
By Tristan Brock

Published on Jul 14, 2001


Rory: I want to explain this story before you read it. Some of it was written by Wulf, most by me, and a couple parts by other people. Wulf is the most sexual man in the world, of that I have no doubt, and once we were together for a while he started telling me about his past partners, and I have to say it was a turn-on for me, to hear about all of his experiences. I wanted to write them down, document them, film them, something, he's almost like a real-life porn star, although that's probably the only sexual thing he's never been. So I started writing a story from all of the thing's he'd said, beginning with how we met. Once I'd written some of it he got into it too, as you'll see, and with his help some of his past partner's contributed to the story. It's too long to post all at once and it's a work in progress. Since we both lead busy lives I'm not sure how quickly subsequent parts will follow.

Wulf: This is a story that my current boyfriend has compiled from things I've told him about my past and things that other people have told him. I've read all of it and so far, I'm impressed with myself and my boyfriend's writing. Hope y'all get off on this! I know I did.

If you want to write to us: Rory - sierboy@hotmail.com Wulf - barefootmuscle@hotmail.com

Hope you enjoy it.

"The Benefits of Testosterone"


I'm Wulf and I don't normally write about sex, I just have it. Some people probably think I'm a stereotypical promiscuous gay guy, but I don't think I am. I'm just a dog that enjoys his body, and so what if I get off mounting other dogs. I really love the way other people, men and women get off on my body. I've worked on it since I was nine-years-old. I'm a twenty-year-old guy with long blond hair and brown eyes. I'm very muscular, 223 lbs., 6'1", 49"c, 19.5"a, 30"w with a 7% bodyfat. I'm trying right now to get my body fat lower to really bring out my abdominals more. I think that a guy's chest and stomach are what really make or break his sexiness, and I'd love to bring my striations out more. I've competed in two local bodybuilding contests in my teens, both times as a light heavy.

I've lost interest in the bodybuilding-as-a-sport in the last year or so, most of the guys in it are vanity-obsessed repressed fags who are afraid to admit it. Not that that stopped them from eyeing my cock when they could, they just weren't interested in pleasing it. Last May I met a guy in a gay bookstore in the city who offered me a job dancing in a club he owned. I accepted it and I'm pulling in almost a thousand dollars a week dancing. It really rocks, and it's only part time. I'm hoping I can keep the same hours when I return to school in the fall, or at least do it on weekends, when I don't have gymnastics practice.

A couple months ago I was wearing sweat shorts, high-tops, and a cut off T-shirt when I noticed this campus geek eyeing me. Now like I've said, this isn't all that unusual, as I've had both sexes both ogle and offer me a lot from the time I was young. I don't have anything against gay people, I'm one of them, but of course I wouldn't be a real man if I didn't enjoy my share of pounding back the cervix of some cunt who really needs to get a hardcore de-bitching.

When I was in high school there was a guy who was very geeky, a bit of a freak, and unusually skinny who everyone knew was gay. One day he came to me and asked me if I'd let him blow me. I grabbed him by the shirt on his body, dragged him into one of the fire stairs, forced him on to his knees and pounded my aching dick into his mouth before unloading down his throat. Normally I'm not that aggressive unless the person I'm with wants me to be, but at that moment I had just come out of football practice and was feeling really pumped. And that's when something occurred to me. By the time I was fifteen I'd had lots of blowjobs, more from guys than girls, but this had to be up there in my top ten orgasms of all time. The next week he got himself a beeper and told me its number. He added that if I ever needed a blowjob again that I could just beep him and he'd call me back, come to wherever I was and suck one out. He was a good little bottom in retrospect, and although I never pierced his ass he easily drank his weight in my sperm by the time I graduated. Damn that's a sexy thought.

He would take my load behind the bleachers before morning, in the bathroom at lunch, and in the locker room after practice after school. Some of my buddies knew that I messed with guys if they didn't know I was gay, but it was never called into question because I could have easily beat the shit out of any of them and fucked their girlfriends. Plus I always had some chick hanging on me, and every so often one of my teammates would tell me how he was interested in taking my meat. But back to Jon, the nerd who was a cock whore, he was the first guy who opened me up to the wonders of fucking the wannabe crowd. The alpha level guys who were always the ones getting pussy, and the few closeted ones who hunted out dick and ass on college campuses were always getting something, just like I was, and more often than not, this didn't make them great lovers, instead the experience just dulled their senses, until they only knew one way of getting off... their own way. I suppose I was that way too, and then I fucked fire stair boy in the mouth.

