The Big Camping Tripp

By Lucky Slevens

Published on Aug 23, 2019


The Big Camping Tripp By 7uckyslevens

** This story contains sexually explicit material between underage characters and older characters. This story is a fantasy and in no way represents reality nor attempts to represent any actual relationship(s). No persons or situation nor location are based on reality. **

Part 1

During the summer while I was fourteen, my dad drew a hunt for an elk in a mountain range about seven hours from where we lived. This hunt is highly coveted as only like twenty tags were released for this particular hunt a year and only himself and one of his friends drew, though more than a few of his friends were planning on going up and camp/party/relax in one of the most scenic but exclusive mountain ranges in the United States. We were to stay camping for almost a week and planned accordingly. On a Thursday, we stocked up on food, supplies, gasoline, kerosene, ammo, first aidÉ and of course beer, whiskey, rum; essentially everything we needed to survive a week in the wilderness that was at least two hours away from any sort of civilization. We were expecting about twenty other people to show up and my dad liked to be prepared. We had enough food, packed into five large coolers to feed a platoon of army men.

We drove for the seven hours, and set up camp before dusk. Only four other people had shown up that afternoon and the rest were expected to roll through over the course of the week. So that afternoon, dad's friends Derrick, Vidal, and Benito who everyone called Ben or Benny, who also brought his son, Junior, who I called Jr., (pronounced Jay Are) came that Friday and were expected to stay the entire week. Jr. and I went to different schools, and so we were only really friends while hunting/camping. Jr. was fifteen and one of those cool guys, like smoked cigarettes, had a car he built with his dad, had tattoos you know the type. (A bit aside, Benny's wife and Jr.'s mom had run away with another man a few years before this and the two of them were thick as thieves because they only really had each other. My dad was never really like that with me, we really truly didn't know each otherÉ I still don't think he knows anything about me now, but that's beside the point.) He was much more athletic than me, with dark skin and toned body. He looked nothing like his dad, who was shorter, stockier but had way more muscle. Jr. had dark hair and dark eyes while his dad had soft brown hair and golden brown eyes.

We set our tents, started a fire, unloaded the supplies, and set up everything we were going to need for the upcoming week. But the adults started drinking right away and I was bored instantly. Jr. and me went to the river to get away from them, they wanted to go hard because the hunt didn't start for a couple days, so they could sleep in tomorrow, scout during the day, and then be ready to hunt that next dayÉ literally, they planned it like that, they planned around getting wasted. Jr. pulled out a joint and we smoked it while the sun set and night came. We didn't talk at all while we smoked, which was unusual for me because I giggled and talked a storm when I smoked with friends at schoolÉ usually, though Jr. was quiet all of the time. He had this stoic nature to him, mysterious. When we finished the joint he gave me a cig and we smoked that. Again, not a word escaped us.

When the adults started getting loud, Jr. turned to me and asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, of course," I said watching him squirm, pondering whatever question he was going to ask. I had never seen him like this. He was always confidant, strong, and imposing.

"So, its like thisÉ I'm tired of hiding. I'm tired of being afraidÉ"

"That doesn't sound like you. I would think you wouldn't be afraid of anything."

"Oh boy oh boyÉ I'm afraid of everything, buddy. I'm afraid you most of all."

"Me?" I looked down at my oversized coat hanging off my slender body. Under my clothing, I was a toothpick of a pale ass Mexican. My nickname at school was pocho gringo, because I passed for white and don't know a lick of Spanish. Those that didn't call me that, called me flaco because I was so lanky. "Trust me, I'm harmless."

He was silent for a long time and then asked, "Are you gay?"

I pondered it a bit, at the time, sex wasn't a big part of my life, and though I had thought of it, I never dated or did anything that made me seriously consider how I felt sexually, though I was always waking up with a hard-on, I really didn't even know what to do about it besides a cold shower. I was a `late bloomer' as it were. I told Jr., "I don't know. I might be. How can you tell?"

"Remember that trip a couple years ago, our dads left us to go scout the mountain side for deer? It was a winter hunt and you were freezing, so we cuddled up in the same sleeping bag to get warm?"

"Yeah, and my dad flipped out over it."

"But you were so cold he couldn't even take you out of the sleeping bag until he built a massive fire. We were just kids but those hours of us squirming trying to get warm was the moment I knew I was gay for you, I meanÉ your dad wasn't wrong when he said that `gay shit was going on in there'. Only, I didn't act on the gay shit I was thinking about."

"So you were attracted to me?" I remember the cold of that day, and when Jr. cuddled me, it was like a thousand fires burning inside of me, keeping me from passing out as I slowly regained feeling in my numb appendages. But, I cannot help but wonder, was it his body temperature that fired me upÉ

"I still am, just, now I think I have the balls to actually do something about it, rather than just think about it." He took off his jacket and pulled off his shirt. I stared at him the whole time. He was skinny, but fit, with a slight swimmer's build, though he wasn't a swimmer. His arms were slim but the slight muscles were pronounced and his chest was wide and muscular, while his waist was slim and cinched. He had three tattoos, a heart with barbwire on his chest, a deer skull on his back, between his shoulder blades and SOS over his belly button. I watched him undress to his underwear and lean up against a large rock beside the river. I watched him as he kick off his boots, slid down his jeans and revealed his strong legs. I almost gasped as his boxer tented out before him. I swallowed hard, unsure what to say, or doÉ

He asked, "Do I turn you on? If I do, you're gay." I was definitely turned on, my groin was tight and my cock started inflating, I felt the heat of my blood pushing against my skin all over my body. I walked closer to him and hesitated touching him. He grabbed my hand and guided me over his slight abs, through his trimmed pubes, down to his cock, which was now super hard and poking out of his boxers. I grabbed it and he shuttered. I stroked it with one hand and used my other hand to feel his legs, his chest, his neckÉ his whole body. He just stood there, letting me stroke his uncut cock and feel him over.

Inside my jeans, my cock was oozing pre cum and it felt super wet inside my underwear. I didn't undress, mostly because I felt small compared to Jr., his body was fit and strong, but I was a half a foot shorter, slender and lanky with very little muscle. His cock was way bigger as well, about six inches. I was maybe five at most.

Jr. squirmed as I jacked him off, or rather, as he fucked my hand. I didn't know what I was doing, but he moaned at my touch and he seemed to really enjoy it. I watched his cock in my hand as I felt it swell and then burst load after load onto my jacket. I was stunned, transfixed on his cum and his red-hot knob. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a kiss, I let him lick my lips and inside my mouth for a moment until he let go.

I think he knew this was my first sexual experience, first kiss, all of it. He just smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug. I held him, feeling something I never felt when I hugged a friend or even a family member. My whole body felt excited and warm, down to my core, I just felt a fire ignite inside my blood. But then Jr. reached down to my bulge, and rubbed my hard cock pressing up against my jeans.

I was embarrassed but his touch felt good and I sort of let him do what ever. He reached inside my underwear and felt all of my pre cum and looked at me confused.

"Did you cum already?" I shook my head no. He grew the wildest smirk I ever saw and just kissed me again. "You've never done any of this before, huh?" I shook my head no again. "Have you watched porn?" Again, I shook my head no. "Have you jerked off before?" I had never even tried jerking off. I really, completely, whole heartedly didn't even know how to jerk off. I shook my head no. He just said, "Wow, you jerked off someone else before you even jerked off yourselfÉ weird." I just stood there, feeling sooooooooo embarrassed that I wanted to run, but he still gripped my cock inside my jeans and it felt so good that I wanted desperately to stay right here, trapped in his grip.

"Can you teach me?" I asked. Even though we were only two years apart, I felt like he was an adult, older than even my dad, and I was a little child asking for help with a homework assignment.

He just nodded with that wild smirk and I smiled back. "Okay, turn around." He ordered. I obeyed. He undid my belt and jeans from behind me and let them drop to my boots, and then pulled down my underwear too. I felt really exposed, and kept glancing to the fire about a quarter mile away, the bellowing laughter of the adults echoing from there scared me. But Jr. felt my legs and reached up my shirt to feel my bony ribcage and chest. His cold hands on my hot body sent electricity through my skin. I just let him do what ever he wanted to me and it felt exhilarating. He unzipped my jacket and pulled it off of me, then lifted my shirt off. I felt so exposed though, the darkness was thick and even if the adults were standing five feet from us, they still wouldn't even see us, because even I couldn't see five feet away. All I had was my other senses, and touch was probably the most heightened.

Jr. whispered into my ear, "lean back onto me," and I did, I felt his body against mine and, by extension, the large rock he was leaned up against. I also felt his flaccid cock against the small of my back and my dick throbbed at the touch of it. "Are you right handed?" I nodded at him. Jr. reached down and grabbed my cock in his left hand and said, "Grip it like this, but with your right hand," I laced my hand with his and gripped it. "Okay, so, you're uncut like me, you don't need lube, but if you're going to jerkoff someone who is cut, you either spit on it or use lube. Okay?" I just nodded. "Now start slow," he said as he started stroking my cock. "If you go fast, it'll be over fast and you won't enjoy it, take the time to enjoy it." His other hand came around and started lightly stroking my chest and then he rubbed my nipple. "Touch yourself like this okay, feel yourself, your cock isn't the only way to cum, your whole body can feel pleasure." I reached up and felt myself like how he was feeling me. I shuddered at every touch, every light pinch and then he gripped my neck gently. "Fear and sex are our base emotions as animals, when they combine it can get intense, you tell me if you want me to stop, okay?" I nodded, but I didn't want him to stop. He gripped harder at my neck, squeezing my throat a little and I felt a rush of panic down my spine. My knees became weak and I started trembling.

"Don't stop," I said as I felt his grip on my neck lighten.

He giggled into my ear and tightened his grip. "Your body knows what it wants, but you don't know how to let it have it." I just nodded. "Your body will tell you what it wants, and your cock will crave a release soon, don't fight it, just follow the waves as they come. Let your body move as it wants to move." Almost on cue, my cock swells up and a pressure fills up in my balls, I moan loud at the feeling. "You're going to cum," he more told me than asked me. I nodded. "Just rock your hips, don't stroke anymore." He started rocking his hips into my back and I followed the motion, thrusting my cock into our closed hands. My balls tightened up and it felt like I really needed to pee, but different, and I started going faster, thrusting into our laced hands and then I released the pressure inside my groin. Massive wads of cum spurt out into Jr. cupped hand. I heaved and moaned as my whole body felt like a lightning bolt had struck the tip of my cock and the charged current flowed through me.

I gasped and whimpered and my whole body suddenly felt weak and pleased. Jr.'s hand loosened from my cock and he let go to feel my electrified body. With his cum filled hand, he lifted it to his mouth and slurped it up. "Kiss me," he whispered. I turned and lifted myself to his mouth and tasted my own cum on his tongue. This time I mimicked his tongue movements and kissed him back. After a moment of exchanging cum between our mouths, he pulled away and smiled at me. "Lets dip our feet before we head back," he said. "We'll have plenty of time to fuck around this week. And I have a lot to teach you."

