That Was Unexpected

By azstoryguy

Published on Dec 29, 2021


"That Was Unexpected 07"

Copyright 2021

Note: this prologue may contain spoilers!

This is a period piece (1970s) erotic love story featuring two main characters in their early twenties. Where contextual clarification may be needed, a set of [ ] provides relevant information. The characters are all based on real people but "the names have been changed to protect the innocent." There are real places intermingled with fictitious constructs necessary for the story. Grammarians may notice that I frequently shift the tense. It reads better that way; and this isn't an English Lit assignment. Although that would be an interesting idea... I do accept responsibility for all typos!

Thank you for reading....

From Part 06...

"Thank you so much!" Mark cried.

"For what?" I asked.

"For loving me!"

Tears formed in his deep green eyes.

Who is he kidding? I fell in love the minute I laid eyes on him!

"I'll love you forever! I promise!" he sobbed.

I gently twirled his hair.

"We made it! We're on our way!" he squeaked.

Yes... we are!" I thought.

Oklahoma was gone from both our lives forever.

I looked to the West. That was our future.... with a new life together!

Part 07

Mark hugged me as we spun in circles. Our eyes met. His were a brilliant fiery green, peeking out along with tufts of iridescent ginger hair from beneath a dark blue baseball cap.

"I owe everything to you!" he cried.

Tears formed in his eyes.

"I never thought I'd actually here with you! You changed my life forever!"

It was pointless to remind him about how a cute boy turned up at my doorstep; a boy with an adorable face and body that most guys would worship.... Pointless but I tried... He shot me down with his mesmerizing, toothy smile.

"No... No... I never would have taken the chance!" he whispered.

Mark the stud. The strong, brave, intelligent boy who swept me off my feet, was again confessing his deepest thoughts...

I feasted on his cute face. Mark was alive; he radiated more energy than I had ever seen before....and that was a LOT!

"FUCK OKLAHOMA!" he barked while staring at the land across the Red River.

I laughed at his invective. Cursing was still something relatively new to him.

"I have my Jackrabbit' and we're Arizona bound!"

His eyes locked on mine.

"I was wondering...!" he said while pressing his strong frame into mine, "Do we have time...?"

I couldn't answer. My knees had already collapsed and I was busily pawing at the swollen appendage hiding in his frayed Levis.

"We have the rest of our lives together," I thought, "That's plenty of time....!"

His cock easily slipped into my willing throat.

"LOOK at all those little towns!" Mark groused.

I smiled as he kept pouring over the map, hoping to find a route that didn't exist.

"And we have to go through ALL of them?" he whined.

"Yes. THROUGH them. No detours, or bypasses; right through town..the towns... some of them with their blinking four-way red traffic lights!"

"NOOOO!" he sighed, "How long?"

"Maybe three hours to Abilene. If we don't get behind a lot of farmers hauling their fucking trailers at thirty-five miles per hour!"

"SHIT!" he hissed.

His frustration only made Mark seem even cuter!

We were still in Wichita Falls. The cars were gassed up and ready to continue while we wolfed down burgers and fries at a small drive-in.

"It'll almost be dark when we reach Abilene!" he moaned.

"Yeah but from then on, it's smooth sailing! Interstate all the way to El Paso!" I assured him.

That seemed to mollify him a bit..

"But remember! Do the speed limit and no faster! No racing ahead with the trucks like you did coming down here!"

He frowned. I guess it was his high energy nature. We had no sooner left Tulsa when I could see that Mark loved to drive hard and fast, kind of how he did when he drove his big dick into my ass... My cock stiffened at the thought.

"There are lots of small town asshole sheriffs along the way who would just love to hand out some traffic tickets to a couple of Okies!" I laughed.

He nodded "No!"

Confusion must have shown on my face.

"I'm not an Okie' anymore!" he said with his classic big grin, "That part of my life is gone forever!"

"We'll find a nice motel in Abilene and hit the road early tomorrow morning!" I said.

"It's a long ways to El Paso...!" he chirped.

"About 450 miles!"

He frowned.

"But it's all Interstate! So you can drive fast!"

His face brightened.

"That's about six hours!" he announced.

My mind tried to do the math. Somehow I think Mark was basing his estimate on a speed just a little bit higher than fifty-five....

"Let's just get this shitty part over with!" I said.


He jumped up from the booth. His long torso, only partly covered by a cropped, undersized T- shirt, was more than enough to make my blood start to boil. Then there was his.... DAMN! Mark was so casual about flaunting himself! It didn't seem to bother him in the least that the outline of his fat fuck stick was clearly visible underneath some very thin denim fabric.

At the cash register, a young girl watched as we approached. I could see her eyes focusing on Mark. He made small talk with her while paying the bill. Her eyes were drawn to the outline of his enormous cock.

"You boys come again some time!" she said in that typical Texas drawl.

"Oh we will," he promised, "We do every day!"

I almost choked on his reply.

Outside I started shaking with laughter.

"What?" Mark asked.

"That girl.. You...!"

"Did you see her eyes? She never stopped staring at my cock!" he laughed.

"Gee! I wonder why!"

"I bet her panties are all wet!"

"YUCK!!!" I barked, making retching sounds.

"I haven't had something like that happen to me in a long time!" he chortled.

"Wait... You mean... the girls...who just wanted to look but not touch!" I giggled.

"Oh they wanted to touch it, but that was about all!" he chuckled.

"No burying it deep and hard?" I hooted.

"Stop it or I'll get boned!" Mark squeaked.

"What? Thinking about boning some bitch?"

"No, dummy! Thinking about boning YOU!" he said with that toothy smile.

"You'll have plenty of chances for that!" I promised.

"When?" he asked.

"Well..... Uh.... We have the rest of our lives....!"

Just like that, Mark stopped, stared at me and his eyes turned misty.

"I.... Will always take care of you! Really good care of you!" he promised.

"I have no... NONE... ZERO!!!! complaints!"

He smiled. My heart melted.

"Okay! It's on to Abilene! And NO speeding tickets!" I announced.

"Still on channel three?"

"That's a big 10-4!'" I laughed.

"See! You're learning!" Mark hooted.

I hugged him. Right in the parking lot. Maybe the girl inside saw us... I didn't give shit. Mark is all MINE!

It would take more than three hours before we reached Abilene. I knew this part of the trip was the worst. Besides crawling long at a snail's pace, and dealing with all kinds of local, slower moving traffic, there was the solitude. Wichita's top 40 station quickly faded into static and then there was nothing on the radio. Except country music, farm and market reports and insane preachers condemning all the "sodomites" to everlasting hell. That's fine as long as Mark is with me...Anyway, I prefer a hot, dry climate!

I didn't even both trying the FM band. Having been down this road just a few months ago, I knew it was absolutely dead. Nothing but the background hiss of static. Occasionally a Dallas station might fade in and out, but that was it.

"At least Mark has his eight track!" I bitched to myself, "I really should have bought one too!"

The only thing I had to listen to was the vibration of the highway and the engine. Which made my cock hard. Having a 6'4" stud riding just a few car lengths ahead of me (but completely out of reach) only made things worse.

At least I had his chipper comments to keep me company.

The least of which was "You should have bought an eight track!" while Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets" played in the background!

It sounded like a party in his car.....

"YAHHHHOOOO!" he would frequently scream over the CB, "Me and my Jackrabbit' are on our way!"

About twenty miles out of Wichita Falls we passed a little paved road heading to the Southeast. At the junction was a sign for "Archer City." That name started rolling around in my mind. Before I could even begin to wonder why the name meant something, Mark provided the answer.

"Did you see that sign for Archer City?...................over."

"Yeah. I'm trying to remember where I've heard it before.....................over."

"It was in a movie......a really boring one about three years ago........over," he said.

" The Last Picture Show! Not only boring but depressing............over," I recalled.

"Well hell yes! Just look around you! This place is a surefire cure if you're tired of living..............over," he chirped.

I started laughing but had to reply, "You wanna stop off and visit it?...............over."

"NO! Not only NO,' but double fuck' NO!...........................over."

"Did we ever decide? Can you say fuck' on the radio?...................over."

"Who the fuck knows!....................over!" he laughed.

Mark's comments made me want to stop and..... so many times.... but that would only make the drive take longer. We had enough to deal with as is. Besides the farmers and other yokels meandering down the (mostly) two lane highway, Saturday afternoon in these small Texas towns must be the day that everyone gets out to socialize!

"Geez! Look at this place!" Mark said, more than once, as we passed through one indistinguishable wide spot in the road after another, "It's as ugly as Oklahoma! How do people live here?....................over."

He was right. So far the only notable difference in the trip had been the sign at the Texas border. Otherwise, everything looked the same. Yet I knew by this time tomorrow when we rolled into El Paso, things would really have changed!

"I don't know... but Saturdays must be their big day out in public!.............over," I replied.

"Well... If their homes look like the towns, I can see why they would want to get out!..........over," he quipped.

As we approached Mabelle, another "town" that was instantly forgettable, Mark's level of chatter had slowed down. We had plenty of gas to make the entire trip to Abilene and had agreed not to stop except if we had to pee. Now less than an hour into the trip something else was nagging me...about seven inches worth of it. I suspected from Mark's comments that an even bigger problem was bothering him!

" Jackrabbit'.........I..... have.....a.......problem!.........over," he stammered.

My cock throbbed when I heard his voice.

" Roadrunner'......Is it a BIG problem?........................over."

"Very ....big!.....................over."

"Have I seen it before?.................... over," I asked


"I have the same problem..........but not as big as yours.....................over," I said.

Your problem' is just fine for me...... It fits me like a glove..............over," Mark replied.

" you...... wanna....stop?....................over," I asked him.

"NO! I HATE THIS PLACE!.....................over," Mark barked.

I laughed as we passed through the town of Mabelle.

"Town?" There were some boarded-up buildings and a couple of rusting cars and that was it. No people. Only a reduction in the already agonizingly slow speed limit.....but that was only for about three-quarters of a mile.

