Thanks Buddy

By Elliott Patterson

Published on Jan 12, 2019


This is a fictional story about the musical act The Chainsmokers and does not intend to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Sexual activity, including kink, between consenting adults is depicted. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author. Comments are highly appreciated, and can be mailed to:


Drew stretched out on the king bed in his suite, barely able to enjoy the panorama of the stunning Hong Kong skyline twinkling through the windows. He didn't bother to take off his sneakers, filthy from the stage, as he curled up on the plush thousand thread count comforter. He knew he should shower the stink of 2 hours of performing off him, but he felt dead to the world.

Every Chainsmokers show fully took it out of him, but now that he was singing live for so many songs, it was even worse. Drew knew one of these days he'd lose his voice and they'd have to cancel, or worse, lip sync.

There was a soft knock at the door. Drew's heart dropped.

'Oh, come on,' he thought. 'Not tonight. I'm so tired. Please not tonight.'

Still, he could feel some stretching in the lap of his skinny jeans.

'Well, maybe...'

"Come in," he managed to croak out softly, not even turning over to see who entered.

A knock again, more insistent this time. Drew groaned and rolled out of bed, bounding like a puppy into the living room and yelling out as he approached the suite's double doors.

"Fuck! Alex, dude, I told you you should text firs--"

"Room service, sir." A petite Chinese woman stood at the door behind a serving cart piled with covered plates. She wheeled the cart into the room and began uncovering plates and moving them to the dining table, revealing what looked like the entire McDonald's menu, as well as a bottle of Don Julio and a 6 pack of Heineken.

"I didn't order any of this," Drew said, exhausted and confused, but suddenly ravenous.

The porter finished her work by moving a vase of flowers onto the table and pointed to an envelope set within the bouquet. With that, she wheeled the cart back out of the room and shut the door without another word.

Drew cracked open a beer and took a big swig before he dug into a handful of salty fries. He picked the note out of the flowers and regarded it briefly before opening it. There was no name, and whoever sent it had only sealed the very tip.

He pulled out the card and saw only 3 short lines in a handwriting he'd know anywhere:

You're gonna need your energy. 1am. Bring the tequila.

It hadn't always been like this. At first, they didn't even known each other. Drew was 22 and interning at Interscope when Alpert introduced him to Alex to try a collab.

And they hit it off immediately.

Alex was gregarious and maybe a little too wild, eager to get away from his job as a art gallery receptionist, that common tale of a talented DJ without a clear path. Drew was drawn to him immediately -- his warmth and encouragement, his enthusiasm, the way he was so open to listening to the crazy musical ideas a kid five years younger than him (a lot at that age!) brought to their sessions. In many ways they were complementary: the preppy-punk Syracuse grad moving to the big city to pursue his EDM dreams and the Manhattan hipster non-frat frat bro who just wanted to make it big as a DJ.

Somehow, it worked.

Drew began to think of Alex as his crazy big brother. He introduced Drew to the pleasures of living in New York. A few working sessions turned into a continuous hang out, which in Alex's world meant constant partying -- drinking, drugs, and above all, chasing pussy.

Drew was always a good looking guy: the lean soccer body, the smile, the eyebrows, that hair. He'd never had problems getting girls. He'd gotten his first blowjob at 13, lost his virginity at 15 to a girl he'd briefly dated, and spent the rest of high school and college collecting notches on his bedpost. He loved sex, but he was pretty sure he wasn't really cut out to be a player. Drew was a horny dude, that's for sure, and he loved to get wild and try new things, but he knew he ultimately wanted a girlfriend. A hot girlfriend who'd do all sorts of crazy shit in the sack, but a girlfriend to devote himself to nonetheless.

Alex, though: Alex was your archetypal horndog. No, he redefined the word. He hardly ever didn't have a girlfriend -- and he was hardly ever not cheating on her. Alex was like a teenager going through puberty all the time with his constant need to get off, in every way possible, as often as possible.

It was when they met Priyanka Chopra to produce a song for the Bollywood starlet that Drew first began to realize the true extent of Alex's libido.

"Dude, that Priya chick is hot as fuck," Alex said, flopping down on the couch after the first studio session was over.

"Priyanka," Drew reminded him.

"Whatever. If she weren't so full of herself I'd love to feed her a fat nut." Alex grabbed a handful of his package, which Drew noticed was ample.

"Whatever, dude. I doubt she's ever sucked a dick in her whole princess life."

