TG: "A Deal With the Devil

By Edwin Gay

Published on Oct 23, 1994



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The Ultimate TS fantasy

By Miki James

"Ok, sign here", he said pricking my finger with the quill

and handing it to me. I signed the contract, my blood a stark

contrast on the parchment document. "Your wishes on earth,as

stated, in exchange for your soul in the hereafter". He

began to fade from view, I shouted after him "when do I get

my part of the deal ?" "Soon enough!" he chuckled back. I got

back into bed, thoughts of a new life filling the minutes as

I waited for sleep to come.

Afternoon Sun shining in my eyes woke me, and I rolled

over and stretched. I felt great, reached to scratch, and

found soft curls and moist flesh instead of the accustomed

hardness. Excitement rose as I explored further, and found

smooth firm thighs, rounded hips and a narrow waist in place

of the old pot belly. Long shapely legs, small feet and a

flat taut stomach leading to high firm breasts rounded out

the package.

I got out of bed and dashed to the bathroom to look in the

mirror. The bedroom and bathroom were totally different, but

familiar,like the one at your parents house that you hadn't

seen for years. My heart raced as I closed the door to expose

the full length mirror on the back. I was stunned at the

woman looking back at me. long blonde hair, big green eyes,

and, what a body, clothed in a skimpy little pair of panties

and a filmy lace teddy. It felt great as I looked and touched

and fondled. I thrilled as nipples hardened when I ran my

hands up under my breasts and cradled thier suspended mass

standing proudly on my chest. A chill ran through me as my

polished nails lightly raked the taut skin of my tummy when I

slid my hand downward to explore the area between my thighs.

I dropped the tiny panties to the bathroom floor and squirmed

out of the teddy. My fingers delved between outer lips of my

soft warm vagina, guarded by silky blond pubic hair, and into

its warmth. As my hands roamed I marveled at the feeling both

from my touch and how the touch felt on my body. I turned

before the mirror and drank in the beauty I beheld. I bent

forward slightly,looking back over my shoulder in the mirror

at my firm and shapely ass. Turning sideways I threw back my

shoulders, and admired the rounded, sensuous curves of my

high firm breasts. I bent, picked up the panties, and

stepping into them, drew them up my legs. I thouroughly

enjoyed the feel of the silky garment against my skin as

it molded to my crotch and buttocks,the back panel covering

only the cleft between firm cheeks, cupping the rounded

muscles intimately. The front just covered my bush,and veed

to a small triangle of light at the juncture of my thighs.

I picked up the teddy, and walking back into the bedroom, I

found a slinky satin robe. Pulling it on, I walked through

the door into the adjoining room.

My memory was beginning to mix with the stored knowledge

of the original owner of this body, and a few scraps of

memory flitted through my consciousness. A familiar name

came to mind as I probed for who and what I was now. Opening

the little purse laying on the coffee table, I got out the

wallet I knew contained all the documents outlining my new

identity. I probed deeper into the new set of memories as I

read the name and statistics from the California drivers

license. Twenty five years old, 69 inches tall, 118 lbs,

blonde hair, green eyes. The picture on the license was

stunning, and I stared at it for a second before I realized

that was me, in subtle make-up, and a set of diminutive gold

earrings. The check book showed a healthy balance, and

check stubs written to Saks,Bloomingdales, and Frederiks of

Hollywood. The many credit cards all had the same name.

Several other common feminine items lay inside the purse as

well. I closed the wallet and checkbook putting them back in

the purse, and the purse back on the table. I sat back in the

chair and glanced around the somewhat familiar room, taking

in its elegant furnishings. My eye caught on a photo album on

the shelf, and I got it down and began to leaf through it,

hoping to fill out my memory. The first part of the book was

the expected pictures of friends and family, whose names

popped into my mind as I scanned the pages slowly. The next

part was obviously not for public display, as it showed me in

various stages of dress and undress, in many provocative


The phone ringing brought me back to earth, and I

listened as the answering machine took the call,announcing

that I wasn't able to come to the phone, and if they'd leave

thier info , I'd call back. A mans deep voice crooned,

"Sweetie, it's Don here. Sorry, but I'm going to be late this

evening. I'll pick you up at the club at 8 o'clock instead,

ok ?, bye." Don ? I thought, and a mental image of him

entered my mind, and I remembered the date being made, and

the look on his face as he'd held me close and kissed me

goodnight. The thought brought excitement to me, and I

thought "Now I'll find out how it feels to be on the other

end of a good, hard cock". I glanced at the clock on the

wall, and it was 6:30 pm. Time enough to get ready I thought,

and went to the bathroom to start a long relaxing bath.

