Ashley ran his hands over his body as he started to awaken. He was in a daze, he knew it, he knew why, and it turned him on just remembering it. Slowly his eyes opened and he sat up, sighing a little. He stretched and stood, wrapping the bed sheet around his waist as he did. He grabbed a pair of boxers and headed for the bathroom. A warm shower was the perfect encore for his senses after what happened with Jacob the night before.

He stopped dead in his tracks as Jacob emerged from the bathroom. His hair still glistened with moisture and once again wearing only jeans.


"Hey sexy, you look good for just having woke up."

"You look good all the time, but especially after just getting out of the shower."

"Well if you weren't so lazy you could have been in there with me, the camera crews are just now getting up and ready."

"I had an exhausting night."

"All the same you still missed the boat."

"You could come with me for mine?"

"Tempting but you know they always tape you in the shower."

"Yeah why is that?"

"I think its because you have the nicest body of all of us."

Ashley felt heat rise in his cheeks and turned his face away from Jacob. He was totally unprepared when Jacob approached and wrapped his arms around his waist. Jacob's lips caressed his neck before trailing up his jaw line and capturing his lips. Their kiss was sweet and sensuous, with Ashley all to happy to let Jacob's tongue explore him further. He was happy that Jacob tasted minty fresh, and he let out a small-irritated noise as he withdrew.

"Sorry but I hear the camera crews coming and you need to take your shower."

Jacob smacked him on the butt as he walked by and Ashley jumped a bit in surprise. When Ashley turned around to give him an evil look he couldn't help but smile at the look in Jacob's eyes.

"Oh and by the way make sure to brush your teeth, morning breath is a killer."

With that Jacob turned the corner with a good-natured laugh. Ashley's jaw dropped in indignation as he watched him go. What did he expect, that he was perfect from the moment he woke up?

Annoyed but amused Ashley entered the bathroom. He had just gotten in the shower and turned the water on when the camera crew entered. He was already horny from his encounter with Jacob and was definitely still basking in the afterglow of the previous night, so he decided to be a little more self indulgent in the shower, he wanted to give the camera crew a performance they were going to have to edit for public television.


Jacob smiled as he overheard Dan and Eric in the living room. He had stopped by the kitchen to grab some cereal when they started talking. Dan's voice was little more than a whisper.

"Oh my god did you hear what's going on?"

Eric, being as completely groggy and out of the loop as always had just gotten up and had no idea what was going on.

"Ashley is performing in the shower."


"Yeah and it is definitely not going to make it to TV."


"Well... he's..."

Dan started blushing but Eric was still way to tired to catch on.


"You know... he's just really getting into being in the shower."


"Is all you can say one word sentences?"


Frustrated Dan gave up and headed out of the living room. Jacob lost it; he couldn't stop laughing. Eric for his part simply laid down on the couch in an attempt to catch more sleep due to the fortunate delay that Ashley was causing doing whatever it was that he was doing.


Ashley's hands slowly explored his own body; he wanted to take some time to become familiar with it again. He had masturbated more than normal after he and Shellie broke up, but that was just simple self-gratification that he wanted to be quick and to the point. This was different. This was slowly relearning himself, feeling and touching and making sure he knew what it was that he loved about himself.

There was a certain amount of narcissism there but it was healthy for him to love his body. He knew that if he was aware of what he liked, it might better help him to pleasure Jacob later.

Soap slicked hands massaged and caressed his chest and stomach, they slid across his body slowly, simply exploring, the dual sensation of touching and being touched at the same time. There was no way he was going to rush this, he hadn't done it in so long, hadn't taken the time for himself.

He leaned back against the shower wall and braced himself with one hand as the other started by circling first one nipple, then the other. He had never touched himself like that, he could get used to it. It wasn't Jacob's mouth, but it was still arousing.

Then it was there and he couldn't keep his hands away above his waist any longer. Thoughts of Jacob, thoughts of what they shared, memories of how Jacob's lips felt on his skin, sensations returned to the forefront of his mind and they eventually overwhelmed his senses and pushed him over the edge.

