Thank God I Found You

By Alex Washington

Published on Jul 23, 2001


I would like to apologize to everyone for the last chapter. I sounded like a blithering idiot and I know it. So, i will take my time writing this one, and try to be smart about how i write it, so you don't think i'm a doped up loser, lol:)

anyhoo, you know the call, don't know 'em, might soon, but don't count on it. Anyhoo, let's get on with it.

song list for today:

Young Love-Janet Jackson(FROM janet jackson, 1982) Loverboy-Mariah Carey(FROM Glitter, coming soon) long list, eh? LOL

e-mail any comments or SUGGESTONS(love suggestions) to, thank y'all for putting up with my story.


"You mean...I"

"nope, Justin, you are COMPLETELY HIV-free!" the doctor told a disbelieving Justin.

Justin's eyes grew to amazing proportions, Nick, who was listening in, was in just as much shock. Nick suddenly let out a huge shout of joy.

As Nick pulled off the highway, the two began singing the song on the radio so loud that the people in the surrounding cars were forced to look over at them.

Young love Young love Young love Young love

I may be young, but I'm not foolish I can tell real love from a game I'm not gonna let you use me Heartbreak playmates, shares not the same Young love, ring around the roses Young love, searchin' for a heart so true Young love, a pocket full of poses Young love, all adds up to me and you

I traded all my childish treasures For a burnin' love so true It's gonna be my first time around Heartbreak's high game, low shake you down Young love, ring around the roses Young love, searching for a heart so true Young love, a pocket full of poses Young love, all adds up to me and you Young love, ring around the roses Young love searchin' for a heart so true Young love, a pocket full of poses Young love, all adds up to me and you

Young love. Young love. Hey, love. Young love. Young love. Young love. I may be young, but I'm not foolish. Young love I can tell real love from a game. Young love I'm not gonna let you use me. Young love Heartbreak playmates, shares not the same. Young love Young love, ring around the roses Young love, searchin' for a heart so true Young love, a pocket full of poses Young love, it all adds up to me and you

Once they got to Mariah's building, they started laughing hysterically as they pulled their stuff out of the car, they hugged each other so many times, and were still singing and dancing to the bubble-gummy tune they had just heard as they entered the building.

Mariah was waiting for them and welcomed them with open arms, giving Justin and Nick warm hugs as they entered.

"Oh My God! Long time, no see, guys!" Mariah nearly shouted with joy as she gave Nick another hug. Mariah then gasped, "YOU SHAVED IT OFF!!! WHEN DID YOU Shave those ADORABLE curls off?!"

Justin and Nick looked at each other in utter confusion, "Where have you been?" they said in unison, then only Justin continued, "I got it done before "Pop" even came out, haven't you seen the videos?"

"I haven't seen MTV in SUCH a long time, i'm totally clueless right now, k?" Mariah said sheepishly.

Nick laughed, "It's alright, we forgive you as long as we can come in."

"Oh sure" Mariah remembered, "Go ahead"

All three laughed as they went up in the elevator. Once they got into Mariah's apartment, Nick and Justin unloaded their stuff and sat down to talk with their friend.

"Coffee?" Mariah offered, "Or something stronger?"

"MUCH stronger" Nick laughed, "No, coffee's fine"

"ok", Mariah sounded muffled from the kitchen.

Justin went off to get some sleep before him and Mariah got a chance to talk, which disappointed Mariah and Nick, but Justin had had such a long, excrushiating day, he felt exhausted.

Once it was just Nick & Mariah left, Mariah asked Nick what was going on with him. He reluctantly told her about his problems, what AJ was doing and the whole deal with *N SYNC and Justin & JC. He also told her about his plans for a new record label and a solo record. Mariah seemed interested.

"I'll help you with all that, as you know, i'm...a bit of an expert in this type of thing" Mariah understated, smiling smugly.

Nick laughed, "yeah, you got a thing for that, getting $23 and a half Million for each ALBUM, My god, aren't we desparate for a little money."

"WELL, you would be too if you were the best-selling artist of the decade and you live in a middle-class neighborhood" Mariah shouted.

"good point"

"AND, do you wanna know what things were transpiring in MY bedroom today?" Mariah asked, clearly pissed.

Nick laughed nervously, "what?"

Mariah told Nick about the "incident", not leaving out a single gory detail. Nick never found Luis attractive, and to think of what he was doing just disgusted him.

In the middle of Mariah's speech, Nick's cell phone rang, it was Ohad. Nick totally forgot to meet with him back in Buffalo.

"You totally forgot didn't you?" Ohad said, clearly angry at Nick.

"Yeah, i'm sorry, I decided to get out of there and were in New York now" Nick said apologetically.

"That's just WONDERFUL Nick, I can't talk to anyone on the phone like I can when they're face to face with me, I don't feel comfortable" Ohad said the first part sarcastically, then just pissed.

"Look, it's okay, just go ahead with what you were saying" Nick told him.

"sigh, okay" Ohad was again nervous, "I...thought about what we did that night, and what you said on the phone before, and...I really do care about you"

"STOP!" Nick interrupted. "If you cared, you wouldn't have said what you said when the conversation started, k?"

