The Bachelor Party Surprise

By Jaret Glazer

Published on Jun 24, 2020


I hope you are enjoying this. Thanks to the all that have contacted ME. I am glad that so many of have enjoyed this so far. Please remember to give and give generously to they need all the financial support they can get. I apologize for the long delay in getting this chapter out, but life happens when you are having fun.

After this chapter I will be getting back to the original recounting of this weekend, and afterwards will be starting a new set of chapters recounting timmy's training in "Timmy's Rehabilitation"

I let him know that not only would they be brothers in blood as well as mentally bond in service as well. That they would share the spirituality of brothers in service to those that were superior to them. timmy shock his head in disbelief, for the last couple of years his brother max always seem to hold him at distance, aloof. Now, things seem to make better sense. As timmy was trying to sort things out in his mind he heard the knock on the door and he began to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach,

The Bachelor Party Surprise Part 5

"timmy, I want you to go and answer the door. It should be your brother, and you will answer the door just as you are. Do not try to cover yourself up." I tied his hands in the front and then ran a loop around his neck so he could not lower them.

"i, can't answer the door like this, who ever it is will see me naked, no way."

"Oh, you can, and you will or every morning for a week I will have you stand outside in the hall for 3 hours a day naked with your hands secured to your sides and instructions for others to humiliate and abuse you. Would you prefer that instead? your choice but make it quick!"

timmy reluctantly move slowly to answer the door. As he slowly opened the door, his brother max pushed it wide open and spoke, "hey, little bro how you holding up?" "Max, not so good. I don't think I can handle this."

As timmy was speaking he got the shock of his life, with the door wide open, max began stripping down and folding his clothes neatly and laying them on the floor by the door. max then crawled to Master Jaret and bent forward and kissed Master Jaret's shoes, first the left and then his right. Max then spoke "Reporting as requested, Master." max was then instructed to close the room door which he did crawling to and from completing his task.

"timmy knows why you are here and what was going to happen to you?"

timmy started to stutter, sobbing with tears beginning to running down his face and shaking his head. "Dad said that this was to be my punishment for an incident that happen a few weeks ago" but did not say anymore. "Well boy, that is true but did he not tell you what that punishment was to be?" No, Sir he did not. "First off, I am gonna stop this right here. you will ALWAYS refer to ME as Master Jaret, ALWAYS!. In addition, from this point forward you will always start your response with Master Jaret, blah blah blah. Do you understand ME? timmy began to shake his head affirmatively but Master Jaret cut him off and told him he had a mouth and unless it was gagged he was to answer out loud in full English sentences.

timmy, responded back "Yes, Master Jaret (and under his breath, added asshole) I understand." "timmy that wisecrack would cost you, dearly.

Before I explain your punishment, tell your brother max why you are being punished, what you did to deserve this treatment.

"Can't we just get this over with, so I can get dressed and get the hell out of here?"

I snickered and said " Oh dear fag slave, you won't be getting out of here for quite a long time. And for the last time, tell max why you are being punished?"

Once again with tears streaming down his face, timmy started to share with max what e had done. Immediately, max wanted to put his arms around timmy's shoulder to hug him but for a look he received from Master Jaret and thought much better of it.

timmy explained why, that while out joy riding while drunk and high he picked up a girl from his school, forced a drug done her throat while kissing her and began to pull over in a park grove, first sexually assaulting her and then physically assaulted her. The girl so brutally assaulted refused to name her assailant at first until eyewitness threaten timmy that they would go forth if he didn't. When Sal, learned of this he immediately went forward to the girl's family and worked out a final solution for your brother and his future.