"What a joke!...............over," I said to Mark.

"Yeah............. That was supposed to be a town?..............over."

"A town Texas style!................over," I replied with a snort.

There was a pause in our conversation.

Mark was about a half-mile ahead of me.

"How's your problem?'.................over," I asked.

"Bigger than ever!...............over."

My mind reeled with the image of Mark's long fat cock screaming for release....and relief.

"What are you going to do about it?...............over."

"I don't know!...........over," he replied.

"I have an idea. Remember last week at the pizza parlor?...............over."

It seemed like that night had taken place months ago, but indeed it had only been one week to the day.

"YEAH!.......................over," he chirped.

"Just let it go.....or cum!................over," I chuckled.

Hopefully no one was listening to our conversation. Even if they had, it probably wouldn't have made any sense. Looking at the bleak landscape passing us by, it was difficult to imagine that electricity had made it to this depressing part of the country. Only a line of decrepit power poles along the right of way gave any indication that we were living in the twentieth century .... and two out of three of them looked like a good wind would snap them off at the base!

"Can you do it too?...............over," Mark asked me.

His voice brought my focus back to the throbbing "problem" both of us were experiencing.

"Cocked and loaded!................over," I giggled.

"I think that's not.....the correct saying..................over," he giggled.

"Yeah but it fits both of us....................over!" I chortled.

"Ready?.................over," he asked.

His voice was almost pleading.

"YES!..................over," I assured him.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!...........," he groaned and then his radio transmission stopped.

Instantly my cock started spewing a huge load into my jeans. The mic dropped to the floor as I gripped the steering wheel with both hands. I fought to keep my head from flopping backward as moans and a good amount of drool escaped my lips.

There was an instant warmth in my Levis as jizz poured out like a fountain. I could only imagine what was taking place in the car directly ahead of me.....

I had no way to measure the quantity of my cum shots other than comparing them to Mark's. I mean....I thought I shot a lot.... and for quite a distance.... But Mark was on another level. Everything about him reeked of power, size and strength. His big hands. Long arms and legs. Big feet. And a cock that tipped the scale on size.... All wrapped up in a package that made me swoon.

It was easy to imagine was taking place in his car. I certainly had plenty of experience taking his sweet nectar. So I knew.... without a doubt.... that my Marky was flooding his jeans and the floormat in his Challenger.

I watched and noticed his vehicle waver from side to side. Just slightly so before regaining its track. The last volleys of spunk blasted out of my pulsating prick and then I settled into the seat.

Finally the radio silence broke.

" Jackrabbit'....... You okay?.................over," I heard his voice, now much more relaxed.

"Messy but just fine..........over," I replied.

"YEAH! Very messy here.....................over," he hooted.

I only wish I could have been there to take his juice straight from the "tap!"

"I should be okay for a while...................over," he said softly.

"Me too...............over," I agreed.

As we passed Seymour, there was another sign pointing towards Archer City.

"Did you see that sign for Archer City again?.................over," he asked.


"Are we going in circles?..............over," he asked.

"How the fuck can anyone tell? Everything looks the same. Boring, monotonous and abandoned!........................over," I said.

"They sure must be proud of that place!..........................over."

"I don't know why. In the movie it sure as hell wasn't anyplace to crow about!...............over," I laughed.

The fact that the second sign for Archer City was almost thirty miles from the first one made me start thinking. About a TV show...maybe it was the "Twilight Zone," where a guy was on a trip and he kept passing the same places over and over again, never getting to his destination.

"This would be the perfect place for that to happen!" I thought to myself.

Bomarton and Goree....both little wide spots in the road, passed us by until the "metropolis" of Munday loomed ahead. We had been on the road for almost an hour and a half.

"Did you see that sign? They can't even spell Monday' correctly................over," Mark chortled.

"I know......But at least now the road will be four lane all the way to Abilene..............over," I said.

Four lanes, yes. But not with limited access points. There were lots of crossovers and turnoffs leading to those rare dwellings. Still, an additional lane was welcome. No more being stuck behind some farmer with a trailer full of cows!

Mark was elated at the change in the highway. I hated to break the news to him that we were barely half-way to our destination. Looking at my watch, I figured we would be arriving in Abilene just after dark.

"I don't know if I can wait that long....................over," he said.

Mark's "problem" was back, and so was mine. The road wasn't particularly smooth so the constant vibration coupled with the unusually erotic setting was going right to my bone....literally!

"I promise to take care of it when we get there..............................over," I said.

"I know... I.... just don't think I'm gonna make it without.................over," he confessed.

In our current "condition," neither one of us could last another ninety minutes. And we didn't... Once again I gripped the steering wheel and tried to focus while my cock fought for control of my mind.

Mark must have been fighting the same battle and losing! All of a sudden his car sped up in a cloud of dust and tore down the highway. I tried to close the gap while my cock unleashed another load of jizz into my already sodden jeans.

" Roadrunner'" I screamed out loud, "Slow down!"

He had a pretty good head start on me but finally I caught up with him, cruising along at 60 miles per hour.

"You okay?............over," I asked him.

There was a delay before he replied.

"I guess I lost control!................over," he replied.

"You scared the shit out of me!...............over," I said.

"Sorry.... I didn't mean to............did know.....over."

I felt myself blushing at his query.

"Yes!................over," I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Jackrabbit,' but I just can't help myself!................over."

"I understand... It's pretty much the same way with me!................over."

"Are you.... are you....still gonna..... when we get to Abilene?.............over."

All I could do was grin as I answered, "Of course! You better be ready for a long, hard workout!...............over."

"Always ready and always hard.........over," he chirped.

Hearing his admission made my cock stiffen up.

"Not until we get to Abilene!" I told it, as if that made any difference.

My cock seemed to have a mind of its own, and it was addicted to the ginger boy in the white car just ahead of me!

We finally made Abilene just after sunset. Pulling into an empty parking lot, Mark hopped out and bounded up to my Camaro. Just as I stepped out, he hugged me and we spun around while kissing each other in the twilight.

"We made it!" he panted.

I felt his bone pressing against mine.

"Yeah!" I panted, "I never wanna do that again! Hearing your voice but not being able to touch you!"

His face teared up.

"I know... I'm so sorry about...!"

"There's nothing to apologize for! I felt the same way! But now we're here... together!"

YEAH!" he yelped while hugging me.

His scent was intoxicating. Just like always...

The first order of business was to gas up the cars and...well.... clean the floor mats. While the cars gobbled up their needed fuel, I stood and ogled..... no I just STARED at my tall, lean stud while he wiped up his mess.... I didn't care if anyone noticed or not! Mark is MY lover! Fuck anyone who can't accept that!

He caught me looking and cracked that big, toothy, goofy grin. I don't mean "goofy" in a negative way. It made him look so adorable. Comical. Cute. Sexy. Vibrant. And most importantly, mischievous!

"Don't drool," he giggled.

"Maybe I want to," I shot back.

"Just be ready to make good on your promise!" he taunted me while turning back to his car.

His ass strained in those faded damned perfect! Muscular but soft, warm and...the way it gripped my cock.....

I had to turn away before things got out of hand!

Next order of business was to find a motel.

"Should we find someplace near the Interstate?" I asked.

"No!" he said, shaking his head, "Follow me. I know what to do!"

I had NO idea what that meant, but Mark was a planner so I easily complied. We pulled out of the gas station parking lot and he headed off in a direction a few blocks from the Interstate.

"Where the fuck is he going?" I wondered, "And HOW does he know where he's going?"

We traveled down a couple of streets and turned into a small business with a huge neon sign that read, "Western Trails Motel." Parking in front of the office, Mark jumped out and walked to my car.

"Like it?" he grinned.

"It's kind of.... rustic!" I laughed.

"Wait while I check us you wanna go with me?"

I eyed his jeans. They had not completely dried from his earlier problem(s).

"What about....?" my eyes raked down to his thigh.

"Oh that? No one will notice!"

"How do you know...?

"Well for one, the clerk is probably sitting behind a counter. And they aren't going to be looking at my legs...!"

"I would...!" I giggled.

"Yeah but that's because you're in love with me!" he hooted.

I blushed.

Mark just rolled his eyes...

"Okay...Just follow me inside!"

We walked past some neon cacti, including a Saguaro.

"There aren't any Saguaros in Texas," Mark laughed.

"Better tell that to John Wayne! They always have them in almost all of his westerns," I replied.

"That's because they filmed most of them in Old Tucson," Mark chuckled, "And I doubt if ol' John has ever been to Texas OR Arizona!"

Despite the obvious botanical error of having misplaced cacti, their presence helped create a homey, warm atmosphere.

When we entered the lobby I was completely astounded. It was a perfect replica of something that looked very old, very "Western." Kind of like from a set I expected to see on "Bonanza." Except while LOOKING old, which it probably was, everything was spotless and well manicured. Huge wooden beams and pillars made the place look very....authentic!

I stood in awe while Mark went to the counter. My eyes roamed to the walls where there were old black and white photographs of cattle herds and pictures of a very young Abilene....maybe from the late 1800s. Authentic, or at least authentic looking, western paraphernalia adorned the walls.

"Well, it least it's not all about OIL, I mused to myself before noticing another wall filled with pictures of oil wells, complete with gushers and huge pumping fields. "Oil: The Lifeblood of Texas," a sign read with a detailed history underneath. I was jolted back to reality when the desk clerk spoke to Mark....

"Ah yes, Mr. Ellis! I have your reservation here...!"

" Mr. Ellis?' RESERVATION?'" What had Mark managed to pull off now?

"Thank you," Mark replied.

"I put both of you in cottage number seventeen back in the corner, over there," the man pointed, "It only has one bed... would you like an extra smaller bed or maybe a folding cot....?"

"No, that's fine!" Mark replied, cutting the man off.

"Checkout time is ten o'clock. The pool is behind the office; it closes at eleven," the man added.

"Thanks. We're heading to El Paso tomorrow morning," Mark replied.

