The Battlefield

By DurtyRiter

Published on May 1, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#236) written by Kurt McCord. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. I have only corrected spelling and punctuation errors.

This story is set in the past and includes sex between adult males of different races and between related men. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 4: First Taste

As we lay in bed waiting out the storm, I continued to tell Solomon my story:

I just couldn't believe what had happened the night before when I saw Red and Steve the next morning at breakfast. They seemed completely natural, showing no guilt of what they had been doing, sucking each other's cocks. I just couldn't understand it. 'Are all cowboys like this?' I wondered. 'Did my uncle ben know what was going on?'

My thoughts were all mixed up. I had never been exposed to such behavior. I had no thought of bringing it up to my uncle, but it scared me a little to know I was in unknown territory. How should I react? What should I do?

Fortunately, I didn't have to make a decision right then. My uncle asked me after breakfast if I just wanted to loaf or if I wanted to help out.

"Help out of course," I told him.

"Well the stalls in the barn need cleaning," he said. "And don't forget to wear your hat. The sun is hot here."

I put on my new hat and looked at him. "Does this make me a cowboy?"

"No. But cleaning out the stalls might."

I just grinned. "Well I know there are two ends of a horse, so I guess it doesn't matter which end I start at."

For the first time since I had known him, he grinned. "That's true, and the work end is the rear end."

We went over to the barn and he showed me where he wanted the horse shit dumped and also where to get clean hay for the horse bedding.

I went to work shoveling the shit in a wheelbarrow, then taking it outside to dump it in a pile that would later be spread over the pastures. It wasn't long before I had worked up a good sweat, so I took off my shirt and hung it on a nail. I was surprised at how weak I was. Before the wounding and the stay in the hospital, I could work all day. But now after an hour or two, I felt exhausted, so I sat down on a bale of hay to take a breather.

Just then, Uncle Ben walked in. "Resting?" he asked, almost with a sneer.

"Yes," I answered. "I haven't got all my energy back after the stay in the hospital." It sounded lame, like an excuse. I didn't like the way it made me sound.

His eyes ran over my body, stopping at the scars. "What's this?" he asked.

"I got hit at Gettysburg."


"Twice in the chest and once in the leg."

"Why didn't you tell me? You don't have to do this work."

"I don't mind working," I told him. "In fact, I like having something to do. I just can't work as much as I should yet."

"Look," he said. "I didn't know about all those wounds, so only work as much as you want to. Rest when you need to. In fact, you can let the rest of this go if you want. It can be done later."

"No thank you. I like to finish what I start. I'll get them all clean."

His eyes were like beams searching my face for a hidden meaning. His glance changed when he realized I meant what I said. "Ok, ok," he growled. "Do what you like. And let's drop this uncle stuff: call me Ben like everyone else." He turned and left the barn.

Somehow, I knew I had passed my first test without knowing it was a test. Then I looked around. 'Boy I have a hell of a lot more shit to shovel,' I laughed to myself. I picked up the shovel again for another load.

I finished the job late in the afternoon. While I was putting away the tools, I saw Roberto, the Mexican I had met earlier, ride up to the corral. He had been riding brush and wore chaps to protect his legs. The chaps were buckled around his slim waist. The inner edges covering his inner thighs cupped his balls and lifted them so they bulged as if a hand cupped them. He had a lot of equipment. He unsaddled, put his horse in the corral, and headed for the bunkhouse. He never gave me a glance, but my eyes locked onto him. What was it about him, I wondered. Was it an air of cockiness? No, a sureness: sure of his ability to handle himself, which gave off an air of 'Don't mess with me, mister.'

Red, the foreman, had told me that Roberto was one of the toughest men on the spread. Oh, he wasn't big, nor did he have brute strength, but he was deadly with both his guns and a knife. Red told me he kept a knife in a sheath inside his shirt behind his back. He could draw it and throw faster than most men could use a gun.

"Keep your distance and don't fool with him. He goes his own way and does his own thing."

I thought somehow I was going to get to know him. I felt drawn to him.

The next morning Uncle Ben had a job for Roberto and me. He told him to show me around the ranch and check on the cattle in the North Valley in particular.

As we walked toward the corral, Roberto looked at me. "You new out here?"

"Yes," I said. "And I'd better tell you now that I know nothing about horses or how to take care of them. I did all my time in the Army walking, not riding."

His face was sober as he looked at me. "It's easy," he said. "Roberto the best around. Just do as I tell you. We get along fine."

