Texas Football Bros

By Chase Ree

Published on Aug 19, 2016


Usual warnings apply. Always love feedback from you guys and don't forget to donate to Nifty. Enjoy!

Chapter 7

The alarm on my phone started blaring at 6am on Friday morning, I stirred awake and pulled some shorts and a tank top on. I wanted to get a good five mile run in before it became unbearably hot, so I chugged some water and did some stretches and was out the door. I ran down the street and through campus, going up and down the stairs to the library a couple times before heading through the maize of neighborhoods. I realized I hadn't put any boxers on and my package was swaying back and forth but there was no turning back now. The sun began to rise over the houses along the street as I alternated between a light jog and a short burst of sprints. By the time I got back to my house I was sweating balls.

I got butt ass naked and went into the bathroom to take a shower, checking myself out in the mirror. My abs were getting more and more defined, notwithstanding the amount of beer I regularly consumed. I had a light trail of hair from my chest down to my pubes, all natural as always. My facial hair was growing in a little bit too, I liked to keep it scruffy because I knew when I was eating out my bros asses it felt good, and if I was going to do anything in life I wanted to be the best at it. I guess I'm pretty competitive in that way. I jammed out to some Rolling Stones and did some pushups and sit-ups before taking a long, hot shower.

On the way to class I felt someone come up behind me and pull my shorts down, looking back to see Duncan cracking up. My cock and balls and bare ass on display for everyone, I couldn't help but laugh. I punched his arm.

"Sup pussy?" I asked, pulling his hat off and dangling it behind me, taunting him. He reached back and snatched it after dueling with me for a minute.

"Not shit bro, Organic Chem is murdering me." He said, putting his hat back on and checking himself out in the window we were walking by.

"I feel you dude, I gotta three hour BioChem lab today that sucks balls." I responded.

"Wanna kick it later? Jeff's dumb ass went to the lake with his lame girlfriend this weekend. Me and Nathan are gonna go out." Duncan said. Nathan was a dude from our team, we'd never really hung out much but he was a cool guy.

"Sounds good man." I said, giving him a mocking salute as he branched off towards his class.

I sat in my BioChem lab as the clock ticked by very, very slowly. Every time I looked up at the clock only two minutes had passed. It was Friday though, and our bye week so I ready to fucking party.

After class I chugged a Red Bull and put on a button down and some shorts, texted Duncan and met up with them at Nathan's house. He lived only a few blocks from me.

"Chase, my man. How's it hanging?" Nathan asked, opening his door.

"Ready to get wasted bro, you?" I said, walking in.

"Same man, same." He said, passing me some Fireball. Nathan was built, he had dark brown hair and a short beard, always dressed to the nine. He was a little taller than me and a total player. He always had some random girls hanging around him, always talking about Tinder bitches in the locker room and his sordid weekend shenanigans.

Duncan was there, wearing a Hawaiian shirt that was unbuttoned. He looked like he had already had a few. We all took shots of Fireball and headed out to the bar. We danced with some girls, taking shots and one-upping each other with obscene bar tabs, ordering rounds and smoking cigars on the patio in between dancing our asses off. We were going wild, Nathan pissed in a plant on the patio in full view of the Friday crowd, the girls we were with all snapping pics of it. Nathan made a "rock on" sign with his fingers as he unleashed a stream of piss. He had a long and thick dick, which I'd seen in the locker room plenty of times.

From there our night became even more depraved, Nathan did blow off a girl's stomach while Duncan made out with her foreign exchange student friend from Johannesburg. I sat there and sipped on a bottle of Jameson and watched the craziness unfold. We all became obnoxiously drunk, mooning people out the window of Nathan's SUV while we blasted Drake and smoked a blunt.

The girls all were too drunk and couldn't keep up with us dudes so we ended back up at Nathan's house, just the three of us. We sat on the back patio and ditched our shirts, shotgunning beers and talking over each other.

"Holy shit guys, I just realized I have some fucking fireworks in my car." Duncan said, his face lighting up. I spanked his ass as he got up to get them from his car, emerging a couple minutes later with some sparklers.

"Dude really? That's it?" Nathan said, laughing.

"Yeah bro, those do not even count as fireworks. Those are sparklers" I said, looking over at Nathan as we both shook our heads, humorously shaming Duncan.

