The Antidote

By Christopher Trent

Published on Jan 29, 2023



This work contains graphic scenes of overt homo erotic acts between and among consenting adults and is intended for the enjoyment of like minded readers only. If such material might offend your sensibilities or if you are under legal age, close this page now.

The Antidote

Ending of Chapter 1

Casey's nostrils distended wide to get more of the smell of cock. Just a few hours ago he would have puked at the thought. Now he was looking at things from a different point of view. "Yes sir! It's a fucken beauty, sir."

"You bet your ass it's a beauty. Now chow down on that fine piece of throbbing man meat."

Now that he was all warmed up, Casey got down to work in earnest on Milosh Vlasovitch's root. All three of the men were stroking their meat watching him working on Vlasovitch. He knew it wasn't going to take much longer to coax out the fluids that would save his life.

Chapter 2

Part 1

Whether Casey played the men cagily, so as to extract the antidote out of them, or else, the two men fucked it into his skull, is still a question without an answer. Milosh and Meric, it is true, took charge of Casey, took charge of him body, soul and mind. But maybe Casey, in his own way was steering the ship a bit, too. These guys were amoral henchmen; dick-driven ex cons. Dick-driven men are always either fucking or fighting--- with no in-between. He knew enough to keep their attention on fucking. And him, the lucky fuckee.

He knew how the big bad guys played. The key was to let them be on top. Flattery would get you anything you wanted. Something about a man with a big ego, and a low I .Q., made him easy to lead around by his cock. That was particularly true if the cock was extra big. Kiss his dick and he'll bend over backwards to get you to do it again.

Casey had never kissed dick in his life. He made his way through the world getting what he wanted with knuckles and bullets. Would have killed anyone who whispered the word cocksucker in his direction. But when you brush up against the shoulder of death, kissing a bad man's dick with your tonsils might seem like the sweetest thing in the world.

Casey breathed deep--- filling his nostrils with the fine smells of hot cock and leather.

Hot cock? Leather? Fine smells? Where the Hell did that thought come from? Raven had mentioned something about the side effects of the poison horning him up, but he said nothing about it switching the signals. Yet there was no denying what his cock was telling him. The taste and smell of these two hunks of testosterone soaked salami were intoxicating him.

Yes, indeed, things could change.

Last night he had landed his helicopter on Raven's island. A sky full of moon lit the sandy beach. Huge crashing waves covered the sound of the engine. It was almost too easy to land. Kissing dick was the last thing on his mind as he'd made his way through the thicket to the main house. No alarm went off, none that his ears could detect, anyway, when he slipped in the door of the darkened room. Then the lights came up. He was in a large sleekly modern great room with a dais, and padded leather chair, at one end.

An exam table in front of it. Before him was a 20 foot wall of television monitors all tuned to the same channel which showed a closeup of Raven's face. Rows of recessed lighting marched across the ceiling. The ceiling sloped down a few feet to meet the floor to ceiling wall of glass on the opposite side. Casey barely had time to sweep his eyes around the place trying to locate himself when that pesky dart stung his neck, and told him instantly, that he was in deep shit.

Way deep shit.

And that one instant after the sudden sting, unfolded into an eternity of realization--- as he fell into slumber.

Now he was awake, naked, on sore knees spread wide, his body glowing with sweat, his blood poisoned with a mysterious poison, pounding his leaky pipe with his fist and getting his face and the back of his throat ploughed by two hoods, who, for all their evil, made his blood boil and his cock surge. They had backed him into a corner of the room teaching him how to milk dick with his throat. Well, he figured if this was as bad as it got, he would still be alive, his body intact. There were just a few memories he'd like to forget.

And some he wanted to remember. He wanted to remember being on the town, with Rhonda the night before he found himself here on Raven's island. Sitting across from Rhonda, a satin stripe on his trousers, and her wearing an eye popping Versace number, the two of them being served a decent meal of tender medallions of venison, slow cooked in butter and olive oil, along with wild mushroom risotto on a velvety carpet of black truffles, served with tiny peas in butter and shallots and garlic roasted baby red potatoes--- Casey made only one mistake. That was when he ordered the Dom Perignon '75---

"But, sir," the sommelier said, "the earthy flavors of the venison are liable to obscure the lighter notes of the champagne. May I recommend a bottle of a hearty Chateauneuf du Pape." And sure enough when he had poured the first taste of the red wine and held the goblet against the light admiring its' clarity and then the taste, big and buttery, with hints of oak, berries, and plums with a long, finish. "Perfect!" he declared, dabbing his lips with a white linen napkin. He loved it when she clapped her hands in delight at the flaming chocolate cherry bombe he ordered for her dessert. He himself did not care for sweets.

