The Barber Who Got Under My Skin

By Damian

Published on Oct 23, 2010


This story, a work of fiction, is told in alternating segments from the perspective of a young dermatologist named Wade and his even younger neighbor, a barber named Jeremy. This installment is the first of three parts.

If you're under 18, go play a video game instead. Better yet, go do something nice for someone. If you want to reproduce this story in any form, please ask my permission first.

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  • Damian


I had kind of stood there a bit stunned as I watched Jeremy go back across the street to his new house. That conversation we had just had over my five remaining beers -- three for him and two for me -- was the longest conversation I could remember having with anyone in years, and I was surprised how comfortable and at ease I had felt with him. When Jeremy made his move to get up and go home, I could hardly believe that we'd been talking for over two hours.

Most of that time I had had a hard-on because I knew Jeremy was sitting just three feet away from me with no underwear on. I could hardly believe the apparent size of his "monster," as he called it. I kept sneaking peeks at it, and I think he was aware of my interest. He seemed totally unembarrassed by the situation, but I was quite nervous about it. As a doctor, I have to appear indifferent to my patients' nudity, even if I'm not. But with Jeremy I felt anything BUT indifferent -- I was mesmerized by the apparent size of his penis.

It was abundantly obvious that he had more between his legs than most guys -- certainly more than all but a few of my male patients -- and I fantasized the rest of that night and all day Sunday about what he would look like totally unencumbered by clothing. The unexpected sight of his silky white buns in my bathroom had been a major turn-on, and I found myself wanting to see much more. It was so easy for me to ask a guy to get undressed in my examining room, but I felt totally clueless about how to go about seeing more of Jeremy's body. It was a nice conundrum to have, and yet -- in my lack of belief in myself -- I felt an ache inside at the unlikelihood of that happening.

I slept happily but fitfully that night, more acutely aware than ever of the eternally empty space on the other side of my queen-size bed -- and how good someone like Jeremy could probably make me feel simply by occupying it.

I spent Sunday running to the grocery for a few things for that night's dinner -- more beer being the chief ingredient to stock up on, running a couple of loads of laundry, sprucing up the house a bit, and getting caught up with my personal and professional bookwork. At every turn I made during the day, I saw Jeremy's face (and some other parts of him as well, if the truth be known). I was excited to the max that he would be coming back over to spend another couple of hours with me. I had hoped that he would want to spend some more time with me, and I could tell that he was sincere in wanting to do that after our first get-together.

Jeremy was a bit of an enigma, albeit a charming one. Unlike me, he didn't have much formal education, but he was a good conversationalist and displayed a keen interest in what was going on in the world. In fact, he probably kept up with current events and politics better than I did. He had a totally engaging demeanor and a sparkle in his eyes as he talked that made me feel that he was enthusiastic about our budding friendship. He even touched me on the arm -- and once or twice on the knee -- to make a point. I wasn't used to being touched, and a warm glow just spread throughout my body when we made contact.

I didn't catch even a glimpse of him all day Sunday until he came over carrying his contributions to our cook-out about 5:30. I guess he had been busy working inside unpacking boxes and enjoying his new house. I'd been even more of a nervous wreck that afternoon than I'd been on Saturday, watching the clock and organizing stuff in the kitchen for dinner. Would he really show up again, or would he call and claim to be too busy or too tired? I desperately wanted our second get-together to go as well as the first one had.

But show up he did, and he looked and smelled dazzling -- no showering over here this time, as he had obviously already cleaned up. He gave me a smile that made my stomach do a cartwheel as he came in and unloaded his salad and dessert in the kitchen. He had obviously gone to a lot of trouble -- I could tell that neither dish had come ready-made from the deli. He also presented me with a bottle of what appeared to be a higher grade of wine than I usually kept on hand for those rare times when another human actually crossed my threshold for a reason other than having a problem with their skin.

When his hands were free, he gave me a long, firm handshake that made me feel that he was as happy to be here as I was to have him. He never broke eye contact, and I wondered for a few seconds if I would get my hand back or not. No one had ever greeted me quite that way, and I felt elated.

We decided to hold the wine for dinner and start with a beer or two. It tasted great, but I knew I had to be careful with it. It never takes much alcohol to loosen my tongue, and I didn't want to say anything stupid, or act as giddy as I felt around him. I imagined that this was like what a teenager felt like on a date, even though I'd never really had one myself until now -- if that's what this was. Was it?