He spoke in a soft slow accented drawl, probably from his Spanish background. It was the voice of someone accustomed to and expects to be obeyed. I offered no objection.

We spent most of the day in the saddle riding around the ranch. He showed me a beautiful little lake in the North valley which was the source of the creek that ran through the ranch.

The next morning I could hardly get out of bed. When I walked in the kitchen for breakfast, they all grinned and started making jokes about tenderfoots who rode horses. Roberto took no notice at how sore I was and how slow I was moving. After Red made one more friendly tenderfoot joke, I looked at him.

"There is nothing tender about my feet, Red. I can walk for miles. It's my tender butt. How can a saddle be so hard? It can't be me. You must have put me on a hard horse." I laughed. "Why, I'm so sore that I think even my you-know-whats are stiff and bruised."

"Don't look stiff to me," Red drawled.

I blushed when I understood his meaning. The crew laughed. They didn't hesitate in cracking wise at my expense. I grinned with them, thinking of a saddle sore stiff cock. When they saw I could take a joke, it turned into a lot of fun. I was the butt of it all, of course. I enjoyed it, but oh was I sore! I discovered muscles on the inside of my legs that I didn't know I had, and my butt felt like someone had beat on it all night long.

Uncle Ben hadn't said much, but somehow I thought I had passed another test when I didn't object to the kidding of this tenderfoot. It seemed that was the day the men accepted me as one of them. I liked that.

Red told me I would be riding with Roberto again today. We would be doing some fence repair. As we walked towards the corral, Roberto told me he would get my horse for me because it would take too long for me to rope him.

Finally, I was ready. I put a foot in the stirrup, grabbed the saddle horn, and pulled myself up. Except I didn't make it. All the sore muscles screamed in pain, so I dropped down. I didn't know Roberto was behind me until he grabbed my ass as I tried again, boosting me into the saddle.

He patted my butt as I settled in.

"Nice firm ass, just made for riding," he said.

I found out much later he was not referring to riding a horse.

"Thanks for the help," I told him. "How can one man be so stiff, so sore, and still alive?"

"Happens to everyone their first time on a horse."

I smiled. "Are you sure it ever gets better?"

His face was sober as always, though I thought his eyes were laughing at me. "I'm sure."

He took it slow riding to the fence. I'm certain to let my muscles loosen up. Soon I almost felt normal. It flashed through my mind that my cock should be sore, but I didn't ask Roberto about it. I thought it was the better part of valor to keep my mouth shut.

One by one, we repaired the breaks. We would stretch the new barbed wire until it was tight with a wire puller, then hammer in new staples to hold the new wire in place. We would fix one break, then ride to the next where it started all over again. It was hot, hard work.

Soon I was sweating, so I slipped off my shirt and hung it on the saddle horn. Roberto didn't say anything, but I saw him eyeing the wounds on my body. I was probably bare chested for an hour when he told me to put my shirt on while we were riding to the next break.

"Oh, I'm alright," I said. "It feels cool this way."

He never said a word, but he gave me a look.

I started to wonder about his order. It hit me just as we arrived at the next break. The sun was so hot I would soon get burned. I slipped on my shirt and turned to him. "Roberto," I told him, "the next time you tell me something for my own good and I don't do it, will you please take one of these fence posts and hammer it into my thick head? If I hadn't put my shirt on, I'd probably be sunburned. With the sore butt from the saddle and burned skin from the sun, I sure as shit would be in a hell of a mess. Thanks."

He stared at me without expression. "De nada," he said. "It is nothing. I think we get along. You do what I say."

"From now on, you just tell me what to do. I'll do it."

It was strange how I wanted this man to accept me as an equal when I'd only known him a few days.

By the end of the day, we were a team. Few orders had to be given. Each knew what the other wanted as we worked together, fix a break, ride on, fix the next break. The work had worked the soreness out of my body. I enjoyed the physical labor. Both of us were covered with sweat and probably stunk like old billy goats.

I saw him look at me several times as if judging me, trying to make up his mind. I didn't say anything. In fact, we almost worked in silence the rest of the day.

I had hammered in the last staple on the wire when he said "That's enough for today. You work hard, I like that. Now we go to the lake and wash up."

"A swim in a lake will feel great!"

As we rode towards the lake, I had mixed feelings. Something drew me to the man riding beside me. I wanted him to like me. I didn't feel the same way with the other hands. Oh I liked them fine, but this man was different and I didn't know why. He seemed to have a wall between himself and everyone else. What was he like, I wondered.