We laughed it off and lit another cig, dipped our feet in the water, and I cleaned Jr.'s cum off of my jacket and we headed back to camp with a flashlight guiding our way. We joked around on the way back but once we got closer to camp and the voice of both our dad's and their friend's voices became louder, I asked him to not say anything. "Please?"

Jr. just winked at me and kept going on. I suddenly froze up and felt scared of everyone knew what we did at the river and what they might do or sayÉ so I watched from a short distance what he would do. Jr. just walked to his folding chair and sat down. He didn't say anything, or do anything, just sat there staring at the fire. I let my nerves fade and joined the group. All the guys were wasted, and I thought, `Damn, we weren't even gone for that long.' But there was already a small pile of crushed cans, probably forty, and an empty pint of whiskey next to the fire. They didn't even notice us approach. Derrick and Vidal had forgot to set up their tents. I guess they thought if they were drunk enough, anything is bedÉ

I pointed this out to them, but mostly to let everyone know we were alive and back from the river. They were slurring their words saying how they'll do it later or something and just went on talking about bullshit. I really didn't even understand what they were saying but Jr. just smiled at me when I looked at him. His long quaffed hair and dark eyes faded into the dark night behind him as his dark tanned skin was washed out by the firelight. I almost wanted to practice kissing him again, right there but caught myself. I looked back at the adults, laughing and slapping their knees, yelling and mumbling at the same time as they tried to tell stories over each other. It was kind of stupid, but I was used to it by this point. Jr. elbowed my side and motioned for me to get closer, I raised my eyebrow at him and he just shook his head and leaned towards me.

I leaned in and he whispered, "Grab us a couple beers from your dad's cooler." I smiled and nodded. I had smoked both weed and cigs before, dipped, and chewed tobacco, but never had had a beer other than a sip. I stood up and walked to the red cooler next to our tent and saw a small pint of whiskey right on top. I picked it up and showed it to Jr. careful not to reveal it to the adults. He nodded yes with a wide grin, and pointed to the blue cooler and I reached over and grabbed a couple sodas. I rushed back to my seat and we giggled and looked it over.

"My dad lets me have beer, but not whiskey," he said grabbing the bottle from me. We arranged ourselves so our backs were to the adults and we took our first sips of whiskey. It tasted like burnt gasoline and I sipped on my soda right away, queasy and grossed out from the horrible tasting stuff.

Jr. just smiled at me, "What?" I asked. "Do you like it or something?"

"No, it tastes horrible. But your face was a bit extreme." I took the bottle from him and took a large gulp and resisted crunching my face as the fluid slid down my throat. I chased my soda and looked directly into Jr.'s eye'sÉ

"Well, was that better?"

"Yeah, much better," he said and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I turned to look at the adults but all of them were in a tight huddle on the other side of the fire. The folding chair back completely obscured us from them. I turned and smiled back at Jr. and kissed him back. I felt my cock getting hard again. I looked at my jeans and saw the bulge growing. Jr. took notice. He smiled at me with that wild smile from before. "So I guess your next lesson should be sucking cock, but that'll be difficult."

"Why?" I asked as he took another sip from the bottle. "And hey, you need to take a gulp like I did." He did and then he made a face similar to what I imagined my face looked like when I took my first sip. I laughed at him, and this time gave him shit about the face.

"Okay, okayÉ that's enough," he said. "But really, teaching you will be difficult, maybe we should wait." I just gave him a confused look. "Well, ummÉ" he stammered.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ugh, so when I cum like I did, like you made me at the river," he added with that smirk, "my cock is basically useless for a while after. I cum and am done for a while."

"Oh, is that normal?" I said looking at my semi-hard cock pressing against my zipper. Jr. reached over and rubbed it, feeling it get harder and harder.

"No, I guess I'm the strange one. Regardless, I'll suck you off tonight. Just a shame I can't teach you on mineÉ Though, with you, I might-"

Then we heard a commotion behind us and saw Derrick had fallen off his chair passed out. Vidal and Benny were laughing their asses off at him. My dad was already nodding off and barely noticed.

"Boys!" Benny called to us, "Put this pussy in his tent!"

Then Jr. gave me a twisted look. "Okay, dad, we will!" he said back.

"I've got a plan, help me set up D's tent."

We walked over to Derrick's truck and pulled down his coolers, his sleeping bag, and then found his tent under everything else. We cleared out a part a ways away from the fire and the other tents and pitched his large camo tent.

"Why so far?" I asked.

"I mean I don't want your dad or Vidal to hear us," he said. It finally clicked and I got really scared.

"What?" I said in a harsh whisper. "You want meÉ with Derrick?"

"Shhh, I'll think up a plan. Nail the spikes in and I'll grab Derrick."

I nailed the spikes in and ran to the truck and pulled in the sleeping bag, and pillows from the truck. Derrick was puking next to a tree and Jr. was rubbing his back as the rest of the adults were laughing at him, except my dad who was completely passed out on his chair. I went over, woke my dad and told him to go to his tent. He slowly walked over to his small one-person tent set up next to mine and he crawled in. I watched him take off his shoes and then I zipped up the door for him. He was snoring before I even turned around. Vidal and Benny were completely incoherent as I approached. They asked for another beer, so I grabbed them one each and they almost spilled it on themselves trying to drink it.

"You two should go to bed too. Finish you beers." Benny nodded but Vidal started mumbling something about something that sounded like he was implying I was not his wife. "Yeah, I'm not your wife, I'm not going to take care of you." And I walked away.

Vidal grumbled and walked to his truck, climbed in and closed the door. Derrick finished puking and I helped Jr. carry him to his tent. I cracked a couple of glow sticks once inside. Jr. zipped up the door to the tent and I started undoing the laces in his boots and pulled them off for him. Jr. pulled off his jacket, and just looked at him.

"No," I said. "I'm not practicing on him while he's passed out drunk."

"Come on," he said. "Look at him, he's perfect. It'll be easy. Besides, he'll wake up feeling so much better. You wana do that for him, right?"

"What if he wakes up and beats the shit out of us?"

"Derrick? The sleeping dead, D?" Jr. said unconvinced. "Do you remember your dad's party up at the cabin last year?"

"Yeah," I said thinking of the huge BBQ and camping party last summer for my mom and dad's anniversary. I then remembered D passing out first and all the guys carried him a mile to the lake put in in the canoe and pushed it in. He didn't wake until the next morning, sunburnt and scarred shitless.

"He'll sleep through a hurricane, I've seen it a thousand times." I was still unconvinced but Jr. already started undoing his jeans containing a massive bulge.

"Is he hard?" I asked and as soon as he pulled down Derrick's underwear I had my answer. His massive cock stood straight up, hard as a flagpole. I just stared at its throbbing girth. It was about three inches longer than Jr.'s and way thicker. It was missing the skin at the tip though, and I gave Jr. a confused look.

"What?" he asked. "If you don't suck this beauty, I will."

"Why is it different?" I asked.

Jr. grabbed it lightly and it flinched at his touch. D moaned loud but didn't open his eyes or anything. "He's cut," he said. "The skin that we have has been cut off." I was horrified. I just stared at it noticing the ring of skin that transitioned from regular to thin and soft skin around the cock head. I could almost feel my own dick being cut up and I flinched. "I think he needs some head, don't you?" Jr. asked.

I crawled up to the throbbing cock until it was inches away from my face. I reached out and grabbed it tightly. I could feel his pulse in the cock and my own cock swelled up into a full boner. I stroked it gently but the skin was too tight and I could only move it around a little. Then I remembered Jr. said I have to spit on it. So I positioned my mouth right above it and let my spit drool out onto his massive head. I slowly worked my spit into his cock and started to pump it with my fist. My saliva coated it enough to slide my hand up and own the shaft and D's entire body reacted. His hips thrust with my motion and his breathing became soft moans and grunts.

"Nice," Jr. said from the corner of the dimly lit tent. "that's so hot. If I had known he was this big I might have done this sooner."

"Okay, what do I do?"

"First, lick the head," I reached out with my tongue and gently licked the base of the piss slit to the tip. His cock tasted like sweat and salt. I took in the flavor and decided it wasn't as bad as the whiskey. "Lick it like it's a melting ice cream cone. Like all over." I did like he told and soon Derrick was moaning with each exhale. He was still firmly passed out but his body was alive, reacting to everything I did to it. "Good, keep doing that. But now do the shaft," I followed long pulsating veins down his shaft and back up again over and over until his entire cock had had my tongue's attention. "Oh man, that's some hot shit dude."

"Am I doing it okay?"

"Fuck yeah you are," he said "I can't wait until you do that to my cock." I smiled at him and he leaned over and gave me a wet kiss, taking in the flavor remaining in my mouth of D's cock. "Mmm, tastyÉ Okay, now you need to try and take as much of it as you can into your mouth and down your throat if possible. Breathe through your nose, and pinch this part of your hand to stop your gag reflex. Like this" he showed me him pinching the muscle in between thumb and pointer finger hard. I did like he did and tried taking as much of the cock into my mouth as possible. "Careful of your teeth. Don't let your teeth even touch him make your lips like this." He made a face with his mouth wide open and then pulled his lips into him mouth and covered his teeth with them. I nodded and tried again and got it this time. No teeth, and his cock head was at the back of my mouth before I started gagging. I then closed my mouth around the massive cock and started licking and sucking at the same time. It felt good to have his cock in my mouth and soon I was doing it without thinking about it. Jr. lifted D's shirt. And started licking and sucking on his hairy nipples. I kept pinching my hand and didn't know what else to do so I kept sucking and licking and bobbing up and down.

"Okay, that's good," Jr. said and I let the cock go out of my mouth. "Now give some attention to the balls, and be gentle." Jr. stood over us, reached down and lifted D's legs so I had full access to his large hairy ball sack. I rubbed D's inner thighs as I reached for a ball and groped I with my tongue. I licked swirls and gently flicked the sweaty nut until a dribble of pre cum came out of his cock head and I licked that up too. "Fuck yeah," Jr. said, "You are a fucking natural."

As Jr. let his legs down I returned to the now begging cock and started to suck the pre cum out of it. I returned to my previous technique but as his moans intensified I quickened my pace. Soon I felt his cock pulsate harder then it did before and his hips bucked his cock further down my throat. I almost gaged but kept my puke down and continued, careful to not let his body fuck my throat. But, I did let his body fuck my mouth and soon a massive wad shot out of the cock into my throat. I kept sucking and licking and bobbing as fast and as hard as I could and soon my mouth was completely full of cum. It tasted sweet but with a bitterness like a fruit that wasn't ripe yet.

I kept sucking, swallowing all of his cum that just seemed to keep flowing. Then I lifted my head and kissed Jr. and gave him the leftovers in my mouth. D, though still passed out was still moaning and squirming like he was still cumming. I watched him a moment and noticed his cock wasn't going down. It remained throbbing and standing ready for more. Jr. noticed this too and started sucking him. I noticed he was able to go all the way down on the cock where I don't think I was able to even get half way down. D was soon moaning like before and Jr. lifted his head and started jerking him off with both hands. Loads of cum, as much as before, erupted and shot all over his waist, chest and then oozed down the length of his softening cock. I instinctively licked up as much as I could.