"Oh my! That's such a long drive!" the clerk said.

"Well after that, it's all the way to Phoenix!"

"Are you boys vacationing?"

"No. Moving," Mark laughed.

"Oh! You do know it gets very hot in Phoenix?"

"After living in Tulsa all my life with its broiling, humid summers and ice storms in the winter, I'll chance it!"

They both laughed before Mark spun to face me.

"Well?" he said with that goofy grin.

"This place is great!" I exclaimed.

"Feel free to look around," the clerk said.

"What's in there?" I asked, pointing to an arched doorway that led into what appeared to be a huge room.

"That is the grand hall,'" the clerk replied.

I peered in and saw large comfortable looking chairs and sofas, a huge fireplace and more genuine western "things."

"People really like it in the winter time when the fireplace is lit. Of course it's too hot for that now," the man explained.

Mark and I wandered in and looked around.

"This is really great," I said again, "How...Okay...I have to know....!"

Mark just smiled at me.

"I'll tell you after we get to our room!"

That only took a few minutes. I followed Mark's car as we entered the parking area. The entire complex was shaped like a big "U" with what looked to be something like maybe....twenty five rooms. All single story. As the clerk had indicated, in the middle of the "U" was the office and a swimming pool and playground area for kids.

After parking right in front of our room, we brought in some personal items and, of course, our money. Once inside, I jumped on Mark like lightning, wrapping my arms around his seductive body.

"All right, Mr Ellis!' Tell me. How the fuck... did you know about this place? You had a reservation too? What the....?"

We were both laughing as he tumbled us onto the huge king sized bed.

"Would you like a smaller additional bed?" I tried to mimic the clerk, "Maybe a folding cot?"

"Fuck no! We're sleeping right here together!"

"You still haven't answered any of my questions!" I giggled.

Mark fumbled through his personal stuff and pulled out a small book.

"A AAA Trip Guide?'" I squeaked.

"Yes. It's Dad's. He let me have it... and I did some research and....!"

"Okay ...So why THIS place? I mean it's fine but....!"

The room was indeed super immaculate. The air conditioner kept it nice and cold. The bathroom was spotless. The bed looked brand new. All of this despite the obvious fact that the facility had been around for a long time.

"I wanted a place away from the "main drag." It's cheaper than those big chain motels. And there isn't as much traffic... And less chance of anyone breaking into our cars...And it's quieter...And it's a one-story facility so there's no one over us and we don't have to worry about making noise if we're over someone else and...!"

"Okay! Okay!" I laughed, "I should have known you would have had something all planned out!"

"Yeah but my planning only goes as far as El Paso because Dad didn't have an Arizona guidebook!" Mark confessed.

"We'll survive just fine!" I said while hugging him again.

Once again I had completely underestimated Mark. Which was my fault. This is the same Mark who planned our candlelight dinner; the same boy wearing the same baseball cap who turned up on my front porch with a plan to win my love....

How the fuck did I ever get so lucky?

"....I talked to Dad about this place.... and a couple others.... and he suggested I make a reservation and....," Mark's sonorous voice brought me back to reality, "...You know it's pretty neat with all that western stuff... The place was built in like 1950 or something....!"

I stuffed my tongue in his mouth.... We wrestled on the bed, losing clothing by the second... And then we made love. Passionate, intense, unending.... for a good ninety minutes. Both of us had so much sexual energy pent up in our young bodies.... on our first day of a new life together!

The powerful scent of raw sex permeated our room. Slowly we untangled our bodies and sat up on the bed.

"I wanted to do that all day," I laughed.

"YOU did? What about ME?" Mark hooted.

I ruffled his hair.

"You did promise me a workout!" he added.

I shot him a mischievous grin.

"We should shower before eating," I suggested.

"I've already eaten!" he giggled.

We both grinned at each other.

"No, some SOLID food!" I explained.

"I don't know... it felt pretty solid' to me!" he chortled.

"You are IMPOSSIBLE!" I roared, "But I'll shower first...!"

As I emerged dripping wet from a soaking hot shower, Mark was just coming in from the parking lot.

"Well," he said, anticipating my question, "I had to move some of my stuff into your car so there would be room for you... unless you really want to take two cars just to get some dinner!"

"You always think of everything," I smiled.

"I try to!" he replied.

"Should I get another pair of jeans or....?" I started to ask.

The cum stains on both of our Levis had dried out somewhat but there was still a telltale residue.

"Fuck no! It'll probably just happen again... Besides, the scent of cum makes me horny!" he laughed.

"Oh? I thought EVERYTHING made you horny!"

"No....," he said softly, "Just one adorably cute brown haired boy...!"

My body shuddered at his comment.

Watching Mark towel off after his shower gave me another painful boner.

"Just wait....!" I told myself.

Squeezing into our jeans, we headed out. Mark had one of his signature cropped T-shirts which, as always, highlighted his mouth-watering torso. I opted for a regular T-shirt.

"When we get to Phoenix, I'm gonna take a pair of scissors and crop off some of your shirts," he warned.

"NOOOO! No one wants to see my skinny, pasty white body!" I protested.

"I do!" he said quietly.

My body trembled again....

He stared at me and then gave a wolf whistle as I sank into the car seat.

I blushed. He grabbed my thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Damn, stud! You're so fucking hot!"

I shook my head in amazement.

"Are you....feeling well enough to drive?" I laughed.

Mark just shot me the cutest grin and fired up the engine. We pulled out into traffic and immediately he started talking about our three hour trip from Wichita Falls.

"I NEVER wanna have to go that way again! What a complete wasteland!"

I laughed.

"Yeah... it is pretty sad... but... tomorrow things are gonna start changing... but I have to warn you we still have a long ways to go yet.... Texas is a big state!"

"I don't care," he said, "As long as there's no more two-lane roads filled with farmers hauling their shit...!"

I couldn't help but smiling at his choice of words.

"Imagine....," he said before pausing, "Imagine being gay.... like us and living out there in the middle of nowhere...!"

"Oh I don't know," I replied, "I think just you and me and some nice place...alone together... would be....!"

"No! I mean being all alone. Like you...and me... before we met...!"

"Well, you lived on a farm and...!"

"Yeah but right next to a city. There's NOTHING out there at all! Those towns we went through... What would it be like to be gay and in junior or senior high school.... knowing that you're different... and all alone... WHO could you even talk to?" he said.

The depth of his comments really amazed me. On so many levels, Mark is way ahead of me!

"I guess .... you'd have to just wait until the day when you could leave ...maybe go to Dallas or some place where ....!"

"YEAH!" Mark exclaimed, "But it's a life I wouldn't ever ....ever.... EVER wish on anyone!"

As we talked, it suddenly dawned on me that Mark seemed to know exactly where he was going. Yet he had never been to Abilene....

Before I could ask, he wheeled into the parking lot of a very busy restaurant.

"The Hoof and Wing?" I laughed while staring at the large, gaudy neon sign, "How... Where did you....?"

He just grinned at me again, and my heart melted while my cock throbbed.

"Well," he said in his slow "Okie" drawl, "While you were jacking off in the shower...!"

"I DID NOT DO THAT!!" I protested while turning beet red., "I stopped jacking off after you turned up on my door step!"

"Oh!" he giggled, "That's good to know....!"

"How so?"

"Because if you were still jacking off after all the times we've made love together then it would mean I'm not doing something right!" he smiled.

I melted some more...

"You're doing everything perfectly!" I assured him.

His face brightened...

"GREAT!" he chirped, "But it was while you were in the shower.....!"

He paused and leered... obscenely so.... at my crotch while licking his lips....

"I ran over to the motel office and asked the clerk for a really good place to eat...!"

"And this is it?" I asked.

"Yup! I wanted someplace that offered something other than barbeque and steak....!"

I understood that... Steak seemed to be the food of choice in Texas. Not that I don't like it; I just like a choice.... And then that barbeque crap. Not really my favorite option at all!

We walked together... very closely together... up to the door.

"All you can eat buffet!" Mark laughed, "Boy, are they gonna rue the day I showed up!"

I couldn't help laughing while staring at his magnificent body; and that ass.... My cock started really nagging me.

"How do I look?" I asked him before we entered.

He eyed me from head to toe.

Good enough to eat. Maybe I'll skip the dinner and...!" he purred

"Oh no! You need some real food!"

"Well .... you do look good enough to eat!"

He growled like a tiger, then added,"Especially that boner you're carrying....!"

I glanced down at the outline in my jeans.

"I should have worn underwear.....!" Then I stopped, "And NO funny stuff inside!"

" Funny stuff?'" he said with an innocent smile.

"NO foot massaging my cock....!"

"Oh!" he said with a faux frown.

"There's time for that later!" I promised him, making his face radiate with excitement.

Inside we were greeted by a hostess, who selected a nice corner table.

"Enjoy your meal. If you need anything, my name is Sherry!" she said while eyeing Mark's lean frame.

We ambled up to the serving area. I kept three paces behind Mark for a couple of reasons... first, my boner wasn't going away and second, it gave me a chance to drool over his butt.

"Maybe there's a connection between the two," I laughed to myself.

"This looks tasty," Mark said.

"I think our hostess has the hots' for you," I whispered.

"So you noticed that?" he laughed.


"How come the girls always flock to you?"

As if I needed to ask that question....

"Yeah I know... Isn't there some kind of repellant I can buy to cure that?" Mark chuckled.

"You could just pull out that big hose of yours and wave it around...!" I giggled.

"Oh no! I don't want anyone to die of shock! I just want them to leave me alone!"

"Maybe I could have a T-shirt printed that says, Sorry girls, He's mine!'"

We both laughed at the imagery.

Mark was soon sitting in front of a huge pile of chicken. And mashed potatoes and corn. And green beans. And rolls And a salad...

"You know, that's more food that some people eat in a month," I laughed.

"This is only round one. I saw some prime rib and asparagus and green peas and....!" he started to say.