"Bro. Bro, bro, bro." Alex stood up and grabbed Drew's shoulder, fixing him with the most serious look he'd ever seen from the normally affable guy. "It's always the people you least expect that give the craaaziest head."

Drew gulped.

"Anyway," Alex broke into a big grin, "I'm wrecked, gonna hit the sack. You ready?"

"Nah, I'm gonna work on this track some more."

"Cool. You're a champ. Peace."

Alex left the studio and Drew sat down to work. After a few minutes of tinkering in Ableton and finishing his last beer, he realized he wasn't gonna get much done, so he grabbed his coat and laptop and got ready to head out. They'd been drinking for a while though, and the beer was doing its job, so on the way out he stopped at the studio's small unisex bathroom to take a leak.

He opened the door and stumbled in, only to see Alex standing in front of the sink with his pants unbuckled and boxer briefs pulled down past his nuts, fisting what must have been at least a 9 and half inches of thick, rock hard cock. Alex didn't notice Drew at first because at that very moment he had leaned down to spit a loogie onto his dick for added lube, but as he looked up he saw Drew's face in the mirror, jaw on the floor, and gave him a cocky half smile.

"Sorry dude," Alex winked. "Couldn't wait."

Drew was paralyzed. He couldn't break eye contact with Alex, who pumped a few more times before screwing up his eyes, throwing his head back, and letting out a low guttural groan of "fuuuuuuuuuuck." Drew watched as Alex's dick pulsed over and over, spewing a huge white load all over the mirror. It looked, in the reflection, like he himself was painted in Alex's cum.

Catching himself, Drew turned on a heel and rushed out, boner pressing painfully into his jeans.

Had he ever been so hard?

Drew ate half a Big Mac and some fries, but knew he shouldn't eat too much. Still, he downed 3 beers in the 30 minutes remaining.

Just before 1, he threw on a pair of black joggers and an old Adidas t-shirt and checked his hair in the mirror. Perfectly disheveled, as always. He grabbed his room key and the tequila on the way out and made the long walk across the hall and 2 doors down to Alex's room. As he was about to knock, the door opened and Alpert came out.

"Yo, Mountain Drew! What's up my man, thought you hit it."

From where he was standing in the doorway, Drew could see that Alex was sprawled out on the couch with his feet up on one of the armrests, but he couldn't quite see his face. It didn't matter -- this wasn't his first rodeo and he knew what to say.

"Yeah, gonna very soon Adam, wiped. Came by to talk about the set list for Singapore and hopefully take over the Insta. Alex has been posting some wack shit today."

Their manager chuckled. "The kids eat it up though, bro. I was just dropping off, gave Alex a new indica cartridge and some edibles. You need anything?"

"All good, man. Won't have trouble sleeping tonight."

"DREW!" Alex screeched from inside. "Get in here!"

Drew and Alpert shared an eye roll.

"Alright bro, night." Alpert said. He glanced down at the Don Julio in Drew's hand. "Flight's not til 4 tomorrow, so you can sleep in."

"Night bud." Drew gave him a bro hug and let the door shut behind him, locking the deadbolt.

Drew made his way into the suite and felt a little disorientation -- it was a mirror image of his. He found Alex lying on a couch, head on the pillow and feet on an armrest, fiddling with a vape pen. A Chinese game show played on the flat screen at low volume.

Alex hadn't changed out of his stage clothes, or showered. He wore a light grey Champion t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up a couple times and dark jeans. He'd kicked off his sneakers to reveal red Supreme socks. Drew could see pit stains under his arms.

"Hey bro," Drew said, and went to sit on the other couch.

"Hey, bro," Alex gave him a mischievous grin, and nodded toward the armchair by his feet. "Sit."

Drew sighed and made his way to the chair. He set the tequila down on the coffee table, which was littered with beer bottles. (Uh oh.)

"Great show tonight. You were on fire. Why don't you pour us some shots to celebrate?" Alex said, indicating the lowballs on the table. Drew cracked the Don Julio bottle and poured out a measure of tequila into two glasses. He offered one to Alex, who seemed engrossed in his phone.

"Take yours," Alex said, briefly looking up and holding Drew's gaze.

He threw back the shot.

They say tequila, out of all liquors, is an upper. They're probably wrong, but both boys knew that tequila spelled trouble for Drew. Usually the good kind.

He got up to offer Alex his shot, but the older Chainsmoker shook his head, still staring at his phone.

"You take mine, bud."

