The Arrangement" Military, Authoritarian

By JP Aradon

Published on May 5, 2024



A young man confronts an ex-lover about his abusive behavior. This story is about adult men having gay sex if you don't approve don't read but if you enjoy it, please donate to

Authors note- this story does have scenes of physical and psychological abuse.

The Arrangement

By Jaradon

"You look so handsome" his mother said when she saw Andy in his Marine. uniform.

"Just like dad" Andy's father had been a Marine who had lost his life in combat.

"Yes, very much so"

"I hope he is proud of me."

"Of course, he is" mother said as he adjusted Andy's tie.

"Thanks Mom"

"Are you going on a date?"

"No, I'm meeting Mr. Franco for dinner."

"He was always coming around asking for you." " "Mr. Franco is very attentive."

"Maybe he is going to offer you a job."

Andy smiled at his mother. She was fooled by Mr. Edward Franco's appearance. He was a local neighborhood boy who had made it big. Franco gave out free turkeys for Thanksgiving and helped promising young men. This is how Andy had met him when he was eightteen. Mr. Franco had offered him a job which had led to a sexual relationship. Andy was flattered by the older man's affection at first until Mr. Franco had revealed his sadistic nature.

"Going to make a man out of you" Mr. Franco had said as he used his leather belt on Andy's ass.

Andy felt trapped, He could not tell anyone what Mr. Franco was doing to him. He felt there was only one way to escape.

"You are doing what?!!! Mr. Franco was furious but could do nothing to prevent Andy from enlisting in the Marines. Four years had gone by. Andy had come home for a visit. Mr. Franco had called Andy and invited. the young marine to dinner.

"Why do you want to see the creep?" Sergeant Peter Costa who was Andy's best friend had asked him.

"He wants to discuss a business arrangement "

"Sure, with your ass!'

"I can take care of myself "Andy felt his uniform was like a shield that would protect him.

"If he tries anything punch him in the face" Costa suggested.

"I have something else in mind." Andy said smiling.

Mr. Franco has picked up Andy up in a sport car. They had dined at fancy restaurant.

"Order anything you want" Mr. Franco said.

Mr. Franco and Andy had steaks and lobsters. Mr. Franco drank wine Andy had a couple of beers.

"There is a place I want to show you "Mr. Franco said as he paid the bill.

Andy was really trying to resist Franco. The man was heavier and had grey hair, but it looked handsome at fifty. Mr. Franco knew how to say the right thing. He was a master seducer. They drove to a condominium that overlooked the New York skyline.

"What do you think?"

"Nice" Andy asked admiring the view of the city.

"It has a private gym and a pool." Mr. Franco spoke as he was a real estate agent.

"The rent must really high?"

"Don't worry about the cost. You could live here if you agree to my terms "Mr. Franco.

Andy glanced into the bedroom and saw king size bed.

"Do you want something to drink?" Franco asked.

"No thanks "

Franco studied Andy. He was bigger and stronger. Franco could see the rippling muscles beneath the uniform fabric. The cut of the trouser really accentuated the 22-year old's ass.

"So, what are your plans after you leave the service?"

"Not sure yet"

"I could help you set up a business."

"Doing what?

"You have the face of a natural salesman." Mr. Franco said admiring Andy's clean-shaven All-American looks.

"Not sure about that"

Franco sat next to Andy on the leather couch.

"I thought you would want a break from the military life."

"It was tough at first but got used to it "

"Never thought you had it in you to be a Marine."

"It's a family tradition."

"You need to settle down and start a family give your mother grand kids:

"I should become you."

"Nothing wrong with that"

"I don't think I can I lead a double life.

"Look son, this it has to be for men like us, we can't all be prancing queens. . I'm not the only the one with a private lifestyle. There are more in the club."

"Do you play golf and then fuck each other "

"Nobody fucks me!."

Franco grabbed Andy's arm.

"Are you can slap me around like you use to?

"I thought you needed a father figure to show you the way " "

"A father should not abuse his boy":

"My old man beat the queer out of me!"

"Not all of it "

Andy could see the lust in Franco's eyes.

"You want me to get on my knees? "


"And suck your cock?"

"Your mouth was made for that boy"

Andy's dirty talk was arousing franco.

"Then I could take you into the bedroom and fuck you the right way."

Franco reached out for Andy who smacked his hand away.

"I'm not that boy anymore."

Franco stared into Andy's eyes.

"You met someone?"

"There was a sergeant who wanted me."