I turned on the water in the big tub, adjusting it to

very warm, threw in some bath oil, and took off the robe and

panties. I twirled slowly in front of the mirror, still

amazed at what I saw, and slipped into the bath. The hot

water soothed me, and I let my mind wander, absorbing all the

things that my previously male psyche needed to become

accustomed to. Lolling one foot and calf out of the water to

inspect it made me think of how I'd done my toenails, and

fingernails the other evening before going out. That

reminded me of doing my makeup each day, and how I do my

hair, and the aerobics that keep my figure in shape.

All these things and more that are daily routine to

women in general, were new to my mind. I knew that I knew how

to do them all, but the thought of doing them was unfamiliar.

Looking at the leg, I ran my hand over it, and felt a slight

stubble, and reached for the razor on the edge of the tub,

and slowly and thouroughly shaved both legs, my armpits.

and the edges of the neat bush between my legs, keeping what

obviously was a very low bikini line. I spent a long time

washing my body, lingering over the newness of it, savoring

the strokes on my breasts, and vaginal area. I scrubbed till

the skin was pink and glowing, then rinsed clean. Feeling

refreshed, I got out of the tub, toweled dry, and dusted my

skin with a light, fragrant, after-bath powder. going to the

bedroom I sat at my vanity. I apply a touch of cream makeup

to smooth and lighten my skin tone. Eyeliner on the eyelids

makes my eyes appear bigger, mascara darkens and separates my

lashes. I pluck a few hairs to correct the shape, and my

eyebrow pencil fills in and darkens my arched brows. I accent

my eyes with a dark eyeshadow. A bit of blush accentuates

high cheekbones, and bright red lipstick finishes the job.

Going to the dresser, I opened the top drawer, and

removed sheer silky stockings, garter belt, and a tiny,

filmy, lace bra. Closing the drawer, I sat down on the bed,

and began to slip the filmy stockings on. The silkiness

sliding against my skin was exciting. I stretched the little

white garter around my hips, and standing, fastened the tops

of the stockings to the garters. I wrapped the matching

brassiere around my chest, and fastened the front catch. The

lace snuggled my breasts a bit higher,and took thier weight,

bulging them slightly out of the open top of the cups when I

slid the straps over my shoulders. I bent, and smoothed the

stockings, giving my legs a glimmering sheen, the dark top

contrasting sharply with the smooth, milky skin of my thighs.

Opening the closet I picked a simple black jersey dress from

the large number of clothes on the rack. I unzipped the back

zipper, and pulled it over my head. It molded itself to me as

I slid it down over my shoulders, and into its final place,

pulling the zipper up with some difficulty. The slightly

stretchy material fit me perfectly, and very snugly, the

hemline halfway up my thigh. As I sat to do my nails the dark

stocking top just peeked from beneath the hem.

I stood,and looked in the vanity mirror at the results.

I gave my hair a final brush, admiring its golden glow. From

the box on the vanity, I selected a set of tiny diamond

earrings and a thin gold chain, which perfectly complemented

my outfit. I dabbed a bit of perfume on my slender neck, and

wrists to finish the job. "What a FOX !" I thought. I

collected my purse, and walked out of the apartment at 15

minutes to eight.

The club was only a block away, and as I walked the

distance I was aware of the looks I was getting from the men

on the street. Even those with other women couldn't resist a

glance, and sometimes a blatant stare. The feel of my silk

clad thighs brushing against each other as I strode along was

exciting. The click of my high heels on the sidewalk caught

my attention as it occurred to me that I'd put them on

without a thought, and was walking smoothly and without

problem in them. As a man it had always amazed me how women

even stood up in them. It felt great, and I walked with

confidence into the club to meet Don. Heads turned all up

and down the bar as I slid onto a stool near the door, and

ordered a Scotch and water from the barman. He smiled, nodded

and went to make my drink. As I gazed up and down the bar I

caught many stares, and quickly averted looks, as my eyes met

thiers. I got a bill from my purse, and laid it on the bar,

just as the barman delivered my drink. "Thanks" I murmurred,

"My pleasure Darlin'" he shot back at me and moved off to get

my change. Halfway down the bar a man stopped him, and

handed him a bill, and motioned toward me. The barman looked

at me and went to the register, made change, and handed it to

him. When he got to me he handed me back my bill, and told me

the man at the other end of the bar had bought my drink. As I

looked up the man hoisted his glass in salute, which I

returned along with a little smile. I let my mind wander,

and sipped the scotch feeling its glow suffuse my body,

relaxing some of the tension brought about by my anticipation

of the evening.

A deep voiced "Hi", brought me to attention, and Don was

next to me, smiling with a mouth full of beautiful white

teeth, below gray eyes, and dark brown short cut hair.