"Now," Jr. said to me. "I need to finish you up."

Jr. pushed me to the ground and pulled down my jeans. He swallowed my cock easily and pumped my cock hard and fast. I couldn't hold it back and came in his mouth right away. I was already ready to cum after watching him suck D, but his mouth actually on me made me go over the top. Jr. didn't mind and simply ate up my cum like it was candy.

We semi dressed D and left the tent.

Right outside though was Benny, staring down at us crawling out of the tent. I felt my stomach drop. And was ready for a beating. But all Jr. said was, "Come on dad, I'll put you to bed." The two of them walked to their shared tent and went to sleep. I rushed to my tent and wished over and over and over that he will forget in the morning.

I slept very little that night. I knew Benny was going to say something, either to Derrick, Vidal or my Dad. This was a problem. But besides stealing one of the trucks and running away, there was not way out other than to face this head on. There are a myriad of ways this will go down, but right here, right now, I have to get up, leave my tent, and start the day as if nothing had happened. If I get my ass kicked then so be it.

The sun rose hours ago, and someone has been cleaning the campsite, started a fire and cooking, for the last hour. I was too terrified to leave my tent but I knew if stayed in hereÉ well I guess I don't know what would happen either way. I slowly crawled out of my sleeping bag, changed into some hiking appropriate clothing. Light, sturdy and warm. I tied up my boots and slipped into my jacket and left my tent. The night had brought a light frost, I felt it when I first woke up, even though it was summer, but now it was almost completely gone. The over cast of clouds was dissipating and the sun was beaming down from the sky, warming everything up fairly quickly. But the midmorning chill made me rush up to the nice fire crackling in the stone pit. Atop the fire was a massive wok with about ten sausage patties. They looked cooked so I grabbed a large plate and spatula and started pulling them off of the fire. There was a dozen eggs sitting on a small table and I started cracking them into the leftover oil. Benny watched me from across the fire. I feigned a smile at him and concentrated on the sizzling eggs.

"Almost ready?" he asked.

"Yeah, you should start waking the others," I muttered. I started removing the eggs and placing them on the same massive platter I put the sausages. I was cleaning off the oil but I watched Benny from the corner of my eye as he just smiled and laughed at me shaking his head. He walked to Vidal's truck opened the door and started honking the horn. Vidal jumped, terrified and fell out of his lifted F150. He huffed at the ground and groaned as he realized where he was and what was going on.

"Breakfast is ready, borrachos! Wake the fuck up!" Benny shouted. Normally, I would be worried he'd wake the whole mountain but the closest campsite was two miles down. Even if other hunters were here, they would barely hear it over that distance. The whole campsite was slowly stirring. Jr. soon shuffled out of his tent in his underwear, and bootsÉ nothing else. Dad's tent was shifting and shuffling as he changed clothing. Derrick crawled out of his tent and took a massive piss buck ass naked right in front of all of us. He had a monster smile on his face as he released himself. Jr. came up to me and started warming a tortilla on the cleaned wok. He gave me a wide grin but said nothing.

"Did your dad remember anything from last night?" I asked him.

"Yup," he said casually. "He watched us the whole time from outside the tent." I was horrified. My stomach dropped and I started rethinking my grand theft auto plan to run away. "He won't say anything." He added as I stood there in deep contemplation.

"What?" I asked. "How do you know?"

"He knows about me, and now the both of us." Then my dad emerged from his tent and started towards the trees to piss. "I'll tell you about it later." He whispered and went to his chair to eat.

All of the guys soon circled around the fire and started scooping eggs and sausages into a tortilla and scarfing. They all had a beer and started planning out the day. My dad needed to check in with the ranger's station and register his tag. This isn't common, usually you just go and hunt and present your tag if stopped by a ranger, but because this was such an exclusive hunt, the rangers and Game and Fish were in full force up here for this hunt. He wouldn't be able to scout for a few hours, so he was going to scout a shorter field.

He pointed at his map. "I'll scout this river and valley here with my boy. Its shorter, has less terrain and I'll be done in the time y'all are done down here in the East range."

Then Benny jumped in. "How about I take the boys up this West slope up to this lake," he said. "We can look for tracks and sign and figure out which direction they might be heading. The herd might even be at the lake. And D and Vidal can cover this range here opposite us following the river down towards you here and you can meet up with them. The herd won't stray too far from the river so we'll know where they are. We can cover at least thirty miles this way, including the drop you'll cover."

Derrick nodded in agreement and Vidal grunted as well. My dad liked it and we started getting ready to split up. We set our watches to six in the afternoon to head back to camp. That way, we all had time to head back before dark. I was confused as to why Benny wanted me to tag along with him but Jr. just smiled at me. I took it as both a maniacal and assuring smile.

"Eee, bro, I had a wild night." Derrick said to Benny as my Dad was in the truck getting all his paperwork together. Vidal was unloading his tent and started setting it up. I froze up, ice literally started pumping through my veins.

"What is it, D?" Benny asked.

"I had the wildest dream that two hot bitches were sucking my dick all night long. They had like wicked tongues that like wrapped around my dick! I was like not wanting to wake up you know? They just wouldn't stop and I must've came like forty times!"

"Damn, D," Benny said, but giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I must have beat my dick hard last night, I woke up sore. It's been a long time since I woke up feeling spent like that, you know? These bitches I've been fucking lately just don't know how to suck a dick, not like that at least."

Jr. just laughed at me and I smiled in agreement. He didn't remember anything.

"Well lucky you. Hopefully your cock sucking bitches pay us all a visit this week," Benny said staring right into my eyes. "We'll need it since no chicks came up with any of us."

My dad started up his truck and waved us off as he set out to down the mountain to the ranger's station. Vidal and Benny loaded up their packs and started hiking down the East river where Jr. and me jerked each other off. We were going to go West. I doused the fire and started pulling the food on a hoist to keep it away from bears when Benny came up next to me.

"Jr. said that was your first time, last night, that true?" Benny asked. I secured the rope to a branch and braced myself for it.

"Yeah, it wasÉ" I said waiting, studying his reaction. He raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"You're pretty good already," he said as if he was impressed. "I was too drunk to punish my boy properly last night, and don't you think he'll take your punishment for you." I gulped hard. I stammered something incoherent but he just walked up to me and pats me on the shoulder. "I'll think of something good for you the both of you before we get to the lake."

Benny hiked about half a mile to our right as we headed towards the lake fourteen miles from the campsite. He was just a bright orange dot across the river, completely out of earshot, but no matter how much I begged, Jr. didn't explain anything to me the whole hike. He would just say, he's going to punish us' and you'll see' the whole walk there. He did ask how many of dad's friends were expected to show up over the course of the week. I didn't have an exact number but I figured it would be the whole crew.

He seemed to coming up with some sort of plan, or plot, but I thought mostly he was thinking of our `punishment', but it might have just been me obsessing over it.

When the lake came into view I started counted the steps until we arrived calculating the minutes it will take to actually reach itÉ I just wasn't expecting to see what I saw. A massive herd of about forty elk clustered around the opposite side of the lake. I had forgotten my punishment when I saw the buck, a massive twelve pointer grazing among the females. Two other males were visible but I imagined that there were even more elk in the forest behind them.

Benny came up behind us and put his hand on our shoulders. He watched them a moment with us and then whispered real low, "They'll be heading down this way, following the river to the East. I didn't see a single track or sign. So, either that, or they've settled here, which I doubt. Too cold at this elevation, they'll want something lower, warmer. They'd be heading straight to our camp. Will be there by tomorrow or the next day. They might stay here a while though. Good water, lots of grass."

"Should we head back then?" I asked. "We have all the info we need."

Then Benny started rubbing my shoulders, "I still have to punish the two of you. I doubt my straight as an arrow buddy, D, asked you to suck him dry last night. Even though he enjoyed it, you didn't ask permission." He let go of my shoulders and started approaching the lake. He reached the neck of the river where the lake fees into it and climbed a large bolder. Jr. nudged me and I followed him up the river and to the boulder. The Elk had noticed us but hadn't run away. They were maybe a mile away, across the lake directly opposite us. I figured they just didn't feel threatened by us. As I climbed up the boulder I noticed Benny was undressing. I froze a moment and just saw Jr.'s massive smile.

Once on top, Jr. started undressing as well. I just watched to two of them. Benny's body was thick but fit, his skin tight and dark. His muscles weren't built like underwear models, or sports, but for hiking, liftingÉ for function, rather than for show. He was really hairy in the chest and back like a bear. I watched his boxers drop and the tick stump of his semi hard cock flop out. It was cut, not as long as D's but just as thick in a field of long curly black pubes. My mouth watered at the sight of it. Benny reached out to his son and touched him. He then embraced his half naked son and kissed him, with tongue. Jr. also embraced his father, squeezing his ass cheeks and pulling them apart, revealing his dad's hole. I instantly got hard.

Jr. watched me while he was making out with his dad. His eyes were raping my body, piercing me in every way, every place, and from every direction. They stopped kissing to look at me. Benny's cock was fully erect pointing straight up, curving into his belly button.

"So, my boy says yesterday was your first time ever with a manÉ and you had two. You ready add another to your roster?"

I just nodded, yes. Jr. approached me and started undressing me, sliding off my pack, pulling off my jacket and lifting my shirt. Benny just watched his son undress me as slowly and sensually as he could. I moaned as he pinched my nipples and kissed the back of my neck. He then started undoing my jeans from behind and Benny approached. As soon as my jeans fell Benny was face to face with me. Both our cocks pressed against each other's. He grinned, it reminded me of his son's grin. The same smirk that was followed by a crazy idea.

"I really don't think he's ready to take a cock, but his looks ready to fuckÉ what do you think, son?"

"I think he's ready either way, I'm sure he'll figure it out."

I just stood there. Both of their hands touching me up and down. Caressing every inch of my skin. I then reached out to feel Benny's hairy chest. His pecks were hard, and he was slightly sweaty. I could see a tattoo underneath his sweater of hair. He was about a foot taller than me and I had to look up to meet his gaze. His light brown eyes were soft and warm. I kept eye contact as I reached out with my tongue and found his nipple. I kissed it at first. A gentle peck. He shuddered at the touch of my lips and tip of my tongue. He leaned his head back and pressed my head into his chest. I inhaled his sweet sweat. He was musky but the smell triggered an animal inside of me and I started devouring his chest. I licked and sucked on his nipples, curled his hair in my mouth with my tongue, and just inhaled his man scent.