"Save room for dessert. I saw some strawberry shortcake and...!"

"Really? I missed that! I was focused on the cherry pie and chocolate brownies!" he chortled.

Mark devoured more food that I ever saw in my life.

"You never ate like that at your place!" I said.

"Because Stan got most of it!....Anyway," he added, "We have a long drive tomorrow so I need lots of energy...!"

I didn't say anything but Mark was going to need a lot of that "energy" when we got back to our room!

The food was very good. Mark loved the fact that they had baked and fried chicken. As he tore into his third full helping, I started to worry that his appetite might cause a national poultry shortage!

Our conversation continued about the upcoming trek across Texas to El Paso. It seemed like a we had been out of Tulsa for a long time, but in reality it was only about twelve hours.

"Just be patient tomorrow," I told him as he gulped down some potatoes, "It will look a lot like what we saw today, but gradually things WILL change!"

"How soon till we get to see some cacti and stuff?" he asked.

"Uhhhh.... There are some out past the junction of Interstates 20 and 10," I replied.

"That's a long ways away!"

"Yeah but look at the bright side. You won't have to make this trip again!"

"YEAH! If Mom and Dad wanna see me, they can come to Phoenix. Or I'll fly back there.... but there's no way I'd ever make this boring drive again!"

"How are your eight tracks holding up?" I asked.

"Fine. I wish I had more tapes but it sure beats nothing!"

"TELL ME ABOUT IT!" I groused, "There's nothing on the radio except preachers, farms news and country music!"

"OUCH!" he laughed.

After dessert, Mark paid for everything. I knew it was pointless to argue about the bill. It was amusing to watch Sherry flirting with him. She batted her eyelashes and smiled and definitely ran her eyes up and down his tall, lean body. As much of a novice as I am at observing other people, I noticed her attention narrowing to the hefty outline in his jeans.

"Dream on," I thought to myself, "In less than thirty minutes I'll be chowing down on that huge piece of meat!"

As he joined me and we headed for the door, Sherry reminded us to "come again."

I steeled myself for how Mark would reply....

"We about half an hour!" he laughed.

I didn't look back for her reaction, but in my mind I knew she was probably trying to figure out what he meant...

"That WAS really good food!" I said on the ride back to the motel.

"Yeah! I'm glad it turned out so well otherwise my reputation would have been completely ruined!"


"My trip planning!" he chuckled.

"You deserve something special for that!" I giggled.

"Oh? Like what?"

"You're about to find out!" I said in my most seductive voice....

....Which I had NO idea if it was actually "seductive" or not.... but Mark flashed me another huge toothy grin!

Back in the motel, we brushed our teeth and then Mark fiddled with the TV set.

"We don't need any television," I said to him.

"Huh?" he said, standing up.

I maneuvered him to the bed. Our eyes met.

"I promised you a workout!" I said.

"But... But...I thought we already did....!"

"Are you kidding? That was just a warmup!"

My voice was husky with a building, consuming, burning lust.

"OH!" he exclaimed.

Our eyes met again. His were.... how to explain it.... bright, almost like two lighthouse beacons!

I pushed him down on the bed.

"You are overdressed," I said with an evil grin.

Then I pounced on him!

It must have been...maybe three hours before we finally stopped. I was on fire. Something inside of me wouldn't quit. Mark was howling, mewling and screaming in ecstasy as I pounded his ass. I mean I fucked him as hard as I could. Like a pile driver.... or maybe, since we are in Texas, like drilling for oil....

Not to say that he didn't get his chance at my ass either... And his cock... I eagerly swallowed so many loads of his cum that I lost count....

We finally tapered off around midnight and fell asleep nestled together.

Sometime in the night I awoke and in the dim light of the room, saw his well muscled back slowly moving in time to very rhythmic breathing. This was it! Sink or swim, we would do it together!

Mark had said something the really puffed up my ego....

After our long love making session, we laid side by side while he twirled my hair, "I think we got it all backwards!"


"About that contest' you want to have with me...!"

"Uhhhh.....what contest...?"

"The one to see how many times I can cum in a day...!"

"I don't understand!" I protested.

"I think the contest should be to see how many times YOU can cum in a are a fucking stud and don't ever doubt it!"

When he said that, I just purred and snuggled next to him. Mark outflanked me in every way yet... and he's saying I'm the stud?

The room was silent except for the air conditioner. The boy of my dreams was lying next to me. Our life together is really just beginning. There is so much to look forward to.... Mark Ellis is the guy for me. I had chosen him with my heart and my mind. He is everything and all I could ever want!

I pressed my body into his.

"Oh Jackrabbit,'" he moaned, "I love you so much!"

"I love my Roadrunner' just as much!" I replied.

And then we fell asleep.

We both awoke around five o'clock. Mark was wound up like a clock, so I had to seed him in the hopes it would sate his ravenous sexual appetite. It seemed to work for a while; we both showered and then grabbed breakfast at a small caf‚ not far from the motel.

It was easy to see that he was eager to hit the road and begin our journey to El Paso. I watched as he gobbled down a huge platter of pancakes along with eggs, sausage and toast.

"Where do you put it all?" I razzed him.

He gave me a "shit eating grin" before replying, "Easy! In my third leg!"

I almost choked at his reply while quickly looking around to see if anyone had heard....

"Don't worry! No one is paying any attention to us," he said, almost as if sensing my apprehension.

Back at the motel, we made sure everything was loaded up and ready to go. I looked around the room and thought about what we had done together last night.

"At least no one heard us," I said.


"Last night. We were both kind of loud!"

"Well damn, Jackrabbit,' you kept hitting all the right spots!" he giggled, Besides, these older motels were built a lot better than the new ones. It's one of the reasons why I picked this place...!"

"Huh?" I shook my head in amazement, "That wasn't one of the reasons you gave....!"

"Well.... I can't tell all my secrets!" he hooted.

We closed the door and headed towards the cars.

"Ready?" I asked.

Mark's head bobbed enthusiastically.

Off to the side, two guys exited from the room next to ours. They both looked in our direction.

"Hi!" I chirped.

They nodded in acknowledgment.

"You guys checking out?" the first guy asked.

"Yeah. We're headed to El Paso," Mark replied.

"Oh. We're going East to Atlanta," the first guy replied.

I could detect a Southern inflection to his speech.

"What's there?" I asked.

"Home," the second guy replied.

"Oh!" I said, "We're moving to Phoenix."

"Really? Why? It gets really hot there!" the first guy laughed.

The remark about Phoenix being "hot" seemed to be a standard reply with many people.

"It sure beats Oklahoma," Mark chortled.

"Yeah.... Well that's true. I've been there and it's board flat and butt ugly," guy number one snarked.

We all laughed.

"Almost as bad as Texas," Mark chuckled.

"No shit! Just wait until you see what's ahead of you!" Number one replied.

"More board flat and butt ugly," he added.

"Damn!" Mark groused.

"Yup. Almost all the way to Interstate 10," Number one said.

Mark made more distressed noises.

"I TOLD you that," I said to him.

"Those your cars?" Number one asked as he nodded towards our vehicles.

"Yeah" Mark answered.

"That's ours," Number one said, motioning to a Ford Mustang.

"COOL! A 69?'" Mark squeaked as he eyed the handsome blue vehicle sitting a few spaces over from ours.

"Yup!" Number one replied, "Gotta 351 four barrel, dual exhaust with an automatic transmission...!"

"Damn! I bet it can FLY!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah.. It's pretty damned fast alright but......," Number one smiled, "The gas mileage isn't so great when you're going that fast!"

"With all the fifty-five bullshit now, how can you anyway?" I asked.

"Depends on the state. Texas is pretty easy about it but oh fuck... Watch out in New Mexico and Arizona!" Number two said.

"Yeah and Oklahoma too!" I chirped, "We saw like four highway patrol at the border on the inbound side!"

"Best time to travel fast is at night," Number one advised.

"Really?" Mark chirped.

"Yeah but he likes to see all the scenery," I laughed while nodding at Mark.

"WHAT scenery?' So far it's mostly looked like something after an atomic bomb blast!" Mark bitched.

We all laughed at his comment.

"So you guys...must have had some kind of wild party last night... Got yourselves some babes' or something?" Number two asked.

"Nope. Just us two," Mark giggled.

"That's all it takes," I added before realizing what I had said....

Mark almost choked on my reply. That didn't come close to the looks on the faces of our new acquaintances.... There was a long pause as they must have been mulling over what we both just said.

"Sorry if we were kind of loud," Mark quickly added, "Sometimes he gets a little carried away!"

"Oh I get a little loud?" I shot back, "Have you ever heard yourself?"

Mark just shot me the cutest grin.

The two new guys look back and forth at each other and then to Mark and me.

"Wh...Wh...What does h...h...he mean and how can you .... I mean....!" Number one stuttered.

"It's EASY!" I squeaked.

"They were doing things.... things.... with..... each.....!" Number two blurted out.

"Oh yeah!" I chirped.

"Then you two are fag......," Number one started to say, then stopped in the middle of "that" word.

"You're gay?" he finally said.

"Sure!" I giggled, "So is he!"

Mark laughed and replied, "Brilliant! Of course I am. We are. How else would it work?"

It dawned on me how silly my comment had been; I smiled while blushing.

"So...So... you were doing... GAY things.... to each other?" Number one asked.

"Of course!" we laughed.

They both seemed amazed at how easily Mark and I admitted it.

"Most...most... guys.... wouldn't admit....!" Number one started to say.

"Because they're scared. I'm not; We're not!" I explained.

"How come?" Number two asked.

"Because I'll kick anyone's ass who messes with me or Randy!" Mark said softly.

I think that was about the time that the two guys took stock of Mark. Number one was maybe 6'1" and close to Mark's weight, with brown hair and eyes; Number two was closer to my height... maybe a little taller and skinny like me, light blonde hair with bright blue eyes.

Neither of them looked like they could even begin to pose a threat to Mark...

" have you" Number one stammered.

