The Boss Boy

By Erik Salaaming

Published on Apr 7, 2022


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The boss's boy 02 =================

Though I ended up missing the good money that extra job I had on my day off - no more PS4 Pro for now, sadly - it wasn't all bad news. I'm sure you know what I mean. The following few days went by surprisingly uneventful, aside from an understandably grumpy Freddie looking over my shoulder all day. Hayden wasn't waddling about, thank heavens, and neither I nor Freddie notice her treating us or her son any differently. So yeah, I fucked a boy real good and didn't get into any trouble for it.

Not that I was asking for it, of course. Not willingly. But Hayden began to come with his usual milk and cookies and wouldn't go away without a little extra. The cute boy got pretty cute at sneaking around and finding good openings.

And so there he was, walking around the pool with a tray in his hands, bringing us our treats, with his usual smile that he knew made my dick spring to life.

"Well, at least you took my advice, you're wearing underwear now," Freddie said as he looked at my crotch. "Yesterday Mrs. almost caught you with that tent of yours. I still can't believe you hid Hayden behind bags of cement, and she didn't notice at all."

I shrugged as I was about to answer him, but Hayden had arrived. "Hey mister!" He exclaimed with a joyous voice as he put the tray over our work bench. "Good afternoon!"

Freddie inspected the main house while I went to a blind spot and signalled the boy to follow me. "Where's your mom at, son?"

"Stuck in her office for a while now, I think," the boy said as I pulled down my pants and let him fondle my balls over my off-white briefs. "I think she is in a meeting."

My partner shook his head, then went on to grab his glass of milk and leaned over a wall keeping watch. "You're pushing your luck, man."

"Mmmm," I mumbled as I grabbed Hayden's head and shoved it against my cock. "Smells good today?"


"I let it ripen up for you. Maybe I can leave it with you as a gift, what do you say?"

"Yes!" He answered.

"Most definitely not!" Freddie also said, at the same time.

I shrugged. "Boss said no," I told him. Hayden made a grimace at him and then kept on sniffing my underwear. "You're jealous of us," I whispered to him in jest. As I tugged my thumbs into my briefs, I took a good look at Freddie's bulge. He was gently squeezing his cock. He was always visibly hard whenever Hayden and I were at it but never wanted to have anything to do with us, despite my invitations. I was glad to find he was slowly getting warmed up to it on his own pace, though.

"Okay then," I told Hayden, "you know how we do, we only have a few minutes. Let's try again," I continued as I let my cock out and drew a line two thirds of the way from the tip to the base. "Try to go this far today, and control your gagging."

"But will I get cum today?"


"But mister, you haven't cummed for me since-"

"I know, boyo, I know," I told him as I patted on his head. "Takes time to cum. You'll get it eventually, I promise."

He shrugged. "How about pee?"

"I'm all empty for now, sorry. You want to drink my pee every day now?"

"Of course!"

Freddie looked at me and pointed to his wrist. "Time, Marco. Time."

"Okay, okay, Hayden, Open up. Remember, this far, no gagging."

The boy nodded at me as he opened his mouth wide and stuck his tongue out. I grabbed his head by both sides of his jaw, rested the tip of my cock on his tongue and slid it in slowly but steadily. One third of the way in and through my fingers had already sensed Hayden having trouble pulling air in. "Almost there," I told him as he closed his eyes shut. Despite me forcing myself inside, I was hitting a wall. "No gagging," I said once more as I went a little harder on his throat.

It had no give. Hayden stood strong for almost the whole try while he caressed the bottom of my cock with his tongue, exactly as I instructed him, but he gagged and coughed, so I pulled out. "We're doing good progress," I assured him as I wiped off the tears running down on his cheeks and let him catch his breath.

"Did I do better today, mister?"

"You did great!" I told him smiling, then looked up at Freddie and shook my head. "But how about we try something different today? Let's try this," I said as I took my shirt off and laid it over a stack of cement bags.

"What are you doing, Marco? You can't be expecting to fuck the boy right now," Freddie asked, worried.

"Relax, man, I just want to improve the angle, you know?"

He shook his head in disapproval. "Just go on with it, you never listen to me anyway."

"Right. So here, boyo, let me help you out. No no no!" I exclaimed as I watched him reach for his shorts. "We're not doing that now, it's something different. Just hop on here and lay on your back."

Hayden held onto my shoulder as I helped him get on the makeshift bed I made for him. "Like this, mister?"

"Almost. Just let your head hang over the edge a tiny bit."

He shifted his weight towards me and did as asked. His eyes were now level with my balls. "Like this, mister?"

"Just perfect. Now open your mouth, I'll try to go deeper."

I lined myself up to his throat and began sliding it in. As deep as I was before, the tight hole was being much less stubborn now with the sharp angle out of the way. "No gagging, no gagging," I whispered the chant to myself as I forced myself in and watched my cock slowly expand the inner walls of his throat. I held one hand onto his neck and I felt it swell up rather nicely. His lungs were fighting me, pushing air against my cock, but the boy kept going strong trying not to cough. "Almost there, almost there," I said as I kept on expanding his throat.