He made me realize that the guys who weren't scoring all the time were much more devoted to pleasing someone because they didn't have sex so often. When they did they went all out, and that's why I never had to tell or even ask him to swallow my wad, he just did it on his own because he knew it would make me happy and make me come back for more and like I said it worked.

After that I couldn't be stopped. But back to the guy checking me out a couple months ago... Now there's nothing weird about him eyeing me, I've been attracting sexual attention from people since I was ten so it's not that unusual to have some one looking at me and thinking dirty thoughts. I'm not sure what it was about him that caught my attention but it could have been several things or maybe all of them working together. He looked to be older than me by a number of years but I later learned he was 23. He seemed really mature looking with longish brown hair, too long, he needed a haircut badly. He had an average face and green eyes. If it wasn't for his green eyes I would have said his face was even on the not-so-attractive side. He had on bluejeans and a red Nike t-shirt. He had fine features and skinny wrists, and could not have weighed more than 130 lbs. He was reading an art book about Monet in the early morning sun.

I'm not sure why I was out there, I don't really remember although I do remember that even though it was slightly on the cool side I was really sweating so I was probably returning to my dorm room from the gym across campus. I ran past him on the steps, and then suddenly had a flash of Jon. "I'll bet he's one of them," I thought to myself.

I stopped my jog and turned my head to look back at him. He'd been checking me out and when he saw me turn to look back at him he quickly returned to his book. Ok, well that's a good sign, he's probably gay, but one never knows. He was a skinny ass guy, a lot of straight guys check me out who would never want to get with me in bed, they are just jealous of my body and checking me out for that. I walked back to where he was sitting and sat down on the steps next to him.

"It's cool out here today," I said,

"Yeah it is," he said,"not looking up from his book, pretending to pay me less mind than I'm sure he was.

"I'm really excited that the weather is finally going to be getting warmer now, I can't stand the cold weather."

He looked at me and said, "Listen, I'm a smart guy, so why don't you just leave me alone? You'll save me a lot of nervous energy and yourself a lot of embarassment."

I was a little shocked by his statement. "What embarassment?", I prodded.

He looked at me a little annoyed and then his eyes opened wide.

"I didn't think you were so big," he said most casually.

"What do you mean?

"And how would I be embarassed?"

"Nothing, just forget it."

"No no little boy, tell me."


"Yeah, what do you weigh?"

"One thirty-nine."

"Well I'm two twenty."

"Get the fuck out of here, you are not."

I pulled back and struck a double biceps flex in front of him, and I felt his eyes erotically look over my arms and my cut off. Then I flexed my stomach.

"Shit," he said under his breath, "My dad is two twenty but he doesn't look anything like you."

"It's probably all fat weight not muscle weight."

"I wish I could be that big."

"You can't be."

"Thanks, that makes me feel a whole lot better."

"No, I mean, you can put on muscle, you could probably carry another fifty pounds of muscle, but you couldn't get up to two-twenty, you don't have the build for it."

"I know, I've heard that before."

"Are you into sports?" I asked him.

"No, not at all, but I like hockey."

"Watching it or playing it?"

"Watching it, I wish I could play it."

"So why don't you play it? If you did that would be a big step toward having a bigger body."

"I guess I'm just embarrassed."

"There's no need to be, even I was small once."

"What when you were 10?"

"Yeah about that age."

"If it takes ten years to put on fifty pounds I'll be 32 by then, it's almost a waste."

"No, it's never a waste unless... well, why are you looking to put the weight on in the first place?"

"To make myself more... attractive."

"You look fine to me."

"Yeah but, I mean since we've been sitting here no less than twenty girls have taken a moment to gape and gawk and spin out a ten minute fantasy of getting their pussy pounded with you on top of them."

Damn, this boy was erotic.

"That's quite an imagination you have there, but not true."

"I'm a creative person, and it is true, you know it."

"So you want to buff up so you can get more girls?"

"Yeah I suppose. Do you fuck a lot?"

I smiled at him, "I have my share."

"Oh no big boy, you can't just drop a statement like that you have to qualify that one. How many?"

"What is this an algebra test? Do numbers matter?"

