
Published on Jun 9, 1996



Thanksgiving by Betty B

It all started when I ran into an old college friend in the Supermarket the day before Thanksgiving. We spent time together waiting in line, and decided to continue our talk across the street in a cafe. In the course of the very stimulating conversation, she mentioned she was having a few friends over for Thanksgiving dinner and that her maid had cancelled earlier that day. I said that I was sorry to hear that and wished that I could help in some way. She looked at me strangely, and then she said: "Well, maybe you could. Are you free tomorrow? I really want to impress my guests with a perfect dinner." I agreed to be at her house at 8 a.m. to help in the kitchen. She was very friendly when I arrived, showed me into the kitchen, told me what needed to be done and handed me an apron. It was a small pink apron with a white lace border. I reluctantly put it on. It was a perfect fit, I am rather petite. The next 30 minutes I was preparing the stuffing, and Marie walked in and out of the room several times. At one time I felt her watching me move through the kitchen, and when I turned to face her, she was, with squinted eyes, looking me up and down. I blushed and didn't know what to do or say. She suddenly said: "I have an idea! This might just work! Come with me for a moment, ok?". She turned and walked out of the room and I followed her. I was a little apprehensive, the way she had looked at me, I didn't know what to expect. She went into what seemed to be her bedroom and closed the door behind us. I blushed again and felt my sex straining against the material of my pants, anticipating her getting undressed and making love. But no such thing happened. She opened the closet and pulled out a maid uniform. It seemed a bit small for her. She held it up, inspected it, looked at me, - and then it dawned on me. She wanted me to be the maid!!! Thoughts raced to my head. I'm sure my face was red as a tomato. Did she know about me? How could she know? I would never pass well enough! Did she want to embarass me? Was she only joking? She didn't seem to be joking. She put the uniform on the bed, asked me to put it on, and left the room. I walked over to the bed and inspected the uniform. My hands were trembling as I lifted the black satin dress up - it seemed to be a perfect fit. Fear and embarassment and all - I had to try it on. It did fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to adopt a more feminine stance, when Marie came back. She looked very pleased and turned me around. Then she put the following on the bed for me to wear: Black garters, panties, stockings, slip and bra. Black 4" heels. She left the room again, and I took a long time getting dressed - feeling the sensuous silk and satin, admiring my really very shapely legs in the mirror, and glowing in anticipation. The final result was smashing - from the neck down I was a shapely young maid. Marie brought a long, black wig and a box with make-up. She worked on my face for over 30 minutes, then put on the wig and perfume. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes. A beautiful and sexy young woman looked back at me. No matter which way I turned - I was shapely and feminine. The lacey white apron created the illusion of wider hips, and the uniform brought out my derriere most attractively. Marie told me to practice walking in my heels and left the room. I practiced and found it more difficult than I thought. After a while I heard Marie's voice: "Betty," (my name is Bob) "the first guests are arriving!". My knees nearly gave out. I would never pass, my voice, my gait ...The doorbell rang, and Marie motioned me to answer it. My knees were shaking and I nearly fell as I walked to the door and opened it. A young couple entered. They hugged Marie and barely noticed me. I took their coats and hung them neatly in the closet. When I returned, Marie introduced me. "This is Betty. She is new here and a little shy." The lady, Sharon, started to make some small talk with me. She complimented me on my pretty outfit. She had never seen a maid uniform made of pure satin. She asked me to turn around slowly and commented that the outfit must have been hand-tailored for me. I blushed and nodded or shook my head in response, trying not to let her hear my deep voice. The bell rang again. I let the guests in, curtesied and hung up their coats. An hour later, there were around 35 guests. My feet were killing me, and the party had barely begun! Most guests arrived with a partner, but there were about 7 single women. They decided to help me in the kitchen. I surely could use the help - the dinner consisted of several courses and I was rather inexperienced in this matter. On the other hand, I was very frightened of blowing my cover. I continued to nod and shake my head in response to questions, and when that was not a sufficient answer, I blushed and turned away. I suppose they finally had enough of my evasive manners and surrounded me. One of the ladies, Jennifer, put her arms around my shoulders and said: "Are you mute?" I shook my head. The way all these women were standing around me was confusing me. Suddenly I realized that there was a bulge growing in my genital area. I was rather embarrassed when I noticed it and tried to run out of the kitchen. Jennifer stepped in my way and brushed against my bulging skirt. She stood still and slowly looked down. I could see the other ladies looking at us, following Jennifer's glance. For a moment everything was completely silent - then a giggle, then, one by one, they started laughing. I was so embarrassed, I didn't know what to do. I thought I might cry and wiped my eyes.

At this moment Marie came into the kitchen. She looked at me and started to laugh. "Sweetheart" she said, "your make-up is all smeared. We will have to refresh it. It's almost time for dinner, and we can't have you serve like this". I panicked. "Please, don't make me go out there again", I implored. Jennifer put her arm around my shoulder and said: "Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll fix you up in no time. You'll be smashing." One of the other ladies brought out some make-up, everything you can imagine. She stepped back and looked at me, then picked out a handful of things and handed them to Jennifer. She started renewing my make-up. The other ladies commented on every move she made, and a few times a lady would wipe off Jennifer's work and put something else on. After changing my make-up around a few times they all seemed satisfied. I was presented with a mirror, and what I saw took my breath. The green eye shadow complimented my eyes - they had never looked so green! I was wearing false lashes and could not help fluttering my eyes to see how they looked. My mouth was red and pouting, and I looked like a teenager. The ladies complimented me and finally sent me into the dining room to serve the hors d'euvres.

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