I could feel Hayden's nose trying to pull air in from his nose against my balls, but there was nowhere for such air to go but to puff up his cheeks. He drooled heavily as he grabbed my thighs and squeezed them tight. No coughing, no tapping, so far so good. "Halfway there."

"I'm impressed," Freddie told me, amused. "He really can take it rough for a boy as small as he is."

"He's the best," I told Freddie as I pulled Hayden's shirt up and caressed his belly. "Keep strong, I'll do one final, and gentle push, then I'll let you breathe, okay?" I told the boy.

I slid my hand inside his underoos, cupped his tiny hard cock and fondled his little balls as I went in for the final stretch. His throat had begun to close up on me, but that only made me eager to fuck this boy's mouth. A tenth of an inch to my goal, I would say, he began to gasp for air. His hands had moved on to squeeze my hairy butt cheeks tight, but Hayden wasn't throwing the towel yet. So I gave him some mercy and somewhat gently but sternly shoved what remained of my cock down his throat, balls hitting on his forehead, and stayed there motionless for one full second while he gagged and slapped my butt before I pulled it out.

Hayden rolled and fell on all fours beside the stack of cement, coughing and gasping for air as he held on to his neck. I kneeled beside him, cock in hand and stroking hard, and caressed his head. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," he said in between coughs. "Just give me a minute, then we do it again."

I looked up at Freddie, who was wide-eyed looking down at us. "I told you he was a whore. Boy can take quite a beating from cock and will come back up asking for double."

Freddie scratched his beard. His other hand was inside his pants, stroking his cock. "Fuck man, you lucky motherfucker."

"We can both be lucky, you know?" I told him as I helped Hayden get back up.

He rolled his eyes, contemplating.

"Ready for more?" I asked Hayden.

"Back on here again?" He said as he slapped my shirt over the cement.

"Only if you want."

As a response, Hayden climbed up again and laid exactly as he was, then opened his mouth wide with both his hands inside his shorts touching himself as he waited for me.

"Such a beautiful boy," I whispered as I spit on my hand to lube my cock up a touch more and slid it into his mouth again. "I'll try to go all in again, get your lungs full."

Hayden took a deep breath and then gave me a thumbs up, his little cocklet out for anyone to see, pointing right towards the ceiling. With that, I pushed in and closed his airways, forcing myself a bit faster this time. Halfway through, I pulled out and began to gently fuck his virgin throat. Seeing his neck expand each time I shoved my cock in it was enough fuel to make me cum.

It also made me curious to see how much nicer it would look if it were Freddie's cock doing the work, too.

I pumped onto his throat for a good few seconds before the boy slapped me, asking for air. "Hold on tight, then." Before pulling out, I had decided to go for one full run. I held onto his neck with both hands and shoved my cock whole once more. I moaned softly, ready to cum as Hayden squeezed and slapped my butt cheeks while my sweaty balls were stuck to his face, when I heard an ever so discreet "fuck" over on my right ear, followed by a much more ominous "FUCK" from Freddie.

"Get the fuck out, she's almost here!" Freddie warned us.

I had little time to think. I pulled out and muffled Hayden's coughing as I swiftly picked him up on my arms and ran up the unfinished stairs to the second floor while also trying to pull my pants up again. I managed to only narrowly escape his mother when I felt Hayden pinching my arm to take my hand off his mouth.

"Sorry, boyo," I whispered to him. "Be quiet, mom's down there," I told him as I laid him on the floor inside a room and next to the door while I looked him in the eyes. Still gasping for air, he nodded back to me. I stayed close to the wall, trying to hear footsteps. If she went to the second floor, Freddie and I were done.

Worrisome as it may, I was still rock hard the whole time. On edge, in multiple ways.

I heard Freddie and his mom talking but couldn't make up what they were talking about. Not more than a few minutes later, I heard Freddie's heavy footsteps walking the stairs, but somewhat relieved not to hear her stilettos as well.

"You forgot this, jackass," he told me as he tossed my shirt on my face. "How would I ever explain a sweaty shirt laid neatly on top of a stack of cement to her. You're lucky I'm so witty. Fuck, you're so lucky."

"So what happened?" I asked him as I dressed myself up again.

"Quickly rolled it into a ball and tossed it aside," he answered shrugging. "As for you, young boy," he continued as he looked down to Hayden, still breathing heavily, half naked and, like me, fully hard. "Your mom thinks you're in your room playing on your console."

"How do you know that?"

"She told me," he said. "Dude, your sheer luck, I can't fucking believe."

"Why did she tell you that?" I asked, confused.

"She asked me whether I could stay one or two hours over while I waited for her brother to come. He's stuck in traffic outside the city, but she really needs to go out for work. She knocked on his door and, since he didn't answer, thought he was too concentrated on the game and didn't want to distract him."

I smiled from ear to ear. "Is she asking you to babysit Hayden?"

"She asked us, actually. Double our hourly rate, too."

"That's so fucking great," I said, ecstatic. "You hear that, Hayden?"

Hayden jumped back to his feet, and before he was able to answer me with the cutest smile on Earth, Freddie interjected.

