The Attorney

By Dawson Spear

Published on Mar 11, 2012


"One thing that was different was you were pulling twisting and massaging my breasts, nipples and the bars. Not only didn't it hurt, I am happy that you decided to have my breasts pierced."

"Why don't you take a nap? I brought some paper work home and I will order in supper?"

"You don't want me to fix something? I don't mind."

"I know that, but I want you to rest up. We might have a repeat tonight."


"Will you get me one of the big gauze pads? I can already feel you leaking out."

"I may have to get you a plug to hold my stuff in you. Hold on and I will be right back." I got a pad. I told him to lift his leg again, spread the cheeks of his ass and wiped him clean. His hole was red and puffy with some of my two loads leaking out in a watery white stream. I could not resist inserting my fingers into him causing him to moan; the lips easily opened to me and I told William to push out like he was taking a dump. He did so and a wet sounding fart came out with more of my cum and his ass slime. I pulled him over onto his back, and lifted his legs to my shoulders like I was going to fuck him, but checked his taint site and realized all was well.

When he had finished fingering my cunt and had rolled me over onto my back to check my taint, TJ got up and washed his hands and got the supplies. He took the key and removed the cage. The PA site had healed sufficiently that the head of my cock no longer stuck to the cage because of the discharge which was a real plus. I was concerned as to what we were going to find when he removed the cage. When the cage was opened, the half that encompassed the exit site was a different matter. There was still some discharge but frankly most of it had closed over. Part of the problem came about because every time we went through the process, TJ had to take the ring and move it back and forth so that the ball went from the entrance site to the exit site, knocking off the scabs. He then took a small gauze pad soaked in peroxide and cleaned the crusty bits and pieces loosened by the working of the ring from my dick. When satisfied that all was open to the air he then poured peroxide over the wound and finally put Neosporin salve on the wound site. When satisfied he then locked my chastity tube and pocketed the key. He leaned up and kissed me, turned off the bedside lamp and went to the other end of the house.

I was pleased with the progress and frankly thankful that I had been able to get my rocks off. I was optimistic that he might be starting the process of mental orgasm and hoped that Tom could explain it better than I. I got my work and retired to the sofa in the study and started reading, only to fall asleep shortly. I was sound asleep when William came into the room and knelt by the sofa and just looked at me. As I lay there somewhere between being asleep and being awake I realized that someone was looking at me. I opened my eyes lying still and saw him just knelling there staring at me; I smiled at him, moved my lips toward him and kissed him. He rolled me over so that I was lying on my back and he put his head on my chest just staring at me. He had not said a word, but his hand went down and took hold of my cock. He simply held my scrotum and cock as it started standing up. I said to him, "You have sucked me off once today, and fucked two loads out of me. Are you insatiable?' I am an old man; you are going to kill me."

"Are you complaining? What are you doing lying around naked anyway?"

"No I am not complaining; I am bragging. Let me get up and order pizza."

We had supper and sat on the sofa talking about what was going on in the community. I told him that some people were wondering about us as no one had seen him very much since we had moved in together. As we discussed this situation the phone rang and his next door neighbor, a real bitch named Elizabeth called and asked us for supper the day after tomorrow. We agreed and were told it would just be us and one other couple.

Daughter Mary called 10 minutes later about Thanksgiving. TJ and I had spoken about it and realized that young William and his wife, Susan, would be with her family this year. I mentioned that and Mary said young William, "D" and Susan indicated that they wanted to come be with us if that was ok.

We said yes and immediately started wondering what we were going to do. We did not want to share with anyone the piercings or the PA. There was a strain and under current where there had been none. We ate the pizza without any enthusiasm and watched a movie in the bed. We were so deep in thought that we did nothing more than snuggle, with his but up against my cock, one of my arms under him playing with the bar on his teat and the other over his side stroking his tummy.

When I woke the next morning, William was already awake lying there. I said, "Good morning babe."

"Good morning."

"Still thinking about Wednesday?"

"Yes. What are we going to do?"

"We are going to go and act like ourselves."

"Is it ok if I go to the office today?"

"Sure if you feel up to it.

"You get up and do your enema, take a shower and then I will clean the PA?"