I worked my way down his stomach. His skin was tight and his whole stomach was muscle but he didn't have a six-pack like his son, instead his whole body was a pillar of hard muscle. I licked up all of the hair on his belly until his oozing cockhead hit my chin. His cock curved straight up and back into his belly. I pulled it with one hand and felt his hairy ball sack with the other. I kissed the pre cum off the head. He moaned at my touch. I looked up to meet his eyes. He stared down at me with a beautiful wanting. I wanted to give him what ever he wanted. The look in his eyes told me I was the only person in that moment that could give it to him. I reached out with my tongue and licked the tipoff his cock, without breaking our locked eyes. I started working my starving tongue around his cockhead, licking up every ridge of his thick mushroom cap. He grunted and moaned the whole time I worked my way around his massive knob. But he never broke our gaze.

I slowly took the head into my mouth and worked it every way I could with my tongue. He grunted and growled like a bear and his whole body trembled. Behind me, Jr. undid my shoes, pulled them and my pants off careful not to disturb my cock sucking. He spread my legs a little and climbed under me to where I could sit on his face. He started sucking and tonguing my balls and I couldn't help but whimper and shutter at the sensation, breaking the locked gaze Benny and me had.

Benny softly slapped my cheek and lifted my chin to meet his gaze. His brow was furrowed and eyes blazing. He wasn't angry, but the look told me not to look away from him. He shook my mouth open and started rocking his hips, poking his head into my mouth. I reached with my tongue, but he would pull away, then thrust again and I only had a second to lick up his delicious hot cockhead. He teased me for a few minutes, holding my face so I could reach forward and devour it. Then he thrust a little deeper, and then a little deeper. I started closing my mouth slightly around the pumping shaft and then felt him touch the back of my throat. My gag reflex activated and I quickly grabbed the pressure point in my hand and pinched until his constant pumps did make me lurch. Soon his whole cock was fucking my mouth and his fat cock head pounding into the back of my throat.

Jr. was working my cock too, swallowing it whole. I felt his throat working around my head and it made me want to cum. He felt my balls and midway tighten, my orgasm growing and he slowed to a stop. I almost protested but Benny tightened his grip on my jaw furrowing his brows again. They didn't want me to cum, and the torture of letting a growing orgasm fade away made me weep as my balls loosened up. Jr. adjusted himself to start eating my ass. At first his tongue just tapped at my back door, then it went in for a taste. Soon he was lapping up every inch of my tight hole. I couldn't stop the waves of pleasure rolling up my spine, shaking my whole body. Benny pulled out of my mouth, let go of my jaw and I fell forward. I moaned hard and loud as Jr.'s tongue worked at loosening up my hole. I was on all four begging him to stop, my whole body shuttering as if I was possessed by an animal and have lost complete control.

"Don't stop, son," Benny said as Jr. slowed his tongue action on my ass. "He's begging you to stop because he can't handle how much he likes it. Isn't that right?" I just nodded through my pants and gasps. "Looks like we found your pleasure spot, and if you like that, wait until you take a full cock up there.

"PleaseÉ" I begged. My moans became a stutter, interrupting my speech. I couldn't utter anything anymore.

"Say it, boy," Benny demanded. "Beg for it."

"Do itÉ PleaseÉ PleaseÉ Fuck me."

"Don't stop, my boy." Benny said. "Keep at that hole, you're going to have to loosen it up a lot more." He turned away from us and started going through his backpack.

Jr. had loosened me up enough to start fucking my asshole with his wicked tongue. I felt lick the inside of my ass muscle and I flinched at the sensation. My cock felt like it was going to explode it was so hard. Pre cum dripped out of it like a faucet and there was a little puddle in the stone. I continued to beg for him to stop when Benny approached with a bottle of lube. He came up behind me and the two of them started dripping a little into my now opened hole. Jr. worked his finger inside of me, getting more lube inside, loosening me up even more. Benny lifted me from all fours to just on my knees. He positioned me into the nape of his neck and held me tight.

"Your virgin ass can't take my cock, my sunny is going to fuck you, okay?"

I just nodded. His strong body held me as Jr.'s knees slid up the side of my legs. I felt him lop his cock on my crack. I attempted to perk up my ass for him, to give him easier access.

"That's it, boy," Benny said into my ear. "Relax and let my boy into your hot ass."

Jr. slid his cock up and down my crack, loosening my hole up. I moaned as his head slid past my hole, every stoke felt like instant pleasure. Soon I felt him start to rest on my hole and start to push, I relaxed my sphincter and felt the tip start to move inside of me. When the whole head was in I felt my ass tighten up around his shaft and the sensation made me moan so loud it echoed around us. Birds squawked and fluttered out of the trees and I noticed the herd of elk scurry and run away.

"You're doing good," Benny said into my ear. "Hard part's over." His massive arms held my chest tight into his. Jr. slowly worked his cock into me. Inch by inch he slid until I felt his pubes on my ass and his balls touch mine. I grunted as he let out a long moan. "Gratz, boy. You are no longer a virgin."

I whimpered as he held open my moaning mouth, licking my lips and tongue. Jr. started pumping his cock and thats when I felt the waves of pleasure rolling all over my body. Beads of sweat started rolling down my skin as he fucked me. I moaned harder and harder until only hard grunts escaped my mouth. I was shivering all over. Matching my hip movements with Jr.'s, my ass consumed his cock, it was hungry for it, and it needed it. Every time his cock slid out, I craved it back in me, and his thrust hit every pleasure point in my body.

I was on the verge of tears when Jr. said, "I'm going to cum!" his voice trembled as he said it. But his thrusts were going faster.

I felt myself feeling ready to cum so I reached down to my cock and stroked it. "I'm going to cum tooÉ" I said. Each of Jr.'s fast and hard thrusts made my balls swell more and more until I couldn't hold it anymore. I thrust my cock into my closed fist, backed my ass back into Jr.'s hard cock and back and forth until I felt the release of my cum. Long ropes shot out of my cock creating a large puddle under me. I was in a daze as the world dropped away from me and it was just me and Jr. on a slab of stone amongst the stars and sun and sky, floating and flying.

Then I felt my ass swell and Jr.'s swollen cock filled up my body. He thrust slow but hard oneÉ then againÉ three and then he collapsed on top of me. Our sweaty bodies heaving and moaning from the bliss we just encountered. I could see his face, his dark eyes staring at me. I twisted my torso so I could reach him with my tongue and he kissed me back, this time our mouths fucking each other and we moaned and whimpered into each other. He slowly pulled his softening cock from my ass and I felt his cum oozing out of me. I flipped over to my back and pulled him on top of me, his sweaty body on my sweaty body. He kissed me, using his tongue as a weapon to battle mine. I slithered mine up and down his as if I was giving it a blowjob. Sucking it, licking it, feeling it. I savored the flavor of his saliva, the flavor of him, and he seemed to be enjoying mine. I opened my eyes and watched his long dark hair, soaking with sweat dangle over my face. I watched his long eyelashes fuller on his closed lids. His perfect, blemish-less skinÉ I studied his little angel kisses scattered across his face. I counted them, there were six that I could see. It felt like hours we were there on the sun soaked rock, kissing each other, as if the world had just dropped away and we existed outside time and space. But my watch vibrated and I heard Benny's beep.

It was time to head back. I hated the snap back to reality but it allowed me to see the rest of Jr. He sat back smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile wide at his smile. Benny was sitting at the edge of the rock, watching the placid lake. Little streams fed into this lake and lots of animals gathered here for water. Not all the elk had run off after I couldn't contain my moans. A few were at the opposite edge sipping the water. I walked to the edge of the rock, holding Jr.'s hand. I sat down next to Benny, letting my feet dangle off the sharp edge down to the water below. Jr. sat behind me, holding my torso, and resting his head in the nape of my neck.

For a moment, we just watched the lake, the sun falling behind the trees, the elk enjoying a sip of water before going to sleep. I smelled the clean clear air, felt the cold sweat drying against our skin, I could still taste the remnants of Benny's pre cummy cock in my mouth. All of my senses were heightened. I felt reborn right here on this lakeside slab of stone. I felt as if I was walking in a fog, or with the wrong prescription glasses. Now, I saw clearly for the first time. I felt alive for the first timeÉ

Then I noticed Benny's still hard cock. I stayed fixated on it.

"Daddy," Jr. said, "you want us help you with that?"

Benny looked at me and I just smiled and nodded. He stood up and positioned himself for the two of us. I approached from the front and Jr. approached from his back. The two of us double-teamed him with me sucking his cock and Jr. eating his ass. I went all in slamming my face into his cock slurping and licking as fast and as hard as I could possibly take it. I gagged a few times but I wanted him to feel as much pleasure as I could give him. I wanted him to feel how happy I was after he recruited me to join him and his beautiful son on this hike. Benny just moaned and groaned in absolute pleasure as I felt his whole body start shaking. He started growling, staring directly into my eyes. I kept pumping his cock as much as I could and when I felt he was about to cum, he forced my head down on his pulsating cock, I resisted the urge to gag until I felt his cum spilling into my throat. I swallowed it down and held my breath until I couldn't stand it anymore and tapped out. He released my head and I struggled for breath a moment. Benny lifted me up and kissed me hard. Jr. joined us and we three way licked each other tongues. I could taste Benny's musky ass on Jr.'s tongue and inhaled the euphoric stench.

When we finished we all got dressed and climbed back down the massive boulder. We started hiking back towards camp. We had about two hours to hike fourteen or so miles. With the spring in our step, I felt like we would return before the sun set.

Benny led us down the river, back towards camp. Jr. offered me a strong arm to cling to as we navigated a rocky downward slope. Walking up the range was the hard part and now it'll be a quick brisk walk seven miles back. We held hands and fooled around a bit, joking about nothing but something had been bugging me for a while now. Something I had been meaning to ask but didn't know how.

"By the way, Benny, Jr.É when did you two startÉ I meanÉ how?"

"If you're asking when I started fucking my son and why? Well that's an interesting story, I guess you should start it, Junior. I always mess it up."

"So, my mom and dad married real young. They were high school sweethearts or some shit. Mom went into nursing and my dad became a mechanic. They built a house, saved some money and then started thinking of having a kid, and boom I was born. Perfect life right, perfect family. The thing is, both my mom and dad are liars." Benny just sneered at the comment. "You see, my mom loved to fuck around. She had a reputation around town and it put a massive strain on my dad. When I was about nine it all came to a head. My mom left with some guy she worked with and abandoned us.

"Dad on the other hand was also living a lie, but kept it hidden for a long time. He jumped a fence when he was like 15 and ripped open his ball sack. His balls were saved but the trauma left scar tissue all over the tube things, basically an unintentional vasectomy."

Benny just snickered and said, "I figured it wasn't something I needed to fix until I wanted kids."

I must have looked confused because both of them just laughed at me.

"You see, I never told my ex wife that I couldn't have kids, then, right after we decided to have kids, when I was setting up an appointment for a consultation for surgery fix my junk and then poof, she's pregnant. Suspicious? I didn't care, I loved her and knew I would love our child. I knew what she was doing but I knew she came into my bed at night and that the love was real. She was everything I needed in the world and after some soul searching; I felt I didn't need to own her body to be happy, so long as she was happy, I was happy. And little Junior made both of us so happy. But he took all of my time. She was a nurse and her hours were ridiculous. I was his primary parent, both of us were tired after long days, sex was almost out of the question. I maybe fucked her twice since Junior was born `til he was three.