"All our lives," I replied.

Mark nodded in agreement.

"Are you...are you....boyfriends?" Number one asked.

"Sure are," I said, deciding that trying to explain the difference between "boyfriends" and "lovers" would probably confuse both of them.

"Oh... What.....!" Number one started to ask before being cut off by his friend.

"What kind of things?" he asked.

"Huh?" I grunted.

"What kind of things can guys do together? Don't you need or.... want a girl....ever?"

"NO WAY!" I barked, while making puking sounds.

"Oh come on, Bobby!" Number one exclaimed, "You can't be THAT dense!"

The young man blushed at his friend's remark.

"Don't tell me you never thought about doing stuff with a guy....!" Number one laughed.

Bobby lit up like a spotlight.

"Wait a minute! I don't wanna hear that kind of talk from you now! We have a long drive to Atlanta and....!"

"Relax!" Number one laughed, "You couldn't handle me anyway!"

Mark and I snorted.

Bobby puffed up his chest and said, "The fuck I couldn't!"

"Oh?" Number one chuckled, "Remember... we've seen each other naked and with boners... And you know which one of us has the biggest cock!"

We tittered at Number one's boldness.

"Doesn't it hurt?" he asked both of us.

"Doesn't what hurt?" Mark asked.

"When you... Don't you... uhhhhh!"

"Cornhole each other!" Bobby hooted.

I rolled my eyes while Mark just smiled.

"We fuck just like straight boys do!" he said.

"And a lot of other things too!" I chirped.

"And yeah... it can hurt the first time...especially if your partner has a really big cock!" Mark laughed.

"And HE has a HUGE cock!" I chortled while nodding at my lover.

Both boys turned and stared at Mark. I instinctively knew exactly what they were doing. Their eyes focused on the obvious....

"Damn, Stan, that.... he looks even bigger than YOU!"

Well.... if nothing else happened, at least Mark and I now knew their first names...

Stan's eyes were riveted on Mark's crotch. Suddenly he licked his lips and let out a soft groan.

"Show us," he said softly.

I thought my ears were deceiving me.

"WHAT?" Bobby gasped, "What about Rachael?"

"Fuck her...!" Stan started to say.

"You've been trying to for over a year now," Bobby hooted, "And getting nowhere!"

"I know," Stan said as his hand dropped down to his crotch.

There was a brief silence between the four of us. Mark and I looked at each other; Stan and Bobby did the same. Then we all sort of looked at each other. My cock was so hard it felt like any minute all seven inches would rip through my cum-stained Levis. Mark's massive boner was definitely fighting its confinement, while Stan casually pawed at an impressive mound in his jeans. Only Bobby seemed unsure of what he wanted to have happen next.

"Show us...please," Stan said in a very hoarse voice.

"WHAT?" Bobby squeaked, "You wanna see two guys.....?"

Stan's only reply was an affirmative nod.

"But what about Rachael?" Bobby bleated again.

"She's not here. And even if she were, she wouldn't put out for me...!"

"But she's a GIRL!"

"So what? Don't tell me you've never thought about what it might be like to try it with a guy...!"

Bobby turned beet red but said nothing.

"I thought so!" Stan said with a gravelly laugh.

"But... but!"

"We've been best friends forever. Done lots of sleep overs. You've seen me naked before. Naked and boned. And we just spent almost four weeks together," Stan said.

"But...but...!" Bobby croaked (again).

Stan looked at me, then Mark. Then his eyes caught sight of the outline in Mark's jeans.

"Holy shit!" he croaked.

Mark and I just smiled.

Pl-ease...I wanna see!" Stan begged.

His eyes had a pleading look but there was something else too. A long suppressed fire, or yearning....

Mark glanced at me. He seemed uncertain. I nodded and smiled.

"Okay," he chirped while taking my hand and motioning towards our room.

"Glad we didn't check out yet!" I chortled.

Stan followed like a dog in heat. His eyes darted between Mark and me. I knew he was checking out our lean young bodies.

Bobby just stood there motionless. Like a statue...

As we got to the doorway, Stan turned and looked at his friend, who was some twenty feet away.

"Are you coming or not?" he asked.

Bobby seemed to shudder for a moment, then he slowly walked towards us.

"Great!" Mark chirped, "Now everyone will have someone!"

I couldn't help but smile...

Once inside, he looked at me. I took that as a cue.

"Let's give them a good show!" he said.

This was like a dream come true! Mark and I were going to make love in front of two straight boys! Better yet, both of them were here willingly!

I immediately became dominant with Mark, something that turned us both on even more.

"You're over dressed. Get out of those jeans!" I ordered.

He smiled and peeled them off like a banana, allowing his massive cock to spring up into the air.

"Holy shit, Bobby! Look at the size of that thing!" Stan gasped, "And I thought mine was big!"

Bobby's eyes seemed riveted on Mark's long, hard, drooling fuck stick.

I peeled out of my clothes in seconds. My prick sprang upwards, claiming its freedom.

"Look at that!" Stan gasped again as his eyes locked on my cock, "The head is so.... HUGE!"

Hearing someone praise my cock, especially coming from a straight boy, made my boner even harder. A huge drop of dick snot puked out of its gaping piss slit.

"Show them what you can do," I said to my lover.

Mark gave me a cute grin and then twisted his legs over his shoulders.

"WHAT?" Stan gasped as Mark swallowed his own cock, "I never tried that move before!"

"You mean you.... you... you've sucked your own cock before....How....?" Bobby stammered.

"Of course I have, dummy! Am I supposed to wait forever for Rachael...?"

"But you never told me that....!"

"It's not something you tell everyone!" Stan chortled.

Mark's hole was gaping wide open. That was no surprise after last night... so I hocked up some spit and slid up to his very alluring target.

"WHAT.... HE'S....!" Bobby squeaked.

My boner easily slipped into Mark's warm, tight fuck chute. As always, it gripped my aching boner like a very hot glove.

"OHHHHH!!!!" I moaned.

Stan and Bobby received more than an eyeful as I began to pound Mark's tight ass while he slurped on his fat prick. It was difficult to watch Mark and our two guests while moaning and thrusting my bone deep into his guts, but out of the corner of my eye it was obvious that Stan was completely turned on by our performance.

"DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!" he kept exclaiming, "BOBBY, LOOK AT THAT!"

Hearing their excitement only made me fuck Mark even harder. I could see that he was rapidly getting close to feeding himself....

All of a sudden it just cock swelled up and began unloading its nectar deep inside the boy I loved.

"TAKE MY LOAD!" I screamed while leaning into Mark's ass.

Mark grunted while slurping down his own heavy dose of dick juice.

Stan was frozen in place watching our performance.

It felt like my cum would never stop flowing as I kept slamming my hose into Mark's hungry hole.

"SHIT!!! SHIT!!! SHIT!!!" I screamed.

Slowly we separated. My cock jutted out into the open air, allowing more dick snot to cascade downwards. Mark easily untangled himself, sat up and smiled.

"Is that what you guys wanted to see?" he giggled.

"Uhh... Uhh.... Fuck!" Stan babbled.

"We just did!" I laughed.

"That's..... That's for me!" Stan stammered, then he looked at Bobby.

"Oh no... You're not putting that thing of yours in MY ass!" he protested, "I'm not queer!"

We ignored his choice of words.

"Then why is your cock hard?" Stan challenged his friend.

A prominent mound was straining in the boy's jeans.

"I... I... I....!!" he protested.

"Come on, man! It's me! Your best buddy, Stan! We've always been close and...!"

"Not THAT close!" Bobby protested.

"We only have to try it once.... and if you don't like it then...!" Stan pleaded.

"Yeah!" I chirped, "What have you got to lose...?"

"MY ASS!" Bobby squeaked.

"It won't hurt.... much," Mark laughed, "And then it feels SOOOOO good!"

"Yeah!" I added, "Did Mark look like he was in any pain?"

Bobby seemed confused.

"No, but.. but... Stan's cock is bigger than yours!"

Once again I fell into the pits of depression!

"ANOTHER boy with a cock bigger than mine!" I thought.

"Okay well then... Watch.... I'll let Mark fuck me just to show you....!"

"You'd let him put that... that MONSTER inside of.....?" Bobby started to ask.

"He does it all the time!" I giggled.

"I sure do!" Mark added.

Stan looked at Bobby. I could sense a pleading and a yearning in his gaze.

"Come on, Bobby... We only have to try it once and if you don't like it then...!"

"Yeah but it's MY ass that's gonna get fucked!" the boy replied.

"You know I won't hurt you. I never have... You've known me all my life and...!"

"That doesn't even make any sense... You're a year older than me, remember?" Bobby laughed.

"All right. I guess I kind of messed that up but I wouldn't hurt you...!"

"The more you do it, the easier it is...and the better it feels!" I said again.

Mark smiled and rolled his eyes...

"See?" Stan said, "He...!"

"Randy. I'm Randy and this is Mark," I said, realizing we had never introduced ourselves.

"I'm Stan and this is Bobby...!" the boy said, probably not realizing that they had already revealed their names to us.

"He's twenty-four and I'm twenty-five!"

"Oh... Okay... We're both twenty-one... Well... Mark will be in October...!"

"So...Is there.. Or are there... best ways to...Uhhhh... do it?" Stan asked.

"Anyway that feels good!" I chirped.

Another eye roll from Mark...

"This is a neat way," he added while raising my legs up on his shoulders, "That way you can look each other in the eyes while doing it."

"COOL!" Stan chirped, "Come on, Bobby... Let's try it...!"

"What if it hurts?"

"It will at first," I interjected, "But then it will... feel so GREAT!"

"See?" Stan pleaded, "These guys aren't lying to us!"

"Heck no," Mark chuckled, "We do it a bunch of times every day...!"

He slid up to me and cracked open some lotion.

"I use this because....because....!" he stammered.

"Because he has a fucking massive cock!" I laughed.

Mark turned beet red while lathering up his bone.