I smiled back, and caught a look of disapointment from the

other man as he saw I was talking to Don. "Hi yourself" , I

said, breaking into a full grin, feeling the excitement build

at once. "What would you like to do, Doll?" he asked, looking

directly at my breasts. I thought for a minute, and replied

"Go directly to bed with you, and then you can buy me

dinner ". " Wonderful!" he replied, standing behind me as I

gathered my purse, and slid off the stool. "My Place ?" I

asked, cocking an eyebrow. He smiled, and nodded

affirmatively, took my hand and headed out of the club. His

arm went around my shoulder as we walked the short distance

to my apartment, and he said " you really turn me on, Doll" I

put my arm around his waist, and snuggled him closer to

me,and let my hand stray to his tight ass, and gave his buns

a squeeze. Standing in front of my apartment door, I handed

him the key, he opened the door and led me inside.

The tension between us was incredible, and I nearly

attacked him as he closed and locked the door. He dropped his

jacket on the couch, and I took off his tie,and unbuttoned

his shirt, massaging his bulging chest muscles as I slid the

garment from his magnificent body. He pulled off his

undershirt as I knelt to work on his trousers. I worked his

belt loose, and slid the zipper down, pausing as it opened,

to caress the hardness within. As I knelt before him, he

unzipped my dress, pulling it over my head and off. He wore

no undershorts and his penis sprang into view as I dropped

his pants to the floor, and he stepped out of them. It was

nearly 8 inches long and very thick, standing proudly out

from his groin. His balls were large and tight, tucked snugly

into his scrotum. I reached out and cupped them in one hand

as I grasped his meat in the other, and touched the head

lightly with the tip of my tongue. He gently pulled me up off

my knees, and gathered me into his arms. His lips met mine,

our tongues engaging. I wore only my stockings, garter belt,

bra, and jewelry. My heart was pounding, and I could feel

moisture seeping from between the lips of my vagina. He stood

back a bit from me and reached out and unclasped my brassiere

and let it fall where it might. His hands moved up under my

breasts and squeezed them gently as he bent to kiss and

suckle each rock hard nipple. I cradled his head with my

hands while he licked and nibbled back and forth between my

breasts. We nearly ran to the bedroom, and I pushed him

backward on the bed and fell on top of him. His body was

tight and muscular, and his penis was long and hard, captured

between our bellies. I could feel its warmth as I rubbed

myself on him. I kissed him deeply, running my tongue deep

into his mouth, feeling the smooth perfection of his white

teeth, and doing battle with his tongue as he kissed me back.

He broke the kiss and took control, rolling me over on my

back. Spreading my silk clad thighs, his hand found my

pussy. A finger went deep inside me, and smeared my wetness

onto my outer lips. He continued to finger me for a long

time, till my clit was hard and my juices were flowing

freely. I looked at him, kneeling between my legs, fondling

my vagina, and smiling lovingly at me. My pulse was fast,

and I was flushed, feeling wonderful. I noticed the view down

my body as my gaze ran to the erection straining from his

crotch, and I noted how I looked laying there on my back,

silky legs spread wide, breasts standing taut, nipples hard,

tummy tight and quivering with anticipation as he lifted my

ass slightly in preparation for mounting me. I could feel the

moisture running down my crotch, the gentle breeze in the

room cooling where it touched. He ran his hands slowly over

my thighs and pubic area, pausing at my slit to tease and

coax my clitoris to more and more excitement. "Put it in me

!!" I whispered at last. The tension was exquisite, the want

almost visible.

He placed the head of his penis at the entrance to my

hole and stroked it up and down, teasing me unmercifully.

At last he pushed gently,and it slid in slowly, pausing with

each little bit, both teasing me and allowing my vagina to

enlarge to digest his cock. Soon he was fully inside me,

moving gently. I pulled my knees up and he pushed a bit

deeper into me, the head of it hit my cervix, and his pubic

bone caressed my mound. He moved up a little on top of me and

his cock rubbed deliciously on my clitoris with each thrust.

Soon he was beginning to speed up, and pump a little harder

with each stroke. I pushed his weight up a bit, "Slow down" I

whispered, "I love you inside me, and I want it to last for a

while. You'll cum in me in a while, but now I want to enjoy

the feel of you filling me" In answer he slowed, and began

long deep strokes, ever so slowly. His full length sliding

almost out, and fully back into me, again and again, each

thrust bringing me closer to climax. Soon I was panting and

moaning, and he sensed my need, and began humping faster and

faster, matching my movements against him. "Ooh Don ,Now

darling, cum in me, give it to me, fuck me hard !!" He was

hammering me hard, deep and fast, his body almost a blur on

top of mine. I felt his cock swell a bit more as his sperm

began to jet into my waiting warmth. Five or six spasms

puncuated my orgasm, and his full weight crushed me into the

mattress, flattening my breasts between our heaving chests.

