The adventures of Trent and Paul

By moc.liame@rewopahddub

Published on Jul 29, 2003



LEGALISE: The author (wee! that's me!) gives the right to broadcast and store this story in any means. I do resquest however that I am notified before this is put anywhere else and first and foremost I came to to host it.

WARNING: If you don't like romance, or guys liking guys then fuck off. What are you doing on a gay porn site? You ain't going to find any girls with gstrings here.

Foreword: This is the second time I have decided to do erotic lit, and the first time it's going to be mostly gay (or all gay, depends where my mind leads me. The story is based on two people I know, and who I have deep and loving respect for, the settings and names are fictional (except for Oxford, which is real). It's sometime in the future, so I can have more artistic license.

Comments/egofood/questions? Email or is you want to MSN me.

The Adventures of Trent and Paul

By Nom De Plume

Story codes, Techno/Triuph/Motophilla. Romance. Kissing. other stuff ;P

The beginning:

Hello, I'm Trent (Or Trent Paulas Kran if you want my full name, which I like). I've been single for more years than i'd care to mention. I wouldn't say I was ugly, I have black hair, six foot five, weigh about 105kg last time I checked and have well toned arms. My face is realtivly unscarred except for the inside of my lip and a scar on my eyebrows, which leaves me with no right eyebrow. As such I've shaved off my left one to match and it does get some looks.

You might ask how I've been single for so many years, to tell the truth i'm not to sure myself. There have been some women who were nice but you know women, there fucked in the head and scare the shit out of me, even thought some look nice. I'd say the only thing which has been keeping me going these years is pre 21st Triumph Bonneville (technically It's not, as I bought it in 2011. But it's the 99 model). This is my lovechild, and frankly women don't come close to it's sleek dark green beauty.

Day one: (Trent)

Yay! Today is Monday so my three day weekend begins. After my preday check (Out of bed, teeth, pits, food and then clothes last off) I got out of my four room condo in the small town of Woodstock and walked to the community garage. After the retina scan (I know, eye scan just so I can get to my Triumph?) I put my green shades on and sat down on my beauty. The feel I get when I part my legs to sit on the black leather and wrap them round the machine always gets me going. I'm quite glad I had my leather armour on nearly always when riding because soon as I turn on the engine zam! I get a huge hardon.

So what? I love my bike more than life itself, wev'e clocked up over a hundred thousand miles together and they have all been filled with love. The roar of the egine as I hit 100mph is the sweetest symphony of power and emotion that my ears and body have ever felt. I raced down the motorway to Oxford which was now under ten miles away. I always slow down when I get to town's as I've had some bad experiences on roundabouts. (Barstard people carrier clipped me, so I caught up with the cunt face swerved in front so his piggy brakes squealed. I punched my fist through his side window and slammed his pathetic excuse for a face into the steering wheel so the airbag would inflate. Anyway after that I was shaking badly so I slowly trundled back to my gaff to fix my bike. Later on a sympathetic biker officer ,who was a harley man himself, charged me with 125? of damages and I attended five anger management sessions) But as soon as I get out of town the speedo goes quicky to the left, as my speed and passion increases.

Your probaly wondering by now how many times I've come off my bike. In the ten years I've had my modern stallion (no way im riding a woman... just so wrong imo) come off once by my mistake as I fell asleep, and three times I've been clipped by FUCKING CARS. So yeah, I can't say i'm a car person. Acutally I see car's as my enemy and I've done a couple of races just so I can lead a stupid boy racer who has more testosterone than a sperm whale crashing off a curve thinking his car is the dog's bollocks. I don't know if they die or if they live, but either way i'm doing my biker duty of getting another car off the road.

The trip to Oxford city center isint that interesting, it's practically like any other city with traffic and it's own radio station and full of cars hogging all the road space. After ten minutes of riding from the Wolvercote roundabout through Woodstock road (I always found it funny they have Woodstock road in Oxford and Oxford road in Woodstock... Ahh such is life) I came into George street, which is a nasty busy street, and came off into a minor road into a car park just outside the Gloster Arms. It's the biker pub right next to the Goose, which is full of allsorts and nice girls from all over the place. And then there's the Gloster Arms (which yeah, is mispelt which is funny seeing all the times I've been in there).

I walked in rather stiffly, from all the armour and my hardon and sat down on my stool

"Hey Clive!" I waited for about two minute's before he came over to me.

"Soz Trent, wer'e a bit busy. The useal?" He asked.