And after dinner, over a demitasse of strong espresso with just a sliver of lemon rind, he knocked back several small tapered glasses of vintage Armagnac, so warm and nutty, and lit a brandy soaked Havana cigar. As they got up to go, he had slipped the spray of small, pale green orchids from the slim vase for her to carry. Then he and Rhonda strolled along the bluffs to get the car. They'd topped off the evening with a moonlit drive along the beach in the Lamborghini, followed by a night of lovemaking under silk sheets--- If he just held on to the memory of that night, perhaps the terrors of this nightmare would be nearly forgotten.

He knew that in a life or death situation, where your opponent holds all the cards and you hold none, you'd best get with the program and become a yes man. If they wanted him to put out like a whore then he was going to be the best damn whore they ever saw. He didn't know they wanted not just a whore, but a demented cock slut they could finally turn into nothing more than a hole; but even at the end of that road, the kind of man he was dealing with was never going to pass by a hole, whether a human hole or a hole in the wall, that he didn't feel the need to plug. If an eyeball had fallen out of his head they'd have fucked that hole.

Okay, so he would live through Hell for a few days. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but there was only thing he had to make sure of, namely, that James never found out that Raven's men had turned him out as a total cock bitch. He would die of shame if James knew. He and James had come through the academy together. Had hard knuckled and kicked their way out of impossible situations together. Drank hard, dined well, and fucked fine bitches together. Now that Casey was in a bit of a hard scrabble---would James find him; and if he found him could he save him?

These thugs had put him through their hoops. Training him like a poodle puppy was pretty harsh for openers. Usually you worked up to that. Hell! If they were going to push him right to the wall from Day One , what would Day two be like?

On his knees before the likes of Milosh. That, right there was shame. Then Meric joined the party. Pushed his way in. Meric was smarter and smoother than Milosh but he was still a hard edged cocksman.

Casey kept his mouth open wide as it would go. The two men, Meric and Milosh took turns fucking his face, one slamming a long hard stroke of cock probing the depths, pulling back, then the other taking its' place in a machinelike action. Casey's cock oozed a steady stream of clear fluid pooling on the smooth marble floor. Till it seemed to Casey the two cocks invading his skull were one hard piston and the back of his throat just a fuck toy.

Fuck me, I'm just a fuck toy fuck toy fuck toy! The words ran in widening circles around what was left of his mind. If he ever had a mind; what there was left of this alleged mind seemed to disappear in the shredded rags of identity, flying off in centrifugal tatters leaving only a spinning darkness at center. The back of the throat was the empty center of his existence and knew only one thing: the fierce need to be filled by more. And here came more and he was the joy of the vacuum filled--- plugged--- but then the slimy dick pulled out and the need was there again.

It was funny how you didn't get tired of it, you just wanted it to go right on for as long as it was going on. As long as there was an it to go on.

And he was it.

Fuck me I'm the it being fucked.

It's a fuck toy And the words started a little rhythm in his head in time with the two hot cocks banging his throat. I'm a fuck toy.

fuck toy

fuck. toy

That was all that was in his head. In that space--- where there was no past or future, only more fat dong sliding in, hitting home, and sliding out. If there was a thing beyond this, a future, it held only more of him and them, no,--- not him,--- but it, naked and hot, on his knees, and damn! it felt good to be on his knees, before these fully dressed men, his head held steady by the men's hands for the whirring whizzing hard cock machine. And then in that dark center the words sang out loud and clear: It is a fuck toy and that's all it is--- and all it was ever meant to be. Funny how you could be an it and still lose it, whatever it was. To give up and let the meat take over. It was all just walking talking meat anyway. Raw meat. Letting go. It was three cocks minus one. The one being it.

Fuck toy.

Meric's forehead dripped with sweat down his face and ran down to his neck. He shook his head to get the sweat out of his eyes. Sweat flew off, some drops hitting Milosh who hardly noticed, himself being just as hot and sweaty. "He's getting there," Meric said.