"Well, about that. You should tidy yourself up and sneak back to your room," he told Hayden. "Your mom is leaving in about thirty minutes, I'm sure she will kiss you goodbye before she's out."

Freddie came out of the long hallway onto the living room, where Hayden and I were making out and stood by the couch, next to us. "Guess you two couldn't wait any longer, huh?"

"No, I couldn't!" Hayden told him.

"I'm teaching him how to kiss," I explained.

"He's teaching me how to kiss!" The boy echoed while sitting on my lap before pulling my face back towards his, so he could continue twisting his tongue onto mine.

"Heh, what a great, diligent student you are, boy!" Freddie said as he patted on Hayden's head.

Hayden reached out to get a feel of Freddie's bulge under his shorts. Even with clothes as baggy as he was wearing, no one would be able to conceal a dick as big as his. "It's so heavy," the boy whispered to me as he squeezed my friend's manhood.

"It's much bigger than mine," I whispered back. "I love playing with it."

Freddie put his hand over Hayden's, and together they began slowly stroking his cock.

"So what's the plan?" I asked Freddie as I lowered Hayden's head to my neck, signalling him where to kiss me. "We take a shower and do it in her bed?"

"Seems like it. Boy's bedroom is too small and full of expensive toys everywhere. And please, don't lean on the couch, you're super sweaty and the madam for sure will smell your funk in it tomorrow morning."

"Fuck you," I said, laughing. "It's not THAT strong."

He shrugged. "Says you. Anyway," he continued as he kept caressing his own cock with the boy's hand while Hayden kissed my neck and collar bone. "We need to shower. Rinse it all out, get the damn lampshades out of the room, have sex, clean out. I already left some used bedsheets by the door, we should use them and then stash them deep among the dirty clothes, so she won't notice."

"Aye, aye," I told him. "Come on, Hayden, we gotta shower a bit before we play."

"Aww..." the boy answered, disappointed.

"What was that for?" Freddie asked.

"Yeah. Aren't you excited we're playing again? Freddie's gonna be with us on the shower! We can even pee on you," I suggested while looking up a Freddie, who looked back at me nodding in approval.

"Aw, the pee is nice, but you two smell sooo good. Why do we have to shower?"

"Well. It's to keep our secret between us. Don't you think your mom will find it strange when she gets home late at night and her bed is smelling of, well, us?"

Hayden took a few seconds to ponder, but he reluctantly nodded to us. I then gave him a few cheeky slaps on his hip, so he could hop off of my lap, and we went on our way. "It's as spacious inside as it looks from the outside, isn't it?"

"Literally never set foot in a bedroom so full of bling," Freddie told me as he guided us. "Maybe I can get a souvenir on my way out too," he whispered to me.

"Don't go around jeopardizing our reputation," I whispered back, jokingly.

He scoffed. "Says you, boy fucker."

Freddie stopped by the bathroom and immediately took his shirt off, so I followed suit. Hayden went past us and decided to lean over the stairs and glance down at the floor below us.

"How about the table?"

"The table?" Freddie asked.

"There," Hayden pointed. The table in the kitchen I snuck him out of days prior. "It's reeeeally heavy, can't we play there?"

Freddie and I exchanged looks. "Why do you want to play in the kitchen?" I asked.

"So we don't have to shower," he answered with glimmer in his eyes as he hugged me and rested his face on my crotch. "I want you like you are, mister."

"That so?" I laughed as I let the boy rub his rosy cheeks on my crotch while Freddie caressed the hair on his hairy belly. I looked over at him and raised my brow. "How about that?"

Freddie scratched his chin while he swung his cock under his shorts up and down, restless. "It works. Easier to clean up later, but we can't go rough on him."

"Poor old Fred," I joked.

"I'll make do."

"Come now, boy," I said as I pulled Hayden's face away from my cock. "I know you're eager to suck me. Let's go to the kitchen!"

"Yaaaaay!" He exclaimed before jumping his way down to the kitchen in about a split-second.

"Fuck, Marco, what did you do to him?" Freddie asked me as he held my shoulder. "Boy's a fucking whore, and he can only dry cum!"

I was about to zing back at him, but I looked down and saw him slapping his cock. When the delicious musk exuding from his balls as they bounced reached my nostrils, my brain went haywire. Instead, I just took his cock in my hand and stroked it as I pulled him for a kiss.

"Hey!" Hayden screamed from the other end of the stairs. "You two coming or will you keep up there smooching?"

"You see this?" I asked.

"The boy naked, yeah," Freddie answered, wide-eyes. "Cute small dick, so hard already, fuck."

Freddie walked down the stairs first. As he passed me and all the way down I saw his eyes were locked onto one target: that tiny boy cock, thinner than Freddie's fingers, so wonderfully being served to us.

Hayden came to hug Freddie in his thighs. As much as I wanted to see the boy stand tall in front of him and still be under my partner's throbbing dick, perhaps even pulling up a chair to stroke one out while I admired a hunky and hairy piece of man be serviced by his prepubescent cum sock, Freddie had another idea in mind.