"Whatever dudes, I love these things." Duncan said, smiling proudly. We all lit some and played around with them, Nathan tried to draw a dick with his sparkler as Duncan filmed it. It came out blurry but we were too drunk to care.

"Bro, watch this." Duncan said, turning around and bending over. He pulled his pants down and stuck the end of the sparkler in his ass so that the lit end was sticking out. "Spark it up, Ree." He said, handing me the lighter. Nathan and I were cracking up as I lit it and watched the sparks fly, Duncan jumping up after a few seconds and pulling the sparkler out.

"Dude, that shit was burning off my ass hairs." He said, all of us dying of laughter.

"I bet you wouldn't do that with a roman candle" Nathan said.

"Seem like a better idea before, huh?" I asked him, taunting him.

"I stand by my decision" Duncan said, trying to make a serious face but he couldn't keep his laughter in. "And no, a roman candle would be insane" He added.

"Whatever Duncan, you love getting blasted in the ass" I said, giving him a taunting grin. He jokingly glared at me and then punched me in the arm.

We all cracked open a fresh beer, totally beyond wasted at this point. I was feeling restless after a long week of studying and homework and class, and I could feel that Duncan and Nathan felt the same way.

"Dudes, let's find a pool to sneak into. It's hot as balls out here." Nathan said, standing up.

"So down." Duncan chimed in.

"What about the West Lake apartments? The fence there is like six feet tall, it's easy as hell." I suggested.

"I got a better idea." Nathan said, and we followed him out of his backyard and quietly walked down his street. We were all shirtless and barefoot and I was carrying a bottle of Jameson, feeling the humidity like no other. Eventually we arrived at a big suburban house with no lights on or a car in the driveway.

"It's my buddy Wayne's parent's house. They're in Barbados on vaycay." Nathan said as he hoisted himself up onto their wooden fence. We silently followed suit, climbing in the shadows. There didn't seem to be anyone on the entire block awake at this hour.

We climbed over the fence and into their luxurious backyard. They had a kidney shaped pool with a hot tub attached and some lawn chairs and floaties spread out across their patio. Tall trees shaded most of the backyard from any neighbor's view.

"Well boys, I didn't bring a swimsuit." Nathan said jokingly, and pulled his shorts and boxers right off, his hung dick flopping out. Duncan and I both stripped naked and I took a long pull from the whiskey bottle as Nathan and Duncan ran and jumped loudly into the pool, the globes of their hairy asses jiggling as they ran. I had started to sweat from the walk and needed to cool off too so I ran over and did a cannonball right in between them.

We played around in the water a bit, splashing and dunking each other. I sat on the edge and drank more whiskey, feeling faded as fuck. Nathan splashed me.

"Don't get tired bro!" He warned, giving me a comical grin.

"It just hit me man, I can't help it. I ran like five miles at 6am this morning." I said.

Nathan emerged his naked body from the water and walked, dripping, over to his shorts. He came back with a tiny bag of coke.

"Take a little whiff of this buddy." He said, handing it to me.

I shrugged and was too drunk to think much beyond that so I dabbed my finger in and snorted a bump.

"Rub it on your teeth" Nathan called out as he dove back in to the water. I did and felt a numb, tingling feeling. He was right though, I woke right up.

I got back in the water and started wrestling with Nathan, throwing each other into the air, butt ass naked. I got onto Duncan's shoulders and wrestled with Nathan as he stood on the steps to the pool. My cock was hanging down next to Duncan's cheek as we writhed around. Nathan was hung too, his cock dripping wet and swaying from side to side as he tried to push us over. Eventually he succeeded and Duncan and I fell back into the water. We all swam around for awhile, feeling the water on my bare body as I swam across the bottom of the pool. I followed Nathan up the ladder out of the deep end, seeing his gooch and balls and hairy ass as he climbed up.

The three of us laid down on the pavement butt ass naked next to the pool and stared up at the sky, the darkness of the twilight slowly fading into the light of dawn. I started dozing off, Nathan slapped my abs and pulled me up.

"Come on bro, let's head back" He said, putting his arm around me and patting my back as we picked up our clothes. We climbed the fence and walked naked through the street toward Nathan's. The streetlight's were buzzing and moths swarming around them as we walked barefoot on the pavement.

We got to Nathan's and Duncan immediately walked over to the couch and collapsed, his bare ass up in the air.

"Well, he's down for the count." i said, laughing.

"Wanna stay up and chill for a little bit?" Nathan asked, both of us still sort of awake.