"Yeah?" Milosh said. "Where's that?" Milosh bit his lower lip as his hips curled back and forth in mean hard strokes.

"Right where he needs to be." Meric laughed. "Ain't that right, puppy? You want to be right where I want you to be. Don'tcha?"

He wanted to answer his daddy but it was too busy. The twin smells of the cock and leather though, were sending him sky high.

Suddenly, he couldn't find his breath. His body froze up. Eyes stared unblinking. Breath went wild. Lungs sucked for air and couldn't find enough. He forgot who he was and where he was and what he was doing.

Meric saw where he was at and held his head close to him breaking the rhythm. "Hey, you're okay," he said. "Daddy's right here. You can do it." Then Meric slid his cock slowly into Casey's mouth and kept it going on down until his meat was way deep. "That's right, boi, Daddy's home."

Casey felt such a sudden glow of love and gratitude--- He worked his throat muscles, milking that cock as deep as he could. As a reward, Meric pulled out quick and came back with an extra hard slam. Then Meric moved aside for Milosh to step up to bat.

Milosh threw his own hot fat fucker in the hole. Casey shuddered and trembled all over like a drug was taking him higher and higher.

"He's a fucken fuck toy if I ever saw one," Milosh said

Fuck toy.

"Right about now," Meric said. "he's starting to know what he is."

"Born to be ploughed by real men." Milosh said. The two men laughed and never lost the rhythm.

He worked to hold his gag reflex at bay, but the steady onslaught of massive meat forced him to lose it a couple of times. But each time he gagged and his throat threw up more thick fluid, his nose dripping, and his eyes teary, all of it mixing with his sweat--- seemed only to spur the two men till they both, almost simultaneously, were caught up in the iron grip of white hot necessity which lifted them still higher and then from an impossible height, shot them over the top.

Milosh grabbed Casey tight by his hair, as much to steady himself on his feet, planted wide as they were, as to pull Casey down onto his cock. In all the wet urgency, Casey couldn't breathe, but found himself content to hold his breath so he could feel, on the roof of his mouth, his cheeks and tongue, the fat cock's pumping action as the precious liquid splashed down his gullet. Milosh shouted out loud. As Milosh pulled his meat out, Casey clamped his lips against the shaft cleaning it as it withdrew. Milosh's softening dick no sooner plopped out of Casey's lips then Meric stepped up and stuffed Casey's mouth with his boiling hot cock until his bull balls, pulled up as they were, slapped Casey's chin and in three strokes blasted his load down Casey's eager throat.

Milosh, shocked by the might and power of shooting his load with a sweet fiery intensity he had never felt before, buckled at the knees as the powerful cocktail of chemicals gushed in mind destroying, body wracking waves from the whipped cream in his nuts coursing up and out into Casey. "Drink it, fuck head!" he yelled. His voice somewhere between a growl and a scream.

He held himself right there, where he was, bent over the top of Casey's head, squirting out the last drops until he felt Casey's hands give him a gentle push, needy as his lungs were of air--- and then Milosh fell back onto a long leather couch.

Meric, too. As soon as Meric felt his big balls pumping a furious load, till they were totally emptied of the frothy, searing elixir, he fell back alongside Milosh. The two of them exhausted from their labors, relaxed, catching their breath.

Casey however, did not cum. Not that he didn't need to, his balls ached with the need for release, but instead his body surged with a new wave of hormonal energy. His fist tightened around his cock and he began to work it fast and furious. "Hey, look," Milosh said. "He finally found what those fists are for." It seemed that the more antidote he swallowed the more intense his drive.

But, Casey knew that however it went, his life was fucked. If he saved his life, he was driven to find more sex with unsavory partners whose intentions were to violate him and everything he stood for. What the Hell was he saving? Himself? How could this be himself, naked and on his knees before his enemies. He had been turned into a dog and worse than a dog. He was now closer to a pig. And the very thought caused his mind to shut down in agony as he fought to blot the image out of his mind's eye and at the same time hoisted him to a razor edge of excitement.

Casey was feeling shame and it was overwhelming. But just behind the shame was a new surge of need.

He wanted more.

A lot more.

Now two loads of the antidote had been delivered. One load to go and his life would be saved.

For today.

"Now ain't that a pretty sight." Jelly Roll said. "You all got to party and I got to watch. Shee-it! Let me grab me some of that." He pulled Casey's arm till Casey was standing up right but his eyes were still glassy. Unfocused stupefaction was all over his face. If he focused on anything it was on how hot his cock felt.

