The Better Way

Published on Jan 14, 2006



It wasn't his first time. Avon had dicks up his butt before. And he liked the feeling during and after, especially after.

For at lesat two days after each time he felt whoever had done him still there. It felt good.

He learned early on to do squat exercises or flex while sitting just to keep himself healthy if not tight as well.

By the time he was 19, Avon had done it doggy style, on his back, even standing in a school gym shower.

"Hey" The man called "you better get over to the office after practice today" He was the Assistant Coach, actually a grad student who helped out with the track team on which Avon ran.

"What's up?" he asked when the older boy opened the door.

"Uh can't do it now, why not come to my place tonight?" he was shuffling papers and looking really busy.

Avon looked confused, "for what?"

"Oh I was told that you should get a head to toe today" Marv waved a paper "says you're getting stiff and need to limber, they want me to do it. I do it for alot of the guys, even did the Coach" he smiled.

"UH yea ok, where do I go?"

The apartment was just across the street from the gym and stadium. Avon walked up the three flights surprised he was short of breath despite his usual stamina running.

"Oh great, good timing. I uh dont' have a table, we can use that" Marv said pointing to the fold out couch which presumably was his bed in the one room apartment.

But Avon wasn't looking at the bed, he stared at Marv's chest usually clothed in te shirts at practice. He was half naked now and his chest and abs were incredibly shaped and cut.

"Shit man, never knew you were so, uh" Avon blushed revealing more then his words.

"Oh yea thanks, I work at it" Marv said running his hands ove rhis smooth chest and stomach, then patting it.

"You want a glass of wine or beer or anything?"

Marv poured a glass of wine for each ot them before Avon answered.

"Nice, needed that" Avon said feeling his body warm to the alcohol.

"Well, let's relax and take this slow, I'll use some oils, what kind of music do you like?"

He used a remote to turn on a cd player which was already loaded with a dance mix.

"Hey nice, that a dj cd?" Avon asked.

"Yea from a club, the factory, been there?" Marv asked.

Avon had heard of the place, it was in West Hollywood and well known as a gay dance club.

"That uh gay place?" he asked hoping not to offend.

"Yea well it's a dance club, lots of people go there, celebrities, kids from campus, you know whoever wants to strip down and get sweaty" Marv said. "speaking of which, when you're ready strip off and lay on the bed there."

Marv unsnapped his workout pants and pulled them off. Avon had seen his thick thighs and wll shaped calves before, but somehow seeing them now, whith his bare chisled chest showing got him hard.

"Uh in my underwear? I brought my jock if you want me in that" Avon said holding up his gym bag.

"Naw, let's do it bareass. It's more relaxing and hell there's only us here" Marv said tucking his thumbs in his own waistband.

Avon's cock had already hardened. He didn't know how he'd strip without revealing his cock got hard.

"And dont' worry if you get a boner, that only means you're enjoying what I'm doin" Marve said, "in fact if you don't get one, I'll assume I'm not doing it good enough."

Marv was naked now. He was gettign a bottle of oil and a small towel.

"Come on, many don't be modest"

Avon wasn't modest he was mesmorized and wished he could kneel in front of the Grad Student and take his dangling cock into his mouth.

Avon stood and peeled his te shirt off. Then he turned away from Marv as he unbuttoned his jeans and took them off as well. Moving to the bed, he pulled his calvins halfway down his butt and then all the way off as he lay face down on the bed. Avon was sure his tactics had hidden his rock hard cock.

"Good, just lay there and get comfortable"

Avon felt the bare legs straddle his sides as Marv stood over him. He imagined the image os him naked with Marv over him and felt his own cock slit leak precum.

The oil made him jump but Marv's strong hands quickly took Avon from thoughts about sex to slowly forgetting everythign but the pleasure of having the boy kneed his shoulders, back, arms, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet.

"You doin ok? Lots of knots but they're gone now" Marv said.

Avon hoped the massage wasn't over. The feeling of his muscles being turned into pliable tissure as well as Marv's legs moving against his sides was topped only by the casual handling of his body.

"Life up a bit" Marv instruced then his hands found Avon's cock and balls and pulled them downward.

"Oh nice, glad you're enjoying it" Marv said running his finger down one side of Avon's downturned erection.

Avon jumped as Marv's fingers massagedaround and inside his buthole. "It's a muscle too, needs massaging, relax"

Avon did that and moaned as Marvs strong fingers found pleasure points around and inside his butthole. He had never been massaged like this.

"Turn over"

Avon's erection popped up as he did what he was told. He opened his eyes just enough to see the muscle body over him, his thick thighs on either side.

The hands that had gotten to know him so well were working his chest, belly, nipples, arms, around his genitals and then his own thighs and legs.

