The Borg

By Bucky-18

Published on Jan 22, 2004


This story is fictional in every account, contains graphic sexual language, depiction of homosexual sex acts, and is not intended for audiences who are under the age of 18 years old or do not wish to read it. You have been warned and the author assumes no liability in placing this wherever it is placed, read by whoever, or how it is used. The Borg and Star Trek are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and are used here with respect to Paramount. No humans or Borg were harmed during the writing of this story, and hopefully, all the animals in my computer case decided it was time to move.

The Borg

By Buky-18

Chapter 8 - Assimilation Continued

My legs had just been filled with hundreds, if not thousands of implants. Six Borg drones stand surrounding me. I was completely naked and subject to their whim. On top of all of it, I was rock hard, dripping precum onto myself - not a real fast drop every minute or two. My body looked great, the drones looked great, and it had been pleasurable so far. I gave up the last of my inhibitions and fears and accepted the fact that I would become a Borg drone like those who are assimilating me.

The two tactical drones holding my chest down were letting up a bit, perhaps sensing my submission. With my right hand, I held the hand of the drone holding my left shoulder. I then carefully and slowly pulled it away from my chest and said, "There's no need to restrain me. I submit willingly. I want to be assimilated."

I looked into his eye and could see the processing occurring. For a moment, the drone just stood there and gave me a perplexed look. Lights blinked on and off on his headgear - rapidly at first, but they stopped. The naked drones, all four of them, stopped in their tracks and looked at me. Then, the drones at my shoulders stepped away slowly and attended my other fellow assimilatees. I was left alone.

I didn't know what was going to happen next. They had already started assimilating me, but I wondered what they would to with me now.perhaps it was my mentioning that I wished to be assimilated that threw them through a loop.maybe they've never had anyone WANT to be assimilated before, I thought.

I lay there in perfect solitude, alone and naked. I sat up and stared at my legs. They were somewhat swollen and bruised from all the activity, but still what I remember. I held my left foot in my hands, inspecting the toenails and other implants they had put into my body. No blood or body fluids seeped out of anywhere, which was strange. The pins and tubes were integrated in such a way that they looked to be naturally part of my foot.

I ran my hands over my legs and my feet, feeling the prickly implants and smooth skin underneath. The millions of pins they had implanted into my skin all over my legs and feet felt like tiny bumps - little pinheads. I lay back and gazed into the Borg assimilation chamber.

Several more naked drones were approaching my assimilation table. They were about 20 feet away, but closing in extremely fast. In addition to the four naked drones already attending me, these drones were half naked, half covered. Silver and gray armor plated the drone on the left, which I will call "silver drone". On the right was a drone that looked as if his body had been etched with metal bits - there were patterns in some ancient and unknown language (probably ancient Borg scribing). His body was fantastic - not too muscular, but well defined. There were no tan lines and he was a bronze color. His penis was devoid of implants and his body devoid of tubes and plates - all that was on his body were small metal circuit etchings underneath his skin that protruded in various places. He had both eyes intact, no external normal implants, and a strange deformity on his forehead.the skin was shaped oddly there - somewhat like a viridian's forehead, only it was a V shape. He was absolutely beautiful. I shall refer to him as the "ancient" drone.

The silver drone and the ancient drone approached my table and took up positions on either side of my chest, lowering their hands so that they were almost touching my pecs. The ancient drone picked up my right hand and lowered himself so he could speak into my right ear. He spoke in a soft voice with excellent enunciation and perfect English, devoid of any mechanical or artificial timbre.

"You wish to be assimilated?" He asked.

I nodded.

"We have never encountered anyone who wanted to be assimilated before. You are very special. We will add your biological distinctiveness to our own. Had you expressed your desire for assimilation earlier before your drone type was decided, you would have been assimilated and brought into the core on the Borg home world, but now that you are to be assimilated as a surgical sexual drone, that cannot be. Perfection is still an option. We will bring you closer to perfection, but first, you must agree to perform the functions of a surgical sexual drone for a time period of one year. Do you agree?"

I nodded and said yes.

"Good," he said, "After you have completed your function as a surgical sexual drone your task will be complete. After that task, we will re-assimilate you into the core collective. In your current assimilation, we will install a device, which will allow us to transfer your pour soi into a new body once your task is complete. It will be painful and there is no going back once this transformation takes place. Your pour soi will remain intact and immortal. The collective will retain your memories and knowledge and given back to you once you are re-assimilated. Do you wish this?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Your assimilation will proceed as normal. Remember, in one year you will experience the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to anyone in the history of humanity."

That said, he rose back to a standing position beside me, but he still held my hand for a short time as the assimilation drones swarmed around me.

Naked drones 1 and 3 started to affix small metal pieces to my stomach. They were several centimeters in length, bent at a 90-degree angle, but rounded. They were paper-thin as well. He affixed one to each corner of each abdominal muscle and larger ones to the outlying edges of my abs. After they were finished applying the metal strips to my abs, naked drones #1, 3, and 4 began to attach similar longer strips to my ribs, leading from my abs toward my back - forming an ascending ring. They applied three to each side then began to apply similar strips to my pecs, or rather, just below my pecs. The thin strips outlined my pecs at the muscle overlaps, which accentuated the muscles.

