That Damn Smile

By Daniel Richards

Published on Oct 13, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The Author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome at: This is my first story, so I hope you like it.

That Damn Smile-5

Alex was hovering over me, just smiling that damn smile. I was captivated, lost in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me softly, nibbling on my bottom lip, damn it felt so good. I ran my hand through his hair, with my other hand venturing down his back. I could feel every back muscle beneath his tight shirt. Alex lowered himself even lower on me, our bodies touching. I could feel his heart beating against my chest and I could feel his crotch pressing into mine. He wasn't grinding into me, but rather just laying on me as he continued to nibble on my lip. He moved down to kiss my neck and I let out a soft moan. His hand traveled up my shirt, his hands had a roughness to them as he passed over my abs and rubbed my chest. I had imagined this happening and it was great then, but nothing compares to the real thing.

He lifted me up from the couch, put my arm over his shoulder and helped me to his bedroom. His room was dark, the only light coming from the hallway. He laid me down gently onto his bed and took his shirt off. I was starting to sprout some serious wood at the sight of his sculpted body. He leaned down, kissing me and removed my shirt for me. He put his hands on my shoulders, rubbed them a bit before resting his hands on my pecs. He pushed me down onto his bad and climbed on top of me, our skin touching. Having his body against mine sent chills throughout my body and even gave me goose bumps. He lightly stroked my arm as he kissed my shoulder, then taking his time kissing my collar bone. God his lips felt amazing, I pulled his face up to mine pulling his lips against mine that. He returned the favor, placing his hands behind my head, pulling our mouths into each other's. His tongue pushed through my lips and was soon rushing over my tongue. Our making out became more intense with moans escaping our mouths. Alex started to grind his body into mine and I could feel how hard he was and I'm sure he could feel me as well. I hooked my fingers into the front of his sweatpants, wanting to pull them down, but in the back of my head something told me not to rush things and just enjoy what was happening right now.

We continued making out for about an hour, our kissing was so passionate that my jaw started to hurt a bit. We slipped our pants off and got under his covers. We kissed for another 15 minutes and finally the toll of the day took effect and I felt exhausted. I turned onto my side, placing my head on Alex's chest. I could hear his heart, it was beating fast, strong. I made circles on his chest with my fingers as he played with my hair. He kissed my forehead and my eyes started to feel heavy. As they were closing I could hear him quietly sing.

"That kinda lovin' turns a man to a slave

That kinda lovin' sends a man right to his grave.

I go crazy, crazy, crazy for you baby.

Crazy, crazy, oh baby, I go crazy."

I woke up feeling at peace. Yes I had lost everything I owned a few hours a go, but for some reason I was happier beyond explanation. Everything I felt for Alex felt more real when he told me he had fallen for me. It gave me hope, I don't know what will happen between us, but falling asleep in his arms was something I wanted to do every night from here on. I looked over and he was sitting there, looking at me, with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Morning stud, here's your white mocha."

"'re the best. I should be getting you coffee and

breakfast in bed."

"Why would you do that?"

"Well it is your birthday today."

"Hmmmm what do you know it is!!"

"Happy Birthday Handsome."

He leaned over and kissed me. Now i hadn't had time to brush my teeth but I could tell he did because he tasted minty fresh. He informed me that he called my professors and told them about the fire. They all told him that I didn't have to come to classes today and that all assignments would be extended. My professor for architect was going to give me credit for my proposal and told me we could work something out next week. Wow....just wow. Alex has gone above and beyond for me. Would have I done the same for him? I needed to make this day special for him, I mean after all i owe him so much. I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he told me he just wanted to spend the day with me. We sat in his bed for a few minutes, sipping on our coffee. I had to bring up the living situation.

"Alex...are you sure you want me to stay here. My parents said they would help me with another pl-"

"Daxton....I would love for you to stay here and live with me."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want to impose or cause any


"Dax...listen to me. I am totally fine with you living here. It

would be the best birthday gift if a hot dude moved in with me."

"Well if you put it that way, then I guess I'll have to say yes.

So how much do I have to give you ? For like rent and stuff."

"We will figure that out later, but for now you can just make me

pb&j's and be there in the morning when I wake up."

"I can do problem."

I leaned into him and gave him a very tender kiss on his lips. He smiled through our kiss and pulled me on top of him. I laid my legs on the side of his, straddling him. I played with his hair as I nibbled on his ear, then his bottom lip. I playfully bit down and he dug his nails into my back. From his reaction I could tell he liked it, so I bit down a bit harder and he made a very loud grunt. I peeled his tank top over his head and my fingers traced his chest and ran down his abs. He placed his hands on my back and pulled me into him. I could feel he was hard and my morning wood was harder than usual, all thanks to him. My hands made his way to his legs and to the top of his shorts, I started to slide them down and he stopped me.

"Daxton....we should slow down."

"Shit I'm sorry Alex. I didn't mean to."

"Don't be sorry. Trust me, I trying so hard not to tear your

clothes off right now. However I want us to take things slow. I want to take you out on dates. Wine and dine you, open your doors, make you smile when you are down, give you my coat when you are cold. Of course I want to be intimate with you, but that can wait. I can wait"

" are really something else you know that? I mean...fuck. I don't even know where to begin right now. You have done so much for me, you have gone above and beyond for me. I don't what I did to deserve such kindness from you. I mean as corny as this sounds I feel like you are different from the rest. You are so much more than a pretty face and you have me head over heels right now."

"You deserve to be treated this way and so much more. I noticed you in the locker rooms before, but I saw you for the first time when you opened the door for me at the library. When you fell my natural instinct was to catch you, protect you. I held you in the moment a bit longer then I should have, but it was right then and there I started to fall for you. Then I saw you hurt in the woods. I mean I am truly sorry you got hurt, but it brought me closer to you, gave me an excuse to be around you. I know it's been a couple of days and maybe it's too early to tell, but I just want to be around you 24/7. I want to learn everything about you. I want to be the one to know your fears, hopes, dreams, desires and so much more. I just want to be able to protect you."

I just looked into his eyes. I could see some concern in his eyes, waiting for an answer. I could feel a tear forming behind my eye and I quickly wiped it away. He placed his hand on my cheek and gently pulled my face into his. Our lips connected for the 100th time and it felt even more amazing. In that kiss, I was reassured of his intentions and right there I started to fall in love with the man in front of me.

Next: Chapter 6

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