I nodded and followed him into his room. We dumped our clothes on the floor and sat down on his bed, still naked. Nathan pulled a little bag of white powder from a jar behind his laptop and cut up a couple lines for us. He rolled up a Franklin and handed it to me. I blew a line, the intensity of it hitting me like a wall. Nathan followed suit, blowing a line and taking a swig from the whiskey bottle. My hear rate was increasing rapidly and I put my hands on my legs and the tingling feeling of my touch felt unbelievable. I started rubbing my legs with my hands.

"Whoa dude, this feels so good.." I said, looking over at him. He laughed, turning on some music.

"Try banging a chick on this shit sometime, feels crazy." He said, standing up. He tugged absentmindedly at his cock a couple times while looking for something on top of his dresser.

Nathan opened his bedroom window and lit a cigarette, throwing me the pack. I didn't smoke but damn did I want one now, rolling on this shit.

My body had goosebumps all over it and Nathan and I quietly giggled, blowing smoke out his window. We both were holding our cocks in our hands.

"Dude, this shit is nuts" I said, inhaling the last drag on the cigarette.

"I know bro, let's go outside." Nathan said, climbing out his window. I followed him with the bottle of whiskey and we went streaking down the street. We went into a collection of trees behind his backyard, the streetlight sifting through the trees and illuminating our naked bodies.

"Where the girls at man?" Nathan said, pulling on his cock.

"I know dude, I'm all ready to go.." I said quietly.

"Me too, I wanna stick my dick in something.." He said, almost whispering at this point and looking off into the distance.

We stood there for a second, I took a swig from the bottle and turned to the side, shifting my weight to one hip and letting my ass cheeks spread apart a little bit. I bent over and picked up a rock and threw it over the power line. Nathan picked up one too and we threw them for a while, passing the bottle back and forth. We both kept tugging on our semi-hard cocks. Eventually I spoke.

"You know dude, I don't even give a fuck right now. Go for it.." I said, looking at him. I got down on all fours and spread my legs. I heard him getting down on his knees behind me, his hands on my ass cheeks spreading them apart. My whole body tingled with the sensation, my butthole puckering as he kneaded my cheeks in his hands. He rubbed his thumb around my butthole, sticking the tip of his finger in and out. My cock was rising. He stuck his entire thumb into my ass, using his other fingers to grab my ass cheeks. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and back as he played with my butt, sticking his fingers in and out. I backed my ass up. Our movements became rougher, we were losing ourselves in the dark woods, letting ourselves go. He started sticking three fingers in, I was backing my ass up into his hand harder. My cock was at full mast, I felt hornier than ever before. Nathan started tugging at my cock under me, four fingers up my ass.

"Fuck dude, fuck.." I said, both of us panting and covered in sweat, dripping with it, grunting and rubbing on each other. "More bro, more.." I called out, pushing my ass into him. He slapped my sweaty ass cheek, grabbed my shoulder and stuck his whole hand up with ass.

"Like that dude? Want more?" Nathan said, grunting, almost under his breath. I could feel his giant boner poking the back of my leg. "This is so fuckin hot man, so fuckin crazy..." He whispered. We both moaned, deep and low. He rubbed my back with his other hand, the sensations incredible as pure pleasure spread through my body. He slowly pulled his hand out, slapped my ass again and started sliding his huge dick up my butt.

Nathan's boner slid right up my hairy ass and started pounding me. He reached under and cupped my balls, tugging on my cock for me. I looked back at his built, sweaty body writhing against my ass, our sweaty bodies rubbing together as we banged. He pulled me up so that my back was pressed against his chest. He put his arm around me and softly bit my ear, his hand sliding down my abs towards my cock. He started whacking me off as I pressed my butt against him, his cock entirely inside me. I rubbed my ass cheeks on him, and we both were pressing against each other, dripping sweat and moaning. Nathan grabbed my face and pulled it towards his, breathing on each other and close as could be, his dick sliding rapidly in and out of my butthole. He put his hand back on my boner and started jerking it, I reached behind us and grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled him closer until we were both shooting jizz everywhere, him up my butt and me all over the ground.

Afterwards we got up and sort of looked at each other, cracking a smile.

"Dude Molly is crazy shit" Nathan said, putting his arm around my head and pulling me in. "You're the best bro, I'll return the favor soon I swear." He said, quietly in my ear. We patted each other on the back and went back inside, wiping the jizz off our bodies and passing out in his bed.