Gradually, as our hearts slowed to normal, he rolled off of

me, snuggling me into the crook of his arm, my head on his


I woke sometime later, still snuggled up to him, and he

was sleeping peacfully. I felt wonderful, and as I lay there

enjoying the feeling I noticed his cock twitch. I reached out

and ran a finger along its length, and watched as it slowly

grew under my soft touch. He still slept, and soon his rod

was standing fully erect before me. I moved slowly

downward,careful not to wake him, until my lips were nearly

touching it. I blew softly on it and a ripple ran through

him, and he shifted slightly under me.

Slowly and purposefully, I reached out and touched it

with the tip of my tongue. Gently I circled the head, leaving

a trail of saliva. It grew firmer under my touch. The

bulbuous head looked like it would burst, turning a deep

purple as I continued to tease it with my tongue. Slowly and

carefullly I slid my lips over it and engulfed it with my

mouth, running my tongue up and down the underside. Gradually

I was able to swallow it all, but it took some doing to

suppress the gag reflex as it slid into my throat. Slowly I

began to move my head up and down its length, keeping suction

on it the whole time. I glanced up at Dons face, and he was

looking back at me, a pleased look in his eyes. I grasped the

base of it in one hand, and cradled his balls gently in the

other while my mouth worked on his manhood.

Having recieved fellatio many times, and enjoyed it

immensely as a man, I instinctively knew how to please him,

and my tongue did its work on the penis that now filled my

mouth. Up and down my head went consuming its length. his

ragged breathing, and tensing muscles clued me to the onset

of his orgasm, and I stroked his balls as his sperm filled my

throat and ran out the corners of my mouth before I could

swallow it all. I slowed my movement, and increased the

suction, draining him. Gradually his straining cock began to

soften in my grasp, and I licked it a loving last stroke and

released it. The slightly salty taste of his sperm lingered

on my lips, and he mentioned it as he pulled me up to him,

and kissed me deeply. He began to stroke, and play with my

breasts, rubbing the nipples to hardness. He cupped and

fondled each one, teasing its nipple to full erection. He

slowly and tenderly kissed his way down my body till he was

positioned with his head directly between my thighs.

Spreading my labia, he slipped his tongue into me. The

feeling was marvelous when he took my engorged clitoris

between his lips and sucked gently. His fingers slid in and

out of my vagina, and began to occasionally circle and probe

my rectum. I looked between my tits at him, lapping away at

my cunt, and I knew why women loved to have thier pussies

eaten. The action of his tongue and fingers was running

shivers through me, bringing me closer and closer to another

climax. I felt my muscles tensing, my breathing getting

ragged and harsh, and like a wave, the throes of orgasm

washed through me, sending me off into near collapse. I was

totally relaxed and limp, and as Don rolled over to lay

beside me I noticed his erection straining upward from his

tight balls. I thought to myself "Why not. As long as I'm

finding out how it feels to be fucked, I might as well get it

all". Snuggling up to him, I kissed and sucked his ear lobe.

"you're hard as a rock again Darlin'" I mused as I slid my

small hands over his gorgeous meat. " Put it in my bottom

Don, I want to feel your hard cock in my ass" He pulled me

closer to him, and whispered " You have a gorgeous ass, Babe,

and I'd love to stick my cock there, but have you ever done

that before ?" "No, but I"m willing to try it." I replied,

grabbing the tube of KY jelly off the nightstand by the bed.

I opened the tube and squeezed a liberal amount of the slick

jelly out onto his penis. He took the tube and deposited a

gob in his hand, and we generously lubricated my asshole and

his rock hard cock. Rolling over onto my belly and pulling

my knees up under me, I was positioned in the middle of the

bed on my knees, my shoulders on a pillow. I spread my legs

as wide as I could, as he moved behind me and began to rub

his penis up and down my labia and asshole, slicking the

juice into the pink ring. Gently he pushed, and the

sphincter muscle resisted his entry. He pushed a bit harder

and a sharp pain ran through my insides as the head popped

past the muscle and into my bowels.

He stopped as I took a deep breath, and the pain began

to subside. "More!", I commanded, and backed up toward him,

forcing him deeper inside my virgin asshole. It went in more

easily now, the pain almost gone, and soon he was buried

balls deep in me. "How does it feel " he asked, beginning to

thrust slowly in and out as my hole stretched to accomodate

him. "You feel huge inside me, and I think I'm going to

come" I whispered as he began to stroke deep and hard. I

climaxed again as I felt his cock throb within me, and he

slammed it harder and harder into my ass. Gripping my hips

and thrusting deep, he spewed his sperm into me again.

Gradually he slowed and stopped his attack on my backside.

His softening penis made a soft "pop" as it slid out of my

cum filled orfice. I'd gotten fucked in all my holes tonight,

and I felt deliciously satisfied as I lay next to him,

now a total woman.

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