Texas Football Bros

By Chase Ree

Published on Oct 27, 2017


Usual warnings apply. Always love feedback from you guys and don't forget to donate to Nifty. Enjoy!

Chapter 9

"I say we go with new James Bond" I said, standing in line at the Cineplex with Garrett. He shook his head and laughed.

"You would suggest that" He said and cracked a smile at me. I punched him in the arm.

"Why is that Garrett? Cause you think of course this dumb jock wants to see the action movie?" I asked, acting cartoonishly offended and taunting him.

He rolled his eyes and put his hands in the air in mock defeat. "We can see whatever movie you want."

At the concessions line we debated about which snacks to get, which candy was better than another.

"Obviously Twizzlers are the best option" I argued.

"Hate to break it to ya buddy but that is the wrong answer. Sour Patch Kids are the only way." Garrett said, laughing as I punched him in the arm again.

"That's blasphemy" I argued, shaking my head. We stepped up to the counter.

"We'll take a large coke, some sour patch kids and... What size popcorn should we get you think?" He asked me.

"Have you seen us bro? We're fucking beasts. Obviously large" I replied, poking him in the abs as I teased him.

We sat down as the movie started, fighting over the snacks and popcorn and wrestling around. I put Garrett in a headlock and he started tickling me. I stuffed a handful of popcorn in my mouth and then stuck my tongue out with all the half-eaten kernels on it and he cracked up. Seeing him laughing with the flashing light from the screen, it just felt like I could just live in this moment. Neither of us really paid any attention during the movie and when it was over we got in my pickup to drive back to his apartment.

"Wanna stop anywhere dude?" I asked him, speeding through a yellow light.

"Yeah I could demolish some Whataburger right about now" He said, both of us grinning and nodding at each other. We got some drive-thru and wolfed it down in my truck, parked in front of his house. I crumpled up the burger wrapper and tossed it at Garrett. He smiled at me and threw it back.

"You know Ree, you're a pretty fun guy when you wanna be" He said, tearing his straw wrapper into pieces.

"Does that mean I'm sometimes not as fun?" I asked, grinning skeptically.

"Yeah, sometimes you're a real asshat." He said, smiling. We both laughed, I poked him in the abs a couple times and he squirmed around in the seat.

"Nah, you're always fun actually" He said, more seriously. He looked off into the distance for a minute.

"So are you man. I've had a blast." I said, looking down at my hairy thighs poking out of my shorts.

"Well, thanks for the ride man. See ya around." He said, glancing at me briefly and opening the door.

The thing about Garrett and I was that even though we sometimes plowed ass together, we were really still just buds at this point and hadn't ever really talked about it either. Garrett was also generally more reserved and was more reluctant than me to initiate. I had been sensing this more lately.

"Wait..." I said, grabbing his arm. "I uh..." I paused. "I wanna kiss you." I said, feeling the words just fall out of my mouth, my voice low and quiet.

Garrett looked back at me, a strange look across his face. He looked very stoic. Suddenly we grabbed each other, hard. He dug his face into mine, our tongues roughly twisting together, our breath hot on each other's faces. We grabbed each other's shirts and almost ripped them off. We were like lions let out of a cage. I slammed him against the seat made out with him furiously, my hand sliding down the hairs on his chest, down towards his abs. His body was tight and warm, his skin was smooth and the hairs running down his body were soft tufts that perfectly accented his six-pack and the deep V below it. I could feel his hands grabbing at my thighs and running up my shorts towards my now fully hard package.

I pulled him onto my lap, facing me, with his legs on either side of me. He pulled his shorts down over his butt as I pulled mine to my ankles. His warm butt crack rubbed back and forth on my rod as we continued making out. I continued rubbing my hands up and down the sides of his body and over his butt cheeks, squeezing them in my hands. I felt the tip of my dick start entering into his tight, warm butt without me even spitting on it.

Garrett started kissing and sucking on my ear and neck as my schlong went raw inside him. All the windows in my truck were completely fogged up and sweat was dripping down our bodies.