"They do to me."

"Ok, I've fucked about a hundred girls I suppose. I'm not sure really. Actually, no, less than a hundred."

I could tell he was a little shocked by the statement, "Hey listen I've got something to take care of back in my dorm. Want to come up?"

He smiled at me, very on edge and said, "Well, ok."

"I'm Wulf," I told him, "by the way."

"Rory," he said.

"Like in North and South."

"Yeah, like that."

"I'm from South Carolina."

"Yeah I know."

"How do you know?"

"I'm from New York. You think I can't hear a southern accent?"

I laughed a smile and said, "OK."


I followed him back to his dorm, not really sure why I was going. The insecurity in me refused to let me think this was about sex when I was certain that he'd been flirting with me. We talked as we walked but for the life of me I can't remember what it was that was brought up.

As soon as I walked in the door of his room I was stunned at how messy it was. The drawers on his dresser were jammed open with all sorts of clothes, his bed looked like it doubled as his laundry bag, and there was sports gear all over the room, everything from lacrosse sticks to football pads.

Wulf pulled his shirt off up over his head as soon as he stepped in the door and tossed it on his bed, he then opened the door into the bathroom, leaving it open and disappeared inside.

I plowed my way over to the chair in front of his desk, heavy with clean and folded clothes hanging over the back of it, and sat on it backwards.

When Wulf came out of the bathroom he was almost naked, but for a pair of tightie whities and some socks. His cock was clearly visible through the thin material and it looked the size of a baseball. He came over to me and said, "Here let me take this out of your way," and grabbed the clothes on the back of the chair and added them to a pile of crap on his night table.

"You didn't fold those clothes did you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well looking at your bed you don't seem the type to do laundry that often."

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asked with a smile and a twinkle in his eye and I got the distinct feeling that he was going to tell me this secret whether I said yes or no.


"I don't do my laundry, a girl I know down the hall does it for me a couple times a month."

"Get the fuck out of here." I said to him disbelieving.

"You said yourself you don't believe I'd do it."

"She takes care of that for me, and I help take care of stuff for her."

"What do you do for her?" I asked more because I wanted to hear him say it than because I didn't know.

"I fuck her." He said matter of factly, before turning on his stereo.

"Come on."

"You want to watch?" he said with a grin.

"Watch what?"

"Want to watch me fuck her? I'll go get her right now."


"Sure, go in the closet over there."

I looked at him funny.

"No really you lil shit, get in the closet, you can see through the slats, they're spaced wide."

I looked at the closet door and he was right the view would be spectacular.

He threw a towel at me, "Here, throw this over your head and stay to the side and I'll do my best to keep her facing another way." He said to me.

I just did as he told me to do, questioning it didn't even come into my mind. He picked up the phone and dialed a four digit number.

"Hey Jill, it's me, listen, my room is getting a little messy. I think I really need to do some laundry."

"You think so?" he said into the phone, "Yeah I'm done for the day... ok sure that's fine."

He put the phone back in the receiver, and then said in the direction of the door, "Be here in a couple minutes, just sit tight, and don't get your cum on anything in there," he said to me.

Within a couple of minutes there was a knock at the door and a slender, tall girl with short blond hair and pale skin walked through the door. She had a huge rack, very perky tits and hoop earrings. She was very pretty with thick lips and slender eyes, almost asian looking. She was absolutely stunning.

"Hey big boy," she said as she came into the room and threw her arms around Wulf's shoulders licking his lips before opening her mouth for his tongue.

He gripped her waist tightly for only a moment before pulling her sweater out of her pants and tugging it up over her head.

"Going for my tits today stud?"

"No, I want to try something else," he said as he unhooked her bra and let her tits hang out unsupported.

She had enormous nipples, almost as large as Wulf's. As soon as he had her naked from the waist up she pushed herself up against him, it was weird, as if she was humping him while standing up. He of course was still only in his underwear.

He guided her back onto the bed and held himself up over her on all fours. His ass was stretching the thin fabric of his underwear and she was still in her pants.

He started kissing her roughly, I could hear them lipsmacking. She moved her legs and wrapped them around his body, almost pulling herself up underneath him.