"Yeah, easy on the beer". I might be the matcho type but I respect my bike, and as such i'm not going to use him if drunk. As such Shandy is my drink of choice, I nearly always ride so I never get drunk on nights/days out. It suits me. Clive handed me my watered down beer as as I took a long cooling drag I heard the door open and this guy sat right down next to me! He ordered a pint of foster's and I saw him checking out my Triumph chevrons, and probaly my body. I'm not saying im queer but I liked the attention.

"The Green bike outside yours?" He asked me.

"Yeah it is." I was concerned, I hoped nothing had happened to him.

"That's a damn good bike, I wish I had the money for one of those" He said.

I chuckled, bikes may look ten times better than any shitty car but cost less. Mine was 8000? new.

"Say thanks Bob. The name's Trent" I offered my hand, he took it and I felt the power of his grip as he shook it.

"My names Paul! I'm new to these parts as you can guess. I came over from the 'states. I had to leave that place it's turning into a fucken police state"

I was watching the news about america, seems what I saw was the truth. Recently lots of american's who can have been moving out of the country. But I learnt a long time ago if it won't hurt me or my bike stay away from things. No one likes a nosey cunt.

"Well, just keep quiet about that. Loose lips sink ships and stuff".

"Heh, I guess. You look different from the other bikers, your hair is nice and neat and long. And your face doesn't look like a bulldog".

I just had to laugh then. "Hahaha, you think so? Hell my nickname around here is 'Trenty the girly boy'. Not many people call me that after the GLASS INCIDENT" I spoke up about the one time I used my interpretation of non violent intervention. It involved a smashed pint glass and well, the rest is ugly.

"Hmm, to tell the truth I don't what to do really, I just packed my bag and got up" Paul pointed to his small sized backpack. An idea formed in my head.

"Hey Paul, when was the last time you rode shotgun?"

"Damn, well apart from the train and the bus here I havent been on a bike scince my dad died of a..."

"Ahh stop! I don't wanna know for now" Somehow I knew it involved a bike, and mentioning the words "Bike, Death, came off" in the same sentence in a biker bar wasn't a good idea.

"I was wondering, if you havent got any other plans for today if you'd like to ride with me? I have a spare helmet behind the bar"

"Oh my god! Get on that bike with you? Yes please!"

We'll after that I downed the rest of my pint, and waited as Paul finished his and then we both got up and walked out of the pub .

"Seeya Clive, Al'right lads! Stay safe now!" I said

"A'right Trent! Don't go smashing up cars now!" Came the reply from Clive and others.

I put on my helmet and shades, I had a spare full face helmet which Paul was putting on but I myself preferred the half helmet. Call me weird. I didn't have my backpack on so Paul got right on and pressed close to me. He put his hands across my waist, which surprised me because most just put their hands behind them. I liked it though, It felt good to have someone close to me. I twised the key and my beauty roared to life as I fed him the gas. I didn't want to get pulled over with a passenger so I kept within ten miles of the outer city speed limts, it wasn't too busy. After passing the A44 flyover I slowed up a bit, I was feeling funny (At the time I didn't know what it meant) But I didn't think too much of it as it felt good and I suppose it was for making a new friend.

After quarter of an hour or so I came back to the Condo bloc's. After getting the bike out of gear and switching it off I swung down the kickstand and took off my shades so the scanner wouldn't go crazy (I had pinkeye once and it informed the police who came rushing over thinking I was a theif, long and very boring story). Paul leant over and looked at the display on it

"William Smithers? Is that your real name?" He asked

"Gods no! My name is Trent Paulas Kran, It's a reference to demolition man" I said.

"Is that a film? I've never seen it before".

"Oh it's old, it's got Sly Stallone in it, he's kinda my hero".

"Sly Stallone?"

"Yeah you know. Sylvester. He was in Rocky and Rambo".

All I got was a blank vague look.

"Eye of the tiger?"

"Oh god I love that song!"

"It was in in the Rocky film. Look I gotta give my bike post ride checkdown and then i'll be up".

I hesitated for about a spilt second, but the way this guy looked was doing funny things to me. I felt a bond and a deep trust for him, I felt like he was a human form of my Triumph!

"My pin number is 2117, when you go in take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. I'll be up in no more than five minutes kay?"

"Hey thanks Trent".

I did my useal check over my bike but I hurried it up, I gave a quick rub down where bits of dirt got stuck in the treads of the tyre, and checked over the fuel lines and the nuts. I was a bit worried over this new sound my bike was making but I couldn't see anything wrong with it so I got up and closed the garage door and walked into my apartment.As I took off my armour and boots I saw two shoes placed in the corner next to my jackets and boots. I liked this guy already.

"You want me to fix us a drink? I make this really nice dink out of Ouzo and lemonade".