I felt his butt entirely swallow my dick, and he let it settle for a minute while rubbing his ass cheeks back and forth on my lap. We looked into each other's eyes, without a word. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He pulled my shirt off as I pulled off his and we rubbed our naked bodies together. Garrett started bouncing up and down on my dick, slowly but deeply, feeling every inch.

I picked him up and moved him onto his back on the bench seat of my truck. I put his legs over my shoulders and slid my cock back into his ass. We stared at each other as our sweaty bodies came together. I leaned down and grabbed the sides of his face with my hands, cupping his jaw in my palms. I pulled him in for a kiss and we started making out, my dick slowly going in and out of him. I increased the pace, faster and faster, our foreheads pressed against each other.

I reached down with my hand and started stroking his dick, simultaneously plowing his butt. I could feel his body's muscles tighten and from Garrett's moans, which I knew pretty well by this point, I knew this dude was about to jizz. I increased the rhythm whacking him off and felt his rod get even harder and spaz as a fountain of his white cum flew out. Several spurts later we were both drenched in it, my load getting buried deep up his ass.

"Chase...Bro.." He said, under his breath, giving me a kiss.

"What? Did you forget to take your birth control?" I asked, an evil grin spreading across my face.

He laughed and punched me in the arm. Then he got a serious look on his face. He looked alarmed, scrunching his eyebrows and sitting up in the seat, looking outside.

"Dude.. Did you hear that?" He asked. I couldn't see outside, our butt fuck session had kinda fogged up all the windows.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"Just listen, hold on.." Garrett said, both of us pausing for a few seconds to listen. Garrett looked at me and then I began to notice a grin beginning to form on his face and he farted.

"Duuuude" I yelled out and we both fell over laughing our asses off, I punched him in the arm a couple times.

"What man? Thought it was Pennywise." He added, laughing.

I opened the door to the truck and stepped out, pulling Garrett by the legs and picking him up. I carried him into his house and collapsed on top of him in his bed, falling asleep naked while his ceiling fan squeaked and spun into the humid Texas night.

It was 6am and I started my truck, pulling the AUX cord up from the floor and plugging in my phone. I blasted loud music the whole three hour drive to Dallas to visit my older brother, Drew. His wife was out of town for the weekend so we were planning on having bro time. Fire up the grill, play some video games, and chill without being bothered. Drew, in his married life, was definitely ready for a guys weekend.

I pulled up to his house and honked the horn on my truck twice. Drew emerged from the side of his house with a hose, watering his plants in his gym shorts. It was 9:30 am and already hot as shit outside, he was shirtless and sweaty.

"Whats up bro?" I said, doing a handshake and one-armed hug we always did.

"Not shit man, it's balls to the wall hot out here." He said, laughing. We went into his house, I dropped my shit off on the floor and yanked my shorts down to the floor and pissed with the door open, unleashing a mad stream after the long drive. Drew came in to the bathroom and pulled down his shorts below his butt next to me and started pissing too, crossing our streams. We shot the shit, talking about the season and whatnot, while our hung cocks let loose. We had very similar packages, a trail of hair from our abs down to our thick pubes and our veiny, hung dicks emerging from the hair. We both had tan lines across our V. As we pissed Drew farted and we both cracked up laughing. "Bonus round" He said and we cracked up even more.

We piled in my truck and drove to the store, stocking up on some ground beef and ribs. We grabbed a couple cases of beer on the way back and lit up the coals to start grilling. By mid afternoon I had a solid buzz going and we had been devouring protein and having cannonball contests with each other in his pool.

Drew started splashing me and obviously I returned fire. Soon we were wrestling around in the shallow end, dunking each other and fucking around. As I climbed out of the pool, Drew came up behind me and grabbed the waistband on my swim trunks and yanked them down over my wet ass. I slithered out of them and fell on my back in the grass. Drew climbed out of the pool after me and I jumped up and grabbed the bottom of his trunks and pulled them down to his ankles. Beads of water were sliding down through the hair that lightly covered his butt cheeks, pale in contrast to the deep tan on his back. Fully naked and chasing him, we wrestled each other as we fell back into the pool. Under water, our cocks and balls were suspended in the water, floating slowly as we swam back and forth.