The next day I awoke around noon with pounding headache. Nathan was still passed out next to me. Duncan emerged into the room.

"What'd ya'll do after I passed out?" He asked, devouring a donut.

I pointed to my ass and we both laughed. I got up and drank some water, took some aspirin. I put shorts on and hung out with Duncan in the kitchen for awhile until he had to leave. Nathan emerged into the living room where I was playing his N64.

"Morning bro." He said, giving me a salute as his naked ass walked into the bathroom. He pissed with the door open and came back out and sat on the couch next to me. "Bro, seriously last night was fucking craazy" He said, laughing. We went over the funnier parts of the night, eventually getting to the end. I wasn't sure if he would address our late night fuck session.

"And bro, I gotta give you mad props. That shit was awesome." He said, pulling me in for a headlock. I squirmed away. We made some food and joked around for awhile. Eventually I left and went home.

I took a long hot shower and then laid on a patio chair in my backyard in the sun, listening to Fleetwood Mac in my boxers. I got a text from Garrett.

"What's up dude?" It read.

"Not shit, laying out." I texted back.

"Nice. Leaving the gym, gonna get some food. Down?" He replied.

"Pick me up bro." I texted him, getting up to put on some clothes. I put on my American flag Chubbies and a white t-shirt with some Nikes and hopped in his truck when he pulled up. We went to Whataburger and stuffed ourselves, me trying to alleviate my hangover and Garrett refueling from his workout.

"What'd you end up doing last night?" Garrett asked, his mouth full of cheeseburger.

"Hung out with Dunc and Nathan, went kind of crazy." I said. Garrett looked at me and gave me a knowing grin.

"You football players are fucking savages, I can only imagine what y'all got into." He said, laughing. I smiled.

I shot the shit with him for awhile. It was late afternoon at this point and we headed out to his truck. We went over to his place, and immediately did a tequila shot when we got inside.

"Let's get wasted dude." I said, fetching a couple beers out of the fridge. We jammed out to some Springsteen and ditched our shirts and became more and more wasted on Garrett's roof. We started throwing bottles off the roof, trying to aim them into the dumpster in the alleyway.

We climbed down his fire escape. It was nearing 2am and we wandered the streets pulling Trump signs out of peoples yards and breaking them in half. Garrett pissed on a couple of them and we stuffed them in an alley dumpster. We were cracking up, walking through the alley drunken and mischievous. Garrett looked over and me and leaned in and kissed me. It was soft at first, then we started pinning each other against the fence and roughly making out.

"I gotta have you man, I can't wait.." I said to him, our foreheads locked together, sweat dripping down our bodies. Garrett looked me straight in the eye, and nodded.

He knelt down and pulled my shorts down, giving my long cock a couple strokes before putting his mouth around it. The warmth of his mouth engulfed my dick as he inhaled it in, sliding up and down. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes, relaxing and feeling the vacuum of Garrett's mouth sucking my dick. He twirled my balls around in his hand, tugging at them as he stuck my cock down his throat. He moved his hands down to rub my thighs, moving them up to my ass. He slid his fingers into my sweaty crack and played with my hole, furiously blowing me. I knew I'd jizz if we kept this up, and I wasn't ready. I pulled him up on his feet.

I turned him around and pulled his shorts down. His fuzzy ass cheeks felt unbelievable in my hands, I squeezed them and spread them apart, hearing him moan. I started rubbing my cock on his butthole. Garrett pushed back on it, I spit in my hand and rubbed it on the head of my dick. His butt was so sweaty and we were both so horned up that my cock easily began to slide into him. I kissed the back of his neck and grabbed the top of his hair, pulling his head back as I started pounding his ass. We both moaned, Garrett reaching back and grabbing the side of my thigh, pulling me in closer, wanting more, our sweaty bodies rubbing on each other.

My balls were slapping against him as I pumped his butt, more and more rapidly until I felt my knees get weak and my movements more desperate, my mind a blank slate of anything in the world outside of the feeling of my bare cock inside Garrett's ass. I began shooting ropes of jizz into him, unloading it all. I finally slowed down, panting and sweaty. I pulled my cock out of his butt. Garrett turned around kissed me, then guided me to my knees. I sucked on his cock for a minute, jacking him off with my fingers up his butt until he came in my mouth. The salty, sticky cum shot into the back of my throat as he came, and I swallowed every bit of it.