"What about you? I need to at least suck you off or you are going to be in a bad mood all day and I need to wash you. I know we don't have time to fuck this morning, but please let me do that. I know that you need it but I do as well. I know what I need doesn't matter but if it is the same as you then it must be a good thing." Without saying anything more, I threw back the covers and got between his legs. His cock was there, throbbing and the head just starting to cause the foreskin to peel back. I spread his legs further, lifted his balls and burrowed my nose as far below then as I could, getting just a small bit of the crack of his ass and the night's sweat. I dragged my tongue up to his nuts and sucked them in, bathing them and licking the sides and creases of his thighs. Finally starting at the base, I licked up to the head, where I took it into my mouth, stopped and looked up at him.

I could not figure out what William was up to. He knew I could not cum until I had taken a leak and gotten rid of my morning piss hard. He certainly had pressed my buttons and I wanted to push him off, go into the bathroom and empty my bladder and come back for him to finish. Then he stopped all movement and I looked down at him. He was kneeling there, just the head in his mouth, looking up at me; waiting. If he were waiting for me to go take a leak he would have spit me out; suddenly it dawned on me. I raised my eyebrows at him as if asking a question. If someone could smile with a fat hard dick in his mouth, William just did it. I closed my eyes until I felt the first dribble flow, opened them back, looked down at him, and watched as he took and swallowed the first of my piss.

I really had never even considered swallowing someone's piss, but when I woke up this morning I felt like it was the first day of normalcy since Emily died, I had become TJ's slave and had surgery to confirm and exhibit my enslavement. I also realized that if it was going to be a normal day and we were going to fuck to start off I was going to have to start getting up sooner. In the mean time I knew that TJ needed to have his nuts drained before he went to work and there was not sufficient time to make love. Therefore I was going to give him a blow job. I started and then realized that he had not pissed and doubted he could cum with his bladder full. Without even considering the ramifications I decided that I would just swallow it

The flow started and it was much stronger than the first time he had pissed in my mouth; more acrid, blunted, flavorful and had a much more noticeable smell about it. Not bad necessarily just different. Trying to compare it in my mind, sort of the difference between a blend of various whiskies vs. a single barrel or single malt. I swallowed until he was dry.

I had to fight not to come as soon as my bladder was empty. I could not believe that William on his own drank my piss. Lord I could hardly wait until tonight. I wanted to fuck him so bad I could taste it. He did not suck me for more than a minute when he deep throated me and I don't know if he swallowed wrong, had a tickle or did it intentionally, but he tried to cough or clear his throat. It caused a rumble that vibrated all the way up my cock, into my nuts and caused my prostate to empty itself and with an unbelievable surge deliver a large dose of my sperm into his mouth.

William did his enema thing, shaved in the shower, I removed his cage so that he could wash, piss and to allow me to check his wound site. I then replaced the cage and after feeding Duke I left for the pro shop. William had some other things to do around the house like a grocery list, changing the sheets on the bed and cleaning the house. I told him that I wanted him to use his debit card but that he was to obtain an itemized receipt so that I could inspect it every night. I also told him that if he abused the privilege that I would not only punish him but also embarrass him by leaving him penniless out in public.

I finished my housework, made the grocery list and left the house by 9. Not bad, but not the working hours I was used to working. I wore a suit, white shirt and a plain dark blue tie with white polka dots; nothing red, no brightness or attention grabbing clothing. I went to the office and met with my partners and staff, did paper work and returned some phone calls. One of the calls was to Dr. Taylor and it lasted almost half an hour.

By 3PM I left, went to the grocery store, liquor store and pharmacy. I took the old clothing to the thrift shop and stopped by the cleaners. I got home and started on dinner. When Emily was alive my cooking was limited to the grill, like most husbands. I knew that TJ was a pretty good cook having been a bachelor, and therefore I was determined to produce something good for him. I had put him through a lot in the last 6 weeks, between being there for me when Emily died, my surgery but most of all for knowing what I needed and subconsciously wanted. My long telephone conversation with Dr. Taylor really opened my eyes as to what I knew, but did not realize I knew. I had extracted a promise from Dr. Taylor, now Tom by the time we were done; he would not reveal the telephone call to TJ until Tom and I agreed.