Drew considered the glass, into which he'd intentionally poured a hefty amount, and thought about demurring. But as he looked up he saw that Alex had slid one hand down the front of his jeans and seemed to be lightly groping himself.

Drew threw back the other shot.

Alex smiled slyly and tossed his phone on the coffee table. He took the hand not in his pants and rooted around in his front jeans pocket.

"I almost forgot. I got you a present."

He pulled out a small brown bottle of poppers. Drew was focused on the bottle, and the hand he couldn't see, and what it was holding, but he tore his gaze away and looked up at Alex's face. Messy ruffled hair, 3 day stubble, and a huge shit-eating grin.

"I told you we're gonna have some fun, bro. I'm gonna use you all the ways you love. We've got all night." He winked. He actually fucking winked.

Drew let out a small nervous chuckle. "Alex, I--"

"Start with my feet."



They never explicitly talked about the incident in the studio bathroom, but afterward Alex ratcheted the sex talk up to an 11. Hardly a day went by that he didn't tell Drew about something involving his dick. They'd be on stage and Alex would point out girls he wanted to bang. Or girls he had banged. Or girls whose mouths he'd banged.

Or they'd be drinking with the boys and Alex would get a text from his girlfriend of the moment and head out, not before telling them he was gonna try and get it up her ass tonight. Then he'd text Drew just two emojis later: a peach and a thumbs up.

Or when they were on the road, he'd give Drew real time updates on his jerk off habits.

So hungover Just had to nut twice Hotel sheets ruined lol


Running late gotta shit and shoot you know the deal


Remember that redhead in Vegas? Drained my babies in the gym shower thinking about her tits.


B dwonstrars 10mnis. Sry typng w 1 nnd

None of which is to say Drew minded. He was horny a lot too, and felt enough of a friendly rivalry with Alex to respond to the sex talk in kind. Drew never had to try as hard as Alex to get laid -- he's prettier and less of a douchebag, so girls would approach him. And the type of bold girls who approached a guy like Drew at the club tended to be the kind of girls who'd do crazy shit, like blow you backstage. Or let you fuck them raw in a hot tub. Or bring their sorority sister with them back to your hotel for a double suckjob that somehow turned into a suckjob and your first rimjob and only got crazier from there.

(That was the redhead in Vegas, btw.)

Drew would tell Alex about that shit, yeah. But he could jerk off (which he did plenty) without letting anyone else know.

They were in LA when the lines got, let's say, blurred. At first it was typical Chainsmokers shit: a gig, an afterparty in the green room, then a bar, then someone's house, Rory jumping fully clothed (for him: jeans and Vans) into the pool, then another house for more drinks. Someone had molly, so why not? Drew was feeling good, shooting the shit, flirting with this Asian chick Maggie from the record label a little, nothing serious, when out of nowhere Alex put a conspiratorial arm around his shoulder and steered him into the kitchen. He had found that when Alex was drunk, it's usually best to go along with him, at least at first. He's not mean, but he is...persistent.

"Bro, look," he whispered in Drew's ear, pointing toward a group of girls chatting by the fire pit. "See that girl in the blue dress?"

"Yeah, what about her?" Drew asked. She was hot, that's for sure, but in the sea of hot LA girls she wasn't worth this level of tete-a-tete.

Alex fumbled with his phone as he yammered on. "Okay so her name's Lexi, I know her from New York, she used to be roommates with that girl Lauren with the dog, but they're not friends anymore, and I just remembered 2 important things. One, she told me she thought it would be hot to get fucked by both Chainsmokers, and two..."

Alex put his phone right in Drew's face, an image from his camera roll pulled up. It was a close up of Lexi, all right, the same girl as the one across the room, but in a very different state of cleanliness. She was smiling, but her eyes were shut tight, because all over her face was a huge, huge load of white cum, and in the foreground, what was unmistakably the swollen mushroom head of Alex's hard cock.

Alex's cock.

The same cock he'd seen shoot all over that mirror.

It took Drew a second to recover, and when he looked up Alex had a big smirk on his face, eyebrows raised as if asking a question.

"What?" Drew didn't really have words.

"You wanna?"

"Wanna what?"

Alex rolled his eyes dramatically. "Spitroast this chick, man! How sick would that be?"

"I don't know, Alex, that's--"

"C'mon, it would be so fun. She's freaky as fuck. That pic's nothing compared to what we did." Alex gave Drew's shoulders a brotherly rub. "And you're my bud, you work so hard, I want you to have fun too."