"This was a huge strain on our relationship. She started not coming home. She started to romantically engage with the other men rather than just sleep with the other guys. I started to despise her, hate her, resent her, and when our mutual feelings were expressed, she left. I kept the house, we split the savings and I get a check for child support that goes straight into a trust for only my boy to touch and use for college."

"Wow," I said. "What a bitch, just abandoned her son?"

"Actually, daddy fought for me. She wanted to do the tests to prove I'm not his biological son. She told me during the divorce and that he wanted to keep me from my real dad. I slapped her for that. I slapped my mom and told her, `you take me away from my daddy, I'll hate you forever.' And she left it alone. I think she knew I didn't even know her, and she didn't know me, and once I was off the table as a bargaining chip, she dropped me."

"That's when Junior started his cravings."

"I developed very early, and actually got into trouble at school getting the boys to show me their dicks. Dad even came home one day to me humping my pillow. Dad did everything to help me slow or lower my libido, it was impossible."

"Tell him what you did."

"Umm" Jr. hummed. He looked embarrassed for a moment and then just smiled. "I told dad that he's not my dad, but he loves me, so we are lovers and if he didn't fuck me I'll call mom."

"You blackmailed your dad into fucking you?"

"I was a child, a very horny child. Dad was the only guy I felt safe with penetrating me. Though I was starting to get desperate enough to start looking in other unsavory places."

"I had never, not once thought of ever being with a man, let alone my son, but I did love him. So the first time, we came camping and I just spent a whole weekend teaching everything about sex. I learned with him in most things. But after that weekend, we just couldn't stop. It started with me wanting him to be safe. Then it turned intoÉ something else. I love him in a way that can't be explained. On top of that, I love sex. And sex with him is unimaginably hot, satisfying and frankly taboo as fuck, which makes it much more dangerous, and therefore, a lot more fun."

"I think I know whyÉ" I said shyly to my side. I could still fell his cock sliding up and out my ass and the how my body reacted to it.

"Well, I can't say I don't feel guilty about our situation. I still feel as if I'm taking advantage of a young impressionable child in my care. And you," Benny said looking back at me, "You are baby virgin barely discovering his sexuality. Don't get it twisted, I don't regret throat fucking you, but I guess I feel bad that you might be too immature to give yourself to me."

"If you have those thoughts about me, Benny, I can confirm my consent, I wanted you to everything you did to me back there."

"It doesn't matter if I have your consent, boy." Benny said. He turned and faced me. He looked angry, his eyebrows furrowed, and he pushed me against a tree. Jr. just let go of my hand let him lift me about a foot off the ground. "If I wanted it, I could take it, through force, manipulation, any which way I please. I'm stronger, smarter, older than you and if I wanted something from you, your ass for instance, your body, your mouth, I can take it anytime I want. Out here, in these woods, the strongest predator gets the prey. We are hunters, learn to hunt or get hunted, boy. It would be easy to slit your throat, stash your body and simply say we were attack by a bear."

I almost screamed for help but the situation dawned on me. I was miles away from anyone who might hear me. I was completely powerless in this situation. Even Jr. just bowed his head to his father. Even if he killed me here, he could hide me anywhere he wanted, and it would be days before they even knew where to look. He could make up any story he wanted and Jr. would be there to back him up. The fear of the situation shook me.

"Just a warning, boy. I love my son. And I think he has been falling in love with you for some time now. But if you were anything like he was when he first started, this is only the beginning. Men like me will take advantage of you, manipulate you, and kill you if you do stupid shit. This is a lesson I taught my son early. You need to learn it too."

"Yes, sir."

He dropped me and I struggled for my breath a moment. Jr. helped me up and I brushed my self off. I then noticed I had a massive hard on under my jeans.

"But heed this little boy, you hurt my son, I'll hurt you. You love my son, I'll love you."

"Yes, sir." Benny walked away smirking and continued on the path pack to camp.

Jr. kissed me and whispered, "He did the same to me when I was younger. He claims it `puts the fear of death into us' or something."

"Yeah, it definitely did that for me."

"I told you," Jr. said as we continued down the quickly darkening path, "fear and sex are human's most intense emotions. Mix them together and you get something even more pleasurable."

We walked mostly in silence as the sun dropped and we had to navigate the rough terrain in complete darkness. The river guided us most of the way, but the camp was maybe a quarter of a mile away from the river and I was starting to get scared that we'd walk past it and get lost. Jr. seemed to think the same but Benny walked with confidence, shining his flashlight on the ground before him, navigating us towards camp.

When the small flicker of a campfire was visible in the distance I sighed hard in relief.


Back at the camp, everyone was already gathered. There were three new arrivals. My Dad's friend Aldolfo, or Al for short, his primo Francisco, and his son Juan Villa-Oso had arrived a little before dark and Oso, as we called him, had drawn the hunt. They had got caught up at the ranger station waiting for clearance, so were not able to go scouting. I guess it was because Oso was only a year older than me; and the rangers wanted to double and triple checked his hunter safety grades and permit. Everyone was worried about us, but when we arrived we explained we found a massive herd and scouted them for longer than expected. We explained where the herd was, how big it was, and how many bucks might be in there. We explained that, if they are moving, they'll be heading this way, but they will definitely be at the lake or along the river. I was tired and all the adults wanted drink a little before they went to bed. I knew they wouldn't go hard because tomorrow they would be hunting. Not scouting like we did today.

"You wanna go for a dip in the river before bed?" Jr. asked me and I just nodded to him. "Papa," Jr. said to the group of adults. "Can we go to the river and take a dip?"

"Sure thing, my boy," Benny said.

I've known these two for a long time, I've only ever known them to call each other by papa and my boy, but even now, not hearing them call each other daddy and son just sounded wrong. I realized it was simply because they were in the presence of others and that put me on edge a little.

"Take Oso with y'all m'kay," Cisco said. "Get the little bastards away for a while we can talk shop," he exclaimed with a bellowing laugh. Cisco was obsessed with pussy and chicks and his conversation never moved away from the topic of sex unless his son was present. If Oso was here, he would contain himself, but if it was just me and/or Jr., he would bellow his adventures with all the bitches he has had and how he has kept it a secret from his wife. He was a cheating bastard of a man, married to a religious prude who never put out. I can't say I blamed him for being a cheater though; he literally got no action at home.

Oso was a gentle giant of a kid. He was a foot taller than me and half a foot taller than Jr. He was quiet, reserved and only spoke when spoken to, and only in a soft voice. I suspected he was just a little too sheltered, like myself, and didn't know how to assert himself. We went to the same school and though we'd hang out sometimes, he was much more comfortable alone.

I grabbed my towel from my bag and caught up to Jr. and Oso who waited for me at the edge of camp. We used an electric lantern to light up the path. Jr. hung the lantern from a branch and started undressing. Oso just sat down on the rock where I was first jacked off just yesterday.

"Whatcha been doing this summer, Oso?"

"Just drawing, writing, and reading some books. You guys?"

"I met this chick," Jr. said. I looked at him with a confused face. Jr. raised his eyebrows at me and I realized he was talking about me. "I fucked her for the first time this summer, popped her cherry."

Oso was uninterested as watched the stars above.

"You still a virgin, Oso?"

"Yeah," he said. "I don't like the girls at school. None of them like anything other than make-up and clothes."

"Yup," Jr. added as he fully undressed, "I know what you mean." I took off all of my clothes too.

"What are you guys doing?" he said wide-eyed at us.

"I don't want to get my underwear wet," I said.

"Besides, we're all guys." Jr. added.

I walked into the coldish water and let my body adjust to the temperature. The river barely reached my waist and I dunked my whole body underneath. The cool water sent shivers down my spine, but it wasn't as bad as my school's swimming pool. Now that thing was freezing cold and we still had to do laps in it every other day for PE.

I watched Jr. stretch out his body a bit, clearly teasing me as he waved his cock around a little before walking into the river. I did notice Oso had completely turned away from us. I pointed this out to Jr. and he had a worried look.

"I thought maybe we could fool around a bit," he said in a hushed whisper. "But now I'm worried he'll rat us out."

"I don't think he will," I said grabbing his cock under the water. "Besides, he can't rat on what he can't see."

I slowly massaged Jr.'s cock under the water until it was hard. He just smiled at me but when he started to do the same for me I let out a soft moan. Oso noticed and turned around to us.

"What are you guys doing in there?"

I just covered my mouth.

"We're, umÉ playing chicken," Jr. said. I was unconvinced. "You want to play?"

"What is it?"

"Well, you umm, see who chickens out before the other on a task. If you chicken out before the other, you lose."

"I don't like games like that," Oso said and turned away again.

"You know," Jr. said harshly, "it wouldn't kill you to do something fun once and a while." Oso just sat there, he didn't even acknowledge us. "Whatever, lets go somewhere where the bear can't kill our buzz." We swam up the river a bit, about forty yards away from the lantern until we found a large slab of rock and we climbed out of the water. The rock was blocking a portion of the river and the light sound of crashing water drowned out any noise we might make. The warm summer air felt refreshing on my skin. I stretched out and absorbed the liberating feeling of being completely nude in the dark, under the bright night sky. The Milky Way and half moon illuminated our naked bodies. Jr. came up behind me and held me from behind. His strong arms around my body felt like a warm coat in the harsh winter, protective and comfy. He started licking my skin in circles and closing his lips and kissing the spot his tongue just worshiped. I let my moan out, knowing we were too far away from Oso for him to hear soft moans. I let him enjoy the taste of my wet skin, let him run his hands over my damp body, let his hard on poke at my cheeks. He inhaled my hair, and tongued my earlobe.

"I want you to fuck me," he said. "I want you in me."

I let out a moan as he whispered the words into my ear. I did want to fuck him, but I really didn't know how. I turned to him and felt his body up and down. My fingers traced the curves of his pronounced muscles, gliding over his tattoos, feeling the firmness of his tight dark skin. I looked down at my slender, pale frame and felt jealous I didn't look like him. We're both Hispanic, but I looked like a dark haired gringo, while he looked like an Aztec god. I looked down at his long cock, it was a whole inch longer than mine and a little thicker. Mine curved up slightly, and had a slightly pointed head, whereas his was downward curved, with a tick shaft and round knob. I suddenly felt small again.

"What's wrong, babe?" he said with a sparkle in his dark eyes.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Why you what?"

"Why are you gay for me?"

He seemed to consider it over in head, and I got a dark feeling he was going to say something bad. That I was simply available, here and once this week was over we would never do anything again, because he could obviously get bigger, hotter, more experienced guys anytime he wanted.

