The Bazaar

By Anonymous4371

Published on Nov 19, 2008



by Bill Smith (

Chapter 13


Since Bill Williams had gone all the way to Egypt on the last business trip, it was Chad's turn to leave the Williams Copper Company this time. The mission was to deliver the Greek slave specifically purchased for John Ledgerwood at The Bazaar and currently penned at the copper mine headquarters (or more specifically, alternating between the suites of Bill and Chad Williams as they enjoyed the delights his body could bring them to the upper limits of their own endurance).

Since the company didn't own a plane, Chad decided to make the trip in his diesel Range Rover, allowing him a shortcut cutting across the country on a dirt road directly to the Ledgerwood Ranch. The Greek slave, which they had never bothered to name, was contained in a large slave cage fastened in the back cargo area of the SUV, complete with its own water bottle and a small litter box for the slave's toilet needs.

Unimpeded, Chad drove over to the Ledgerwood Ranch in about six hours flat, thirsty, hungry, and ready for a bathroom. The caged slave had an easier time of it with his needs taken care of within the cage, but he was shook up a bit from all the bouncing around on the back roads and his arm muscles were a little tired from bracing himself on the cage's bars when the going was particularly rough. Chad had called ahead on his mobile to make sure John Ledgerwood knew when to expect him and to make sure he had shackles or a cage ready for the stock he was delivering.

"Chad, my mate," John Ledgerwood smiled as Chad stiffly climbed out of his Range Rover and stretched his legs. "Good trip?"

"No problem," Chad replied, "although I'd hate to run out of diesel fuel on that barren stretch. God! A man could die out there and nobody would find him for the next 20 years!"

"And I see you delivered the goods all safe and sound," John Ledgerwood commented as he glanced through the dusty back windows of the Rover. "Anxious to see this Greek boy, but we'll let the boys unload it while I get you a cold beer and you're taking a piss - it's a long trip without either one of those essentials."

Chad pushed the unlock button on the Rover's key fob so the liftgate on the back would be all ready for the Ledgerwood boys to unload the delivered stock as he hurried to the Ledgerwood backroom.

"Foster's O.K.?" John Ledgerwood asked as he headed for the kitchen.

"Anything at this point," Chad said as unbuttoned his pants and let fly once he found the toilet.

"Whoopee!" came a chorus of shouts from outdoors where the Rover was parked. "Hey, Daddy, this new Greek slave is a real stud."

"Let me feel that thing," a woman's voice outshouted the rest.

There was a long pause. "Saints, almighty! That's what I call a real dick and .... a body to match. Can't wait to bed down this boy."

"You'll wait your turn in line like everyone else, Matilda. As it is, you're taking more than your share of 56' and that ain't going to happen with this new slaveboy," one of the older boys asserted himself with hoots of approval from his brothers.

Chad, overhearing all this banter as the Greek slave was uncaged and inspected by the Ledgerwood offspring, chuckled to himself in that his brother had warned him it would be like this once the whole family got together.

"You still call that blond pleasure slave 56'? Chad laughed. "I would have thought you would have renamed it by now."

"Been too busy fucking the animal to slow down and consider a new name," John laughed. "I've got him all cleaned up and ready to use for the sake of hospitality, Chad. Thought you might like a go at him after all this time. Missed its blond hair?"

"I'll take you up on your offer, John. It's been a long trip and I need a little something - haven't been sucked off since early this morning," Chad laughed. "For me, that's a long time. But, John, it's not like Bill and I haven't been able to get any relief since we sold you 56.' We're had a half dozen slaves warming our beds since then."

"I bet you have, you lucky dogs - owning so damn many slaves you can pick and choose like you want according to your moods. Here, there's just 56 and it's hard for him to keep all six of us satisfied - especially with Matilda riding that buck two or three times a day - more if we'll let her. I tell you, Chad, that woman is insatiable when it comes to slave dick. If I allowed it, she'd be on that buck 16 hours a day - every minute she wasn't sleeping. 56 actually looks relieved when the boys and I just fuck him - face or mouth doesn't seem to matter just as long as he doesn't have to pump another load into Matilda's pussy."