Franco suddenly had an image of Andy lying on a cot as his commanding officer rammed a hard cock into his boy.

. "How about you Mr. Franco"

"I've been with others but nothing like you."

"Was I that special?"

"You reminded me of a boy I was in love with?"

"What happened to him?"

"He moved away."

Andy pulled on Franco's tie.

"Call me sir"


Andy stood face to face with the middle-aged man.

"Are you deaf Franco?"


"No what?"

"No sir"

"That's more like it."

Franco did not like taking orders, He was willing to play along as soon as he got Andy into the bedroom he would tied him up and the real fun would begin

"Get down on your knees" Andy commanded.

Franco knelt in front of the young Marine officer.

"You want my cock?'' Andy pointed to the bulge in front of his uniform trousers.

"Yes sir"

Franco started to pull down the zipper.

"Ask for it?"

"Can I suck you cock sir."

Andy opened his fly exposing a hard eight-inch cock. He looked down at Franco. He could see the hunger in the older man's eyes as he licked his lips.

"Suck it now" Andy commanded.

Franco took the Marine's hard shaft into his mouth.

"Yeah, that's it."

Franco could not get enough of the hard marine cock.

"You're a good cock sucker "

Andy grabbed the back of Franco's head.

"I should ram it down your throat."

Andy wanted to choke the man with his cock. But there was no pleasure in it. This was not sex it was an act revenge. He shut his eyes but all he kept seeing was flashes of Franco abusing him.


Andy pushed Franco off his hard cock.

"I need it "Franco pleaded.

"You want my load!"

"Yes, please yes "

Andy pumped his cock until he felt he was about to orgasm.

"Open wide! "

Andy ejaculated on Franco's face


Franco licked his lips tasting the Marine's cum

"So good so good "

"You need to something to wash that down with."

Andy stood over Franco aimed his dick and urinated all over the man's expensive suit.

"What the hell?!"

Franco was in shock as the stream of yellow liquid cascaded all over his body.

"Don't you like the taste of my piss?"

"You ruined my suit."

"Too bad"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"'

Andy zipped up his pants.

"Where are you going boy?"

"Out of here "

"What about my offer?"

"Not interested "

"The arrangement could be good for both of us."

"Good night"

"You are life is going to be shit without me!"

Andy walked out of the apartment leaving Mr. Franco drenched in urine.

"Come back here!" Franco shouted as Andy slammed the door.

Andy stood in front of the building. He knew Franco was watching him from the window. Andy did not look back. He saw a bus headed for the city and got on it.

"Are we still on for tonight?".

Andy read the text on the phone.

"Yes "he texted back.

"I'm waiting at the hotel."

"What's room number?


"Will be there soon."

"I can't wait to see you."

The hotel was in Midtown Manhattan. Andy rode the elevator to the 30th floor and walked down the hallway until he reached room 3020. He knocked on the door.

"Right on time "Sergeant Costa greeted him.

"Yes sir"

Andy walked into the hotel room.

"I'm glad you're here Andy."

Costa shut the door.

"Did you meet that Franco guy?"

"Yes "

"How did it go?"

"I rather not talk about it "

"We got better things to do "

Costa pointed to a bottle of champagne.

"Never thought you were so romantic sir "

"You can stop with the sir shit" Costa handed Andy a glass filled with champagne and took another for himself.

"Should I call you Mr. Costa?"

"How about husband?"

"When are we making it legal" Andy said as he sipped his drink.

"As soon as we can" Costa kissed Andy.

"And the honeymoon?"

"That starts now."

Andy and Pete began to undress each other as they kissed. Andy had a muscular smooth build. Costa was beefier and hairy.

"You make so horny."

The two marines ended on the bed kissing and stroking their hard cocks.

"I can't wait to say I do to you."

"Me neither "

Andy felt Costa's fingers on his ass.

"You are really horny sarge."

Andy felt the Latino man's thick cock entering his ass.

"Always baby"

Andy loved the way Costa made love to him. It was so different from his experience with Franco. Costa had taught to him to be a marine and how real men make love.

"Fuck me sarge"

Costa kissed Andy on the back of the neck.

"Ready for my load marine"

"Yes sir! "

Costa flooded his lover's ass with his cum

"Love you" Costa whispered into Andy's ear.

Andy turned and faced his future husband.

"Semper fi"

The two marines kissed. Andy had never felt safer in another man's arm as he did with his future husband. Mr. Franco was wrong, Andy thought; his life was going to be better than he had ever imagined.

The End


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