Drew bit his lip. Alex was laying it on thick, he knew that, but something about the picture and the way Alex was giving him the most intense stare down made something stir downstairs. Drew adjusted himself subtly. Alex looked down, grinned, and they were off to the races.

The night was a blur, and afterward Drew could only string together bits and pieces. But what sexy and surprising pieces they turned out to be.

First, the car. He didn't remember so much as talking to Lexi, but suddenly the three of them were in the far backseat of an Escalade heading back to the Standard. Lexi had her tongue down Drew's throat and her hands in his hair -- girls love to play with his hair -- and he couldn't keep his hands off her either. She had great tits, not huge but soft and perky. He went to nibble her ear and realized Alex was at her other ear, whispering in a husky voice.

"Fuck yeah. This is so hot. Can't wait to get my dick in you again."

Drew almost giggled at his buddy's attempt at sexy talk. As he reached down to grab Lexi's ass and pull her in closer, his arm got tangled with Alex's. Which was reaching up her dress obscenely. Fuck.

Then, the hotel elevator. It all happened in about 60 seconds. Alex had pulled Lexi in tight, sucking face like he was trying to swallow her. Drew had seen Alex make out with plenty of girls, but there was something incredibly sexy about seeing it so close, just the three of them in a quiet elevator, the only sounds the wet smacking of their mouths and Lexi's little moans.

Drew wasn't really sure what to do with himself. He was rock hard but they seemed occupied. Then Alex came up for air and saw Drew standing alone, and he walked himself and Lexi forward until they had Drew sandwiched against the wall. Lexi's ass ground into Drew's crotch in the hottest circular motion. He noticed a small tattoo on her shoulder, and nibbled at it. When he grabbed her hips he found Alex's hands already there, guiding her. Alex's hips grinding into hers, into Drew's. Alex's hips grinding into Drew.

Finally, the hotel room. A king bed. Snacks and mini-bar bottles scattered on the desk. A pile of Alex's clothes on the floor. For some reason, Drew had thought they were going to his identical room, and the slight differences threw him for a loop. He found his t-shirt being stripped off before he was thrown back on the bed and straddled by Lexi, who went in for another round of making out. Drew was only too happy to oblige, squeezing his eyes shut, grabbing her ass, and fucking his jeans-clad dick up into her.

He felt the weight shift on the bed and turned his head to see Alex lying next to him, propped on one elbow, eyes lidded heavily and a grin on his face. He'd also lost his shirt at some point. He had his hand in her hair, playing with it idly, and otherwise seemed content to let Drew and Lexi go at it. Then Drew felt him lean in close to her ear, so that he could feel Alex's breath and the heat of it.

"Why don't you show Drew what you showed me you could do last time?" Alex whispered heavily.

"Okay." She looked to Alex like it was a challenge, then gave Drew a look that could only be described as hunger, before sliding down toward the end of the bed, kissing his pecs and tight abs as she went. She grabbed his belt and unbuckled it, kissing his happy trail where it met the waistband of his Calvins. Drew was mesmerized with horniness as she pulled down his jeans and began to mouth his throbbing dick through the tight black boxer briefs. After a minute of this, she pulled them down and released his dick to slap against his abs, but only for a brief moment before she swallowed his 7.5 inches whole.

His dick. The entire thing.

"Fuck!" Drew gasped, seeing stars, when he heard a chuckle to his right. He was broken from his reverie by the sight of a grinning Alex. For a minute, he didn't know what to do: he glanced from the girl impaling her mouth on his dick, to his friend and bandmate, and back again. He was so flustered he'd crunched up his stomach and held his hands in mid-air, unsure what to do with himself, overwhelmed by the sensations and scene.

"Relax, bro," Alex said, taking Drew's wrist and placing his hand on the top of her head. "She's the best. No gag reflex." He winked.

Drew's dick somehow got even harder in her mouth.

This was definitely a top 5 blowjob, maybe top 3. Nothing compares to the first time you get your dick in someone's mouth, even if Lauren McElroy didn't know what she was doing in the rec room of her parent's Vinalhaven house. And there was that Russian girl in the 1OAK bathroom who stuck a finger up his ass at just the right moment, but she was probably a pro.

No, something about this was the best head ever.

Lexi sucked Drew for a while, using every technique known to man. Deep and long, shallow and fast, licking the head, a hand on his balls, both balls in her mouth, stroking his shaft, rubbing his taint. She seemed to home in on exactly how he liked it. Out of the corner of his eye, Drew could see Alex lose his jeans and whip out his own fat cock, standing at attention.