"I think it started a while ago," he said. He sat down and invited me to sit in between his legs. I did and laid my head against his chest, ready to hear what he had to say. "With daddy, it's different. It's a different feeling or emotion... or something. I love him in a different way, he's my daddy, and I give myself to him because he deserves everything I can give him after he has given me everything he could give. I was confused, scared and horny as fuck, and daddy taught me everything I know. What we didn't say earlier is that he swore off women after my mom, and I could tell he needed help in this department. I gave myself to him because it was the only way I knew I could show him I loved him and give him what a man needs. I love him, I will always love him. ButÉ if he told me right now to never see you again, I don't think I would be able to obey him. He's my world ten thousand worlds over, but for thisÉ" he felt my chest, feeling my heartbeatÉ

"With you, I've always felt different. You were always so innocent, care free, lovingÉ I hated that couldn't just hold you like this." He squeezed my frame into his harder. And I could hear his heartbeat increase. "I've always wanted you, your body, your mind, I wanted to merge with you. I told daddy and he said he had known. He said I was so obviously in love with you and that both you and your dad are fucking retarded for not noticing. I was terrified of betraying my daddy with thoughts of you, but he said it was different, that the two of us are different. What I desired from you is something daddy and me could and should never have. Pure romantic love. I love my daddy, because he is my dad. I will give him anything and everything I can, and I'm glad you might share in my weird fucked up relationship with my daddy. But daddy and me will never be a real couple, our sexual relationship may have crossed into our paternal relationship but it is not a romantic relationship. It's different. I know that now. For a long while now I knew I didn't want more from daddy. I've never wanted to get married. We will never be able to walk in public holding hands. We will never be anything more than Daddy and son. I would fantasize about you, and not even sexually. Well, at least not all the time. I would just imagine you just holding me, or me holding you, holding hands. The feeling was completely different to what I had with daddy, or even the other boys I've fucked. I want you to be my boyfriend, my lover, and my partner. I think I've in love with you."

I just sat there listening, his heart was beating so fast in my ear I thought it would jump out of his chest. And yet, I knew he was being honest because it was beating so fast. He was scared of telling me this.

"Well, yesterday, I decided I was done being scared of your rejection, and that I would tell you I was gay because the worst you could do is reject me and I've survived rejection before. I thought, `I'll hurt, it'll be painful, but if you reject me, I'll just have to deal with it like I did with my mom when she refused to see me for my birthday four years in a row.' I survived that, you might be harder, but I could survive it."

I lifted myself out of his tight grasp and climbed over him. I held him a moment and then laid him on his back and kissed his lips softly. "I will never reject you," I said. Our cocks hardened between each other's bodies. He gripped his legs around my waist and wrapped his arms around my chest. We kissed each other until we were both moaning. Our cocks leaked pre cum all over our bellies. I reached down and lifted as much as I could and started rubbing it into his tight ass. At my touch, it puckered up. I massaged it until it loosened. I lifted my hand to my mouth and spit into it. I started to work a finger into his hole and he moaned at my intrusion into his body. I felt his warm hole tighten and loosen around my finger, pulling me deeper into him. I wanted to get as deep as possible and started working my middle finger into him as well. His asshole pulsated with each twist and push and pull, his muscular body flinched every time is moved. I watched his eyes flutter at my fingering in the dim moonlight and I wanted please him more. I knew how much I enjoyed his tongue, so I retracted my fingers, I got to my knees and pushed his legs back until his ass was up in the air enough to lick. I started slowly, simply making circles around his salty hole. His moans were loud and I shushed him. I felt a sudden rush of power as he complied with my demand. He just looked powerless to me as I buried my face into his hole. He was submitting to me entirely. As I worked my tongue into him, he just looked in such submissive pleasure I started tongue fucking him with as much strength my mouth could muster. I pushed my tongue as far into him as it could go, and he yelped at the sensation. I wanted to fuck him so badly my cock was starting to hurt. I slobbered as much spittle as I could into and around his hole and lowered his ass to my cock. He rested his legs on my shoulders and I positioned my cock against his hole. I remembered how he massaged my ass with his cock so I mimicked what I thought he did to me back to him, sliding my head the length of his crack, and around his hole. He was starting to moan again so I silenced him with my hand. His eyes widened at my assertive gesture. The slight fear in them made me even harder if that was possible. I slowly started sliding my cock into his hole. My head popped into him and he let out a loud moan into my hand. His sphincter tightened up around me and I let out a moan of my own at the sensation. I waited for him to relax up before slowly thrusting the rest of my cock into his ass. He was moaning the whole length of my cock until I was completely inside of him.

I leaned down and kissed him, licked his entire mouth, expressing as much as I could with my tongue. Then I started rocking my hips, retracting my cock then thrusting it back in. I watched his face twist in pleasure as I fucked him slowly. He was completely right about instinct, and how my body would take over, taking what it wanted. His tight tunnel made my whole body scream in ecstasy. I started pumping harder into him, craving the feeling of my cock deeper inside of him. when he started moaning again I covered his mouth again, this time, I also squeezed his neck a little with my other hand. Not suffocating him, but letting him know I could. He moaned harder into my hand and his eyes looked terrified at me, but I could tell he didn't want me to stop. I fucked him as hard and as fast as I could, exerting the power he gave me over him.

But I was soon tired, my legs, back and ass muscles were screaming at me. I them remembered we hiked about thirty miles of rough forest terrain and fucked for over an hour this same day. My stamina was gone. I slowed my thrusts, and looked down to my cock. I pulled it almost completely out and then gave it a hard thrust. Jr.'s eyes widened at my move.

"Do that again," he said. I took my time pulling my cock completely out of him. I admired the beating it was taking, took a moment to gather the strength enough to fuck, lined up my shot and thrust. He was biting into my thumb and feeling himself all over as I repeated these hard long slow thrusts. My balls were hurting when I started thrusting faster. Jr. was undulating his waist and ass, consuming my cock with his body and I wanted him to have it. I wanted all of me inside of him.

I felt my orgasm building as I quickened my thrusts. My whole exhausted body screaming in protest, but also craving the release, I thrust into Jr.'s hard body, feeling him inside and out until the pent up cum shot out of my body and into his. I felt the tunnel I was abusing fill and lubricate more thrusts. My cock was pulsating inside of his body and currents electricity ran the length of my body into my cock like a conductor. I was suddenly extremely sensitive to everything. Every little bead of sweat on my body was like an ice cube on a fire. Every pathetic shaky thrust I made into Jr.'s whole felt like my whole body was being sucked up through a straw.

I watched Jr.'s body contort below me, twisting as if in agony, his cock shooting a wad after wad with each of my thrusts, his hands feeling his torso and chest, rubbing his cum into his sweaty skin. I was going limp inside of him so I pulled out and watched his gaping hole slowly close up and ooze my spunk out of him. I leaned down took his throbbing, cumming cock into my mouth and sucked the wads out of him, licking up every rope that squirted out.

I moved up his body, licking up his sweaty cum covered body. I wanted to taste him, I was hungry for the taste of him, and I devoured his flavor. I wanted all of him inside my mouth. Jr. moaned and squirmed at my touch. I knew his body was as sensitive as mine and that every single flick of my tongue, nibble of my teeth, and hard hot exhale of my breath felt like electricity all over his body.

I then heard moaning. But it sort of sounded like weeping. I sat up and looked at Jr. but he was looking to the side. I followed the direction of his eyes to Oso, who was crying, cock in hand, furiously masturbating at us. He wasn't more than ten feet away from us at the riverbank. I hadn't even noticed him walk up. Jr. looked just as shocked to notice as I was. Oso looked so angry through his tears. I then noticed a small puddle of cum below him. He was torturing himself, violently jerking his cock after he had already finished.

"Oso?" I said. "Are you okay?"

"Dude, you're hurting yourself. Stop it."

Oso just continued to sobbing and cranking his dick. I lifted myself up and walked to him. Jr. followed me. We patted him on the back but he didn't stop. So I grabbed his arm and pulled it away. He slumped over on all fours and just cried out in long weeping gasps for air.

"You're sinners," he finally said. I then realized what he was doing. He was punishing himself for being aroused by the sight of us. His dad isn't very religious, but I knew his mom was. She forced them to go to church every weekend, would always make a snide self-righteous remark at anything anybody was doing. And that was her in front of others, her husband and son's friends, on presentable behavior. I can only imagine what she was like behind closed doors.

We calmed him down enough to stop crying. But the next words he said terrified us.

"Your dads have to know, they have to try and save youÉ"

My whole body stiffened, every hair on my body stood on edge. I knew, its overÉ

"If we just tell your parents they can help you," Oso said. He just stared at us now, a blankness in his gaze as he told us over and over again to come out right here right now to our dads.

"Fuck you, man," Jr. said. He lifted Oso off the ground and pinned him to a tree, "You want to shame yourself like that, jerking off until it hurts, fine, but I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want to fucking do, when I want to, how I want to, and with whomever I want to. If you want to tell your dad what you saw, I'll tell him what I saw, a scared little bitch pig jerking off to it. But if you want to tell our dads for us, to save usÉ or whatever, I'll slit your bitch ass throat before the words come out of your mouth. Okay?"

Oso was tearing up again, scared shitless of Jr., and rightfully so, I've never seen him this angry before.

He shook the weeping kid again and said, "Say it, pussy. Say, `I won't say a fucking thing to anyone except my whore father, and bitch mother.' Say it!"

Oso sobbed as he said, "I won't say anything to anyone. I promise."

"Swear to your God, say, `upon my dirty fag soul, God, I will not say a fucking thing to anyone about that I saw.' Swear to him."

"Upon my soul, God, I will not say anything to anyone."

"Now wipe up your tears, fag," Jr. said as he let him go. "We are going to walk back to camp as if nothing happened. But first, my faggot self and my faggy boyfriend are going to cool our hot fag bodies in the nice cool water. We will watch you with our fag eyes, and if you run, I'll chase you down and beat the holy fucking spirit out of you, okay?"

"Yes, I promise." He said through tears.

We walked back into the water and swam down to the lantern. We watched Oso from the water and he watched us. We enjoyed what might be our last minutes of total freedom, naked in the water before heading to the shore and drying off. Oso watched our bodies with lust but also shame. I wondered what his mother must have done to him to hurt him so bad to make him this way. I knew I was in a similar position. My dad is a little hung up on the religion drug as well, and I convinced myself I just wasn't a sexual person because I obviously had no interest in women. Until Jr. bitch slapped me with one hell of a sexual awakening. Though I wasn't in the same boat as Oso, I very nearly could have been. If my dad ever found out, I don't know how he'd react.

As we got dressed I leaned in and kissed Jr. as hard as I could. I think he knew why I kissed him like that. If my dad found out, I might never see him again. we finished getting dressed and we walked back to the camp. The men were still up, drinking. Not as bad as yesterday, but there was more than a few cans scattered around the campsite and all of their voices were elevated past a reasonable volume. Oso went straight to his tent and closed it. Benny saw our looks and walked over.

"Everything alright boys?"

"Oso saw us and went into some religious freak out. I threatened him not to say anything, made him swear to his fucked up god that he would say anything."