"Heh Okay, havent ever tried Ouzo before. I've heard it's like Pastis".

"Pretty much." I said as I poured two measures into tumbler glasses and then topped it up with lemonade. "Wanna watch Demolition man with me?"

"Oh sure, you'll have to point the bit where you got that William smithers reference"

"Oh okay". I smiled inwardly thinking it wouldn't be that nessessary to point it out.

We both sat down on my leather couch (It's white, and yes I do like leather. Easy to clean and looks and feels good)

I put the DVD into the player and turned on my 40" Plasma screen. Paul leaned into me and I put a hand through his short cut hair. We got about halfway through the film when we both finished our drinks and I got up.

"Hey Paul, I want beer. Want some to?"

"Sure I do, beer is cool"

I bought in a six pack from the fridge and split off a can of stella for us each. Stella isint my favorite beer but it was really cheap at the local shop so I stocked up on it. I sat down on the left again and Paul leant his head on my muscular chest. I didn't know why but I was feeling really strong attracted to this guy, and I havent even known him for a day. We eventually finished all the pack and I asked if Paul wanted any more drink.

"Mmm, spunk!"

I nearly choked on the beer I was finishing. Did this guy say he wanted to drink sperm? Worst of all I felt my dick begin to stir again. He must have felt it through my short's (When you wear leather trousers in summertime you don't need much else on) thinking im some sort of queer.

He turned to look at me, concern in his voice and expressions

"You okay Trent? I was only kidding around" If he felt my hardon he wasn't saying anything about that, because I felt really embarrassed having another man feel that.

"Nuh, No It's okay I just really wasn't expecting anything like that! I'm not queer myself but im curious, youv'e drunk the stuff before?"

"Well yeah, I have"


"You don't belive me?"

"Nahh it's not that, just what does it taste like? Why did you do it?"

"Oh I've drunk it more than once, I do it because I find it a real turn on. The taste is hard to describe, but sometimes it tingles on your tounge and that's nice! Sometimes it has a bad aftertaste so eating something after is a good idea"

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"You think so?"

"Well, youv'e probaly felt it by now but uhh, I'm kinda... you know"

"Oh you mean this things poking into my back? Feels like a police baton"

"Bah! Don't mention the filth around here. So you didn't mind?" Any interest in the film now, which was at the car chase scene, was lost.

"Yeah, For a "straight" guy youv'e got an impressive package. I bet it gets the girls wild eh?"

"Godamn you'd think so wouldn't you? Fucking girls. Oh man, they don't mind you going down on their fishy cunts but as soon as it the other way round it's like 'eeew! no It's too big!' And there so stingy with their holes to. I kinda gave up trying really"

"how long have you been without it?"

"Three long years"

"Godamn! That little big guy needs some love"

I was convinced this guy could read my mind. That was MY special name for my member.

"You, you how'd you know?"

"Hey, it's gettng late. and I really need a place to stay, could you tell me a good hotel or b&b?"

"Please stay here" In my mind I meant to say "Hey, you can hang out here for a couple of nights, hotels are for tourists"

"Really? Oh boy your swell you know? First a ride then I get to stay here?"

"Yeah, I only have one bed. But it's a big one we can share"

"Oh? I thought you would tell me to get a sleeping bag or the couch or something"

Why did I say he could sleep in my bed? Must be the beer, yeah that's it. I can't handle my drink.

"Nahh that's cool, I uhh. Well I trust you"

"Aww, your sweet you know? For a 'straight' guy your really cool you know?"

Why did he keep putting the empathisis on straight? I let it go and changed the subject.

"So uhh, you know where I got the reference for Warden William Smithers now?"

"Eye lollypop? That's kinda gruesome"

"I fucken hate retina scanners, that's why"

"Makes sense. Do you mind if we switched this off and turned in? I am pooped"

I looked outside and was taken aback! It was dark already? What happened to the all the day time? I must have been talking for ages or overslept or something.

As I got into my room (which was messy, I really should do a clean up now I have a guest) I began taking off my clothes. I turned round to face Paul as I took off my vest.

"Hey, you like guys. What do you think of my body so far?"

"Dude, you look totally awesome. Your not fat enough to be a hairy biker but your not skinny as to be a stick insect"

He was filling me with pride. I flexed my biceps just for him and arched my back to take off my shorts and socks... I don't know why but I whipped my boxers off to. Normally I do sleep in my skin but having someone around I normally keep clothes on. I guess I felt at ease with this guy. I liked the way he made me feel.

"So, what do you think now?" I saw his eye's drop to my package, and I felt it slowly coming to life under his hungry gaze.