"Bill told me your daughter was a wildcat when it came to slavemeat. We thought the new slave might help out considerably."

"Damn right he'll help out. If the boys take to this Greek slave like I hope they do, I'd be willing to just give 56 to Matilda and let it go at that. At least, me and the boys would get something to fuck that wasn't always worn out."

Chad counseled, "Hold on, John. Not everybody is turned on with these Greek slaves that are so damn good looking and olive-skinned. Some say they are just too handsome - look too good to be really manly despite what's between their legs. And, if you're used to blonds, this one has curly black hair."

"Well, if the boys don't take to him, Matilda sure will from what I just heard as she was checking out his equipment. I'll just let Matilda have the Greek slave is she agrees to keep hands off of 56 and leave him for the boys and I. She'll buy that if she gets to have him all to herself, I'll wager," John Ledgerwood said with a twinkle in his eye. "One thing's for sure on this ranch, Chad. Even with two slaves around, neither one of the animals will probably think they'll ever have full balls again or an ass that isn't sore," he laughed.

"You're going to have to get Matilda married off and moved to a place of her own, as well as some of these boys," Chad advised.

"There's not a matey in Australia that could keep Matilda satisfied all by themselves. No way. If she married off, her new husband would have to buy her a stud slave as a wedding present if he wanted to get anything else done, and, if he couldn't afford it, the boys and I would just have to give the happy couple 56 as a wedding present. Otherwise, that marriage wouldn't last six months. You know, buying 56 has sort of created more problems than it solved. Now Matilda's as hooked to slave dick as others are hooked to the bottle; the boys like fucking 56 better than they liked fucking the ewes and we'll all practically addicted now to 56's mouth action on our dicks - morning, noon, and night. That slaveboy's getting more cum to eat than slave chow. Sometimes I long for the old days when Matilda had her porn DVDs, and the boys and I had the palms of our hands and the occasional ewe when that wasn't enough. A lot simpler, I'll tell you, and I could have saved spending all that money on slave meat. And now, here I am paying out big bucks for a second piece of meat. This slave business has its down sides, you know, Chad?"

"That's what my slaves tell me, John," Chad joked as he polished off his cold bottle of beer with a big smack of his lips.

"Slaves tell you what, Chad?" John Ledgerwood looked confused as he got Chad another beer from the fridge.

"Oh, I just meant this slave business, as you called it, must be a downside for the slaves too sometimes. After all, they're the ones getting fucked all the time." Chad laughed.

"Well, they're used to it by now or they wouldn't be slaves," John Ledgerwood applied his super-keen reasoning to the issue. "Besides, they like it or they wouldn't be slaves to start with."

The Ledgerwood logic escaped Chad but he let the matter pass in that it didn't matter anyway.

The door burst open and all five Ledgerwood offspring brought in a dripping wet Greek slave, sparkling clean now that he had been washed off by the siblings outside in the front yard and tightly shackled with their own restraints.

"He's a real looker, all right, Daddy, just like you said," the oldest boy shouted enthusiastically as the youngest brother was busy stroking the slave's erect prick and one of the middle boys was kneading the slave's tits. "Can we take him upstairs and fuck him now, Daddy, or you want us to wait until you've paid for the merchandise?"

"I'll write a check now, if it's alright with you, Chad. Since we've already agreed on the price, there's no used trying to bargain with you now," John Ledgerwood said as he went to his desk, got his checkbook and wrote the check without further delay. "Now, boys, why don't you take him down to the barn? No use for my friend Chad here to have to listen to all that huffing and puffing while you boys take your pleasure, let alone those damn beds of yours squeaking away. Can't you tighten those beds up or grease them or something? Apparently, you've about knocked them apart fucking 56 every damn chance you get."

"And what about me?" Matilda asked. "You expect me to go down to the barn too and watch those horny brothers of mine get their balls drained while I'm to sit there playing with myself? You wouldn't let me mount 56 all last night or this morning just to keep him fresh for Mr. Williams here. Well, I've about had it. With two slaves now, there's no reason in hell why I can't have one of them for my exclusive use, being the woman of the house now," Matilda declared.

