The Alpine Institute

Published on Oct 27, 2021


The Alpine Institute for Male Health 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

We were at full operation at Eden two days after the fire crews left. We had impressed the fire and emergency services with our co-operation and willingness to give as much help as we could. We gave up a week of income to do our part. As it turned out we didn't lose anything. Our patients and clientele fully appreciated our efforts. Our bookings increased. The Bunkhouse was used two days a week and weekends.

Willy was a happy man. Many of his patients were doing well. He admitted that he wasn't sure if it was his professional skills, of if the Inn simply provided a place for closeted men to be themselves.

Billy was popular and helpful in unexpected ways. Billy had a well-developed sex drive. For years he had hidden his unusual sexual equipment. He was open about it now. He could now comfortably go to the showers and be naked. The men were surprised but were okay with it. Some were more than okay. They discovered that while Billy's vagina was non-functional, it did feel.

Some men had successful intercourse with a woman. A bearded and hairy woman was a good feature for them. At first Billy was uneasy, but he adapted quickly. Billy had no problem with multiple partners. Men who were into felching loved him. They could get their tongues deep into Billy's vagina to feast on the cum deposits.

While the rooms in Eden were comparatively expensive, the Bunkhouse was reasonable. Eden had better facilities, but the basic recreational activities involved erect cocks and well lubricated asses. The guests provided the basic tools needed for a great time.

I was living in a barebones apartment over the shops. I had a bed-sitting room, a bath and what was called a loft. The loft was plastered and had a few electric fixtures. Some of my guys would stay there if they had to work late.

Al set up sort of a little hut he called the den at the end of the loft. Technically he didn't live there, but he liked it a lot. He wanted his own place and his approach to decorating was eccentric. He felt safe with me.

I also had some unexpected guests, Chief Donny and some of his firemen dropped by to visit. He told me that sometimes he just needed to get away. I understood. They might stay with Al in the extra room.

Several of our regular guests were a group called Reid's Men. Reid Blake owned a successful advertising agency. He and his firm were imaginative and clever. He was gay as was a large portion of his staff. He never connected with his staff sexually. He and they knew that would lead to problems.

Reid was not a bottom feeder, but he was interested in the man on the street. He told Willy he wanted men who were hard working, regular men. While this was partially "customer research," Reid finally confessed to Willy that working men turned him on. Reid was from a wealthy family, went to private schools and an Ivy League college. He thought men who made $150,000.00 were working class.

I was in the sauna when Reid met Chief Donny in the shower room he was dazzled. Donny was down to earth, and direct. He had authority without the benefit of a college degree in leadership. Donny had every desirable male characteristic and loved sex with men. Reid went to the gym every day and was moderately muscular, and hairy. I assumed they had few common interests, but since both men were sexually driven, they had one shared interest.

Reid was turned on by working class men. While Donny was way down the social ladder, he wasn't crude or aggressive. He let men come to him. They connected in the sauna.

Donny was with Billy. Donny has been briefly married. His wife told him that taking his cock had been and ordeal and that no woman would have him. Billy saw Donny as a wet dream come to life. Reid had no problem with a cock, ass, or vagina. Billy had no problem with cocks. Billy told them that he had never encountered a cock that was too big, and that no one had told him his lady parts were too tight.

Donny was curious and he asked if Billy would mind if he tried it. Billy wasn't exactly drooling to take Donny cock, but he was close.

"I would like to watch that, if you guys don't mind," Reid asked. No one objected. Reid had some lube in a bag he took into the sauna. He coated Donny's cock. Reid was hard as a rock and was relieved he didn't shoot off as he touched Donny's tool.

Donny and Billy were unexpectedly well matched. Donny realized that the problem had been his wife, not the cunt. He told me if his wife had been stocky, hairy, and bearded he might have stayed with her. Billy later told me Donny's cock was a snug fit but was perfect. His vagina had never been filled; most men did an exploratory poke.

"I've got to fucking shoot in you. Is that a problem?" Donny asked after ten minutes of fucking.

"Hell no!" Billy replied. Donny was already shooting by then.

When Donny finished shooting, I dropped to me knees and tried to deep throat Donny's cum covered cock. He cried that was too much, but he had a final ejaculation in my mouth. Men don't complain while they are shooting off.

When I calmed down, I saw Reid with his tongue deep into Billy's cunt. A minute later Donny realized he had only shot half of his load into Billy. He told Reid to spread his legs, he had some unfinished business. Reid was soon licking up Donny's cum from Billy's cunt as Donny shot a huge load into his ass.

That was enough sex for one night. Everyone was exhausted, returned to their rooms and fell asleep. Donny went home the next morning. A large party group arrived in the morning for a party in the Bunkhouse.