After my abs were outlined, naked drones #1 and #4 made three small incisions on each side of my ribcage. Into each incision, they thrust ribbed black tubing that was very stretchy. They shoved it further under my skin and snaked them to my abs muscles. After they were in position, naked drone #2 implanted retaining clamps where they met my abs; naked drones #1 and #4 closed the incisions.

"RAISE YOUR ARMS," the drones ordered. I raised them. Naked drones #1 and #4 began to make an incision in each armpit. I did not look at what they were doing, as I was lying down.besides, I didn't want to see my body bleeding and being mutilated. From the reflection in the other surgical tables, it looked as if they were removing the lymph nodes. They were obviously surgical drones, as they were using Borg surgical instruments.

In place of the lymph nodes, installed a series of small tube caps and a metal plate. The plate was multifaceted and webbed around the spikes in each side. The webbing melded with my skin and looked like spandex, only but much thicker and made out of an organic material that was slimy and wet. It spread out over my armpits and bonded with the skin. Into these plates, the drones hooked the tubes that were implanted in my ribcage. They sealed the incisions and ordered me to put my arms at my sides. None of this was painful.

Naked drone #3 opened a container of liquid and fished out a very long piece of rubber material that was identical to what the drones used on my left foot and leg. Naked drone #4 drone picked up my left hand and began to feed it through a small opening in the end of the blue latex material. It was disgustingly wet, which made it slip easily over my skin. The rubbery tube was pulled all the way up to my shoulder and then fastened to my skin with micro pins, by naked drone #2.

The extra long glove was incredibly tight and flexible, forming an ultra-thin second skin around my arm and hand. My fingers moved freely and my hand felt as if it were merely encased in cellophane.

Just as they had with my leg, they began to cut out large portions of the blue material with left a weird glove like structure around my arm and hand. It looked just like the thing on the arm of the drone applying the material to my arm, only his was silver and mine was blue. After he had removed all the parts he was going to, naked drone #2 began to stud the entire surface of my arm and hand with hundreds of thousands of micro pins. Oddly, they hadn't studded my abs or midsection with micro pins. When he had finished with my left arm, the drones stood back and said in unison, "STAND UP ON THE TABLE".

I lifted myself up with my arms and stood up on the table, letting go of the ancient drone's hand. He walked away and exited the chamber. "I wonder where he's going." I thought.

From the top of the table I could see the entire chamber and everyone in it. All the men I had entered with were in various stages of assimilation. Tieren was also standing up. He looked right at me and I knew he was afraid. His entire body was covered in the same kind of blue latex that the drones had pulled over my left arm and leg. There were etching patterns all over his body where they cut the holes out. I rather liked the look of what they were doing to him. He was going to be the sexiest of all drones. I glanced in Tim's direction to find that he was in the middle of what looked to be the plating of his chest with metal strips. His genitals were in a clamp so they would not touch the latex around his waist while it dried. The metallic footsteps of a drone brought me back to the present. I looked down as a naked drone approached me.

Naked drone #1 walked toward me and presented me with an odd pair of underwear, which they (he may have said it, but it was "they" who told me to do it) told me to put on. It was an unidentifiable material that was paper thin, yet stretchy and metallic at the same time. I bent over, took the underwear from the drone and held them below me. I put my left, then right foot through and pulled them up. It was a bit difficult to pull them to my waist because of the implants, but I eventually succeeded. They were the tightest underwear I had ever put on - they dug into my skin and stretched at the same time. Think super tight 1" side Speedos, so unbearably tight that it begins to cut off circulation. My cock bulged out of the right side, but I carefully shoved downward (even though it was painful) so that it would not get hurt in the process of whatever the drones were doing.

Just as I had pulled them up one of the drones reached his hands up and straightened the underwear. Then, after they were straight or whatever way they wanted me to be wearing them, he began to insert hundreds of pins in vertical strips into the surface of the Speedo along my left front and backside. He used his left hand to smooth the Speedo as he sewed it to my skin, caressing my ass and crotch. His hands slipped around my rear and front, gliding over the metallic fabric as if he desperately wanted to make love to me, but couldn't. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pinned the area closest to my crotch, and then moved back to my left butt cheek.

After he had inserted all the pins he was going to, another drone cut away the right half of the Speedo, leaving only the left side attached to my skin. Then the same drone cut away the vertical strips of material that was not pinned down.

The drone that handed me the first pair of underwear handed me a second pair, which were much smaller. I put them on and as I was lifting them up, the drones took over, pulling them up my legs and positioning them around my waist very high up. They nudged them for a moment, and then the drone with the pin inserter began to do the same thing to my right side. He placed vertical strips every centimeter, then off a centimeter, and so on. After he was finished, a drone cut away the left half of the Speedo and the non- pinned vertical strips. This left my crotch and crack completely exposed, which was odd. The Speedo underwear seemed more for show than function, but I was NOT going to argue.just enjoying the freed erection.