"Sometimes your cock can drool enough to make its own lube!" Mark added.

"Mine drips a lot," Stan confessed.

"So does mine!" Bobby chirped.

Mark leaned forward and eased himself inside of me.

"OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I moaned.

"WOW!" Stan exclaimed, "See? Randy isn't in any pain! And look how big Mark's cock is...!"

Bobby's eyes remained focused on Mark's prick as it slowly sank inside my guts before bottoming out.

"See?" Mark smiled, "All the way in!"

"YEAH!" Stan panted, "Come on, Bobby! Let's try it!"

"You promise not to hurt me?" he asked in a tepid voice.

"Of course not! You have a nice ass! I'd never want to hurt it...!"

"It's the only ass I have," Bobby said.

Mark and I laughed at his comment.

"Wait a minute... You actually said.... you think I have a nice ass?'"

Stan blushed at his admission.

"YEAH! I've.... kind of looked and wondered about it... about us... maybe.... kind of....!"

"And you never said anything to me?" Bobby squeaked.

Stan nodded negatively.

"I was afraid to!"

The two boys stared at each other.

"Pleaseeeeee!" Stan begged.

"Oh....Okay....Maybe....!" Bobby started to reply.

"ALL RIGHT!" Stan chirped.

He stripped out of his Levis and T shirt in seconds, allowing a big fat 8 «" cock to spring up into the air.

"NICE!" Mark said while whistling in admiration.

It was confirmed: I remained at the bottom of the pile in cock sizes!

"That was quick!" Mark hooted.

Bobby slowly started to unfasten his jeans.

"Here... Let me help," Stan said as he stepped in close to his friend.

"That's sweet!" Mark giggled.

"We should have taught them how to kiss first!" I added.

Stan and Bobby stared at us.

"Guys... One guy can....kiss another?" Bobby squeaked.

"WOW! You two have a lot to learn!" I laughed as Mark's cock throbbed deep inside my hole...

Slowly Stan pulled down Bobby's jeans. We could see his hands shaking!

"I kind of always wanted to try this!" he said softly.

"Really?" Bobby whispered.

"Yeah... I mean... I think you have a really nice body and.....!"

"I wish you had said something sooner!" Bobby replied.

One leg, then another, and the jeans were off. Then came the shirt. A nice tent protruded out from the boy's white briefs.

Slowly Stan pulled down Bobby's shorts. A fairly thick cock, only slightly longer than mine, sprang into view.

"Lie down," Stan said softly.

"You should lube him up first!" I suggested.

"Huh?" Stan grunted.

"Put some lotion on your finger. Use your middle one... and push it deep inside him. Then lube up your cock and you're all set!"

"Oh!" Stan acknowledged.

Just before poking his finger into Bobby's hole, Stan paused, "Hey! Is you butt clean?"

"WHAT? Of course it is! I always keep it really clean....!" Bobby replied in a haughty tone.

Stan blushed as his finger slipped deep inside Bobby's ass. The younger boy's reaction was immediate..

"AHHHHHH!" he cried as his body bucked and thrashed under Stan's intrusion.

""What?" Stan asked, "Did I hurt him??"

"It's something inside a guy's ass... when it gets rubbed just right it feels sooooo good!" I laughed.

"Oh!" Stan said.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Bobby crooned, "This ...might ...after all!!!"

Stan lathered up his cock and then gently lifted his friend's legs up on his shoulders.

"Ready?" he asked.

"I'm kind of scared!" Bobby confessed.

"Go really slow... Don't rush it... You might have to stop, back out, and then go forward again!" I said.

Stan pointed his very fat cock at Bobby's hole and leaned into the boy.

"OWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bobby yelped.

"You gotta relax!" Mark said, "Don't fight it or it WILL hurt!"

Bobby nodded. His entire body was scarlet as Stan kept probing, retreating and then trying again. Slowly, inch by inch, his cock slipped into the boy's guts.

All the while, Mark and I remained coupled. His strong arms held my legs up while his cock pulsated deep in my guts. My boner was drooling dick juice al over my stomach!

It took about ten minutes, with lots of protestations from Bobby, before Stan finally had his entire cock buried in the boy's ass.

"See? All the way in!" he announced.

"I feel full!" Bobby giggled.

"You Are full! Full of MY fat cock!" Stan boasted, "And now comes the fun part!"

Slowly Stan began to fuck his friend. That was a signal for Mark to began plugging my hungry hole. The bed squeaked as both of us, lying side by side, felt our asses being satisfied.

"OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!" Bobby screamed, "STANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!"

"Should I stop?" the older boy asked.


Watching Stan and Bobby was a complete turn-on for Mark and me.

"FUCK ME, MARKY!!!!!!!!" I begged.

Mark needed no prompting. He began to savagely pound my ass. My eyes were watering as drool flowed out of my mouth.

He was so good at this! As powerful and big as he is, Mark never hurt me. Ever. I knew he could go much harder and faster, to the point of ripping my ass to pieces; but somehow he knew just how far to take it. Enough to make me beg, writhe and moan, but not enough to damage me!

The four of us were pressed together on the bed. Mark was working his cock deep inside of me, sending us both towards the inevitable.

It was Stan, and more interestingly, Bobby, that caught my eye as my head lolled to one side. His eyes were glazed over while drool bubbled from between his lips. I could see his body bucking and writhing from the pounding by Stan's big cock. The sounds that escaped from his lips were those of arousal and ecstasy. The initial pain of being penetrated for the first time was long gone.

This obviously wasn't Stan's first time; just his first time with a person of his own gender. He carefully worked his cock, driving it deep inside Bobby's virgin ass. Neither of them were quiet. At all. In fact, between the four of us, the room was alive with the sounds of four young men in the heat of uncontrolled passion.

"God damned your ass is so tight.... I'm gonna breed your tight hole.... FUCK!! I never imagined it could feel so good!" Stan cried.

On and on it went. Stan was definitely a master at using his more then adequate fuck stick!

I don't know what made me do it, but I reached over and took hold of Bobby's hand. He turned and stared at me. His eyes told everything. His mind was completely consumed by the recurring waves of joy flooding his young body.

He smiled at me; of course I returned the gesture. The connection between Bobby and me had in effect coupled all of us together.

It seemed like forever, but in reality the elapsed time was only a few minutes before Bobby's face told me what was happening.

"I'm gonna cum!" he panted.

"YEAH!!!!!!" Stan barked, "Shoot that cum!!!"

I'm not sure of the exact order with one exception: Bobby did cum first. In a spectacular display of male sexual power; his cock unleashed multiple waves of thick dick snot. His stomach, chest, neck and face, along with the sheets and his arms and even mine received droplets (or waves) of his liquid treasure.

When Stan saw his friend's orgasm, he let out with a loud "whoop" followed by long, guttural moans that told me he was filling Bobby's guts with his spunk.

That observation was verified as Bobby screamed that he could feel Stan's jizz unloading in his ass. My attention was somewhat deflected as Mark's massive prick did the same to me while I "returned fire" with a load of spunk that covered Bobby and myself.

I was completely consumed with nothing but the tsunami of euphoria washing over my young body. It was a dream come true! Mark and I had put on a first class show for a very willing audience!

It was finally over.... finished....except for the heavy breathing and rapid heartbeats of four guys. The room reeked of cum but that only heightened the sexual tension.

Stan and Mark disengaged and we all sat up on the bed together.

"You fucked the cum right out of me!"

"I fucked the cum right out of you!

Bobby and Stan exclaimed simultaneously.

Mark and I glanced at each other and then laughed.

"You're complaining? I giggled.

"FUCKKKKK NO!" Stan bellowed, "It's just that....!"

His eyes turned to Bobby.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Bobby shot his friend a big grin.


We all laughed together.

"And THIS!" I said, leaning into Mark, "Is how two guys kiss!"

Our lips met and my tongue dove deep inside Mark's mouth. Both of our cocks were screaming for release,

"Look at that!" Bobby squeaked.

"YEAH!" Stan said in a very husky voice.

Obviously, Mark would never be able to hit the highway in his current condition. Without hesitation, I dropped down and began swallowing his long fat cock.

"Holy shit! You're a sword swallower!" Stan guffawed.

Mark twisted around and eagerly took my prick into his throat. We quickly fed each other and then sat back up.

Sorry," I laughed, "But... I just had to!"

We all laughed again...

"So....," Mark said, "Is this gonna be a regular thing or....?"

Stan looked at Bobby. They both smiled.

"Stan.....!" Bobby bleated, "Is there a longer way to get back home?"

Laughter filled the room.

"I don't know but ..... at least we can...maybe take our time getting there!" Stan chortled, to which more laughter followed.

"What about Rachael?" I asked.

"FUCK HER!" Stan barked.

"She never gave you the chance!" Bobby quipped.

"Looks like that is her loss!" I chimed in, to yet more laughter...

After cleaning up, we locked the room and headed to our cars.

"Thanks!" Stan said as his eyes drilled into ours.

He actually hugged Mark! Then me!

"YEAH!" Bobby chirped, "It DID hurt at first but it sure went away fast!"

"Just remember," I said yet again, "The more you do it, the easier it gets!"

I don't know which of the two guys' eyes twinkled the most...

After turning in our keys, we all left together until the Interstate came into view. There was time for one last goodbye wave as we headed West while Stan and Bobby headed East.....

Once on the Interstate and out of Abilene we were able move along at a fairly "brisk" speed. At least compared to that 160 miles from Wichita to Abilene.

Mark was like a blue jay, chattering incessantly as we followed various groups of eighteen wheelers on our journey. At times we managed to hit 70 mph before dropping back to "go with the flow."

There was no talk between us about our quick but very exciting encounter with Stan and Bobby. It was probably for the best; there was no telling who might stumble across our conversation on an open radio frequency.

While listening to Mark's double-barrel excitement, I had a chance to think about what had happened before we left our motel.

My mind tossed around various words before it landed on "exhibitionist."

"Is that what I am?" I wondered.