Later in the evening Drew's buddy from the office, Asher, came over. Asher played baseball in college at UT as well, and this dude had a built fucking body. His arms were swole as fuck, he wore a sleeveless Texas Rangers shirt with black shorts that were tight on his thick ass. He was lean though, his abs cut and toned with a short fade haircut under his backwards baseball cap.

"Sup bro? I'm Chase." I said, doing a handshake with him.

"Asher" He said, as Drew came up behind me and yanked my gym shorts down, bare assed. Asher cracked up, pulling his cap off and wiping his forehead, shaking his head at Drew's antics. I bent over and pulled my shorts up from my ankles, Drew smacking my ass as I pulled them back up, my hung package dangling and swaying as I stuffed them back in to my shorts.

"This is my little bro, he's a real ladykiller." Drew said, rubbing the top of my shaved head.

"Yeah I can see that, packing heat there bro" Asher said. "Mad props" He added, giving me a fist bump.

"Your ass is the real beast brutha" Drew said, grinning.

I shook my head and laughed it off. After grabbing some beers and wolfing down some more food, we settled into a card game at Drew's basement poker table. We did a couple rounds of tequila shots. Asher was loosening up, as we all were, the drunker we got. Drew had ditched his shirt long ago.

"What are we betting?" Asher asked, shuffling the deck.

"Not money, I'm broke as a joke" I said, crushing the latest beer can I'd finished and cracking open another.

Drew got an evil grin on his face. "Let's bet with dares, that'll make it interesting."

"What kind of dare?" Asher asked, shuffling the cards.

"It's gotta be something good." Drew said, thinking out loud.

I had an idea. "Alright so loser of this round gets tea bagged in the mouth by both the other two" I said, popping my fingers and neck in mock preparation for the ensuing battle.

"Okay so define in the mouth." Asher said, chuckling.

"Like full-on mouth open, tongue-out balls down your fucking throat." Drew said, pounding his fist on the table, his drunken competitiveness coming on strong. It was moments like these when I became really glad I wasn't in his frat's pledge class under him, having him as an older brother all my life was bad enough.

"God damnit." Asher said, grinning and shaking his head.

We all nodded and grabbed a drink, Asher dealing the cards.

First round started strong for me, Drew looked stoic and I tried to read his expression and concluded he probably had a shitty hand. I didn't know Asher well enough to read his face.

We laid our cards down. I had a flush. Asher had a straight. Drew didn't have jack shit. Asher and I high fived each other and started yelling and causing a ruckus. Drew threw his cards down and covered his face as he cracked up laughing.

"Alright buddy, balls to the fucking wall!" I said, standing up and rubbing my crotch.

"Get that mouth open bro!" Asher said as we advanced closer to Drew, who was cracking up laughing in his chair.

"On the floor man, a bet is a fucking bet." I said, pointing at the tiled floor next to the table. Drew covered his face and shook his head, getting down to the floor and lying on his back.

"You first man." I said to Asher, slapping his butt. He pulled his shorts and boxers down over his shoes and tossed them aside. Wearing his socks and Nikes and sleeveless shirt with his dick flopping around, he put each foot on either side of Drew's head and squatted down onto his face. "I gotta warn you bro, I had a long workout this morning so I stink like hell right now." He added, taunting Drew and cracking up.

"Open wide!" Asher taunted, lowering his balls. Drew had his tongue sticking out, Asher's hairy nut sack slid down them and into his mouth. His long cock was sprawled out on Drew's chin, the veiny thick shaft snaking out from his light brown pubes. I stood by sipping a beer, laughing my ass off. Asher's butt was spread wide open above Drew's face, you could see the hair sticking out from his crack. Though Asher's body was tan, his butt was white as hell and lightly covered in hair.

