The Awaking

By Joey Romero

Published on Jun 20, 2007


The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission. Author reserves all copyrights of this story.


This story falls under the category fantasy and the characters are mine alone. Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys and adults . There are curse words and gore in this story so if you don't like this kind of story please go else where.

Chapter 1: A bond that ties

Adrian was your typical teenage boy going to school with friends and having the time of his life as a teen boy should but all that was going to change when he hit his 16th birthday. Although Adrian seem to be a normal teenage boy he was not . Things started to change in him that he could not tell anyone at all and the dreams that he's been having seem so really that he would wake up in different places all over his house but for some strange reason the would always ended up on the sand out side his house near the beach .

There he was standing by the ocean, just alone not to far from his fathers beach house . He closed his eyes to recalling the dream he had last night . He could see him , standing by the ocean like he was so often . The guy was tall, wearing a black trench coat, jeans , bare feet . His blond hair lifted, dancing tangled as the breeze danced lightly down the beach. His bright red eyes, half closed, watched the weak wave as it broke down to nothing.

" You shouldn't be here" a voice from behind him awoke his daydreaming . Adrian turned to see who it was, his father was standing there looking at his son . " Shouldn't you be getting ready for school ? Just because its you birthday I'm not letting you get the day off ". Adrian just looked up at his dad and said "sorry about that, I just needed to come out here and think"

"Daydreaming is more like it" his dad scolded. Adrian just looked at his Dad with a light smile on his face turning back to the ocean as the light breeze bushing through his blond hair. "Come on son lets get in side its cold out here and you need to get ready for school before it get late", as his Dad headed back to the house. Adrian turned and was shocked out his mind to see the man in his dreams standing about 10ft away from him. He closed his eyes to see if he was real or not just another daydream when he opened them the guy was gone. "Man I really need to get a hold of my self, I'm really losing it" he thought to him self . He stared walking back to his house when he notice a small black box on one of the steps to his house he pick it up and opened it . There was a beautiful gold necklace with a rare but strange stone on it . "Adrian"! he hared his dad calling him once more he closed the box and put in his pocket and went inside. He ran passed his Dad into his room to get change for school .

"Adrian"! his Dad yelling for him. Adrian though some cloths on that he had waiting for him in his closet and ran down stairs. Gave his Dad a hug and told him bye, went straight out the door . There was his best friend Peter in his piece of crap he calls a car . Peter was a tall seventeen year old he was about 6'1 compared to me I was only 5'6 . He had light brown hair , royal blue eyes that made the girls drop dead when he looks at them . He also the top quarter back in the school so yeah you can say he does have a body .

"Hey bitch what took you so long"? , "where you trying to get all dress up for me" he said with a evil grin on his face.

"Dude in your dreams, your not even close to my type" as Adrian punch Peter in the arm .

"Will you two bastards stop acting all high and mighty"! A voice from the back of the car yelled. Adrian turned to the person in the back of the car and said "well hello to you to Jessica" , "what are we on our period this morning"? said Adrian laughing. Her face turned red "well I guess you won't get your birthday present then" she said with a angry tone in her voice turning her head.

Jessica was the most wanted besides Peter in our school. She had the looks to drop all the male teachers to the floor even if she doesn't use her looks to get a passing grade. She 3 inches shorter than me she has long black hair that goes down to her waist light brown skin and the most beautiful hazel brown eyes that could melt ice cream if it had eyes. She looked and acted like she was a model or some thing but who could blame her all the guys wanted her and all the girls wanted to be like her or envy her. Till this day I don't know why she still hang out with us after grade school.

"Oh come on Jessica I was only playing with you" Adrian now giving her the puppy dog look . He knew that she couldn't resist those big green eyes of his no girl could.

" Jessica would you please just give the present that we got him so he would stop acting like a little bitch , I'm trying to drive here". said Peter. Jessica just turned her head back to Adrian " oh you know I hate when you give me that look , here happy birthday".

She handed Adrian a long small box with a red ribbon tied around it. He took the box from her hand and look at her with a big smile on his face.

"What is it"? he asked them both. "Just open it" they both yelled at him. He took the ribbon off and opened the box the was a gold necklace in it at the end of it there was a key shape charm on it with Adrian's name engrave in it . Adrian took necklace out the box an put it on he looked at his friends as they pulled out there's that look the same as his .

"Thanks you guys, now we really could give every one some thing to talk about even more" said Adrian with a evil smirk on his face.

"Yeah" said Peter still driving to school.

"Its bad enough that we got the nick name for our group three sum" said Jessica

"Yeah I know what you mean, its not like I would sleep with you Jessica you're a girl I really don't like girls and as for Peter it would be like me having sex with my older brother gross I don't even want to think about it" Adrian said with his tong out of his mouth.

"In any case where here at school already". All three of them got out of the car and headed throws the school. As they where walking into the school Adrian had a feeling that he was being stared at by some one but didn't think anything of it and walked in with his friends. The bell rang and they all went there different ways. Before Adrian headed to his math class Jessica called out to him asked him if he had any plans for his birthday he just turned to her and said no his dad had to work late and he was going to do some thing for him tomorrow.