Not like the kind of guy who pulls out his cock and waves it at anyone; no, this was something different. It was a level slightly above what we had done with Skipper, and of course he was just a teenager.

I had to wonder how Stan and Bobby's lives might change now that a barrier between them had been torn down.

In the beginning, Stan had been very eager to experiment with Bobby. Apparently he had been thinking about it for some time. Would it just stay at that level, or grow into more?

However, Bobby had been the one suggesting a longer return trip so they could.....explore more.....things.

I smiled as my cock started to bone up.

Then there was me. I doubt if Mark would have ever thought of doing what we did. I had been the catalyst for that, as with Skipper.

Mark and I had discussed the encounter with my precocious and very hung ex-newspaper boy and agreed that there was no problem since we had both been present. Other than giving Skipper some deep tongue, there had been no real physical contact. The same with Stan and Bobby. But what if.... something more intimate took place between one of us and a third person? We never really talked about that.

The other nagging reality that I had to deal with was the fact that I liked doing it with an audience! Where that came from in my repressed, isolated life was a complete mystery! It seemed to me that it should have been just the opposite. Maybe it was Mark who turned me on so much that I had to push the limits of my sexual desires. One thing is certain; if Mark isn't comfortable with what we are doing, then it's going to stop. There's no way on Earth I would ever endanger the best thing I could ever have wished for....

My mind was jarred back to reality by Mark's voice.

" Breaker...Breaker,' Jackrabbit!'........................over."

"Go ahead, Roadrunner'.................over."

" That's all it takes,' Next exit!.....................over."

I had NO idea what he was talking about, so I just acknowledged and kept my eye on his car. We were just shy of Big Spring. Mark exited and I followed. As soon as we were off the Interstate, he headed down some nondescript back road until pulling off under a grove of trees, something which was becoming less and less common along our route.

I got out and walked towards his car. As Mark exited his Challenger, I stared at the sight and then broke out in laughter. There was the unmistakable sign of a very hard boner straining in his jeans.

"I'm sorry....!" he giggled.

"Why?" I replied as I dropped to my knees and eagerly drained his abundant juices.

"So that's all it takes' is the new code phrase for....?" I started to laugh.

"YES!" he said while dropping down to service me.

Before being launched into ecstasy as the result of his very proficient skills, I somehow had the feeling "that's all it takes" would be echoing over the radio many times for the rest of the day...and probably until we finally ended up in Phoenix!

As we stuffed ourselves back into our jeans, I had to ask, "Okay....How did you find this place? Don't tell me you found it in the AAA Guidebook!"

There were no vehicles around and the main road was out of sight.

He blushed and giggled, which only turned me on again...

"No... I guess I just got lucky!"

Then he looked around...

"It's changing!" he said excitedly.


"The landscape! I can tell it's getting drier....!"

"I can FEEL that," I confirmed.

Abilene had been pretty sultry; a lot like Wichita Falls and all of Oklahoma.

After kissing, we hit the road again. I have to confess that kiss kind of wound me up but... I could wait for a while!

We passed through Midlands and Odessa before once again the call came over the radio. I couldn't help laughing but... it's something I would NEVER turn down! After we took care of each other, Mark stared at the landscape around us.

I could sense his growing excitement. Almost twenty-one years in Oklahoma and now he's moving into a completely new phase in his life. Well... I am too, but Mark's travel experiences had been so limited....

"When do we get to see some cacti?" he asked again.

"Uhhhh...I'm not sure exactly where....but there is a place coming up... You gotta see it!"

He looked at me funny.

"You'll see a sign for Monahans Sandhills State Park. We should exit there!"

"Why?" he asked.

"You'll see!" I teased him.

"How far is it?"

"Not very. At the town of Monahans," I replied.

He snickered, "That's original! The town of Monahans and Monahans Sandhills State Park. How long did they think on that one!"

We both laughed.

Back on the highway, Mark led the way. It wasn't long before he announced the exit for the Park.

"Is this gonna be worth it?.....................over," he asked.

"I'll let you decide!....................over," I replied.

We exited the Interstate and I took the lead in heading towards the Park. As we drew near to our destination, the radio came live with chatter....from a very excited "Roadrunner!"

"Look at this place! It looks like Egypt or someplace!................over," he exclaimed.

There was no exaggeration on his part. The nature of the park was in its name: A huge expanse of sand dunes towering fifty, sixty feet or more in height.... sitting right there in West-central Texas.

Narrow paved roads led through the dunes. I wondered how they kept the surfaces free of sand... We pulled off at a picnic table which was sheltered from the heat of the afternoon sun. Mark's car had barely stopped when he hopped out and stared at the towering hills.

"How did you ever find this place? It looks like something from that movie.........," he paused, " Lawrence of Arabia....!'"

"I just saw the sign while on my trip last May and decided to check it out," I replied.

He grabbed me and gave me a bear hug; actually a "bear and boner hug" as I could easily feel his hardness pressing against me.

"Does that beast ever rest?" I giggled.

"Not since I met you," he shot back.

"Come on," I challenged him, "Let's climb that dune.... That should wear your boner down!"

"HA!" he snorted, "It'll only make me harder!"

With that Mark was off, running like a gazelle up the steep slope of sand. It didn't take long for him to realize that the sand is a lot like snow. Climbing the steep slope didn't come without a lot of effort as his long legs sank into the soft material.

"What's the matter?" I laughed while following him up the dune, "Getting old or something?"

"Say that to me when we get to the top!" he replied.

We finally made it to the summit; all around us were more sand dunes with only small, random pieces of vegetation clinging to some of the lower elevations.

"WOW!!!!!" Mark exclaimed as he did a three-sixty, checking out the view, "This is wild! Who would have ever guessed something like this would be here!"

"Yeah!" was all I could say while catching my breath.

"Now who's old?" he laughed.

"Still young enough to suck your cock right here!" I retorted.

His eyes lit up at the thought.

"That would be....!" he said, gazing at me, "Something so special....!"

"Then let the show begin!" I giggled while dropping to my knees. The sand didn't want to cooperate because we both kept shifting in its loose grip. Fortunately, Mark had more than enough "equipment" for me to work with and before long he was gripping my head and pumping his long fat bone down my throat.

After finishing him off, we fell down and started laughing.

"This is.... I never....!" he babbled.

"Pretty different, huh?"

"Different... special..unique!" he replied while staring into my eyes.

"That sounds like you describing yourself," I chuckled.

Mark suddenly became very quiet.

"Not until I met you. I was just an ordinary guy then....!"

"Bullshit! There is NOTHING ordinary about YOU!" I exclaimed.

He leaned in and kissed me. Long and deep.

"Now it's your turn," he panted.


"You're getting a blow job on top of a sand dune too!" he hooted.

How could I resist that?

It didn't take me long to give Mark a gut full of my spunk. Then we spent the next forty-five minutes or so tumbling down the dunes, climbing back up and repeating the same thing over and over until finally resting by our cars.

"Spectacular!" he panted.

"Yes ...this place is...!" I started to reply.

"No. Not this place.... I mean YOU!" Mark said softly.

Our eyes met, and within seconds we were blowing each other in the shade of his car.

"Glad no one came along," I laughed while stuffing a still swollen prick back in my Levis.

"Who cares!" Mark laughed, "Let them watch...!"

Hearing that remark made me recall my ruminations about being an exhibitionist, and our morning encounter with Stan and Bobby....

"Uhhh ... I was wondering," I stammered.

Mark's fiery green eyes stared at me...


"Uhhhh...!" I repeated myself, "About this morning with...!"

"Oh yeah! That was fun!" he exclaimed.

"Really? You didn't mind ....?"

"Why would I?"

"I...I guess... I mean... first there was Skipper and now....!"

"I thought you liked showing off....!" he giggled.

"I do! But I don't want you to get jealous or something....!"

"Why would I do that?"

I thought for a moment before answering.

"I... It's just that... we agreed never to....!"

"You mean never to cheat?'" he asked.


I felt my face blushing.

"How was that cheating?' All you did was hold Bobby's hand and with Skipper... you just gave him a lot of tongue!"

We both laughed and I blushed some more.

"So much tongue that the poor guy shot his wad!" he added.

Now I must have been scarlet....

"But... I do... I DO like doing it in front of guys. I mean... Wait a minute... That makes me sound like a slut.... I mean the RIGHT guys... But only with you but...!"

"Then why are you worried about cheating?'" he asked.

"Because I'm afraid that some day we might be doing something like this together with someone and what if.... one of us went further but not with each other....?"

"OH! I get it! Like if you had sucked Skipper's cock!" he blurted out.

I laughed and blushed some more.

"Yeah! Or whatever.... might happen!"

"Well.....," he said in his mesmerizing Okie drawl, "First of all, I don't get jealous. Of anyone or over anything. I have you and you have me. You know how I feel about cheating and...!"

"I feel the same way!" I yelped.

"Cheating is when you're out someplace doing things with another guy. Without me...!" he said.

"Yeahhhh!" I acknowledged.

"So then how is it cheating' when we're there together?" he asked.

"But...but... what if... what if someone ended up fucking me and....!" I stammered.

Mark thought for a moment before replying.

"It's a two-way street," he said softly.


"If someone did that and we were together... well.... I have a cock too...!"

"Oh I KNOW that!" I hooted.

"And I can always fuck someone with it too....!"

"Then... Then... You are okay .... I mean... I can stop right now. Never do anything with anyone again. No kissing. No holding hands. No nothing....!"

Mark smiled at me. I melted inside....

"Like I said... it's a two-way street. You're not gonna lose me.... and I'm never gonna go behind your back.... What we've done so far with other guys is pretty...harmless... Actually, we may have helped Skipper and Stan and Bobby out a lot...!"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

"In the end, nothing will ever change my love for you. Even if you DID cheat on me... I would...!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Mark just smiled at me again.

"I will always love you no matter what. But you have to be mine and I am yours. If I ever went behind your back with another guy, I think I would crawl off someplace and just die...!" he said quietly.