"You gotta close your mouth over `em too dude" I said, nudging Drew's leg with my foot. He flipped me off, Asher grinned. I bent down to get a good look and Drew had done it, his mouth wrapped around Asher's ball sack. I gave Asher a high five and we both laughed.

"Keep sucking, keep sucking..." Asher said, his dick growing noticeably. "How's that butt smell bro?" He added, all of us cracking up with laughter. Asher squatted down further and rubbed his bare butt crack on Drew's face.

Drew pushed Asher off of him, laughing his ass off. "My turn." I said, pulling my shorts off over my butt.

Asher stood off to the side with his dick still semi hard. I shook my butt a little as I stood over Drew's face, looking down at him and grinning. My dick and balls was swinging from side to side.

"Stick out your tongue brutha" I said, squatting down onto him. I felt my package sink down onto his face, my nut sack lowering into Drew's warm mouth. The hair on my balls tingled as it slid down his tongue and his facial hair grazed my gooch. Drew took both of my balls in his mouth, wrapping his lips around them and giving them a tug. I could feel his tongue gliding around them in his mouth. I reached back and grabbed Drew's hair and held his head as I sat my butt down on his face and rubbed it back and forth. My ball sack sprung out of his mouth as he laughed and I could feel his laughter and warm breath on my butthole. He reached up and grabbed both my ass cheeks and pushed me off.

"Alright goons, that's enough." Drew said, sitting up.

"Gotta say bro, you took that like a champ." Asher said, tossing him a can of beer.

"Well next round the loser's gotta do something even worse. Both ya'll fuckers got your sweaty ball taste in my mouth. I still taste it" Drew added, laughing and chugging his beer and sitting back down at the table.

"You're should just be glad that neither of us farted" Asher said, punching Drew in the arm. Drew laughed, then put his fingers in his mouth and pulled out a curly hair.

"Bro. There's a fucking nut sack pube in my fucking mouth!" Drew exclaimed, sending both Asher and I into a roar of laughter.

"You never know dude, that could, in fact, be a butt hair." I said, picking up the cards and shuffling them.

"That's true, I can still smell both your butts on me too." He countered, grinning at us.

"Alright assholes, focus. What'll the next bet be?" I asked, noticing that both Asher and I were still naked from the waist down. Drew was shirtless.

"Loser's gotta suck some D." Asher said, a smile broadening across his face mischievously.

"Like suck on a boner or just put it in their mouth?" I asked, dealing the cards.

"Suck it for 30 seconds, whether it's at full mast or not." Drew suggested.

"I'm game." I said, taking a look at my hand.

After picking up some cards and bullshitting for awhile, it came time to see what everyone was holding. I had four of a kind. Drew had two pairs. Asher, the last to reveal, reached for the tequila bottle and took a fat swig. He set down his cards, one pair. Drew and I high fived each other triumphantly and started drumming our fists loudly on the table, taunting Asher.

"Well buddy, I think you know what that means!" I said, walking around the table towards him, waving my cock. Drew stood up and yanked his shorts down to the floor. He was now butt ass naked. I followed his lead and removed my shirt too.

Asher laughed, shaking his head. "This is fucked up, I had a good feeling about this round too." He said remorsefully.

"Time to taste the Italian sausage my dude" I said, tugging at my package.

"Fuck dude.. Is it too late to change the bet? Anything else bro." Asher said in a last ditch effort.

"Are you kidding me dude? I had to suck your fucking balls dude." Drew said, punching Asher in the shoulder.

"And you had some ass in your face, don't forget that part." I said, pointing at him.

"Fuck off Chase." Drew shot back, grinning at me.

"For real guys, I'll take any other bet." Asher repeated, now just holding the tequila bottle in his hand.

"Don't be a such a pussy." Drew replied.

"I mean sure thing bro, Drew and I could get really creative with this one, don't ya think bro?" I said, looking over at Drew. We were now just straight up fucking with Asher. This was too fun.