"Oh my god! It's been ages scince I saw one so big and nice looking! How big is it anyway?"

"Uhh I dunno" I watched as he kept takng his clothes off and kept licking his lips almost as if he didn't know he was doing it. I was getting hard as marble under his gaze. My legs were starting to go weak

"Maybe eight inches? All I remember is it's always been too big for those tight fisted girls"

"Dude, mines eight inches, and it's no way as big as that!" He whipped his out and my heart skipped a beat. I was getting turned on by being naked and looking at a guys prick. I didn't think of the implications of it untill later but saying that his dick was a bit smaller than mine and thinner.

"Girl's have this problem with spacial awareness. They might think you'll split them or something. Either that or they enjoy teasting men and breaking their hearts"

"Yeah, I totally understand that. Youv'e ever been with a girl?"

"Funny you should mention that yeah. My first was amazing. But she broke my heart. I had a couple after her but each time I kept thinking about her and how she broke my heart. In the end I thought fuck women! There just whores and heartbreakers"

"I had a girl once, she was special to me. Her name was Tessa, all the time she was going out with this German guy. After I knocked him out I never saw them again. Ever scince then I've had a problem controlling my anger. I was really peaceful before her, I wouldn't hurt a fly. The only thing that's kept me going is my Triumph."

"Trent. I like you a lot already. and I don't want you to get mad at me. But I don't think your all straight."

I lost it there, I collasped in his arms and cried. The first time I cried in years. And I bawled my eyes out. I could feel him guide us both to my bed as his strong grip on me comforted me no end. I didn't care what way I went, gay, straight, bi, animal, furry or whatever. I felt protected for the first time in my life, I could let down my he-man guard and it was all thanks to my new friend. I stopped sobbing after a while and spoke shakily, I turned to face him but my vision was blurry from the tears. I didn't blink.

"Your going to think this is fucked up, but I've had to play the hard man for so long and I hate it! When I fell in your arms I felt protected for the first time in my life. I feel so much better now"

"Hey there, I don't think this is weird. I just saw into you that your confused. I want to help you, because your helping me and a few hours ago I was a stranger in a strange land".

"I love you Paul!

WHAT? I said that? What the fuck is wrong with me? This guy must be creeped out totally by now.


"I said I love you! I know what those funny feelings are now, I know why I let someone into my apartment, I know why I let you sit next to me in the bar. I know why I let you ride shotgun"

"You... You love me?"

Our faces seemed to move closer, and i'm not sure who started it but we kissed. It wasn' just a kiss, it was a bond of love. A spark that wrapped us both up in it's passion. I felt fire and electricity start from my mouth and then he moved his toung into mine! Our tounges danced around with each other, mine holding his whilst I slowly pushed back into his sweet mouth. It was amazing! I didn't know a kiss could be so powerful. It was like taking a curve at 90mph and not coming off and then doing a wheelie I accelerated so fast!

"Boy, do you taste good" We both said, I began to grin and he burst out laughing followed by me.

"I want to do that again" I said.

"Do what? The whole dramatic coming out of the closet thing?"

"Nahh, this!"

I moved in again, I simply had to have my toung as far down his throat as far as possible. I kept at this untill I felt our teeth pressing together and him pushing me off.

"If you really want to get something that far down my throat, I don't think it shoul'd be your tounge".

I think I knew what he meant "You serious? You think you can get it that far in?"

"Wanna see me try?"

"By the God's I do! But... oh how do I say this. No one has ever gone down on me before and I don't know what to expect, will it hurt? With your teeth and all."

"Just relax yeah? I know from experience just what teeth are for. It doesn't hurt unless you want it to"

As he said that he moved down my body, the feel of his lean and toned six pack rubbing against my steel rod made me shoot out some precum.

"You came already?"

"Nope, or if I did I didn't feel it, it's probaly precum"

He plunged his mouth over my cock, getting a god three inches in before sucking hard and getting any precum out of my penis.

"Yep, that's precum! No wonder! Your balls are huge!"

"Yeah there also very tender, be careful with them"

He didn't respond verbally, his mouth was ful of my ever hard cock and I felt it going into his throat! Normally if I did something like that my throat would tighten up and cough up whatever it didn't like. How did he do this? I was already in a state of extasy from the intense feelings of my cock. I've had a wank now and then but I never knew it could be this sensitive! I couldn't focus my eyes. I couldn't keep still. I felt his chin touch my balls and then I felt his finger play around my anus! My back arched and my arms shot out.


He got up from sucking me off, and I could feel a pop when the head of my cock left his lips. I arched my back again from the almost too sensitive feelings of his ministrations.