The moment the boy went under Freddie's cock and looked up, Freddie put his hands under Hayden's armpits and lifted him up. "Light as a feather, boy," he told him.

"He he he, it's because I'm so small," Hayden answered, legs hanging in the air, unsure of what to do while his hard dick pointed to Freddie's nose. He looked up and began giggling. "Hey, I can touch the ceiling now, I'm so tall!"

"Yes you are," Freddie said as he put one of the boy's legs over his shoulder and shifted weight from one arm to the other by gently holding Hayden by his butt. "Yes you are," he reiterated while he put the other leg over the shoulder and leaned in to suck the boy's cock.

"WOW!" Hayden exclaimed. "That feels so ticklish!"

Freddie savored Hayden's cock like a lollipop: slowly sliding his tongue around it and towards the base, then sliding it down and under his smooth balls, towards the perineum where he felt Hayden had the most intense responses. Freddie had trouble keeping the boy's balance every time he played with his taint, such severe were his squirming. He had to hold Hayden by resting his butt on the base of his palms while his fingers held on to his back.

Then, from the perineum, Freddie would slowly come back and open his mouth wide, swallowing that cute cock whole, slurping it hard and loudly. Hayden was losing his mind, wiggling his hip as best as he could on that man's face. He tried to face fuck Freddie, too - the hip movement he copied from me, I'm sure - but he had trouble gripping the man's head, bald and slick from the sweat.

Not long after Hayden stopped trying to talk to let his wildest moans out, I kneeled in front of Freddie. As I looked up, I had to stop stroking myself and take a few deep, slow breaths to not cum on the spot. After all, in front of me was this most delicious bear-type man, with a huge and thick uncut dick, round, muscular and hairy belly, going down on the cutest and most gorgeous boy we both know.

The contrast between man and boy was mesmerizing in and of itself. The boy's white, unblemished skin against the man's sweaty, sun-tanned, weathered skin most Latino men have. The very thought of Freddie's cock going inside that boy's cute butt - whose asshole I was clearly able to see from where I stood whenever Freddie took his finger out of the way, that is - made me lose my train of thought and get back to instinctively rub my cock, edging closer to orgasm once more.

While Freddie held the boy in his shoulders, I crouched in front of him and got closer to that gorgeous cock of his. It throbbed and leaked pre-cum profusely. I stuck my tongue out and awkwardly caught the stream flowing downwards and then moved up. When my lips touched his foreskin, he backed away.

"Hey now," he said. I heard the `plop' from his mouth letting go of Hayden's little cock. "Don't wear out all my musk, leave it for the boy to clean."

"Wow, I'm gonna suck your cock?" The boy said, looking down towards the massive mast hovering close to my head. "But it's so big!"

"You can like it like a lollipop," Freddie answered. He grabbed Hayden's cock with two fingers and licked it, to demonstrate. "See?"

I shrugged. "Oh well." Freddie was right, in a sense. As much as I love his cock - cherish, even - Hayden was the star. He was the one we should've been giving all attention to.

And so I did.

I got up and stood on my toes to reach Hayden's butt while I held onto Freddie's arms. My belly touched his and we rubbed them together, with little friction despite how hairy we are due to our sweat. Freddie got what I was going for and lowered himself and the boy while he pulled his butt cheeks apart.

The boy's cute, pink asshole landed right on my tongue. Hayden let out a loud, long moan as I lapped on his butt while Freddie kept on sucking on his little dick. "A-ah, wow! Wow," he uttered, almost unintelligibly.

I've always loved how me and Freddie were able to know what was in each other's mind, especially during sex. I put one hand over his hand and Hayden's butt, and he took it away, splitting the boy's weight between us. Then, together, we both put our cocks together and rubbed ourselves. I couldn't wrap my hand around then, naturally, due to how thick Freddie's cock was, but we got used to it. It was second nature to us.

I don't know for how long we stood there, pleasuring Hayden while he could reach the ceiling while we stroked ourselves. The boy was enjoying it too much. He began to wiggle his waist, the circular motions moving his little cock in and then out of Freddie's mouth while I sat still and let my tongue penetrate his asshole whenever he wiggled it towards me.

I leaned back and just admired how hot both of them looked. Hayden was mesmerized. My own cock was almost completely covered with Freddie's pre-cum. All our bodies sweaty and glistening.

"Are you enjoying it?" Freddie asked Hayden. He moaned in response. "Let's try something else then, okay?"

"W-what is it?" Hayden asked.

"If you trust me, how about I flip you down, then you try to suck me off while I suck you off?" He proposed.

"Wait," Hayden stopped wiggling. "I'm confused. What?"

"It will be like this. Ready?" As Hayden opened his mouth to answer, Freddie continue, "one, two, three, go!" And in one swift motion he took the boy's legs from over his shoulder, flipped him over and held him tight against his chest and belly, holding him up from his rib cage.

"Hey, wow! This is crazy!" The boy answered, cackling.

"It is crazy!" Freddie said. "Crazy fun, right?" He added as he wiggled his cock. "Can you hold it?"