I said nothing. No words were needed. I just hugged him. And we made love again before leaving the Park and hopping back on the highway.

"El Paso bound, Jackrabbit!'..................over," he giggled.

My mind was swooning as we flew down the highway.

Even though I had taken this route once before, my mind seemed to have removed the memories about how long the drive was from Abilene to El Paso. Not withstanding the "that's all it takes" "breaks," and the hour spent at the Park, the road seemed to go on forever.

After Monahans, we finally passed through Pecos. I knew that was the last "town" of any size until we hit our destination. My spirits dipped when I saw the sign, "El Paso 211 Miles."

"Damn!" I carped.

We had long left any cities or towns with any top 40 radio stations. There was nothing on the AM dial except static. Mark's constant chatter was my sole source of companionship...that and the background sounds of whatever eight track tape he had playing.

As we cruised towards the Interstate 10/20 junction, I fiddled with the radio dial and found a familiar station not only from my previous trip West but from listening to the radio at night in Tulsa.

"Hey Roadrunner!'.................................over," I called to my ginger lover in the white Challenger about a mile ahead of me.

"Yeah!............................over," he replied.

"Tune your radio to 800..... It's XROK-80 and it's in El Paso!................over," I said.

Technically it was in Juarez; but the station was huge. Calling itself "North America's most powerful rock station." I used to listen to it at night in Tulsa all the time, and it came in as strong as any local station. I figured Mark would be even more excited when he knew we were finally getting somewhere close to ending the day long journey.

My announcement must have struck him like a lightning bolt. After a few minutes he replied. The eight track music was gone, replaced by the same music I was hearing on my car radio. There was some static, but at two hundred miles that was to be expected.

"Hoooorayyyyyyy! We're almost there!.....................over," he chirped.

I laughed.

"Uhhhh....Only two hundred miles more to go!.......................over," I replied while laughing.

"That's okay! I'd travel forever as long as I have my Jackrabbit' with me!...............over," he shot back.

How did Mark always managed to say something like that? Some innocent little comment that went straight to my heart?

We made another " that's all it takes" stop at a little wide spot along the highway. After guzzling each other's "bountiful offerings," we rested by Mark's car while he chattered incessantly about the changing landscape. I wasn't sure about the name of the desert... I knew Arizona had the Sonoran... but my knowledge ended there.

Without a doubt, the tall, excited ginger-haired boy sitting next to me would know the answer...

"I'm not sure....this isn't the Sonoran....!" I started to say.

Mark's eyes came alive and he gave me his signature toothy grin.

"Oh no.... We're on the edge of The Chihuahuan Desert....It's mostly in Mexico but also parts of West Texas and Southeastern Arizona... It's a rain shadow desert and....!" he chirped as I started laughing.

I could see he was puzzled by my reaction.

"I'm sorry.... I just don't know about all of this stuff like you do....but then I didn't have twenty books scattered all over our apartment....!" I started to reply while giggling.

Another toothy grin flashed my way.

"It was twenty-four books, not twenty! Anyway, don't worry! Professor Ellis' has all the answers for you!" he hooted.

"Oh... Professor Ellis?'" I chortled, "Have I taken many of your classes?"

"Only one," he smiled.

"Oh? And what would that be...?" I reluctantly asked.

" Boneology 101!" he snickered.

I started shaking with laughter.

"What is that class all about?" I inquired.

"Studying... learning all there is to know about taking care of one very special bone!" he chuckled.

"A very special HUGE bone!" I giggled.

"Like this one," he said, running his fingers along the impressive length of his "tool."

I am hooked. Completely. Mark is like a drug to me. The more I had of him, the more I wanted. What am I supposed to do? What comes natural to any gay boy.....

"You sure are on fire today," I said while watching him trying to stuff that long cock back into his stained, crusty, well-worn Levis.

"It's all YOUR fault!" he laughed.

"Well... it's only about twenty-five miles to Interstate 10," I said.

"YEAH! And then on to El Paso!" he chirped.

"Yeah... Only' another 170 miles or so...!" I moaned.

"We can take breaks!" he smiled, "Lots of them!"

Our seven hour trip to El Paso was going to easily take ten hours at the rate we are going!

Not that I really cared. Having Mark's talented throat vacuuming the cum out of my balls was well worth the delay. I just wondered about the source of my excess sexual stamina. I knew all about his; but suddenly I was matching him equally....

"It's you," I thought as I marveled at his tight ass while he reached inside his car, "You bring it all out in me!"

The next milestone in our long trip from Abilene was coming up fast. Well, maybe it isn't really a "milestone," but it is something to distinguish the long, drab journey that had occupied most of the day.

Perhaps this coming "milestone" was actually the second; the brief stop at Monahans Sandhills had clearly signaled that we "weren't in Kansas anymore," to borrow from the "Wizard of Oz."

Fuck no! We sure weren't in Oklahoma anymore either, and while there is still a ways to go to before leaving Texas, "Sandhills" was the announcement that the grassy, rolling farmlands were gone. Everything from that point on would be a completely new life experience for both of us.

That second "milestone," the junction of Interstates 10 and 20, was located out in the desert of Western Texas. A sad place for a highway to die...which is the case for Interstate 20. From that point on, it would be Interstate 10 all the way to Phoenix, and then to its terminus at the Pacific Ocean in Los Angeles.

Mark was probably about two or three miles ahead of me. His car wasn't even in sight, but his unending commentary about the changing landscape was a strange kind of music to my ears. My dream state was interrupted by his excited voice...

" Rabbit!' Rabbit!' You gotta see this! It's so... It's just what I knew it would look like!..........over," he exclaimed.

This was the first time he had shortened my CB "handle" to just "Rabbit." I thought it sounded cute... But the excitement in his young voice was more compelling.

" Roadrunner,' Are you Okay? Is there a problem?.............over."

"No! No! No! It's GREAT! You have to stop and see them!....................over."

"What? Where?" I asked him.

"At the junction of 10 and 20! I'm there now! Pull over and stop when you get here!........... over."

"Uhhhh.... Is there room? You're not supposed to stop along the Interstate!.....................over," I replied.

"There's a ton of room! You'll see me parked way off to the side!...................over."

Soon enough I caught up with him; carefully slowing down on the shoulder and pulling completely off onto the gravel. Mark was energetically pacing back and forth along the side of his car as I parallel parked next to his vehicle.

It was very easy to see that he was over-excited to the point of.... well, I hoped he didn't explode!

"What....?" I started to ask.

"There! There! There! Don't you see......!" he pointed.

I looked to the South but my mind wasn't registering the source of his enthusiasm.

"WHAT?" I laughed.

"Them! Don't you SEE them?" he squeaked.

Then it dawned on me. There they were. Just as they had been when I passed this way a few months before. Actually, "they" had probably been sitting there for maybe a million years...

Off in the distance were two craggy mountainous peaks. The afternoon sun gave them a reddish hue as they stood silently in the dry desert air. I remembered seeing them on my trip and indeed they stood out like two lone sentinels. The road map gave them names and elevations; Gomez and Newman Peaks, both at about 6300'. Seeing Mark's innocent and breathless reaction to them made me realize how isolated his life had been.

Never traveling much of anywhere outside of the plain between Kansas City to Dallas, his literal view of the country had been completely formed by television and pictures in books. Yeah... he had read twenty-four books about the Southwest before we left Tulsa, but now he was seeing it all in person! It all hit me like a freight train. That's why he was obsessed with seeing his first cactus. His first "anything different" from living in Tulsa for almost twenty-one years!

"OH RABBIT!'" he squealed, "It's just like I knew it would be! It's... It's even better!"

I felt his strong arms wrap themselves around me and in an instant we were spinning round and round. His cock was hard as always, and he ground it into mine.

"I love you! I love you! I love you so much! You made all of this possible for me!" he cried.

And then he DID cry. Literally. Tears streamed down his beautiful face.

His honest emotional reaction made me start crying too...

"It's a whole new world ahead of us," I managed to say, "Just waiting to be explored!"

His tongue was in my mouth in a flash. We kissed long, hard and deep right there by the Interstate. Only a few vehicles passed by; I didn't really care if they noticed us or not!

I felt him pulling me to the passenger side of my car, We dropped down to the ground and out of sight from passing traffic. His hands pawed at my Levis and in a minute my cock was buried deep in his throat. I must have cum in record time and then I returned the favor.

"Just wait until we get to El Paso," he said as his body quivered from our love-making session, "This time I'm giving YOU a complete workout!'"

The rest of the drive seemed to go faster now that we had completely moved into the desert. Mark's commentary kept me laughing and marveling at his energy level. He was indeed "supercharged."

Then he saw his first cactus!

" Rabbit!' I wanna stop and look at it!....................over."

I had to convince him that this was only the beginning.

"By the time we get to Arizona, there will be cactus all over the place," I told him.

Actually, I should have said "cacti," but he didn't seem to notice.

Reluctantly he agreed and we kept driving. Save for a couple more "breaks." But at least they came with an added bonus! After taking care of each other, Mark did some close-by "exploring" and found some large strands of cacti.

"It's a prickly pear!" he announced.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because I read twenty-four books on the desert!" he boasted.

I wanted to hug him again. And I did...

We finally made it to El Paso around seven o'clock. That had to be the slowest time ever for a 454 mile trip! The city looked like a jewel in the setting sun. Mark's elation continued unabated. Hearing his voice, his excitement, was the most overpowering aphrodisiac I could ever experience. The thought of his promised "workout" made my cock ache and my body quiver in anticipation.

Just as it had been in Abilene, I followed him as he headed like a pro down the streets of a city where he had never been in his life until we came to a rustic looking "motor court." It looked much like the one in Abilene but with a much more Southwestern decor.

He checked us in and we parked by our room.

I could only gaze with lust and admiration at his tall lean figure as he exited his car while shooting me the biggest, cutest grin ever!

Next: Chapter 8

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