I knew two of the men in the new group, Chester, and Giles. Chester was a doctor; Giles was a pharmacist. They had thought they were the entire gay population of Sumner County N.C. After sessions with Willy and Billy, they became slightly more daring. Chester found two men teaching at a junior College. Those men both had special friends. Charles found a building contractor who had a gay crew of eight men.

Giles was outgoing and he described the party as a get acquainted and then suck and fuck like madmen event. They didn't even pretend it was a birthday party. Two men joined the group at the last minute. Father Tommy was a Catholic priest who ministered to four, small churches. Billy-Boy was a deeply closeted county judge. Most of the men were overworked and couldn't get free often.

Willy made special SCNC embroidered jocks. These were low slung, ball holders, so many men would have their cocks hanging out. We had a staff member, Floyd, who usually took care of this sort of group, but his mother was dying, and his father was having a family reunion for her. He was not in good shape, so Floyd had to help. Floyd later told me that helping meant doing it all. His sister was too distraught to be helpful. Al and I were put in charge of the SCNC group.

Chester and Giles were bothered by this since they had been dealing with Floyd. They came a day early to see us in my room over the shop. It was a hot day and our air conditioner made brave, but ineffective efforts to cool the room. Al and I was nude, and that proved to be a good ice breaker. We had Floyd's plans and there would be no change in the arrangements.

Al said if any problems developed, we would do what was needed to work things out. I added that Al was noted for doing anything needed to keep our guest happy.

"Anything?" Giles asked.

We both laughed. "When I was a bad boy, years ago, getting fucked by fifteen men wasn't an ordeal, it was an achievement. I don't do that anymore. Guys tell me my ass is still really tight," Al said. "Do you guys want a sample?"

"We wouldn't do that!" Chester said.

"We sure as shit will!" Giles said. We all laughed. They left and all was well.

By noon, the next day the men were settled in the bunk house. Two men couldn't make it at the last minute, but Chester had replacements, Cal, and Dave. They were obviously policemen.

Dave came over to me. "What are the rules here? What is okay and what is not allowed?" he asked.

"You have met the doctor?" I asked. He said yes. "Well, that means you are cleared for bareback sex and you cum ins edible. You can do whatever your playmate agrees to, but not BSDM."

"You say fucking is okay?" he asked.

"If the men you are playing with are okay with it," I said.

"Are you and your pal good with that?" he asked.

"The is a good chance that the guests here are good with it too. Remember, yes is yes and no is no." I said. Dave was a happy man.

An hour later I was setting up tables with Al and Father Tommy, when Cal and Dave came by to see me. We were naked, but Cal and Dave were wearing jocks. You could tell that Cal had been in shape years earlier. Dave was a guy who had to become a Marine or a cop. He had the perfect body for the job.

I had been talking with Tommy. He was unsure if he should shoot off in another man. I told him that you can't be a semi-virgin. "If sex is voluntary, you are on the good side of the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," command." He burst into laughter and said that was a daring interpretation. I suggested that being a shepherd was a lonely job. He laughed again.

Dave helped Tommy when he slipped moving a heavy table. They hit it off.

Cal whispered, "I hope Dave has something left for me."

"You might be surprised at how much men have to give," I replied.

I smiled, and said, "One or two men told me they think there is something in the water. I know that isn't true, but there will be sixty plus men here this weekend, that's thirty feet of cock. That has to be inspirational."

"Really?" he asked. Dave was getting hard, and as Willy had planned, his jock was too small, and the cock popped out. I stroked it. Several men came in the room.

"Damn, they are going to see me hard," he whispered.

"Everyone here is eventually going to see everyone else hard," I said. "Think of your cock giving a preview of coming attractions," he laughed.

The weekend party was a complete success. Giles provided some pills and inhalants to freshen the lusts. If I were a catty man, I might have said the Father Tommy took confessions up his ass and bestowed forgiveness from his cock.

Later that night, Dave fucked me as I sucked Father Tommy. Giles gave me a pill that made me both mellow and receptive. Somehow, I was with the builder, Butch and his crew. The crew members were named Bubba, Skeeter, Cody, Montana, and Bobby-Joe. I felt as if I was in a Mountain Dew commercial.

The boys hadn't fucked anyone in a while, and I had their dream ass. They didn't want to break me, but they had never used their buddy's sperm as lubrication before. This was a first for them and was a great success. Technically, no one ejaculated an internal organ into me, that had seemed possible at one point. Butch was that last man to fuck me.

I feared they would think I was a slut. They thought I was a super man who could "take a licking and keep and ticking" as the old wristwatch advertisement said.