"For God's sake, Matilda, you'll get your chance with the Greek slave, but not right at this moment. Let our guest enjoy his old pleasure slave once more and then you can ride 56 for 24 hours straight for all I care. Frankly, Matilda, you've about worn him out as it is, greedy bitch."

"Well, a woman has needs, Daddy, and you said yourself that's what slaves are for," Matilda whined.

"You see what I have to put up with, Chad?" John shook his head in despair. "Soon as you finish your beer, go upstairs and enjoy 56 like I promised. His balls haven't been drained in 24 hours unless Matilda has gotten to him somehow, he's all shaved and cleaned out and ready to go. He's got fond memories of you using him, Chad, even though I know you had a black pleasure slave of your own and you just borrowed 56 once in a while for variety."

"I didn't know slaves keep favorite memories of their former users, but, you're right, I better get my ass upstairs with 56 before the opportunity is gone. I have a feeling it may be my only chance what with all the action around here and I'm ready for a little relief - I haven't been sucked off since early this morning. To hell with finishing the beer, I'll just take it with me."

With that Chad left the room and before long John heard the bed in the guest room squeaking and rattling as the Ledgerwood slave was put to use. Matilda was long gone, not wanting to miss the opportunity seeing the new Greek slave in heavy usage out in the barn. She always found her well-hung brothers stimulating to watch when they were getting their balls emptied one way or another.

Within 20 minutes, Chad was back downstairs tucking in his shirt and buckling his belt. He was shaking his head as he looked at his host.

"John, you're not exercising the boy like we told you do - remember, 2 hours of forced rigorous exercise every single day. And I suspect someone around here is slipping him human food."

John looked shamefaced. "How'd you know, Chad?"

"How did I know? John, he's puffy around his collar, his pecs sag a bit, his muscles are losing definition, his balls are drooping, and his asshole is so loose I could drive my Rover in there. Either that slave is seriously overused, or its just poor management, or no one gives a shit, but, John, he's not worth half of what you paid for him and it hasn't been that long. What in the hell is wrong with you - you might as well burn your money the way that slave is depreciating."

"Chad, I know you're right, but what in the hell can I do? The boys aren't willing to give him up the time he should be exercising his body and Matilda is sneaking him human food every time she's actually not on him - she thinks he's a pet lap dog or something and thinks it's cute the way he sits up and begs for her little handouts. I've found bags of potato chips, popcorn, licorice candies, and even wrappers from Snickers bars up there and she never littered up the place with that stuff until I brought that 56 into this house. Besides, she's not putting on the weight, he is - he's about to outgrow his collar is this keeps up."

"John, it's your property so I have no right to tell you what to do, but your investment is going down the drain fast unless you get this situation turned around," Chad said soberly. "He still sucks well, but fucking him is pathetic - you can't even feel you're going up him as it stands now. Just two hours of hard exercise under the whip will get his definition and a lot of that excess blubber off of him within a month, but the only way to tighten that ass is to keep out of it for a while until he has a chance to tighten up. Well, at least cut it down to just once or twice a day for a month and make sure he has an extra hour of ass tightening exercises every day."

"Maybe the new slave will solve the problem," John replied lamely.

"Hardly!" Chad said. "You've lost control of this situation, John, and someone has to talk to you straight or your new slave will be in the same sad shape within a couple of months even if two animals around will allow the load to be spread around some."

"What do you suggest, Chad? I know you're right," John looked totally distraught.

"Will you listen, John, and, more important, will you act upon what you listen to?" Chad said sternly. "I remind you, it's nothing to me, but it's your money you're throwing out the window."

"I'm listening," John said as he got Chad another beer. "And, Chad, I promise things are going to change around here. Those kids of mine don't have any sense at all - they're just ruled by what's between their legs. I hate to say it, but I think it's their mother in them. She didn't have much sense either. The difference was we didn't have anything around to distract us then."