We sat on the porch again, noshing on the appetizers I'd prepared, sipping the beer, and talking about his new house and how delighted he was to have the cross-town move behind him and to finally have a place to call his own. Discreetly, I had noticed that he had put some underwear on tonight -- from the way his equipment moved as he walked I decided he was probably wearing boxers tonight. I had put on the same thing because my own equipment had felt a little too "confined" last night in my usual briefs, especially when I had taken notice of Jeremy's generous endowment.

The time flew by, and before we knew it, it was almost too dark to grill out back. But I turned on the backyard light and managed to cook us up some decent burgers. We talked, and laughed, and ate, and drank -- all to excess probably, but I was having the time of my life for a change. Jeremy's presence had awakened something deep inside me that had been dormant for far too long. For the first time in my life, I felt truly alive, excited, and ready to put my too-long-ignored heart on the line. But at the same time I was very, very scared of the feelings going on inside of me.

All too soon, the evening wound to its inevitable end. Neither of us had really come out to the other, but it was increasingly obvious to both of us, I think, that we "walked on the same side of the street." But at the same time neither of us had yet taken the first step toward the next level. I guess it was too soon in our new friendship, and we needed more time together to see where things would ultimately go.

Jeremy picked up his stuff and ever so briefly put his arm around my shoulders and gently squeezed me as he took his leave and said good-night, inviting me to come over the next weekend to see his new place and continue getting acquainted. I accepted, of course, and we made a date for Friday night after work.

A certain sadness came over me as I watched him leave from my front porch -- I had enjoyed our time together so much that it was hard to go back into my empty house and think about going back to work in the morning. I stole a glance at the pile of medical journals that would go unread this weekend -- the beer and wine and heady conversation had taken away almost all my will power to do anything remotely that constructive. I guess my patients this week would have to make do with what knowledge was already in my head rather than what was contained in those dry, boring journals.

What a weekend it had been, I thought to myself as I cleaned up the kitchen, locked the doors, turned out the lights, and went upstairs to my bed -- alone as always, but with every nerve ending in my body yearning for more of Jeremy's touch.


When I had taken the weekend off from my barbering to move, I never imagined that I would get more than just a house before Monday rolled around. I got a new friend as well -- someone who intrigued me very much and who seemed to be on my mind constantly throughout the next week. Normally I'm a rather chatty barber, and some of my customers respond in kind. But this week they probably wondered why I was so quiet. It was just that I was replaying in my mind the time I spent with Wade and wondering about this intriguing fellow who had come into my life so quickly and unexpectedly.

I really hadn't gotten that much unpacked that Sunday. I located my kitchen gear and my cookbooks, and I spent a lot of time that morning trying to come up with salad and dessert ideas that would knock Wade's socks off. I think I succeeded, because he kept telling me over and over how much he was enjoying them.

Our time together just flew by on Sunday evening. I decided that I'd been a little "over the top" in going without underwear on Saturday evening, so I put some boxers on after my Sunday shower. They enabled my more-than-ample equipment to hang loose and move a little without being quite so obvious. I wanted to tease him a little but not scare him off.

I have to admit that I was a little intimidated by Wade. He was a medical professional, after all, with a string of college degrees, and here I was -- just Jeremy Wilson the barber, with no formal education beyond high school and barber school. As we talked, however, the educational gap never seemed to be an issue for us. I probably carried the bulk of the conversation, but Wade had lots to say, too -- just in a more reserved manner.

As we talked, I just drank him in with my eyes. I'm sure he didn't realize it, but he was rather appealingly cute with his scruffy hair, smooth skin, big brown eyes, and nice teeth. When he smiled, his face just lit up. I was hoping it was because of me, but I couldn't be sure. Wade was a little hard to read.

When he stood up I tried to imagine what he might look like naked. I'd never seen a doctor naked before -- I'd always put them on a pedestal, like they were unattainable -- and I found myself really wanting to know what he might look like with nothing on. He had a slim, wiry body, and I wanted to just drag him down from his pedestal, rip his clothes off, and make serious love to him.

But I had kept my secret desires to myself and just carried on like he was nothing more to me than a friendly neighbor. Like I said, I didn't want to scare him off, and I wasn't entirely sure he was gay. Neither of us had revealed our sexuality in our conversations so far, but the "vibes" were definitely there. He was 33, lived alone, and seemed devoted to his job. He revealed little more to me about his personal life. I was determined to probe a little deeper, so to speak, when he came over on Friday.

I thought Friday would never come, but finally it did, and I raced home to put out a few snacks in preparation for Wade's first visit to my place. There was still much to be done in terms of unpacking boxes, but I wasn't in any hurry. I needed more furniture before I could put everything away, and I hadn't had time to even think about that yet.