"All right buddy, don't be selfish," Alex said as he scooted up the bed to lay against the pillows. He grabbed the base of his dick and wagged it at them. "My turn."

Lexi released Drew and crawled over to Alex, giving him the same treatment, straight down to the pubes. 'This girl is talented,' Drew thought. Not knowing what to do, he laid on his side and stroked himself, slick with Lexi's spit. Alex had a hand in Lexi's hair, guiding her up and down his pole, but he cocked his head, patted next to him, and told Drew to join him.

"She can work us both." Fuck.

As Drew crawled up to the pillows, Alex put a companionable arm behind his shoulders, drawing him in close. They're right next to each other, naked bodies pressed together. Drew can feel the sweat in Alex's armpit on his shoulder. He's glad to have his dick to hold in his right hand -- otherwise where would he put it? It was not a bad feeling, being this close to Alex as they're both naked and hard. It's hot, in a way, but it's for sure weird.

The view though -- the view was interesting. Drew's no stranger to looking down and seeing his dick in the mouth of a hot girl, but seeing someone else's, especially someone else so much, well, bigger: that's new.

As Drew observed Alex getting this incredible dome, Alex was whispering dirty talk. When is he not?

"Yeah baby, suck daddy's big dick. Go all the way down. Fuck yeah. Work the head. Don't forget to give those nuts some lovin'. Oh fuck. You're so good at that. Yeah, you're my fucking dirty girl. Don't forget about my best bro over here."

Alex grabs Lexi by the hair, forcefully but not violently, and guides her over to Drew's dick. She smiles and resumes her service of him, Alex guiding her up and down.

"Drew," Alex got his attention. "I'm jerking you off with her mouth."

They both giggled, and continued to banter as they pass her back and forth. Drew began to relax. Honestly, it was fun as fuck, sharing a girl like that. Getting serviced and bonding with your bud -- what's not to like?

After a while, Lexi let go of Drew's dick (or maybe it was Alex's?) and crawled up to make out with Drew. He could taste both their precum on her lips.

"I want you to fuck me," she said to Drew.

"Go for it, dude. Her pussy's just as talented as her mouth, maybe more," Alex said with a louche half smile.

Drew got off the bed and walked behind Lexi to admire her ass. He began to eat her out but she's impatient, telling him she needs his dick ASAP. Alex seconds the notion. With a shrug, Drew lined up, gave her pussy a couple of taps with his head, then pushed in and began to fuck her. Alex wasn't kidding, yeah, she's a great fuck. She's tight and wet, gripping his dick along the whole length. He started off slow and began to build to a nice rhythm.

Lexi continued to suck Alex off as Drew fucked her. He's still lying there, one hand behind his head, looking like a fucking king, staring into Drew's eyes. This fucked Drew up a little, this intense eye contact, so he tried to focus on the pussy he's plowing and the perfect round ass above it.

"Oh man," Alex laughs. "You're fucking her so well she's moaning around my dick. Keep it up. Feels great dude."

"You got it buddy, anything for you." Drew replied, favoring him with a quick smile before getting back to this amazing fuck. He's happy to help Alex out.

Alex let Lexi stop for a second to get up on his knees and said "we gotta do it bro," offering a double high five. Drew grinned and they meet hands above a spit-roasted Lexi.

"Eiffel Tower, yeah buddy!" Drew shouted, sweating dripping down his face, which is only about a foot from Alex's.

"I told you this would be awesome," Alex said as he continued to make significant eye contact. They thrust in and out in a rhythm for a minute, still clasping hands overhead, each grinning with wild abandon.

Then Lexi pulled Alex's dick out of her mouth. "Would you boys stop flirting? I wanna ride Drew."

"You heard the lady," Alex said.

"Aye aye, cap'n," Drew agreed, momentarily taking the Captain Morgan stance before he flopped back on the bed, dripping cock at full mast. He assumed Lexi would go for reverse cowgirl, but instead she hopped on facing him and made out with him hungrily. He realized vaguely as it's happening that all he's tasting now is Alex's precum. He wondered for a sec how Alex is gonna get involved, before Alex steps right over his head and starts feeding Lexi his dick again, holding the sides of her face and fucking right into her mouth.

"Hope you like the view, Drew."

It wasn't a view he's familiar with, that's for sure. Alex's balls, his dick, his hairy asscrack. He tried to ignore it but he can't help but watch Alex sliding in and out of Lexi's mouth, his big loose nuts banging against her chin. Alex started getting a little rough with her, holding her head down, face in his pubes, talking dirty to Drew about how great her throat feels. Some drool falls from Lexi's lips onto Drew's chin, but he's so turned on he doesn't bother to wipe it off.