He lowered his hips and began a fucking motion, pushing his crotch against hers in a regular rhythm. They rolled over and Wulf was on his back. Keri (I later learned her name) climbed off of him and removed her pants, revealing a slim pair of black panties with the thinnest stringy waist straps I've ever seen. She climbed back on top of Wulf, sitting on his stomach. She asked him, "Do you like me being on top?"

"No, the man belongs on top don't you think?" he replied.

"I don't think he'll mind as long as he gets what he wants."

She reached back and began massaging the monstrous bulge in Wulf's underpants, his dick straining in an erotic curve against the thin white fabric. He moaned a bit and threw her off him and then sat at the head of his bed, spread his legs wide and invited Keri to sit down between them, facing away from him, and almost directly at me. From behind her, he looked right at me and winked at me, before licking her neck, and gripping her right tit with one hand. With his other hand he started rubbing her stomach in a circular motion, and then he flattened his hand and slipped it below her panty line. She immediately grinned and started a very slight panting. He licked her neck again and said, "You like that don't you, like feeling my hands inside your cunt?" Then he bit her neck slightly.

"OH yeah, yeah Wulf, I love your hands inside me."

He sped up his movements in her panties, before using his other hand to make a fist of the fabric and just yanking it off in one loud fabric rip. Keri panted and let out an enormous moan, apparently having a mind blowing orgasm.

Wulf moved his hands to the side, pulling her lips apart and giving me a great view up inside her. Her pussy looked very well used, her lips seemed unusually large. Not that I had seen many of them at the time, but it just seemed like a lot of her was hanging out of her body. Of course It didn't occur to me at the time what he was doing, but later on I realized that what he was doing was showing her off to me. Of course technically he was showing off everything to me, but his hands pulling her pussy open, spreading the bread to let me see the jelly on top of the peanut butter inside was doing more than showing off, he was showing me his prize. In all senses, Wulf was a typical alpha male, and although he wasn't someone to brag about his exploits, he nonetheless did all the things to let other males know their status compared to him.

He spread her pussy to show me the place he'd be putting his dick and thrusting until he was satisfied.

He continued to kiss her and run his heavy paws all over her body, and as he did so, he slowly maneuvered her onto her back in front of him, and gripped her hips. It took a little doing, but eventually, they were oriented on the bed with their feet at me. He kneeled between her legs, and slipped his underwear to his ankles.

"I love your cock." She breathed at him, "It's so big."

"You want it?" he asked her.

"Oh yeah, I want to feel you put it in me, and I want it hard."

"Yes, ma'am," he said as he leaned forward and she locked her legs around his back.

Finally I saw his dick. It was huge! I'd only been a couple of guys at the time and so my dick sizing experience wasn't so great, but I could tell even from my distance, and from behind that his dick was clearly very big, at least two fistfuls, and I suspected that a good portion of his cock was hidden by his balls, which were drawn up tightly against his body as he leaned over her.

He didn't grip his cock or try to push into her, instead he just laid his body on top of her and began to make fucking motions with his hips, his cock rubbing against her pussy lips, the head of it touching the bed. I noticed it dripping. Copious amounts of his cum were leaking from the end of his cock, so much so that I was actually wondering if he hadn't cum already, but then again I realized that being the sexual god that he seemed to be, and with as large a cock as he had, it had to leak large amounts of precum just to keep that monster well lubed.

He reached over and grabbed for the night table where there was a bowl of condoms in it. He put it to his mouth as he pumped his hips against her, and as he went to tear it open with his mouth she reached up and grabbed it away from him.

"No, Wulf," you don't need that.

"But..." he began.

"No, no no," she whined and began to squirm underneath him, pulling her face up to his.

Now I was in the closet and I couldn't hear what she whispered to him, but later on Wulf filled me in.

"I need your cum," she said.

"You do?" he asked semi-seriously, "I thought you hated it... the grossest thing in the world right?"

"Oh yeah it is, but not yours. Last time, in my room, when I went down on you, and then you stopped at the last minute and came on my bed..."


"Well, I got some of it on my arm, and I wiped it off with my fingers, and then I saw it on my finger, and it was like something came over me... the heat the warmth, almost burning in a hot beautiful way and I had to put it in my mouth. When it hit my lips, the burning erupted, and on my tongue... it was well, indescribable."


"And you're delicious."

He laughed a deep bellowing masculine laugh that I did hear.

"Wulf, I'd do anything for your cum. I almost want it in my mouth more than my pussy."