"You okay? I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"" I was struggling for breath (I'd have to give up smoking) "The thing you did with your finger... I just, wow! Hassam al muraza!"

"What?" He said

"What?" I didn't know what he was curious about.

"What language was that?"


"You said something like 'Hasam al murza?"

"I don't know, all I could think of was the feeling and how my body went on fire in a nice way. Sounds arabic doesn't it?"

"You mean you didn't know what you said?"

"No idea" The lust in my mind was clearing now.

"Paul, could you go a little more gentle on me? I really liked the thing you did with your finger but i'm not sure im ready for it"

"Sure thing hunny"

I thought to myself "Aww, no girl ever called me that" But I didn't have time to think. All I could feel was the way his tounge riding all over my shaft and the way my head popped into his throat and oh my god! He was doing it again.

I felt his smooth chin touch my balls. I felt amazing sensations take over my body. I felt incredible!

"unngh oh aggh" I gripped the sheets on the bed, holding them tighter and tighter. My blood was getting hotter and hotter. My head was bucking back and fourth, I couldn't keep still. Paul Gripped onto my hips with his arms and I felt the power in his smaller arms. No matter how crazy he was sending me he wouldn't stop untill he reached his goal.

I couldn't stop it! I felt my silver seed boil in my balls and was already close to the edge. I hadn't come in ages.


As soon as I said gonna he wen't full on down on me and pushed his index finger up my arse! I felt him reach this special spot and I shot gods know how much cum into his eager throat. As soon as I began shooting he moved up so he could catch all my sperm. Must have been a lot of it as I could feel him swish it around my head as he swallowed slowy, popping my cock out of his mouth.

"I told you I wanted spunk!"

I reached over and kissed him, my manly taste still in his mouth although he swallowed it. So that's what it tasted like? Not bad!

"We need sleep now, hold me Paul"

And that was end of day one. Us holding handsnaked except for our love for each other. I guess I was gay after all.

Day One: (Paul)

Woke up as the train came to a stop, I have arrived at Oxford! Must have been about noon.

My name is Paul Douglas. Just those two names, no other. How do I look? about five foot elevn, 175 pounds. My hair is short cut and looks kinda grey, but I try to keep it short and bald if possible. I took up my stuff (which was one backpack with all my stuff in it) and set off. I had no idea where to go so I walked into what looked like the city center. The things that struck me was all the bars and american's here. Seems I'm not the only one who's lost faith in our country.

The 'states are much worse than what the papers say. Being muslim is as taboo as being gay and people keep going missing. I left soon after I saw my neighbors house boarded up. It was an average catholic family with two kids and always went to mass on sundays. Not your average anarchist political activist. But George was a peace protester in the recent build up of a war on Australia. A war on the Ozzies? I heard some rumours it was because Australia has vast mineral wealth. But the offcal story was because the group who blew up the lincon memorial were based in Australia. The Oz Prime Minister said that he had nothing to do with it but... Long story. The president said we are at war with australia for being a threat to USA.

I had to get out of their before being gay was a arrestable offense (Oh in most states it is... like practising Islam). I dunno what happened to my country but it's not the world leader of freedom anymore, and I don't want to be associted with it.

I was walking on auto pilot, thinking of all my friends who got beat up for their views or sexuality, It struck me how lesbianism was still tolerated. Which leads me to belive bible bashers were jumpoing on the patriot bandwagon. I stopped when this bike caught my eye. I don't know why it struck me, sure it was nice and green but I wasn't a bike man myself, not ever scince my dad died in a bike accident.

Triumph eh? Nice name. I stepped the pub and felt a little insecure, All around I saw bikers except for this one guy on his stool with a Triumph logo. from what I saw he looked nice, cool pony tail.

"The Green bike outside yours?" I asked.

"Yeah it is." Oh my gawd! What an accent! I felt my heart melt. His voice wa so deep and powerful! And very english :D

"That's a damn good bike, I wish I had the money for one of those" I said, I was trying to act cool.

"Say thanks Bob. The name's Trent" He offered his hand and I took it! I was a little overcome and I think I must have squeezed too hard.

"My names Paul! I'm new to these parts as you can guess. I came over from the 'states. I had to leave that place it's turning into a fucken police state" I didn't want to think about it. It's a grim past I wanted to get rid of.

"Well, just keep quiet about that. Loose lips sink ships and stuff". A slight look of concern crossed his features.

"Heh, I guess. You look different from the other bikers, your hair is nice and neat and long. And your face doesn't look like a bulldog". I was trying my best to lighten the mood. I wanted to spend longer with him. I felt a bond growing between us and I didn't know why. He laughed.