I had just finished browning the chicken, added the vegatables, herbs and some white wine and put it in the oven when I heard TJ's car drive into the garage. I was busy cleaning up the mess I had made fixing supper when he came into the house. I was at the sink and he came and stood next to me and washed his hands. I bumped him with my hip and he bumped me back. I let him have complete access to the sink and came behind him. I ran my hands up inside his shirt and felt his chest and arms. I bit him on the neck and moved my hands south; when my hands got to his waist I unbuckled his belt, unsnapped his pants, opened his zipper, and put my hands on his cock and his balls. As his pants fell to the floor I went with them, pulling down his boxer shorts.

My cock was hard and jutting out from my hips. William took me into his mouth and quite honestly I was prepared for another blow job as I had been receiving for the past several months. William lifted each of my legs so that I was free of the pants and underwear and got between my legs on his knees, spreading my legs and orally ministering to my ass hole. He grasped my cock in one hand and my sack and pulled them back through my legs. He sucked and licked them, and then he pulled me to the floor, while on his back. We kissed and made out, but with his cock cage I could tell he was uncomfortable and I was too as the damn thing bruised me. He turned over and got on his hands and knees. I was behind him and without any thought of lube, foreplay or him I sank to the hilt. I did not realize I was that much in need. At that point we had not said a word to each other.

I felt TJ cum almost as soon as he entered me from the back. We were on all fours like a pair of mating dogs. I was glad that he had experienced some relief and not surprised that he continued stroking in and out of me right through the orgasm. I had never fucked in the doggie style previously either as a fuckee or fuckor and the main enjoyment from the experience was the heat of the moment; after all I was on my hands and knees on the hard floor. There was no loving and kissing, simply a physical coupling. Don't misunderstand me it was hot, it was sexual and it was animalistic; it just did not do a great deal for me. The thought occurred to me that I should not be worried about whether or not it was good for me; my mouth and my ass hole were here for the enjoyment of our master, his penis and the product of his testicles. When TJ cam the second time I thought for a moment that he had peed in me; he collapsed on my back, stilled buried in me and I realized that during the last two or three in and out motions his prick had pulled a lot of the fluid towards my ring allowing it to flow down the insides of my thighs.

I caught my breath and picked my chest up off of William's back and pulled out of his hole, which now was gaping, red, puffy and wet with my sperm; the excess leaked out of his anus, some dripping onto the floor and some trickling down his thighs. I immediately reached between his legs, spreading them and allowing me to look at his taint; our intercourse had not impacted or affected his incision in any manner. When I put my head down to look under him I caught his scent, a musky, moldy, heavy smell of sex; without thinking I put my head between his thighs to get a close up of the taint and then licked his thighs clean of the discharge, moved on up and sucked on his ass hole. I gathered a mouthful of discharge and using my hands rolled him over on to this back. I leaned over and kissed him sharing the coupling of my sperm and his juices; the taste was sweet and invigorating; he accepted the gift of our joint efforts. During this entire time William was making this mewing sound; I asked him if he was alright and what was the noise he was making.

"Yes Master. That noise comes from the pain that I am experiencing from my cock trying to get hard and being stabbed by the pins on the one hand and the relief that you are giving me on the other. Kind of half and half – joy and hurt." At that point I leaned up off of my back and took his softened cock in my mouth, running my tongue inside his foreskin, cleaning around the head, cleaning the shaft and sucking the remnants of sperm and fluid discharge. I looked up at him and raised my eye brows and he let his bladder empty.

I swear I could feel and see William shudder. He stiffened; all of his joints were frozen; his eyes rolled back in his head; he quit breathing – his chest stopped going up and down. I thought that he had suffered some seizure and was ready to call 911 when his eyes opened and he started crying. I brought him to my chest, holding him, rocking him and stroking his face, worried that I had hurt him in some way. While I could not see his cock due to the cage I checked his incisions and everything appeared to be in order. He was sucking in air, gasping mixed with some sobs. Tears ran down my cheeks with worry and fear of the damage I had done. "William talk to me. I am sorry. What has happened? What did I do? Talk to be babe please. I love you so much."