"Do you want me to plant it there instead?"

"No, I felt that burning in my mouth and I can't wait to feel it in me."

"OK, no rubber then."

I was amazed when Wulf threw the condom across the room, and grabbed the head of his precum-spewing cock and rubbed it against her lips, coating her vulva with his semen.

"Slip it in me you beast." She said at full volume, almost startling me.

He grunted loudly and said, "Fuck yeah." Before positioning the head of his substantial dick at the opening of her hole. In one quick motion the entire length of his dick disappeared inside her snatch and she started a really quick series of pants that ended with her licking Wulf's mouth and sounding as though she were about to give birth.

She threw her head back and clasped at the sheets as Wulf began to quicken his pace, pumping her balls-to-head on every thrust and holding steady above her, while she writhed underneath him, at first seeming to try to clasp his entire body in hers, by wrapping her legs and arms around him, and then a moment later, seeming to splay out limply on the bed underneath her fucker.

"You like that bitch don't you? Like takin my monster cock? Yeah I know you do, your pantin is telling me all I need to know."

"Oh yea, yeah Wulf, yeah."

"Your hot pussy is doin' it for me little girl. It's starting to push me over the edge... Oh yeah! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," he repeated over and over, with each thrust into the girl underneath him."

"Ah yeah," he said and I saw a whitish liquid begin dripping out of her cunt, "Like my precum in you don't you? Dontcha bitch?"

"Uh huh," she panted out her whole body rocking in rhythm with his.

"Oh fuck, fuck yeah," cried Wulf as his ass tightened up and his thrusting slowed, until he began a slow and tight spasm.

I could tell as I watched that he was cumming buckets inside her cunt, with each spurt he grunted, and then finally collapsed on top of her, his thick dick slowly sliding balls deep into her sopping cunt. His semen oozed out of her around his dick, sliding down her crotch and dripping over her asshole onto the bed.

He kissed her thickly and she him, before he pushed himself off her, and looked into her eyes.

"I can feel it in me, it's more amazing than it was in my mouth... I can't even describe it. It feels so dirty but in a good way."

"I'm glad you liked it," he said.

He rolled off of her and onto his back, his dick pulling free of her well-stretched vagina, and hanging between his legs. He stretched his arms over his head, and then his whole body, pointing his toes and then rubbing his stomach with one of his large hands before looking over at her.

She suddenly became conscious that her legs were still wide apart, and amazingly as I watched, his cum continued to leak from hole. She pulled them together, and sat up in bed, wrapping her hands around her knees and smiling while Wulf stroked her back with his other hand.

"I'm gonna get going," she told him.

"Ok that's fine," he said calmly.

She pulled herself out of bed and began slipping her clothes on again. Her panties quickly became wet with his liquid after she put them on but she didn't seem to notice.

Wulf watched her dress and just before she left, she picked up his laundry bag on the floor and quietly said, "I'll bring this back tonight."

"It's ok," he told her, "Take your time."

She shut the door behind her and it was then that I opened the closet door.

He grinned a satiated grin at me, and said, "I told you. So what did you think?"

I couldn't take my eyes off his thickly muscled body, especially his dick, which while was not as hard, but which did not appear to have lost any of its girth.

"It was amazing. I've never seen a guy fuck a girl before, at least not in person like this, only on porn."

"You watch a lot of porn?" he asked me.

"Well, no I'm too embarrassed to buy it."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about," said Wulf folding his hands behind his head and stretching again.

He got up suddenly and said, "I better clean up". He walked into the bathroom, his dick still not any smaller, just visibly not stiff.

He stopped at the door and turned to me adding, "Do you want to help clean me up?"


"I can see how you've been checking out my body. Do you want to help me clean it?"

"No thanks."

"You sure?" he turned to face me, "You can touch wherever you want." As he said this, he rubbed one of his hands erotically from his chest down his stomach to his penis which appeared to be stiffening up.

"No thanks," I told him.

He smiled and said, "Ah," before disappearing back into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

As I heard the shower start I sat down on his bed and began to ponder the things that I'd just seen.

I sat back on the bed, assuming the position Jill had been in only moments earlier and imagined that I was involved in the copulating I'd just seen. I lifted my legs up in the air, and then put them back on the bed, then sat up on the pillows.