"sigh, you know I didn't mean it Nick. I...I, love you" Ohad nearly mumbled, he was so afraid, he just realized he loved Nick, all the things he had seen on TV, his sense of humor, the way he talked on the phone, his kiss, the feeling of Nick's body pressed against his, it felt wonderful, like nothing else on earth.

Nick laughed in disgust, "YOU love me? What a joke, i'll talk to you when I stop killing myself laughing". Nick hung up abruptly.


Ohad dropped the phone on the hotel room floor and cried his eyes out. He felt hurt, disgusted with himself, with Nick, with the whole situation.

He loved Nick, but, like every other love in his life, the love was not returned. He had tried to hide his sexuality for so long, that to fall for someone he met ONCE at a club was strange for him. To not have the love returned, was heartbreaking.


"And so, here we are, alone again" Mariah rolled her eyes at her misfortune.

"naturally" Nick quipped.

Mariah sat down on the ground with Nick and started tickling him, "EWWWWW!! You like BAAAAD music, my lamb" she quipped.

In between his giggles, Nick managed to get out "Hey, stop it, if you were a guy i wouldn't mind as much, but..."

After Nick managed to fight Mariah off, they sat and looked at each other deep in thought.

"I think I've had enough of men for awhile, haven't you?" asked Nick.

"ya damn right"

"should we give up on 'em for awhile?" Nick asked.

Mariah nodded.

Without a word, Nick and Mariah raised their mugs of coffee. The mugs clinked together and Mariah declared "to us SWINGIN' SINGLES!!!", Nick and Mariah laughed and finished their coffees.

A YEAR LATER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nick's new life was going great. Once he got out of his recording contract(a much-publicized conflict), he signed with Virgin Records, so he could work with Mariah, and also because Virgin was looking for big pop names, as their American operation was not doing too well at the time. Nick came out about a month later, and set up subsequent weekly press conferences announcing other celebrities who were coming out. In all he had so far brought out JC & Justin, Ricky Martin & Luis, Blu Cantrell, and even a few rappers too.

On his first press conference, BSB was there to survey the situation and make sure that Nick's anger toward them didn't cross the line. Nothing got out of hand though, Nick kept his cool and things were just fine. Since then, AJ and Nick began a slow, painful process of returning to the closeness they once had. They probably would never get back to what they had, but it was worth mending wounds.

Nick hadn't spoken to Ohad since that night, though Ohad had tried to call, Nick ignored his calls. Ohad became depressed and had been missing for the past three months, though Nick was obviously concerned, he had many other things on his mind.

First off...his singing career, since he signed onto Virgin(at a cool $6 Million per album), Nick was quickly off to the races. He had started a campaign to end society's homophobia, and to help those most severely affected by it, teens. Nick told the public that the proceeds of each sale of his first single "New Agenda", would go towards education of teens about homosexuality, and to gay/lesbian teen support groups across America.

The song was quickly sold out in every urban record store in America. Nick was surprised by the effectiveness of his words. Many people were stopping him on the street now, telling Nick how he had changed their lives. All this gave Nick a sense of fufillment, something he'd never had before, not when he was with BSB, not ever.

Justin and JC were having a harder time. JC had gone to the doctor's one day and discovered he had prostate cancer. Because it was detected early, he was quickly rid of the tumor, but not before the word got out to the paparazzi, who had a field day, or month if you prefer. Still, his health deteriorated.

Justin still wondered how JC had not given him the HIV virus, unless, he wasn't the last person to sleep with JC before his diagnosis. He had yet to ask JC, as JC was still going through his cancer treatment. But he still wondered who it could have been, and he needed to know.

Mariah had gotten back on track once her mess with "Loverboy" was over and done with. She had released the next three singles and they all went into the Top 3, two of them to #1.

And then there was Nick, who was still deep in thought about his future, did he need a man to feel complete or no. Justin was a wonderful friend and Nick fel that was all he needed. Not a lover, not a boyfirend, just a friend. Someone who cared about him, but who didn't expect constant displays of affection to prove it. He was comfortable with that, but he sometimes longed for more. Just then Justin shot into the room and ended Nick's train of thought.

"NICK!!!! I just got the new Billboard Magazine!!! Check it out, check it out" Justin flipped frantically through the trade magazine until he got to the page entitled "Billboard Hot 100".

"NUMBER THREE!!!! YOU have the #3 song in the country, baby!!!!" Justin shouted with joy as he hugged Nick.

""New Agenda"?" Nick asked in confusion and disbelief, "Number Three? COOL!", as he jumped in the air and hugged Justin enthusiastically.

Just as the two began to celebrate, Nick got a knock on the door of his classy office. "Ugh, what?" Nick asked, exasperated.

His very-cute secretary, Kyle, responded "You got some guy named Ohad come in here, he looks like he's been dragged through the mud a few times, should I let him?"

Nick and Justin stood in the middle of the room totally speechless. They had their doubts that he was even still alive, never mind that he had come all the way from Toronto to Nick's new home of LA.

"umm...gulp...let him in" Nick said, not knowing what to expect.

Yes, i know, how cruel of me to jump ahead a year, but I felt it was necessary, cause, like life, it isn't always exciting all the time. And if I went through the whole year like you may have wanted, I might have gotten to this point by chapter 14 maybe. This part of the story is where it gets good.

e-mail me your comments, u know the addy.

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