We climbed back up the fire escape and passed out in his bed, I slept for almost twelve hours. The long weekend I'd had was catching up to me. I woke up to Garrett frying up some breakfast. We stood in the kitchen in our underwear chomping down some bacon, laughing and joking like we always did. I felt more comfortable around Garrett than almost anyone I'd ever met. It felt like we almost had a secret language sometimes, an enormous interwoven network of inside jokes and references to things that only we understood. We were like brothers. But it wasn't like it ever was with girls, there was no bitching or jealously or "why didn't you text me back" kind of nonsense, we just chilled and enjoyed each other and that was it.

We drove out to the lake, stopping to get a six pack and jamming out to Bruce Springsteen along the way. The sun was lowering in the sky, the horizon behind the trees lighting up with a pink glow. We parked and hiked down a trail, arriving at a secluded waterfall. We stripped naked and dove in, splashing each other and soaking the last rays of golden sunlight through the trees. We sat naked under the waterfall as darkness fell around us, the wall of water entirely blocking us from view.

We sat in silence for awhile, just listening to the water and the noises from the forest around us. Garrett sat next to me, his wavy hair and tall, toned body made him look like a Roman statue. He was covered in mud and dirt, water dripping from his hair.

"Do you believe in fate?" He asked me, turning to look at me.

I crushed empty snail shells under a stone I'd found and thought about it for a second. "I think that things happen for the best, that whatever happens only happens because it was supposed to. Like even though it may seem bad now, it will lead to some unknown future occurrence that will ultimately be for the greater good. So, I guess I do." I responded, tossing the stone down the waterfall and watching it disappear into the dark water.

"I think I do. I mean, look at this, where we are. I wouldn't trade this for anything." He said and we looked at each other. I felt a strange, tingling feeling in my stomach and we just sort of sat there, looking at each other, without a word.

That night I went back to my apartment and ate like a king, stuffing myself with everything I could find in my fridge. Nathan texted me, "Wyd bro." I smiled to myself. I sent him a snap video of the leftovers I'd been annihilating. He sent me a snap of a Budweiser in front of the TV where we was playing Call of Duty, with the caption "come chill."

I picked up my keys and walked out into the night, freeballing in my gym shorts with a white tee on. I wandered through the humid night and through a maize of neighborhoods towards Nathan's place, arriving at his door.

"Chase, my man, how's it hanging tonight?" He said as he opened the door. We did a little handshake that the Longhorns all do with each other.

We chilled on the couch for awhile, threw back some beers and played COD for awhile. We were both significantly less drunk than we'd been on Friday when we hung out, this was much more low key. We both had class and practice in the morning. We shot the shit for awhile and ate some chips and salsa.

"Practice tomorrow is gonna suck dick" Nathan said, stuffing a couple chips into his mouth.

"I know dude, I'm gonna be dead tomorrow." I responded, adjusting my sweaty package in my shorts.

"We usually go to practice on like two hours of sleep so I'm not too worried. We had a crazy fucking weekend though." He said.

"We did.. So Nath, when are you gonna "return the favor" as you said?"

He laughed. We sort of looked at each other for a second. "I guess right now?" He said, looking over at me and taking a swig of beer.

We got up and walked into his room. I stood there and watched Nathan pull his shorts down over his bare ass. He pulled his shirt off and looked back at me with a grin. "Well dude, go easy on me. Never done this before." He said, bending over on his bed. He spread his butt cheeks apart and arched his back, sticking it up in the air.

"Dude.." I said, looking at his hairy bubble butt. I pulled off my clothes and my boner sprung straight up. I kneeled down behind him, putting my hands on his ass. I buried my face into his butt, spreading his cheeks with my hands and going to town licking and sucking on his asshole. He moaned. It smelled and tasted like sweat and ass, the stubble on my face rubbing his ass hole.

"Whoa dude, that feels crazy good.." He said, pushing his ass back into my face. I rubbed my fingers on his butt hole, loosening it up.

"I kinda gotta fart bro" He said, looking back at me and laughing. We both cracked up. "I don't care bro, do your thing" I said, drumming on his butt cheeks with my hands. We both laughed.

I stuck a finger back in his ass, and then two. Nathan moaned. I worked a couple more in slowly, licking my fingers each time I pulled them out. He was going crazy with pleasure, pushing his ass back into my hand as I pushed four of my fingers deeper into him.