The drones ordered me to stand on the floor, so, naturally, I hopped off the table and stood on the floor.

I was examined as I stood, how I placed the weight of my upper body, my posture, etc. They made notes of how my abs bulged out a little bit, obviously looking to correct that problem. Naked drone #4 then turned me around to face the table, but I remained standing. He reached his hands around my body and placed his hand on my stomach, pulling me backwards and bending me over, while fitting me with a cock- ring. It slipped around my balls and cock, firmly planting itself in my groin. It happened so fast, I wasn't sure what had happened.

A moment later, as the drone was still holding me, I felt something being pushed up my ass. It didn't feel like a felt cold and hard. I stretched to see what they were doing and saw a drone shoving a rather large piece of tubing that had a metallic green cylinder on the tip into my anus. There were lots of holes in the cylinder in a honeycomb fashion. Once he had fed it fairly far in (much farther than I had ever been, or cared to be fucked), the drones around me said, "KNEEL BEFORE THE DRONE IN FRONT OF YOU AND RAISE YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD."

I got down on my knees and raised my hands far above my head. Three drones began unwrapping a large blue latex piece from a container. Within moments, they were walking towards me. They surrounded me on all sides then raised the latex thing above my arms. The material stretched as the drones readied it (much like a condom), opened it and started to slide it over my arms, guiding my hands through the armholes, down my torso. It slid effortlessly over my skin, as it was gooey and disgustingly wet. They pulled it the rest of the way down, past my waist and halfway down my thighs.

For several seconds, I kneeled in front of the drones waiting for them to do something else, but they just stood there and stared at me. I could feel the material shrinking around me and bonding with my skin - forming a second skin! Within moments, this latex thing had gone from a blob of latex to a sleeveless something or rather. It was the tightest damn thing I'd ever put on. The neck extended all the way up to my jaw and the back of my skull. I could barely breathe.

"STAND UP" the drones ordered. I got back to my feet and stood in the middle of the drones. Naked drone #2 (the one with the manipulator arm) came up behind me and started to draw on my back with a fine tipped marker. After several minutes, he began to stud the entire surface of my back with micro-pins in various patterns, being very careful to avoid my spine. As with all latex applications, they began to cut away large portions of the material with a laser scalpel.

Naked drone #3 came around and cut most of the latex away from my abs and chest, while leaving most of the latex around my neck intact. He cut everything away everything on my left side except three long arcing pieces. Naked drone #2 made intricate patterns on my shoulder blades and neck with the micro pins, and then, Drone #3 removed the excess blue material.

"STAND UP AND LIE BACK ON THE TABLE," they ordered. I stood up carefully and felt the blue strands of latex that surrounded my neck, right shoulder, and back. They were strangely shaped. Their purpose was beyond my comprehension.

"LIE ON THE TABLE," they ordered again. I got up on the table again and lay down on my back. The tube was flexible, but it still felt really weird to have a tube up my ass as I was trying to move around. "LIE STOMACH DOWN."

I could not see what was going on, but I could see the other assimilates in the room. Tieren was missing from his assimilation table. The others were lying down, except for Tim. He was sitting on the edge of the table while the drones did something to his left shoulder and shoulder blade. I turned my attention back to my assimilation.

By this time, I knew the feeling of tubes being implanted into my skin and muscle tissue. It was a small incision, followed by a cold, soft object being inserted into the incision. Moments later, the incision is healed with a dermal regenerator. After the tubes are inserted permanently, they are snaked under the skin to wherever they are supposed to be, clamped down, and left to be attended to at a later time. They inserted at least 12 tubes into my back; some of them were from tubes that began in other parts of my body. It was like they were building a network that was outside of my body...perhaps the blood vessels in my body were not able to perform the same function. In any event, there were lots of them in my back, but I could not see. It was incredibly erotic to feel the drones altering my body. I had an erection so bad I could cum without any stimulation.

"STAND UP," the drones ordered. I pushed myself up onto my hands and knees, then climbed off the table and stood in front of them. The naked drone with very few implants put his right hand on my left shoulder and began to lead me through the room to the outer rim, totally naked with a huge erection. We approached a surgical table and then stopped. "LIE DOWN," he ordered. I climbed onto the table and awaited their move. Immediately, the drones began to strap me into the table, starting with my ankles, then my legs, neck, then upper arms. Strangely, they didn't put a strap on my stomach or hands. Several naked drones approached the surgical table pushing large carts and trays full of implants. Large machines that looked like MRI machines and X ray machines were wheeled over to my table.

All the naked drones surrounded me at my table and a regular drone injected something into my belly button, then my right wrist. Immediately, I began to feel numb in those areas. The same drone injected something into the right side of my neck. Soon, everything became indistinct. Is this it? I thought. Is this how I become a drone? Will I remember? Will I ever wake up? Is this it?.... I faded off into the blackness of an anesthetized slumber.

Next: Chapter 9

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