"Well since you don't got anything going on why don't you come with Peter and me to so see a movie or some thing"?

Adrian just looked at his friend and nodded.

"Cool I will see you in English than" they wave there goodbyes and went into there classes .

Adrian was in math class in the back like always, he still had this strange feeling that his was being watch he looked around but know was even looking at him. Every one with there head in there book doing the work that was on the bored so he did the same after about an hour the bell rang and he was off the is next class. But every class he went to he had the same feeling that someone was watching him with a every close eye. He couldn't shake this feeling .

"So I was thinking we should go see a scary movie or something, what do you think, hey Adrian are u even hearing me"? she looked at him with a sour face

"Huh, I'm sorry Jessica my mind is some where else, what where you saying"?

"God some times I don't know what goes on in that big head of yours, are you sure your ok you've been acting funny since we go to school"?

"I'm ok , just a little tired I guess , I didn't get much sleep last night"

"Well if your tired we can always go to the movies some other time its not like your dad doesn't have some big party planed for you tomorrow".

Adrian almost fell out of his chair " what did you say Jessica"?

"Ops I didn't mean for that to slip, do tell anyone that I told you this but your dad has a big party plan for you tomorrow when you get back from the mall tomorrow".

The last bell rang for the day Jessica and Adrian headed out the door to wait by Peter's car . "So Adrian do you feel like coming with Peter and me to the movies"? Adrian turned to his friend "well I'm beat maybe tomorrow since I've got to be away from the house almost all day anyways".

"shut up about that here comes Peter, remember I didn't tell you anything"

"Tell him what Jessica"? Peter looked at her funny.

"Oh nothing, I just haven't told him about going to the movies with us that's all".

Peter looked away from her and then looked at Adrian " so you coming with us or not"?. Adrian looked at his friend with a small smile on his face. "Sorry man not this time I'm beat, I didn't get a good night sleep last night ".

"Well that cool then I will drop you off at home ok". As they all got into Peter's car, the hole ride back home everyone was quite know one said one word Until the pulled up in front of Adrian house. Peter turned to his friend " man you really need to get some sleep you look like crap you know that" he said with a grin on his face.

"Ha ha like that was so funny". Adrian got out of his friend's and wave to them as they drove off . Adrian still had the feeling that he was being watch so he unlock the door and went in his house. He looked the door behind him and went to his room. He drop his bag on the floor and went straight to his bed landing on his soft pillows as soon he did that he feel fast a sleep. He was dreaming once more like he did be for that same dream. He could see him once more , standing by the ocean like he was so often . The guy was tall, wearing a black trench coat, jeans , bare feet . His blond hair lifted, dancing tangled as the breeze danced lightly down the beach. His bright red eyes, half closed, watched the weak wave as it broke down to nothing. But some thing was different this time he could see the guy was trying to tell him some thing but he woke up before he could.

Adrian rolled off his bed happy that he didn't wake some where other that his bed. He looked at his clock it was about 9:00 at night he knew his dad would not be home for another two hours so got up from the ground and turned to his dresser remember the necklace he found this morning. He took it out of the box and put on . He like the way it looked on him, he looked out side his bed room window and saw that the moon was full tonight so he though I would be a good idea to go out to the beach and stare out into the ocean. Adrian went out side to the beach to feel the nice cool breeze, there he was looking out to the ocean like he always did when he need to think about the dreams he had been having at night. Then some thing told him to look at the moon when he did, he saw some thing that nearly scared the life out of him. There was these thing coming towards him they look like the grim reaper with red glowing eyes peering through his soul . They where coming to fast for Adrian to get way. One of them just touch Adrian and he started to fall to the ground and began to fainting. All he could see was a guy in black come out of know where and take them out then he black out.

Adrian stated to have the same dream once again. He could see him , standing by the ocean like he was so often . The guy was tall, wearing a black trench coat, jeans , bare feet . His blond hair lifted, dancing tangled as the breeze danced lightly down the beach. His bright red eyes, half closed, watched the weak wave as it broke down to nothing. But this time the dream lasted long enough to hear him say something .

" A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory, A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream".

"I want to line the pieces up, yours and mine".

But Adrian could not make any sense of what the guy was trying to tell him. Adrian slow started to open his eyes he could see the he was lying near a fire but there was a man sitting right next to him not much older. He was in some jeans and a white shirt, tennis shoes that left their own imprint in the sand where he once stood. He was sitting next to Adrian with both hand in his pants pockets, his short dark hair untouched by the breeze. He could have been a angel or something "so your up"? turning to Adrian with a smile . Adrian didn't know what to say anything but he opened his mouth to say "thank you for you help". The guy got up from the ground and help Adrian from the ground as soon as he did Adrian got a little weak and fell on top of the guy. The guy looked at Adrian and pushed back some of his hair and said.

"I had to come, as soon as I knew where you Kai, I have missed you so much kissing Adrian soft lips under the full moon.

So tell me what you think of my story I know its a little different but hey I though I would give it a try so if any of you have any ideas to help me out with the next chapter just write me at or you could just post some comments at laters

Next: Chapter 2

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