The Appendages of Pleasure

By Jacob German

Published on Dec 27, 2021


The Appendages of Pleasure

It wasn't a normal Saturday for Ross as he paced the field behind his house, today was the summer solstice and he was determined to utilize the freedom living so secluded offered. His form was free to the wind as his manhood dangled freely, his shaft bouncing lightly off his hefty sack with each step. He came to the edge of the woods and twirled a twig from a low hanging limb to twidle as he walked. One step after another he lapped the field seven times before moving to the circle of stones and a meticulous garden in the center.

HIs meditation circle was crafted to his liking of fragrant lilies and a weatherproof cushion resting in the middle of the yin yang stonework beneath. A nearby fountain coming from an artificial pond gave the place a serene feeling with the ad nauseum sound going in the background of a gentle trickle. Ross plotted over to the cushion and sat crossed legged to meditate waiting for the promised rare full moon on the solstice. Humming to himself he hardly noticed the sun set as the place became gently illuminated by the full moon rising.

It was even stranger he kept his eyes closed as the meditative circle became awash in a brilliant white light that to everyone within it felt warm and offered a strange pull from gravity. IT must've felt like a series of blissful enlightenments as his body began to float off the pad beneath him slightly at first but it was too late for escape by the time he became aware enough to open his eyes. His form in a flash disappeared from the holy site and his vision went black as he was transported somewhere unknown.

His eyes didn't open again for what must've been only ten minutes but as he stirred it felt like hours. HIs limbs were stiff and there was an odd ache coming from the arch of his neck, Ross tentatively placed his right palm against the back of his neck to discover what felt like a bandage over a bump the size of a pinprick. He tried not to panic and maintain his clarity as he pondered what had caused the injection and why whoever had done it took the time to patch it up and ensure that it wouldn't become a problem. HIs thoughts stayed distracted until he realized he hadn't taken in his surroundings since waking. He couldn't quite remember where he was before but he knew that the static round room of white stone wasn't where he was meant to be.

Shaking his limbs from their useless numbness he raised himself to his haunches and felt his manhood scrape the ground as he brought himself to his feet. He observed how the room seemed to have no entrance or exits and was shaped oddly given the room had no corners or hard angles. It was roughly as large as an elementary school gymnasium, was as white as the snow of a blizzardy winter morning, and lastly the place seemed to be illuminated by the stone itself as he could see clearly as day but no source of light.

After determining it would be futile to try and escape the room he resumed his cross legged position in the middle of the room and waited for his mysterious captors to show themselves. An immeasurable amount of time passed but he failed to grow tired, then seemingly out of nowhere a metallic voice began whispering yet he understood every word as if they were said from within his head.

"You are experiment 681, this is the species preservation & reproduction study facility. You have been selected after due observation based on your displayed interest in all sexes and orientations of your race. The following will be a series of tests that will determine how to best utilize and preserve your race. Do not be afraid, rest and refreshment will be offered between each round. Are you ready?"

Ross was doing his best to hide his fear but the bewilderment of the statement just made him question if he was truly ready for whatever would ensue. His placid demeanor melted and sensing the further futility of escape or resistance he thought he would play the situation by ear and escape should he feel necessary when the opportunity came. "Yes." he stated in response only moments after the question was delivered.

"Very good, let us begin with species Delta Iota Inifinitum." The voice said much louder this time, and almost seemingly with delight. Then the room went dark leaving Ross able to detect the faint red glow that entered the space as a door seemed to melt out of the curvature of the wall and in walked the most horrifying thing he had ever seen. A creature's form was lightly outlined by the faint red glow, standing an easy fifteen feet tall. From the shadow Ross could depict a spider-like body that is a tower-like set of easily twenty legs covering eight of the feet of height. When the door closed behind shutting off the visible light Ross' stomach churned out of apprehension.

When the light of the room returned Ross' fear and apprehension turned to that of curiosity revealing the creature's full likeness. The being `Delta Iota Infinitum' was rather alluring given the twenty legs shined with chitinous luster and the body resting atop suspended in the air was rather similar to a human. The creature had four eyes, a mouth with two small reverse mandibles coming from the corners of the mouth. Marble-like skin that was a light blue, with two nipple-like appendages sitting atop the clavicle beneath a thin and tightly tendoned neck. Two normal looking arms seemed familiar to Ross until he noticed that each hand had thumbs on both sides of five fingers on each hand. The transition of chitin and skin had a layer of scale like flesh a darker blue than the skin but not as black blue as the chitin. Under the carriage of the legs Ross noticed a small bump and wondered what it could be.

Now Ross as a human may pale in comparison to the heft of size of D.I.I. but he stood a proud six foot four. He sported a lean physique that accentuated his muscular frame displaying a proud set of abs, pectorals and bulging arm and leg muscles. HIs endowment flaccid hung a generous five inches above a bulbous set of testes the size of a pair of small peaches. His bum was as bulging and firm as his biceps and his skin taught around his form was a warm sandy color growing up in the hills of Appalachia in Georgia not far from the beach. His searching green orbs of eyes scanned for how the moderator intended for him to breed with this creature in front of him. He pushed his brunette shoulder length locks back and took a tentative step towards D.I.I..