Hayden, arms flinging about, looked down and reached to grab it. It was a bit far from his face, but as he raised it, it easily touched the back of his cheek. "I can hold it!"

"Great, buddy," Freddie said. "Now can you suck it for me? Pull the skin back and show me how you do it," he added before he continued sucking the boy's cock.

I crouched beside Hayden's head to take a good look at the boy's face and eyes. "A bit menacing, isn't it?" I whispered to him.

He didn't blink once. "A little," he answered. "It is so much heavier than yours."

"You will get used to it," I said as I combed his upside down hair and stroked his scalp. "Pull the skin back. All the way, like I taught you."

Hayden firmly grabbed the cock before him with both hands, and then pulled it back. The familiar smell of a day's worth of sweat, piss and, as I was sure, a morning masturbation, had hit both our noses. It almost made me cum on the spot again, but it took the wind out of Hayden for a split second, who turned his face away.

Before I opened my mouth to ask whether he was okay with it, Hayden faced that bull's cock again, braved himself and took another good whiff. Then another, and another. He then touched the cock against the tip of his nose and pulled the foreskin up again, taking another whiff.

"Well, I guess you are good with it, then," I said, laughing.

"I won't ever forget this smell," he answered as he kept on whiffing.

I kept on watching as Hayden tried to ignore Freddie's advice to instead try and stuff his mouth with cock. Freddie squirmed and groaned. "Careful with teeth, buddy," he asked. Still with a mouthful, Hayden took it out as carefully as he could, opening his mouth as wide as possible. He then licked his lips twice, then began licking Freddie's cock.

I got up and in front of him to continue playing with the asshole that was now pointing upwards. I licked my middle finger and slowly pushed it inside. It was the second time I penetrated Hayden. I still felt some resistance, but his ass was much more welcome to visitors than before. In fact, it tried to swallow my finger with gluttony.

"I always dreamed of doing this," Freddie confided to me.

"Fucking a boy, right?"

"No. I mean, yes," he answered. "But I mean this," he clarified as he wiggled the boy up and down. "A standing 69 with a boy."

"Well, I'm glad we're doing it together," I said. We kissed, and then we resumed to playing.

While both of us were occupied silently enjoying ourselves and servicing Hayden, the boy made loud and slurping sounds as he licked Freddie's cock. He moaned and gagged, certainly whenever he tried to the head inside his mouth. Boy was this crazy for cock.

It didn't take long before I heard him slapping Freddie's leg. "I feel dizzy."

I stepped back and helped Freddie turn him over, then took him up in my arms, laid him on the table and combed his hair. "You okay, boy?"

"Yeah, I'm cool," he said. "It was a bit uncomfortable for me, but it was so fun!"

Freddie and I smiled at each other. "Well, don't push yourself. We will let you rest for a bit."

"No! I want more!" He exclaimed as he sat himself.

"Shh, don't worry," I calmed him down and gently pushed him to lay down again. "We are not stopping. Just lay down and let us continue."

I grabbed his legs by his knees, pulled them up and then pushed them towards his upper body. "Are you gonna fuck me now?" He asked, wide-eyed, then looked at Freddie's throbbing cock. "Are you?" He asked Freddie.

"In a bit," I answered, and Freddie nodded. "We're not quite done tasting your deliciousness."

Hayden giggled at the long word while I gave way to Freddie to pull up a chair. He sat in front of the boy's ass, pulled his butt cheeks apart and slithered as much of his tongue inside as he could. I went to suck the boy's little cock meanwhile.

"O-ooh," the boy moaned as he breathed heavily. I felt his little cock throb in my mouth. With the corner of my eye, I noticed it always did that whenever Freddie pushed his tongue inside him.

"A good whore, huh?" I whispered to Freddie.

He just nodded at me while his tongue was deep inside the boy's hole.

It felt like much longer, but I'm sure it didn't take Hayden much over two minutes for him to start trembling. I looked at my friend and we both knew what we had to do: Freddie increased the depth and intensity of his tongue fucking, while I swallowed the boy's cock and hairless balls whole, gently pressing them as I slowly let them out, and then again.

"O-o-OOOH!" Hayden exclaimed. His trembling was more erratic and violent. To push him further, I let go of him and let Freddie stroke him off, then walked to the other side of the table and shoved his face in my sweaty armpit. "Take a whiff, boyo. Lick it!"

The boy moaned loudly as he took a big whiff. His hand landed heavily on Freddie's head, trying unsuccessfully to push his face close to his ass. Freddie's head was too slick, he dripped sweat off of his chin. But Freddie took the message.

It was when I pinched the boy's nipple that Hayden began to whimper and spasm. He moaned wildly while still taking in big whiffs off of my armpit and licking it profusely. "M-mmmm, oooo, g-god!" He exclaimed with what little steam he had in his lungs.

When he stopped spasming, Freddie got up and gently pulled him towards him. His huge cock rested atop Hayden's. "You okay, kid?" He asked as he landed his cock on the boy's belly. If inside, it could reach and then surpass his navel. It was that big.

Hayden just giggled with eyes closed as an answer.

