Terris Awakening

By Brenda Chaplin

Published on May 30, 2012


Terri's Awakening

Chapter 5

The car taking Terri and Kevin from the school made the short trip to the Bridge hotel just off the A40. Their driver Greg handed Kevin a room key and told him they were already checked in to room 21. Greg held the door open for Terri as Kevin exited the far side door. Though it was difficult for two adults dressed in a local schools uniform to go unnoticed they did make it to their room with out fuss.

The suite Kevin had booked was a king size bed and a on suite bathroom with the door closed Terri pulled Kevin to her and kissed him and thanked him for making her feel like a true woman. Kevin said that he had arranged for dinner in their room and that they should get an early night as he was taking her in to London tomorrow.

He said he needed a shower and was just about to break the knot on his cum soaked tie when Terri stopped him allow me she said. She unbuttoned his blazer and pulled it off his shoulders she pulled his trainers off and his trousers and pants soon followed standing naked accept his cum soaked shirt and tie Terri rubbed his cock. It was spent but still rose to the attention. Terri slipped to her knees and swallowed him whole. With Terri playing with his balls and arse he soon blew a fourth load of the day into her eager body. She rose kissed him as she broke the knit of his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Kevin went into the bathroom for a shower.

Terri looked at herself in the mirror. Her tie had had been pulled to the right and her top button was showing. Likewise the left side of her blouse had come untuged from her skirt, and her lipstick was a mess with a little cum on her chin. She could also fill Kevin's seed leaking from her arse and pooling in her panties. She laugh to herself what mess she was in but never happier. She took several tissues, pulled her panties aside and worked them into her loose hole. Taking more tissues she wiped the cum and lipstick off. Finally her blouse was tugged back in and she straightened her tie. There was a knock on the door and she answered it. It was a porter with their dinner. He wheeled it in. Terri reached for her satchel and gave the young man £5 as a tip. Kevin came out of the bathroom with a towel scrapped around himself. He collected up his soiled school wear and handed it to the porter asking it to be dry cleaned

The porter left them as the sat down to eat. A truly strange site. A naked man in a towel and a prim and proper schoolgirl. As the ate Terri asked Kevin how he arranged all this. Kevin replied that his software company was doing well it had gone global a few years back. He sold most of it but retained the controlling stake but was now one of the youngest billionaires in the world. Terri nearly choked at this revelation.

Kevin turned the subject to Terri and asked what the future held for her. Terri looked in to space in thought and said I can't go back to being him. At first I was Terry and Terri was my mask in the last few years that has changed in public I am a woman playing a man and now I have met you and explored my full female side I'm not sure I want to put that mask back on again

I know I will have to but I defiantly need to get Terri out in the open an let Terry slip silently away for good. First she will she the doctors and get the gender reassignment going. Though at this time she has no plans for a full sex change, though never say never. Then she will have to come out to her family and friends. Hopefully they will accept her if not that is their problem, as this is who she is. Likewise work if it cost her get job then so be it.

Kevin said he would help her with any financial support she would need for the transition. The two had light conversation for the rest of dinner. After wards Terri excused herself and headed in to the bathroom there she reluctantly stripped from her uniform and hit the shower.

As the water flowed over her male body she daydreamed about the changes she was about to undertake. She stepped from the shower dried herself off reapplied her breast forms and slipped on her short baby doll nightie. Picking up her uniform she headed back into the suite and hung the uniform in the wardrobe. Kevin was already in bed and she slipped into bed beside him. He turned the light off and shuffled up behind her and spoon cuddled her as they both slipped off into a deep sleep.

The rang at 8am with Kevin's alarm call this jolted Terri awake as she turned over to face Kevin who answered the alarm. Morning she said as she smiled at him. He rubbed her thigh and moved his lips to hers. Kevin noticed a tent on Terri's nightie from her morning wood. Guess your not as spent as I was last night. Let's get a shower he said pulling off the covers. In the bathroom he turned on the shower and called Terri in. Terri stood by the door and burst out crying say she would love to share the shower with him but once undressed she was plain old Terry and she did not want him to see her that way. Kevin took her in his arm kissing away the tears. He felt Terri erection against his leg. We really need to do something about that. He wrapped his had around the lacy covered cock and slowly stroked it. His mouth met hers and her lips parted to accept him. He stroked faster causing Terri moan with pleasure then she erupted into he nightie.

