The Best Time

Published on Mar 15, 2011



Jogging was part of their daily schedule. Monty and Ernie stripped to their running shorts could be seen in the mornings long before many of their classmates were on campus and in the afternoons as well.

Midway through their college years, Monty got serious about Sheila enough that everyone knew they were going to be married.

Ernie felt both thrilled and a bit jealous of his long time friend's pending separation from their bachelor life together.

Sheila wasn't so sure it would happen at all.

"You and Ernie been friends like forever, right?" She tried to explore why her boyfriend and Ernie were practically a male couple. Whenever she wasn't with him, Ernie was and sometimes Ernie joined them for a movie or pizza or even weekend trips.

"He's been like a brother to me" Monty explained "We did everything together"

Sheila slowly explored what "everything" meant.

"Well guys you know use their hands and sometimes do it with other guys" Monty confessed during one of the pot encouraged long talks.

Sheila had used her hand on Monty now and then. But Monty never seemed to want to do more or even have her do oral sex, not that she was waiting until they were married or engaged at least.

The total range of their intimacy remained hand holding, kissing and when she made the move sneaking her hand under the running shorts he always wore.

They had talked about real Sex but Sheila would say she didn't think they were ready yet. He presumed she wanted to wait till they were married.

"So you two have sex yet?" Ernie asked from his bed across from Monty's.

Monty having just returned from his date responded, "Naw she's old school. Probably won't after we're married yet either"

"Maybe we should jo before sleep" Ernie had his cock in his hand. Monty plopped next to him to enjoy one of their thigh rubbing, masturbatory sessions they'd been doing since they puberty demanded it.

"We're supposed to drop by Sheila's." Monty said on Saturday during their afternoon jogging.

"Me too?" Ernie was surprised Sheila actually wanted him around. Usually he detected her attitude when he shared their time together. That didn't stop him of course. He figured even after Monty and Sheila got married, he'd still be the guys best friend and hopefully someday Sheila's friend too.

"Really!" Come on. They jogged off the path towards Sheila's house.

She seemed alone and happy to see them, kissing both on the cheek, another surprise for both Monty and Ernie.

"You're gonna get something I think you've been wanting for years but you got to play along ok?" She asked taking Monty's hand.

He let her blindfold him and lead him into another room and sat where she placed him. The rope tied his hands behind him then his chest and legs to each side.

"Honey what are you doin?"

"One hell of a lap dance stud" Sheila said "You ready?"

"Uh ok where's Ernie?"

"Don't worry he's in another room".

Her hand under his running shorts aroused him.

"Honey lap dance or what are you doing?"

"Just adjusting"

The cool air told Monty his erection was out of his shorts now sticking straight up. He thought the girl was going to give him a blow job.

"And just relax" Sheila said as she put a ball gag in his mouth. Monty was amazed Sheila had one let alone was going to use it .

The body moved on top of him. Monty wanted to ask why the blindfold but the gag prevented it. Then he knew why as the warmth surrounded his cock.

It wasn't a lap dance but sex. She had apparently decided to have sex before they got married. And the hole around his cock was very tight. He groaned.

"You like that honey" Her hand was on his bare chest as she whispered it in his ear. Monty nodded. His cock was about to explode especially when she pinched his nipple.

It was obvious Monty was too far gone to stop and near his orgasm.

That was when Sheila said "Ok honey I think it's time you got to watch too"

She removed the blindfold.

Monty wasn't sure he wanted to see Sheila on his lap sliding up and down his cock but it did feel good. His eyes widened at the sight.

Ernie was in front of him, gagged and blindfolded. There was rope criss crossing his chest his arms apparently tied behind him.

He was being made to ride Monty's cock and seemed to love it. Two guys were on either side. Monty recognized them as friends of Sheila and they lived in the same dorm as he and Ernie.

"I think he's ready too" Sheila said.

One of the guys pulled the blindfold off Ernie and his eyes too widened in surprise seeing he was being forced to be fucked by his best friend.

Monty's cock was so close to exploding it didn't soften at his surprise vision. Instead he winced and yelled into his gag as his gut exploded into Arnie's gut.

"Shit, I don't know what to say" he panted after the gag was taken off.

"I figured you two needed to do it before you got serious about us" She smiled at the two laughing friends as they took the gag off Arnie's face.

"Man I'm sorry I didn't know what they were doing. We've done stuff before but this time..." Ernie was stammering.

"You've been with them before?" Monty realized his best friend hadn't told him something important and yet thought they had shared every secret two friends had.

"Yea" Arnie's cock was still hard

"Come on let's take care of that" One of the guys said grabbing Arnie's erection and leading him out of the room. "Those two need to talk"

Another year passed by. The summer was full of part time jobs, weekend beach trips and pick up classes on campus.

Monty, Sheila and Ernie lounged around the living room of the apartment they had shared for the past year.

"So what's up for the weekend?" Monty asked his two roommates.

"Gotta go home and see the folks. Mom's aunt died so I'll be there for a week or so" Sheila said "Guess you two have the place to yourself again. But this time put the toys away before I get back." She smiled at her two best friends and gay lovers.

She got used to seeing them naked all the time and they her. She got used to seeing them cuddling even when her own boyfriend was visiting.

And she got used to watching them have sex, a special turn on she enjoyed while manually taking care of her own needs.

College was the best time of their lives.

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