Drew took my lead. "Yeah dude, I mean would you rather have our asses in your face?" He asked, taunting him.

Asher began to protest, I interrupted. "Or yeah bro, would you rather get your ass blasted by both of us? If you haven't noticed, we're kinda packing heat downstairs so you'd have to really bite the bullet." I heckled further.

"Alright fine, I'll take the original bet." Asher conceded, polishing off the tequila.

"You sure man? Cause I could really get down with some ass blasting." Drew said, causing both of us to erupt in laughter.

"Nah, original bet." Asher said, laughing.

"Me first" I said, pushing Drew out of the way. He pushed me back and we scuffled for a second until I got him in a headlock and he called "uncle". Drew took the L and went to fetch a beer and Asher sat in the chair.

"Alright buddy, on your knees." I said, in a mock commanding voice. We smiled at each other, this was harmless, drunken fun after all.

Asher got down on the tile floor and tried to withhold his laughter as I swung my dick in front of his face. He reached up and took the shaft in his hand, giving it a couple pumps. It wasn't taking much to get me hard at this point, and my cock swelled to it's full potential quickly. Asher leaned in and licked the tip, wrapping his lips around the head of my cock and lowering his mouth further down, swallowing more. He went back and forth on the top, his tongue circling around the head.

"Remember bro, 30 seconds! I'm counting.." Drew heckled from the background. He walked back in with another beer and stood next to me, pulling on his cock. "This is too fucking funny" He added, the three of us barely able to contain our laughter.

Asher kept bobbing up and down, swallowing more and more of my rock hard cock until his nose was almost touching my pubes. I put my hand on his head, he was still wearing his backwards ball cap.

"Alright, that was 30 seconds. My turn" Drew said. I shook my head at him and gave him a comical glare. Drew inched forward with his boner, grinning at Asher, who sank his mouth around Drew's, long veiny cock.

"How's that schlong treatin you man?" Drew asked, grinning and sipping his beer. Asher gave him the middle finger.

Asher's defined jaw and sideburns stretched up and down as he blew on Drew's boner, using his hand to give the shaft a stroke or two. Drew moaned. I looked down and noticed that Asher's own package had swollen considerably and his boner was fully stiff. Being a nice guy, I got down on my knees next to him and rested my arm on his shoulder, and using my other hand, grabbed his cock. He moaned, still going to town devouring my brother's massive penis. I adjusted slightly, putting my arm around Asher's shoulder and squeezing his pec as I furiously whacked him off. My hand was rubbing on his chest, over his chest hair, massaging his muscles. With my hand that was jacking him off I alternated between steady strokes and squeezing his nuts, and from his moans it was evident that he was about to blow.

Drew, meanwhile, had Asher's head in his hands and was guiding him up and down on his dick, like a slow motion face fuck. Drew's moaned, the muscles in his body tensing, the V beneath his abs defined and sweaty.

I moved my hand from Asher's chest to his back, still jacking his boner. My hand moved down his back, where sweat was started to collect, and down to his butt. I squeezed his cheeks in my hand, massaging and kneading them. My hands moved into his butt crack, my fingers grazing lightly over the forest of hair between his ass globes. As a reflex, Asher arched his back and spread his ass out. I moved my fingers softly into his crack, rubbing around his gooch beneath it and lightly across his asshole until I knew I was making him crazy with anticipation. We all were glistening with sweat that was collecting around the hair on our bodies. We stank like ass and sweaty balls, like an athlete always does.

I started rubbing around Asher's butthole with my fingers, the sweat in his ass crack serving as natural lube. I increased my pace jacking him off with my other hand and moved my torso to be touching him, my hard-on was rubbing against his leg. I started sliding my middle finger inside his butthole, and fuck it was tight. I kissed his neck, our bodies rubbing together, as I slid my fingers in and out of his ass. He was moaning deeper and louder and his butt hungrily opened for one, then two, and now three fingers. Asher was backing his ass up into me and his boner was so stiff I could tell he was inches from blowing a load. Drew, meanwhile, was also moaning louder and was now nearly whimpering.

