The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Dec 18, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 16


After we finished talking, Caleb fell asleep. I lay there in his arms enjoying his sent from our shower we had taken a few minutes ago after we had sex for that first time. I then looked past him to the carving sitting on the bedside table. He had given it to me a few days after we had first met, and it was a carving of the woods, and throughout ran a stream, and on either side were flowers. The carving also depicted the weather as being a bright sunny day, with no clouds in the sky.

I truly treasured the portrait, and loved it! Looking away from it, my gaze fell back upon Caleb, and he looked so cute as he slept. I knew at that moment that I was for sure falling in love with him.



Devin and I were wrestling around on Devin's bed, and we were able to be a little more rough since his parents weren't home. He invited me over a couple of hours ago, and we had started out by watching a couple of Metal videos, then after noticing that I was still a bit keyed up since I hadn't got any running in the past couple of days, Devin challenged me to see which one of us could pin one another. I hadn't done much Wrestling, and the fact that Devin and I would be making a lot of physical contact made me a little nervous. I worried a little about what if Devin felt me getting hard beneath him. I put it out of my mind as best as I could, and we began.

He pinned me once, then I was able to push and get him on his back, and he fought hard to get back on top, and I kept myself pressed against him, then I eased up a little to throw him off, but then he got the best of me and I was the one on my back with him on top of me once again. We kept this up, and once I got him on his back again, he tapped out, and after we got something to drink we went again. This time he pinned me three times, then I got him once, and after tapping out we rested for a moment.

Once back to it, we wrestled around fighting to pin one another, and though he was starting to tire, and so was I he still had enough strength that I finally tapped out, and he eased up off of me, and I sat up. He looked at me, and then after we both drank a little more water, we sat there looking at each other.

"We could try again," I said.

I was trying to keep any look off of my face, but I wasn't quite ready to stop feeling him on top of me. By the time we were finishing up that last round, I could feel his erection against mine as my cock was getting hard in my shorts. I figured that he could feel it as he pressed hard against me just as I was tapping out. It felt good to feel that contact, but I wasn't sure if he was pissed or not.

"You're shitting me T," he said laughing. "I pinned you more than you did me, but you still fought hard. "You've worn me out."

"Yeah right," I shot back laughing at him. "I think you could go again."

"You're on Bitch," he said lunging and pushing me back as I attempted to block him.

My arms were shoved out of the way, and he was on me. In the roughness of our moves, my shirt was lifted up rather high, almost to my chest, and so was Devin's. Our stomachs pressed together, and my cock was jumping rapidly in my shorts again! I felt like I could come at any moment, and Devin was hard as well. He pressed hard against my erection, and I pressed up against him trying to free myself like before, but interested to see what he would do. He pressed against me, then he pinned my arms above my head.

"You give yet?" he asked laughing.

I tried getting my arms free, then after my balls tingled violently, I motioned for my right arm to be freed, he released it and I tapped out fast!

He let me up, and I sat up adjusting my shirt, and Devin watched me, then adjusted his as if he had forgotten about it.

"You win," I said smiling at him, then I excused myself to use the restroom.

In reality, I was going in to the restroom to wipe off the precum that I could feel in the front of my boxers. I checked, and how it hadn't soaked through to my shorts was a mystery to me! I wiped it up, then did urinate. After finishing, flushing then washing my hands I went back in to Devin's room.

"I'll be back in a moment," he said as he went to the restroom this time.



Fuck that was so hot what Tyler and I had been doing! I loved feeling him on top of me, but especially feeling him underneath me! I had to fight with all of my strength to not initiate actual sex with him. I suppose you could consider what we had done when pressing our erections together, though it being within the context of our wrestling could be looked at as sex, but I mean that I seriously wanted to get him in to something sexual right there, as in wanting to get him out of his close, and have us suck each other's cocks, or get him to let me bend him over the bed and fuck him good and hard! I got a serious vibe from him that if we had sex, he'd be wanting me to get crazy with it, and I really wanted him! That being said though, I didn't want to make him do anything he wasn't comfortable with, and I hoped that something more than just sex could be possible between us.

I wiped off the precum from inside of my boxers, cleaned it off of my cock, and after urinating and washing my hands, I went back in to my room where Tyler was looking through his phone.

"Anything important?" I asked sitting down beside him again.

"Just looking through messages," he replied.

"Any from your dad asking you to come home?" I asked.

"No," he answered.

"Good," I replied. "If it's alright with him and my parents, would you like to spend the night?"

"Really?" he asked smiling at me.

"Yeah," I answered.

"That would be really nice!" he said. "What about Mandy?"

"She'll be fine, and she's hanging with some of her female friends for the weekend."

After we got permission from Tyler's dad and then from my parents, it was set for Tyler to stay over at my house, and his dad brought over some clothes, as well as deodorant, and cologne. He thanked him, then after we both said goodbye to him, Tyler's dad left and it was just the two of us.