While they were in the Bunkhouse, the had access to the recreational facilities in the Inn. The construction crew discovered the sauna. I didn't know how the other guests would get along with the unsophisticated workers, but brawny, muscular, and horny men could only be so bad.

I was busy getting ready for the night's dinner. It had a comic drag show for entertainment. Billy was a member of the drag group. It was part of Richmond area Bear Club. The group had six to eight members. The director, Frank, was also the pianist. The members were big, hairy men who did a conic version of a Drag show. The men had good voices and could dance, but their efforts at a falsetto tended to be a baritone.

It was clever and funny. The men had beautiful, over-the-top costumes, but the men were not shaved, so hairy torsos and backs were prominent. The same applied to their dances. They didn't wear underwear, so cocks and assholes were on display in their Can-Can dances. Billy was the only one to completely strip, and his vagina was the final joke.

The dinner was a good and the men were in a good mood. As far as I could tell, I had been a good day for everyone. Men from the Inn were invited to the show, so we folded up most of the tables and brought in more chairs.

Frank started playing the piano. He was good and could do everything from country and western, modern pop-music. Frank was the master of ceremonies. He was a big man; he stood and made an announcement. "I have an announcement. Sadly, the group we scheduled for tonight had cancelled. We had hoped to present the Blue Ridge Mountain Cathedral's Chancel Choirs' renditions of their fifty favorite hymns. They had to be in bed by seven-thirty, so they were unable to join us. I do have some good news, while taking a piss at a rest stop, I encountered a theatrical troop who were free for tonight. I did not have a chance to hear them sing, but I did witness an unusual display of synchronized pissing at the urinals. This was quite lovely and moved he greatly, so here they are, straight from the urinals of I-81, the group I found whose name I don't remember!"

A big man came out wearing only a sandwich sign inscribed with Virginia Bare Bear Chorale on each side. He announced, "Our first act is Dianna Ree singing "I'm only a Girl on a Gilded Cage."

A man who would have scared the Abominable Snowman came on, the lights turned off and he was in a spotlight. His blond wig contrasted attractively with his black body hair. He was wearing a low cut, backless, gauze gown that was encrusted with widely space sequins. You could clearly see the twinkle light on his cock ring and the oversized organ it embellished.

Dianna sang the first half of each line in the song in a falsetto, and the second half in a deep bass. He made graceful motions with is hands and body. The gown had a gap in the front and once and a while his uncut cock made an appearance. She finished her song and curtsied to applause.

The sandwich board man reappeared. "Our next performers are presenting their own composition; I give you Monique and Tonya!" The men were dressed as country girls in a plaid flannel shirt and false breasts. Monique complained her husband dick was not bigger than her clit. Tonya complained that her clit was the size of a dick. they seeme to have found every joke based on that situation.

Billy was the last performance. I wondered if a transgender man playing a transvestite would take the high road. Dianna Ree joined him singing a song called "There is something about her." Many of the men were surprised that Billy was transgender. Most of the men seemed to like novelty.

The show was a success and seemed to be inspirational. The guests and the actors dispersed and indulged in private pleasures. Al and I did the clean-up. We had done this many times and we had it down to a science. An hour and a half later, I was in my room falling asleep. Al went to the Inn and made new friends.

The next morning was Sunday and we served brunch from ten to one. The kitchen staff took care of that, so I rested. I looked in at Al and he was with Billy, Father Tommy, and Dianna Ree. Dianna Ree real name was Ernie Ralston. He was fucking Al and Father Tommy was fucking Billy.

Billy had a good night. His cup was overflowing and Earnie, Father Tommy and Al were licking the sperm drooling from his vagina. That was nice, but they also were refreshing the load with their own contributions. Ernie was inserting his thick tool as I entered.

"Let me know if this is too much?" Ernie asked.

"Damn you're thick," Billy moaned.

"Is that a complaint?" Ernie asked.

"Not at all," he replied.

"Tommy wants to do you next, so I shoot off quickly," Ernie said.

"I don't think I can do it again," Father Tommy said.

"That is what you said the last time," Ernie said. "I am beginning to doubt your sincerity."

Ernie traded places with Tommy, and all was well. The muscleman came over to me. "I still have some juice I need to put somewhere," he whispered. "I was hoping your ass was nice and tight." We went to my room.

"I've got a thick one, but I know how to get it into tight spaces," he said.

"Have you never split a man in half?" I asked.

"Guys either say they didn't think they could take it, or they want a dildo shaped like it so it can be shoved up their ass before he's buried. They want to meet their maker with a smile on their face," he said.

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