"I'm gonna blow dude.." Drew said, sweat sliding down his body. Asher murmured something and nodded, and I could tell he was ready as well. I lightly bit Asher's ear a little, nibbling on it and kissing his neck more ferociously as I fingered his warm butt. I kept stroking until I could feel the muscles in his entire body tense and spasm and he shot ropes and ropes of hot, white jizz straight into the air like a rocket.

We all were panting and moaning, catching our breath and looking at each other. Drew went to fetch a towel. Asher looked at me in the eye and put his arm around me for a second, pulling me in as he panted and sweat. "Thanks buddy.." He said, almost whispering in my ear. I nodded, wordlessly.

"How's that jizz taste dude?" Drew said with a cocky smile as he returned with a towel, tossing it towards Asher.

"Hey Drew, do me a huge favor and go fuck yourself." Asher replied, grinning and wiping off his cock.

"Where? Right.. Right here?" Drew replied, acting mockingly confused. He turned around and bent over and pointed to his butt.

I stood up and charged at Drew, who let out a squeal and a laugh as I stuck my finger into his ass crack and found his butthole, though he ran away before I could really get him. We all erupted in laughter, wiping the sweat and cum from our bodies. I hadn't blown my load yet and was super horny still.

"Let's go fucking swim" Drew suggested, cracking open a beer.

We all nodded in agreement.

"I'll race you" I said and we all darted out the back door and jumped into the water.

We played around in the pool as the sun disappeared behind the identical roofs of Drew's suburban neighborhood, splashing and dunking each other.

"We're almost outta beer." I announced as I fished one out of the cooler. There were two left.

"I'll drive, y'all" Drew replied.

We piled in Drew's truck and headed to the liquor store, filling up a shopping cart with an obscenely massive amount of booze. Drew stood on the cart and rode it down the aisles, Asher knocked over a cardboard cutout and the dude behind the counter just shook his head.

Asher passed out face down on the couch after we got back to the house, Drew and I pulled his pants down over his butt and drew smiley faces on his ass cheeks. We continued to chug beers and get rowdy, getting butt naked and diving back into the pool.

"Dude, I wish it could always be like this, free from all the boring shit of being an adult. You don't know how lucky you are little bro." Drew said, leaning back against the wall of the pool.

"Sure I do, every morning I look down at my package and feel very lucky!" I said, both of us grinning. Drew splashed me.

"Seriously buddy, keep living the dream.. and don't get fucking married." He said, inciting laughter from both of us.

Eventually our naked asses climbed out of the pool to grab a beer and catch our breath. I fished two cans of Bud from the icy cooler bath they were resting in and tossed one to Drew.

"Bet I can shotgun it faster than you" Drew said, making both of his pecs flex tauntingly at me while giving me a sly grin.

"Yeah right bro, I'm in fucking college. I do this on the daily" I scoffed, grabbing my car key to stab open the can.

We started chugging, the beer foam running down our chins and onto our chests. The moon cast a glow on our naked bodies and the beer was ice cold going down my throat. I heard a clank and looked over at Drew to see his arms in the air triumphantly and his can, empty, on the ground. He beat me by mere seconds.

"Haven't lost my touch, little bro." He said, shaking his butt around in a victory dance.

"Fucking barely" I added, wiping the beer off my face.

Drew cracked open another. "So buddy, what do you think my prize should be?" He asked, grinning at me.

"Here we go.." I said, laughing. I could only guess what he'd come up with.

He put his hand to his chin and made a goofy thinking expression, then gave me a wicked smile. "Alright, get down on the ground, on all fours."

I shook my head, laughing. I got down on all fours, my hands clenched in fists and my knuckles in the grass.

"Alright bro, arch your back and stick out that butt." He said, his dick swinging back and forth as he walked over to me.