"timmy's punishment rather than going to prison where he would be repeated raped and beaten, if not murdered, Sal agreed to allow timmy to be trained as a total submissive faggot to serve the rest of his life in service to real Men, something he could never be. In addition, the girl's father was going to be allow to occasionally view and receive videos of timmy's progress in training. If at any point the girl's father was not satisfied with the promised progress of the training, he maintained the right to refer the original assault to the proper authorities."

timmy immediately jumped up and spit out "no fuckin way" for which Master Jaret smirking, slapped his face and kneed him in the balls causing timmy to fall to the ground into a fetal position clutching his balls. Master Jaret then informed him "you will be punished for your outburst and cussing, boy." timmy's brother watch and remained still fully knowing that what Master Jaret had said is exactly what would happen to his younger brother, as he had been subjected to exactly the same training several years ago when he was 19.

"I guess no time like the present, for ME to repeat My house rules and protocols to you boy. Back on your knees, timmy boy, NOW!.

House Rules

  1. you are to be naked at all times regardless of who is present.

  2. you are to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down. (your brother max will show you how to prepare yourself for ME.)

  3. you are responsible for eating all cum and drinking my piss.

  4. you are NEVER allowed to beat off or cum without my direct permission and supervision. When I do allow you to cum your pussy MUST be filled (with either a cock, a dildo or a fist) and then is without benefit of his own hand.

  5. you are only allowed to refer to ME as Master Jaret.

Do you understand these Rules. timmy? If so you may respond in full sentence."

timmy, answered " yes, Master Jaret, I understand."

"Good repeat back to ME what you understand, speak loud and clear, and full sentences."

The boy start to stand and say this is bullshit, when Master Jaret once again kicked him full on in his groin again, causing him to fall in a fetal position again. I then stepped over to him and pull his hair to raise him to a kneeling position. I then said to him, "you now owe ME for 2 punishments for cussing."

"boy, I said I want you to repeat back to ME in order what you understand the 5 House Rules that I gave. Any mistakes, will earn you 10 swats to your pussy hole and we start all over again. Do you understand ME boy? BEGIN!"

timmy started:

"House rule #1 i am to be naked at all times. #2"

I immediately yanked his hair "Are you intentionally trying to piss ME off or are you just plain stupid?" I then pulled his across my lap and held his head down and grabbed a cane, told max to spread his cheeks and began to lay ten stroke of the can on his hole. I pushed him back on his knees, and told him to start again.

Sobbingly, timmy asked what did he do wrong, and max whispered to him that he forget to add about who was present.

timmy with tears running down his cheeks started again, "House rule #1 I am to be naked at all times no matter who is present. #2 i am to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down. #3 i am responsible for eating all cum and drinking your piss. #4 i am NEVER allowed to jerk off or cum without master's direct perm..."

I yanked his hair, " you really are pissing ME off boy!" I again pulled him across my lap and timmy screamed for mercy, please and I slapped his head and told him "you are not allowed to beg for mercy, before a punishment begins." With max's assistance I then began to deliver ten more strokes of the cane to his pussy hole. With the first stroke timmy began screaming he was sorry, he was just stupid and begged for mercy, tears running down his blubbering red cheeks. After the fourth stroke he tried he tried to jump up to get away and I again slapped the top of his head down and applied the final six strokes.

timmy, kept repeating over and over again, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'll do better, i'll do better" I looked at max nodding to him to remove his hands and I lightly ran a finger across his hole to sooth his fiery red hole when I instructed him I was going to leave him across my lap in case we had to correct him again. timmy trying to control his sobbing repeated, that he would promised to do better. I told him to begin again.

"House rule #1 i am to be naked at all times no matter who is present. #2 i am to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down. #3 i am responsible for eating all cum and drinking your piss. #4 i am NEVER allowed to jerk off or cum without Master Jaret's direct permission and supervision and if i'm allowed to cum my ass..."

"What?" I shouted and he immediately corrected with "my pussy must be filled and to never use my own hand. #5 i am only to refer to Master Jaret as Master Jaret."

"Okay, that was better. Begin again."