After all the work and sweat in the hot sun, the lake looked wonderful. Even the horses moved faster. They too appreciated the cool lake. It shimmered there in the sun with a little ripple from the soft breeze blowing over it.

We dismounted and led the horses to the water for a drink before picketing them so they could chomp on the green grass around the lake. Much of the lake was ringed with willows, but here there was a small beach. There was a grassy slope rising from the short strip of sand.

As I stripped, I saw Roberto eyeing my body. I thought it was just at my scars, but then I realized he was eyeing my cock and balls. Actually, I'm rather proud of them: they're slightly larger than most men my size. I never came in second when the kids in school compared their dicks.

I always loved the water. Like a kid, I yelled "Last one in is a monkey's uncle!" I took a short run and dove into the water. Damn it felt good. I immediately felt clean as I surfaced. I looked for Roberto. He was just walking into the water. I could tell he wasn't too comfortable. Not like I was. I am a good swimmer. I turned and raced across the lake.

Turning, I swam back. Roberto was now in to his waist, splashing water over his chest. Hell, he hadn't even gotten his head wet yet. I took a breath and dove. Swimming under the crystal clear water I could easily see his bare legs as he braced himself on the lake floor.

I approached behind him. His feet were shoulder wide to keep his balance.

Holding my breath, I swam between his legs, got my feet under me, and lifted him off the floor of the lake. His cock and balls rested on the back of my neck. I heard him yell as I tossed him backwards. I was laughing in pure pleasure. I hadn't tossed anyone since I was a kid.

He came up sputtering for air, wiping the water out of his eyes. I splashed some more water in his face. He made a lunge for me, but missed. I splashed him again. He made another lunge, but this time my foot slipped on a rock and I went down. In a flash, he was on me wrapping in a bear hug with his powerful arms. God he was strong!

It felt good as he crushed my naked body to his. "Now I got you. You're going to pay for dumping me."

I laughed, "OK, but it sure is fun." I struggled a little bit, but to no avail.

"Damn but you are strong," I told him. "So what are You going to do?"

"I don't know yet, but I sure will think of something. I just know you're not going to get away."

Hell, I knew that; he was just too strong. But I thought I had to try just for the fun of it. I was laughing. Enjoying myself.

For the first time, I saw his face break in a smile as he realized I wasn't going to be able to break loose. He was enjoying the game too.

I felt his hand slowly start to trace down my back. Our wet bodies slipped back and forth against each other. He seemed to be feeling each bone in my spine. I got the strangest feeling. I was embarrassed as I felt our groins and cocks rub together. He slowly began to make little movements pressing our groins against one another. I felt his hand reach the top of my ass. Somehow I knew he wasn't going to stop there. He was running his hand all over my back and ass, caressing, stroking it. What should I do? No one had ever touched me there. What the hell should I do? Oh hell, it felt so good, I let it happen. Why not?

He shifted his hand, released me a little bit, then put his hand on our cocks and positioned them between our stomaches. He captured my ass again, drawing me to him. Our cocks were trapped between our bodies. Now his hands were working my ass, sometimes squeezing the cheeks with his strong hand or just petting it. He began to move his groin into mine. I found myself pressing against him. It felt so good. I pressed my groin hard against him.

His face was close to mine. His brown eyes stared into my blue ones. I heard him say, "I think I know what to do now. You like the feel of my body and my cock, don't you, my little Thane?"

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. I hesitated, then told him the truth, it did feel good. "Yes," I told him, "I like the feel of your body. I've never felt anything like this before." His eyes widened in surprise, "My little Thane, you mean no man has taught you? No one has felt your ass like this?"

"No, but it feels so good."

"You want me to stop? I will if you say so."

"Don't stop, it seems so good."

"You'll like it a lot more when I break you in." He paused, "You really are a virgin?" he questioned.


He was smiling gently at me as he continued to let his hands roam over my body arousing sensations in me I had never felt before.

"Little Thane," he said, "Will you trust me to teach you? I will make you feel like a man. A real man. Do you trust me?"

I wasn't sure of all he was saying, but I knew I liked the feel of him. I knew I could trust him. "I told you earlier to take a fence post to my hard head if I didn't do what you said because I know you would never do anything to me that was wrong."

His grin seemed to spread from ear to ear. His white teeth made a slash across his darkly tanned face. I had never seen him smile before. It warmed me. He leaned forward, placed his lips to mine, shocking me. No man had ever kissed me. For a moment I felt embarrassed, but I opened my lips to his, accepting his tongue in my mouth. Thrills raced through me as I ground my lips into his. Now it was my groin that was pushing into his, smashing the two cocks between our bellies.