I could feel my arms and shoulders flexing as I arched my lower back and spread my butt cheeks apart. Drew stood over me, holding his thick cock in his hand. He started pissing, his heavy stream hitting my asshole. He sprayed it on me back and forth across my butt cheeks and into my crack, hitting my butthole dead on.

"Bullseye" He said, and we both laughed. I spread my legs apart more and rested my elbows in the grass, my ass in the air. I felt the hot stream of piss running down the hair in my butt crack. Gradually this stream weakened and he shook the last couple drops onto my ass, playing with his semi hard cock. He reached down and smacked my ass cheek.

"Alright buddy, you're off the hook for now." He said, flashing me a smile. I sat up and gave him a punch to the abs, which he deflected, and we wrestled around for a minute in the grass.

"Next time you'll be the one with your butt in the air" I added after pinning him down, our muscles flexing and bodies glistening with sweat in the moonlight.

"You wish." Drew said, with his usual cocky expression.

I was sitting on top of his abs, my hands on his arms holding them in the grass. I spread my legs apart slightly, my ass cheeks spreading. I could feel the hair from his happy trail grazing my butthole. We both just looked at each other as I moved my butt back towards his package, rubbing it around on his floppy cock as it slowly hardened between my cheeks. I loosened my grip on his arms and he put them behind his head while I moved my hands down his chest. His boner was poking me straight on my ass and I reached back and spit into my palm, rubbing it on the head of his massive dick.

I sat my ass down on his hard on, feeling it slide up my tight butt. All the blood had rushed to my cock and it begged for relief as my ass was stuffed.

Drew reached his hands down to my butt cheeks and grabbed them with each of his hands. He picked me up and sat me down on a lawn chair, on my back, and started to fucking drill me. He leaned down so our foreheads were touching and we both groaned, reaching our lips out to each other and kissing, hard and rough, our hot breath and sweaty bodies rubbing against the other. I could feel his cock sliding in and out of my butthole, his balls banging against my ass. I started to stroke my cock furiously, ready to blast off my load.

"I'm gonna.. cum.. in your butt.. bro.." Drew grunted out as he let loose his load, pounding our sweaty bodies together. The intensity caused me to spew my load all over our faces and chests.

Drew collapsed on top of me, our breath was heavy and deep as we lay on the lawn chair under the Texas sky. His softened cock flopped out of my butt and he got up, pulling me to my feet.

"How ya feeling little bro?" Drew asked, putting his hand on my back.

"Fucking awesome dude." I said, standing next to him and starting to walk inside the house.

"You gotta fart dude?" He asked, a smile crossing his face as he smacked my butt, just like we did in football.

"You know it man, that was a fat load up my butt" I responded, grinning at him. We shared a laugh and headed into the house.

We hopped in his shower and soaped ourselves up, dancing around singing theme songs from various childhood TV shows, sharing a beer.

Sunday night I got back into town and hit up Garrett for a beer. He came over to my place and I tossed him a cold one when he got in the door.

"How was Dallas?" He asked, pulling up a stool to the kitchen counter as I microwaved some leftover brats.

"It was chill, just the usual bullshit" I said.

"You and your brother are a crazy combo, I'm sure y'all got into some trouble" he said back, a smirk crossing his face.

"What? Me? And Drew? Trouble?" I responded satirically, feigning a shocked look. We both laughed, Garrett stood up and walked over to me. He took a long chug from his beer and didn't take his eyes off me.

"Chase motherfucking Ree. What am I gonna do with you?" He said, shaking his head and smiling.

I looked at his arms, stretching the sleeves on his t-shirt. His hairy legs, toned and firm.

"Well.. I dunno buddy. I guess you'll have to get my head back in the game." I said, biting my bottom lip and raising my eyebrows, taunting him.

Garrett finished off his beer and threw the can on the floor. He grabbed the front of my t-shirt and clutched it in his fist. His face was determined, hungry. He pushed me back against the cabinet, turning me around. I was bent over the countertop as he pulled down my shorts over my bare ass. I felt his hands on either side of my thighs, his hot breath getting closer to my butt crack. As I was face down on the tiled countertop I felt him sink his face in between my ass cheeks, inhaling the scent of my sweaty crack and tickling my ass hair with his facial stubble. I moaned.