At this point I realized I was lying on the floor, naked with cum, lube and God only knows what else leaking out of my ass, TJ is kneeling on the floor dressed in his golf shirt and socks asking me what is wrong. "Nothing babe. I am fine. I stood up and offered my hand to him to stand up as well. There we were standing in the kitchen and between us we had on one golf shirt, one pair of socks and a cock cage. I laughed.

"Would someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" William took me by the hand and went into the family room. He pushed me down onto the sofa and went over to the bar and fixed me a drink. He then brought over to me and sat down beside me. "I spoke with Dr. Taylor today."

"And? What problems are you having? Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't call him because I was having a problem. I called him because this morning when I blew you I realized something that started yesterday afternoon when we were fucking. I felt like I was going to have an orgasm, but different like I was asleep and dreaming it. I knew that it couldn't be because my cock was soft and I wasn't getting any pains from it. Then I wasn't worried about it, I wanted to be sure you were taken care of. When you came and flooded me I relaxed and felt even closer to cumming, but without getting hard or any discharge. Then this morning I have no idea what came over me. We had never discussed my swallowing your urine. I mean I know that you pissed in my mouth but never told me to swallow. I described all of this to Dr. Taylor; he told me to call him Tom and he started explaining everything to me."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that being a top to a sub or a dominate to a submissive was not easy; not that it is hard, but it is difficult to be able to discern how you push the limits of the sub so that the sub stays satisfied but not pushed so far that he uses the safe word. We don't have one by the way and so he and I agreed that we would recommend to you that the word be `castration, but that the final choice is yours. At any rate he told me that what happened yesterday afternoon was that finally my brain simply has short circuited the nerve centers so that when sexually aroused or when someone plays with my sex organs instead of alerting my cock and nuts to get hard and to produce precum, the message is sent to the part of my brain that wants me to serve you. He said that it didn't think that it would happen overnight but that eventually I will in fact have a complete mental orgasm. In fact he said that in some instances the men studied had orgasms that were far stronger than physical ones. Apparently there have been some studies of eunuchs who are given hormone shots. At any rate he said to go with it and see what happens. He said the most important piece of advice he could give me was to relax and let it happen; not to worry about it and instead to worry about making my master feel good, for him to experience the most rewarding orgasm possible. That if I did that and did not worry it would happen faster; that my worrying or trying to bring about my experiencing an orgasm would simply get in the way and delay things. He was right."

"Why do you say that?"

"Have you ever passed out from an orgasm?"


"Well if they get any stronger than that one then I am going to have to call EMS. It was amazing.

"What made you decide to get me to drain my bladder afterwards?"

"It had nothing to do with your bladder in the sense that I wanted to drink your piss. I was lying there (and by the way that is the first time I have ever fucked or been fucked on the kitchen floor) looking up at you; I could all but read your mind. You wanted to continue lying there in the post love making euphoria but at the same time you needed to piss; you were thinking how sweet it was to be dominating me, making me submissive; and I wanted to submit; I wanted you to know not by mere words but by action that I was submitting myself to you; submitting so that you could fuck me; submitting so that I would suck your cock, lick your balls, eat your hairy shit residue asshole, and the only thing that was crossing your mind to infringe upon your complete and utter domination was that your bladder was full and making you uncomfortable. When your bladder emptied you were fulfilled; your orgasm went to a higher plane and when I realized that it was like someone sucker punched me in the gut; it took my breath away and my transformation was complete."

"Dr. Taylor also said that he wanted you to call him when you first walked in the door, and frankly I got so involved that I forgot."

He smiled down at me and said, "You will be punished for that later."

"Yes Master. I am going to go into the kitchen to check on supper and give you some privacy."

"Tom? This is TJ."

"Hey TJ. What's happening?"

"William told me about your conversation y'all had this morning."

"Anything bad happen?"

"No. I just got the shit scared out of me."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well I got home and he was standing at the sink, naked of course, having just put supper in the oven. He bumped me and I bumped back. We ended up on the floor fucking like rabbits."

"Anything wrong with that? I thought that was your fondest dream."