"It's none of my business who's at fault here, John, but you're the head of the family and you're the one investing in slave stock and then witnessing the value fall day by day. First off, if you're willing to listen and won't take offense at this, but Matilda is a spoiled brat when it comes to slavemeat. She may work hard around the ranch, but she's got what is called

slave fever' - the condition where a master or mistress just can't get enough of a slave's body no matter what. I suspect part of that is 56 is hung like a horse and that's what she really likes, but that new Greek is no smaller down there. She's got to learn some limits: let her use one of the slaves no more than one hour a day and no feeding the slave whatsoever. If she's not satisfied after an hour, take the slave away and tell her to finger herself. From what I understand that's how she got her jollies before you brought in a slave anyway. She'll scream and rant and rave for a week or so, but, eventually she'll grow up and learn she can't spend her whole life being mounted by some damn slave that doesn't have any choice in the matter anyway. AND, no feeding human food - strictly forbidden, John."

"It's going to be hard, Chad," John Ledgerwood assessed the emergency.

"It's obvious, from what you tell me, that Matilda's got a thing about 56 - she's mistaken it for love since she's never experienced any one in her bed before, so let her have him, but reserve the new Greek slave for you and your sons' use. No use her hogging both of your properties. And five of you fucking one slave is plenty for that animal anyway. But, with five of you poking his holes, you'll wear him out within a year no matter how much your exercise him. Twice a day, choose your hole, for each of you. That's gives you plenty of time to make sure the slave is properly exercised. Make the slave's usage contingent on your boys taking responsibility for properly exercising him before they're allowed to use him. No exercise supervision, no fucking. Period. I doubt if you're the one wearing any slave out, but those boys of yours are going to have to get back into using the whorehouses in Perth some like they used to, and, when they can't make it into town fast enough, picking out a favorite ewe as the next best thing. Randy as they seem to be, there's no reason one solitary slave can be expected to fulfill all their damn needs."

Just at that time, some raucous yells drifted up from the barn. It was the unmistakable sound of rutting men taking their pleasure as the howls of a slave convinced he was being split in half mixed in.

"See what I mean, John?" Chad nodded his head in the direction of the barn. "At that rate, the Greek won't be worth a plug nickel within a year. How about reintroducing beating off to those randy studs you call sons. If they need to constantly empty their balls, they don't have to do in a slave's ass or mouth every single time - that's why God put hands on oversexed freaks, John."

"I was planning to save 56 for your exclusive use tonight, Chad. You still interested in view of that loose ass of his?" John said meekly.

"Well, I want something to dump into before I start back first thing in the morning, John, so, yes, I'm still interested. Besides, by comparison with what apparently is his usual usage every night, it will be good start on his rehabilitation program."

"Good, I'll go down to the barn and rescue the Greek boy from being fucked to death and get him to serve us supper after he's had a chance to wash out and clean himself up. Then I'll let Matilda have him tonight for one hour just like you said and then lock him up in one of the cages we keep out on the front porch. I'm the only one with the key so Matilda and the boys won't be able to get to him during the night. It will be an introduction to the new limited usage program I'll put in place. I'll announce it at supper so you can help me with all the arguments I'm going to get. I liked your point about a return to the sheep out in the barn and the use of their hands and the whores in Perth. And maybe, with only one hour a day of a slaveboy mounting her, Matilda will take some interest in finding a husband who at least might take the edge off her needs. I'll tell her she needs to find some love in her live and see if she understands I'm talking about something other than a slave being forced to fuck her on command."

That night, all the Ledgerwood children demonstrated how totally immature they were and that their father was right about their brains being between their legs. But their father held firm, sent the waiter (the Greek slave) with Matilda for one hour only (John Ledgerwood actually set his watch when Matilda led the slave to her bedroom by his neck leash), and sent the boys down to the barn to either jerk off or find a ewe that wouldn't fight them off. Chad went up to the guest room and listened to 56 shyly and most tentatively suggest that his former master buy him back as Chad fucked him once again.

"I'm getting worn down, master," 56 said between Chad pounding into his ass. "Slaves don't have any choice, Master, I know that, but this piece of property isn't going to last long at this rate, Master."

Chad arched his back as he delivered another load up the slave's well-stretched ass, but, when he caught his breath, he patted the slave on the shoulder and told him he was aware his current master was ruining his property with overuse, that he had talked to him about it, and Master Ledgerwood was aware of the problem.