"Probably his mother's influence." Benny said in agreement. "The crazy bitch apparently went into some freak out when they were leaving to come hereÉ only because they were going to miss mass tomorrow."

"Do you think he'll tell my dad?" I asked. Still scared shitless of the prospect.

"Maybe," Benny said. "But even if your dad does find out, I'll move heaven and earth, even kill someone if it mean keeping you out of harms way."

I got teary eyed at the exclamation, but resisted the urge to hug him as everyone was still only like twenty feet away from us. I pulled up my chair to the fire, grabbed a couple of beers and sat down. I handed one to Jr. as he pulled up his chair next to mine.

"That better be soda," my dad said over the fire. I closed my eyes to calm myself, ready to shout at him. But I resisted.

"No, dad. It's a beer."

"Put it back, you have soda and water."

"Let the boy have one beer, vato," Benny said as he sat down. "Remember us at their age? Stealing worse than beer and getting sick at the railroad tracks?"

"Don't tell me how to raise my son, Ben." The whole campground got silent except the crackling of the fire. I have never heard my dad call Benny anything other than Benito and Benny.

Benny just stared down my dad, and my dad never let his gaze wane. I think they were measuring each other up a moment before just bursting out in laughter. The whole crew just started laughing. Even I let out a little chuckle.

"One, okay?" my dad said to me. I just nodded to him. "Little bastards are growing up fast huh?"

I zoned out of their conversation after that I solely concentrated on my hand cupped around Jr.'s hand, hidden between our legs. We didn't have to say a single word to each other, but we knew exactly what the other was thinking. I sipped on my beer, it tasted better than the whiskey. But it made me tired. I expressed that to Jr. through our psychic hand connection. I chugged my beer, tossed the can into the fire and walked to my tent. I wanted die, but I felt a bit of relief in the possibility of my dad found out. I had an idea of what might happen. But I knew Benny and Jr. would stop at nothing to save me from anything that might do me harm. I only regretted Jr. couldn't stay in my tent tonightÉ


I woke predawn to movement and hushed whispers.

I got suddenly paranoid, but heard my dad say, "take two hours to get up to the lake, Oso and me take our shots at the same time so they don't scatter, come back down for the fourweelers and load up our kills. Done, quick and clean."

They were planning the day, nothing out of the ordinary. I got dressed slowly when Benny stopped by my tent. "Jr.'s feeling sick, offer to stay behind with him, okay?"

"Okay." I finished getting dressed and crawled out of my tent. Oso just stared at me from his chair by the food table as he ate breakfast. I walked up to the large serving plate, not letting my cold stare wane. I lifted a tortilla, filled it with papitas, chorizo and eggs, wrapped it up, and sat into my folding chair.

Benny moved towards Jr.'s tent, and called him to wake up. Then we all heard, "You okay buddy?"

I watched as all the adults slow what they were doing to look over to Benny, "My boy has a fever, looks like y'all are on your own today."

"I'll stay Benny," I said. "You go have fun."

"You sure kid?"

My dad looked at me concerned, "I'm not feeling up for a thirty mile hike, I might be getting sick too." My dad came up to me and felt my forehead. I must have felt hot because he nodded and said one of the guys should still stay with us. "Benny? You want to stay and watch our kids?"

Then Derrick interjected, "I'll stay, I'm a little hung over from last night. Not feeling up for that hike either."

Benny's eyes said shit. But I just nodded and he agreed with the plan. I just stared down Oso the whole time everyone was getting ready. He didn't say a single word to me, but I knew he knew both of us were just feigning being sick. Everyone save me, Jr. and Derrick moved out of camp, all of them gone before sun up.

Derrick immediately went for a beer. I smirked at him and asked, "Too hung over? You sure?"

"Sick? From swimming? In the summer?" he said back to me.

"Its clear," I said aloud. Jr. emerged from his tent in only underwear and boots. He walked up to the plate of food and made himself a burrito. He grabbed the two of us a beer and pulled up his chair next to mine. Derrick just gawked at us. I think he couldn't believe we could be manipulative little shits. Then we went for the grand slam. I leaned over to Jr. and kissed him hard. D was literally frozen in place staring at us.

"Holy Fuck!" he shouted, I knew the guys were long gone by now, no one could hear us.

"Thanks, our fucks are definitely holy," Jr. said.

"This makes so much sense," he said to himself. "Both of you not dating any girls, both of you going to the river every night so farÉ You lied to your dad? You Junior? I mean I can understand you kid, your dad is fucking uptight asshole, but you Junior, to your dad?"

"Nope, he actually planned it. He knows about us, he wanted us to have a day to ourselves."

"Oh, damn. Well, good on him being supportive and shit."

"Yeah, he's the best," I said. "We'll see if my dad doesn't flip his shit tonight."

"Awe don't worry boys, I won't say anything. You two are good kids, worse things out there then getting your shit pushed in."

"Oso saw me getting my shit pushed in last night," Jr. said. "He's probably going to say something."

"Well shit guys, I don't know what to tell ya. He's all brainwashed from his psycho mom, the bitch made him and his dad pray for two hours yesterday before they could come up."

We all just sat in silence a moment, sipping our beers until Derrick started to have a funny look in his eyes. He looked us up and down and then realized. We just sat there.

"It was you two!" he jumped from his chair and pointed at us. We just stared at him blankly. "I knew something was up the other night, I knew something must have happened, I could never jerkoff that good. Holy shit, you two fuckers molested me!"

"Us? Teenagers molested you?" Jr. said.

"I know it was you, you twoÉ"

"What?" I said, "We gave you the best blowjobs you've had in who knows how long?"

"Holy shit, you did! You are the two hot bitches from my dream!"

"Yeah," Jr. said, "we molested you D, are you complaining?"

"WellÉ I mean," he said, but didn't finish, he just sat down and thought a moment.

"Well? You liked it right?" Jr. insisted.

"Well yeah, I'm thinking about how good it was."

"Then stop complaining you dumb shit and just ask for another."

"Really, I just have to ask?" he said with a smirk. He really was an idiot.

I stood up and walked over to him grinning like a mad man. I knelt in between his legs. He smiled at me and nodded. I undid his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. His massive cock stood straight up, just like the other night, I licked my lips as I considered swallowing the whole thing. Jr. pulled up his chair to watch me. I noticed his hard on in his boxers right away.

"You were the first cock he ever sucked you know, D?"

"Really, well I'm honored. Wait, you only sucked your first cock a day ago?"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting better," I said.

"Well, go on, practice all day kiddo." He leaned back on his chair giving himself up to me, I started licking the tip, teasing it with my tongue. D was already moaning. I took the head into my mouth and sucked while flicking it with my tongue, making swirls around it, wrapping and unwrapping it in long strokes. He moaned louder and started running his hands through my hair. I started working down his shaft until it hit the back of my throat.

"Get used to his massive cock in your throat, babe," Jr. said to my side I started pumping his cock in my mouth working it to my throat with every thrust. I felt my gag reflex working up but resisted it.

"Yeah little fag," D said to me, "deep throat this fat cock." I started pumping more and harder, working until my nose was hitting his pubes. "That's it, holy shit your tongue is a wicked little beast."

"It is huh," Jr. said, "he worked my cock like that last night and I couldn't last."

"I could live like this, all day boys, I'm not drunk this time."

"Promise?" I liked the tone in his voice and D just laughed.

I worked his cock for what seemed like an hour, until my jaw started getting sore.

"Tap out babe," Jr. said. I lifted myself off his throbbing red rock hard cock.

"Good job kid, but I can last for hours if I want to."

I sat in Jr.'s chair and watched him squat down between his legs and devoured the seven or eight inch cock. He slurped it up like it was his natural state.

"Holy shit kid," D exclaimed, "you got a mouth on you."

D just smiled wide and leaned back, enjoying every minute of what could be hours of fun.

I undid my jeans and stroked my cock watching the man I was falling in love with suck a cock way bigger than mine. I again felt small but he seemed to enjoy it last night.

"Were you always this big, D?"

"Naw, it was a while, like until I was 21 or something before it finally stopped growing. I was about your size at your age kid, don't worry about it until then."

"You seem oddly calm about two guys sucking you cock, you do this often?"

"Well I don't seek it out, but yeah, I like fucking every hole I can fuck. Haven't fuck someone your age since I was your age. Used to hook up with this gay guy in high school, now he knew how to ride a dick, I miss that motherfucker something fierce. He craved my cock more than my bitch did, I was happy to feed it to him. Would never say that to your dads, well I guess just your dad kid," he said to me, "always thought they were a little fucked up about it. We're all humans right? We all want good sex, what does it matter if its from a guy or a chick?"

"I don't know, I don't think I could fuck a girl."

"Never thought about it?"

I shook my head, "Honestly, never even thought about sex. Dad doesn't allow Internet, TV is locked at seven pm, and have never seen a movie rated over PG."

"Rough, well I'm sure you'll get a lot of experience, now."

"I don't know, if Jr. told me right now that he wants me all to himself, that I can't be with anyone else, I would be happy living like that til I die. I think I'm falling in love with him." And right when I said the L' word Jr. peeked up, his eyes watering. "It true, I'm falling in love with you Jr., but don't you dare stop sucking that cock."

"Well if that ain't the sweetest and most fucked up thing I've ever heard someone say. You two are a fucked up couple. My moneys on you two lasting a long while."

"If my dad doesn't find out about us that is,"

"Oso is a little bitch, I'm sure he's too scared to say a word," D said. "Besides, me and Benny won't let him do anything to you."

"Aw shucks, D. I had you all wrong, here I thought you were just a horned up sex fiend, but you actually have a heart."

"Nope, I will do just about anything to keep a supply of good blowjobs going is all."

"Really? You'd end your friendship of over two decades with my dad for a good blowjob?"

"Is your dad going to suck my dick? I don't think so."

I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity, but I knew he was mostly joking.

I watched Jr. for a while, he alternated every few minutes from D's cock to his balls with a hunger for cum, but D wouldn't release. He enjoyed getting sucked way more than actually cumming, it seemed. I also enjoyed watching but I also wanted to get fucked, and to fuck. I remembered how I felt on the rock by the lake, and wanted Jr. to fuck me again so badly, but I also wanted to see how a massive cock like D's would feel inside me.

"D," I said, "Do you want to fuck us?"

"Fuck yeah I do," he said, "You've taken a cock this big before?"

I shook my head. "But we have hours before anyone will come back. I'm sure that's enough time to get used to it."

"If anything, I can take your cock, D, and you can try babe, if not I'll fuck your brains out."

"Damn boys, I'm having a good day," he said with a massive smile.

Jr. walked to his tent and grabbed a bottle of lube. I lifted D off the chair by his cock and pulled off his shirt. I kissed his chest, licked his body and moved down his torso to his cock. While I swallowed as much as I could take, I unlaced his boots. Jr. ran his fingers through my hair and I watched his proud face as I deep throated a massive cock.