Freddie stroked himself on top of Hayden while I walked around the table again. I fondled my friend's hairy butt while we kissed and waited for the boy to come back to his senses.

Which wouldn't take long anyway. The perks of youth.

Once we saw Hayden's breathing had gone back to normal, Freddie took him by the shoulders, lifted him up and landed him on the floor. "Kneel," he ordered.

Hayden happily did as instructed, and we stood one on each side of him. He could grab my cock and suck me off easily, but he would have to stretch to reach Freddie's balls. "Hold on," I said.

I went outside and grabbed the stepladder we saw the cleaning lady use many times, then unfolded it and threw a couple of kitchen towels on the first step. "Here, kneel on this."

"Smart," Freddie said. "I could have just, you know, pointed it down, you know."

"Shut up," I answered. We both laughed as we patted each other's shoulder while Hayden stepped on the ladder and waited for us.

I grabbed Freddie's cock and guided him so we both landed our cocks on top of Hayden's cheeks. He grabbed them both and leaned back to take a good look at them. "It is SO much bigger!" He said. He wiggled Freddie's cock around a couple of times. "And much heavier too!"

"Isn't it?" Freddie said, proudly.

Hayden slowly stroked my cock while he admired the other one. "Will you fuck me?"

I laughed. "I dunno. That's going to leave a dent."

Freddie shrugged. "We can try. But I think it's a bit too early for that."

"We should try!" Hayden exclaimed.

"We will," I said.

"But for now, lick my hairy balls," Freddie added.

Hayden diligently lifted the cock to give way to Freddie's low hangers. Freddie stepped ahead, and the boy touched his nose. "They smell funny?"

"Funny?" Freddie asked.

"I got this," I whispered to him. "Funny weird, Hayden? Or funny good?"

He took another whiff. "Funny good."

"Good," I said. "Now lick them."

He stuck his tongue out and did one wide and broad struck from bottom to top. "Tastes salty too. Salty good."

Freddie breathed out heavily upon the boy's touch. "Soft tongue," he whispered to me.

We fondled each other's butts while Hayden sucked our cocks. Licking Freddie's like a lollipop as he instructed, since the boy really couldn't comfortably take him in his mouth, and then trying to swallow more of mine like our sneaky plays since after our first session. He still gagged, but was much better at controlling his reflex. There was still ways to go, however.

Every now and then Freddie would rub his fingers along my butt crack and take a whiff at the musk in them, too. Every time he did so, he pushed Hayden's head towards his balls, and the boy would gleefully lick them up.

"Oh, fuck, I want to fuck you so bad!" Freddie exclaimed out of nowhere. He lifted Hayden and made him stand on the tallest step of the ladder, then held his face still and leaned in for a kiss.

Hayden closed his eyes and pursed his lips, but Freddie gently held his jaw from both sides and tongue fucked the boy's mouth. It took the boy by surprise, but he quickly got used to it while Freddie explored all he could.

"We will train your mouth, kid," Freddie said. "I want you to suck me while you can suck him too."

"I will t-" Hayden began saying and was stopped by Freddie's tongue invading his mouth again.

Meanwhile, I stroked myself as I squeezed the boy's butt.

"Let's start now," Freddie said.

"Yay!" Hayden answered, ecstatic.

I lifted Hayden and once again laid him on the table. This time, his head was facing towards us while his bottom was pointing to the wall. Then I pulled him closer, so his head would hang off of the edge of the table. "Comfortable?"

"A bit," he answered.

I picked up the towels I used for his knees, folded them up and stacked them under his neck. "Better?"

"Yes. Thank you, mister."

Freddie lined his cock right in front of the boy's mouth, which was already open at its fullest. "AAAAA", he said, then pulled his foreskin back and slowly put it in. Hayden struggled right away. He coughed and sneezed, and his mouth could barely fit the head, so he took it out and gave the boy a few seconds.

"Maybe in a couple of years?" I said to Freddie while I fondled his belly and butt.

"Seems so," Freddie said, frustrated. "Let's try one more time."

Hayden nodded then opened his mouth wide. Once again, Freddie carefully pushed ahead. Hayden made effort to wrap his lips around the head's rim, but was still unable to get it any further in, as expected.

Frustrated, Freddie took it out and stroked himself. "You do it."

I slapped his butt. "You'll get there," I assured him. He went to the other side of the table while I took his place. "Okay, Hayden, can you see this?" I said as I drew the imaginary line about 80% towards the base. "Let's try and get there, then stay there for a few seconds, okay?"

"Okay!" Hayden answered, enthusiastically. "And sorry, mister!" He said to Freddie.

"Don't worry about it, kid!" Freddie answered as he wet his middle finger and unceremoniously stuck it in the boy's ass.

"W-wow!" The boy blurted out. While his was in the middle of his pronunciation, I slid my cock inside, carefully and slowly, resting one hand on his neck to feel it inevitably expand.

Hayden held it together all the way towards the target line. No coughing, no sneezing. "We're there," I said. I waited a few seconds while I saw Freddie pull his finger out, then lick two and slither them in back again. The penetration made him twitch, lose control of his breathing and cough.