"It was is...whatever. At any rate we finished and he was flat on his back; I had licked and sucked on his ass hole getting some of the two loads that I dumped in him and spit them into his mouth after enjoying some of it myself; we stared into each other's eyes and then he leaned up and took my cock into his mouth, sucked under the foreskin to clean it; he has managed to learn how to skin me back when I am soft without use of his hands. No one has ever been able to do that before. When he was done he just lay there with my dick still in his mouth, and looked me in the eye. When we talked about it later he said he could tell I was completely satisfied, satiated and drained except for the fact that I needed to piss. So he raised his eye brows and continued to stare at me. I thought that I knew what he was trying to do and so I drained myself. He had been making these strange keening noises while we were fucking and then he passed out; eyes rolled back in his head and I swear he quit breathing. I almost called 911, and would except my dick was still in his mouth. When he came to and we talked he indicated that he had had an orgasm, without any discharge and no erection."

"So what is your point?"

"My point is thank you and can he be poisoned or made sick by swallowing my piss?"

"No he can't, just make sure he drinks plenty of water."

"What about his cock cage. Frankly I want to get rid of it as we have to fuck on our sides or doggy style. We did it doggie style on the kitchen floor tonight. The little bitch told me it was the first time that he had either fucked or been fucked naked on the kitchen floor. I did not tell him but it was a first for me too."

"TJ I am glad for you. The reason that I wanted you to call me is that William did not want me to reveal to you our conversation until after he had a chance to tell you, but now that I think about it he wanted a chance to put what he has learned/is learning into practice. You need to be cautious about one thing. Don't go too fast. Remember what I told you about being a dominate. You have to be flexible and let the submissive lead the way. Obviously the sub never is to know that his limit is established by him not by the dominate. In that way you never really reach his limit on the one hand and on the other the sub will usually go far beyond where the dominate could push or force him to go."

"Regardless of what else you remember, the most important thing that you absolutely must keep in the front of your mind at all times is the fact that it is up to you to prevent the sub from being injured. It sounds as if you are well on your way to accomplishing what is seldom ever completely accomplished – that the sub has no limits; he will do anything and everything you permit him to do. You are his only limit. It is an awesome responsibility and a heavy one."

"Well I will keep you informed. I am thinking that for his birthday I will bring him back for a long weekend of fun. We can go to the club and expand his horizons."

"Call me."

"Will do. And thanks."

I walked into the kitchen where William was busy setting the table, pouring me a glass of wine and a glass of water for himself. The smell was great. "What smells so good?"

"A French dish made up of white bean, sausage and chicken and salad. How is Tom?"


"Did I do wrong in calling him?"

"No. You can call him when you feel the need." I could tell he had been tense about this and his body sort of sighed. He was standing at the counter putting the dressing on the salad so I walked over to him and put my arms around him, licked his neck and kissed him. "I love you." He turned around with tears in his eyes.

"Oh God Boss I love you so much. Please don't share this with anyone, but I have never been happier than I am at this moment and it makes me sad that I am dishonoring Emily's memory."

"Sweet heart I bet you said the same thing to her. You mean now and you meant it when you said it then. How long before dinner?"

"I am about to take the casserole out of the oven. It is supposed to rest for 15 minutes. Why?"

"Because I want you to go into the family room and stand there in front of the sofa. I will be right there."

William went there and I went to the chair and took the key to the cock cage out of my pocket and went to him. I sat down on the sofa and told him to come a little closer, and reached up and using the key I unlocked the lock and removed his cock. I fluffed it up a little like guys do when they first take off their underwear or have finished drying themselves after a shower. He looked down at me with a puzzled look on his face. I checked his PA and noted that it was fully healed although there was still some residual redness at the exit site.

I stood up and kissed him. I held him close and whispered into his ear, "I am taking this off of you. I trust you completely. The cage will be in the bathroom with the lock and key; use it if and when you want. I am here if you need me to help you through this. Now let's go eat supper."

The food was delicious if I say so myself. I had one helping with salad although I would have had another if I was not on a diet and we had not exercised today. TJ had two large servings and asked me why I wasn't having a second helping and for that matter my first helping wasn't that large to begin with.

"I know but I am on a diet and we did not have time to exercise today."

"I don't know what you call what we did on the kitchen floor tonight but I had a real workout."

Next: Chapter 10

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