"Hahaha, you think so? Hell my nickname around here is 'Trenty the girly boy'. Not many people call me that after the GLASS INCIDENT" Glass incident? He didn't strike me as the violent type, like he was putting up a matcho mask.

"Hmm, to tell the truth I don't what to do really, I just packed my bag and got up" I poitned to my none to huge backpack. He looked at it and then turned to face me.

"Hey Paul, when was the last time you rode shotgun?" He asked.

"Damn, well apart from the train and the bus here I havent been on a bike scince my dad died of a..." Bike crash... He held up his hand.

"Ahh stop! I don't wanna know for now" I think I knew why he stopped me, must be supersition or something.

"I was wondering, if you havent got any other plans for today if you'd like to ride with me? I have a spare helmet behind the bar" He asked, I saw a smile break on his face. A smille which I don't think he's used in a long time.

"Oh my god! Get on that bike with you? Yes please!" Any pretense on my half to act cool was lost in a childish enthusiasm for going fast on a bike.

I saw him down the beer in one go, which didn't worry me. I had a pint myself to finish so I took it all down in one go.

"Seeya Clive, Al'right lads! Stay safe now!" He said.

"A'right Trent! Don't go smashing up cars now!" Came the reply from Clive and others. Smashing up cars? Okay, mst be some matcho thing. I wasn't too impressed.

I put on the helmet he gave me, and then I watched him deftly put on his helmet and green shades. Cool! I've never seen green shades before. I got on behind him and put my arms around his waist. He didn't seem to complain so I moved my hands lower. We came up to this flyover and he seemed to slow down after then

We rode for about ten minutes and came to a stop, He took off his shades and had his eyes scanned. I leaned over. William Smithers? What was this guy hiding from me? Ahh stupid paranoia. I was in sleep Britian now! Nothing happenes here. The most dangerous thing here was probaly when tea gets poisoned, or some shit like that.

"William Smithers? Is that your real name?" I asked

"Gods no! My name is Trent Paulas Kran, It's a reference to demolition man" he said.

"Is that a film? I've never seen it before". I hadn't a clue what that film was about.

"Oh it's old, it's got Sly Stallone in it, he's kinda my hero". Sly Stallone? Was it some mafia film?

"Sly Stallone?" I asked.

"Yeah you know. Sylvester. He was in Rocky and Rambo". Huh? I must seem like a total dunce right now. I just stared blankly

"Eye of the tiger?" My mind clicked.

"Oh god I love that song!" Half lie, I heard it before and didn't hate it

"It was in in the Rocky film. Look I gotta give my bike post ride checkdown and then i'll be up". He said as he wheeled his bike lovingly into the garage. This guy had a lot of care in his hands, how I'd love to have them roam over my body. A shiver ran up my spine at the thought.

He turned to look at me, and gave me a funny look and spoke.

"My pin number is 2117, when you go in take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. I'll be up in no more than five minutes kay?"

"Hey thanks Trent". Gosh! This guy was letting me in his apartment? Umm, which one was it? Who cares? This is a story for fucks sake! Let's say he pointed to the apartment or I had an amazing lucky guess.

I punched in the number and the door unlocked. I turned the handle and took off my shoes and put them next to his boots.. Did this guy have any shoes? I looked around and was amazed! This guy was loooooaded. He had a huge plasama screen, nice lighting, a plush leather sofa. I sat down waiting for him to finish making love to his bike, or whatever bikers do (No disrespect to bikers, but bikers do get passionate don't they?). he walked in and unzipped his boots and walked into the kitchen area.

"You want me to fix us a drink? I make this really nice dink out of Ouzo and lemonade".

"Heh Okay, havent ever tried Ouzo before. I've heard it's like Pastis". Never tired that before, sounds cool though.

"Pretty much." He poured us out two tumblers. must have been a personal favorite, not even a name for it.

"Wanna watch Demolition man with me?" He asked.

"Oh sure, you'll have to point the bit where you got that William smithers reference" I was curious now, I hope this was some cool action film.

"Oh okay". He looked pleased for some reason.

We both sat down, I waited for him to sit down first so I could lean on him, he put his hand on my smooth head! I murred in agreement, that felt good.

"Hey Paul, I want beer. Want some to?" he asked

"Sure I do, beer is cool" I like beer. Beer is good for relaxing people. I've found even if not in the mood for beer it makes others more comfortable to share, so I do.

He slipt off two cans for each of us, I leant back onto his chest. I shouldv'e asked him if I could of done that. But meh, I don't see anyone complaining :) We finished the beer pretty quickly.

"Hey Paul, want anything else to drink?"

I thought for a split second, before my dick spoke for me.