He broke the kiss, saying, "Oh, I intend to use a fence post alright. But it is going to be the one between my legs."

He shifted his grip and picked me up as if I didn't weigh anything. He strode out of the water, up the bank, and lowered me on the grass. His lips again found mine. Now I answered without any hesitation. I wanted him to do what he was doing.

As he kissed me, I felt his hand roam over my chest, twist and roll the nipples around. I never knew my nipples could make me feel so strange, yet so good. I could feel myself getting hard.

His hand stroked the skin of my stomach, then circled my cock. He pulled on it, freeing the head from its foreskin. I had never felt like this before. I felt a faint blush, a flush of warmth race over my body. His hand cupped my balls and rolled them around. I couldn't believe the urges racing through my body. I'd never felt this way before.

He grasped my hand and slowly drew it to him. He gently placed it on his stomach then gently guided it toward his crotch. My hand seemed to have a direction of its own. I gently stroked down his stomach. I felt a few hairs. My fingers had never seemed so sensitive. I traced through his thick pubic hair. My fingers came in contact with the base of his cock. I captured his limp cock in the palm of my hand. I didn't have to think, I just felt. I began to milk his cock, teasing it to get it hard like mine.

I had never felt a man's cock before. Here I was stroking and squeezing a man's cock and loving it. I took his balls in my hand. I could feel the wiry hair. I felt each and every wrinkle of the flesh that covered his balls. I didn't know what I wanted to feel, his cock or his balls. He didn't seem to mind which, just spreading his legs to give me more access to them.

He gently pulled my hand away. I felt lost for a moment. Then I felt him shift his weight. He murmured, "Roberto make you feel real good."

I felt his mouth suck on the head of my cock as his tongue washed around it. I thought I would go out of my mind. My eyes snapped open in disbelief as I realized this man was actually sucking on my cock. I saw he had changed positions. He now lay stretched out beside me on the grass. I was looking right at his cock. It wasn't hard, yet not soft. I guess firm.

A weird thought entered my mind: What would his cock taste like? I didn't have to think. It was pointed right at my face. I lowered my head toward his crotch. His cock looked so big! I gingerly placed my lips on the head. I gently washed and cleaned it with my tongue. A fire was raging in the pit of my stomach.

Roberto gently thrust forward with his hips, pushing his cock deeper in my mouth. I didn't hesitate. I tried to inhale the full length. It was too much. The head hit the back of my throat and I gagged.

He withdrew, leaving just the head in my mouth. "Take it easy. Just suck on the head until you can handle all of it."

I grasped his cock with my hand as he continued to fuck my hand and my mouth. It seemed so good to run my tongue over the head each time he thrust it forward.

Roberto rolled on top of me so he could fuck my hand and mouth. It felt good to feel his naked body resting on mine. I had to put my hand around his cock to prevent it from driving too deep and gagging me as he slowly but gently stroked it in and out of my lips. Each time his balls would rest on my nose and eyes. They felt so soft. I took my other hand, felt his brown ass so I could feel it as it worked up and down. I was going crazy with the feelings surging through my body. I felt his face press on my pubic hair each time I fucked his face.

I just couldn't take much of this. My flesh was on fire. I was sweating. My cock seemed so hard it would split. It was just too much. I felt the juices surge in my legs. My toes curled in the effort as I drove upwards into his mouth. I seemed to go into a daze as my cum exploded up my cock into his hot welcoming mouth. It seemed to never stop.

As he drank my cum, I felt his ass cheeks tense, then my mouth was being filled with his gism. It filled my mouth as he shot blast after blast. I held it in my mouth for a second or two, savoring the taste of this man. Then I swallowed it, happy that we had shared our bodies with each other.

He let my limp cock slip from his mouth and lay down beside me. He drew me to him, his lips meeting mine; I was tasting my own cum. I sucked and sucked. I just couldn't get enough.

Roberto lay on his back sighing, "Oh, that was good. I've been waiting a long time for someone like you. From now on we are together. Tomorrow after work, I'll teach you how to take cock up your ass. My cock, that is. Now don't you go fooling around with the other hands. Your ass belongs to Roberto. I break you in right. I teach you how to fuck my ass to give me pleasure, like I'm going to give you when I fuck that virgin ass. You treat Roberto cock right and I make you a real cowboy."

I wasn't sure of all he was telling me, but said, "Oh Roberto. To hell with the fence post, teach me with the post between your legs."

He did.

Next: Chapter 6

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