D kicked off his boots as I sucked his knob and lifted himself out of his jeans and underwear. His body was sexy as hell. I felt his hairy legs and hard calves. Jr. scooched me over and we double-teamed his cock and balls. This caused D to moan louder than before. I licked up his midway to his balls and he shook.

"I'm going to cum boys, just keep doing whatever witchcraft you're doing down there."

He squatted down a bit to give me access to his taint. I licked it as fast and as hard as I could. I sucked on his hairy balls, swirling my tongue around each one. I saw Jr. pumping his cock in long hard thrusts. D's whole body was shaking and undulating as we worked our mouth on him. He was grunting hard and moaning like he was a beast. I felt his balls retract from my mouth and I immediately moved to his cock. Jr. was sucking D's shooting cock, but switched with me mid orgasm and I swallowed the throbbing cock down past my tonsils, as deep as I could go.

"Fuck kid, keep doing that!" he shouted and I pumped his cock head into my mouth down my throat, swallowing as much cum as I could. When he finally slowed his thrusts, I took one side of his cock and slid my mouth down his shaft, Jr. took the other side and our tongues lick each other's as well as the base of D's cock. He was still hard minutes later but he remained twitching and moaning at every touch. I stood up and started lubing up my hole. I couldn't stand it anymore, I wanted this godly cock inside of me, now.

"Babe, are you sure you're ready?" I just nodded. "Okay D, this is only his second cock so be gentle."

"Sure thing kiddo."

D sat down on his chair but removed the arms so I could straddle his pillar of a cock standing straight up. I was amazed at his stamina. The other night, he came and went limp after two full blowjobs, but we worked on this monster for at least an hour and a half but it was still ready for more. I had a thought the cock could stay hard all day if it's owner wanted it to. Jr. started fingering my ass with as much lube as I could hold. I moaned at his touch as he stretched me out with two fingers, then three. It took a few minutes before he thought I was ready. I felt completely opened up as I lifted one leg over D and then the other. Jr. guided me as I started lowering myself onto the cock. I felt it poke my hole. It felt like I was sitting on a baseball bat. But as I worked myself down, if felt him enter me. His head popped in and I moaned at the feeling. Jr. encouraged me as I descended lower and lower on the cock. D was moaned with me, saying how tight I felt, saying how much he was going to enjoy destroying my ass. I stopped paying attention, as the pain was unbearable. I almost tapped out, but the feeling was as much pure pleasure as it was pain. When I started feeling his pubes on my as I knew I had done it. I got all the way down.

"Take some time to get used to it." Jr. said when I had completely taken the massive cock.

I wrapped my arms around D's neck. He gave me an encouraging look as I started adjusting myself on his cock. I attempted to get completely relaxed, concentrating on every muscle, organ, my position, and every possible thing I could possibly to alleviate the pain. I felt like I was attempting to shit a bowling ball, but as I adjusted, my sphincter learned to stretch, my tunnel straightened out and it stopped hurting as much after a little while. When I felt more pleasure than pain, I started riding it. I've ridden horse before, and if you don't know how to ride a horse, you'll end up sore and messed up. I followed the bucking movements, even though D sat completely still. I popped my ass out and then pulled it back out, rocking my hips so my ass wouldn't necessarily pump the cock like a piston, but slide into every available spot it could reach. D moaned at my slow movements. His hands felt allover my body, he squeezed my chest, licked my nipples, and worshiped my body as I rode his cock. I leaned forward, resting my head on his shoulder. I was half moaning half crying.

"You doing great buddy, I won't fuck you."

I kissed his neck which was covered with stubble, I worked my way to his lips and he let me kiss him hard. I was gasping and moaning into his mouth as he held my waist, helping me move my body over his cock. I leaned back holding his shoulders for support. That's when I saw a huge lump in my scrawny torso, right below my belly button. His cock was literally piercing through me. I let the sensation fuel my desire to want to be fucked. I let the fear become an aphrodisiac in my blood and I asked, "Start fucking me."

D just smiled and started rocking his hips, pushing his cock as far as it could go, as I rocked forward, then he pulled his hips back and I did the same. We matched each other's movements until I was moaning uncontrollably, into D's chest. He kissed me on my neck and whispered, "I love your ass kidÉ You're so tightÉ I want to plow you into the ground." I really didn't like a play by play of what he wanted to do to me, but his voice reassured me he was enjoying it and made me want to keep going. He soon lifted my legs to his shoulders and told me lock my hands around his neck. He then stood up, holding my body my legs and waist, giving him complete and total access to my ass. He started thrusting into me, and the pain was completely replaced with explosions of ecstasy. His knob hit everything in my body that made me want to cum and I moaned loud and long after every thrust. D's strong arms held me in place as the waves of pleasure made me go limp. He was pumping me so fast, it felt like he was fully inside me the whole time.

"I want to cum inside you kid,"

"Please-" I gasped.

He was grunting and moaning with every pump, kissing me and biting my shoulder and his thrusts slowed into long hard shoves into my body. I was cumming the whole time, my tiny cock squirted all over my, and D's chest without even being touched. His cock throbbed inside of me and I focused on squeezing my muscles in my ass and abdomen to make him cum as hard as he could. He was groaning harder and harder and his thrusts filled my ass with load after load of cum.

"Holy fucking hell kid." He held me close to him, breathing into my neck. His hot breathe making my skin tingle. It took him a moment to slow his gasps, his eyes were fluttering as if he was in an other world. I knew that feeling, but so far only Jr. had taken me there.

"Better not be done, D. I still want my turn."

D just laughed as he slowly lifted me off of his softening cock. "Your boy's ass squeezed everything out of me." Jr. crossed his arms at us as I let one leg down and then the other and just stood there, panting. "I have to recover from you little cum sluts. Just give me a few."

I felt a river of cum running out of my ass and down my legs. Jr. saw and crouched behind me. He spread my cheeks and inspected my raw and sore hole. He gently licked up the cum and said, "no damage, but its raw, luckily our new best friend, big dick D here, knows how to fuck, someone with less experience would have torn you open."

"It feels like I'm torn open,"

"Sorry bout it kid, but you wanted it."

"Yeah," I said in a gasp. "I wanted it. It was worth it."

"You are some fucked up kids you know that?"

Jr. just smiles as he pulled up my underwear and said, "You're the one that's raw dogging two fucked up kids, what does that make you?"

"A stupid horny man. You tell anyone about this, I'll beat the shit out of you both. You got that?"

"Don't worry, D. you'll have all access to our mouths or asses for as long as we like you."

"Does that mean I shouldn't piss you off by-"

"Like telling his dad in one of those drunken rants you have, oh, every night? Yeah something like that."

"I've hid much worse shit from your dads, this'll be easy. I've been fucking men for longer than you two little fags have been alive, the shit you pulled on me the other night? We'll lets just say a lot of people woke up feeling real good if they drank with me."

I sat down in my folding chair next to Jr. he brought me the pint of whiskey we stole the other night and offered it to me. I took it and swallowed a shot. The burnt wood flavored liquid warmed me up and the pain radiating from my ass subsided after a few minutes. I still felt cum leaking out of my ass, and I had a feeling D pumped so much of his cum into me, I'll be leaking for weeks.

"So, if you've always been like this, why are you friends with my dad? You know how he is."

"Your dad is a good man, we grew up together for God's sake. Me, Benito, your dad, Vidal, Cisco, Carl, and Franky have been friends since elementary. We all know the exact dates we lost our virginity, our first drinks, our first kills, we all have been there. I was there for both of your births you little fucks. That's not something you can throw away because they might not like a small secret. We all have secrets, you two have secrets, I have secrets, they all have secrets. We keep them secret because others don't need to know, either because it'll hurt them, or you, what ever the reason, even if its stupid. Friendships aren't built on complete honesty, boys. Sometimes honesty ruins a friendship of decades."

"But why hide an entire part of who you are?"

"You want me to go to your dads, my friends, and say I am a sexed up horn dog that fucks every ex they have? And now their sons! That while we were kids, I would fuck any passed out cunt or ass I wanted? That those people, who didn't know what happened the next morning, assumed, correctly I might add, that they were raped? That's right little fucks, rape, that's what that is. You want me to say I have ruined marriages, careersÉ lives! because I can't keep it in my pants? I live in a mobile home and jump from job to job because I can only think of sex. They know I have a problem, I've assured them its not drugs, and that's frankly all they need to know, boys."

His eyes were wild and his cock was fully erect. He chugged his beer and pointed at his massive hard on, "You ready you little slut?" he stayed in his chair and just waited.

"Yeah, you ready you big slut?" Jr. said as he dropped his underwear, lubed up his ass and hoped on D's cock. His ass was ready for it and it slid right in. The two of them just stared at each other, hate fucking each other with long hard thrusts from the both of them. D lifted Jr. off of him and, with out pulling his cock out of him, spun him so he can stand on the ground. Jr. held on to the edge of the fire pit as D unleashed his full force on Jr. ass. Comparing what I did with D, and what Jr. was doing with D, would be like comparing elevator music to thrash metal. I mixed a dash of fear and pleasure, and even had a mini power trip while fucking Jr. but hate and pleasureÉ I didn't even think it was possible. And yet, here they were, pounding each other, D with his bruised and abused cock, and Jr. with his ass, pounding back on the cock with as much force as D put into his thrusts. I was instantly hard and started jerking off. I watched their angry faces moan with pleasure. I imagined myself between them, pounding Jr. and taking a pounding form D. I was cumming within minutes.

They went at it for a few more minutes. But D was already spent, and came right away. His gasps and grunts turned into growls. He pumped his cock a few more times as Jr. jerked his cock, moaning in unison with the thrusts he received. I watched a flood of cum pour out of him like he had been saving it for weeks, which I knew wasn't the caseÉ

D lifted Jr.'s face back to him and kissed him hard and then tossed him aside. "You don't say anything, I won't say anything."


"Just," D. said, "Don't fuck up like I did. You are lucky you chose me to fuck with the other night. Vidal would have killed the both of you. He remembers everything when he's drunk, and can snap out his haze in an instant. You think your dad hates gay shit, Al, Vidal, CiscoÉ They're all crazy motherfuckers about this kind of shit. Oso probably won't tell them because they'll beat the fuck out of him too."

"Thanks for the warning," I said.

D took another beer from the cooler and chugged it right there. His naked glory exposed to the whole but empty campsite. Then a thundering gunshot echoed from the distance. And then another, and there were three total. One after another, they rolled like thunder down from the lake. I gave Jr. a nervous look.

"They'll be back for the bikes soon. Enjoy this time alone you little fags, you won't have much more of it up here. Not now that your pops isn't distracted by his hunt. I mean, Just watch yourselvesÉ"

To be continuedÉ

** Thank you for reading this far. This is my first story I've ever sent out for public viewing. If you enjoyed it, or hated it, send me your feedback at Look forward to the rest of this story and hopefully many more. Also, please consider donating to Nifty here:, their stories are an important piece of queer culture, allowing readers free access to thousands of queer stories, which wouldn't be possible without its amazing donors. **

Next: Chapter 2

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