"Mmm, spunk!"

He spluttered beer all over. I felt "im in for it now" but I could feel his dick get hard. I really hoped my "gaydar" wasn't lying to me.

I looked at him, I was nervous.

"You okay Trent? I was only kidding around" I decided to let his erection pass.

"Nuh, No It's okay I just really wasn't expecting anything like that! I'm not queer myself but im curious, youv'e drunk the stuff before?" He seemed to relax a little. Good!

"Well yeah, I have".


"You don't belive me?" I was hoping a demonstration ws in order.

"Nahh it's not that, just what does it taste like? Why did you do it?" Thankyou gaydar for not failing me.

"Oh I've drunk it more than once, I do it because I find it a real turn on. The taste is hard to describe, but sometimes it tingles on your tounge and that's nice! Sometimes it has a bad aftertaste so eating something after is a good idea"

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"You think so?"

"Well, youv'e probaly felt it by now but uhh, I'm kinda... you know" Felt that? You'd have to be dead not to be able to feel his stiffy!

"Oh you mean this things poking into my back? Feels like a police baton"

"Bah! Don't mention the filth around here. So you didn't mind?" Didn't mind? I havent had meat in months!

"Yeah, For a "straight" guy youv'e got an impressive package. I bet it gets the girls wild eh?"

"Godamn you'd think so wouldn't you? Fucking girls. Oh man, they don't mind you going down on their fishy cunts but as soon as it the other way round it's like 'eeew! no It's too big!' And there so stingy with their holes to. I kinda gave up trying really"

"how long have you been without it?"

"Three long years" Three years? He's fucken joking! Not a studmuffin like this.

"Godamn! That little big guy needs some love".

"You, you how'd you know?" How did I know? Let's do "Captain ovbious here". Hot blooded male+Hasn't had it for three years+Turned on now=answer. But I really needed a place to stay, let's hope this works Paul!

"Hey, it's gettng late. and I really need a place to stay, could you tell me a good hotel or b&b?" Please let me stay, Please say "Please stay"

"Please stay here". You know something? Maybe I am psychic and have mind control. Maybe he was honry ;)

"Really? Oh boy your swell you know? First a ride then I get to stay here?" Wooyay! I get to stay with studmuffin. Better take things slow now, don't want to scare him back into the closet.

"Yeah, I only have one bed. But it's a big one we can share". Oh that so? No "You can sleep on the couch". Nuu, he wants me to sleep with him! Alleuya, we have made him see the light!

"Oh? I thought you would tell me to get a sleeping bag or the couch or something"

"Nahh that's cool, I uhh. Well I trust you"

"Aww, your sweet you know? For a 'straight' guy your really cool you know?"

"So uhh, you know where I got the reference for Warden William Smithers now?"

"Eye lollypop? That's kinda gruesome". I'm never using fountain pens again.

"I fucken hate retina scanners, that's why"

"Makes sense. Do you mind if we switched this off and turned in? I am pooped"

We walked into his room, not too bad for a single guy. He was stripping off and I saw this nasty scar on his left ligament that connects chest to neck. But oh boy! Check out those arms.

"Hey, you like guys. What do you think of my body so far?"

"Dude, you look totally awesome. Your not fat enough to be a hairy biker but your not skinny as to be a stick insect" This guy was the perfect size. I wanted him bad.

"So, what do you think now?" I dropped to his lovemuscle. I wanted to devour it with my eye's

"Oh my god! It's been ages scince I saw one so big and nice looking! How big is it anyway?"

"Uhh I dunno" He just stood there whilst I stripped off.

"Maybe eight inches? All I remember is it's always been too big for those tight fisted girls"

"Dude, mines eight inches, and it's no way as big as that!" As I whipped it out I couldv'e swore his eyes buldge. His cock was pointing upwards now.

"Girl's have this problem with spacial awareness. They might think you'll split them or something. Either that or they enjoy teasting men and breaking their hearts"

"Yeah, I totally understand that. Youv'e ever been with a girl?"

"Funny you should mention that yeah. My first was amazing. But she broke my heart. I had a couple after her but each time I kept thinking about her and how she broke my heart. In the end I thought fuck women! There just whores and heartbreakers"

"I had a girl once, she was special to me. Her name was Tessa, all the time she was going out with this German guy. After I knocked him out I never saw them again. Ever scince then I've had a problem controlling my anger. I was really peaceful before her, I wouldn't hurt a fly. The only thing that's kept me going is my Triumph."

"Trent. I like you a lot already. and I don't want you to get mad at me. But I don't think your all straight."