"Close your eyes" Marv said soothingly.

Nobody had ever massagd AVon's face before, it felt so relaxing he nearly fell asleep.

"So how does that feel?" Marv said.

Avon opened his eyes seeing Mrav still kneeling over him, straggling him. He touched the thighs and stroked them.

"Great, you have great fingers" Avon also noticed that Marv's own cock was rock hard.

"Love doing this, especially to guys who seem to enjoy it" He said as one hand reached behind him and foung Avon's boner.

"I think we need to work your butt in a special way" he said now holding his cock. "You think you want this?"

Avon didn't asner but began to turn over.

"Good" Marv lifted a knees so Avon could turn completely over.

Marv took each one of Avon's arms and spread them out. Then he pulled each leg apart too and fingered Avon's butthold as he got into position.

"Just lay there and relax, don't flex or tighten or anything just lay there and take it"

Marv's fingers were putting some sort of good that was a bit cool around the edges of Avon's butthole.

He felt the older boy lay on toop of him, his naked body making contact from his shoulders to his feet.

"You ok?

"god yes" Avon said and almost immediately felt Marv's stiffer push into him. Avon owasopen and waiting for the intrusion.

Marve's cock slowly streched muscle and flesh finding it's way into and up deeper into Avon until he felt Marv's public hair agaisnt his flesh.

Marv began to move and squirm as if his cock was looking around inside Avon.

He began to slowly fuck and Avon thought about the sensation.

"Ever been fucked before kid?" the Sailor asked. Avon had been dozing as he rode the bus sitting next to the sailor. They had talked earlier and laughed, even shared some of the fried chicken the Sailor had brought on board.

"Uh no Sir" Avon said. His bare leg had wrmed to the Sailors touch and strokiing, There was no secret that he responded to the attention. The sailor's hand had rested on his crotch to make sure earlier and pulled Avon's hand to his won crotch.

"Bathroom, in two minutes" the uniformed boy left his seat and Avon looked to see if anyone was watching. Everyone seemes asleep.

The bathroom was so small, Avon could hardly move around. The Sailor unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them adn Avon's underwear down.

"Gotta us spit, got nothing else"

The fucking hurt at first, but Avon had to try to stay quiet less the bus driver knew what was going on in the bathroom.

He felt the Sailors hand jackign his cock at the same time so by the time ejaculation put sperm in his ass, Aavon shot all over the bathroom sink area.

This was different, there was no pain, only pleasure in the form of smooth sliding in and out of him.

"OK you're going to love this" Marv said and he shifted and continued fucking.

Marv was right, his cock began slidgin agaiinst something inside Avon that made him groan loudly.

"Oh fuck that's that's god" Avon said.

Marve fucked faster and each stroke rubbed agsint something inside Avon that turned this into a new experience.

It was different then im being fucked by hot guys, or even occasionaly men he met.

"So you want to make some money?" the man asked Avon who had pulled his speedos down to piss in the urinal. The much older man next to him saw the cock. "I mean that's a nice cock, thought you'd like it sucked"

They moved to the handicapped stall far away from the entrance and Avon felt hte warm lips slidign on his boner. The man's fingers played whith his nipples and eruption came quickly.

"Wait not thru, you bend over the toilet, brace yourself" The man said

Avon felt the man's nobby cock pop into him and fuck quickly then pull out.

"Now that's a nice butt" the fifty dollar bill Avon stuffed under his speedos was fake, at least that's what the store clerk said. He wondred for monts if the man knew that or not.

"Just let it go, whatever your body wants to do let it but hold back as long as you can so it feels really good." Marv adised as he contninued to piston in and out ot Avon's hold while rubbing across the boys prostate.

Avon kept relaxig his musles that tensed during the fucking he lay there concentrating on the sensations and on the cock that was freely moving in and out of him.

His orgasm shot stream after stream os sperm into the bedding below his body and Marv kept fucking.

It didn't take long for Avon to feel the shuddering of Marv's body as he too was releasing sgperm.

"Hey nice" Marv said. They sat round and talked while staying naked. Avon moved to his knees and examined Marv's cock.

"Hey you don't have to do that, I like massaging..and fucking too of course" Marv said.

Avon didn't pay attention as he moved close and began to lick and suck Marv's cockhead knowing that the older boys sperm that was now in his intestines would soon be going down his throat.

"So ever had a massage like that before?" Marv asked as he helped Avon dress.

"Uh no, not that way, never been fucked like that before either" Avon said.

Marv reached outand peeled Avon's te shirt back off.

AVon bent over and put his lips on Mrav's developed pectoral muscles nursing on the nipple there.

Avon hoped Marv would fuck him again that night especially since he had the better way of doign it.

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