The Anchor

By Fantastic Foreskin

Published on Oct 10, 2024


THE ANCHOR - PART 4 All Feedback Welcome: c98b89 at gmail dot com Please donate to Nifty:

This is all fiction but inspired by a real life news anchor. I hope you enjoy!


Back when I was in high school, my parents were very trusting of me, so I had a little more free rein than most kids. And this was back before everyone had a cell phone, so it was less common for kids to constantly be reachable to their parents. One of the things I liked doing in the summer was going camping, and I got to go by myself for a weeklong trip in the woods while my mom and dad went on a little anniversary trip to Europe.

That year was also different, it was the year I had gotten my driver's license and my first car - a hand me down from my dad. So, one afternoon, I drove to a hiking trail in a nearby state park filled with hills and small mountains right by the coast. Off the shore were a few sizable islands on which you could see some small houses, but they must have been privately owned, since it wasn't common for any people to be visible on the island.

After a short hike in the hot summer sun, I reached a small camping ground that appeared to be empty, save for one tent. There was a small facilities shack with a toilet, an outdoor shower, and a sink for campers. I didn't see anyone around, and I was sweaty from the walking, so I stripped naked and began to take a shower. At the time, my dick had already grown to its present day size, but my torso was still smooth and my pubes and armpit hair were still coming in. People told me I had a baby face which made me look a little younger than my age.

While I was showering, a park concessions car came by. I thought nothing of it at the time. They cleared out the trash and headed off, but I didn't see anyone come around.

About ten minutes later, I heard footsteps, and a bearded man in his late 30s walked around the corner. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes - like me - and was wearing a safari type shirt, cargo shorts, hiking shoes, and glasses. He was taller than my 5'8 significantly, at 6'5. He was a little surprised to see me and I caught his glance move up and down my body.

"Oh!" He said. "I didn't expect to see someone here. I only saw my and my husband's stuff..."

"Wait, that can't be right," I responded. "I had my camping gear out there too!"

"Come take a look," the man answered. I walked out - completely naked, as I had left my towel with the rest of my stuff, and saw that he was right! The camp staff must have taken it since it was left on the ground far from the tent - they must have thought someone left it behind.

At that moment, a park ranger car approached. A cop came out and walked over. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked. It must have been quite a strange site - a tall, clothed man much older than me, with me totally naked.

I caught the eye of the man, and we both looked terrified. We could be in a lot of trouble. I decided to start. "Sorry, Dad - I think I lost my clothes! I don't know where I left them."

I saw the man think for a split second. Then he decided he would play along. "Dammit, Tyler!" He said, scrunching his face up in anger. "This is why you should keep the nudism at home!" I guess I was Tyler now...

"I'm sorry, officer," the man said. "I keep telling my son that his hobbies are private." The cop seemed to understand. "I get it, my kids are a piece of work too. Anyway, why don't you find him some clothes before he scandalizes someone?"

"Will do, sir," the man said. We both watched as the cop went away.

"Thanks for thinking fast on your feet," the man said. "I'm Randy, by the way. My husband should be showing up soon," he said. "Don't worry, we aren't creeps or anything. We won't hurt you..." Randy said as a car drove up.

Out of the car came a blond man, about the same age as Randy and almost as tall at 6'3. His eyes widened at the sight.

"Don't worry about it, Dave," Randy said. "All sorted out here. This guy is..." He looked at me quizzically. "I didn't catch your name."

"Tyler," I said. "Why don't we go with that?"

Randy shrugged. "Tyler. And how old are you... son?"

"I have a driver's license," I responded. That seemed to pacify them. "Old enough," Dave responded.

We chatted a little bit and I learned that Randy and Dave had just finished their camping trip. They were about to go on a road trip exploring some of the nearby towns then were actually heading back here.

"Is your car in the park's lot?" Dave asked. I nodded.

Randy and Dave looked at each other. Two guys in their late 30s, with a naked, shorter guy in his late teens. This was probably not what they expected.

"Um... would you want to come along with us on our road trip?" Dave offered. In retrospect I probably should have been more worried. But something about this felt exciting. I could feel myself at half mast.

"Of course!" I responded. "It'll be a great trip with my two dads!" I said, giving a knowing look. I wondered if they would go with the bit.

"Alright son," Randy remarked. "Let's pack up and head into town."

"Um, do can I borrow some of your clothes?" I asked. I was naked after all.

The two men looked at each other. Finally, Dave answered: "I don't think anything would fit you, son. We're much taller than you."

"And," Randy added, "you seem quite alright without them."

I laughed, which seemed to ease the tension. That was the beginning of an exhilirating week for all of us!

Next: Chapter 5

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