Laying across the master's lap timmy still stiffening repeated what he understood the House Rules were:

"House rule #1 i am to be naked at all times no matter who is present. #2 i am to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down. #3 i am responsible for eating all cum and drinking your piss. #4 i am NEVER allowed to jerk off or cum without Master Jaret's direct permission and supervision and if i'm allowed to cum my pussy must be filled and to never use my own hand. #5 i am only to refer to Master Jaret as Master Jaret."

"Better still." As I lowered the boy to his knees, "look ME in my eyes boy and repeat again."

And for a third time, looking ME directly in my eyes timmy repeat the house rules flawlessly. I turned to max, and told him to get ME a cold can of beer and to grab some water if he wanted some and to check with timmy if he wanted some water as well.

Timmy nodded his head, and I raised my right arm laughed out telling him to start with the sweat in my pit. He tried to back away and I grab his hair and shoved his lips right on my pit. I then told him he had 2 seconds for ME to feel his tongue in their or he would regret it.

While timmy was licking my pit, max had crawled back with my cold one and a metal bowl and two bottles of water. max handed ME the can and proceeded to empty the first bottle into the bowl. I released timmy's head, and told him to get his drink of water. "you are to slurp the water from the bowl and you are not to use your hands. Going forward all your meals and water will be eaten from that bowl." With tears running down his cheeks again he lowered his head to drink the water from the bowl. When he was half way through, there was a knock on the hotel door. I instructed timmy again to go to the door and answer it, just as he was. Reticently, timmy walked to the door and opened it. To his shame and embarrassment their stood Norm with a wide shit eating grin smile, "looking good for a change boy" and walked right past him, greeting Master Jaret.

"I must thank you Sir, the entertainment you arrange was the absolutely hit of the party. So much so, that hardly anyone even noticed the disappearance of the groom to be, Sir. You are truly worthy of your title, and I also thank you for this opportunity to enjoy the benefit of observing you in action with the brat, Sir."

"Well thank you Norm, I am happy I was able to add to the evening festivities. After my conversation with Sal this afternoon, I think you will add much to bride and groom's martial life. Have you decided whether you will be joining them on their honeymoon?"

"I'll have to wait till I get back to the office on Tuesday to see what can be arranged. For now, after everyone leaves tomorrow, the new pussy boy and I will start some serious training for what his new married life will be like."

I called over to timmy to knee in front of Norm, and instructed him to bend forward and face on the carpet to present his pussy to Sir Norm. Norm looked at the fiery red and swollen pussy hole, and asked if that was from being fucked. I said oh no, that was from teaching him what his House Rules were.

"timmy, first tell Sir Norm what your House Rules are boy." timmy turned his face to look at ME with pleading puppy dog eyes when I reached for the cane, timmy snapped his head forward, "my house rules are .."

"NO, BOY! You address him and EVERYONE, as Sir and their first name."

Cringing, timmy began, " Sir Norm, my House rules are #1 i am to be naked at all times no matter who is present. #2 i am to be clean shaven smooth from the neck down. #3 i am responsible for eating all cum and drinking your piss. #4 i am NEVER allowed to jerk off or cum without Master Jaret's direct permission and supervision and if i'm allowed to cum my pussy must be filled and to never use my own hand. #5 i am only to refer to Master Jaret as Master Jaret."

"Very good boy no mistakes, now as a sign of appreciation for him to listen to your babble, bend forward and kiss his left shoe first and then his right shoe. DO IT NOW! Or do I need to punish your pussy hole again?" With that threat, the boy bent forward and kissed both shoes.

"Norm, I think it is time for ME to make another appearance down I the ballroom, please take your time and enjoy timmy's hospitality in my absence. max will be happy to assist you with anything you will need to make your time most enjoyable, he is VERY well versed in my rules, and what is acceptable behavior and what is allowed. When you are through you can leave him with max. max, when Norm is finished secure timmy to the bed and there is a pr of shit stained boxers timmy was wearing to gag his mouth with to await my return. Once secured, come find ME downstairs."

"Thank you Master Jaret, I will take care of what you requested Sir." replied max.

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