Truth be told, Drew was loving Lexi's pussy, fucking up into it so Lexi can stay still and blow Alex. Eventually Alex pulled off her and she immediately dove in to make out with Drew. Her face was a mess and Drew knew he was basically making out with Alex's dick juice but he doesn't care. He doesn't notice Alex has moved to the foot of the bed until he feels his thighs in between his legs, pushing into Lexi.

"Ow, stop!" she yelped and raised herself up enough to turn around. "Alex, you KNOW my ass is off limits!"

Alex leaned in, pressing his full weight on her back, so she's sandwiched between the two men, and pouted.

"I just wanna share you with my best friend. C'mon, Lex, I thought this is what you wanted. Both Chainsmokers at the same time."

"I DON'T get fucked in the ass. I've told you that!"

Drew can feel Alex's balls rubbing against his as he dry humps her. Whatever was happening, it was confusing and hot all at once.

"But..." Lexi continued, glancing back at Alex with a coy look. "I could probably take you both."

Alex's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning -- it's the only time Drew has seen him surprised all night. He reached down and Drew felt the top of Alex's dick poking in along with his own. Drew glanced up and sees Lexi's eyes closed, a look of workmanlike concentration on her face, and then he caught Alex's eye as he slid fully into her, their dicks both jostling for space in the tight wet confines of her pussy. All three groaned deeply. Lexi held herself still and Alex began fucking, using both Lexi's snatch and Drew's dick as his hole.

Drew had never been more turned on in his life.

He was so hard, everything was so tight, and the feeling of Alex's dick sliding along and past his into Lexi was so wet and hard and smooth at the same time it was driving him insane.

He couldn't imagine anything could feel better, until Alex told Lexi to try to ride them both, and, champ that she is, she began to do just that.

She backed it up and pulled on their dicks with her wet pussy, milking both boys at once. Drew had his hands on her hips, and Alex put his hands over Drew's so he can hold on for the ride. Alex kissed her neck and leaning further down, talking to both of them but mostly Drew. He whispered how hot it is to feel his dick against his, how hard he is, shit like that. Honestly, Drew was so overwhelmed he could barely remember his own name.

Alex said he's getting close -- Drew is holding on for dear life -- and asked "how do you want it, babe?" Drew could have sworn he's asking him, but Lexi responded.

"I wanna taste it."

"You got it," Alex replied, and before Drew knows it Alex has pulled out and is kneeling over Drew's face, his huge cock glistening with her juices and their precum.

Alex stuck his dick back in Lexi's mouth for a few more strokes. Drew could see Alex's thick cock sliding in and out of her lips up close. He really is huge. This was like the hottest porn ever. Without realizing, Drew licked his lips.

Giving his dick a few more strokes, Alex grunted "open up" and Lexi opened her mouth wide, tongue out. Then it happened: Alex let out a heavy groan of "fuuuuuuuuuck" and began to blast Lexi's mouth.

There's so much cum.

So. Much. Cum.

Rope after rope of cum, pulsing from his cock.

If anyone was counting it was probably double digit shots.

That much cum.

Most of it landed on Lexi's face or into her mouth, but a few ropes hit her tongue and then dripped off onto Drew's face. He didn't even realize that when Alex ordered "open up" he'd done so as well, at least not until a few strands of Alex's hot, salty load hit his own tongue. He'd tasted his own load before -- what dude hasn't? -- but this is something else entirely.

Drew never tasted anything like it. Did he like it? Everything was happening too fast to say.

Drew pounded up into Lexi's pussy like a madman. He looked up and saw Alex holding his big hard dripping dick at the base and smiling down at him. Alex stared deep into Drew's eyes and said simply:

"Clean me off, bro."

The moment Alex's huge cummy dick entered his lips, Drew lost control and blasted his own giant load deep inside Lexi.

It's the biggest orgasm he's ever had.

Biggest to that point, of course. There have been bigger since.

Now, in Hong Kong, it's not Alex's cockhead that's teasing Drew's lips, but his big toe. His other foot is sliding up and down the side of Drew's face.

And they both know that, honestly, this is the least of it.


Thanks for reading. I have no idea how many chapters this will go! If you enjoyed the story, have feedback, or have ideas for future chapters, I'd love to hear from you:

Next: Chapter 2

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