He broke the kiss and told her to take the first shower. He closed the door leaving her in to steam filled room. She pulled off her gown and removed her breast forms and got into the shower.

After shower she rapped a towel around her waist and a hand towel over her hair. She exited the bathroom as Kevin was finishing a call on his mobile.

Kevin kissed her on the forehead and told her that there was a slight change of plans for the day and that he had arranged a couple of meetings to help her on the way to permanent womanhood. She looked a little confused as he closed the bathroom door for his own shower.

She dried herself off and dressed in matching. Black bra and panties with her breast forms inserted. She pulled on a floral knee length sleeveless summer dress and added some jewellery. After brushing her hair out she put on a light make up job to enhance her features as Kevin came out of the bathroom naked. She was pleased to see his cock was showing signs of recovery from yesterday's games. He complemented her on her appearance as his slipped in his boxer shorts. He then dressed in dark grey dress trousers with a pale blue shirt and sports jacket. There was a knock on the door and Kevin let in the porter who brought in a trolley full i breakfast foods and cleared away the dinner plates from last night. As they ate Kevin explained that he was going to take her shopping for some evening wear and tonight they would be going to the west end of London to have dinner then watch a show. But first he was going to take her to see his personal doctor in Harley Street to discuss the gender reassignment and then to his solicitor to discuss the legal issues. He also mentioned that his assistant was about to leave the company as she was having a baby and he would love Terri to take in the role as his PA.

She was a little overwhelmed but agreed to the meetings and would think about the job offer. After breakfast that packed up there things and head to the lobby. Greg was waiting to take there bags and put them in the car. Soon the car slipped onto the A40 and headed into central London.

Soon they pulled outside the offices of Doctor Curtis. A specialist in gender dysfunction. They had a short wait before they were called into the consultants room. They sat in high backed chairs that match the traditional decor of a Harley street office. Dr Curtis asked Terri several question to determine where she fell on the transgender scale. He toted up the scores and said she defiantly was not a confused transvestite and was a classic case of a female in a male body. He then explained the options open to her. She could carry on as she was or she could have a fully gender reassignment. There were also degrees in between. Going through the options she decided that she would start hormone treatment and have breast implants added. The doctor said that thought she did not have the most manly of faces he could alter her features to make her more passable. He had her look at a web cam on his computer and loaded her image on the screen using a light pen he drew on the screen when he could improve her feminine appearance. When he finished he clicked the mouse and the software generated the finished image of what the outcome would look like. Terri was amazed it was still her but she look very feminine and sexier than her own sister. She also agreed to this with Kevin agreeing to fund the procedures.

Following a short car journey they were in the city and Greg pulled up outside a tall glass building. They took the lift to the 21st floor and Terri read the name painted on the glass doors. Lambert and Williams. The receptionist notes Kevin's arrival and whisked him past the other waiting clients in to the office of Charles Lambert. Terri followed him in. She had to do a double take as she stared at the 25 year old in the tailored 3 piece suit. It was spotty Charlie from school, he was one of her friends in school and had lost touch after she moved to Manchester. Charlie shook Kevin's hand and looked at Terri and said long time no see buddy. Terri smiled sheepishly at him and wondered how many more of her school friends now captains of industry.

Kevin got to business and outlined that he was helping Terri transform permanently as a woman and want Charlie to handle legal side of things like changing her gender status on her documents and basically killing off Terry in a legal sense.

Charlie told them that he had some contacts and he could all but erase Terry from the face of the Earth. He promised that by the close of business on Monday he would have her driving licence, passport and her financial papers altered to her female status. But for her birth certificate he could not get that changed until the completion of a full gender reassignment.