"Hey, pretty good!" I said to Hayden as I pulled out. "Did you like it?"

"T-thanks, and yeah!" He said as he wiped the spit off of his face. "I could almost touch your balls with my nose, too!"

"That's pretty good, boyo! Now let's try again, and then I'll do the motions, okay?"

Hayden's answer was to smile and open his mouth, so I put it in again and, as carefully as before, pushed in until the agreed mark, all while Freddie rubbed at the boy's prostate with two fingers while he wiggled his little butt.

Then I began to pull out completely to give Hayden some space to breathe, then back in again. We went through the motions without haste. Hayden was getting pretty good at moving his tongue around my shaft to increase my pleasure. It was so exciting that I closed my eyes and pinched my nipples as I let my hips do the rocking for me, instinctively.

I almost lost notion that I was fucking Hayden's mouth faster. He struggled, but did not tap out, he just let me be, breathing as much as he could with his mouth and neck stuffed so often.

He was being pushed by the other end, too. Freddie clumped three fingers together and slowly pushed them in until the second knuckles were barely visible.

The pressure on his ass and prostate, paired with my musky cock expanding the depths of his throat, was pushing him towards another dry orgasm. His squirms and spasms became more frequent and erratic, but this time I wanted for both of us to finish together. And it seemed Freddie was with me on this.

We pulled out together. While Freddie got up and began rubbing his huge cock against Hayden's cocklet, I lined my cock in front of his mouth again. "Just the head now," I said.

Hayden nodded and nestled the head inside, wrapping his lips around my shaft and caressing my head with his tongue. I relaxed myself while Hayden took a taste of me, then my balls twitched and I let a stream flow through and inundate his mouth.

It took him by surprise. Hayden choked and spilled piss all over his face and on the ground. I looked down at him, but he didn't even wipe himself off. He just licked his lips, uttered "sorry" and then opened his mouth wide again.

"Good kid, this one," Freddie said.

I nodded, smiling. I rested my cock in his upper lip, wiped off the piss from his eyes and continue on pissing. It was hard for him to swallow with his mouth open and head upside down, but I wasn't worried. I just wanted to make a mess.

Hayden tried to wrap his lips around my cock again, but I pulled back. He gurgled as he tried to swallow as much as possible, but most of it flowed out, drenching his hair.

Once I was done, I buried my cock inside his mouth, and stroked myself so he could drink the last few drops. Hayden moaned loudly while he worked his tongue around my shaft.

"You think we're ready to fuck you now, boyo?" I asked.

"Oh, I think he's ready," Freddie said as he pushed two fingers inside him again.

"How about you," I asked Hayden as I pulled out and raised his head for him to look me in the eyes. "Do you want me to stuff my cock inside your ass? It's been some time."

"Yes, mister, please!" Hayden answered on the spot.

I gently raised his head while Freddie stepped away and pushed his hip to one side, bringing his bottom to me. Hayden got the message, leaned on his elbows and then moved so that his ass was facing my cock. "Up or down, mister?"

I smiled ear to ear upon hearing that. "Let's do it like this," I said as I grabbed his legs and pulled him closer. His butt was now hanging on the edge, so I pushed his legs forward to fully expose his asshole. "Freddie, how about you fuck me while I fuck him?"

"Like I was waiting for you to ask me," he answered.

I pulled the stepladder with my feet and then placed it just under the table. Freddie waited for me while I put one foot in a step and touched Hayden's ass with my cock. "Ready? I'll go slow but all the way in, okay?"

Hayden closed his eyes, slowly breathed in and then answered, "Okay!"

Unceremoniously, I began pushing it. Freddie's work with his fingers gave me a leg up, the head popped itself in much more easily than the first time. "Tap on the table if you want me to stop, okay?"

His answer was to join hands together and rest them on his belly. Boy was brave as fuck.

"All the way in now, okay?" I informed him. While he nodded in approval, I began pushing it steadily but slightly faster than before. Hayden groaned and squeezed his hands, but did not protest nor tap out. He squirmed at his hip, but I could see he tried very hard to keep still.

A few seconds later, my balls touched his butt. I still pushed a little more so that my crotch would touch him as well, and then I stopped. Hayden let out a huge moan and breathed heavily. "Is it in?"

"Yes," I told him.

"Like, all the way in?"


"Does it feel good?" He asked, staring at the ceiling, panting.

"Feels good to me. Does it feel good to you?"

He didn't wait to think on an answer. "I'm loving it! I feel so stuffed, it's awesome!"

Both me and Freddie smiled at each other and laughed. "Wait for what comes next, then."

I leaned over Hayden. My belly covered his little cock, and he giggled as my hairy chest rubbed against his balls and skin. Freddie then lined himself behind me, lowered his hip to mine's height and let his huge head slide inside me.

I caressed the boy's hair, drenched in my piss, while Freddie grabbed me by the hips. Then, in a single motion, he shoved his cock all inside me. His balls slapped mine hard, I thrusted forward and had to balance myself, so I wouldn't crush Hayden.