"Oh, thank you, Master Chad, thank you."

"Well, I can't guarantee anything, 56, but your old master did bring the topic to your owner's attention. But, 56, you said it yourself, slaves don't have any choice in these things. They do what they're told and that's it. If you're fucked to death in short order, well, that's just the way it's going to be, and you know as well as I do, that the matter is completely out of a slave's hands."

"Yes, Master Chad. Of course you're right, but thanks for mentioning it, Master. Sure appreciate your concern for your old property."

In the morning, 56 gave me a very good sucking as a farewell, his eyes filled with gratitude at my understanding but aware of my inability to do much about the situation since I no longer owned him.

At breakfast, the Greek slave was serving breakfast with a full erection so apparently Matilda had been limited to one hour riding him, and the Ledgerwood boys, tenting their own pants as they ogled the naked Greek slave, were busy planning a trip to a new brothel just opening in Fremantle which featured male and female slaves at a reasonable price according to the brochure they were passing around.

"Sounds good," Chad encouraged them, winking at their father. "You're probably tired of just male pussy all the time. All four of you could benefit from some variety in your life. You going along, Matilda?" Chad asked pleasantly.

"Yeah. I bet they don't limit me to a measly one hour riding a buck," she said rather bitterly staring at her father. "Besides, the brochure claims the available bucks were picked primarily for their size and stamina. I getting a little tired of the puny offerings around this place," she said rather pointedly as she grabbed the Greek slave's erection and pumped it a bit.

"Matilda, for your information, that Greek slave I just bought less than 12 hours ago could never be considered puny. You need to get out more," John Ledgerwood said in a chilling retort, patting the Greek slave encouragingly on the butt who was blushing in shame over his alleged shortcomings. "There's nothing wrong with the way this slave is hung, Matilda. A visit to the whore house in Fremantle is going to wise you up. Besides, Matilda, if size is your hang-up, we'll get a horse for you. If you'd get away from slave meat, you'd find there's a lot more to a man than the size of their dick. Your mother would be ashamed of you, obsessed with the size of a mere slave's dick - they're just animals, after all - no different than a horse. And if I catch you ever again feeding the two-legged animals in this house anything but slave chow, I'm sending you to your aunt in Canberra. That old biddy might be able to knock some sense in you and, as far as I know, there's not a dick within two miles of where she lives. I'll be damn if I'm going to let you ruin a perfectly good investment I made in good faith. I thought having a pleasure slave around would solve our problems - hell, it's made them worse, and I'm sick of it. If you can't exercise any self-discipline with slaves around, then to hell with them - I'll stuff them in the cargo hold of the airplane and sell them for what I can get at the slave market in Perth. I've had it up to here with you and these slaves."

John Ledgerwood stormed away from the breakfast table and went out on the front porch. Chad quickly joined him, congratulated him on the change in policy, and encouraged him to stick with it no matter what. And, as he said, if it didn't work out, it was a good plan to sell off his two slaves while they at least had some value left.

With that, 56 had already put Chad's luggage into the back of the Range Rover, had cleaned the entire SUV both inside and out including the cage the Greek slave had been delivered in, had filled it from the ranch's own tanks of diesel fuel, and, kneeling, pressed his forehead to the top of Chad's boots as a farewell gesture to his former owner.

With final farewells to the entire Ledgerwood family, especially John, Chad drove off as he saw tears spilling down 56's cheeks, Matilda giving him the finger, and the four boys rubbing their swollen crotches as they thought about their trip to Fremantle. Inside, unseen, the Greek slave was also silently crying, marveling at how his life had changed so drastically with his recent sale.

The Greek hadn't had a chance to actually meet with the other slave, apparently called 56, but saw there were two slave cages on the front porch. When they were caged, there would be plenty of time to learn about his colleague. Somehow, he was sure they would become friends over time, even if it was mainly just talking between the bars of their adjoining cages.

Authors appreciate receiving reader response. Please forward your comments to Bill Smith (

[To get into the Season's mood, may I suggest the Christmas fantasy I posted at this site on Dec. 6, 2005 entitled "Christmas Shopping." Thanks. Bill Smith]

Next: Chapter 11

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