Once he had taken a full stride with both legs towards D.I.I. the voice returned and quickly explained the planned course of actions that the voice assured Ross Delta had consented too. He was too fertilize this unisex creatures eggs with his human seed and foster the children within his artificial womb the injection that they had given him should have fostered. `Artificial womb? Foster the children?' Ross was apprehensive to what the moderator intended and he had no intention of anything entering his body by force, but he was curious as to how the injection worked.

As if reading his thoughts the voice answered "utilizing nanobots the injections serum reworks the intestine to allow a pocket of lining behind the prostate to incubate the eggs until the birthing is necessary. At which time you will be able to give birth from your anus with the help of a dilation inducing medicine." Ross had no time to question his probing thoughts further as the creature Delta was now approaching him as well. The creature made a clicking sound from his mouth as if to communicate but the effort was lost on Ross. Before he knew it his ability to find attractive features from the humanesque thing in front of him had him excited and sporting a hard and throbbing erection leaving his nine inch girth pointing droopily to the ground.

Delta initiated contact by bending down on its front legs to Ross' level in an effort to reach for his pulsating manhood. Delta paused however in front of Ross' member as if waiting for Ross' permission, nodding his consent Delta engulfed his cock with its rather small mouth the silky mandibles massaging the loose skin from Ross' semi-circumcised cock. His extra flesh was in bliss as Delta massage with two meaty and warm moist tongues, twirling the talented muscles expertly around his cock as if it had done this before. Ross let out a guttural moan that echoed through the chamber mixing with the lustry slurping of Delta around his massive prick. Precum soon was flowing as Ross had never experienced such pleasure in his life with many partners.

Ross' moans continued until he was screaming in ecstasy that he would soon cum. Delta seemed to enjoy the moans and slurped thoroughly until Ross filled their gullet with a plentiful amount of his man spunk. Delta smiled a wicked toothy grin as they pulled away from Ross and allowed him to fall to his knees to catch his breath. Once his breath had been caught Ross mumbled "I'm too spent for another round how am I supposed to fertilize their eggs?" As if the creature understood, it bent down once more and opened its maw to show him that his spunk had landed atop a nest of eggs nestled in the back of Delta's throat. "Ok but how am I supposed to get those in my body?"

Again as if understanding going off of the previous consent given Delta greedly moved four of their front legs like arms and pinned Ross flat on his back on the ground before expertly still flipping him over. Their arm legs put him into a position as if ready to ber taken from behind. Ross' mind raced `what is this thing doing? Are they going to spit those things into my ass, that shouldn't hurt but am I really ready for this?' As if on cue the bump beneath Delta's undercarriage split open and out crawled a long muscled tentacle like set of cocks. Three to be exact and Ross' fear skyrocketed. He let guys and girls peg him all the time but this is different. Those three massive pricks looked painful. His fear caused him to let out a gasp of shock, this was all Delta needed to initiate the next step of the experiment.

At lighting-like speed one of the three megadongs that was thinner than the others and a smaller opening at the end thrust itself into Ross' mouth and throat. Staying precisely a breath back from Ross' sinus opening allowing him to breath from his nose Delta began to pulsate within his startled mouth unbothered seemingly by his rough teeth pressed tight along the appendage. Ross' eyes darted blindly to try and see what the remaining dicks were doing behind him when he felt the warmth begin. The prick in his mouth began gushing a fluid of warm delicious slime down his throat. He began to panic before the sensation of euphoria kicked in, then the voice returned.

"The procedure is going nicely as we can tell. The Infinitum species has a unique breeding system much like that of symbiotes and xenoforms that allow for cross species breeding. You will now be impregnated via your artificial womb and also through your stomach. This species seems to believe your stomach acid will not harm the eggs and act as a second incubator. Also the fluid you are being fed is both an aphrodisiac as well as a dilator for your muscles making you both crave and easily accept the appendages. Prepare for breeding in 3...2...1."

On cue the other tentacles made an intense entrance into his plump ass making a wet slurping pop of a sound. Ross wrenched at the entrance but noticed the voice was right and it did not hurt. His mind rolled and his eyes crossed in bliss as he realized for the first time in his male existence he was truly being bred. The tentacles in his rear were large enough he could feel every movement, he felt the lower tentacle fill his artificial womb, while the other lurched through his innards exploring him like an eager adventurer. Once the final prick reached their places he felt all of the appendages at once lurch as he felt small pellets begin to fill his guts.

HIs eyes rolled back in his head as the appendage in his throat removed itself and began shooting a web like cum all over his eyes and limbs which were all pinned together behind his back. The prick didn't stop until his head and arms were encased in the goo. Luckily his mouth and nostrils were spared because once this goop began to harden and pin him in place; the tentacle probed back to its original resting place and began pulsing with the inner appendages that had been stirring and pumping rapidly the whole time. His bliss and repetitive orgasms let his eyes lulled out even though he no longer could see the sexual assault he was gloriuosly experiencing. His limbs no longer needing to be held were released as Delta stood again to full height.

Ross hung beneath the undercarriage being bred and fucked by the dangling massive tentacles. His life was better than he ever had dreamed and eventually passed out from the breeding into ecstasy.

((( Hello this is the author, thank you so much if you've gotten to this point for reading my story. If you liked it or have constructive criticism please feel free to reach out to me at See you in the Next Chapter)))

Next: Chapter 2

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