I kept glancing out the window that Friday evening. Wade had told me he thought he'd be free around 5:30 and would clean up a bit and be over by 6:00. At 6:07 I finally saw him come out his front door and walk across the street. He seemed to be in a hurry, like he knew he was a bit late. I opened the front door and went out on my porch to greet him.

"Hi, Wade. Come on in," I said, as we once again shook hands, this time a bit longer and firmer than before. The way he was smiling made me think he was excited to see me again. I knew I was excited to see him.

It didn't take very long to give him the "grand tour" of my new abode -- it was just a two-bedroom Cape Cod house, which was all I could afford for my first purchase. He oohed and ahhed over it, however, like it was a palace. I had brought my bed, a few tables, a used recliner and couch, some electronic gear, some exercise equipment, and my kitchen stuff. That was about all I had.

We took our drinks and snacks out on the front porch, where I had set up a TV tray and two lawn chairs -- not very elegant, I know, but it was the best I could do. It was another warm beautiful evening, and we'd both put on shorts and sandals. I paid more attention to Wade's legs this time and liked what a saw. For a self-professed bookworm, he looked very sexy to me dressed that way.

We talked about our week at work, but it was hard to find common ground since our jobs were so different. He told me he was on call this weekend at the local hospital, but I didn't think too much about it at the time. As he talked more about his work, however, an idea crept into my mind. He'd been talking about moles and how they needed to be checked periodically or even removed in some cases. That was a major part of his job as a dermatologist.

"I've got a lot of moles on my back," I casually mentioned. "In fact, I have so many that my grandfather used to spell out the letters of my name on my back, one letter for each mole." I laughed, but I knew I had planted a seed in his mind.

"Really?" Wade said, looking suddenly interested. "Have you ever had them checked out by a doctor?"

"Actually, no," I replied honestly. "I don't have health insurance that covers routine medical examinations, and I can't really afford it right now."

"I could take a look, if you like -- that is, if it wouldn't embarrass you." Judging from the flush on his face, the good doctor seemed more embarrassed than I felt.

"Are you sure? I mean this is supposed to be your off time."

"No problem -- I'll just take a quick look if you want to take your shirt off for me. It's not like I haven't seen you shirtless before."

"Well, that's true, but maybe we'd better go inside. The other neighbors might wonder if we did it out here on the front porch!"

I stood up, collected our snack items, and walked inside, with Wade following. For some reason my heart was suddenly beating a little faster at the thought of Wade looking me over half naked, but it was a pleasant sensation. I walked back to my bedroom and he followed me. I stripped my shirt off and turned around so he could look at my back. As he did so, he touched me in several places, giving me goose bumps, and I could feel my cock hardening in my shorts. His touch was gentle and wonderful, and I had been wanting so much all week to feel it for the first time.

After several minutes of quiet, he finally said, "Well, Jeremy, I think they look normal, but maybe you'd better have me take a look every few months to see if there are any changes in them. Do you have any moles anywhere else on your body that you know of?"

I laughed. "I've heard some good lines before, Wade, but this is a new one. I guess I've never gone out with a skin doctor before -- are you trying to get me out of the rest of my clothes?" I smiled so he knew I was just teasing him.

"Umm, no, sorry," he muttered as he turned bright red. "I guess it's just that I've been doing this all week and wasn't thinking about how that sounded here in your bedroom."

"Tell you what, Wade," I replied as the wheels spun in my head. "Maybe we can do a little bartering here. You look me over head to toe, and I'll give you a few free haircuts in exchange. Would that be fair?"

He coughed and stayed bright red, clearly shaken by the direction that this conversation was taking.

"Uh, well, I have been thinking about changing barbers. Maybe if you're willing to give me a couple of freebies, I could give you an appointment next week for a thorough body check -- that is, if you're really sure."

"It's hard for me to take time off for anything during the week, Wade. If I don't work, I don't get paid, and now I have this mortgage and all that goes with it. We have all the time and privacy we need right here and now, so I'll just finish getting undressed and you can take all the time you need to look me over thoroughly."

"Uh, Jeremy, wait a minute -- are you sure? Here in your house I'm just a friend and neighbor primarily, and a doctor secondarily. Are you sure you'd feel comfortable being naked in front of me right here and now? I mean -- well, getting a couple of free haircuts wouldn't quite be equal treatment, would it?"

"Well, you could take your clothes off for your haircuts if you like," I teased. "The other customers might be envious, however!"