He laid down on his back and pulled his knees up to his chest. I leaned down on top of him and brought our foreheads together. We looked at each other, my cock poking him in the ass.

"You ready dude?" I said, spitting on my palm.

"Fuck yeah." He said, flashing me a grin.

I started sliding my cock into his ass, Nathan put his hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eye and nodded, letting me go further in. His ass felt tight and warm. He moaned, his cock hard and pressing against my abs as I started sliding my dick in and out of his butt.

We were covered in sweat and pounding ass, our foreheads pressed against each other as I moved my hips back and forth and in and out of his butt. I reached down and grabbed his boner and gave it a couple tugs, he moaned and bit his bottom lip, both of us looking at each other in the eye while we banged.

I pulled my cock out of his ass and stood up in guided his head toward my dick, making him suck on it. "Taste your ass bro" I said, and start face fucking him. I pushed him down onto his knees and got behind him, sliding my cock back up his butt.

"Fuuuuck..." He said, letting out a deep moan. I gave his butt cheek and slap and started ramming him. Each time my hips slammed into his butt cheeks they jiggled and my movements became more and more rapid. Nathan grabbed his blanket and clutched it tightly in his fist as i fucked the hell out of him. He was a tough dude, I knew he could take it. I pulled my cock all the way out and then shoved it all the way back in as deep as it would go. He moaned even louder, reaching his hand back to spread his cheeks even more.

"Yeah bro, fuckin harder..." Nathan grunted, his voice deep and low.

Nathan took me off guard by pulling his ass of my cock and turning around to face me, both of us on our knees on his bed. He leaned in and we started making out, our tongues in each other's mouths. Our boners were pressed together as our arms wrapped around each other's bodies and we collapsed onto his bed, laying on top of each other and furiously making out.

We took each other's dicks in our mouths are started 69ing on his bed. Our warm mouths went down on each other, smelling the musk of his package as I sucked his cock. I put a couple fingers up his butt, prompting him to do the same to me. We both moaned with our mouths full. Nathan started playing with my balls, his lips wrapped around my cock and his other hand up my butt. We were covered in sweat and moaning and I knew I couldn't last much longer.

"I'm gonna blow man..." I said, feeling Nathan's warm mouth wrapped around my cock, two of his fingers up my butt. I felt my body begin to tense up and started unleashing ropes of jizz into his mouth, his fingers deep up my butt, probing my prostate as I felt a wave of pleasure and relief leave my body. I laid there on his bed catching my breath.

Nathan slapped my abs and got up, standing over me on his bed. He squatted down on my face and rubbed his butt on me, jacking off. I grabbed his ass cheeks and started licking his butt hole as his balls smacked my chin. I could feel his butt muscles relaxing and then tense up as he sprayed his load all over my abs.

"Damn bro, that was insane." Nathan said, both of us getting up and sitting on his bed. "Wanna hop in the shower dude?" He asked, flashing me a smile.

We got in the shower and returned to our usual banter, splashing each other and laughing. Nathan soaped his ass up and then jokingly rubbed it on my package. I pushed my cock against him as we did it and actually started to get a boner again. We both looked at each other and then laughed it off.

I walked home later and climbed up to the roof and laid down, staring up at the stars. There was a meteor shower tonight, but from the middle of the city I couldn't see much. I laid there until a pre-dawn chill began to sweep over me, imagining what I was doing and where I was going. The faces of all the guys I was close to were swirling through my head, as were their naked bodies and the often hazy memories I had of us in a sweaty heat, pounding each other. I couldn't help but feel content with things, I was doing exactly what I wanted to. I shouldn't care what the world thinks of what I'm doing. I knew what I felt.

I sat up and looked at my watch, it was 4:35am. I climbed down from my roof and ran down the street. I jumped over the uneven cracks in the sidewalk and down through the middle of the street where there wasn't even a single car in sight. I got to Garrett's and climbed up his fire escape, opening his window and crawling in. It was quiet and still in his apartment, the A/C rumbling in the living room where beer cans were sprawled out on his coffee table. I opened his bedroom door and stood above him, sound asleep. He was naked, lying on his stomach. I took off my shirt and shorts and laid down next to him, pulling a blanket over us. I kissed the back of his neck and wrapped my arms around him and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8 is coming soon!

Next: Chapter 8

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