"W-wow, I felt that!" Hayden told me.

"And did it feel good?"

"Yeah!" He said. "You are so heavy, mister."

I laughed. "You hear that, Freddie? Hayden liked you hammering my ass."

"Nice to hear that," he answered.

As Freddie pulled out, I cautioned Hayden. "Keep yourself tight, boyo, Fr-" I began saying, but my voice was interrupted by Freddie's second shoving. We, me and the boy, both moaned loudly. "It'll be intense today," I continued. "Slap or s-sq" I tried explaining but was interrupted again. Hayden's moan was much longer this time. Seemed like he enjoyed being squeezed against the table. "Slap or squeeze me if you feel it's too much, okay?" I finished as fast as I could.

"Ooh-o-okay," he said, timidly. His eyes were closed, and I could feel his tiny cock throbbing against my underbelly.

Before Freddie went in with his third shove, I began rocking my hip to give the boy as much sensation as I could. Then came the shove. My ass slapped hard against Freddie's crotch, and the momentum was carried from my body to Hayden's, who shivered with the impact, then moaned deeply and slowly, once again.

While I fucked Hayden a bit faster, Freddie took the slow and strong rough, each time taking it almost out and then shoving it deep as fast and as strongly as he could. There we were, two buff, hairy and fat dudes over a little boy, sweating and moaning as we mounted and fucked ourselves.

I felt when Freddie was closer to orgasm. I always knew because he would fuck me faster and faster. Even Hayden's moans were getting interrupted by Freddie's savage fucking of my ass. When he was just on the edge of cumming, he pinched and twisted his own nipples, shoved his cock as deeply as he could and let out a savage moan as he pumped myself full of his cum.

We always cummed together when we had sex, but I tried my hardest not to cum. I waited until Freddie dropped the last of his seed in me, then, when his half hard cock fell out, I clenched my ass and unplugged from Hayden. The pulling out made Hayden moan loudly until we heard the plopping sound.

As quickly as I could, I climbed over the table and sat over the boy's chest. "You wanna taste Freddie's cum, boyo?"

"Uhh," he said. From the tone of his voice, I sensed he was curious, but confused. Still, he answered "Yes!"

"You're gonna taste it from my ass then, okay?" I said as I wiggled my butt to him.

"Fuck, man," Freddie said. "You always come with the hottest ideas," he added as he kept on stroking his still half hard cock.

"Okay!" Hayden finally answered. "How do I do it?"

"Just follow your instincts," I said as I pulled my ass cheeks apart then sat on his face.

I felt Hayden's hot breath hit my ass crack. For one or two seconds, he just stood there. Then, when I puckered my asshole, he touched his tongue there. As I slowly opened it and let the river of cum flow out, Hayden all of a sudden got hungry. He shoved his face against my ass and slurped as much of the cum as he could.

Feeling his tongue lapping the perimeters of my asshole while I fed him my partner's cum was enough for me to spray my cum over him, hands free. I moaned heavily spurt after spurt while Hayden cleaned myself out. Freddie diligently leaned over and ate all my cum off of the boy's body.

It was such an out-of-body experience that I didn't notice Hayden stroking himself and bringing himself to another dry orgasm while he had my face up my ass until I was all empty. He panted heavily, moaned loudly and made slurping sounds as his body shivered until he was completely unable to control his arms and legs.

After that, I moved to the side and sat beside him while Freddie also leapt over and laid his head on the boy's belly.

"Pretty good today, boy, pretty good," I said.

Hayden came back to the kitchen with fresh new pajamas and wet hair. He approached us while we stayed behind cleaning everything up, still naked and sweaty, for a hug.

"No, no, no," Freddie said. "We both stink, and you just took a shower."

"Yeah, you don't want to shower again, do you?" I asked.

"No!" Hayden answered. "But I wanna hug you guys!"

I laughed. "Come here, let me see if you showered yourself right."

Hayden came closer and I smelled his hair. "Smells of shampoo. Well done!" I said as I held my hand for a high five.

Hayden shot a glance at Freddie's cock with the corner of his eye. "Is it still this big when soft?"

Freddie shrugged and wiggled his cock with hip side to side. "It is, yeah. A bit daunting, is it?"

Hayden pursed his lips. "Can I play with it again?"

Freddie went to fetch his pants while I answered. "Not any more today, I don't think. Can you wait for us on the couch?"

"Ahhh," Hayden answered, disappointed.

"Hold on," Freddie answered as he fished his phone out of a pocket. A few taps on the screen later, "I think your uncle is about... under an hour away from us."

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"Here," he showed me the live location. "I think we can still play some."

"Well. You are the careful one. If you say so."

"Well," Freddie answered as he stashed his phone back in the pocket. "Now I kind of get why you were so reckless before."

"Reckless?" Hayden asked. None of us answered him.

"We need to shower first," Freddie added.

"Good idea. Hayden, would you like to shower with us or would you prefer to wait naked in the couch?"

The boy's cogs were turning in his head. "Another shower?"

"But this one is different," Freddie said. "We can play while we shower," he added as his cock sprung back to life once more.

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