Wade laughed, but I could tell he was really still quite nervous about this scenario.

"Wade, look," I said, turning serious and putting my hands on his shoulders. "It's just a body -- you see them every day -- and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if you saw me naked. I'm basically a nudist around my own place anyway, and even though I haven't known you very long I trust you completely."

"Well, if you're sure it wouldn't bother you too much, go ahead and strip down. I'll take a quick look and we can go back to our beers."

"Thanks, Wade. I'm glad you're okay with this," I said, as I removed my shorts and pulled my boxers off. Just like that, I stood before him totally nude. I felt very vulnerable, but I was also feeling very excited that something like this was really happening. My now-exposed cock wasn't totally hard, but it was in that in-between state where it stuck out proudly from my body. Wade's eyes were taking in the sight of it. I doubted that he often saw any as impressive as the one I was showing him, even if I do say so myself.


The last thing in the world I expected when I crossed the street to Jeremy's house that afternoon was to see him naked. Of course, it was certainly something that I had fantasized about, but still...I was totally unprepared when he whipped off the rest of his clothes and stood there fully nude and halfway hard right before my very eyes. His body was magnificent -- perfectly proportioned and flawless, save for the dozen or so moles on his back -- and his prick was even bigger and more perfect than I realized.

I tried my best to be professional about inspecting his lower half, telling him to turn slowly around so I could check for any other moles or skin problems. There were none, and I think he already knew it. He could've easily stopped the inspection before it got to the full-body stage, but he didn't. It was like he knew how much I wanted to see everything he had. Had he read my mind?

He even held up his penis so that I could inspect all sides of it. In doing so, it became completely hard! (Dear God -- just take me now!) My heart felt like it was beating twice as fast as usual. I didn't comment initially, not sure where this scenario was going. I had him put one foot at a time up on a chair so I could inspect his legs thoroughly. They were lightly covered in light-brown hair, and I took time to examine each leg carefully, as well as his feet, with my hands as well as my eyes.

Finally, I examined the globes of his perfect ass in the same manner, lightly but thoroughly touching them to look for any imperfections. There were none, but by this time, my own penis was fully hard in my pants, and I thought I was going to pass out.

"You're clean, Jeremy," I reassured him. "I don't see anything that needs attention."

"Nothing?" he said with a smile. "Not even this?" pointing his erection in my direction.

"Wha, what do you mean?" I said, feeling as naive as I must have looked.

"You're off duty now, doctor, but I'd like to see some more of your `bedside manner,' if you know what I mean," he said, taking my hand and wrapping it around his hot nine-inch monster. I just laughed nervously, trying to keep this on the up and up (so to speak) in case he was just bluffing. But I didn't think he was, and I was at a loss as to how to react to his brazen display of sexual interest.

Suddenly my mind flashed back to the time I was 12 years old and had caught my 16-year-old brother naked and hard in his bedroom. Rather than kick me out, he got up, closed his door, walked toward me, and just stood in front of me, proudly brandishing a "weapon" almost the size of Jeremy's. Like Jeremy, he had taken my hand and wrapped it around his monstrous dick, thinking that maybe I'd jack him off, I guess. Completely panicked and overwhelmed by my feelings of attraction for my big brother, I took my hand back and ran from his room and hid in the basement until dinner time. I couldn't look my brother in the eyes for at least three weeks after that, so thoroughly spooked by the experience. My brother and I never did talk about what happened, and I never came to terms with my feelings about it. But I often when I'm jacking off alone in my bed I still see and feel the hardness of his erection and wonder "What if?"

I just couldn't go on with Jeremy without taking some time to think about all this. I pretended that my pager started vibrating to save me from having to deal with Jeremy's apparent interest in ending my 33-year virginity (although he didn't know at the time that I'd never touched another man sexually). I told him it was my answering service and that a patient of mine was in the emergency room with a severe reaction to a prescription I had put him on.

"I'm so sorry, Jeremy, but I have to run now. I'll give you a call."

He looked so bewildered and disappointed -- and so utterly hot in his birthday suit! I ran across the street, got in my car, and sped off -- with nowhere to go and no one to see. It had been the story of my life -- the very life I wanted so desperately to change. How could I ever make this up to him? Was there still a chance, or had I blown my one and only opportunity to finally break out of my self-imposed sexual exile?

(Check back for Part 3 very soon. And don't forget to send me an e-mail with your feedback on Part 2. I'll be watching for it -- thanks! Damian at

Next: Chapter 3

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