There was an enormous wet spot of pussy juice on the bed, and set to the side in the middle of it was a puddle of thick cum. It was an enormous amount, I don't know how I missed seeing it when I climbed on the bed. It looked like it would be the size of two loads of mine, and I know that some of it still had to be in the girl.

I reached out and ran my finger through it, catching a large amount of it on the tip. I looked at it a moment and rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger before bringing it to my nose. It smelled like ordinary cum. It looked like ordinary cum. I couldn't feel any tingling or anything like Jill was talking about. My own cum is chunky, a lot of loose liquid with whitish parts suspended in it. This wasn't like that at all, this was one heterogeneous white, and really thick, almost like a fresh donut glaze.

I sniffed it again, and then slipped my index finger in my mouth. I'd never eaten cum before, just tasted my own and it tasted like shit. This was totally different. It didn't just look like a donut glaze, it actually tasted like it too, really super sweet. I only had it on my tongue a moment or so when I realized what Jill was talking about... it began to numb my tongue, to burn the way wintergreen Certs do when you leave them on your tongue too long, but it wasn't quite numbing, I could still taste it. It was marvelous, and honestly I wanted to feel it on my tongue, more of it, and just as I was about to reach out to wipe more off the sheet I heard the shower turn off.

I quickly hopped off the bed and took up my position sitting backwards on the desk chair again. Wulf emerged from the bathroom wearing a swimmer's jockstrap (the kind where the waistband is really thin) with his enormous dick packed tightly inside the pouch and a towel wrapped around his head where he was rapidly drying his hair.

"Damn," I said quietly.

"What?" he said tossing the towel onto the wet spot of the bed.


"No come on... tell me."

"Doesn't that thing ever get soft?"

He smiled at me and said, "It is soft."

"Get out... it's still huge."

"It's a meat cock."

I looked at him puzzledly, "What's a meat cock?"

"It's a cock that when it gets soft it doesn't get any smaller, it just gets limp, but it still keeps the same size."

"How do you walk around with that thing?"

He tucked his fingers in the elastic and snapped it against his skin, "I always wear jockstraps as underwear."

"You do?"

"Yeah to show off my ass." He turned around and then held both his arms out in front of him crossed at the wrist and quickly started to shake his body as though he were a stripper, his hips and torso circling at different speeds.

I giggled and he pulled on a wrestling team t-shirt and khaki shorts, "I'm going to get something to eat. You want to come?"

I looked at my watch and realized how late for class I was so I said, "No, I can't I have class in half an hour um... ago."

He smiled and said ok before opening the door and leaving.

Now that surprised me. He just left me there in his room and I barely knew him. The moment that door shut though, I looked back over at the enormous wet spot on the bed. I climbed back on the bed and looked at it. The wetness had spread, and the cum was starting to soak through the thin fabric. I didn't even rub my fingers around in it this time, I pressed my face close to the bed and inhaled his scent. I moment later I was lapping at the sheet on his bed, sucking in as much of his cum as I could get onto my tongue and into my mouth, at first licking long strokes, but resolving myself later to get the most of it by licking it in spots, before pulling my tongue back into my mouth and savoring his taste.

To those of you who've never tasted cum, I can't describe it at all. But for everyone else, it was a really good load. The kind that most guys don't have, very uniform, very smooth, unbelievably sweet, but with a slight tang, a slight burn if I let it sit on my tongue, like a Wintergreen Cert.

Five minutes later I left his room, and his sheet was as clean as I could make it. I took one of his jockstraps too.

I couldn't help it, and I'm not normally like that. I'm actually a clean freak who doesn't even like the idea of cum eating or rimming. Well that's not completely true, I like the idea of guys eating my cum or rimming my ass, but no matter how hot the guy is, I could never imagine putting my tongue or face in those areas.

I went back to my dorm room and jerked off a load like I'd never done it before. I wasn't interested in cleaning up after myself so I went into the bathroom and blew my load right into the toilet.


I know there wasn't any gay sex in here yet, but believe me, it will be well worth the wait, and unlike most other stories here I'm working with a true story and am trying to keep it as original to that as possible.

Since everyone appreciates feedback, I'd like it too, let me know if my writing sucks ass in the good way or the bad way. Oh and Wulf just wants to know if you think he's a stud. Feel free to drop us a line if you want the writing to continue.

Next: Chapter 2: Benefits of Testosterone 2

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