After sitting back on my bed again, Tyler scooted closer to me, and I put an arm around him.

"I hadn't had a chance to tell you or Caleb," I began. "I wanted to tell you since I wouldn't want you hearing it from some idiot from school who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about, and though Mandy and I are still good friends, we're not together anymore."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Tyler said looking at me, and I could see the sadness in his eyes, but it seemed as if there was something else, something like happiness, but I dismissed it at the time.

"Thanks," I said. "It just wasn't going to work out between us, and it wasn't anything that she or I did wrong, we just want to go on to different paths. I'm glad we agreed to still remain friends though."

"I'm glad you two are still friends as well," Tyler responded. "I always thought she was really nice."

"Thanks," I said. "She really is."

After we decided to check out more videos, one of the Metal videos we pulled up had one of the adds come up that we always hated, but as I went to check for a Skip Button, I saw that it was an add for a Suicide Prevention Hotline. Tyler watched, and I saw that he looked like he had just seen a ghost, then he tried to rearrange his face in to something like the normal look he had been expressing a moment ago.

"What's wrong?" I asked as the add finished, then as the video began, I paused it.

Tyler didn't answer for a moment, then he motioned for me to put the computer aside which I did.

"That add just brought stuff back for me," he answered, then motioned for me to put my arm back around him again. I did so, then he continued talking. "I want to tell you something, but I want it to stay just between you and I. Well, Caleb and Dakota can know, but I want them to hear it from me. I might be comfortable with you telling them though."

"I'm fine with you being the one to tell them, but what is it you want me to not tell them?"

"I know what kids who might call that hotline are going through," he said looking at me. "Actually, I do know what most of them are feeling."

I was shocked, and didn't know what to say for a moment, and Tyler went on.

"Remember when you called me a couple of weeks ago, and asked if I wanted to come back over to watch stuff with you?"

"Yeah," I answered. I didn't like where this was going.

"I think I had said that you had saved me," he went on.

"You did," I responded.

"I wasn't talking about saving me from being bored," Tyler said.

"No, you mean'''," I couldn't finish.

"When you called me, I had my dad's gun held to my head with my finger starting to press down on the trigger," he responded. "I had already written a letter to my dad, then to Caleb and another one to you."

"My god Tyler!" I said and took him in my arms.

I held him for a long time, and he let me hold him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I was struggling to hold back tears.

"I had an argument with my dad just a few minutes before, and he said some really mean things to me," Tyler said as he rested his head on my shoulder. "I lost all hope at that point, and I had felt alone for a really long time. There's also the fact that I was afraid of what might happen if he and others found out about the fact that I'm gay."

"I didn't know you had been so unhappy T," I said as I held him a little tighter. "I want you to promise that if you ever feel alone again, or if you ever feel like wanting to do something to try and hurt yourself that you'll tell your dad, assuming you two have really worked things out. If he's not an option, then please tell Caleb, his family, or my family or I!"

"I will," he replied. "I promise. Things are better between my dad and I, and he's been doing a lot better at being supportive in the ways I need him to be. The other problem though is that I've been getting some texts from a couple of guys we go to school with. They've been bullying me in these texts, as well as calling me different Anti-Gay names. I haven't heard much from them lately, and my dad is trying to get the school to do something about it."

"I'll help you," I said. "I'll do what I can to protect you from them. So as to what you said after telling me about what you almost did, so you're gay?"

"Yeah," he answered. "I've known for a couple of years now, and I'm starting to get more comfortable with that part of myself."

"I'm really glad to hear that you're coming to accept yourself," I responded. "I'm going to be here for you with that as well. I want to see you happy, and I really care about you a lot."

"Thanks Devin," he replied, and we just held one another for a long moment.



After Sarah and Tanner got home later that night, Dakota and I sat up talking with them. They enjoyed their dinner, and we told them that things had gone well with the two of us, though I left out the sex we had enjoyed together earlier. They were glad that Dakota and I had had a good evening with one another, and after they talked with us a little more, they went off to get to bed, and Dakota and I got in to bed a few minutes later. It had been a really nice evening, and it felt good for the two of us to drift off in one another's arms once again!

Author's Notes

Devin will absolutely be there for Tyler regarding everything that Tyler had shared with him, and they'll be getting closer as things move forward. Also, I hope you all liked the scene where Devin and Tyler were wrestling with one another, and there will be a few more scenes like that between the two of them which will get more intense as the story continues on. Caleb and Dakota will get even more close as they continue enjoying one another's bodies and company, so I hope all of you enjoy that as well. All that being said though, I hope all of you are continuing to stay safe, are having a good evening, and I hope all of you have a nice holiday this Holiday Season. I'll see everyone in Chapter 17.

Next: Chapter 17

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