That Special Feeling

By Joseph Hammond

Published on May 13, 2017


That special feeling Part 3

A week after my experience up on the hill I found myself unable to divest the memory of that encounter, for some reason I at first felt guilty but after a while the guilt was replaced with longing...I needed someone else to feel my prick and I couldn't shake the memory of the skill with which my little partner had gone to work on me....still I held back but then I got to thinking..this town obviously had surprises in store, perhaps I needed to see it from another perspective...there was the place up on the hill but what about other sites...could there be more? An obvious place to look would be the public lavatories....I'd never had occasion to use any of them but surely that's where I'd find signs of gay activity?

The edifice I hit upon was down beside a pathway through the little park near the town center...I don't know what I expected but there was a surprise in store, the place was reasonably clean! It was the interior walls though that caught my eye, so much so that on impulse I went off to fetch my camera. On return I began to record the various images - and what images they were! Whoever the artist or artists, they knew what they were doing...the subject matter as one would expect was concerned with boys, naked boys subject to the erotic attentions of obviously older partners - not the usual crude stuff (though there was some of that present) but vivid life like portrayals. I became absorbed in what I was doing so much so that it came as a shock. I had an audience...a small group of boys had gathered around....there was no disguising my interest in the drawings so I decided to brazen it out...they didn't seem hostile - merely curious...uncertain.

"Ok, sorry to be in your way, I've about finished....does anyone here know how long the art work has been up here? Subject matter aside, it's been extremely well done. Does anyone know anything about it? I'm not here to make any sort of trouble, I just want to find out a bit blokes have obviously just knocked off from school which is just over probably come here often so must know something about the place?" There was a grudging murmur of assent but nothing else....and then the penny dropped..the furtive looks...memories returned of school days past...delicious moments spent with an eager partner after school and where else but in a public toilet! I sighed mentally and resignedly said "OK lads, I'll leave you to it...I'll be back later to finish...have fun!" As I left their relief was palpable.

About an hour later just as the light was fading I returned with my camera, the premises looked vacant so I knew I wouldn't be interrupting anything. Finding where I'd left off I readied for more shooting...frankly the subject matter was so erotic that I once again had a hard on..this time I decided to do something about it so stationing myself before an extremely life like mural depicting a schoolboy presenting his buttocks for penetration by another, unzipping myself I began to fondle my penis in appreciation. "Want to do it together?"

The voice came from one of the cubicles, I froze. "My friend didn't turn up, he's from another school...I heard you say you would be back, so I waited while they did what they ... came here to now it's just' I can see you like my stuff." Shocked I looked at him, slightly built, curly dark hair and glasses, he had an appealing look almost if I'd heard right, he claimed to be the artist responsible for this stuff! The material was highly pornographic, no question, also without question - it was skilfully executed. He interrupted my musing "I wasn't sure what you were doing here you see, you seemed to be taking an interest in my stuff but I didn't know what SORT of an interest - until just now of course...I've missed out today and I was hoping we could, you know, have some fun - would you like to?"

Collecting my wits I came to a quick decision, first though I had a couple of questions "Those other boys...they come here after school for sex do they - how often do they do that?" Nonchalantly he replied "Well its most days...just us boys but Thursday..well that's when the men join us..Oh don't worry...we won't get into trouble...most people know about this place and...well, look how clean it's kept.. that's 'cause lots of people on Council use it." He looked at me considering "You are new in these parts aren't you? They have fun up on the hill too you, do you want to do things to me or not?" He really was attractive, not too young either I supposed, so gently I reached for him "Well then, let's get these off shall we?" Memories awoke as I slid his pants down, down over the smooth plump little thighs, down around his ankles, he stood submissive as next I tugged at his underwear and as I did so, his pretty little penis sprang out and upward, flat against his tummy - you know how it is with young boys?

By now I had my own pants around my ankles, his gaze was fixed on my erection, noticing this I complimented him...."There just look what you've done to me!" He glance up mischievously and grinned "So you reckon we'll have some fun then do you?" "Mmmmmm-yes" was my answer - he was half naked with shirt rucked up above his buttocks, plump and firmly rounded they protruded invitingly. Normally I would have felt for his penis but this time, well I needed a grope, reaching behind him I clasped a hand on each of his firm globes...oh the sensation as I drew him close "You like them, don't you?" His face was turned up to me lips parted in excitement...rounding into a perfect 'O' of surprise as I carefully inserted a finger "Oh yesss....but we can't fuck this time....I'd like to well, know you better? Do you mind?" Of course I minded but realised he was only being sensible, meanwhile there were other things to do...

Withdrawing my hands from his delightful little bottom I felt for his last...lovely .... and then...little fingers expertly began to caress my own shaft. I looked down at him, he gazed back - intent "It's so nice to do this properly isn't it?" He asked "I mean, if you are rough or in a hurry it's not so good...this way we can take our time can't we?" There was a pause and then "I like to think naughty thoughts you know...when I'm doing's much nicer here by ourselves too!" I could well imagine and said so "Well, I guess it would be very busy with all your friends here...and those men too I suppose..." He giggled prettily...yeah, mostly the men are busy looking at my stuff on the gets them in the mood and then when they are ready...well they get together with their favourites and everything goes quiet...but very busy...most boys in this town get fucked in here at some time or another....there, how's it going?"

It was going fine...we were both concentrating on pleasure....he wore a little smile as he gazed back at me.."Yes, very nice, feels lovely...making it me just" With my spare hand I reached for his open shirt undoing another couple of buttons, this allowed me to reach inside and feel for a nipple, as I found it I heard his intake of breath "Oh yeah....just like that...makes me feel all sort of - sexy....keep on, yes" In no time it seemed his nipple hardened to jut against the palm of my hand, as it did I cupped the hand to fondle his breast much as I had earlier when groping his buttocks...that seemed to trigger something - the boy was shuddering, not about to cum mind you but shuddering with excitement...I had struck lucky with this one OK! Then a gasp "If you let me go...I'd like suck you...please?"

Next: Chapter 4

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