Terri was amazed at the power Charlie had as was please he had made it. Looking past his shoulder she looked at photos of Charlie with a sexy blond and two small boys. Terri asked him how he felt about the revelation of one of his oldest friends. Charlie said he was cool his own brother was gay and so was his law partner. Besides he always suspected Terri was a little to fruity. They all laughed as Kevin turned to his woman ok let's have some fun.

The left the office and Greg drive them to Chelsea High Street and all the high class clothes shops.

After a couple of hours trying on different outfits Terri finally had 3 dresses and some new underwear. That sat outside a cafe and had tea and cake. Terri admitted that the whole experience was move fast but never been happier. Kevin reached over and placed his hand on hers and gave it a little squeeze. Kevin admitted that he too had never been so happy and just wanted to make Terri feel the same. Terri gave him a peak in the lips. Soon Greg was back and drove them back towards the city.

He pulled up outside the Radisson Blu hotel in Leicester square. Again they had been checked in but this time they had a multi room suite. Kevin said he need to check in with his LA office and would be back shortly. Terri headed for the large tub and filed it full and toped it off with bubbles she stripped felling more comfortable being naked without her breast forms knowing they will soon be fixed. She slipped in to the bath and any tensions melted away. After a long soak she rise from the bath and hit the shower. She made she her pussy was as clean as it could be without and enema and rinsed herself off.

She headed to the bed room slipped into the black and red basque, a pair of lacy topped black seemed stockings. She fished out her make up bag and fired up her curling tongs. She applied the right amount of make up for an evening out and styled her hair. She added some gold jewellery and went pulled out one of the new evening gowns Kevin had bought her. It was a shoulder less crimson red gown with a netted under skirt. She got the matching shoes and slipped them on to her stocking covered feet. She transferred her phone one money to the clutch purse and she was ready.

She poured herself a class of red wine and sat by the window over looking the city. Soon she heard the door open and in walked Kevin dressed in a tailor made black tuxedo complete with a hand tie bow tie. He smiled at Terri when she rose to great him. He poured a glass of wine and joined her by the window. He raise a toast to the them and the future drank and then took her lips in his in a unhurried on brace between lovers. Terri felt a stir in his groin and need no other invite to sink to her knees fish out his cock and swallow it whole. Kevin sipped his wine as his girlfriend bobbed on his knob looking out over the great London cityscape.

He closed his eyes has Terri upped her tempo and was rewarded with a mouth of semen. She swallowed it and stood wiping the corners of her mouth. Kevin put his cock away as Terri fixed her make up. He held out his arm and she picked up her purse and was led to the waiting car outside.

After a slap up meal and watching the phantom of the opera in a private box with champagne. The finally got back to the room around 11.30. Terri had a naughty look in her eye and wanted her man. She kissed passionately opening his jacket freeing his bow tie and opening his shirt. She kissed down to his nipples sucking them in turn. Her hands freed his belt and his trousers and pants were around his ankles. She stroked his cock to full attention and pushed him back on to the king size bed. She reached around herself and lowered the zip to her gown and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it and seductively walked towards the bed. She climbed on and crawled up to Kevin. Giving him a quick kiss she turned and straddled his chest pointing her arse at his face whilst she leaned over and took his cock into her throat. Kevin pulled the gusset of her Basque to the side and started to eat her pussy. Both moaned with pleasure.

With mouthful of Kevin's precum she released his cock stood up on the bed turned around and lowered herself on to his pole. His eyes closed as the pleasure of her tight hole over come him. Terri had a short sharp pain as his head opened her pussy was the shaft rubbed past her prostate she purred with delight. When she felt his pubic hair tickle her arse cheeks she started to ride her mans cock. Both were panting as their climaxes started to build. Terri blew first over Kevin's chest and the spasm of her arse on Kevin's cock sent him blowing his seed deep in her bowels. Terri lifted herself off the spent member and licked Kevin's chest clean. When was done she kissed him and settled into his arms and drifted into a deep sleep. By Brenda Chaplin

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Next: Chapter 6

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