Then he saw Jelly Roll's monster.

The two cocks he just serviced and had serviced him were forgotten. He needed the next one just as bad. His knees hit the floor.

The silky satin smooth, dark brown monster was hanging out of Jelly Roll's polyester pants. Casey figured it must have weighed five pounds. His jaw dropped open and his tongue lolled out like a dog in the desert sun.

"See, that is what I like," Jelly Roll said. He never bothered to direct his remarks at Casey. Jelly was talking to the other two men across the room as they sprawled on the couch. "A pussy boy with a hard dick and a brain full of stupid."

He turned Casey like a rag doll and pushed him over the table. Casey's waist was flat on the table and his butt nicely pushed out. Jelly Roll grabbed a strap and fastened it across his back through a ring on one end and a buckle on the other to keep him in that position.

"Uh huh," Jelly Roll said, "I'm going to have me some fun with that sweet azz." He opened a drawer and pulled out a medium sized dildo. Found a tube of lube and with two fingers lubed Casey's hole. Then he squeezed a big dollop of lube on his fingers and slicked up the dildo and worked it into the hole. "I like a loose hole." he said. "The looser the hole, the better I like it." The dildo went in with just a push and the new sensation woke Casey out of his stupor.

"Hell," Jelly Roll said. "That ain't nothin'. When I get this old thang up there you're going to feel like you're gettin' fucked by a five inch dick--- sideways. Oh yeah, it'll hurt at first, but you're going to get so much of it you can't help but learn to love it. You be walkin' around with a wide-on for dis here from now on."

The tone of wickedness in Jelly Roll's voice as he whispered into Casey's ear was soothing. Immediately Casey felt a need to be filled. "Meanwhile, I'm gonna make you ma bitchboi." He put his swollen cock in front of Casey's face. Casey did his best to wrap his lips around Jelly Roll's dick head. He slurped up the precum, laved his tongue on the glans, worked half his tongue down the piss slit. He wanted to crawl in. Under his breath he repeated "Gimme that fucken cock."

"Oh, yeah, you're gonna crave a lotta this." Between Casey's virgin hole and his own huge cock he used one whole tube of lube.

Then Casey felt him at his backdoor pucker. But when Jelly Roll pushed his knob over his ring there was no pain. Something in the poison seemed to cause the various body parts to shape and stretch just right. Jelly Roll just stayed there for a moment.

Casey was impatient to get that big dick moving inside of him.

Jelly Roll held a small round pill in the palm of his hands. "Take this," he said.

Across the room, Milosh sat up straight. "Whoa!" he said. "Holy shit! Izzat what I think it is?"

Meric laughed out loud--- doubling up on the couch. "Wa-ha hoo, " he laughed.

Casey just looked at the pill. "What is it?" he said.

"This is your female estrogen pill. Baby. Well, you could say it's estrogen that's been tweaked just a little. You need this."

Casey couldn't think straight. He didn't know why he needed estrogen but that big old log in his pussy felt so fine massaging his prostate like it did, and then Jelly Roll started flicking his fingers on Casey's nipples and that was sending jolts of pleasure to his dick head so he was getting flooded with so much sensation.

"What? Why?"

"I like my boyz to have nice big bitch tits. So when I say, "Yo, bitch, suck my dick," they know they's the bitch. Don't you want to make Daddy jelly Roll happy?" The log moved in and out of his hole in a way that drove him up the wall.

Jelly Roll's fingers pushed the pill into Casey's mouth. "Swallow, baby, yeah, that's right."

Meric and Milosh having rested got up off the couch to see what was happening with Jelly Roll's ding dong working into Casey's hole. One on either side hunkered down to get a close look. "Fuck," Meric said. "Look how that huge fucker goes all the way in there."

The discomfort in Casey's ass was calming down. The big log was nicely sliding in, hitting the prostate, nearly pushing a big load of cum right out of him. "Unnnn" was all the sound Casey could make as another spurt of white cum popped out out of his dick lips. His own hand couldn't make it happen. But that big log of fuck meat could push out three or four loads and he was just getting started.

"Check it out!" Milosh said. There was a sense of awe in his voice. "As it slides out, how the ring of flesh comes up like fucken Krakatoa."

Next: Chapter 3

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