Partially exhausted he just relaxed against the shower wall. After a few minutes he finally regained his composure and finished washing himself off.


By this time Trevor was getting pretty pissed off.

"Dammit Ashley! Hurry up! Other people need to get ready and you're holding everyone up."

Finally having finished in the shower Ashley emerged wearing only the boxers he had taken in with him. Shaking some of the water from his hair he smiled at Trevor.

"Sorry, I just lost track of time."

"I'll say! You were in there for close to an hour! What the hell were you doing?"


Winking at Trevor and casting a look back at the camera crew Ashley continued on to his room, humming happily to himself.


The rest of the day was filled with dance rehearsals, vocal practice, interviews, and photo shoots. It was long and exhausting and the constant interaction between Jacob and Ashley only fueled their lust and love for each other. Jacob laughed while Ashley made jokes and acted goofy, and Ashley drooled while Jacob sauntered around with his air of confidence and sensuality.

They tried hard not to let the others realize anything was going on and did a damn good job of keeping their relationship off camera. Neither of them knew what the consequences of people finding out would be but they figured it would be bad. So they stole kisses when they could, and spent their breaks laughing together and just being themselves.

When it was finally time to go home though Ashley and Jacob were both very disappointed when Lou asked Ashley to stay a bit longer for a few extra pictures, since one of the cameras, and by proxy, one of the rolls of film, had been destroyed in an unfortunate accident involving a bottle of Coke and Trevor and Erik roughhousing.

So Jacob headed back home with the other guys. He decided he would take a shower and watch some TV while he waited. After his shower he pulled on a pair of green boxers and got comfortable on his bed. He flipped through channels and watched as minutes ticked away. Eventually against his will he fell asleep.


Ashley should have been tired after the grueling encore photo session, but he was way to excited about what he was going to do to Jacob. He had been thinking and planning it all day long. The lights would be low in Jacob's room, enough to see by but not enough to ruin the romantic mood. He would walk slowly toward the bed, where Jacob would be sitting, completely enthralled. With every step he took he would undress himself just a little bit more, so by the time he was at the side of the bed he would be completely naked.

He would take Jacob's face in his hands and lean in for a slow, loving, and sexy kiss. After which he would trail his tongue down over Jacob's chest and stomach, stopping of course to enjoy Jacob's navel before following the small light dusting of hairs to the top of Jacob's boxers. There he would kiss and tease for awhile before finally giving into Jacob's husky pleas to continue.

He was just about to finish his plan when he pulled up outside the house.

"Oh well... guess I'll just have to wing it after that..."


"Hey Ashley wanna watch a movie with us?"

Dan was sitting on the couch with Erik, and Trevor was in the recliner off to the right. Jacob was no where to be seen so everything was still going according to plan.

"No thanks Dan, I think I'm just gonna give Jacob back a CD he let me borrow and then head to bed, that extra photo session took a lot out of me."

With a fake yawn that he hoped didn't sound quite that fake Ashley waved goodnight to everyone and headed off to his room. He quickly snatched a random CD from his collection to use as a cover and then headed over to Jacob's room.

He could feel his plan falling apart as he opened the door and realized the lights were off. Quietly he entered the room and closed the door behind him. The TV was on but he guessed that Jacob had fallen asleep while waiting for him.

He made his way over to the TV and shut it off, then went to Jacob's stereo and turned it on. He hoped the CD he grabbed was a good one. He placed it in the player and turned the volume down low. He was happily greeted by the calming sound of Enigma. He adjusted the volume to a level he figured was unobtrusive.

When he looked over to the bed he noticed that Jacob had indeed fallen asleep. He was lying on his back wearing only a pair of really sexy green boxers. He wasn't sure if it was the boxers themselves that were sexy, or if it was just that Jacob was wearing them. Figuring it was the latter Ashley decided to skip the strip tease as the effect would be lost on a sleeping Jacob, and instead simply discarded all of his clothing. Naked he crept up to the foot of the bed and carefully climbed up over Jacob's legs, making sure not to actually touch his sleeping lover.