Right there he sort of broke down, like I just uncovered his mask and upset him. He came to me and held on tight! Really tight. I guided us both the the bed because he was really heavy and holding onto me quite hard. He turned to me with tears in his eyes.

"Your going to think this is fucked up, but I've had to play the hard man for so long and I hate it! When I fell in your arms I felt protected for the first time in my life. I feel so much better now" He feels protected by me? I suddenly felt our bond become much closer.

"Hey there, I don't think this is weird. I just saw into you that your confused. I want to help you, because your helping me and a few hours ago I was a stranger in a strange land".

"I love you Paul!

"What?" I hope that wasn't me wanting to hear things.

"I said I love you! I know what those funny feelings are now, I know why I let someone into my apartment, I know why I let you sit next to me in the bar. I know why I let you ride shotgun"

"You... You love me?" Please be true! Oh please god!

I moved closer to him, he moved closer to me. We embraced. It was awesome! I slipped him my tounge and he seemed to love that! and then invaded my mouth. I wanted him to take total control over me. I wanted him to use me as his love puppet, to spend out all his years of frustrations with women on me. I wanted to make him whole again. And he wanted it to.

"Boy, do you taste good" We both said, he began to grin and I burst out laughing followed by him.

"I want to do that again" He said.

"Do what? The whole dramatic coming out of the closet thing?" Had to joke about that :P

"Nahh, this!"

He moved in again, He was totally going for it! but his teeth were getting mashed against mine and it hurt. I had to push him off gently.

"If you really want to get something that far down my throat, I don't think it should be your tounge".

"You serious? You think you can get it that far in?"

"Wanna see me try?" PLEASE SAY YES!

"By the God's I do! But... oh how do I say this. No one has ever gone down on me before and I don't know what to expect, will it hurt? With your teeth and all."

"Just relax yeah? I know from experience just what teeth are for. It doesn't hurt unless you want it to"

I slid sexily down his body, rubbing my tuaght six pack over his cock. I could feel something warm and sticky shoot out.

"You came already?"

"Nope, or if I did I didn't feel it, it's probaly precum"

I opened up there and then and took as much as I could get into my mouth. I sucked really hard to get the precum out of his dick.

"Yep, that's precum! No wonder! Your balls are huge!" After three years, I would have burst. Does this guy ever jack off?

"Yeah there also very tender, be careful with them"

I went down on him again. I could feel the power of his body as he trembled beneath me. I got all of his really big dick into my mouth and felt my chin touch his ballsac. As I was going down on him I pressed my index finger on his asshole. He felt clean and I could feel it pucker.


I came up quickly, popping the cock out. I hoped his balls were not that sensitive!

"You okay? I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"" I was struggling for breath. The thing you did with your finger... I just, wow! Hassam al muraza!"

"What?" This guy Turkish or something? He didn't look it

"What?" He replied.

"What language was that?" I asked

"What?" he didn't forget did he?

"You said something like 'Hasam al murza?" I struggled to remember what he said to.

"I don't know, all I could think of was the feeling and how my body went on fire in a nice way. Sounds arabic doesn't it?"

"You mean you didn't know what you said?"

"No idea"

"Paul, could you go a little more gentle on me? I really liked the thing you did with your finger but i'm not sure im ready for it"

"Sure thing hunny"

I had to have more of his cock, I needed it deep in my throat. If I could of I'd have sucked him off untill his dicks was right down into my tummy! I wanted him bad and the moans and thrashing he made only made my lust greater.

"unngh oh aggh" He gripped the sheets on the bed, holding them tighter and tighter. His head was bucking back and fourth, He just could not keep still! Still I hung onto him for dear life itself. No matter how crazy Trent became he was going to get his treat and not stop untill Trent came.


I tired desperatly to get more into my mouth and throat, I also pushed my index finger right up into him and prodded around hoping I was hitting his prostate. As he came I moved up so I could catch all his spunk in my mouth. Godamn! this guy came in buckets, I had to swallow some so I could catch every drop and swill it in my mouth. I was gonna have bad breath in the morning!

"I told you I wanted spunk!" I grinned at him.

He leaned over to kiss me. I offered my mouth to his probing tounge. He wanted some too! Aww so cute!

"We need sleep now, hold me Paul" I complied. I found my new master to please and serve. I wanted to be in his arms forever.

Next chapter is already in my head, liked this? Send comments to the address at top. Dedicated to a very special guy who has made me feel a lot better, and the Triumph Motorcycle company, for making the worlds best bikes when Ducati's and Harleys are not enough.

If I had enough money, I would have loads of Ducatis and Harleys to, but I've gotta scrimp and save so I can save up and get my on Bonneville.

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