I felt his mouth open as he kissed my asshole. Gently at first, just a couple pecks, until his tongue emerged and he began to suck on it, lick it, hungrily make out with my butt. I gripped the edges of the counter as my cock hardened and I groaned and whimpered into the tile. He didn't slow down, kept eating it, my butt crack completely wet from the sweat and saliva. He pushed his face in deeper and deeper, my body pinned against the counter. He grunted, and rubbed his whole face back and forth and around in my ass crack, using all his strength to get as much as he could. He put each of his hands on my butt cheeks and spread it open wide, burying his face back in and rubbing his face around more. He took off his shirt and pulled my shorts down to my ankles, filled with a animal lust. He licked from my gooch all the way up my ass crack until he got to my tailbone. Then again, harder and deeper each time. I moaned louder. He used his whole face to rub my ass, then slid his body up so that my ass crack rubbed against his chest and abs. I was losing it, I couldn't even moan I was so close to blowing my loud.

Garrett stood behind me and poked my ass with his stiff cock. He put his hands on my hips and slid inside, one steady motion. My butt was stuffed full.

He reached down and pulled me up so that my back was against the front of his body. He pulled off my shirt and wrapped his hands around me, pumping me full. His hips slammed against my butt cheeks as he slid in and out of my hairy ass. He gripped me tighter, breathing in my ear.

"Like that, huh?" He asked, his voice low and raspy. I nodded.

"That ass of yours Ree, ain't for boys. It's all for me. I'm the one who knows what to do with it... the only one." he said, his voice like a growl. I moaned louder, gripping the edge of the counter while he drilled me. His hands moved around my chest and abs, massaging my body and wrapping me in his embrace.

Then he pulled all the way out, and then sank his cock back in as deep as it would go. Then all the way out of my ass, and all the way back in. I was floored, on the verge of some kind of assgasm. Garrett repeated this, slapping my ass cheeks again and again. My body dripped in sweat. My cock couldn't have been harder. He slid all the way back in and started pumping rhythmically.

I felt his pace quicken and his body tense as collapsed his face onto my shoulder and grunted loudly, unleashing his load inside me, spasms moving through him. I reached my hand down and gave my cock some rapid jerks and erupted my own fat load all over the counter.

We panted deeply, wordless and shimmering with sweat in the kitchen light. I reached my hand back and put it on the back of Garrett's neck, holding him in place with his face on my shoulder while he caught his breath. His hands squeezed me, absentmindedly massaging my chest. Jizz dripped down the counter and we stood there without moving, clutching each other tighter and tighter.

Garrett leaned his face up to my ear. "I meant what I said bro, this ass is mine." He said, pulling his cock out. He gave my ass a big smack. I looked back at him and he shot me a comically evil grin. Both of our faces were sweating, our hair was wet and messy.

"Yeah well I think you just won the custody battle." I said, cracking a smile. He leaned towards me with a huge smile and kissed me, deeply, pulling my face towards his. We continued making out as we pulled each other roughly into the living room and onto the couch, Garrett on top of me. We laid there, kissing and rolling around and exploring each other's bodies until we fell asleep.

Monday morning the lecture hall filled with hungover faces, a sea of sweatpants and tired eyes. I powered through the humid day on campus, meeting up with Jeff and Duncan at a Mexican dive for dollar margaritas, stuffing ourselves with fat burritos and making a drunken scene before the bill was paid.

We headed to the pool hall and played through a couple games and pitchers, poking one another in the butt with the pool cue and being our normal rowdy selves.

Walking home under the streetlights we gave each other one armed hugs and parted ways. As I looked ahead I saw quizzes and midterms, 5am practices and long nights pouring over chemistry textbooks, but for now I let it all melt away and rounded the corner, the dark road leading me straight into Garrett's bed.

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