He stopped when his head was just above Jacob's navel and he leaned down to place an experimental kiss upon Jacob's stomach. He was rewarded with a soft moan from above him. He was pretty sure that Jacob was still asleep and just unconsciously reacting to what he was doing.

He figured there was no reason to stop there. He drew his tongue in lazy circles around Jacob's stomach before trailing down the light dusting of hairs just as he had imagined. He teased a little more with his tongue along the top of Jacob's boxers while trying to decide just how to wake Jacob up.

With a grin he made his decision. Scooting down a little more on the bed Ashley used his hands to unbutton the front slit of Jacob's boxers. Tentatively he reached inside and drew Jacob's cock out of his boxers.

"Holy shit."

Ashley had always expected that Jacob was well hung but he had never imagined the reality. No wonder Jacob was so confident. Ashley himself was above average but he could have gone into a solo career if he had been packing what Jacob was.

He leaned down ever so slowly and licked along its length. Taking time to become familiar with his new toy. As it started to harden Ashley heard Jacob's breathing become uneven and felt him start to move a little under him.

"Mmmm... Ash?"

To reward Jacob's correct answer Ashley began to finally use his tongue and mouth in earnest. There was something so sexy about how Jacob moved, he finally understood why Jacob had been so hot for him last night. The feeling of knowing what he was doing to Jacob, what he was making him feel and experience was heady. It set his loins on fire and made him want to give Jacob the most explosive orgasm of his life. Judging from the way Jacob's hands lovingly caressed his head and neck, and urged him on, it was working.

The next few minutes were a blur for both of them, Jacob couldn't stop moaning and it drove Ashley wild with lust. Jacob was floating in a world where there was nothing but Ashley's hot lips and dexterous tongue. No wonder Shellie was upset they weren't dating anymore. Fuck, how did Ashley expect him to do anything more than groan and twist in pleasure when he was doing that. He didn't know where Ashley learned to use his mouth and throat like that but he was so not complaining. He needed to be woken up like this more often.

Ashley could hear the way Jacob was breathing and knew that he was close. He wanted it, just like Jacob had wanted it the night before. When Jacob exploded Ashley took it all in. After a few minutes of continued torture, just as Jacob had done to him Ashley finally slithered up Jacob's body.

"Oh god Ash... no one has ever done that before..."

Ashley was shocked.

"You never had a blowjob before?"

"Not like that... I'm going to start a new religion... its called Ashleyism, and basically it's me, worshiping you."

"I bet you say that to all the boy band members you convince to give you head."

Laughing Jacob pulled Ashley in for a kiss, he could still taste himself a bit on Ashley's lips and it turned him on, it reminded him of what just happened. His hands began to roam across Ashley's body. Finding what he was looking for he slowly began to stroke him as they continued their kiss.

Before long Ashley was moaning and panting into Jacob's mouth as he reached his own climax. The two boys quickly collapsed into a tangled pile of naked and exhausted flesh.

After a few minutes Ashley kissed Jacob again, momentarily indulging himself by sucking on Jacob's tongue, then unsteadily got to his feet. He grabbed his clothes and headed towards the door.

"I love you Ash."

Ashley stopped in his tracks, he hadn't been expecting that. Slowly he turned and looked at a once again sleeping Jacob.

"I love you too Jake..."

Making sure no one was in the hallway Ashley quickly made his way back to his room. Collapsing on the bed he let thoughts of Jacob fill his head as he drifted off to sleep.


That's all for Chapter 2, please email me with comments about what you thought, and or suggestions for the upcoming chapters if you want any at uninspired_teen@yahoo.com

Thxs go out to everyone who has emailed me with feedback or left a review, and I would love to have a review or feedback for every chapter, that way I know what you guys like and what you don't.

I'm working on creating a message board and possibly a complete site for this story and my others. If you are interested in seeing it or maybe helping the address is http://pub101.ezboard.com/bsurrealisticdreams71971. I'm going to have contests and such for plot twists readers would like to see in the story. If interested please email me at the above yahoo address or stop by. Thank you all.

Next: Chapter 3

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